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Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:31 pm
by Bandito
Trinity wrote:Yes. The MAGAbomber is a huge success for Trump.
He is definitely not a MAGA supporter and is definitely not white. But whatever narrative you want to go with. You aren't used to truth or facts.

He is a registered Democrat

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:32 pm
by ggait
No way this guy drove around with Trump stickers covering his van without violence from the left. This van would've been destroyed. Points to why the van looks new as well as the stickers. This just doesn't add up. This is a sick, sick individual
But how to explain the guy from the neighborhood providing a photo of the van from last December? I guess the neighborhood guy is in on it too? Faked the photo so that he could today send the fake photo to the fake NY Times. Deep staters think of everything...

But we can at least agree the guy is a sick puppy.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:38 pm
by Bandito
ggait wrote:
No way this guy drove around with Trump stickers covering his van without violence from the left. This van would've been destroyed. Points to why the van looks new as well as the stickers. This just doesn't add up. This is a sick, sick individual
But how to explain the guy from the neighborhood providing a photo of the van from last December? I guess the neighborhood guy is in on it too? Faked the photo so that he could send today the fake photo to the fake NY Times. Deep staters think of everything...

But we can at least agree the guy is a sick puppy.
Dems have come up with big time hoaxes in the past. Most recently, the lies about Kavanaugh being a sexual predator, addict and gang rapist. It is straight out of Alinsky's book. He is a registered Democrat. Explain that to me then? His Twitter only followers leftists. It doesn't add up.

He also has a looooong rap sheet of arrests

1991- Theft
94- Domestic violence
03- Bomb threat
04- Illegal ID
04- Tampering with Evidence
09- Foreclosure
09- Operating without a license
13- Theft
14- Theft
15- Battery

And where was the left and media outcry from when a Leftist tried to commit mass assassination against Republican Congressmen playing softball? The leftist psycho actually shot and almost killed Rep. Scalise. Dems didn't care. Nor did the media. No one got hurt this time. These bombs weren't real. Trump put a ton of resources into finding this guy, and yet you all still blame Trump for violence? LOL

There are over 615 proven acts of violence from the left against Trump supporters. I started a thread dedicated to it. Hardly any Trump supporters commit acts of violence against the left. Heck, I can't even wear my MAGA hat and shirt around without fear of getting attacked. The left is the party of violence.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:43 pm
by RedFromMI
Bandito wrote:
ggait wrote:
No way this guy drove around with Trump stickers covering his van without violence from the left. This van would've been destroyed. Points to why the van looks new as well as the stickers. This just doesn't add up. This is a sick, sick individual
But how to explain the guy from the neighborhood providing a photo of the van from last December? I guess the neighborhood guy is in on it too? Faked the photo so that he could send today the fake photo to the fake NY Times. Deep staters think of everything...

But we can at least agree the guy is a sick puppy.
Dems have come up with big time hoaxes in the past. Most recently, the lies about Kavanaugh being a sexual predator, addict and gang rapist. It is straight out of Alinsky's book. He is a registered Democrat. Explain that to me then? His Twitter only followers leftists. It doesn't add up.
Taken from (a set of bullet points on their site as of 1:40 EDT today):

Mail bombing suspect identified as 56-year-old Florida man Cesar Sayoc Jr.
He was taken into custody after police raided a home in the town of Plantation, Florida.
Sayoc's van had dozens of pictures of Trump and pro-Trump statements covering almost every window.
DNA evidence played a role in the arrest.
Two new suspicious packages were found Friday morning, one addressed to Sen. Cory Booker and the other to James Clapper, former director of national intelligence.
The suspect is a registered Republican, according to records.
The packages were discovered at postal facilities in Manhattan and Florida, according to officials.
Law enforcement officials will hold a press conference at 2:30pm ET to provide updates on the case.

So much for the Democrat claim... (my emphasis to show you the actual fact...)

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:46 pm
by Bandito
RedFromMI wrote:
Bandito wrote:
ggait wrote:
No way this guy drove around with Trump stickers covering his van without violence from the left. This van would've been destroyed. Points to why the van looks new as well as the stickers. This just doesn't add up. This is a sick, sick individual
But how to explain the guy from the neighborhood providing a photo of the van from last December? I guess the neighborhood guy is in on it too? Faked the photo so that he could send today the fake photo to the fake NY Times. Deep staters think of everything...

But we can at least agree the guy is a sick puppy.
Dems have come up with big time hoaxes in the past. Most recently, the lies about Kavanaugh being a sexual predator, addict and gang rapist. It is straight out of Alinsky's book. He is a registered Democrat. Explain that to me then? His Twitter only followers leftists. It doesn't add up.
Taken from (a set of bullet points on their site as of 1:40 EDT today):

Mail bombing suspect identified as 56-year-old Florida man Cesar Sayoc Jr.
He was taken into custody after police raided a home in the town of Plantation, Florida.
Sayoc's van had dozens of pictures of Trump and pro-Trump statements covering almost every window.
DNA evidence played a role in the arrest.
Two new suspicious packages were found Friday morning, one addressed to Sen. Cory Booker and the other to James Clapper, former director of national intelligence.
The suspect is a registered Republican, according to records.
The packages were discovered at postal facilities in Manhattan and Florida, according to officials.
Law enforcement officials will hold a press conference at 2:30pm ET to provide updates on the case.

So much for the Democrat claim... (my emphasis to show you the actual fact...)
You are not correct. NBC is fake news. His profile says he is a registered Democrat. He certainly could've changed political affiliation but he has made bomb threats in the past and was a registered Dem. Either way, he is a sick individual. Have you ever condemned the 615 acts of violence promoted by Dem pols and the media against Trump supporters? I know you haven't, just pointing out your hypocrisy once again. Plus these bombs were FAKE.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:50 pm
by dislaxxic
"Punch him in the face!! Get him OUTTA here!!!"

"...and i'll pay your legal bills."

Yeah, Hair Furor is "keeping them safe" from prosecution. :roll:


Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:52 pm
by ggait
His Twitter only followers leftists. It doesn't add up.
If you are a person looking to target some prominent lefties, it might make sense that you would want to learn about and keep tabs on those type of people?

I think MAGAs spend way more mind share on Maxine Waters and George Soros than Dems do.

But you're probably right -- Deep State false flag operation. Brilliant!!


Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:54 pm
by Bandito
ggait wrote:
His Twitter only followers leftists. It doesn't add up.
If you are a person looking to target some prominent lefties, it might make sense that you would want to learn about and keep tabs on those type of people?

I think MAGAs spend way more mind share on Maxine Waters and George Soros than Dems do.

But you're probably right -- Deep State false flag operation. Brilliant!!

No that is abnormal. I don't follow any leftists on Twitter. Also, he is non-white. They now say he is Native American according to Drudge Report.

You are wrong again. Nothing new coming from you.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:57 pm
by DMac
An accurate, dependable, reliable all your other ones.
Geezuz H.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:59 pm
by ggait
State records say he registered as a Republican on 3/4/2016.

That's 11 days before the Florida presidential primary (which he voted in).

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:00 pm
by Bandito
An accurate, dependable, reliable all your other ones.
Geezuz H.
Hey look! It is the cuck master. Glad you think so! Thanks for the compliment.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:03 pm
by Bandito
ggait wrote:State records say he registered as a Republican on 3/4/2016.

That's 11 days before the Florida presidential primary (which he voted in).
Cool. State records I saw say He actually is a Democrat. Now how do you feel about the 615 attacks on Trump supporters? I didn't see you enraged about them. You are a hypocrite. Were you up in arms when Steve Scalise was shot?

No of course not because you are a hypocritical jerk

For the record this fake bomber is a sick individual. Regardless of what party he is registered under. He is a Democrat.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:04 pm
by DMac
Why am I not surprised you take it as a compliment?
Your schtick is boring anymore, gotta come up a new
one. You've made a big enough ayehole out of yourself
with this one, give us a new act.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:05 pm
by ggait
Even Fox News says he's a Republican.

So I guess even Fox is now fake news/deep state/MSM now?

Can't trust anybody these days.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:06 pm
by RedFromMI
Actually I am correct - even Fox News says he is a registered Republican. He was driving a van with pro-Trump, anti-Democrat stickers/posters. His social media contains pictures of him attending Trump rallies. ... -democrats

It actually does not matter if the bombs were capable of going off - he is still guilty of crimes. It appears (from early reporting) that the bombs were not constructed of fake materials (actually containing explosive materials, at least some of them). It may be incompetence on the part of the bomb constructor.

The point to take here is that you have a president that has been egging on this sort of behavior, and just like you likes to call legitimate news media as fake because doing so allows him and you to deal with the cognitive dissonance between your pronouncements and actual, verifiable facts. It is a verifiable fact that a very pro-Trump supporter (no matter how deranged he may be) has been spurred to commit terrorism in the name of the Trumpian agenda. How much of that spurring comes directly from Trump, or how much from the right wing noise machine/you name it conspiracy sites like Infowars remains unknown at this time.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:10 pm
by Bandito
RedFromMI wrote:Actually I am correct - even Fox News says he is a registered Republican. He was driving a van with pro-Trump, anti-Democrat stickers/posters. His social media contains pictures of him attending Trump rallies. ... -democrats

It actually does not matter if the bombs were capable of going off - he is still guilty of crimes. It appears (from early reporting) that the bombs were not constructed of fake materials (actually containing explosive materials, at least some of them). It may be incompetence on the part of the bomb constructor.

The point to take here is that you have a president that has been egging on this sort of behavior, and just like you likes to call legitimate news media as fake because doing so allows him and you to deal with the cognitive dissonance between your pronouncements and actual, verifiable facts. It is a verifiable fact that a very pro-Trump supporter (no matter how deranged he may be) has been spurred to commit terrorism in the name of the Trumpian agenda. How much of that spurring comes directly from Trump, or how much from the right wing noise machine/you name it conspiracy sites like Infowars remains unknown at this time.
No Trump does not egg on this behavior you stupid idiot. The media and their followers call Trump illegitimate and not their President. 90 % of the media is negative towards him. Democrat politicians have called for violence against Republicans and Trump supporters. A sitting US congressman was shot by a leftits. You conveniently leave that out. Trump has unified the Republican Party. Over 615 acts of violence by leftists against Trump supporters. Those are facts.

You are a hypocrite. And factual false.

Have you ever come out against the 615 acts of violence against Trump supporters? How about Steve Scalise almost being murdered?

You are a piece of hot garbage. Your takes are terrible and filled with falsehoods.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:15 pm
by foreverlax
Bandito wrote: I can't even wear my MAGA hat and shirt around without fear of getting attacked. The left is the party of violence.
Interesting issue you have. Maybe it's not the hat and shirt that are settling off these attacks you fear so much...maybe it's the way you talk to them. Assuming you are the same in person as you are here, that may be the issue.

We want you to feel safe. We want you to share your thoughts.

Seriously, try not being so mean to everyone.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:16 pm
by Bandito
foreverlax wrote:
Bandito wrote: I can't even wear my MAGA hat and shirt around without fear of getting attacked. The left is the party of violence.
Interesting issue you have. Maybe it's not the hat and shirt that are settling off these attacks you fear so much...maybe it's the way you talk to them. Assuming you are the same in person as you are here, that may be the issue.

We want you to feel safe. We want you to share your thoughts.

Seriously, try not being so mean to everyone.
I am acting how Democrats treat Trump supporters. Haven't you caught on yet?

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:16 pm
by RedFromMI
Look, Bandito, you are the one who seems to be infected with TDS, as you like to use the term. Deranged because you follow Trump.

You share some common characteristics with Trump. Refuse to back down, even in the face of facts. Deny the facts as fake news. Use false sources to claim factual bases. Never let someone else get the last word in. Go down swinging...

Most of the rest of us are content to use our _intelligence_ to see through the barrage of claims by Trump and his supporters as a load of BS designed to confuse and misdirect.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:17 pm
by foreverlax
Try ignoring for me.