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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:00 pm
by Peter Brown
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 12:17 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 11:44 am Don't you fella's have a riot to cheer on in Minney today?
So I guess your crusade for fixing our broken criminal justice system is over, huh?

That was quick.

This will sound shocking I know, but one can be firmly against police brutality and also against riots/looting. Crazy talk, I know!

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:14 pm
by RedFromMI
ggait wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 11:34 am
Because Republicans in tight races have to overcome between 1-5% voting fraud to win.
Now that's what I call Trump Derangement Syndrome!

Petey's disinformation production now up to Russian bot levels.
And never mind that in a general election there has never been any proof of anything other than a negligible amount of voter fraud...

Trump as some catching up to do - from an article explaining how Biden's swing state polls line up better with Clinton's 2016 actual election margins than her polling margins just before the election there is a lot of "behind."

From ... ors-biden/

Article took the bakers dozen states with less than a 6 percent margin in 2016 and looked at some stats. I reproduce a part of their data here (Biden poll averages from

State /2016 Clinton Margin /Current Biden Margin

Code: Select all

AZ     -3.5           9.0
CO      4.9          12.1
FL     -1.2           4.7
GA     -5.1           5.4
ME      3.0           7.0
MI     -0.2           7.2
MN      1.5           3.5
NC     -3.7           5.3
NH      0.4           7.6
NV      2.4           1.6
PA     -0.7           7.7
VA      5.3           5.7
WI     -0.8           5.2
In order of increasing Biden margin (easiest states at this point for Trump to make up ground):


Obviously it is way early, but Trump has a long way to go...

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:19 pm
by cradleandshoot
njbill wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 9:37 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 7:07 am "Don't confuse occasional inarticulation with lack of judgment."

By occasional you must mean almost every time he speaks as of late. This is not the Joe Biden of 10 years ago. I don't know what Joe's issues are, but he consistently has difficulty trying to express himself without tripping over his tongue. A good indicator should come this summer when he hits the campaign trail in full stride. He will be speaking in public almost every day. I am curious to see how he holds up. Maybe he needs a teleprompter with him so he does not try and free lance his opinions. That is when he has his struggles.
Yeah, the “10 years ago” point is the latest attempt by Trump to attack Biden. It’s just campaign rhetoric. You have to watch the full interviews, not just the selective clips Fox airs.

If you re-read your post, you’ll see that you could easily have been describing Trump as well. Look at all of the mash-up clips other media run of Trump. Essentially the same thing as what Fox does to Biden.

I’m sure both campaigns are concerned about their candidate going out on the trail. Remember, it was at a campaign rally that Trump called the coronavirus a hoax.

Also just look at what Trump has done in the past few days with the disgusting tweet about the former Joe Scarborough employee. He is a ticking time bomb whenever he opens his mouth or touches his phone.
There is a huge difference between trump and Biden that gets overlooked. It is overlooked in the sense of who the 2 people are. Trump is a circus clown. His entire privileged life he never had to learn how to interact with people. He has had the silver spoon in his big fat mouth his entire life. That is why it does not surprise me trump babbles on like an idiot. He does not care what he says because 5 minutes later in his mind... he never said it.

Biden is the quintessential politician. He has been at this his entire life. His type of politician learns very early in the game that you have to watch every word you say and understand every group of people you are talking to. We all learned that with Barack Obama. He often painstakingly wrestled with every word that came out of his mouth. BHO understood that there were people out there dissecting every word he said. Professional flesh pounders and baby kissers understand how the game is played.

Trump is the political buffoon who doesn't care what he says because if it does not effect his bottom line... he just doesn't care period. Biden tries really hard to be just like the guy next door. The guy you could have a couple of beers with and play some eight ball. I expect trump to be a babbling idiot. I expect Biden to not sound like he has scrambled eggs between his ears. Biden is the career politician. He of all candidates has to understand the optics of being able to deliver your message without going so far off message that you come across as being mentally unstable.It does not help when you constantly have to keep e planning what you were trying to say.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:33 pm
by a fan
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:00 pm
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 12:17 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 11:44 am Don't you fella's have a riot to cheer on in Minney today?
So I guess your crusade for fixing our broken criminal justice system is over, huh?

That was quick.

This will sound shocking I know, but one can be firmly against police brutality and also against riots/looting. Crazy talk, I know!
You sure you understand that? Because you just assumed your fellow posters support rioting.

And you're telling me it's a "coincidence" that you didn't say a word about the man who was killed, and instead chose to bring up the rioting?

Yeah, okay.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:53 pm
by Peter Brown
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:33 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:00 pm
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 12:17 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 11:44 am Don't you fella's have a riot to cheer on in Minney today?
So I guess your crusade for fixing our broken criminal justice system is over, huh?

That was quick.

This will sound shocking I know, but one can be firmly against police brutality and also against riots/looting. Crazy talk, I know!
You sure you understand that? Because you just assumed your fellow posters support rioting.

And you're telling me it's a "coincidence" that you didn't say a word about the man who was killed, and instead chose to bring up the rioting?

Yeah, okay.

The policeman committed murder. Clear enough?

I don't comment on every happening in this country. Sorry.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:55 pm
by seacoaster
This touches on some of the stuff NJBill and tech37 were discussing. Interesting stuff: ... trump.html

"Four years ago, 50 of the country’s most senior Republican national security officials signed a letter declaring that Donald J. Trump would put the country at risk if he was elected president and that they would not vote for him.

But the collective voice of former cabinet officials and top aides to Republican presidents denouncing their party’s nominee did little to move the needle with regular Republican voters across the country, who were not swayed by opposition from the establishment.

Now, a new effort called Republican Voters Against Trump is hoping to chip away at Mr. Trump’s support from white, college-educated Republican voters in the suburbs, hoping a more surgical approach will help to elect Joseph R. Biden Jr., his expected Democratic opponent.

The new group is set to begin a $10 million digital and television advertising campaign that will use personal stories of conservative voters giving voice to their deep — and sometimes brand-new — dissatisfaction with the president.

The group will test the premise of whether there are really any persuadable voters left in a deeply tribal moment in American politics, in which views of Mr. Trump, both positive and negative, have only been hardened over the past four years.

“What was missing in 2016 was a real concerted effort to take the voices of real people who have deep reservations about Trump, but who identify as Republicans, and allow them to be the messengers,” said Sarah Longwell, a lifelong conservative and a prominent Never Trump Republican.

The new initiative is the brainchild of Ms. Longwell; Bill Kristol, the conservative writer; and Tim Miller, a former top aide to former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida. Together, Ms. Longwell and Mr. Kristol have also worked on an initiative called Republicans for the Rule of Law, which has begun its own ad blitz against Mr. Trump.

After almost three years of conducting focus groups and intensive research on messages that would work with persuadable voters, the founders have created a cache of 100 testimonial videos, most shot on smartphones, with voters explaining why they are making the sometimes painful choice to break with their political party.

Some of the videos are hardly rousing endorsements for Mr. Biden. In one testimonial, Wayne from Dallas says to the camera, “I could not bring myself to vote for Hillary, so I voted for President Trump.” But he said he believed the president had “gotten worse” and that “everything he’s done has been to enrich himself.” With a note of resignation, he says: “I will not be voting for him here in 2020. I suppose I’ll be voting for Biden.”

Sitting on his couch in Brooklyn, Dan Eckman, a self-described lifelong conservative, says of Mr. Biden: “This guy has one term written all over him. Let him win. We’ll have four years to rebuild the base, re-educate the party, bleach out the Trump cult stain and then come back.” He adds, “I wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump with a gun to my head and neither should you.”

Some of the testimonials, like one from Gary, a lifelong Republican from Florida, describe Mr. Biden as “not a perfect candidate” but a “decent man.”

Ms. Longwell said the expression of lukewarm feelings about Mr. Biden made for a more authentic pitch for a Republican audience than a rousing endorsement.

“People who have been Republicans their entire lives aren’t super excited about voting for a Democrat,” she said. “The way they talk about it is more in sorrow than enthusiasm.”

But she said a Biden candidacy, and the lack of a well-known third-party candidate where voters can park their ballots, had created a bigger opportunity to persuade Republican voters to switch parties than there was in 2016.

“You can’t overstate what the Clintons represent for Republicans,” Ms. Longwell said. “Donald Trump’s corruption was offset by what they saw as her corruption.”

Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, dismissed the effort in a one-word email: “irrelevant.”

Kevin Madden, a former top adviser to Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, said the universe of Republican voters who might be opposed to Mr. Trump — who consistently has approval ratings in the high 80s or better from his own party — was too small to make a difference.

“Given the razor-thin margins in several key battleground states in 2016, it’s easy to convince yourself that Republican nose-holders will make or break 2020,” Mr. Madden said. “But they are a smaller universe of voters when compared to Democrats over 60 who voted for Trump in 2016. Same with women voters with high school degrees who previously supported Obama but voted for Trump in 2016. Political operatives getting together to run a few ads targeted at that smaller sliver of voters won’t have much of an impact.”

The ad campaign, set to blitz the swing states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona through the summer, is primarily aimed at college-educated white voters in suburbs.

Ms. Longwell said her focus groups had shown that there were still persuadable voters out there.

“I was surprised by how many people had just decided because of the coronavirus response,” Ms. Longwell said. “They for the first time started watching the press conferences.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:56 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:53 pm
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:33 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:00 pm
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 12:17 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 11:44 am Don't you fella's have a riot to cheer on in Minney today?
So I guess your crusade for fixing our broken criminal justice system is over, huh?

That was quick.

This will sound shocking I know, but one can be firmly against police brutality and also against riots/looting. Crazy talk, I know!
You sure you understand that? Because you just assumed your fellow posters support rioting.

And you're telling me it's a "coincidence" that you didn't say a word about the man who was killed, and instead chose to bring up the rioting?

Yeah, okay.

The policeman committed murder. Clear enough?

I don't comment on every happening in this country. Sorry.
yup, it's just dem black folks rioting that get you worked much so that you'd troll that anyone on here actually supports rioting...

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:58 pm
by njbill
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:19 pm
njbill wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 9:37 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 7:07 am "Don't confuse occasional inarticulation with lack of judgment."

By occasional you must mean almost every time he speaks as of late. This is not the Joe Biden of 10 years ago. I don't know what Joe's issues are, but he consistently has difficulty trying to express himself without tripping over his tongue. A good indicator should come this summer when he hits the campaign trail in full stride. He will be speaking in public almost every day. I am curious to see how he holds up. Maybe he needs a teleprompter with him so he does not try and free lance his opinions. That is when he has his struggles.
Yeah, the “10 years ago” point is the latest attempt by Trump to attack Biden. It’s just campaign rhetoric. You have to watch the full interviews, not just the selective clips Fox airs.

If you re-read your post, you’ll see that you could easily have been describing Trump as well. Look at all of the mash-up clips other media run of Trump. Essentially the same thing as what Fox does to Biden.

I’m sure both campaigns are concerned about their candidate going out on the trail. Remember, it was at a campaign rally that Trump called the coronavirus a hoax.

Also just look at what Trump has done in the past few days with the disgusting tweet about the former Joe Scarborough employee. He is a ticking time bomb whenever he opens his mouth or touches his phone.
There is a huge difference between trump and Biden that gets overlooked. It is overlooked in the sense of who the 2 people are. Trump is a circus clown. His entire privileged life he never had to learn how to interact with people. He has had the silver spoon in his big fat mouth his entire life. That is why it does not surprise me trump babbles on like an idiot. He does not care what he says because 5 minutes later in his mind... he never said it.

Biden is the quintessential politician. He has been at this his entire life. His type of politician learns very early in the game that you have to watch every word you say and understand every group of people you are talking to. We all learned that with Barack Obama. He often painstakingly wrestled with every word that came out of his mouth. BHO understood that there were people out there dissecting every word he said. Professional flesh pounders and baby kissers understand how the game is played.

Trump is the political buffoon who doesn't care what he says because if it does not effect his bottom line... he just doesn't care period. Biden tries really hard to be just like the guy next door. The guy you could have a couple of beers with and play some eight ball. I expect trump to be a babbling idiot. I expect Biden to not sound like he has scrambled eggs between his ears. Biden is the career politician. He of all candidates has to understand the optics of being able to deliver your message without going so far off message that you come across as being mentally unstable.It does not help when you constantly have to keep e planning what you were trying to say.
Good analysis. I'll guess we'll see whether their respective babblings will impact the voting.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:06 pm
by Peter Brown
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:56 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:53 pm
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:33 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:00 pm
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 12:17 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 11:44 am Don't you fella's have a riot to cheer on in Minney today?
So I guess your crusade for fixing our broken criminal justice system is over, huh?

That was quick.

This will sound shocking I know, but one can be firmly against police brutality and also against riots/looting. Crazy talk, I know!
You sure you understand that? Because you just assumed your fellow posters support rioting.

And you're telling me it's a "coincidence" that you didn't say a word about the man who was killed, and instead chose to bring up the rioting?

Yeah, okay.

The policeman committed murder. Clear enough?

I don't comment on every happening in this country. Sorry.
yup, it's just dem black folks rioting that get you worked much so that you'd troll that anyone on here actually supports rioting...

So its really Antifa rioting, not necessarily 'the blacks'.

And more interestingly, MD apparently possesses a hierarchy of outrage that others must abide by. Could you share it? Is murder of one innocent man by police in a city I have never visited more deserving of the second murder the following night of an innocent man caught up in the rioting? How about the lady in the wheelchair beaten as she tried to prevent looters going into Target because she shops there and didn't want it to be burned down? Is she lower on the 'MD scale of outrage'?

It's good to know the rules here before commenting!

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:08 pm
by 6ftstick
Democrat Mayor of Minneapolis blames 400 years off horrible Americans for the death in his city.

Of course DEMOCRATS have run Minneapolis since 1974. Really turning the tables for blacks in that city eh libs.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:10 pm
by MDlaxfan76
seacoaster wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:55 pm This touches on some of the stuff NJBill and tech37 were discussing. Interesting stuff: ... trump.html

"Four years ago, 50 of the country’s most senior Republican national security officials signed a letter declaring that Donald J. Trump would put the country at risk if he was elected president and that they would not vote for him.

But the collective voice of former cabinet officials and top aides to Republican presidents denouncing their party’s nominee did little to move the needle with regular Republican voters across the country, who were not swayed by opposition from the establishment.

Now, a new effort called Republican Voters Against Trump is hoping to chip away at Mr. Trump’s support from white, college-educated Republican voters in the suburbs, hoping a more surgical approach will help to elect Joseph R. Biden Jr., his expected Democratic opponent.

The new group is set to begin a $10 million digital and television advertising campaign that will use personal stories of conservative voters giving voice to their deep — and sometimes brand-new — dissatisfaction with the president.

The group will test the premise of whether there are really any persuadable voters left in a deeply tribal moment in American politics, in which views of Mr. Trump, both positive and negative, have only been hardened over the past four years.

“What was missing in 2016 was a real concerted effort to take the voices of real people who have deep reservations about Trump, but who identify as Republicans, and allow them to be the messengers,” said Sarah Longwell, a lifelong conservative and a prominent Never Trump Republican.

The new initiative is the brainchild of Ms. Longwell; Bill Kristol, the conservative writer; and Tim Miller, a former top aide to former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida. Together, Ms. Longwell and Mr. Kristol have also worked on an initiative called Republicans for the Rule of Law, which has begun its own ad blitz against Mr. Trump.

After almost three years of conducting focus groups and intensive research on messages that would work with persuadable voters, the founders have created a cache of 100 testimonial videos, most shot on smartphones, with voters explaining why they are making the sometimes painful choice to break with their political party.

Some of the videos are hardly rousing endorsements for Mr. Biden. In one testimonial, Wayne from Dallas says to the camera, “I could not bring myself to vote for Hillary, so I voted for President Trump.” But he said he believed the president had “gotten worse” and that “everything he’s done has been to enrich himself.” With a note of resignation, he says: “I will not be voting for him here in 2020. I suppose I’ll be voting for Biden.”

Sitting on his couch in Brooklyn, Dan Eckman, a self-described lifelong conservative, says of Mr. Biden: “This guy has one term written all over him. Let him win. We’ll have four years to rebuild the base, re-educate the party, bleach out the Trump cult stain and then come back.” He adds, “I wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump with a gun to my head and neither should you.”

Some of the testimonials, like one from Gary, a lifelong Republican from Florida, describe Mr. Biden as “not a perfect candidate” but a “decent man.”

Ms. Longwell said the expression of lukewarm feelings about Mr. Biden made for a more authentic pitch for a Republican audience than a rousing endorsement.

“People who have been Republicans their entire lives aren’t super excited about voting for a Democrat,” she said. “The way they talk about it is more in sorrow than enthusiasm.”

But she said a Biden candidacy, and the lack of a well-known third-party candidate where voters can park their ballots, had created a bigger opportunity to persuade Republican voters to switch parties than there was in 2016.

“You can’t overstate what the Clintons represent for Republicans,” Ms. Longwell said. “Donald Trump’s corruption was offset by what they saw as her corruption.”

Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, dismissed the effort in a one-word email: “irrelevant.”

Kevin Madden, a former top adviser to Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, said the universe of Republican voters who might be opposed to Mr. Trump — who consistently has approval ratings in the high 80s or better from his own party — was too small to make a difference.

“Given the razor-thin margins in several key battleground states in 2016, it’s easy to convince yourself that Republican nose-holders will make or break 2020,” Mr. Madden said. “But they are a smaller universe of voters when compared to Democrats over 60 who voted for Trump in 2016. Same with women voters with high school degrees who previously supported Obama but voted for Trump in 2016. Political operatives getting together to run a few ads targeted at that smaller sliver of voters won’t have much of an impact.”

The ad campaign, set to blitz the swing states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona through the summer, is primarily aimed at college-educated white voters in suburbs.

Ms. Longwell said her focus groups had shown that there were still persuadable voters out there.

“I was surprised by how many people had just decided because of the coronavirus response,” Ms. Longwell said. “They for the first time started watching the press conferences.
Very interesting.

Kevin Madden may be correct that the sliver of persuadable R voters is small (likely true pre virus), however Longwell's comment about the virus I think is right. At least anecdotally, I'm seeing more and more reliable GOP voters who did vote for Trump express anger and disgust. Sometimes they cite earlier aspects that bothered them in the past 3 years, but mostly it seems the virus has been the pivot point. Just too much.

On the other hand, seems to me that those bigger slivers of white voters, Dems over 60 who voted for Trump, and women with high school degrees who voted for Obama then Trump, may well find these ads resonate for them as well.

Ads featuring people who are disappointed in Trump, but who did vote for him, may well be persuasive as they say they won't do so again. Human beings want to know that they're not alone, that others who seem like them are actually making decisions that they are considering too...

Biden needn't be someone to get excited about for these folks, just someone better than Trump.

The fact that staunch conservatives, lifelong reliable GOP voters, won't pull the lever for Trump, reluctant as they may be about voting for a Dem, validates that this is a choice one will not be alone when making oneself in the privacy of the voting booth or the mail in vote.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:12 pm
by 6ftstick
Faucci must be so proud looters and rioters are wearing masks.

They're stealing BIG screen TVs to help them with social distancing.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:14 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 2:06 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:56 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:53 pm
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:33 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:00 pm
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 12:17 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 11:44 am Don't you fella's have a riot to cheer on in Minney today?
So I guess your crusade for fixing our broken criminal justice system is over, huh?

That was quick.

This will sound shocking I know, but one can be firmly against police brutality and also against riots/looting. Crazy talk, I know!
You sure you understand that? Because you just assumed your fellow posters support rioting.

And you're telling me it's a "coincidence" that you didn't say a word about the man who was killed, and instead chose to bring up the rioting?

Yeah, okay.

The policeman committed murder. Clear enough?

I don't comment on every happening in this country. Sorry.
yup, it's just dem black folks rioting that get you worked much so that you'd troll that anyone on here actually supports rioting...

So its really Antifa rioting, not necessarily 'the blacks'.

And more interestingly, MD apparently possesses a hierarchy of outrage that others must abide by. Could you share it? Is murder of one innocent man by police in a city I have never visited more deserving of the second murder the following night of an innocent man caught up in the rioting? How about the lady in the wheelchair beaten as she tried to prevent looters going into Target because she shops there and didn't want it to be burned down? Is she lower on the 'MD scale of outrage'?

It's good to know the rules here before commenting!
nope, it's just that if you are going to troll (not add to the actual discourse) about a topic, it calls into question your priorities.

These are all choices, PB.
You make yours, I'll make mine.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:14 pm
by njbill
I would think Ds over 60 who voted for Trump would be prime candidates to vote for Joe.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:15 pm
by ggait
Don't you fella's have a riot to cheer on in Minney today?
When Petey tells us who he is, believe him.

Party over country.

Proudly deplorable.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:18 pm
by MDlaxfan76
6ftstick wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 2:08 pm Democrat Mayor of Minneapolis blames 400 years off horrible Americans for the death in his city.

Of course DEMOCRATS have run Minneapolis since 1974. Really turning the tables for blacks in that city eh libs.
I watched his interview.

He did not blame the death on 400 years...what he did suggest was that "justice" needs to recognize that this is not an isolated incident, that America has a 400 year old history of such issues.

It was actually a nuanced, sensitive answer given in response to a very tragic event, filmed, that has inflamed the city. He also spoke to the necessity for peaceful order, not violence.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:21 pm
by 6ftstick
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 2:18 pm
6ftstick wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 2:08 pm Democrat Mayor of Minneapolis blames 400 years off horrible Americans for the death in his city.

Of course DEMOCRATS have run Minneapolis since 1974. Really turning the tables for blacks in that city eh libs.
I watched his interview.

He did not blame the death on 400 years...what he did suggest was that "justice" needs to recognize that this is not an isolated incident, that America has a 400 year old history of such issues.

It was actually a nuanced, sensitive answer given in response to a very tragic event, filmed, that has inflamed the city. He also spoke to the necessity for peaceful order, not violence.
So he absolved himself and democrat mayors back to 1974 from any culpability in police community relations in his city. What you would call NUANCED.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:33 pm
by Peter Brown
6ftstick wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 2:21 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 2:18 pm
6ftstick wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 2:08 pm Democrat Mayor of Minneapolis blames 400 years off horrible Americans for the death in his city.

Of course DEMOCRATS have run Minneapolis since 1974. Really turning the tables for blacks in that city eh libs.
I watched his interview.

He did not blame the death on 400 years...what he did suggest was that "justice" needs to recognize that this is not an isolated incident, that America has a 400 year old history of such issues.

It was actually a nuanced, sensitive answer given in response to a very tragic event, filmed, that has inflamed the city. He also spoke to the necessity for peaceful order, not violence.
So he absolved himself and democrat mayors back to 1974 from any culpability in police community relations in his city. What you would call NUANCED.

Of course! TDS allows oneself to twist logic into pretzels of infinite abandon.

Anyone want to bet me I can't find an article in the next few days blaming Trump for the Minney rioting?

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:43 pm
by a fan
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:53 pm
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:33 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:00 pm
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 12:17 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 11:44 am Don't you fella's have a riot to cheer on in Minney today?
So I guess your crusade for fixing our broken criminal justice system is over, huh?

That was quick.
This will sound shocking I know, but one can be firmly against police brutality and also against riots/looting. Crazy talk, I know!
You sure you understand that? Because you just assumed your fellow posters support rioting.

And you're telling me it's a "coincidence" that you didn't say a word about the man who was killed, and instead chose to bring up the rioting?

Yeah, okay.
The policeman committed murder. Clear enough?

I don't comment on every happening in this country. Sorry.
Yep, clear enough. It was a coincidence you commented on the riot, but not why they were rioting.

Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:50 pm
by Peter Brown
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 2:43 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:53 pm
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:33 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:00 pm
a fan wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 12:17 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 11:44 am Don't you fella's have a riot to cheer on in Minney today?
So I guess your crusade for fixing our broken criminal justice system is over, huh?

That was quick.
This will sound shocking I know, but one can be firmly against police brutality and also against riots/looting. Crazy talk, I know!
You sure you understand that? Because you just assumed your fellow posters support rioting.

And you're telling me it's a "coincidence" that you didn't say a word about the man who was killed, and instead chose to bring up the rioting?

Yeah, okay.
The policeman committed murder. Clear enough?

I don't comment on every happening in this country. Sorry.
Yep, clear enough. It was a coincidence you commented on the riot, but not why they were rioting.

I had no idea we had mind readers here!

Guess what I'm thinking now?! :lol: