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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:40 am
by MDlaxfan76
Tdemling6 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:27 am Don't know bout any of Y'all, but down here in Kentucky and throughout the South we playing High School and college football, as well as other fall sports and things going just fine. Had a few cases, but most of the disruptions have been kids getting caught in contract tracing. Obviously need to take precautions and all of that, but I'm 100% certain we will have a full college season that starts in February and ends in May, and been 100% certain since last March. Might there be some differences, at least in the beginning? Yes. But I give it around a 98-100 percent chance the stands are full on Memorial Day weekend just like normal and as they should be!

No need to feel any less confident than 100% for a season that is FOUR MONTHS away. A lot can change.
I do agree that a lot can change in 4 months and I certainly agree that it would be great if we can get back to playing sports at every level. It would be terrific if that's by spring. A lot has to break the right way for that to happen, though. We can hope that it does, and heck, we can even personally contribute in the meantime to that being possible by pushing down transmission by wearing masks and distancing.

JB wonders why cases are being counted? Seriously?
Even at this point with cases rising extremely fast, who cares?
Should we count hospitalizations and deaths?

Trump Cult, when will your fever break?

BTW, Kentucky's cases have doubled in the last 30 days.
Still pretty low, but climbing fast. Deaths have doubled too, but it's a small #.
Check back with us in February.
Meanwhile good luck to you and your family and friends.

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:44 am
by Typical Lax Dad
JBFortunato wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:14 am
Matnum PI wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:42 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:00 pmNo one is asking you to be "afraid" or to not take "individual responsibility" for your own actions, quite the opposite. We want people to take the virus seriously, not just for their own health but for that of the people they love if they are fortunate to have such in their life, and for the community as a whole, including those who have to care for the sick and dying, even the taxpayers who pay for that medical care.

We create rules in society, not because we love telling others what to do, removing them from personal responsibility, but rather because without rules too many people make poor decisions, decisions they may think is in their individual interest, but which hurt many around them far more.

We ask, and if necessary demand, respect for the 'fences' we erect in our society, that enable us all to prosper.

In the drive a car analogy, yes, we (citizens through our government) license drivers, making sure they're trained and capable of doing it well, we require that they have adequate vision, this because we like controlling people? or is it because we know that bad drivers, those who aren't well trained, who can't see the road, cause danger to all the rest of us.? Do we have laws against speeding, against reckless driving, against driving under the influence? Is that because we want people to be 'afraid' of cars? Do we want them not to take 'personal responsibility'?

Or do we realize that without rules, society suffers, we all suffer collectively?
Hear, hear.
Hear, hear for another condescending post from Team Panic Porn? I don't agree.

The more apt analogy relates to colon cancer. While up to 10% of the victims of colon cancer in 2020 will be people under the age of 50, your doctor won't send you for a colonoscopy before 50 unless you have a history of that kind of cancer in your family, or you are having health issues which may indicate a problem. Why? Because the 4,000 Americans under 50 who will die of colon cancer in 2020 are expendable? Because we don't care about them? Of course not, it's because we as a society have made a judgment about the odds, the cost, and what kind of risk we are willing to live with as it relates to colon cancer. Which we do in so many facets of our society.

We have not yet properly calibrated the risk that we are willing to live with as it relates to Covid. Not only are we counting every death, we're counting cases. Cases!!!! It's really hard to believe.

If we are going to count cases of Covid, we should be counting cases of colon cancer, and heart attacks, breast cancer and prostate cancer, and every other affliction that is diagnosed in the course of a week in our country, every night on the news. Let's count every death, let's mourn every loss. That's where this situation is totally out of whack. We are focused on a single problem to the exclusion of every other problem. And those other problems are proliferating at a breakneck speed because of our singular focus on Covid.

However you view the situation, there is absolutely no reason that collegiate sports should not go forward. There is almost no risk to college age people - you can't even argue with those statistics if you want to - and no evidence that college athletes are putting others at significant risk by participating in athletics. When you go out of your way to argue against that very clear and obvious point on a board like this, you reveal yourself to be a person with an agenda of some kind.

It will be a tragedy if our college lacrosse athletes are forced to miss another season. Let the kids play.
Do you catch colon cancer by sitting on a public toilet?

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:18 am
by Matnum PI
JBF, colon cancer isn't contagious. Let alone contagious via the air we breath. The number of cases of Corona is important. When there's a spike in the number of cases, this very much matters. There's a high correlation between the number of cases and, later, the number of deaths.

This is a website and forum for passionate lacrosse fans. Very, very few people within our forum don't want to see a lacrosse season this spring, aren't bothered by our loss of a season this past spring. The question is whether we can have a season without people dying. TDem, I've been thrilled that Kentucky and other states have had HS soccer, football, etc. seasons. And the seasons have gone well. Until they didn't go well. I'm currently watching bunches of teams dropping out of State Tourneys due to the Corona Virus.

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:09 am
by viper
JBFortunato wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:14 am
Matnum PI wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:42 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:00 pmNo one is asking you to be "afraid" or to not take "individual responsibility" for your own actions, quite the opposite. We want people to take the virus seriously, not just for their own health but for that of the people they love if they are fortunate to have such in their life, and for the community as a whole, including those who have to care for the sick and dying, even the taxpayers who pay for that medical care.

We create rules in society, not because we love telling others what to do, removing them from personal responsibility, but rather because without rules too many people make poor decisions, decisions they may think is in their individual interest, but which hurt many around them far more.

We ask, and if necessary demand, respect for the 'fences' we erect in our society, that enable us all to prosper.

In the drive a car analogy, yes, we (citizens through our government) license drivers, making sure they're trained and capable of doing it well, we require that they have adequate vision, this because we like controlling people? or is it because we know that bad drivers, those who aren't well trained, who can't see the road, cause danger to all the rest of us.? Do we have laws against speeding, against reckless driving, against driving under the influence? Is that because we want people to be 'afraid' of cars? Do we want them not to take 'personal responsibility'?

Or do we realize that without rules, society suffers, we all suffer collectively?
Hear, hear.
Hear, hear for another condescending post from Team Panic Porn? I don't agree.

The more apt analogy relates to colon cancer. While up to 10% of the victims of colon cancer in 2020 will be people under the age of 50, your doctor won't send you for a colonoscopy before 50 unless you have a history of that kind of cancer in your family, or you are having health issues which may indicate a problem. Why? Because the 4,000 Americans under 50 who will die of colon cancer in 2020 are expendable? Because we don't care about them? Of course not, it's because we as a society have made a judgment about the odds, the cost, and what kind of risk we are willing to live with as it relates to colon cancer. Which we do in so many facets of our society.

We have not yet properly calibrated the risk that we are willing to live with as it relates to Covid. Not only are we counting every death, we're counting cases. Cases!!!! It's really hard to believe.

If we are going to count cases of Covid, we should be counting cases of colon cancer, and heart attacks, breast cancer and prostate cancer, and every other affliction that is diagnosed in the course of a week in our country, every night on the news. Let's count every death, let's mourn every loss. That's where this situation is totally out of whack. We are focused on a single problem to the exclusion of every other problem. And those other problems are proliferating at a breakneck speed because of our singular focus on Covid.

However you view the situation, there is absolutely no reason that collegiate sports should not go forward. There is almost no risk to college age people - you can't even argue with those statistics if you want to - and no evidence that college athletes are putting others at significant risk by participating in athletics. When you go out of your way to argue against that very clear and obvious point on a board like this, you reveal yourself to be a person with an agenda of some kind.

It will be a tragedy if our college lacrosse athletes are forced to miss another season. Let the kids play.
Not to take this fine conversation down another rabbit hole, but 2 years ago the recommended age for colonoscopy was changed to 45 in response to a rise in occurrence under 50. The original number of 50 was determined through scientific method (data analysis) to catch all but the outliers. As science does, it reacts to new and changing data, and as such altered the minimum age to once again reduce a growing number (which you cite at 10%) back to outliers. ... yzEALw_wcB

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:57 pm
by FMUBart
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:38 pm
TNLAX wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:28 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:00 pm
TAV wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:30 pm
calourie wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:01 pm
FMUBart wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 1:52 pm
calourie wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 9:06 pm
FMUBart wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:59 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:42 am
FMUBart wrote: Fri Oct 23, 2020 9:54 am
Drcthru wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 2:31 pm
FMUBart wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:38 pm Mortality rates are dropping significantly--even those with co-morbidities. Vitamin D and Zinc are stopping covid in its tracks... it's a virus(#19 btw) and there'll be a new one next year.
Believe vitamin D and zinc work if it helps you to sleep. You've been listening to Rush too much. It isn't #19. It was isolated in 2019!
Maybe it's not the 19th Covid virus: "This name was chosen because the virus is genetically related to the coronavirus responsible for the SARS outbreak of 2003"--yes, it started in 2019, so Covid-19, but there have been a plethora of coronaviruses. Point being, viruses come and go--granted, this one is nasty for those that are elderly or other co-morbidities. For young people, it's a non-factor, ditto for most others. Also, 85% of those testing positive in July said they were adamant/diligent about wearing a mask when around others...
I like RUSH, and several other Canadian rock groups.
Those 85% were adamant until they went to bars and restaurants. It was in the detail. 84% of those wearing masks but didn’t frequent bars and restaurants tested negative. Nobody paid attention to that detail.
:roll: The sky is falling, the sky is falling! If you're at risk, take precautions, if not, just be smart--I guess a mask is the end-all-be-all... Then why not mandatory goggles, too? Last I checked, eyes are also membranes..
It's not a the sky is falling issue, but rather a question of how many people you are comfortable with putting at risk for a shorter life span and uncomfortable death. I'm comorbid as all get out and take total responsibility for myself without being particularly critical of those who don't seem to take me and others in my condition into account while at the same time applauding those who seem to. Better leadership and example at the top filtering down to everyone would clearly increase my chances of making it through long enough to see an effective vaccine approved and implemented. I'm not talking about shutting down the economy, but rather effective testing, tracing and isolating and wearing masks when and where appropriate. This thing is unlikely to miraculously disappear and a 2021 lacrosse season is probably dependent on how effective we are as a country in turning around the direction this scourge is currently headed.
I guess you shouldn't drive a car, or cross the street...unless the government tells you how!
What in the world are you talking about ?
What he’s talking about is people needing government or some “expert” telling everyone how to think and act vs. individual responsibility to take in information from all sources, applying simple common sense and moving forward with one’s life.

It’s about living in the basement in fear or being positive and cautious. I choose the later.

It’s really not that complicated. The liberals and media have a vested interest in stirring up FEAR. I simply refuse to live my life afraid - life is too short for that.

Hopefully, the lax season can proceed - it’s the best sport on the planet.
Tav, from your post I at first assumed that you might be a HS student or immature college student or even recent grad. But I see you are an '83 Hobart alum.

So, I'll address this as if you're an adult, about 60 years old, so been around the block a few times.
I, too, am over 60, a lifelong Republican.

No one is asking you to be "afraid" or to not take "individual responsibility" for your own actions, quite the opposite. We want people to take the virus seriously, not just for their own health but for that of the people they love if they are fortunate to have such in their life, and for the community as a whole, including those who have to care for the sick and dying, even the taxpayers who pay for that medical care.

We create rules in society, not because we love telling others what to do, removing them from personal responsibility, but rather because without rules too many people make poor decisions, decisions they may think is in their individual interest, but which hurt many around them far more.

We ask, and if necessary demand, respect for the 'fences' we erect in our society, that enable us all to prosper.

In the drive a car analogy, yes, we (citizens through our government) license drivers, making sure they're trained and capable of doing it well, we require that they have adequate vision, this because we like controlling people? or is it because we know that bad drivers, those who aren't well trained, who can't see the road, cause danger to all the rest of us.? Do we have laws against speeding, against reckless driving, against driving under the influence? Is that because we want people to be 'afraid' of cars? Do we want them not to take 'personal responsibility'?

Or do we realize that without rules, society suffers, we all suffer collectively?
Many times the rules hurt the people following the rules, not the people breaking the rules. The drunk driver is not following the rule, so the rule isn't working and the drunk driver may kill an innocent victim. Many feel the government is over reaching and over reacting.
“Many” feel the “government” isn’t doing enough.
Always someone's's a virus, viruses spread. Be positive, cautious & smart; oh, and for most everyone, it isn't deadly ;)

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:00 pm
by FMUBart
Tdemling6 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:27 am Don't know bout any of Y'all, but down here in Kentucky and throughout the South we playing High School and college football, as well as other fall sports and things going just fine. Had a few cases, but most of the disruptions have been kids getting caught in contract tracing. Obviously need to take precautions and all of that, but I'm 100% certain we will have a full college season that starts in February and ends in May, and been 100% certain since last March. Might there be some differences, at least in the beginning? Yes. But I give it around a 98-100 percent chance the stands are full on Memorial Day weekend just like normal and as they should be!

No need to feel any less confident than 100% for a season that is FOUR MONTHS away. A lot can change.
The "panic group" on this forum will call your post a non-sequitur :lol:

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:05 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
FMUBart wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:57 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:38 pm
TNLAX wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:28 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:00 pm
TAV wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:30 pm
calourie wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:01 pm
FMUBart wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 1:52 pm
calourie wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 9:06 pm
FMUBart wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:59 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:42 am
FMUBart wrote: Fri Oct 23, 2020 9:54 am
Drcthru wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 2:31 pm
FMUBart wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:38 pm Mortality rates are dropping significantly--even those with co-morbidities. Vitamin D and Zinc are stopping covid in its tracks... it's a virus(#19 btw) and there'll be a new one next year.
Believe vitamin D and zinc work if it helps you to sleep. You've been listening to Rush too much. It isn't #19. It was isolated in 2019!
Maybe it's not the 19th Covid virus: "This name was chosen because the virus is genetically related to the coronavirus responsible for the SARS outbreak of 2003"--yes, it started in 2019, so Covid-19, but there have been a plethora of coronaviruses. Point being, viruses come and go--granted, this one is nasty for those that are elderly or other co-morbidities. For young people, it's a non-factor, ditto for most others. Also, 85% of those testing positive in July said they were adamant/diligent about wearing a mask when around others...
I like RUSH, and several other Canadian rock groups.
Those 85% were adamant until they went to bars and restaurants. It was in the detail. 84% of those wearing masks but didn’t frequent bars and restaurants tested negative. Nobody paid attention to that detail.
:roll: The sky is falling, the sky is falling! If you're at risk, take precautions, if not, just be smart--I guess a mask is the end-all-be-all... Then why not mandatory goggles, too? Last I checked, eyes are also membranes..
It's not a the sky is falling issue, but rather a question of how many people you are comfortable with putting at risk for a shorter life span and uncomfortable death. I'm comorbid as all get out and take total responsibility for myself without being particularly critical of those who don't seem to take me and others in my condition into account while at the same time applauding those who seem to. Better leadership and example at the top filtering down to everyone would clearly increase my chances of making it through long enough to see an effective vaccine approved and implemented. I'm not talking about shutting down the economy, but rather effective testing, tracing and isolating and wearing masks when and where appropriate. This thing is unlikely to miraculously disappear and a 2021 lacrosse season is probably dependent on how effective we are as a country in turning around the direction this scourge is currently headed.
I guess you shouldn't drive a car, or cross the street...unless the government tells you how!
What in the world are you talking about ?
What he’s talking about is people needing government or some “expert” telling everyone how to think and act vs. individual responsibility to take in information from all sources, applying simple common sense and moving forward with one’s life.

It’s about living in the basement in fear or being positive and cautious. I choose the later.

It’s really not that complicated. The liberals and media have a vested interest in stirring up FEAR. I simply refuse to live my life afraid - life is too short for that.

Hopefully, the lax season can proceed - it’s the best sport on the planet.
Tav, from your post I at first assumed that you might be a HS student or immature college student or even recent grad. But I see you are an '83 Hobart alum.

So, I'll address this as if you're an adult, about 60 years old, so been around the block a few times.
I, too, am over 60, a lifelong Republican.

No one is asking you to be "afraid" or to not take "individual responsibility" for your own actions, quite the opposite. We want people to take the virus seriously, not just for their own health but for that of the people they love if they are fortunate to have such in their life, and for the community as a whole, including those who have to care for the sick and dying, even the taxpayers who pay for that medical care.

We create rules in society, not because we love telling others what to do, removing them from personal responsibility, but rather because without rules too many people make poor decisions, decisions they may think is in their individual interest, but which hurt many around them far more.

We ask, and if necessary demand, respect for the 'fences' we erect in our society, that enable us all to prosper.

In the drive a car analogy, yes, we (citizens through our government) license drivers, making sure they're trained and capable of doing it well, we require that they have adequate vision, this because we like controlling people? or is it because we know that bad drivers, those who aren't well trained, who can't see the road, cause danger to all the rest of us.? Do we have laws against speeding, against reckless driving, against driving under the influence? Is that because we want people to be 'afraid' of cars? Do we want them not to take 'personal responsibility'?

Or do we realize that without rules, society suffers, we all suffer collectively?
Many times the rules hurt the people following the rules, not the people breaking the rules. The drunk driver is not following the rule, so the rule isn't working and the drunk driver may kill an innocent victim. Many feel the government is over reaching and over reacting.
“Many” feel the “government” isn’t doing enough.
Always someone's's a virus, viruses spread. Be positive, cautious & smart; oh, and for most everyone, it isn't deadly ;)
4 out of 100 resolved cases result in death. That is 1.15 million people. Its enough for me to respect the deadly potential of it. That doesn't include folks that survive but have long term health issues....I am not that worried out catching it and dying but I don't want to contribute to the spread. If you don't mind contributing to the spread, go for it. Wishful thinking will make it go away.

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:21 pm
by FMUBart
Whatever :roll:

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:49 pm
by JoeMauer89
FMUBart wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:21 pm Whatever :roll:

This group is entrenched in their mindset, nothing will change it :roll: :roll: :roll:


Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:25 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
FMUBart wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:21 pm Whatever :roll:
I was working off old info. Of the 33.2 million resolved cases, 1.16 million or 3% have died. As I said a while ago, that number will trend down and what I said from the very beginning was that anything under 1% would be a win. I am doing my part. 👍 😷

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:53 pm
by xxxxxxx
Just heard that per new CDC guide lines if one player on the team tests positive the entire team has to quarantine for 14 days. I am told this is new and the articles below seem to verify it but I couldn't find much else about it. If accurate this will be a big problem for winter sports then spring sports. ... uarantine/ ... ocol-spat/

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:27 pm
by wgdsr
xxxxxxx wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:53 pm Just heard that per new CDC guide lines if one player on the team tests positive the entire team has to quarantine for 14 days. I am told this is new and the articles below seem to verify it but I couldn't find much else about it. If accurate this will be a big problem for winter sports then spring sports. ... uarantine/ ... ocol-spat/
here's what you're alluding to with a cdc link: ... 722a0.html

2 solutions:
don't practice or at least not set picks
get tabbed essential worker status


Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:46 pm
by Drcthru
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:05 pm
FMUBart wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:57 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:38 pm
TNLAX wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:28 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:00 pm
TAV wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:30 pm
calourie wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:01 pm
FMUBart wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 1:52 pm
calourie wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 9:06 pm
FMUBart wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:59 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:42 am
FMUBart wrote: Fri Oct 23, 2020 9:54 am
Drcthru wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 2:31 pm
FMUBart wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:38 pm Mortality rates are dropping significantly--even those with co-morbidities. Vitamin D and Zinc are stopping covid in its tracks... it's a virus(#19 btw) and there'll be a new one next year.
Believe vitamin D and zinc work if it helps you to sleep. You've been listening to Rush too much. It isn't #19. It was isolated in 2019!
Maybe it's not the 19th Covid virus: "This name was chosen because the virus is genetically related to the coronavirus responsible for the SARS outbreak of 2003"--yes, it started in 2019, so Covid-19, but there have been a plethora of coronaviruses. Point being, viruses come and go--granted, this one is nasty for those that are elderly or other co-morbidities. For young people, it's a non-factor, ditto for most others. Also, 85% of those testing positive in July said they were adamant/diligent about wearing a mask when around others...
I like RUSH, and several other Canadian rock groups.
Those 85% were adamant until they went to bars and restaurants. It was in the detail. 84% of those wearing masks but didn’t frequent bars and restaurants tested negative. Nobody paid attention to that detail.
:roll: The sky is falling, the sky is falling! If you're at risk, take precautions, if not, just be smart--I guess a mask is the end-all-be-all... Then why not mandatory goggles, too? Last I checked, eyes are also membranes..
It's not a the sky is falling issue, but rather a question of how many people you are comfortable with putting at risk for a shorter life span and uncomfortable death. I'm comorbid as all get out and take total responsibility for myself without being particularly critical of those who don't seem to take me and others in my condition into account while at the same time applauding those who seem to. Better leadership and example at the top filtering down to everyone would clearly increase my chances of making it through long enough to see an effective vaccine approved and implemented. I'm not talking about shutting down the economy, but rather effective testing, tracing and isolating and wearing masks when and where appropriate. This thing is unlikely to miraculously disappear and a 2021 lacrosse season is probably dependent on how effective we are as a country in turning around the direction this scourge is currently headed.
I guess you shouldn't drive a car, or cross the street...unless the government tells you how!
What in the world are you talking about ?
What he’s talking about is people needing government or some “expert” telling everyone how to think and act vs. individual responsibility to take in information from all sources, applying simple common sense and moving forward with one’s life.

It’s about living in the basement in fear or being positive and cautious. I choose the later.

It’s really not that complicated. The liberals and media have a vested interest in stirring up FEAR. I simply refuse to live my life afraid - life is too short for that.

Hopefully, the lax season can proceed - it’s the best sport on the planet.
Tav, from your post I at first assumed that you might be a HS student or immature college student or even recent grad. But I see you are an '83 Hobart alum.

So, I'll address this as if you're an adult, about 60 years old, so been around the block a few times.
I, too, am over 60, a lifelong Republican.

No one is asking you to be "afraid" or to not take "individual responsibility" for your own actions, quite the opposite. We want people to take the virus seriously, not just for their own health but for that of the people they love if they are fortunate to have such in their life, and for the community as a whole, including those who have to care for the sick and dying, even the taxpayers who pay for that medical care.

We create rules in society, not because we love telling others what to do, removing them from personal responsibility, but rather because without rules too many people make poor decisions, decisions they may think is in their individual interest, but which hurt many around them far more.

We ask, and if necessary demand, respect for the 'fences' we erect in our society, that enable us all to prosper.

In the drive a car analogy, yes, we (citizens through our government) license drivers, making sure they're trained and capable of doing it well, we require that they have adequate vision, this because we like controlling people? or is it because we know that bad drivers, those who aren't well trained, who can't see the road, cause danger to all the rest of us.? Do we have laws against speeding, against reckless driving, against driving under the influence? Is that because we want people to be 'afraid' of cars? Do we want them not to take 'personal responsibility'?

Or do we realize that without rules, society suffers, we all suffer collectively?
Many times the rules hurt the people following the rules, not the people breaking the rules. The drunk driver is not following the rule, so the rule isn't working and the drunk driver may kill an innocent victim. Many feel the government is over reaching and over reacting.
“Many” feel the “government” isn’t doing enough.
Always someone's's a virus, viruses spread. Be positive, cautious & smart; oh, and for most everyone, it isn't deadly ;)
4 out of 100 resolved cases result in death. That is 1.15 million people. Its enough for me to respect the deadly potential of it. That doesn't include folks that survive but have long term health issues....I am not that worried out catching it and dying but I don't want to contribute to the spread. If you don't mind contributing to the spread, go for it. Wishful thinking will make it go away.

Take Kansas, where a real-world experiment in face coverings emerged this summer. In early July, Gov. Laura Kelly, a Democrat, issued a statewide mask order, but was forced to let counties opt out of it under a law limiting her emergency management powers.

Only 20 of the state’s 105 counties enforced the order, which required residents to wear masks in public. Those 20 counties saw half as many new coronavirus infections as the counties that did not have the mandate in place, according to a new study from the University of Kansas.

Cellphone-tracking data from the University of Maryland showed no differences in how often people left home in the counties with or without mask mandates, so it seemed likely that the masks made the difference.

Experts say it’s part of a countrywide trend: Localities that impose mask mandates often see fewer cases, fewer hospitalizations, fewer deaths and lower test-positivity rates than nearby localities that do not.

Other studies have turned up similar results in Alabama, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas. A recently published report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found a 75 percent drop in coronavirus cases in Arizona less than a month after mask-wearing became enforced and bars and gyms were shuttered.

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:18 pm
by MDlaxfan76
nah, why should we listen to scientists? To data?
Whadda those eggheads know... :roll:

Only you old people die...

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:26 pm
by JoeMauer89
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:18 pm nah, why should we listen to scientists? To data?
Whadda those eggheads know... :roll:

Only you old people die...


Here's a perfect example, somebody posts something that you "agree" with, you respond with a mock attempt at thinly veiled sarcasm. Somebody posts something contrary to what you believe/narrative you subscribe to and you respond with a long-winded admonishment. Definition of hypocritical. That is what I meant with my prior post over the weekend. You do this consistently, just my own observation!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:36 pm
by Drcthru
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:26 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:18 pm nah, why should we listen to scientists? To data?
Whadda those eggheads know... :roll:

Only you old people die...


Here's a perfect example, somebody posts something that you "agree" with, you respond with a mock attempt at thinly veiled sarcasm. Somebody posts something contrary to what you believe/narrative you subscribe to and you respond with a long-winded admonishment. Definition of hypocritical. That is what I meant with my prior post over the weekend. You do this consistently, just my own observation!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

MD doesn't need my defense but, he has an opinion and he defends it. That is not hypocrisy. That is civil discussion. You might have to look that up :o

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:54 pm
by JoeMauer89
Drcthru wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:36 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:26 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:18 pm nah, why should we listen to scientists? To data?
Whadda those eggheads know... :roll:

Only you old people die...


Here's a perfect example, somebody posts something that you "agree" with, you respond with a mock attempt at thinly veiled sarcasm. Somebody posts something contrary to what you believe/narrative you subscribe to and you respond with a long-winded admonishment. Definition of hypocritical. That is what I meant with my prior post over the weekend. You do this consistently, just my own observation!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

MD doesn't need my defense but, he has an opinion and he defends it. That is not hypocrisy. That is civil discussion. You might have to look that up :o
I am well aware of a civil discussion, I had no problem with your initial point, it's just a pattern that plays out within the "CV-19 Thread". You don't post in that thread (smart move!!) So maybe you don't notice it like I do. The thinly veiled sarcasm is an attempt to imply that because someone what he thinks to be in the incorrect "frame of mind" in regards to this communicable virus, that their opinion is "either a Hoax/illogical/destructive/not truthful and a whole HOST of other adjectives and verbs" I am going to to continue to provide the counterpoint, if for nothing else to dispel that singlemindeness is quite possible the worst trickle-down effect of the media's fomented hysteria when it comes to this virus. AGAIN, THAT DOES NOT MEAN THE VIRUS CANNOT BE SERIOUS! Those two things are not related by cause and effect. I most respect PWCOlax, his posts are quite insightful and he KNOWS WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT. If you notice, he purposefully avoids the CV-19, because it has become 8-10 of the same posters who all share a hatred for the current administration finding different ways to agree with each other. That's not what a forum is about, a forum should have the insight of many opposing viewpoints, not a bunch of stubborn guys agreeing with each other and trying to one-up each other in attempt to do so!!!


Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:59 pm
by wgdsr
Drcthru wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:46 pm Take Kansas, where a real-world experiment in face coverings emerged this summer. In early July, Gov. Laura Kelly, a Democrat, issued a statewide mask order, but was forced to let counties opt out of it under a law limiting her emergency management powers.

Only 20 of the state’s 105 counties enforced the order, which required residents to wear masks in public. Those 20 counties saw half as many new coronavirus infections as the counties that did not have the mandate in place, according to a new study from the University of Kansas.

Cellphone-tracking data from the University of Maryland showed no differences in how often people left home in the counties with or without mask mandates, so it seemed likely that the masks made the difference.

Experts say it’s part of a countrywide trend: Localities that impose mask mandates often see fewer cases, fewer hospitalizations, fewer deaths and lower test-positivity rates than nearby localities that do not.

Other studies have turned up similar results in Alabama, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas. A recently published report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found a 75 percent drop in coronavirus cases in Arizona less than a month after mask-wearing became enforced and bars and gyms were shuttered.
in kansas for now, there may be some controversy brewing on the study. particularly as it will relate to possible near term policy. ... -mandates/ ... k-mandate/

maybe another month or 2 of data will clear it up with the virus chugging along.

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:01 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Any time you actually want to engage with either logic or new information or both, please do, Joe.

The personal attacks are none of the above.

It sounds like your issue is that I am simply consistent.
Hardly an accusation that bothers me.

btw, my sarcasm wasn't intended to be "thinly veiled", it was supposed to be very clear.
But not directed at you personally.

And if you want to attribute specific words and thoughts to me, how about actually quoting me directly and accurately?
Most of the words you attribute to me, I have not used; you're just falsely attributing them to me.

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:14 pm
by JoeMauer89
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:01 pm Any time you actually want to engage with either logic or new information or both, please do, Joe.

The personal attacks are none of the above.

It sounds like your issue is that I am simply consistent.
Hardly an accusation that bothers me.

btw, my sarcasm wasn't intended to be "thinly veiled", it was supposed to be very clear.
But not directed at you personally.

And if you want to attribute specific words and thoughts to me, how about actually quoting me directly and accurately?
Most of the words you attribute to me, I have not used; you're just falsely attributing them to me.

I am not attacking you, you just have a strong tendency to be hypocritical. Whether it's defending your "position" or not, that's the nature of what you are being. Nothing personal against YOU, just your inability to even acknowledge that there isn't only "one" way to view this virus. There is no benefit of I told you so, etc, etc. Assess you and your families risk, take the necessary precautions and live life to the fullest extent your local government allows. One way or another things will keep progressing. There's nothing you "yourself" can do about it, so continue to be optimistic and enjoy yourself. We existed as a society pre CV-19 and we will exist long after CV-19 is part of a history textbook. I'm taking a break, it's exhausting. And remember, I'm from a MUCH younger generation. Arguably the most important in the sense that we are just beginning to establish ourselves as parents,etc,etc. That does not mean your generation is not important in the slightest, but for once think about how 30 year old MD would have thought about this Pandemic, I guarantee you it wouldn't be the same in ANY regard. That's my ultimate point...
