Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

The Chinese don't need to wait for David Ignatuis to report the transcripts of Trump's phone calls. They can cx their Wash Post subscription.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

Please tell me that you think this is bad, RR.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

It depends on what Trump tells his friends via his Iphone-- whether or not it's classified.
The NYT terms it as gossip, not classified intel, not official business.
It's probably like watching re-runs of the Apprentice.
For valuable insights, they can monitor Morning Joe.
Remember Frau Merkel's cell phone.
It was ok for HRC to email via her private server for personal, non-govt communications.
(you know, those 30,000 she deleted)

I'd be worried if they were bugging Kelly or Mattis.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: It was ok for HRC to email via her private server for personal, non-govt communications.
(you know, those 30,000 she deleted)
RIght. You didn't believe her, and neither did I.

So what would make you think Trump isn't doing the same thing, and making us vulnerable?
old salt wrote:I'd be worried if they were bugging Kelly or Mattis.
Who says they aren't? ;)
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »

A day in the life of a Trump supporter. He does or says off-the-wall stuff and...meh, no biggie.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »


"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Trinity »

General Mark Hertling says any officer worth his salt would be thrilled to listen to his opponent blather to friends and would make good use of it.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by youthathletics »

In a huge surprise, the Chinese are listening to Trump’s unsecured I-phone and infiltrating his friends and advisors. NYT has the story. Yeah, Trump’s a different breed alright.
His rebuttal this morning on Twitter:

The so-called experts on Trump over at the New York Times wrote a long and boring article on my cellphone usage that is so incorrect I do not have time here to correct it. I only use Government Phones, and have only one seldom used government cell phone. Story is soooo wrong!
6:54 AM - 25 Oct 2018
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Trinity »

He’s lying, is my guess. Based upon prior experience. If he could prove the story wrong, he would do it loudly.

Furthermore, the Saudis now admitting the killing of Khashoggi was premeditated murder. We’ve come a long way from He left the building, you can see him on your security cameras.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Bandito »

dislaxxic wrote:#MAGAbomber


Is there any proof a MAGA supporter did this? This is how stupid Democrats and TDS'ers are. They are so wanting this to hurt Republicans and Trump but this was, just like the Kavanaugh fiasco- in which Dems lied to frame an innocent man, they doing the same now with these #FalseFlag bomb threats. Republicans don't have a history of doing this. No Republican politician has ever called for vioence against Democrats. Just recently, numerous Democrat pols have called for violence against Republicans.

1. Saul Alinsky onced urged leftists to dress up as Klansmen and go to GOP events and cheer wildly. The media, he said, would jump at the chance to publicize the fake smear. This is what is happening. Blaming Rs for these threats, where in reality it was all a set up to make them look bad.

2. Maxine Waters called for violence against R's and R pols

3. Eric Holder said "kick them"

4. Hillary Clinton: "We cannot be civil"

5. Soros finances groups that finance Antifa- the thug arm of the Democrat Party

6. CNN- Said Antifa uses terrorism for good

7. Bernie Sanders supporter shot and nearly killed Rep. Steve Scalise

8. Rand Paul was attacked by a left wing nut job

I have more examples if needed, but as you can see, thuggery and attacking those they don't agree with is a Democrat tactic meant to frame Republicans.

The Kav lies failed. The Caravan failed. And now these bomb threats in trying to frame it on MAGA has failed.

Democrats are the most evil people and a major threat to our Constitutional Republic.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by foreverlax »

Trump can be the hero in this political bombing spate
by Washington Examiner
| October 24, 2018 02:24 PM
Some person or people have mailed bombs to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and, most recently, to CNN's New York headquarters. President Trump has a duty to strongly and repeatedly condemn the attacks.

Forceful words on this from Trump would be a concrete step towards healing our gaping political divides.

Trump, however, could do some good by repeatedly condemning these attempted bombings, and political violence in general.

Such statements, not merely a retweet, would send a clear message of unity against physical attacks and reiterate that the president and Republicans are not, as some have alleged, advocating violence.

Here, the medium matters. Twitter, for all of the media’s love, is not a main source of news or constant attention for most citizens. Moreover, although it might seem like a small point, there is a difference in a retweet versus a clear statement from the president himself.

Trump would do well to make a message against the bombings and political violence a central theme of his popular rallies. Then, in more than the 280 characters of a tweet, he could offer the strong condemnation needed from the leader of the free world at a time when journalists and political actors abroad are facing increasingly violent responses from authoritarian leaders.
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Post by runrussellrun »

Hey Bart Simpson, the tax cheat. SInce YOU posted the links to the nytimes, etc. about tRumps "criminal" tax evasions and scams on THIS thread, will you finally answer about YOUR lacrosse Reffing fees and whether you declare them as income? Your continual refusal to troll and NOT answer is affirmation that you are NO different than Donald when it comes to cheating on income taxes. Just at a much, much, MUCH smaller dollar amount.

King TROLL. Can't wait for another LINK post :roll: :roll:
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote:We are talking past each other.
Yes. This is far easier to discuss over beers. For my part in the misunderstanding, I apologize.
youthathletics wrote:Your reply assumes that operating costs of each and everything in the Fed is staying the same price or going up, not taking into account operating costs are reducing. For instance, our company has saved the State Department millions of dollars "globally" in a very small niche market, enough so, that their ROI was ~2-3 years. For instance....If I walked into your business and sold you UV curing lamps that could dry your ink and glue immediately, provide gear reduction and variable speed control on your machinery to speed up your assembly line at lower operating costs, find a way so you could be more productive at night when your electrical peak charge is much lower, etc, etc...You would be inclined to expand your business sq/ft and more than likely be able to increase your margins....which makes you wealthier. So that means should you re-invest, you are buying more products (think your consumption tax), services, hiring, etc. And you may find that if you lower costs now that you can increase your volume without comprising quality you may even lower you prices to capture more of the market.
Are operating costs reducing? You've forgotten something. Something everyone who talks about reducing the size of government forgets.

2000: 282,200,000
2017: 325,700,000

What do those number represent? In just 18 years, we added roughly 43 million people. In just 18 years, we have added the population of Spain. Chew on that. Think about how hard it is to manage that. Now add in these ass-clown tax policies where fewer and fewer people and entities are mucking in to keep the lights on. It's unsustainable. Hell, the R's are talking about more cuts.

The reason I hate these cuts is twofold. One, Americans are getting free crap and not paying for it. This is fundamentally wrong, because who picks up the tab? Our kids. This is disgusting to me.

Example? My dad worked in construction over summers to pay for tuition at Syracuse. Now what job do you suppose a 20 year old can work to afford the $54K tuition at Syracuse here in 2018? That. The Boomers have kicked the ladder out from their grandkids by taking all government funding, and funneling it to their Health Care. It makes me sick, frankly.

Tax cuts of any kind make these issues that much worse. We're screwing our kids out of their future. Infrastructure? Investment in education? Screw that! I want to a piddly tax cut so I can go to Chili's a few more times this year.
youthathletics wrote:I am simply identifying with those (myself included) that would benefit from a tax cut.
And I'm identifying with your kids. Do you WANT a tax cut? Or do you NEED a tax cut? Exactly.
youthathletics wrote:If for some reason things begin to get too far out of whack, taxes will simply be raised to balance things out......just like they always have.
Buffalo bagels. We're paying half the effective tax rate we were just 18 years ago. We haven't raised Federal taxes in any meaningful way since before Clinton was spending quality time with Monica. Sound smart to you?

Want me to show you the charts again? You think it's sustainable for 1/2 the nation to not pay income taxes? Or half of all corporations to not pay direct Federal tax?

Your issue with me on this subject is that I'm right. You know that we're not acting like grown ups. Do you tell your youth laxers to not worry about getting a good job, because you can simply borrow money to pay for the luxuries they don't need? Of course not. And there you have it.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by foreverlax »

Frontline nailed another one - we have a looming nightmare concerning state and local pensions.

These promises will be kept....where are these unfunded trillions, in both red and blue states, going to come from??

Higher taxes, not in red states.....budget cuts, laughable.

Or will default by states will force the feds to step in via the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
PBGC is not funded by general tax revenues. Its funds come from four sources:

- Insurance premiums paid by sponsors of defined benefit pension plans;
- Assets held by the pension plans it takes over;
- Recoveries of unfunded pension liabilities from plan sponsors' bankruptcy estates;[a] and

Investment income.
PBGC pays monthly retirement benefits to approximately 826,000 retirees of 4,700 terminated defined benefit pension plans. Including those who have not yet retired and participants in multiemployer plans receiving financial assistance, PBGC is responsible for the current and future pensions of about 1.5 million people.[5]
In fiscal year 2015, PBGC paid $5.6 billion in benefits to participants of failed single-employer pension plans. That year, 69 single-employer pension plans failed. PBGC paid $103 million in financial assistance to 57 multiemployer pension plans. The agency's deficit increased to $76 billion. It has a total of $164 billion in obligations and $88 billion in assets
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by jhu72 »

youthathletics wrote:
In a huge surprise, the Chinese are listening to Trump’s unsecured I-phone and infiltrating his friends and advisors. NYT has the story. Yeah, Trump’s a different breed alright.
His rebuttal this morning on Twitter:

The so-called experts on Trump over at the New York Times wrote a long and boring article on my cellphone usage that is so incorrect I do not have time here to correct it. I only use Government Phones, and have only one seldom used government cell phone. Story is soooo wrong!
6:54 AM - 25 Oct 2018

Obvious lie!
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by jhu72 »

Trinity wrote:General Mark Hertling says any officer worth his salt would be thrilled to listen to his opponent blather to friends and would make good use of it.
This doesn't apply to Hair Furor.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

foreverlax wrote:Frontline nailed another one - we have a looming nightmare concerning state and local pensions.

These promises will be kept....where are these unfunded trillions, in both red and blue states, going to come from??

Higher taxes, not in red states.....budget cuts, laughable.

Or will default by states will force the feds to step in via the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
PBGC is not funded by general tax revenues. Its funds come from four sources:

- Insurance premiums paid by sponsors of defined benefit pension plans;
- Assets held by the pension plans it takes over;
- Recoveries of unfunded pension liabilities from plan sponsors' bankruptcy estates;[a] and

Investment income.
PBGC pays monthly retirement benefits to approximately 826,000 retirees of 4,700 terminated defined benefit pension plans. Including those who have not yet retired and participants in multiemployer plans receiving financial assistance, PBGC is responsible for the current and future pensions of about 1.5 million people.[5]
In fiscal year 2015, PBGC paid $5.6 billion in benefits to participants of failed single-employer pension plans. That year, 69 single-employer pension plans failed. PBGC paid $103 million in financial assistance to 57 multiemployer pension plans. The agency's deficit increased to $76 billion. It has a total of $164 billion in obligations and $88 billion in assets
I don't believe the PBGC is obligated to pay the full amount to every pensioner.
I think the reduction in payment amount can be significant for large payments.
It's a way to give wealthier pensioners a "haircut" & reduce the total pension obligation.
e.g. airline pilots I know took a substantial haircut when their airlines went bankrupt & the PBGC took over their pensions. ... t-pensions

IMHO -- extension & adaptation of the PBGC methodology is the best way to deal with this looming problem.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by foreverlax »

Hair cut it anyway you wish - pay them 30% of face value and you are only on the hook for a few trillion.

Same as it ever was is not going to fix this.....
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

foreverlax wrote:Hair cut it anyway you wish - pay them 30% of face value and you are only on the hook for a few trillion.

Same as it ever was is not going to fix this.....

This is a huge problem.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by foreverlax »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
foreverlax wrote:Hair cut it anyway you wish - pay them 30% of face value and you are only on the hook for a few trillion.

Same as it ever was is not going to fix this.....

This is a huge problem.
The issue is much larger for State and Local vs Corp, since corp have pretty much terminated their DB plans.....Teachers, cops, fireman, as well as the rest of .state that are in a DB system are the ones who are likely getting screwed.
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