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Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 8:57 am
by ABV 8.3%
WOMBAT, Mod Emeritus wrote: Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:13 pm I don’t care what you, in particular, think. Period.
Neither does Daniels..... :)

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:05 am
by steel_hop
WOMBAT, Mod Emeritus wrote: Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:40 pm
51percentcorn wrote: Tue Apr 13, 2021 1:03 pm
jhu7276 wrote: Tue Apr 13, 2021 12:20 pm Extremely disappointing and Daniels has to take the hit as Pres...(rant now over).
Still don't understand what Daniels should have done that he didn't do or did that he should not have done.

Should he have recognized that Petro was going 50 cal guns blazing on early recruiting and put a stop to it? Boy that's asking alot - while life is not bad for RD out in Montecito - alot of things cross a University President's desk these days and lacrosse is probably legitimately on the back burner. I still get back to the following:
- He let Petro have his season in 2013 when he could have stopped it
- The facility that was badly needed to put some street cred into the program's resources was built under his watch
- I have not heard of one example where a lacrosse recruit was denied admission evidenced by the fact that the all too full Hopkins early recruiting classes often had 90-100% enrollment and if players were lost it was likely due to poaching or Petro gently orchestrating things behind the scenes
Again give me a specific example of where his leadership failed the program - I freely admit I don't know anything to the contrary but nobody has produced anything to the contrary except that opinions that he has chased good profs/drs and administrators away which has nothing to do with lacrosse. You have my attention.
Here are FIVE:

1) Daniels pushed AD Tom Calder OUT. No successful AD like Tom suddenly has a desire to go into fundraising for a university at that point of your career, when you have a much more fun job at being an AD, around sports, and around the student-athletes. Fundraising is like prostitution, asking a bunch of old farts for money. There is NO WAY that was voluntary. Tom has, in fact, told me that it was time to move on and voluntary, but there are things you have to say after the deed is done to keep what job you have. I respected what Tom told me, but I know damn well he couldn’t tell me the full truth. And he’s got far more PR skills and smarts to keep his job than PM is exhibiting lately.

Long term - this has severely damaged the “Hopkins Brand” on the sports-related side of that Brand, because look what’s transpired since Calder got moved out. The Hopkins Brand absolutely DOES tie into fundraising, maybe not as a huge percentage compared to what a few major Bloombergesque gifts from dying people can do to inflate fundraising totals, but I’ve told my friends in Development for years to keep touting the sports-related Brand to Alumni. Now look where we are.

2) Daniels was behind the hiring of Shanihan. Look how that turned out. Penn connections. I was convinced at the time that I was looking at a hired hitman to do one main job: get rid of Petro. The way they made that staff walk the plank to the very end of their contract was cheap, BS and demeaning. Hopkins was too damn cheap to even buy them out a year earlier and give them ways to plan ahead with their lives.

Instead, not only did they make them walk the plank, which I figured meant they had a job until around Jun 30th, 2020, but HOLY HELL - apparently Petro’s contract had a statement in it that the contract concluded 30 days after the end of the season (or something to that effect), and with the season ended in mid-March due to COVID - they lowered the boom in mid-April, thirty days TO THE DAY (IIRC) after the MSM OT win.

That was just stone cold. Yeah, it might have been time for a change, but how Hopkins went about this was pathetic. I will not donate one further red cent to Hopkins because of this. No, I’m not Bloomberg. But I could have continued to contribute modest sums and healthy sums at death, but NFW now. That ship sailed. I’m contributing to the USNA instead, an institution that I respect.

3) Shanihan hires Baker. That might be one or two levels removed from Daniels, but it still has his fingerprints on it. He had to allow Shanihan to move away from being the AD so soon and letting an even newer AD be hired. Talk about moving away from Technique and Tradition. The best part of hiring Baker? Shanihan didn’t have to be the triggerman in the hit job on Petro and staff. The old adage: hire someone else to do your dirty work.

I hear Baker is good at PowerPoint presentations, especially those delivered to the NYC-area lacrosse alumni. And when her presentation makes no sense and her two coaches try to help her out by offering explanations to the attendees, what does Baker do? She calls the two coaches into her office back in Baltimore first thing the next morning to ream them out. Tucker and Petro put up with that crap - around DEC 2019. Fact. Would have liked to have been a fly on the wall for that. Here’s an upstart AD, reaming out two legendary coaches who have devoted most of their professional lives to Hopkins and supporting the many kids - student-athletes - in guiding them to become better people, great athletes, graduating, and staying the hell out of national headlines like Duke and Virginia. They represent The Brand.

That’s the state of Hopkins’ current front office leadership.

I contend it’s a bunch of newbies who have a severe lack of respect and no knowledge of the history that’s gone on before them, and they are making great strides in tearing down that great history. It’s their way or the highway.

4) Baker hires Milliman - a connection of hers from Cornell. Again - this definitely is a level or two away from Daniels, perhaps by design, see above, but I severely doubt he didn’t have it run up his flagpole and approved it before the hiring was done and announced. And it directly traces back through events 1 through 3 described above. It’s how we got to where we are today.

5) Daniels closed PJ’s. He and he alone killed it. And that is directly from Jerry Smith (RIP) to me, at the last Hopkins Fall Alumni event that I attended.

If you don’t know the significance of that, well, trust me. There’s a reason why Petro very respectfully referred to Jerry as Coach Smith at events. Jerry was a huge presence in the Hopkins sports world, with a huge heart, a friend to everyone, and I will forever miss him and what he did for the program.

Some of you can praise Daniels forever. I’m waiting for him to go away and rot in Montecito.
Daniels has and always will be a DB. I've met him a couple times and every time I've left his company I feel like I need a shower to wash away the slime. He is the equivalent of Roger Goodell. Someone that lacks any substance. One of my biggest pet peeves with him is that he insists on calling it "Johns Hopkins" when he is around other Hopkins people. Dude, no one calls it that when they are with people that know your connection to Hopkins. They call it Hopkins. You usually only say "Johns Hopkins" when it is being introduced to someone that might not know.

My in-laws were decently sized contributors to the school prior to Daniels and in fact, were in the process of funding a scholarship during the early years of Daniels coming on board. But, once he was hired and met him, they basically said, this will be the last money Hopkins ever gets from them while he is around. I'm sure those will defend him by pointing out the fund raising but is it really that hard to raise funds by asking Mike B for money?

The sooner he is gone the better it will be. I bet he's still wondering why one of the Ivy's haven't come calling for him. And to think Hopkins was picking between him and the Dean of Engineering (who is an awesome guy) and they went with the wrong option.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:17 am
by Sagittarius A*
steel_hop wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:05 am
The sooner he is gone the better it will be. I bet he's still wondering why one of the Ivy's haven't come calling for him. And to think Hopkins was picking between him and the Dean of Engineering (who is an awesome guy) and they went with the wrong option.
Sounds like they went way way wrong.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:21 am
by Newbie14
Everything Wombat said about PJ’s is true. I highly suspect he is not far off the rest of it either.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:24 am
by 51percentcorn
Sagittarius A* wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 8:33 am The Milliman hire has always looked suspect. First, they hire a search firm. Then they interview 10 people. He gets the job but then they don't mention that they knew each other at Cornell at the Press conference. No one bothers to ask about it. Secretive.
I was expecting either Marr or Nads to get hired. Definitely shocked me. Sadly, a year later, the whole thing is looking more questionable by the minute.
OMG - they hired a lacrosse coach - they weren't putting the head of Blackwater as the NSA or anything - a coach who at the time was 5-0 at Cornell and ranked something like #2 in the country - boy that's really stepping out on a limb - they didn't mention a prior connection between the coach and the AD on a ZOOM call? Time to hire a special prosecutor

If Nadalen or Marr were the coach - the record would be virtually the same or worse. Would you care to review for the class Nads record at Towson in '20 after all his good players graduated? Oh - players and talent have something to do with the team's performance not just coaching? They're 5-6 this year with a couple good wins but Loyola is really struggling - there's no doubt the man can coach some defense but Towson is avergaing 9.5 goals per game and allowing over 11 - Hopkins is pretty much 10.5 and 12. Towson has also had the opportunity to play 3 more games and OOC games. The 2 times they played the big boys - they got dusted.

Marr? He was NEVER EVER going to replace his best friend after said friend got fired. He's had controversies at Albany and decisons questioned as well.

How plain can this be? First, NOBODY has authored the rationale for not starting Epstein other than Milliman saying he needed to play better which unfortunately was a stone cold hard fact. I love that everyone says "benched". Everyone thinks it never should have happened but they don't KNOW anything - maybe it absolutely had to happen. The second part - the comments to Lee that got put on line - very ill advised IMO. But lets calm down - get back to me in 2024 if they are still not winning any games and I'll get a pitchfork.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:26 am
by HopFan16
Sagittarius A* wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 8:33 am The Milliman hire has always looked suspect. First, they hire a search firm. Then they interview 10 people. He gets the job but then they don't mention that they knew each other at Cornell at the Press conference. No one bothers to ask about it. Secretive.
I was expecting either Marr or Nads to get hired. Definitely shocked me. Sadly, a year later, the whole thing is looking more questionable by the minute.
First of all, both Baker and Milliman acknowledged publicly on multiple occasions they knew each other at Cornell.

Second, Nads was offered the job. He turned it down. Maybe they low-balled him, who really knows. But they didn't start the process with a specific intention of hiring Milliman. They cast a pretty wide net—Shay, Alberici, Casseese, Murphy, Raymond, Tierney, etc. were all contacted. Some were interested and some weren't. I had heard there was a pretty strong chance they were going to offer Dan Chemotti before Richmond ponied up and gave him a raise and took him out of the running. Not everything is a conspiracy theory.

I agree with 51 re: Daniels—you can hate the guy all you want, I could not possibly care less. I'm just still waiting for the evidence that he's the reason the team has underperformed the last several years. Petro himself admitted that he did too much early recruiting and should have hired a defensive coordinator. Combine those things with the fact that there is more high-end competition now vs. 2007 (and even 2015) and the natural trajectory of coaching tenures (they can't all be at the top of their game for their entire careers) and there you go.

BTW, if he wanted to push Calder out so badly in order to hire one of his own Ivy people, why wait 7 years to do it? Daniels came in in 2009 and Calder stepped down in 2016. That's a long time. What's the motive? And why the wait?

As for the pandemic firing timeline—if the staff was truly walking the plank then they should have known it was coming, no? Surely Petro knew about the 30-day clause in his own contract. The timing was unfortunate but as 51 said, once you know you're making a change, you need to do it as soon as possible. Not just for recruiting purposes but to give these kids someone to guide them...imagine having your season canceled and then not having any coaches for months during a pandemic? I do feel bad for Petro and co. about the timing of it—ideally it wouldn't have played out like that—but it sounds like they thought they were doing what was best for the players. It would have been even worse if they fired them in like June or July or something while they were in the middle of preparing for the upcoming season. They'd have even LESS of a chance to land on their feet in that situation. Also, with respect to a new coach, I'm sure they wanted to give him as much time as possible to figure out how to move his whole family in a pandemic. There were a lot of things they had to consider in the middle of a global crisis.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:39 am
by 51percentcorn
To be clear - I am not arguing whether Daniels is a DB or not - never met the man and I am not close at all to any of the inner workings of the university to opine. My point is - DB or not - the men's lacrosse program has been largely left alone - unless you wanted Petro to stay. The mess that is the men's lacrosse program is largely not Ron Daniels fault it is Dave Pietramala's. Tell me that scholarship funding was reduced or great lacrosse players were not admitted and they went somewhere else and then you'll have a point.

Never heard the story about Jerry and PJ's before - like many I knew him - drank a bunch of beer there and admired his dedication and love for the school. He was a great man.

There's also the legitimate point of view that if you rely too much on history and legacy things will pass you by - I think you need to strike the right balance. Think about it - kids showing up in the fall of this year were likely 2-3 years old when Harry last played for Hopkins - 5 years old when Rabil last played - most of them just don't care.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:47 am
by Typical Lax Dad
51percentcorn wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:39 am To be clear - I am not arguing whether Daniels is a DB or not - never met the man and I am not close at all to any of the inner workings of the university to opine. My point is - DB or not - the men's lacrosse program has been largely left alone - unless you wanted Petro to stay. The mess that is the men's lacrosse program is largely not Ron Daniels fault it is Dave Pietramala's. Tell me that scholarship funding was reduced or great lacrosse players were not admitted and they went somewhere else and then you'll have a point.

Never heard the story about Jerry and PJ's before - like many I knew him - drank a bunch of beer there and admired his dedication and love for the school. He was a great man.

There's also the legitimate point of view that if you rely too much on history and legacy things will pass you by - I think you need to strike the right balance. Think about it - kids showing up in the fall of this year were likely 2-3 years old when Harry last played for Hopkins - 5 years old when Rabil last played - most of them just don't care.
When I was growing up, I wouldn’t have known what a lacrosse stick was if I tripped over one....but I knew it was played at Johns Hopkins and the comparisons between Johns Hopkins Lacrosse and UCLA basketball were often made and it stuck with me. That was a long time ago for both schools.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:52 am
by jhu7276
My point was if you ask 100 peeps on the street about university traditions you will get these answers from most of them: Notre Dame=football, Duke= basketball
“John Hopkins”=medicine, lacrosse (isn’t that the Native American game played with sticks?).
These are the global perceptions still of these institutions...
As the buck stops at 3400 N. Charles Street in the City of Charms, the “San Francisco of the East” whether you are a fan or not of the President of the University, responsibility for the “image” is certainly a major part of the president and his or her administration’s job.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:56 am
by flalax22
51percentcorn wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:24 am
Sagittarius A* wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 8:33 am The Milliman hire has always looked suspect. First, they hire a search firm. Then they interview 10 people. He gets the job but then they don't mention that they knew each other at Cornell at the Press conference. No one bothers to ask about it. Secretive.
I was expecting either Marr or Nads to get hired. Definitely shocked me. Sadly, a year later, the whole thing is looking more questionable by the minute.
OMG - they hired a lacrosse coach - they weren't putting the head of Blackwater as the NSA or anything - a coach who at the time was 5-0 at Cornell and ranked something like #2 in the country - boy that's really stepping out on a limb - they didn't mention a prior connection between the coach and the AD on a ZOOM call? Time to hire a special prosecutor

If Nadalen or Marr were the coach - the record would be virtually the same or worse. Would you care to review for the class Nads record at Towson in '20 after all his good players graduated? Oh - players and talent have something to do with the team's performance not just coaching? They're 5-6 this year with a couple good wins but Loyola is really struggling - there's no doubt the man can coach some defense but Towson is avergaing 9.5 goals per game and allowing over 11 - Hopkins is pretty much 10.5 and 12. Towson has also had the opportunity to play 3 more games and OOC games. The 2 times they played the big boys - they got dusted.

Marr? He was NEVER EVER going to replace his best friend after said friend got fired. He's had controversies at Albany and decisons questioned as well.
I’m not sure where you get that idea but I know a few coaches who know him and he absolutely would have replaced Petro. He didn’t advertise it but apparently privately he indicated he would absolutely take the job.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 10:55 am
by HopFan16
jhu7276 wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:52 am My point was if you ask 100 peeps on the street about university traditions you will get these answers from most of them: Notre Dame=football, Duke= basketball
“John Hopkins”=medicine, lacrosse (isn’t that the Native American game played with sticks?).
These are the global perceptions still of these institutions...
As the buck stops at 3400 N. Charles Street in the City of Charms, the “San Francisco of the East” whether you are a fan or not of the President of the University, responsibility for the “image” is certainly a major part of the president and his or her administration’s job.
I don't think the *global* perception of Hopkins has anything to do with lacrosse. Here in the US if you bring up Hopkins to someone who didn't go there (and isn't already a lacrosse fan) they MIGHT have a passing familiarity that it's a "lacrosse school" or have some vague memory that it has a connection to the sport. But outside the US, that doesn't exist. Nobody knows or cares about lacrosse—at Hopkins or anywhere else.

PLL announced that it's returning to Homewood in June. Hopkins also applied to the NCAA to host first-round games of the tournament this year (they are using predetermined sites instead of allowing seeded teams to host). Unclear if we'll get it, but there's an effort to perpetuate the "Hopkins is a lacrosse school" narrative, the current president's actions notwithstanding. Whenever there is a lacrosse-related thing going on—high school, pro, college, youth tournaments, etc.—Hop wants to be at the center of it.

I do believe Marr was interested in the Hopkins gig, but the interest wasn't reciprocated, due to some of the reasons already alluded to here.

I think, rightly or wrongly, there was also a perception the coach needed to come from an academically-demanding school. They needed to have experience in that environment. Albany is many things but it ain't one of those. That is, allegedly, the main reason TD Ierlan left.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:03 am
by 51percentcorn
I was told something different by someone who I thought would have known - at least knew way more than me. Maybe I should have been less definitive in my statement but that doesn't really matter or change things. BTW - there are published news stories on April 20th that Marr informed Albany he would NOT pursue the Hopkins job - 5 days after the Petro announcement. Maybe he had heard by then Ventura was not going to arrange an interview. Oh well.

Let's dive in to Marr's record at Albany shall we? and see if we can pick out any trends and how might H.. excuse me Sag react?
His over all record is 179/114 - 61% win percentage - not bad - Petro got roasted for probably better or similar - I would say the America East overall has to be considered an easier schedule than what typically Hopkins encountered.
Perhaps his most impressive coaching record was '03-'05 when he went 30-18 (10-6 every year)
Then in 2007 - they beat eventual national champion Johns Hopkins and went 15-3 - Frank Resetarits, Merrick Thompson, and Steve Ammann were on that team but it was all coaching
Next 5 years - hear is where I would love to see ol Sag's reatcion if this happened with anybody at Hopkins but Albany produced a stellar 30-47 with consecutive years of 5-11/5-10/5-11

Then it all changed - How in the world did that happen? I can't fathom for a second because he didn't have any good players did he? I don't think so. Ol Scotty crafted a silk purse out of that sow's ear. Give me a break.

Put it another way - until those stumblebums showed up Albany was 95-89 in Marr's first 12 years.

And again, I have nothing against Scott Marr - zero issues with him if he had been the new Hopkins coach but I can't say it any more - the roster is fundamentally broken and beyond a quick repair - the car is totalled - and while the offense might have pumped in a couple more if you subscribe to that line of thinking - the defense would be gasping and the margins of defeat would likely have been worse, much worse.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:15 am
by Sagittarius A*
51percentcorn wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:03 am And again, I have nothing against Scott Marr - zero issues with him if he had been the new Hopkins coach but I can't say it any more - the roster is fundamentally broken and beyond a quick repair - the car is totalled - and while the offense might have pumped in a couple more if you subscribe to that line of thinking - the defense would be gasping and the margins of defeat would likely have been worse, much worse.
You can say the car is totaled. I said "Rome is burning" before last season even started. Everyone laughed at me. Oh well.
But it doesn't excuse a Coach who starts calling out players in the news media to make up for his own failings.
Hop has basically lost two winnable games in a row based on mind numbing coaching decisions.
All he has to say is "We were experimenting with the lineup. We didn't get a chance to that in the Fall and preseason, so we have to do it in-season. It's not ideal but it's where we're at right now.." Or something like that.
You never ever call out a player publicly. That's a nonrecoverable error that will have long term repercussions for the program. There's no way to sugar coat this.
If we are in the same boat this time next year, everyone is going to be screaming for Coach's head.
If it is indeed true that Nads was offered the job, it's still the admin's fault for not ponying up the money needed to bring him back to Hopkins.
The players wanted Marr. I think he would have been a good fit here and could have done something positive with the program. Dino never won an NC at Hofstra, but he's been racking up the titles since he got to Duke.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:18 am
by ABV 8.3%



on me.

close, but Bon Jovi is still the worst......evah......

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:26 am
by HopFan16
Sagittarius A* wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:15 am The players wanted Marr. I think he would have been a good fit here and could have done something positive with the program. Dino never won an NC at Hofstra, but he's been racking up the titles since he got to Duke.
Making a hire based on what the current players "want" would have been the dumbest thing imaginable. Those players will all be gone soon. You're hiring someone, if it goes well, with the intention of it being long term. Also—don't you think the players wanting him might have a little something to do with him being their buddy's dad? They probably knew him much better than the other candidates.

I think Nads would have been a solid hire. He's a good coach. But you are succumbing to grass-is-always-greener syndrome. There's no evidence anything would be different with him right now. In fact he had to suspend himself earlier this year for an NCAA violation. Can you imagine if that's how he started his Hopkins tenure? With a suspension? Add another 400 pages to the thread.
51percentcorn wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:03 am I was told something different by someone who I thought would have known - at least knew way more than me. Maybe I should have been less definitive in my statement but that doesn't really matter or change things. BTW - there are published news stories on April 20th that Marr informed Albany he would NOT pursue the Hopkins job - 5 days after the Petro announcement. Maybe he had heard by then Ventura was not going to arrange an interview. Oh well.
That's possible but on April 21—a day after Inside Lacrosse published all the names of coaches who had been contacted—Marr was telling the Times Union that he still hadn't been called. ... 216082.php

He did then say he wanted to stay at Albany anyway but it felt a bit like he was trying to spin it to seem like he was never really that interested once he realized he wasn't a top contender.

April 20—IL reports that the following people were called: Shay, Alberici, Milliman, Casseese, Chemotti, Murphy, Nadelen, Tierney, Raymond. One person reportedly not called: Marr, who confirmed that himself the next day. ... cted/56324

Of the non-Hopkins names up there, we have coaches from: Yale, Cornell, Army, Lehigh, Penn, Richmond. All somewhat similar institutions to Hopkins. Not a coincidence.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:00 pm
by ABV 8.3%
[e had been the new Hopkins coach but I can't say it any more - the roster is fundamentally broken and beyond a quick repair - the car is totalled - and while the offense might have pumped in a couple more if you subscribe to that line of thinking - the defense would be gasping and the margins of defeat would likely have been worse, much worse.
the great .........d

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:34 pm
by 51percentcorn
This was posted on the evening of April 20th on College Crosse twitter feed - with an attached news report:
"head coach Scott Marr has taken himself out of the running for the opening at his alma mater, Johns Hopkins. Marr, whose contract runs through 2023, informed Albany administrators he does not intend to pursue the Hopkins job"

Again not a big deal - I apparently was mis-informed but it changes nothing.
Sagittarius A* wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:15 am you never ever call out a player publicly. That's a nonrecoverable error that will have long term repercussions for the program. There's no way to sugar coat this.
Look up delusion in the dictionary you might find this quote. Let's have Epstein actually transfer before we twist our undies this hard. I can assure you very few 17/18 year olds are constantly worried about what a future coach might say about them. How about all the times Petro publicly blasted a player during the game - so that everyone within 5 sections of the bench could hear? Personally I would much rather have a coach tell Ed Lee I have to play better in online print than be told I am a ..... (I guess the admins wouldn't even want me to try and abbreviate what he used to say) in front of of about a 1,000 people including my parents.

ABV - again no problem with Marr or whether he might have been the good fit to have the vision to take Hopkins further but the fact remains you need talent - his performance at Albany was good when he had Merrick Thompson and Resatarits running around - terrible after that - and then lo and behold did he unlock the secrets to lacrosse or did the Thompsons, Connor Fields, Ierlan show up? Same thing with the coaches you cited:
I submit to you that if Petro had Brian Farrell, any of the Schmidts, Rambo, the Bernhardts, Amato, Dox Aitken, Matt Moore, Michael Kraus, Laviano, Ben Reeves, Matt Guadet, Jackson Morrill and so on and so on he actually might still be there because he couldn't play them all at mid-field (I kill myself)

I think MDlax fan, myself and others were screaming about the early recruiting issue - MD from the general landscape perspective - me and others from the Hopkins perspective. I think I know why he thought he had to do it - it turned out to be probably the worst mistake in the history of Hopkins lacrosse with long standing ramifications - much more than making a benign but ill-timed comment in public about a player's performance.

Rome burning? Yeah Sag you said that - probably after Petro kicked Rapine off the team and didn't let Foley on the team. Now you're apoplectic about this.

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:10 pm
by ABV 8.3%
not worthy of the words....

Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:17 pm
by jhu7276
Jeopardy question: What WAS known as the Yankee Stadium of lacrosse?

Homewood Field

(Note the emphasis on “WAS”)



Re: Johns Hopkins 2021

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:48 pm
by 51percentcorn
ABV 8.3% wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:10 pm Way I look at it, a good coach is this, at their core:

HOW... do I make this player great ?

instead we focus, nay cherish, the coaches that ask, " what can this player do, to make me great"

Don't know how Paul C. can, with a straight face, claim Coach Dave P. as the "best ever". What does he say when he sees Pat McCabe, at "Cuse events

You drafting , if PLL existed in that time, Petro over McCabe? geezz. Unless that was Pat's older brother, McSweeney McCabe, who played in the 89 'ship
I know you like to be obtuse and speak in riddles but sorry this one went way over my head.
First - who cares whether Pat McCabe or Petro or Merrill or someone else is considered better? As we all know Petro last played 32 years ago!! Petro was a 3x 1st team AA, National POY, National HOF - he was a great player - so was McCabe and many many many others. It's a stupid bar argument.

I can buy into your opinion about what helps make a great coach - in his first 8 years at the helm - Petro went to 8 quartefinals, 6 semifinals, 4 finals, 2 ships - was he asking what can those players do to make me great back then or did he have better players than most teams other than Syracuse, Princeton, and UVA at the time?

And I can't formulate any opinion on Milliman after 8 games with this team. If you injected me with truth serum I would say the tinkering is a little bit over done and he committed a PR gaffe of major porportions - both fixable. The most encouraging thing - his Hopkins teams have not quit - not from the first game where they cut it to 4 and made you at least look up from what you were otherwise doing all the way to scoring 6 straight to tie OSU up at 10 when could have laid down like a bad rug.