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Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 5:53 pm
by Drcthru
Carol Baldwin is from and now lives in, or near, Syracuse. The Baldwin family summered in the area frequently.

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:11 pm
by tech37
Drcthru wrote: Sat Apr 18, 2020 5:53 pm Carol Baldwin is from and now lives in, or near, Syracuse. The Baldwin family summered in the area frequently.
Thank you cthru...I stand corrected!

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:12 am
by Laxgunea
With last year's low enrollment, this years COVID crisis, and the 2024 demographic cliff on the horizon, I don't think we could pay near what Greg would get elsewhere. The financial situation is very poor. I don't think the new Pres has had any chance to raise money ... she has so far just been solving probs she inherited from the last 5 years.

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:00 am
by Farfromgeneva
We’re not allowed to open the kimono about HWS here as I was beat up for previously.

(Cough cough, wasted dough in performing arts center, non funded rebuild of Boswell, Gearan inability to even ask for money for two decades a bigger flaw of his tenure than ever acknowledged. Figure $200mm is down to $170-$180mm currently in endowment whereas Vassar has over $1Bn, Union is greater than double us and even SLU has blown past us, were half what we need for long term viability)

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:35 pm
by Bartman
For some of the fans of Hobart lacrosse(and sports in general) and alums, an update from a mostly empty campus is that the new administration is doing a great job under difficult conditions...the transition to distance learning cost very little as our IT was ready for the contingency challenge and the faculty , for the most part, adapted very quickly . While we may not have the endowment that other schools have like Union and Vassar, we have done very well with what we have and the student experience has shown that with improvements to retention in the last few years. Deposits for the Fall 2020 are up from last year which is not the case for many other colleges. This will be a very challenging year for every college , university, business and family and while every LaxPower board participant has every right to exercise your first amendment rights and criticize HWS, I really don't understand why you choose this difficult time and this forum to do so...

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:49 pm
by Farfromgeneva
Because I care about the place. I know you are a BOT member but ignoring problems is what has led to this point where we are at now. Too much patting themselves on the back, over-reliance on constituents within a 1-2hr radius at the expense of the growing base that’s actually gone further in the world, oversized board that drowns out really conversations.

Or because Casey Peterson begged me to make a donation to “name a locker” to pay for Hanna’s inability to actually fund the renovation 5-6yrs ago shortly after my dad died only to have to taken down within 3yrs. And this was after the new locker room was built. I’ve talked to Jared W about this and it’s on the best day mismanagement, being less kind shitting on an alumnus’ face. One who’d given every year since graduating and in a cohort that included the last 3yrs of the Dick Hersh era who’s in prime earnings phase of life now and gives at a rate that would embarrass any college.

And yet I still care while coach Cragg was left to twist in the wind and should’ve been the new AD if there was any justice in the world. Hanna lasted a decade longer than he should’ve because of his service to the school and then Cragg gets treated like a red headed step child.

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:00 pm
by Ketch
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:49 pm Because I care about the place. I know you are a BOT member but ignoring problems is what has led to this point where we are at now. Too much patting themselves on the back, over-reliance on constituents within a 1-2hr radius at the expense of the growing base that’s actually gone further in the world, oversized board that drowns out really conversations.

Or because Casey Peterson begged me to make a donation to “name a locker” to pay for Hanna’s inability to actually fund the renovation 5-6yrs ago shortly after my dad died only to have to taken down within 3yrs. And this was after the new locker room was built. I’ve talked to Jared W about this and it’s on the best day mismanagement, being less kind shitting on an alumnus’ face. One who’d given every year since graduating and in a cohort that included the last 3yrs of the Dick Hersh era who’s in prime earnings phase of life now and gives at a rate that would embarrass any college.

And yet I still care while coach Cragg was left to twist in the wind and should’ve been the new AD if there was any justice in the world. Hanna lasted a decade longer than he should’ve because of his service to the school and then Cragg gets treated like a red headed step child.
I loved the Austin Powers movies, so I’ll quote: “What’s the point, Vanessa?”

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:19 pm
by Farfromgeneva
I know your opinion but maybe you didn’t read the comment about not affording Raymond which started this. Whatever. I’m done with this. Tired of local fools who mismanage the institution I care about. Let it die with the 25% of NE liberal arts colleges that are expected to fail in the next two decades.

At least Harper College has a a Dicks Picks. All we will be left with is the legacy of Tommy the Traveler.

So sick of local alums who think they matter more because they chose or disnt have a good option to leave. Exactly what’s gotten the school to this point of being at risk. Quoting Austin Powers too. What’s that, 25yrs old now and yet not even a classic movie

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:20 pm
by FMUBart
Bartman wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:35 pm For some of the fans of Hobart lacrosse(and sports in general) and alums, an update from a mostly empty campus is that the new administration is doing a great job under difficult conditions...the transition to distance learning cost very little as our IT was ready for the contingency challenge and the faculty , for the most part, adapted very quickly . While we may not have the endowment that other schools have like Union and Vassar, we have done very well with what we have and the student experience has shown that with improvements to retention in the last few years. Deposits for the Fall 2020 are up from last year which is not the case for many other colleges. This will be a very challenging year for every college , university, business and family and while every LaxPower board participant has every right to exercise your first amendment rights and criticize HWS, I really don't understand why you choose this difficult time and this forum to do so...
Syracuse just cut faculty pay by 10%...Hobart should do likewise. Enough of the limited office hours and sabbaticals. Pres Vincent tried to reel in the entitled faculty and got forced out---now is a perfect time for wage cut..

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:46 pm
by GeneralBart
There is new podcast with Greg Raymond and Ted Baker on the Hobart lacrosse website dated 6/18. No discussion of the Hopkins job, but interesting discussion of the complexities of dealing with the additional year of eligibility granted to all players. Also, it sounds as though it is not a done deal that all seniors are leaving.

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:44 pm
by Laxgunea
FMUBart wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:20 pm
Bartman wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:35 pm For some of the fans of Hobart lacrosse(and sports in general) and alums, an update from a mostly empty campus is that the new administration is doing a great job under difficult conditions...the transition to distance learning cost very little as our IT was ready for the contingency challenge and the faculty , for the most part, adapted very quickly . While we may not have the endowment that other schools have like Union and Vassar, we have done very well with what we have and the student experience has shown that with improvements to retention in the last few years. Deposits for the Fall 2020 are up from last year which is not the case for many other colleges. This will be a very challenging year for every college , university, business and family and while every LaxPower board participant has every right to exercise your first amendment rights and criticize HWS, I really don't understand why you choose this difficult time and this forum to do so...
Syracuse just cut faculty pay by 10%...Hobart should do likewise. Enough of the limited office hours and sabbaticals. Pres Vincent tried to reel in the entitled faculty and got forced out---now is a perfect time for wage cut..
What the heck? Everything you said is wrong. Stick to lacrosse.
On Greg: I don't think we can match pay at JHU. Especially not now. But quality of life and cost of living, plus a friendly campus and town could keep him here anyway. The Hopkins thread has him in the mix.
I expect to see some seniors back, but (sorry) I am not sure it will be back to business as usual next year. Still have to see how the COVID situation plays out.

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:39 am
by FMUBart
Per the Syracuse paper, SU adminstrators and COACHES will get 10% pay cuts. Faculty & staff will get pay freezes(wonder if Hobart profs would accept that??). Don't think Greg can expect a 20 year run at JHU should he be selected...anyway, it appears--per IL--that Nadelen and Chemotti and possible Murphy are the finalists? Good news for us!!

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:00 pm
by FL-GO
Word from a pretty reliable source is Nads will end up as Hop coach. Raymond will get a look, as he should, but will be stunned if Nadalen isn’t picked and announced really soon.

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:10 pm
by catchnshoot
Colleagues son is a Middle at Hop
Tells me Raymond is not in the running , never really was .
Not a strong enough resume
Nads definitely front runner
Good for us

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 1:49 pm
by FMUBart
Sort of makes sense; Greg needs to make some more noise(i.e. post season success for the Statesmen) at Hobart. He sure has set us up for great things ahead! Love that he has recruited size and some Canadian finishers!

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 2:46 pm
by kmartin
Had word from a pretty reliable source that Greg is staying, which is great for us.

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:04 pm
by Laxgunea
Ithaca is close. I hope Greg doesn't throw in his hat there.

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:12 pm
by FMUBart
Laxgunea wrote: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:04 pm Ithaca is close. I hope Greg doesn't throw in his hat there.
No reason to take a pay cut to deal with the self-affected "pseudo" Ivy leaguers :lol:

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:38 am
by Laxgunea
:D Hey, don't make fun of a school started by a Hobart dropout! :lol:

Re: Hobart 2020

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:41 am
by FMUBart
I enjoyed teasing my Cornell friends with the line: "Did you graduate from the Ivy Cornell, or SUNY Cornell"...they were quick to point out that they're both Ivy degrees :?