Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Brooklyn »

Bandito wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:10 pm

I don’t see you complaining when FDR had a military parade during his third inauguration. #liberaldolt #hypocrite

As you say and as shown in the links, that wasn't the 4th of July. Glad to know you were around to celebrate it. Hopefully, you will not be too upset at the cost of your hero's self congratulatory celebration. But if the cost is too much, you can do as right wingers do and shout BLAME OBAMA!
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:50 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:51 pm we need to pause every decade or so &, as a nation, celebrate their service, with them. It doesn't matter who's CinC at the time. It does not need to be tied to a specific holiday or anniversary. imho.
Agree. But I'd think we can agree, that's not what this is tomorrow, right?
Too soon to know. See how much it's about Trump & how much it's about the troops.
You don't write the review before you see the play.

Let's see if the F-22's & F-35's take out the Baby Trump balloons.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot »

old salt wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:28 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:50 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:51 pm we need to pause every decade or so &, as a nation, celebrate their service, with them. It doesn't matter who's CinC at the time. It does not need to be tied to a specific holiday or anniversary. imho.
Agree. But I'd think we can agree, that's not what this is tomorrow, right?
Too soon to know. See how much it's about Trump & how much it's about the troops.
You don't write the review before you see the play.

Let's see if the F-22's & F-35's take out the Baby Trump balloons.
To hell with the Trump balloons.. let them focus on any Antifa folks... let em milkshake some hot lead. :D Let me be clear for all you FLP dickheads here... sarcasm
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU77 »

Is "dickheads" sarcasm?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by OCanada »

Sarcasm has been on of three or so words used to excuse deplorable things. Another is I was just joking. Another I was quoted out of context etc.

Trump’s stroking himself is going to cost an estimate 90+ million dollars. They are trying to give away tickets because no one is taking them and there is s decent change it gets washed out

Meanwhile think of the better uses of 90 million dollars say for Veterans Care or getting kids out of cages etc,
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by OCanada »

Have to laugh. It isn’t about the Troops that’s the cover to provide immunity.

It’s about being at a place where he expects a huge crowd as opposed to say his Inauguration and the small venues he has been holding rallies at. Photos and video will be the end product.

BTW his campaign has bern using commercially available foreign models in some of his recent videos
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Bandito »

RedFromMI wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:33 pm
Bandito wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:05 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 4:51 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:41 pm That's not legislation. That's just a bunch of made up blather, crediting Trump with anything and everything that happened in America.

It's a simple question you should be able to answer with ease.

What are his top 5 Bills that Trump signed into law? Actual, real, domestic policies.

Or heck, you can add in treaties signed and ratified (ie, are actually acitve).
And some of it is wrong - Q4 2018 GDP growth = 2.2%, for example (straight from the government Bureau of Economic Analysis). (BTW, Atlanta Fed says 1.3% estimate for Q2 2019...)...

USMCA is not ratified, and it is clear it would be difficult at this time to get through. But it has only minor changes over NAFTA.

Trade policy (?) of Trump is a joke - he clearly does not have a chance of getting what he says he will get, and has already backed down from some of his more outrageous attempts at tariffs (a tax on Americans...)

Farm country is hurting due to his trade nonsense.

The war on coal was primarily waged by the competition of natural gas... There is nothing he can do to counter the trend that coal has become too expensive to use to make power compared to other forms. Most of his regulation rollbacks have direct consequences in terms of worse health/increased deaths due to air pollution...

His attempts to roll back Obamacare have not improved the situation - especially the short term plans which basically are NOT full health insurance. Pretty much all that he has done has actually not made health care more accessible or cheaper...

His administration has done little about the opiate crisis other than talk.

Crime has been for the most part going down for years. Trump has done nothing to make it happen. MS-13 is much more of a problem in Central America - and is part of what is driving increased asylum requests in the US.

NK situation is now that effectively Trump has recognized them as a nuclear power. He has not strengthened NATO but weakened it through his obvious hostility to the post WWII liberal order that has kept major wars from breaking out in Europe and surrounds, and led to the EU - one of the most successful economic partnerships in history between countries. Trump has given de facto recognition to the illegal Russian annexation of Crimea.

VA - he has let a trifecta of buddies from Mar-A-Lago be a shadow power running a lot of the decisions. And BTW, they have no expertise in Veterans Affairs.

He has donated salary while making millions off of the American public (secret service fees from golf carts alone are higher).

Now for some things he has actually done:

1. America/its government are disliked more that at any time in its history abroad.

This is a lie and driven by the lunatic leftist anti American media. Even if true, who cares? Trump is putting Americans first! And Americans are thriving because of it.

2. Trump's narcissism and lack of coherent direction have made him one of the most distrusted partners for foreign countries. Yawn. You’re TDS is showing strongly here. Orange man bad! Stop being emotional. Facts > feelings

3. He has tried many things that keep getting knocked down in the court system, because he has little regard for the law and constitution. Lol. Not true. Seems to be a theme here. Leftists are big liars and regurgitate falsehoods all the time. Obama was much, much worse.

4. He has unsuccessfully tried to kill Obamacare completely, so has settled for damaging it as best he can. Obamacare was an epic failure, a huge drain on the economy. The healthcare system was doing fine before socialist Obama enacted this failed policy. Trump reversed Obamacare the results speak for Themselves
5. He and his administration have been one of the most opaque in terms of information given to Congress.
What the fcuk? Do you not follow the man on social media? He is the most transparent president in history. You are a clueless liberal jerk.

6. He betrayed the American people by both passively and actively allowing foreign goverments to influence the 2016 presidential election. He has obstructed justice multiple times to try and squash the Mueller investigation.

What the fcuk? He was a candidate for president! He had nothing to do with it! You’re loser in chief Obama was in office then. The fake witch hunt failed, just like every other thing you all tried to tear this man down. It’s embarrassing how stupid the left is. You can’t even win a rigged election!

7. He is in violation of the Emoluments clause of the Constitution. Lol. So why not impeach him? You have control of the house! Go for it. What is Botox Pelosi waiting for?

8. He appears to care only about those who support him - which is basically a minority in the US. He is racist, misogynist, and quite possibly has committed crimes of a sexual nature.

Trump cares about all Americans. He has never once tried to divide the country, unlike Obama and his BLM campaign where he falsely claimed in armed blacks were getting shot by police for no reason.

9. In the past, his family has almost certainly committed criminal activity regarding the inheritance from his father. Statute of limitations protects them here, and his sister retired from her judgeship to avoid investigation into this matter only recently. Almost certainly? Again, you have zero evidence. You just hope it is true to fit your narrative of Orange man bad. You’re pathetic and a soy boy.

10. He is perhaps the most dishonest person to hold the office of President. Trusting what he says is quite risky as he has no problem not only telling lies, but changing his lies to suit the situation. Obama is well known for being the most dishonest. He lied every time he talked.

11. He has encouraged a toxic culture in CBP with regard to asylum seekers.
These aren’t asylum seekers. These are invaders and freeloaders. Do you not understand how borders work or understand sovereignty?

You didn’t do so well here Red. Maybe stick to your bad D2 takes
That is just a few - give me some more time and I am sure I can come up with more.
See above my responses to your emotional outburst and TDS ramble.

Calling him a misogynist and racist. Yet you provide no evidence? It’s because he’s not. Funny. The Democrats are the party of slavery, the KKK and bigotry. Read a history book.

I haven’t seen liberals this mad since Republicans freed their slaves! So many are leaving the Dem plantation. Walk away bro! The whole reason you want illegal immigration is to refill the Dem voter rolls. You’re a ravit and a bigot. No surprise. You’re a Democrat!
You are the one who needs to read your history - the Democrats were once the home to support of slavery, the KKK and bigotry, but that part of the population moved quite some time ago (beginning in the late 50s and 60s) into the Republicans.

There is plenty of evidence of what I have posited - you just choose to ignore it because it comes from the portions of the media you don't want to believe. And I am not emotional about this. Just correct...

I will give you one example of evidence - the sham company that the Trump family set up to illegally pass on wealth from father to children (Fred Trump to his children). All of Fred's apartment repairs/purchases were sent through this company that overcharged by large factors (like 4x, for example). Not only was that in violation of the tax code, but it led to increases in rental rates under rent control that were more than allowable under the law because they were based on inflated prices... Well documented in the NY Times: ... trump.html

BTW, you need to reduce the projection you engage in - almost everything you accuse Obama/Democrats/liberals seem to be something you/your side is guilty of...
The fact you claim Democrats of yesteryear turned into Republicans and continued their racism, is all I need to know how low information you are. Good riddance. That’s the biggest lie out there and you bought it hook, line and sinker. That’s a myth that has been proven false time and time again and eloquently explained in Dinesh D’Souzas new book. The history of the Republican Party was founded on freeing slaves. Not one Republican owned slaves. Republicans freed the slaves. The Dems are the party of slavery, KKK, racism and fascism. Look what they do today. Now there isn’t actually slave labor today, but the Dem party enslaves the minds of blacks and other minority groups, tricking these people into thinking the US is a horrible place, an evil racist country and that’s why they can’t get ahead. This isn’t remotely true and just one way the Dem Party uses racism to rule over minority groups. If this country is so racist and hateful why are Nigerian Americans one of the most successful minority groups, but African Americans aren’t? It’s because they aren’t on the Dem plantation and don’t succumb to vicitimhood. Furthermore, in talking about fascism, it’s the Democrat leaders who have called for violence against Trump supporters and people they disagree with. I have chronicled this nicely in another thread titled: 567 media supported attacks against Trump supporters. Trump supporters aren’t violent or hateful. We just love our country, it’s people, it’s freedom and will defend it as much as we can against Dems who want to foist illegal aliens upon us. Democrats hate America and want to fundamentally transform it in a globalist hellhole. Best way to do that? Allow illegals into the country, so we become a complete welfare state. Once this happens, those receiving benefits will always vote for their masters. This sounds like and is a form of slavery and vicitimization. Trump supporters are some of the kindest, hard working and friendliest people around. It’s the Dems and their new KKK arm: Antifa and the media who are the violent ones. How open minded of Dems who support Antifa: just this last weekend Antifa in Portland attacked an openly gay Asian American journalist for videotaping and chronicling the rally. Dems don’t care about minorities or gay people or anything like that. They care about power and will do anything to maintain it like: wanting to eliminate borders and sovereignty, confiscate guns, tax us to death to help redistribute the wealth. Claim the world is ending if we don’t fix human caused (climate change isn’t human caused) climate change etc.

You claim trump to be a bigot and racist except that rental rates increased in cities? Lol. Yep! That’s racist alright!

How is trump a racist when he has created an economy in which we have the lowest unemployment rate for blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women? This is how you feel, but reality proves the opposite. Next time you try to make an argument, do so with facts, not feelings. No one cares about your TDS, which you suffer from greatly. Go back and read all his accomplishments I posted above. It’ll give you a greater sense of what Trump is all about: winning for America and putting US first!

While you’ll be miserable today as every other proud American celebrates our independence, I’ll be cooking out with friends, wearing my Trump shirt and MAGA hat.
Mic drop!
Farfromgeneva is a sissy soy boy
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by RedFromMI »

Bandito wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:34 am

The fact you claim Democrats of yesteryear turned into Republicans and continued their racism, is all I need to know how low information you are. Good riddance. That’s the biggest lie out there and you bought it hook, line and sinker. That’s a myth that has been proven false time and time again and eloquently explained in Dinesh D’Souzas new book.

D'Souza is a convicted criminal who does not understand history. Not a myth.

The history of the Republican Party was founded on freeing slaves. Not one Republican owned slaves.

Not true: from an ACTUAL historian, Kevin M. Kruse, Princeton University -
There were GOP slave owners (Benjamin Burton).

No party "created" the KKK; both parties had ties to it.

The Civil Rights Act passed with more Dem votes than GOP votes.

The Supreme Court ruling sanctioning segregation was written by a Republican.
(from his twitter feed)

Republicans freed the slaves. The Dems are the party of slavery, KKK, racism and fascism. Look what they do today. Now there isn’t actually slave labor today, but the Dem party enslaves the minds of blacks and other minority groups, tricking these people into thinking the US is a horrible place, an evil racist country and that’s why they can’t get ahead. This isn’t remotely true and just one way the Dem Party uses racism to rule over minority groups. If this country is so racist and hateful why are Nigerian Americans one of the most successful minority groups, but African Americans aren’t? It’s because they aren’t on the Dem plantation and don’t succumb to vicitimhood. Furthermore, in talking about fascism, it’s the Democrat leaders who have called for violence against Trump supporters and people they disagree with.

Orange Duce has called for behavior that has led to violence more than any Democratic leader I know...

I have chronicled this nicely in another thread titled: 567 media supported attacks against Trump supporters. Trump supporters aren’t violent or hateful. Charlottesville. Proud Boys. Not violent or hateful. No Siree.We just love our country, it’s people, it’s freedom and will defend it as much as we can against Dems who want to foist illegal aliens upon us. Democrats hate America and want to fundamentally transform it in a globalist hellhole. Best way to do that? Allow illegals into the country, so we become a complete welfare state. Feel threatened much? Once this happens, those receiving benefits will always vote for their masters. This sounds like and is a form of slavery and vicitimization. Trump supporters are some of the kindest, hard working and friendliest people around. It’s the Dems and their new KKK arm: Antifa and the media who are the violent ones. How open minded of Dems who support Antifa: just this last weekend Antifa in Portland attacked an openly gay Asian American journalist for videotaping and chronicling the rally.

Actually Antifa is not equal to Democrat.

Dems don’t care about minorities or gay people or anything like that. They care about power and will do anything to maintain it like: wanting to eliminate borders and sovereignty, confiscate guns, tax us to death to help redistribute the wealth. Claim the world is ending if we don’t fix human caused (climate change isn’t human caused) climate change etc.

Delusional much? Science ain't wrong about this...

You claim trump to be a bigot and racist except that rental rates increased in cities? Lol. Yep! That’s racist alright!

How is trump a racist when he has created an economy in which we have the lowest unemployment rate for blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women? This is how you feel, but reality proves the opposite. Next time you try to make an argument, do so with facts, not feelings. No one cares about your TDS, which you suffer from greatly. Go back and read all his accomplishments I posted above. It’ll give you a greater sense of what Trump is all about: winning for America and putting US first!

He did not create the economy - and much of the credit for lifting the economy out of the last recession goes to your friend Obama.
Trump just is taking advantage of what he lucked into.

Now just look at all the emotion you have put into your rant! I hope you feel better after that spew.

While you’ll be miserable today as every other proud American celebrates our independence, I’ll be cooking out with friends, wearing my Trump shirt and MAGA hat.

I certainly will not be miserable. Just having fun laughing at your projection of derangement on me while the tenor of your post is the one showing derangement. If you actually stopped listening to the Right Wing noise machine and listened to other opinions instead of ranting about your superiority you might get somewhere. But you can't, can you?

Mic drop!

You don't even know what that is...smh
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Brooklyn »

For those who love tanks and standing armies, when our Founding Fathers created the Fourth of July celebration one of their major points was in condemning standing armies:

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by OCanada »

Trump. On the best way to celebrate.

“The best way to celebrate July 4th is to wear official Donald Trump campaign #MAGA merchandise. Now on sale.”

-- Donald J. Trump, July 3, 2019

Couldn’t be more clear. Not the troops or the country
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:51 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:36 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 5:42 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 5:37 pm
Only those who think they have to prove something about the size of their armaments make a big show of them.
Or is it the size of their hands?
Right. You're really in touch with the peeps. That's why hundreds of thousands attend the 2 day Andrews air show every May.'s all about the size of their hands. ... pace-expo/
There's a pretty big difference between "hey look at these cool planes", and "here we're celebrating the military power of our President".

This much I agree on: Trump is getting hammered for this because he's Trump.
Also a big difference with using the 4th of July as a political stage set piece.

Salty, as I said I think there was real overhang from the Vietnam era that deserved some special attention. '91 was a long time after but it was a moment in which the country was rallying and healing. And it wasn't using the 4th of July or other national holiday, nor was it presented as partisan. Bush didn't go around saying the Democrats hate American and have or want to destroy the military. He didn't claim himself as the great savior of the military.

He was a modest man, who certainly had a heck of a lot more claim to understand the sacrifices of war than this butthead.
Military discounts, being told thank you for your service, & being recognized at neighborhood concerts = sincere gestures of gratitude which are truly appreciated, but they're not the same as something like the Gulf War Parade was, when the entire nation paused, together as a nation, & celebrated that generation of our military members. It was cathartic in '91, because it washed away much of the bitterness from the Vietnam era & validated our successful transition to an all volunteer military.

It's been 28 years since the Gulf War I parade. Look at all the fighting, dying, deployments, sacrifices, hardships & family separations succeeding generation of warriors have endured since then. Thankfully, we no longer have VE & VJ Days to mark the end of major conflicts. That's due to the nature of modern warfare which we will continue to endure. As great as the celebration in '91 was, it proved to be a bit premature. 28 years later, how many participants of that event are still even on active duty ? So long as our modern warriors are downrange & on deployment, we need to pause every decade or so &, as a nation, celebrate their service, with them. It doesn't matter who's CinC at the time. It does not need to be tied to a specific holiday or anniversary. imho.
Not sure why you would say the '91 celebration was 'premature'. I'd have said that it was well overdue. As I said, it was important to reboot the relationship our nation has/should have with its military service members and veterans. We'd been off-kilter, and it was healing. As you said, it was 'cathartic'.

We are not in that frame today.

I'm far more concerned with the gap between how we care for our veterans, especially their mental healthcare, but of course also their physical healthcare, than I am about celebrations. PTSD ain't healed by a 'celebration'. Nor are head injuries, or lost limbs.

This should be non-partisan.
Injecting partisanship into the military plays directly against the actual interests of the military members and veterans.

Look, if a President with strong bi-partisan support of Congress together believe that a 'celebration' of some sort would be appropriate, and worth the $ to do it, and they don't use it as political cudgel one party against the other...fine.

But that's a high bar. Appropriately.

And, frankly, it requires a President who understands that he or she should play a minimized role in such a celebration. It's not about him/her, it's about the service members and veterans.

And it's Not about the technological and military might superiority of the USA versus the world.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

RedFromMI wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 8:06 am
Bandito wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:34 am

The fact you claim Democrats of yesteryear turned into Republicans and continued their racism, is all I need to know how low information you are. Good riddance. That’s the biggest lie out there and you bought it hook, line and sinker. That’s a myth that has been proven false time and time again and eloquently explained in Dinesh D’Souzas new book.

D'Souza is a convicted criminal who does not understand history. Not a myth.

The history of the Republican Party was founded on freeing slaves. Not one Republican owned slaves.

Not true: from an ACTUAL historian, Kevin M. Kruse, Princeton University -
There were GOP slave owners (Benjamin Burton).

No party "created" the KKK; both parties had ties to it.

The Civil Rights Act passed with more Dem votes than GOP votes.

The Supreme Court ruling sanctioning segregation was written by a Republican.
(from his twitter feed)

Republicans freed the slaves. The Dems are the party of slavery, KKK, racism and fascism. Look what they do today. Now there isn’t actually slave labor today, but the Dem party enslaves the minds of blacks and other minority groups, tricking these people into thinking the US is a horrible place, an evil racist country and that’s why they can’t get ahead. This isn’t remotely true and just one way the Dem Party uses racism to rule over minority groups. If this country is so racist and hateful why are Nigerian Americans one of the most successful minority groups, but African Americans aren’t? It’s because they aren’t on the Dem plantation and don’t succumb to vicitimhood. Furthermore, in talking about fascism, it’s the Democrat leaders who have called for violence against Trump supporters and people they disagree with.

Orange Duce has called for behavior that has led to violence more than any Democratic leader I know...

I have chronicled this nicely in another thread titled: 567 media supported attacks against Trump supporters. Trump supporters aren’t violent or hateful. Charlottesville. Proud Boys. Not violent or hateful. No Siree.We just love our country, it’s people, it’s freedom and will defend it as much as we can against Dems who want to foist illegal aliens upon us. Democrats hate America and want to fundamentally transform it in a globalist hellhole. Best way to do that? Allow illegals into the country, so we become a complete welfare state. Feel threatened much? Once this happens, those receiving benefits will always vote for their masters. This sounds like and is a form of slavery and vicitimization. Trump supporters are some of the kindest, hard working and friendliest people around. It’s the Dems and their new KKK arm: Antifa and the media who are the violent ones. How open minded of Dems who support Antifa: just this last weekend Antifa in Portland attacked an openly gay Asian American journalist for videotaping and chronicling the rally.

Actually Antifa is not equal to Democrat.

Dems don’t care about minorities or gay people or anything like that. They care about power and will do anything to maintain it like: wanting to eliminate borders and sovereignty, confiscate guns, tax us to death to help redistribute the wealth. Claim the world is ending if we don’t fix human caused (climate change isn’t human caused) climate change etc.

Delusional much? Science ain't wrong about this...

You claim trump to be a bigot and racist except that rental rates increased in cities? Lol. Yep! That’s racist alright!

How is trump a racist when he has created an economy in which we have the lowest unemployment rate for blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women? This is how you feel, but reality proves the opposite. Next time you try to make an argument, do so with facts, not feelings. No one cares about your TDS, which you suffer from greatly. Go back and read all his accomplishments I posted above. It’ll give you a greater sense of what Trump is all about: winning for America and putting US first!

He did not create the economy - and much of the credit for lifting the economy out of the last recession goes to your friend Obama.
Trump just is taking advantage of what he lucked into.

Now just look at all the emotion you have put into your rant! I hope you feel better after that spew.

While you’ll be miserable today as every other proud American celebrates our independence, I’ll be cooking out with friends, wearing my Trump shirt and MAGA hat.

I certainly will not be miserable. Just having fun laughing at your projection of derangement on me while the tenor of your post is the one showing derangement. If you actually stopped listening to the Right Wing noise machine and listened to other opinions instead of ranting about your superiority you might get somewhere. But you can't, can you?

Mic drop!

You don't even know what that is...smh
Red, Bandito is a troll best ignored altogether.

It's clear that he's the sort who lives in his mom's basement and applauds the worst of the racist, misogynistic hate-filled social media feeds, not just those you and I may be exposed to here and then ala Fox.

Really ugly, ignorant, bigoted trash.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by ToastDunk »

OCanada wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:27 am Have to laugh. It isn’t about the Troops that’s the cover to provide immunity.

It’s about being at a place where he expects a huge crowd as opposed to say his Inauguration and the small venues he has been holding rallies at. Photos and video will be the end product.

BTW his campaign has bern using commercially available foreign models in some of his recent videos
Norwegians I hope, I love Norwegians. Sarcasm.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by ToastDunk »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 9:15 am
RedFromMI wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 8:06 am
Bandito wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:34 am

The fact you claim Democrats of yesteryear turned into Republicans and continued their racism, is all I need to know how low information you are. Good riddance. That’s the biggest lie out there and you bought it hook, line and sinker. That’s a myth that has been proven false time and time again and eloquently explained in Dinesh D’Souzas new book.

D'Souza is a convicted criminal who does not understand history. Not a myth.

The history of the Republican Party was founded on freeing slaves. Not one Republican owned slaves.

Not true: from an ACTUAL historian, Kevin M. Kruse, Princeton University -
There were GOP slave owners (Benjamin Burton).

No party "created" the KKK; both parties had ties to it.

The Civil Rights Act passed with more Dem votes than GOP votes.

The Supreme Court ruling sanctioning segregation was written by a Republican.
(from his twitter feed)

Republicans freed the slaves. The Dems are the party of slavery, KKK, racism and fascism. Look what they do today. Now there isn’t actually slave labor today, but the Dem party enslaves the minds of blacks and other minority groups, tricking these people into thinking the US is a horrible place, an evil racist country and that’s why they can’t get ahead. This isn’t remotely true and just one way the Dem Party uses racism to rule over minority groups. If this country is so racist and hateful why are Nigerian Americans one of the most successful minority groups, but African Americans aren’t? It’s because they aren’t on the Dem plantation and don’t succumb to vicitimhood. Furthermore, in talking about fascism, it’s the Democrat leaders who have called for violence against Trump supporters and people they disagree with.

Orange Duce has called for behavior that has led to violence more than any Democratic leader I know...

I have chronicled this nicely in another thread titled: 567 media supported attacks against Trump supporters. Trump supporters aren’t violent or hateful. Charlottesville. Proud Boys. Not violent or hateful. No Siree.We just love our country, it’s people, it’s freedom and will defend it as much as we can against Dems who want to foist illegal aliens upon us. Democrats hate America and want to fundamentally transform it in a globalist hellhole. Best way to do that? Allow illegals into the country, so we become a complete welfare state. Feel threatened much? Once this happens, those receiving benefits will always vote for their masters. This sounds like and is a form of slavery and vicitimization. Trump supporters are some of the kindest, hard working and friendliest people around. It’s the Dems and their new KKK arm: Antifa and the media who are the violent ones. How open minded of Dems who support Antifa: just this last weekend Antifa in Portland attacked an openly gay Asian American journalist for videotaping and chronicling the rally.

Actually Antifa is not equal to Democrat.

Dems don’t care about minorities or gay people or anything like that. They care about power and will do anything to maintain it like: wanting to eliminate borders and sovereignty, confiscate guns, tax us to death to help redistribute the wealth. Claim the world is ending if we don’t fix human caused (climate change isn’t human caused) climate change etc.

Delusional much? Science ain't wrong about this...

You claim trump to be a bigot and racist except that rental rates increased in cities? Lol. Yep! That’s racist alright!

How is trump a racist when he has created an economy in which we have the lowest unemployment rate for blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women? This is how you feel, but reality proves the opposite. Next time you try to make an argument, do so with facts, not feelings. No one cares about your TDS, which you suffer from greatly. Go back and read all his accomplishments I posted above. It’ll give you a greater sense of what Trump is all about: winning for America and putting US first!

He did not create the economy - and much of the credit for lifting the economy out of the last recession goes to your friend Obama.
Trump just is taking advantage of what he lucked into.

Now just look at all the emotion you have put into your rant! I hope you feel better after that spew.

While you’ll be miserable today as every other proud American celebrates our independence, I’ll be cooking out with friends, wearing my Trump shirt and MAGA hat.

I certainly will not be miserable. Just having fun laughing at your projection of derangement on me while the tenor of your post is the one showing derangement. If you actually stopped listening to the Right Wing noise machine and listened to other opinions instead of ranting about your superiority you might get somewhere. But you can't, can you?

Mic drop!

You don't even know what that is...smh
Red, Bandito is a troll best ignored altogether.

It's clear that he's the sort who lives in his mom's basement and applauds the worst of the racist, misogynistic hate-filled social media feeds, not just those you and I may be exposed to here and then ala Fox.

Really ugly, ignorant, bigoted trash.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Brooklyn »


Fer sure.
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Brooklyn »

OCanada wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 9:00 am Trump. On the best way to celebrate.

“The best way to celebrate July 4th is to wear official Donald Trump campaign #MAGA merchandise. Now on sale.”

-- Donald J. Trump, July 3, 2019

Couldn’t be more clear. Not the troops or the country

Trump = the Kardashian president
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

Charles Francis "Socker" Coe, Esq
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by seacoaster »

“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.”

George Washington
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

We have failed to do that SO many times, seacoaster. At least lately it's only an annoyance (bow down to the government song, or that means you hate America and its soldiers), rather than serious the McCarthy era.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU88 »

a fan wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:26 pm We have failed to do that SO many times, seacoaster. At least lately it's only an annoyance (bow down to the government song, or that means you hate America and its soldiers), rather than serious the McCarthy era.
The concluding words of Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, inscribed on the interior wall of the Lincoln Memorial:

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

Lincoln is rolling in his grave tonight.
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Bandito »

What a phenomenal night for America! An amazing tribute to the best nation the world has ever seen! Of course all you dumb liberals on here will complain and lie about this great event. Get a clue. You’re a bunch of anti American losers. 10s of thousands of Americans attended from all walks of life! A great display of America’s pride and prestige. Get used to it. 2024 is a long ways away.
Biggest winner today: Trump and... USA, by far.
Biggest loser: Every lib or DemoKKKrat who pooh-pooed the idea of a salute to America. The media was a huge loser as well
Last edited by Bandito on Thu Jul 04, 2019 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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