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Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:47 am
by CU88a
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:30 pm
ggait wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:17 pm
FTR counselor even the Harris campaign has updated the sight and is no longer referring to Walz as a " retired command sergeant major " they must not have sent you an email. Perhaps maybe the Harris campaign is engaging in swift boat slime too.
Old website: Walz is "the son of an Army veteran and a retired command sergeant major...himself."

New website: Walz is "the son of an Army veteran who served as a command sergeant major."

So Walz was a CSM and served as a CSM at the time of his retirement. But he is not a "retired CSM"...?

Seriously? That's your entire point?

I cannot believe a veteran would sink this low. What is wrong with you?
People that suck on America’s titties for most of their life care about that level of minutiae….

I am always amazed that military types refuse to recognize that they are welfare queens.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:20 am
by cradleandshoot
Amazing that the typical FLP just can't admit when they are wrong. :D

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:31 am
by jhu72
CU88a wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:47 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:30 pm
ggait wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:17 pm
FTR counselor even the Harris campaign has updated the sight and is no longer referring to Walz as a " retired command sergeant major " they must not have sent you an email. Perhaps maybe the Harris campaign is engaging in swift boat slime too.
Old website: Walz is "the son of an Army veteran and a retired command sergeant major...himself."

New website: Walz is "the son of an Army veteran who served as a command sergeant major."

So Walz was a CSM and served as a CSM at the time of his retirement. But he is not a "retired CSM"...?

Seriously? That's your entire point?

I cannot believe a veteran would sink this low. What is wrong with you?
People that suck on America’s titties for most of their life care about that level of minutiae….

I am always amazed that military types refuse to recognize that they are welfare queens.
... they're republiCONS and Trump supporters, what do you expect? :roll: :roll:

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:02 am
by cradleandshoot
So the retired SM has now been reclassified as a " welfare queen " Oh my... :D

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:03 am
by MDlaxfan76
youthathletics wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:42 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 6:31 pm
youthathletics wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 5:14 pm Worth listening to latest SRS Podcast, how an active duty Naval Officer is fighting top brass in Navy over his name and death of a BUDS participant post Hell Week. It is riveting.
Not at all a fan of Shawn Ryan, much less many of his guests.
I definitely don't want to add to his YouTube count.

Summary of situation?

Is this relevant to this year's election?
Or more to the discussion re Tailhook, culture, etc?
Not surprised you are not a fan, you don’t seem too concerned about military men and women, their mental health, and struggles post military service, not to mention his entire intention to help this in the SOF community. Shooting the messenger before understating the message….carry on.
He provides a platform to pretty darn reprehensible conspiracy theorists and propagandists. I would not.

So, I repeat what I just said as well as the last time you posted about his podcast.

Not at all a fan of Shawn Ryan, much less many of his guests.
I definitely don't want to add to his YouTube count.

If there's something particularly relevant to some aspect of our discussion I'll pay attention to what you have to say about it. does it?

However, I find your comment pretty darn offensive, as I've previously shared that my family has lost a 26 year old young man who experienced head traumas in the military and died of an opiod overdose. I've also shared that I have multiple young men who I coached, friends of my son, who have gone
into military service. One is a SEAL who was recently in Africa, now in the Arctic last we heard. I have personal reasons to be "concerned".

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am
by DMac
No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:24 am
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:52 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 5:05 pm So, do you accept that the abuse was real and rampant at Tailhook, involving a very large number of officers ("miscreants"), and according to many, many women?

Apparently, 40 naval and marine officers were disciplined, but none went to jail...and as you say the investigation was "bungled" and "failed to identify most of the miscreants".

So, a very large group of officers were involved in what is a pretty darn disgusting behavior, including assault, and yet none go to jail. And the "investigation" is bungled, read cover-up...

And your issue is that the person who broke the silence, initially within chain of command, was essentially 'asking for it'? should not have put herself in a position to be abused, nor evidently should have the other women? They didn't belong there?

Or do you accept that was a reprehensible disgusting situation in which a culture was actually exposed as reality?

I get it that you deeply respected the Admiral who you say gave 'sound advice' and you say was "one of finest officers I ever worked for". And that he and other "fine officers" had damaged careers as a result of their roles, large or small, in this culture, the "bungled" investigation...etc. You experienced these men as a fellow male officer and in respect to their performance relative to you and men like you, so I understand that your lens was limited to that arena...assuming you didn't observe or participate in other abuse of women contemporaneously to Tailhook or before.

I get that you respected these guys....but did you respect that culture that gave rise to rampant misogynistic and sexist and sexual abuse?

Can you understand that the discussion we were having about the bureaucratic, hierarchical, chain of command culture we were having re Walz, with its advantages at times in organizing around warfare, also implicates a responsibility of the leaders for the actions of their subordinates?
Good grief.I'm trying to tell you what happened & how & why it played out as it did. Of course it was sexual abuse/assault & unacceptable/deplorable behavior by the miscreants & inadequate supervision by some of the immediate superiors of the miscreants.
The other women/victims did not know what they were walking into at the Hilton. Paula did, but she thought that because she was a fellow Naval Aviator that she would not be at risk. She thought she was one of the guys. She had partied with many of them. That's not asking for it or blaming the victim. That"s a lack of situational awareness. It's risk assessment. Right or wrong is not at issue. What happened to her was wrong. It was like flying into a thunderstorm. I'm not excusing the frat boy behavior of a bunch of victorious warriors just home from extended combat deployments. She could have avoided exposing herself to a dangerous situation. She could have had a promising career. Professionally, career wise, she was in the right place at the right time. By jumping the chain of command & going public, she destroyed any chance of ever being trusted by her peers or being accepted in a ready room or wardroom. The publicity caused all the guys to clam up & stonewall, even the innocent ones who feared being punished for just attending the convention. It reduced the chances of identifying the miscreants. It generated so much heat, it made NIS's job impossible. It brought the Wash Post to Pax River. Gumshoe reporter George Wilson camped out in the BOQ bar. It generated a side show that distracted from the investigation. Meanwhile, the miscreants were back in CA, FL & VA, dodging NIS. She should have stayed in Pax River, maintained her anonymity as a sexual abuse victim while cooperating with NIS, & trusted her command to protect her from the blowback. She had options in Pax River that would have kept her flying & prepped her for going back to a fleet squadron, but she chose to go to DC , go public & try to swim in that maelstrom. Her decision, ignoring the advice of officers trying to protect her, ruined her life & future, enabled the miscreants to skate, produced a purge that ruined the careers of officers who had nothing to do with what went on in Vegas & drove even more of them out of the Navy. Jim Webb was right about the adverse impact. Tom Wolfe should have come back to Pax River & told this story too. The title would have been The Wrong Stuff.
Thank you for sharing your perspective.

But you clearly don't get it that this was a culture that preexisted Tailhook, both the "miscreant behavior" and the cover-up, the closing of ranks. It was rampant, not isolated. It was misogynistic and sexist, and with alcohol and scale it devolved to a huge amount of concentrated sexual abuse and assault. And then the public learned about it.

And yes, you are indeed "blaming the victim". "She thought she was one of the guys. She had partied with many of them. That's not asking for it or blaming the victim. That"s a lack of situational awareness. It's risk assessment." And then you blame her blowing the whistle (which was and would have been ignored) for why the "miscreants skated". Uh huh, it wasn't really the Navy's fault, it wasn't really the misogynistic and sexist culture's fault, it wasn't really the fault of the chain of was just the miscreants and a few immediate supervisors...

But you do understand that "By jumping the chain of command & going public, she destroyed any chance of ever being trusted by her peers or being accepted in a ready room or wardroom." You left out "by men", or really, "by misogynistic, sexist men".

But yeah, the issue was so large she "sacrificed her career" to address it when she lost confidence that the "chain of command" would do it. Instead, you blame the fact of the "stonewall" on the publicity her choice generated. Not on the culture to do so.

This is the cultural problem of "chain of command" I was referring to, this hyper attention to the bureaucratic progression of career and rules of command conformity. It has its positives, but it also has its negatives.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:32 am
by MDlaxfan76
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.
I assume this is in reference to a couple of other poster's retorts, not mine directly prior.

I think they're saying that about a particular sort of "military type" and referring that this "type" seems coalesced in the MAGA party.

It's hoisting them on their own petard rhetoric.

Same guys so angry about "welfare queens" and "commie socialists" don't recognize their own reliance or dependence on taxpayer choices, take those choices for granted, that they are entitled to such, wheearas others in society are not deserving of help.

I don't think they are referring to all or maybe not most "military types", but rather to a specific sort of mentality that some have adopted.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:42 am
by cradleandshoot
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:32 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.
I assume this is in reference to a couple of other poster's retorts, not mine directly prior.

I think they're saying that about a particular sort of "military type" and referring that this "type" seems coalesced in the MAGA party.

It's hoisting them on their own petard rhetoric.

Same guys so angry about "welfare queens" and "commie socialists" don't recognize their own reliance or dependence on taxpayer choices, take those choices for granted, that they are entitled to such, wheearas others in society are not deserving of help.

I don't think they are referring to all or maybe not most "military types", but rather to a specific sort of mentality that some have adopted.
You do a remarkable job of inserting your own conclusions into things that were never said or even implied. I suppose when some posters are obtuse as to what they are trying to express your assistance in doing so is much appreciated. ;)

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:50 am
by MDlaxfan76
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:42 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:32 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.
I assume this is in reference to a couple of other poster's retorts, not mine directly prior.

I think they're saying that about a particular sort of "military type" and referring that this "type" seems coalesced in the MAGA party.

It's hoisting them on their own petard rhetoric.

Same guys so angry about "welfare queens" and "commie socialists" don't recognize their own reliance or dependence on taxpayer choices, take those choices for granted, that they are entitled to such, wheearas others in society are not deserving of help.

I don't think they are referring to all or maybe not most "military types", but rather to a specific sort of mentality that some have adopted.
You do a remarkable job of inserting your own conclusions into things that were never said or even implied. I suppose when some posters are obtuse as to what they are trying to express your assistance in doing so is much appreciated. ;)
I may be wrong and they're free to correct me, but based on context and their prior posting, I think my interpretation is likely pretty close.

But hey, maybe they really do think all military people are welfare queen whiners and they're also all Trump supporters. They'd be wrong.

But I'll put my money on you being wrong... ;)

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:55 am
by cradleandshoot
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:50 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:42 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:32 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.
I assume this is in reference to a couple of other poster's retorts, not mine directly prior.

I think they're saying that about a particular sort of "military type" and referring that this "type" seems coalesced in the MAGA party.

It's hoisting them on their own petard rhetoric.

Same guys so angry about "welfare queens" and "commie socialists" don't recognize their own reliance or dependence on taxpayer choices, take those choices for granted, that they are entitled to such, wheearas others in society are not deserving of help.

I don't think they are referring to all or maybe not most "military types", but rather to a specific sort of mentality that some have adopted.
You do a remarkable job of inserting your own conclusions into things that were never said or even implied. I suppose when some posters are obtuse as to what they are trying to express your assistance in doing so is much appreciated. ;)
I may be wrong and they're free to correct me, but based on context and their prior posting, I think my interpretation is likely pretty close.

But hey, maybe they really do think all military people are welfare queen whiners and they're also all Trump supporters. They'd be wrong.

But I'll put my money on you being wrong... ;)
I thought you didn't gamble? ;) I have to be a bona fide welfare queen. Tomorrow my social security check hits the bank. Now that is true blue welfare indeedy.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:55 am
by MDlaxfan76
I have previously, at some length, critiqued JD Vance's resume as some sort of successful business person.

This article just got posted: ... index.html

Let me first say that the process of VC involves lots of failures among a few successes and single examples of such failure do not mean that the ideas were fundamentally bad, so unfair to take a single example and assume bad investment process.

But this one appears to be more about execution and oversight, a management and Board issue, more than a bad idea...JD was very involved, despite his protestations that he didn't know what was happening...

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:01 am
by MDlaxfan76
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:55 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:50 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:42 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:32 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.
I assume this is in reference to a couple of other poster's retorts, not mine directly prior.

I think they're saying that about a particular sort of "military type" and referring that this "type" seems coalesced in the MAGA party.

It's hoisting them on their own petard rhetoric.

Same guys so angry about "welfare queens" and "commie socialists" don't recognize their own reliance or dependence on taxpayer choices, take those choices for granted, that they are entitled to such, wheearas others in society are not deserving of help.

I don't think they are referring to all or maybe not most "military types", but rather to a specific sort of mentality that some have adopted.
You do a remarkable job of inserting your own conclusions into things that were never said or even implied. I suppose when some posters are obtuse as to what they are trying to express your assistance in doing so is much appreciated. ;)
I may be wrong and they're free to correct me, but based on context and their prior posting, I think my interpretation is likely pretty close.

But hey, maybe they really do think all military people are welfare queen whiners and they're also all Trump supporters. They'd be wrong.

But I'll put my money on you being wrong... ;)
I thought you didn't gamble? ;) I have to be a bona fide welfare queen. Tomorrow my social security check hits the bank. Now that is true blue welfare indeedy.
Yup, you and me both. Social Security and Medicare.
My wife just celebrated her Medicare birthday too...a good friend called to congratulate her on her now being on Medicare with those of us who've been on a year or so...

:D I bet a quarter or a dollar on Gilman vs McDonogh, a quarter or a dollar on a squash game, a quarter per box in cards...
I'll bet a quarter or a dollar I'm right and your'e wrong on this one.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:15 am
by DMac
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:32 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.
I assume this is in reference to a couple of other poster's retorts, not mine directly prior.

I think they're saying that about a particular sort of "military type" and referring that this "type" seems coalesced in the MAGA party.

It's hoisting them on their own petard rhetoric.

Same guys so angry about "welfare queens" and "commie socialists" don't recognize their own reliance or dependence on taxpayer choices, take those choices for granted, that they are entitled to such, wheearas others in society are not deserving of help.

I don't think they are referring to all or maybe not most "military types", but rather to a specific sort of mentality that some have adopted.
Not directed at you, to this:
I am always amazed that military types refuse to recognize that they are welfare queens.
That's pretty clear. I always felt as I had earned my pay, pittance that it was. Again, this just confirms my belief.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:18 am
by cradleandshoot
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:01 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:55 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:50 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:42 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:32 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.
I assume this is in reference to a couple of other poster's retorts, not mine directly prior.

I think they're saying that about a particular sort of "military type" and referring that this "type" seems coalesced in the MAGA party.

It's hoisting them on their own petard rhetoric.

Same guys so angry about "welfare queens" and "commie socialists" don't recognize their own reliance or dependence on taxpayer choices, take those choices for granted, that they are entitled to such, wheearas others in society are not deserving of help.

I don't think they are referring to all or maybe not most "military types", but rather to a specific sort of mentality that some have adopted.
You do a remarkable job of inserting your own conclusions into things that were never said or even implied. I suppose when some posters are obtuse as to what they are trying to express your assistance in doing so is much appreciated. ;)
I may be wrong and they're free to correct me, but based on context and their prior posting, I think my interpretation is likely pretty close.

But hey, maybe they really do think all military people are welfare queen whiners and they're also all Trump supporters. They'd be wrong.

But I'll put my money on you being wrong... ;)
I thought you didn't gamble? ;) I have to be a bona fide welfare queen. Tomorrow my social security check hits the bank. Now that is true blue welfare indeedy.
Yup, you and me both. Social Security and Medicare.
My wife just celebrated her Medicare birthday too...a good friend called to congratulate her on her now being on Medicare with those of us who've been on a year or so...

:D I bet a quarter or a dollar on Gilman vs McDonogh, a quarter or a dollar on a squash game, a quarter per box in cards...
I'll bet a quarter or a dollar I'm right and your'e wrong on this one.
My wife retired last week after 44 years of being a nurse. She won't get her first social security check until October. She is still working one day a week per diem. If she took her check for August it would have put her in the social security sin bin. She would have made more money than social security allows. We just learned the hard way how complicated the rules are if your not full retirement age. I'll take you up on your bet for a quarter. I have a feeling your conclusion will be verified 100%.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:21 am
by cradleandshoot
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:15 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:32 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.
I assume this is in reference to a couple of other poster's retorts, not mine directly prior.

I think they're saying that about a particular sort of "military type" and referring that this "type" seems coalesced in the MAGA party.

It's hoisting them on their own petard rhetoric.

Same guys so angry about "welfare queens" and "commie socialists" don't recognize their own reliance or dependence on taxpayer choices, take those choices for granted, that they are entitled to such, wheearas others in society are not deserving of help.

I don't think they are referring to all or maybe not most "military types", but rather to a specific sort of mentality that some have adopted.
Not directed at you, to this:
I am always amazed that military types refuse to recognize that they are welfare queens.
That's pretty clear. I always felt as I had earned my pay, pittance that it was. Again, this just confirms my belief.
Anyone that has ever slogged their way through basic training or boot camp has earned every single bit of that pittance.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:30 am
by MDlaxfan76
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:15 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:32 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.
I assume this is in reference to a couple of other poster's retorts, not mine directly prior.

I think they're saying that about a particular sort of "military type" and referring that this "type" seems coalesced in the MAGA party.

It's hoisting them on their own petard rhetoric.

Same guys so angry about "welfare queens" and "commie socialists" don't recognize their own reliance or dependence on taxpayer choices, take those choices for granted, that they are entitled to such, wheearas others in society are not deserving of help.

I don't think they are referring to all or maybe not most "military types", but rather to a specific sort of mentality that some have adopted.
Not directed at you, to this:
I am always amazed that military types refuse to recognize that they are welfare queens.
That's pretty clear. I always felt as I had earned my pay, pittance that it was. Again, this just confirms my belief.
I would have said "some" as in "some military types". I just suspect that was meant, they can clarify. That would have been arguably accurate and not lumped others into this whiner hypocrite status.

Pay is earned as promised.
And as a taxpayer I'm in favor of such compensation being ample, and particularly concerned with supporting those who have served and suffered any sort of trauma. Same for their families. We need to attract and keep good people in service.

I have a brother in law who is technically considered a veteran despite not finishing a single year at a service academy. When he calls himself a veteran, I cringe. When he gets a $500,000 mortgage for full value of a new home that he really can't afford, based on that status, I'm glad for him (and glad he's no longer going to be in my basement), but...

When he talks about welfare queens...personal accountability...

It's the hypocrisy that I object to strongly.
He's 'on the spectrum', thus some of his issues, so I do have some empathy for him...and I love my wife...

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:37 am
by MDlaxfan76
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:18 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:01 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:55 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:50 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:42 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:32 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.
I assume this is in reference to a couple of other poster's retorts, not mine directly prior.

I think they're saying that about a particular sort of "military type" and referring that this "type" seems coalesced in the MAGA party.

It's hoisting them on their own petard rhetoric.

Same guys so angry about "welfare queens" and "commie socialists" don't recognize their own reliance or dependence on taxpayer choices, take those choices for granted, that they are entitled to such, wheearas others in society are not deserving of help.

I don't think they are referring to all or maybe not most "military types", but rather to a specific sort of mentality that some have adopted.
You do a remarkable job of inserting your own conclusions into things that were never said or even implied. I suppose when some posters are obtuse as to what they are trying to express your assistance in doing so is much appreciated. ;)
I may be wrong and they're free to correct me, but based on context and their prior posting, I think my interpretation is likely pretty close.

But hey, maybe they really do think all military people are welfare queen whiners and they're also all Trump supporters. They'd be wrong.

But I'll put my money on you being wrong... ;)
I thought you didn't gamble? ;) I have to be a bona fide welfare queen. Tomorrow my social security check hits the bank. Now that is true blue welfare indeedy.
Yup, you and me both. Social Security and Medicare.
My wife just celebrated her Medicare birthday too...a good friend called to congratulate her on her now being on Medicare with those of us who've been on a year or so...

:D I bet a quarter or a dollar on Gilman vs McDonogh, a quarter or a dollar on a squash game, a quarter per box in cards...
I'll bet a quarter or a dollar I'm right and your'e wrong on this one.
My wife retired last week after 44 years of being a nurse. She won't get her first social security check until October. She is still working one day a week per diem. If she took her check for August it would have put her in the social security sin bin. She would have made more money than social security allows. We just learned the hard way how complicated the rules are if your not full retirement age. I'll take you up on your bet for a quarter. I have a feeling your conclusion will be verified 100%.
Yes, taking social security prior to retirement age is very costly to taxpayers given same expected lifespan and wasn't the point of the program, thus you get less per year. And subject to actually being retired. On the flip side, once you reach retirement age, there's no restriction on still working if you'd like.

Was your wife eligible for a pension? That used to be a major part of retirement strategy, getting to the point of pension eligibility. Still quite effective in government jobs if managed well. Some companies are still doing it.

As my wife and I have spent our lives primarily in entrepreneurial endeavors, pensions were never part of the strategy, just personal savings strategies.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:38 am
by cradleandshoot
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:30 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:15 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:32 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.
I assume this is in reference to a couple of other poster's retorts, not mine directly prior.

I think they're saying that about a particular sort of "military type" and referring that this "type" seems coalesced in the MAGA party.

It's hoisting them on their own petard rhetoric.

Same guys so angry about "welfare queens" and "commie socialists" don't recognize their own reliance or dependence on taxpayer choices, take those choices for granted, that they are entitled to such, wheearas others in society are not deserving of help.

I don't think they are referring to all or maybe not most "military types", but rather to a specific sort of mentality that some have adopted.
Not directed at you, to this:
I am always amazed that military types refuse to recognize that they are welfare queens.
That's pretty clear. I always felt as I had earned my pay, pittance that it was. Again, this just confirms my belief.
I would have said "some" as in "some military types". I just suspect that was meant, they can clarify. That would have been arguably accurate and not lumped others into this whiner hypocrite status.

Pay is earned as promised.
And as a taxpayer I'm in favor of such compensation being ample, and particularly concerned with supporting those who have served and suffered any sort of trauma. Same for their families. We need to attract and keep good people in service.

I have a brother in law who is technically considered a veteran despite not finishing a single year at a service academy. When he calls himself a veteran, I cringe. When he gets a $500,000 mortgage for full value of a new home that he really can't afford, based on that status, I'm glad for him (and glad he's no longer going to be in my basement), but...

When he talks about welfare queens...personal accountability...

It's the hypocrisy that I object to strongly.
He's 'on the spectrum', thus some of his issues, so I do have some empathy for him...and I love my wife...
It seems like you finally got rid of one big headache. :D

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:45 am
by MDlaxfan76
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:38 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:30 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:15 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:32 am
DMac wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:15 am No, they're not all republicans.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs, fellas. Have mentioned before that I'm not too fond of the thank you for your service line you get from a lot of people when they find out you were/are in the service. I've always felt that the majority of them say it because they feel as if they're kind of supposed to say that for whatever reason and there's zero sincerity in their words. Exhibit A can be seen here. I hope you're never saying that to military people, just let them know you're one of their welfare contributors instead.
I assume this is in reference to a couple of other poster's retorts, not mine directly prior.

I think they're saying that about a particular sort of "military type" and referring that this "type" seems coalesced in the MAGA party.

It's hoisting them on their own petard rhetoric.

Same guys so angry about "welfare queens" and "commie socialists" don't recognize their own reliance or dependence on taxpayer choices, take those choices for granted, that they are entitled to such, wheearas others in society are not deserving of help.

I don't think they are referring to all or maybe not most "military types", but rather to a specific sort of mentality that some have adopted.
Not directed at you, to this:
I am always amazed that military types refuse to recognize that they are welfare queens.
That's pretty clear. I always felt as I had earned my pay, pittance that it was. Again, this just confirms my belief.
I would have said "some" as in "some military types". I just suspect that was meant, they can clarify. That would have been arguably accurate and not lumped others into this whiner hypocrite status.

Pay is earned as promised.
And as a taxpayer I'm in favor of such compensation being ample, and particularly concerned with supporting those who have served and suffered any sort of trauma. Same for their families. We need to attract and keep good people in service.

I have a brother in law who is technically considered a veteran despite not finishing a single year at a service academy. When he calls himself a veteran, I cringe. When he gets a $500,000 mortgage for full value of a new home that he really can't afford, based on that status, I'm glad for him (and glad he's no longer going to be in my basement), but...

When he talks about welfare queens...personal accountability...

It's the hypocrisy that I object to strongly.
He's 'on the spectrum', thus some of his issues, so I do have some empathy for him...and I love my wife...
It seems like you finally got rid of one big headache. :D
Yes, at least not in my basement.

Not entirely, my wife feels very strongly about continuing to try to get his life in better order, particularly financially and will spend some energy on that; one of his problems is immense procrastination, simply opening mail is beyond him most of the time, so his issues pile up...he's actually a very nice person at his core, when he isn't going off on some emotional or political rant, which can swiftly get quite ugly. With never an apology. Again, on the spectrum...brilliant in math/computer science, but...difficult challenge.