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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 9:54 am
by ABV 8.3%
Brooklyn wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:12 pm
ABV 8.3% wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:17 pm Harder to vote? Nonsense. The main thrust of abuse is poll closure and registration removal. Every state in the US requires a photo ID in order to register to vote. It's a fact.

Not so: ... _State.svg

Lake WOEbegone among them.
Cognitive thinking skills are a lost art. Let me repeat, to be clear. Voter REGISTRATION.

In order to REGISTER to vote, not to actually vote, but to get your name on the poll rolls, you need a PHOTO ID. ... nMain.aspx

Before You Begin:

You will need an email address. Use a paper application if you don't have one.
You will need your Minnesota driver’s license or Minnesota identification card number. If you don't have one of these, you may use the last four numbers of your Social Security number. If you don't have either of these, use a paper application.

So, what happens if you check the lowest box in question 7 ? No Minn. drivers/ID or SS#. Do they reject your application? ... cation.pdf

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 9:57 am
by ABV 8.3%
And, if you want to register to vote ON ELECTION day, you STILL have to have a valid ID. Check out the requirements to REGISTER to vote. ... ction-day/

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:11 am
by MDlaxfan76
ABV 8.3% wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 9:54 am
Brooklyn wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:12 pm
ABV 8.3% wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:17 pm Harder to vote? Nonsense. The main thrust of abuse is poll closure and registration removal. Every state in the US requires a photo ID in order to register to vote. It's a fact.

Not so: ... _State.svg

Lake WOEbegone among them.
Cognitive thinking skills are a lost art. Let me repeat, to be clear. Voter REGISTRATION.

In order to REGISTER to vote, not to actually vote, but to get your name on the poll rolls, you need a PHOTO ID. ... nMain.aspx

Before You Begin:

You will need an email address. Use a paper application if you don't have one.
You will need your Minnesota driver’s license or Minnesota identification card number. If you don't have one of these, you may use the last four numbers of your Social Security number. If you don't have either of these, use a paper application.

So, what happens if you check the lowest box in question 7 ? No Minn. drivers/ID or SS#. Do they reject your application? ... cation.pdf
So...with the last 4 digits of social, you Do NOT need a photo ID to register... right?

Or are my "cognitive thinking skills a lost art" too?

Don't Need a photo ID to register nor to vote...but you do need some sort of proof of existence!

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:21 am
by ABV 8.3%
SS# card IS a form of ID. And, in today's day n age, you REALLY think the state of Minnesota approves voter registration applications with JUST the last 4 of your social? (for years, my number came up saying I was dead ) If they do, should they?

Long, short, you NEED and ID in all states to REGISTER to vote. Do the illegals working at Mara largo have SS#'s?

.....and to TLD.....the USA, structured mostly after a certain document, didn't really exist until......why is Delaware's slogan "first " ?

First to do what? A full decade and a half AFTER the Declaration was read to the people of the colonies.

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:31 am
by MDlaxfan76
ABV 8.3% wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:21 am SS# card IS a form of ID. And, in today's day n age, you REALLY think the state of Minnesota approves voter registration applications with JUST the last 4 of your social? (for years, my number came up saying I was dead ) If they do, should they?

Long, short, you NEED and ID in all states to REGISTER to vote. Do the illegals working at Mara largo have SS#'s?

.....and to TLD.....the USA, structured mostly after a certain document, didn't really exist until......why is Delaware's slogan "first " ?

First to do what? A full decade and a half AFTER the Declaration was read to the people of the colonies.
Again, my cognitive and reading skills may be impaired at my advanced age...but I thought we were talking about a PHOTO ID.

Emphasis on photo.

Now, if you do have a photo ID, that's cool too. Of course, in order to obtain a valid one of those, you're supposed to have produced a valid SS# and/or birth certificate. Proof of residency etc. With Real ID this is becoming more difficult to do validly (just went through it) but folks do still produce counterfeits. The picture is the easiest part!

On your question about the folks at Mar a Lago presumably they produced some sort of ID and SS# and their ohh so sensitive employer simply didn't bother to look closely to see if they were fully proper.

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:44 am
by ABV 8.3%
Sounds like you would support EVERIFY legislation, if only for gun registration and purchases. If not , why not.

Do states talk to each other regarding voter registration? Nope. They are supposed too when it comes to traffic violations, DWI, etc. Dirtbag that killed 7 bikers on the Kangamangus should NOT have had a drivers license. Way to go Conneticutt and Massholes?

Just like the Air Force crazy, someone just couldn't find the time to enter his NO WAY status on the FBI database because they were too busy playing candy crush, or tweeting about Madonna's new album.......or..........people that build our bridges and control important jobs like making sure drunks are OFF our roads..........can't be F ups. Too often they are.

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:54 am
by MDlaxfan76
ABV 8.3% wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:44 am Sounds like you would support EVERIFY legislation, if only for gun registration and purchases. If not , why not.

Do states talk to each other regarding voter registration? Nope. They are supposed too when it comes to traffic violations, DWI, etc. Dirtbag that killed 7 bikers on the Kangamangus should NOT have had a drivers license. Way to go Conneticutt and Massholes?

Just like the Air Force crazy, someone just couldn't find the time to enter his NO WAY status on the FBI database because they were too busy playing candy crush, or tweeting about Madonna's new album.......or..........people that build our bridges and control important jobs like making sure drunks are OFF our roads..........can't be F ups. Too often they are.
Yes, E-verify makes a ton of sense. For employment. (But also for gun registration.)

But it also makes a ton of sense to significantly increase guest worker, green card programs, etc as well as path to citizenship, etc. Make it much, much easier to be 'legal', screening for violent criminals and serious terrorist risks. Get folks into the legal system, paying taxes, building their own personal prosperity as they contribute to overall society.

My mom's Trump supporter guest this week was talking about her son-in-law's site prep construction business in Montana. He used to have 5 crews of Mexican migrant workers, now down to one, the 'immigration crisis' is strangling his business, he can't find any workers willing to come to Montana to do this work. She's confused about how to think about this...

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:56 am
by Typical Lax Dad
ABV 8.3% wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:21 am SS# card IS a form of ID. And, in today's day n age, you REALLY think the state of Minnesota approves voter registration applications with JUST the last 4 of your social? (for years, my number came up saying I was dead ) If they do, should they?

Long, short, you NEED and ID in all states to REGISTER to vote. Do the illegals working at Mara largo have SS#'s?

.....and to TLD.....the USA, structured mostly after a certain document, didn't really exist until......why is Delaware's slogan "first " ?

First to do what? A full decade and a half AFTER the Declaration was read to the people of the colonies.
We have a problem with voter fraud in this country? yes or no.

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:34 am
by seacoaster
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:54 am
My mom's Trump supporter guest this week was talking about her son-in-law's site prep construction business in Montana. He used to have 5 crews of Mexican migrant workers, now down to one, the 'immigration crisis' is strangling his business, he can't find any workers willing to come to Montana to do this work. She's confused about how to think about this...
And did you respond, "Huh, interesting. Can I get you another drink? Some of this terrific guacamole?"

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:51 am
by MDlaxfan76
seacoaster wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:34 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:54 am
My mom's Trump supporter guest this week was talking about her son-in-law's site prep construction business in Montana. He used to have 5 crews of Mexican migrant workers, now down to one, the 'immigration crisis' is strangling his business, he can't find any workers willing to come to Montana to do this work. She's confused about how to think about this...
And did you respond, "Huh, interesting. Can I get you another drink? Some of this terrific guacamole?"
Basically, that's indeed the approach! :D

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:05 pm
by Brooklyn
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:11 am

So...with the last 4 digits of social, you Do NOT need a photo ID to register... right?

Or are my "cognitive thinking skills a lost art" too?

Don't Need a photo ID to register nor to vote...but you do need some sort of proof of existence!


Funny how he mentions "lost cognitive skills" but, evidently, is lacking in those same skills. :lol:

In fact here in Lake WOEbegone if your name doesn't appear on the list of qualified voters you can have someone vouch for you and attest to the fact you reside in that district so that you can make your vote. It nearly happened to me a few years back where for some unknown reason my name did not appear among the list of eligible voters in my district. It turns out that one of the volunteers at the voting booth knew me and said she would vouch for my eligibility. However, I had on me a campaign advertisement from a non-partisan group which read "Remember to Vote - Go to District" such and such. This was deemed sufficient evidence of my eligibility and I proceeded to vote with out any form of photo ID or formal registration or re-registration.

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:16 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
Brooklyn wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:05 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:11 am

So...with the last 4 digits of social, you Do NOT need a photo ID to register... right?

Or are my "cognitive thinking skills a lost art" too?

Don't Need a photo ID to register nor to vote...but you do need some sort of proof of existence!


Funny how he mentions "lost cognitive skills" but, evidently, is lacking in those same skills. :lol:

In fact here in Lake WOEbegone if your name doesn't appear on the list of qualified voters you can have someone vouch for you and attest to the fact you reside in that district so that you can make your vote. It nearly happened to me a few years back where for some unknown reason my name did not appear among the list of eligible voters in my district. It turns out that one of the volunteers at the voting booth knew me and said she would vouch for my eligibility. However, I had on me a campaign advertisement from a non-partisan group which read "Remember to Vote - Go to District" such and such. This was deemed sufficient evidence of my eligibility and I proceeded to vote with out any form of photo ID or formal registration or re-registration.
We show an ID whenever we vote. Match the name with the address. You can vote one time. Would love to hear how many people have been told “we have a record of you already voting. You can’t vote...”...The whole idea of making it more difficult to vote is far more than “you need an ID”... I have yet to see any real evidence that voter fraud is rampant. We had a huge local scandal about “voter fraud” that is always cited. At the end of the investigation it turned out to be nothing be people only remembered the accusations and headlined. Like I said, in this country, we want it to be harder to vote than it is to own an assault weapon. Nuts.

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:19 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:16 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:05 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:11 am

So...with the last 4 digits of social, you Do NOT need a photo ID to register... right?

Or are my "cognitive thinking skills a lost art" too?

Don't Need a photo ID to register nor to vote...but you do need some sort of proof of existence!


Funny how he mentions "lost cognitive skills" but, evidently, is lacking in those same skills. :lol:

In fact here in Lake WOEbegone if your name doesn't appear on the list of qualified voters you can have someone vouch for you and attest to the fact you reside in that district so that you can make your vote. It nearly happened to me a few years back where for some unknown reason my name did not appear among the list of eligible voters in my district. It turns out that one of the volunteers at the voting booth knew me and said she would vouch for my eligibility. However, I had on me a campaign advertisement from a non-partisan group which read "Remember to Vote - Go to District" such and such. This was deemed sufficient evidence of my eligibility and I proceeded to vote with out any form of photo ID or formal registration or re-registration.
We show an ID whenever we vote. Match the name with the address. You can vote one time. Would love to hear how many people have been told “we have a record of you already voting. You can’t vote...”...The whole idea of making it more difficult to vote is far more than “you need an ID”... I have yet to see any real evidence that voter fraud is rampant. We had a huge local scandal about “voter fraud” that is always cited. At the end of the investigation it turned out to be nothing be people only remembered the accusations and headlined. Like I said, in this country, we want it to be harder to vote than it is to own an assault weapon. Nuts.
If I'm not mistaken, in the past 40 years there have been zero cases of proven substantial voter fraud. Bunch of screeching accusations, but investigation never pans out to more than a handful of mistakes. Every once in awhile some shenanigans but penny ante in scale.

We do face substantial voter suppression efforts though. Not always as large an impact as some might suggest, but serious and purposeful efforts made to discourage or make highly difficult the voting by certain groups of voters. Ugly stuff, kinda disgusting if you actually believe in our system of representative democracy.

Brooklyn, I wonder for instance what your experience might have been if your skin was not 'white' (making an assumption here) and you were in a GOP dominated district...waved on up to the voting booth or told to get back on the bus and get a voter ID card? Not that insistence on some sort of proof that you actually should be able to vote is beyond the pale, but it's not likely applied evenly.

I do think we need to worry about digital manipulation of the vote, flat out fraud, but that's wholly different than the question of individual voter fraud, double voting, non-citizen voting etc.

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:42 pm
by DMac
Ooooops, sorry, my bad. Meant to click on the Sensible Gun Control thread.

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:16 pm
by SCLaxAttack
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:16 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:05 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:11 am

So...with the last 4 digits of social, you Do NOT need a photo ID to register... right?

Or are my "cognitive thinking skills a lost art" too?

Don't Need a photo ID to register nor to vote...but you do need some sort of proof of existence!


Funny how he mentions "lost cognitive skills" but, evidently, is lacking in those same skills. :lol:

In fact here in Lake WOEbegone if your name doesn't appear on the list of qualified voters you can have someone vouch for you and attest to the fact you reside in that district so that you can make your vote. It nearly happened to me a few years back where for some unknown reason my name did not appear among the list of eligible voters in my district. It turns out that one of the volunteers at the voting booth knew me and said she would vouch for my eligibility. However, I had on me a campaign advertisement from a non-partisan group which read "Remember to Vote - Go to District" such and such. This was deemed sufficient evidence of my eligibility and I proceeded to vote with out any form of photo ID or formal registration or re-registration.
We show an ID whenever we vote. Match the name with the address. You can vote one time. Would love to hear how many people have been told “we have a record of you already voting. You can’t vote...”...The whole idea of making it more difficult to vote is far more than “you need an ID”... I have yet to see any real evidence that voter fraud is rampant. We had a huge local scandal about “voter fraud” that is always cited. At the end of the investigation it turned out to be nothing be people only remembered the accusations and headlined. Like I said, in this country, we want it to be harder to vote than it is to own an assault weapon. Nuts.
I don’t remember the process pre-1994 when I moved to MA from NY, but never while voting there or twice since moving to NC have I ever been asked for ID of any kind before being handed a ballot. In every instance I’ve been asked for name and address before being handed the ballot, and for the same before putting it in the ballot box. My name is listed twice on the voter rolls and crossed out after each of those events.

I had to show photo ID when registering in NC. Voter registration is a voluntary option when getting your driver’s license, which also required a photo ID. (Passport or previous state’s license and a check box acknowledgment of citizenship.) I needed a utility bill or deed with my name on it to verify the new address. I don’t remember what the process entailed in MA in 1994.

I don’t know why an ID isn’t required to vote. Someone could game the system by checking the local deed registries for names and addresses to vote in multiple precincts. It would be a ridiculous time sink, you’d have to have lots of people doing it to affect results, and you’d have to count on getting to the precinct before the actual property owner does, but it theoretically could be done. While I think voter fraud in this manner is low, I still don’t think having to show some ID before being handed a ballot is that hard to do.

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:38 pm
by ABV 8.3%
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:54 am

Yes, E-verify makes a ton of sense. For employment. (But also for gun registration.)

But it also makes a ton of sense to significantly increase guest worker, green card programs, etc as well as path to citizenship, etc. Make it much, much easier to be 'legal', screening for violent criminals and serious terrorist risks. Get folks into the legal system, paying taxes, building their own personal prosperity as they contribute to overall society. Many illegals have zero desire to become citizens. Ever.

My mom's Trump supporter guest this week was talking about her son-in-law's site prep construction business in Montana. He used to have 5 crews of Mexican migrant workers, now down to one, the 'immigration crisis' is strangling his business, he can't find any workers willing to come to Montana to do this work. Just love the cretins that blame "the work" as the reason why they can't "find" willing workers. Instead of looking in the mirror and blaming it on the REAL reason their lousy pay thShe's confused about how to think about this...
Over 10 years now, when that backpack company got nabbed with 100's of illegals.....either New Bedford or Fall River, I forget which......but, when the back pack company HAD to hire LEGAL workers, thousands of people showed up. Yeah....the work :roll:

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:51 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
ABV 8.3% wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:38 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:54 am

Yes, E-verify makes a ton of sense. For employment. (But also for gun registration.)

But it also makes a ton of sense to significantly increase guest worker, green card programs, etc as well as path to citizenship, etc. Make it much, much easier to be 'legal', screening for violent criminals and serious terrorist risks. Get folks into the legal system, paying taxes, building their own personal prosperity as they contribute to overall society. Many illegals have zero desire to become citizens. Ever.

My mom's Trump supporter guest this week was talking about her son-in-law's site prep construction business in Montana. He used to have 5 crews of Mexican migrant workers, now down to one, the 'immigration crisis' is strangling his business, he can't find any workers willing to come to Montana to do this work. Just love the cretins that blame "the work" as the reason why they can't "find" willing workers. Instead of looking in the mirror and blaming it on the REAL reason their lousy pay thShe's confused about how to think about this...
Over 10 years now, when that backpack company got nabbed with 100's of illegals.....either New Bedford or Fall River, I forget which......but, when the back pack company HAD to hire LEGAL workers, thousands of people showed up. Yeah....the work :roll:
Yeah, thousands :roll:

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:56 pm
by ABV 8.3%
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:51 pm
ABV 8.3% wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:38 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:54 am

Yes, E-verify makes a ton of sense. For employment. (But also for gun registration.)

But it also makes a ton of sense to significantly increase guest worker, green card programs, etc as well as path to citizenship, etc. Make it much, much easier to be 'legal', screening for violent criminals and serious terrorist risks. Get folks into the legal system, paying taxes, building their own personal prosperity as they contribute to overall society. Many illegals have zero desire to become citizens. Ever.

My mom's Trump supporter guest this week was talking about her son-in-law's site prep construction business in Montana. He used to have 5 crews of Mexican migrant workers, now down to one, the 'immigration crisis' is strangling his business, he can't find any workers willing to come to Montana to do this work. Just love the cretins that blame "the work" as the reason why they can't "find" willing workers. Instead of looking in the mirror and blaming it on the REAL reason their lousy pay thShe's confused about how to think about this...
Over 10 years now, when that backpack company got nabbed with 100's of illegals.....either New Bedford or Fall River, I forget which......but, when the back pack company HAD to hire LEGAL workers, thousands of people showed up. Yeah....the work :roll:
Yeah, thousands :roll:
Yup.......point is, the jobs were filled with legal workers. That is the point. Jobs that people won't do. Which people? More racism for those that allow human rights abuses to take place with our illegal, underpaid (illegally paid too ) , no benies, OSCHA doesn't get called ... undocumented workers.

Nope, Tesla didn't get in trouble when an illegal (for THAT job) legal visa worker fell. Ooppps.'s a workers rights issue.

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:00 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
ABV 8.3% wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:56 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:51 pm
ABV 8.3% wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:38 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:54 am

Yes, E-verify makes a ton of sense. For employment. (But also for gun registration.)

But it also makes a ton of sense to significantly increase guest worker, green card programs, etc as well as path to citizenship, etc. Make it much, much easier to be 'legal', screening for violent criminals and serious terrorist risks. Get folks into the legal system, paying taxes, building their own personal prosperity as they contribute to overall society. Many illegals have zero desire to become citizens. Ever.

My mom's Trump supporter guest this week was talking about her son-in-law's site prep construction business in Montana. He used to have 5 crews of Mexican migrant workers, now down to one, the 'immigration crisis' is strangling his business, he can't find any workers willing to come to Montana to do this work. Just love the cretins that blame "the work" as the reason why they can't "find" willing workers. Instead of looking in the mirror and blaming it on the REAL reason their lousy pay thShe's confused about how to think about this...
Over 10 years now, when that backpack company got nabbed with 100's of illegals.....either New Bedford or Fall River, I forget which......but, when the back pack company HAD to hire LEGAL workers, thousands of people showed up. Yeah....the work :roll:
Yeah, thousands :roll:
Yup.......point is, the jobs were filled with legal workers. That is the point. Jobs that people won't do. Which people? More racism for those that allow human rights abuses to take place with our illegal, underpaid (illegally paid too ) , no benies, OSCHA doesn't get called ... undocumented workers.

Nope, Tesla didn't get in trouble when an illegal (for THAT job) legal visa worker fell. Ooppps.'s a workers rights issue. ... ate=ampart :roll:

Re: Sensible Gun Control

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:03 pm
by Typical Lax Dad