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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by old salt »

seriously? wrote:Had to move to Texas with my parents in 1961. Was called a Yankee the minute I walked into the 7th grade classroom. Why have southerners not gotten over this?
Was also amazed they still had water fountain that said "colored".
The Texans have gotten over it, even if you haven't.

I lived in Tx 1972-74. I found Texans (especially Tejanos) a lot more tolerant (of all others) than the "Yankees" I've lived amongst since.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by old salt »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
Trinity wrote:I told this to my wife, who once lived in Brazil. She looked at me like I was idiot and said, “Because almost everyone is black, yeah.”
It’s actually pathetic.
What's pathetic is your fear of race mixing & the browning of America.
Maybe someday we'll be as racially mixed as Brazil is. ... opulation/

Brazil Demographics
Brazil’s census addresses ethnicity and race by categorizing people mainly by skin color. It asks people to place themselves into one of a number of categories, some of which would seem unusual to an American or European. As well as ‘indigenous’ (the smallest category), Brazilians are asked to report whether they believe they are white, black, brown or yellow.

The results of the census indicated that 92 million (48%) Brazilians were white, 83 million (44%) were brown (pardo = mixed race), 13 million (7%) were black, 1.1 million (0.50%) were yellow and 536,000 (0.25%) were indigenous. This method of classifying race is controversial within Brazil, and IBGE has been criticized for continuing to use it.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
Trinity wrote:I told this to my wife, who once lived in Brazil. She looked at me like I was idiot and said, “Because almost everyone is black, yeah.”
It’s actually pathetic.
What's pathetic is your fear of race mixing & the browning of America.
Maybe someday we'll be as racially mixed as Brazil is. ... opulation/

Brazil Demographics
Brazil’s census addresses ethnicity and race by categorizing people mainly by skin color. It asks people to place themselves into one of a number of categories, some of which would seem unusual to an American or European. As well as ‘indigenous’ (the smallest category), Brazilians are asked to report whether they believe they are white, black, brown or yellow.

The results of the census indicated that 92 million (48%) Brazilians were white, 83 million (44%) were brown (pardo = mixed race), 13 million (7%) were black, 1.1 million (0.50%) were yellow and 536,000 (0.25%) were indigenous. This method of classifying race is controversial within Brazil, and IBGE has been criticized for continuing to use it.
Fear? Speak for yourself...sad, pathetic and pitiful.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by old salt »

The double standards of TDS suffers is amusing. They savage Gen's Kelly & Flynn, saying they're fair game because they entered the political arena. But when Adm McRaven enters the political fray & takes an unprovoked shot at Trump, they cry that he should be immune from criticism. I admire McRaven greatly. He's a tough guy who can defend himself. He has handled himself impeccably. His offer to surrender his security clearance, in sympathy with Brennan, was an effective bit of political theatre. His response to Trump's counter attack indicates that he anticipated counter-battery & he replied perfectly.

It's also encouraging to hear Jack Jacobs & Barry McCaffery not take the bait on MSNBC & defend Mattis & Kelly for hanging in there & standing their post, under difficult circumstances. These gentlemen get it.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by Trinity »

Jared is in charge of Middle East policy. Knows nothing. No experience. Ivanka is a senior Advisor. Knows nothing. Trump’s the cic. Knows nothing. Rarely takes the Daily Brief. They follow none of the rules. Hey, whatever, elections have consequences. In a serious world we are led by rank, self-interested amateurs. A den of unethical vipers.
Mattis will leave this “shirtshoe in a dumpster fire” with his rep intact. Unless Kelly is an FBI mole, he’ll be remembered as a Trump.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by youthathletics »

Trump just dropped his new theme song for 2020 and wants to give a shout out to Trinity... ;)

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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by seacoaster »

"It's also encouraging to hear Jack Jacobs & Barry McCaffery not take the bait on MSNBC & defend Mattis & Kelly for hanging in there & standing their post, under difficult circumstances. These gentlemen get it."

Well, they get what you're selling.

In the beginning, I thought of Kelly and Mattis in the same altogether laudatory way: veterans with a deep understanding of the military, and its place and role in civilian life and in the geo-political theatre. This is, of course, when Mattis was at DOD and Kelly was at DHS. Once Kelly moved into the White House, his life was aimed at (1) a short tenure aimed at an unsuccessful effort to make this President something that Americans might be proud of and to help guide this President to a less reality TV administration; or (2) a tenure marked by his own tainting at the association with Trump's White House. It is pretty clear that the second of these has come to pass, and that Kelly shares more, rather than less, of the characteristics many of us have come to loath about Trump and his other functionaries, such as Stephen Miller and Sarah Sanders. Sanders works for the Chief of Staff, no? And her remarkable, Goebbels-like performance of the Theatre of Falsehoods lies at the feet of General Kelly too. It's just increasingly hard to argue against the increasing identity between Kelly and his boss.

Mattis's remove from the White House has insulated him from the odor and taint of the White House and Trump, so far anyway. His remit is more specific and he doesn't have to speak daily to the sopho-moronic antics of his Commander-in-Chief. I value his service, and hope (against hope?) that he keeps his remarkable legacy intact.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by old salt »

You have no way of knowing how much Kelly "shares". You have no idea how long he intended to stay. You're projecting.
He may be just trying to hold things together, while protecting his friends Mattis & Dunford (& the nation, in the process).

Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his combat boots.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote:The double standards of TDS suffers is amusing. They savage Gen's Kelly & Flynn, saying they're fair game because they entered the political arena. But when Adm McRaven enters the political fray & takes an unprovoked shot at Trump, they cry that he should be immune from criticism.
Oh come on. It's not that Trump is criticizing's that what Trump is saying is so utterly stupid. That's not's the words of a moron who's run out of stuff to say.

Some dude with a hairpiece criticizing the tactics of military personnel used during an active mission (trying to capture OBL) would normally boil your blood. For once, call out your leader for this nonsense. It was right up there with Trump's criticism of McCain for "getting captured" Trump didn't mean it---he's just talking because someone put a microphone in front of his face. And Trump should be gutted like a trout for saying stuff like that.

Instead? "Hey, it's all cool man. Now where is someone with a little D by their name, so we can hammer THEM for what they say". :roll:
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by old salt »

McRaven is a great patriot, leader & warrior. He used his credibility to take a political shot.
He clearly expected return fire & handled it coolly. I'll bet he's amused by the flap.

Trump is Trump. The voters knew what they were sending to the WH.
My critique is of the hysterical MSM response.
...they hold themselves out as better than Trump, but they play his game, at the same level.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by dislaxxic »

Trump is Trump. The voters knew what they were sending to the WH.
100% WRONG. We had no forkin' idea he was THIS bad. He's not even a competent "businessman".

Enough is enough of this loser.

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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by foreverlax »

My critique is of the hysterical MSM response.
...they hold themselves out as better than Trump, but they play his game, at the same level.
What a crock....which hysterical MSM hold themselves out as better than Trump? Names and incidents.... one plays Trump's game better than Trump and most of the msm as you label them are doing what they do, journalism.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by old salt »

foreverlax wrote:
My critique is of the hysterical MSM response.
...they hold themselves out as better than Trump, but they play his game, at the same level.
What a crock....which hysterical MSM hold themselves out as better than Trump? Names and incidents.... one plays Trump's game better than Trump and most of the msm as you label them are doing what they do, journalism.
MSNBC Morning Joe -- yesterday & today they did a telethon on how Trump & the GOP have dishonored a SEAL hero.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by old salt »

dislaxxic wrote:
Trump is Trump. The voters knew what they were sending to the WH.
100% WRONG. We had no forkin' idea he was THIS bad. He's not even a competent "businessman".

Enough is enough of this loser.

OK dis. Don't vote for him next time.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by seacoaster »

old salt wrote:You have no way of knowing how much Kelly "shares". You have no idea how long he intended to stay. You're projecting.
He may be just trying to hold things together, while protecting his friends Mattis & Dunford (& the nation, in the process).

Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his combat boots.
Maybe I'm projecting a bit, sure; and I don't pretend to read minds. But facts is facts and acts is acts. My mother once overheard one of the neighborhood boys call a black kid in our town a "friggin' spade." She asked him to get his glove and bat and head on home. The kid was never welcome in our house again. It was easy to glean what she thought of that kind of talk. And then there's Charlottesville. I only judge -- and only can judge -- what I see and hear myself. I'm not saying a thing about his military service. I am only "projecting" on his work as the WH Chief of Staff.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote:McRaven is a great patriot, leader & warrior. He used his credibility to take a political shot.
He clearly expected return fire & handled it coolly. I'll bet he's amused by the flap.

Trump is Trump. The voters knew what they were sending to the WH.
My critique is of the hysterical MSM response.
...they hold themselves out as better than Trump, but they play his game, at the same level.
So in other words, the leader of the free world---and commander of our military---- gets a pass from you on everything, and yet you hold some chump in the reuters pool to a higher standard. Yeah, ok.

Your logic makes zero sense. If I knew this is how you thought, i would have made fun of every single criticism you made of Obama instead of having a dialogue.

Because the answer to every single criticism would have been: "Obama is Obama. The voters knew what they were sending to the WH. Twice".
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
old salt wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
Trinity wrote:I told this to my wife, who once lived in Brazil. She looked at me like I was idiot and said, “Because almost everyone is black, yeah.”
It’s actually pathetic.
What's pathetic is your fear of race mixing & the browning of America.
Maybe someday we'll be as racially mixed as Brazil is. ... opulation/

Brazil Demographics
Brazil’s census addresses ethnicity and race by categorizing people mainly by skin color. It asks people to place themselves into one of a number of categories, some of which would seem unusual to an American or European. As well as ‘indigenous’ (the smallest category), Brazilians are asked to report whether they believe they are white, black, brown or yellow.

The results of the census indicated that 92 million (48%) Brazilians were white, 83 million (44%) were brown (pardo = mixed race), 13 million (7%) were black, 1.1 million (0.50%) were yellow and 536,000 (0.25%) were indigenous. This method of classifying race is controversial within Brazil, and IBGE has been criticized for continuing to use it.
Fear? Speak for yourself...sad, pathetic and pitiful.
I got a chuckle on that one from Randy, TLD.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by foreverlax »

old salt wrote:
foreverlax wrote:
My critique is of the hysterical MSM response.
...they hold themselves out as better than Trump, but they play his game, at the same level.
What a crock....which hysterical MSM hold themselves out as better than Trump? Names and incidents.... one plays Trump's game better than Trump and most of the msm as you label them are doing what they do, journalism.
MSNBC Morning Joe -- yesterday & today they did a telethon on how Trump & the GOP have dishonored a SEAL hero.
So that is one....and he is correct.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by dislaxxic »

Because the answer to every single criticism would have been: "Obama is Obama. The voters knew what they were sending to the WH. Twice".
i hope t37 is around now and then to witness this ongoing and thorough "owning"... :shock:

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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote:McRaven is a great patriot, leader & warrior. He used his credibility to take a political shot.
He clearly expected return fire & handled it coolly. I'll bet he's amused by the flap.

Trump is Trump. The voters knew what they were sending to the WH.
My critique is of the hysterical MSM response.
...they hold themselves out as better than Trump, but they play his game, at the same level.
I agree that some of the pundits get overly hyperbolic about Trump.

But I'd suggest that he deserves every bit as much ridicule and disdain as is meted out.
And on the McRaven response, like the McCain "I prefer those who weren't captured", the sheer venal stupidity of Trump's statements deserves ridicule and disdain in large measure.

I just think it would be better comprehended if less hyperbolic.

Likewise, I get it that Ivanka's incredibly stupid statement that she didn't know the rules on email deserves ridicule, and I get why it ticks off HRC fans no end, but going ballistic about it really doesn't serve any real purpose. Keep it to the facts, point out the hypocrisy and stupidity and hubris, sure, but do it in a measured tone.

So, here's the issue Randy, you come to Trump's defense no matter what, on statements and choices he makes that would make your hair burst into flames if it were not Trump or a Trump loyalist. By doing so, you lose all credibility in your otherwise potentially legitimate critiques of others, whether politicians or media or whoever.

Saying Trump is Trump and he was elected is simply no excuse. Time to critique him with every bit as much sharpness as you would if he wasn't who you voted for.
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