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Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:28 am
by foreverlax
ToastDunk wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:15 am
foreverlax wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:31 am
youthathletics wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:11 am Still a crisis right? And one that has compounded.
For sure and won't get better until the Congressional Clowns decided to put country over party. Both sides!!
The "both sides" bromide needs to stop. The entire Republican Party (save one brave soul) silently standing behind this President is criminal. Yes, deplorable (in hindsight something Hillary got right).

If by "both sides" you're referring to the Democrats reluctance to pursue impeachment proceedings against this President, then I stand corrected.
Both sides are not governing.....who is worse? Feels like that is question is moot - neither side is doing our business.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:49 am
by ToastDunk
foreverlax wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:28 am
ToastDunk wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:15 am
foreverlax wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:31 am
youthathletics wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:11 am Still a crisis right? And one that has compounded.
For sure and won't get better until the Congressional Clowns decided to put country over party. Both sides!!
The "both sides" bromide needs to stop. The entire Republican Party (save one brave soul) silently standing behind this President is criminal. Yes, deplorable (in hindsight something Hillary got right).

If by "both sides" you're referring to the Democrats reluctance to pursue impeachment proceedings against this President, then I stand corrected.
Both sides are not governing.....who is worse? Feels like that is question is moot - neither side is doing our business.
House is passing bills that McConnell sits on in the Senate. Who's not governing in that case?
House exercises its oversight duties. White House, with the backing of Republican's, thumb their noses at document subpoenas. Who's not governing in that case?

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:28 pm
by a fan
youthathletics wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:00 am So you will finally admit, like Trump has been is a crisis on the border. It's okay to agree with him.
He didn't announce it as a crisis until after the election, when the R's lost the House. "Suddenly", it's a problem. What a complete coincidence.

He could have easily fixed it at any point during the two full years when the R's controlled the whole show.

Instead? He did nothing, and neither did Mitch---the actual guy in charge of legislating.

And hey, look at that? It's campaign season again.

I asked for wagers as to whether or not Trump would fix the problem after he took office. After all the squawking from the Right....nothing has been done.

Anyone care to take my wager now? Trump will run on "our borders" again---and do nothing about them if he wins the election.

Meet the new boss......

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:37 pm
by ToastDunk
And then there's this...
Turns my stomach as much as anything else this family does. Who is Ivanka, and why is she representing my country?

Follow the link to see the photo. F$#K! ... a132f5d75b

Ivanka Trump’s G20 performance puzzles world leaders
US president’s daughter and son-in-law seek foreign affairs roles — with mixed success

June 30, 2019

The abiding image from this year’s G20 summit will not be Donald Trump sharing another chuckle with Vladimir Putin. It is the clip of his daughter, Ivanka, inserting herself into an awkward circle of world leaders.

The video, released by the French government, shows varying expressions of tortured politeness as Ms Trump intrudes on a discussion between France’s Emmanuel Macron, Britain’s Theresa May, Canada’s Justin Trudeau and Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF. Ms Lagarde, in particular, was unable to conceal her irritation.

What they were discussing is secondary. Mr Macron made a point about social justice. Mrs May replied that people notice when the economy is brought into it. Ms Trump then interrupted with a non sequitur about how the defence industry is male-dominated. The real point is that America’s self-named “First Daughter” is rarely out of the frame at global summits. Other Trump officials are almost invisible compared with Ms Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner, the only two White House players who are thought to be immune from Mr Trump’s trademark phrase: “You’re fired.”

By contrast, leaders of patrimonial countries, such as Saudi Arabia, are very comfortable with Ms Trump’s role. Mohammed Bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, conducts much of his US communication over WhatsApp with Mr Kushner. The first son-in-law is also a favoured conduit for other leaders. Rex Tillerson, the former US secretary of state, recently disclosed that he had found out his Mexican counterpart was in Washington when he stumbled across him dining with Mr Kushner.

Both Mr Kushner and Ms Trump have a large array of portfolios and unparalleled Oval Office access on any topic. Mr Kushner is in charge of the stillborn Arab-Israeli peace plan, which he launched in Bahrain last week with no Palestinians present. Ms Trump launched a women’s entrepreneurship fund, which is run out of the World Bank and funded mostly by the Gulf states. She is also in charge of US workforce training. Her father said she was uniquely qualified to lead the US skills drive because she had created “millions of jobs”.

In reality, Ms Trump’s accessory companies, which she no longer directly runs, created hundreds of jobs, almost all of them in China. Both Ms Trump and Mr Kushner were denied high-level security clearance by the White House personnel office. Mr Trump overruled the bureaucrats. It is thought that their extensive overseas business ties offered ample conflicts of interest. If you google “Ivanka Trump clearance”, the first item that comes up is cut price sales of Ivanka product lines.

The larger question is whether Ms Trump harbours political ambitions of her own. At the G20 summit in Hamburg two years ago, Ms Trump sparked outrage when she briefly stood in for her father at a round table of world leaders. Ms Trump’s prominence has only grown since then. At the end of this latest summit, Ms Trump provided a video briefing of Mr Trump’s meetings with Japan’s Shinzo Abe and India’s Narendra Modi.

Mr Trump has also been encouraging talk of dynastic succession. Last week he tweeted an image of Trump re-election banners starting from 2024 and escalating quadrennially into eternity. The meme ended with “Trump4Eva”. Whether Mr Trump was trolling his critics, or is genuinely nurturing a dynasty, is an open question.

Earlier this year, Mr Trump said he had considered appointing his daughter as US ambassador to the UN. He had also thought about making her head of the World Bank. He said he pulled back because he would have been accused of “nepotism”.

Because neither job would have come close to offering the power Ms Trump and her husband already have, Mr Trump’s comments must be taken with a pinch of salt. Mr Trump often treats politics as an extension of his business. The latter has always been tightly held within the family. His White House seems to be little different.

[email protected]

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:47 pm
by youthathletics
a fan wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:28 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:00 am So you will finally admit, like Trump has been is a crisis on the border. It's okay to agree with him.
He didn't announce it as a crisis until after the election, when the R's lost the House. "Suddenly", it's a problem. What a complete coincidence.

He could have easily fixed it at any point during the two full years when the R's controlled the whole show.

Instead? He did nothing, and neither did Mitch---the actual guy in charge of legislating.

And hey, look at that? It's campaign season again.

I asked for wagers as to whether or not Trump would fix the problem after he took office. After all the squawking from the Right....nothing has been done.

Anyone care to take my wager now? Trump will run on "our borders" again---and do nothing about them if he wins the election.

Meet the new boss......
I actually blame Ryan for the most part, but do agree with you. #Knuckleheads

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:44 pm
by Brooklyn
In a day in which we are supposed to celebrate our freedom and unity, draft dodger Trump wants to celebrate warmongering by playing with weapons as if they were toys:




Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:46 pm
by ToastDunk
A friend just sent me this from the NYT's comment section, I fell over in my chair...

From the Frank Bruni piece ... =Homepage
So long, Mike Pence.

I predict Trump will jettison Pence from the ticket and run next year with Ivanka as his vice-presidential running mate. That's why he's taking her on all these foreign trips, to give her foreign policy experience.

If he's re-elected, he'll resign after the midpoint of the next term in order to make her the first female president, and to set her up as the Republican presidential candidate for 2024 and 2028 (yes, she could run twice under that scenario, look it up).

So Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, and Tom Cotton, and Tom Scott and the rest of the GOP wannabes, you guys can pound salt (what, you thought in exchange for your support of Trump now that he'd bless your run for the presidency at some point in the near future? Ha, ha. Welcome to the art of the con).

Every corrupt kleptocracy needs its own entrenched and inextricable family dynasty.

These people will never go voluntarily. They will go the way of all dictatorships, which is never pretty. Beware, America.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:50 pm
by jhu72
ToastDunk wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:46 pm A friend just sent me this from the NYT's comment section, I fell over in my chair...

From the Frank Bruni piece ... =Homepage
So long, Mike Pence.

I predict Trump will jettison Pence from the ticket and run next year with Ivanka as his vice-presidential running mate. That's why he's taking her on all these foreign trips, to give her foreign policy experience.

If he's re-elected, he'll resign after the midpoint of the next term in order to make her the first female president, and to set her up as the Republican presidential candidate for 2024 and 2028 (yes, she could run twice under that scenario, look it up).

So Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, and Tom Cotton, and Tom Scott and the rest of the GOP wannabes, you guys can pound salt (what, you thought in exchange for your support of Trump now that he'd bless your run for the presidency at some point in the near future? Ha, ha. Welcome to the art of the con).

Every corrupt kleptocracy needs its own entrenched and inextricable family dynasty.

These people will never go voluntarily. They will go the way of all dictatorships, which is never pretty. Beware, America.
I have been thinking Pence was toast for some time. Makes a lot of sense given last weeks events. Putin and lil Kim will probably like Ivanka's lips better.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 2:05 pm
by a fan
youthathletics wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:47 pm I actually blame Ryan for the most part, but do agree with you. #Knuckleheads
....and Obama had the same two year window of power that Trump did with total D control. And he did nothing about immigration.

The one that makes me the most angry is Bush---and his Congress too, including ol' Hill--- post 9/11 was the PERFECT time to fix our VISA and immigration system. Nothing happened, unless you want to count tweaks.

Unfixable. Our country is broken.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 2:19 pm
by a fan
ToastDunk wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:37 pm And then there's this...
Turns my stomach as much as anything else this family does. Who is Ivanka, and why is she representing my country?

Follow the link to see the photo. F$#K! ... a132f5d75b

Ivanka Trump’s G20 performance puzzles world leaders
US president’s daughter and son-in-law seek foreign affairs roles — with mixed success

June 30, 2019

The abiding image from this year’s G20 summit will not be Donald Trump sharing another chuckle with Vladimir Putin. It is the clip of his daughter, Ivanka, inserting herself into an awkward circle of world leaders.

The video, released by the French government, shows varying expressions of tortured politeness as Ms Trump intrudes on a discussion between France’s Emmanuel Macron, Britain’s Theresa May, Canada’s Justin Trudeau and Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF. Ms Lagarde, in particular, was unable to conceal her irritation.

What they were discussing is secondary. Mr Macron made a point about social justice. Mrs May replied that people notice when the economy is brought into it. Ms Trump then interrupted with a non sequitur about how the defence industry is male-dominated. The real point is that America’s self-named “First Daughter” is rarely out of the frame at global summits. Other Trump officials are almost invisible compared with Ms Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner, the only two White House players who are thought to be immune from Mr Trump’s trademark phrase: “You’re fired.”

By contrast, leaders of patrimonial countries, such as Saudi Arabia, are very comfortable with Ms Trump’s role. Mohammed Bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, conducts much of his US communication over WhatsApp with Mr Kushner. The first son-in-law is also a favoured conduit for other leaders. Rex Tillerson, the former US secretary of state, recently disclosed that he had found out his Mexican counterpart was in Washington when he stumbled across him dining with Mr Kushner.

Both Mr Kushner and Ms Trump have a large array of portfolios and unparalleled Oval Office access on any topic. Mr Kushner is in charge of the stillborn Arab-Israeli peace plan, which he launched in Bahrain last week with no Palestinians present. Ms Trump launched a women’s entrepreneurship fund, which is run out of the World Bank and funded mostly by the Gulf states. She is also in charge of US workforce training. Her father said she was uniquely qualified to lead the US skills drive because she had created “millions of jobs”.

In reality, Ms Trump’s accessory companies, which she no longer directly runs, created hundreds of jobs, almost all of them in China. Both Ms Trump and Mr Kushner were denied high-level security clearance by the White House personnel office. Mr Trump overruled the bureaucrats. It is thought that their extensive overseas business ties offered ample conflicts of interest. If you google “Ivanka Trump clearance”, the first item that comes up is cut price sales of Ivanka product lines.

The larger question is whether Ms Trump harbours political ambitions of her own. At the G20 summit in Hamburg two years ago, Ms Trump sparked outrage when she briefly stood in for her father at a round table of world leaders. Ms Trump’s prominence has only grown since then. At the end of this latest summit, Ms Trump provided a video briefing of Mr Trump’s meetings with Japan’s Shinzo Abe and India’s Narendra Modi.

Mr Trump has also been encouraging talk of dynastic succession. Last week he tweeted an image of Trump re-election banners starting from 2024 and escalating quadrennially into eternity. The meme ended with “Trump4Eva”. Whether Mr Trump was trolling his critics, or is genuinely nurturing a dynasty, is an open question.

Earlier this year, Mr Trump said he had considered appointing his daughter as US ambassador to the UN. He had also thought about making her head of the World Bank. He said he pulled back because he would have been accused of “nepotism”.

Because neither job would have come close to offering the power Ms Trump and her husband already have, Mr Trump’s comments must be taken with a pinch of salt. Mr Trump often treats politics as an extension of his business. The latter has always been tightly held within the family. His White House seems to be little different.

[email protected]
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: We would TOTALLY deserve this outcome as a country. And this makes perfect sense. All this time my thoughts were that Trump is setting up his family for a financial dynasty....and THAT is why Ivank and Kush were out meeting despots. I thought they were setting up for future Trump family biz.

If this guy is right? Hand him the Pulitzer and Nobel and an Oscar, to boot.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:10 pm
by Bandito
Brooklyn wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:44 pm In a day in which we are supposed to celebrate our freedom and unity, draft dodger Trump wants to celebrate warmongering by playing with weapons as if they were toys:



I don’t see you complaining when FDR had a military parade during his third inauguration. #liberaldolt #hypocrite #TrumpIsYourPresident #MAGA #KAG
Image ... oNXdmfqwLM

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:12 pm
by Bandito
ToastDunk wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:46 pm A friend just sent me this from the NYT's comment section, I fell over in my chair...

From the Frank Bruni piece ... =Homepage
So long, Mike Pence.

I predict Trump will jettison Pence from the ticket and run next year with Ivanka as his vice-presidential running mate. That's why he's taking her on all these foreign trips, to give her foreign policy experience.

If he's re-elected, he'll resign after the midpoint of the next term in order to make her the first female president, and to set her up as the Republican presidential candidate for 2024 and 2028 (yes, she could run twice under that scenario, look it up).

So Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, and Tom Cotton, and Tom Scott and the rest of the GOP wannabes, you guys can pound salt (what, you thought in exchange for your support of Trump now that he'd bless your run for the presidency at some point in the near future? Ha, ha. Welcome to the art of the con).

Every corrupt kleptocracy needs its own entrenched and inextricable family dynasty.

These people will never go voluntarily. They will go the way of all dictatorships, which is never pretty. Beware, America.
Hopefully your fall from your chair knocked some sense into your hollow and paranoid head. You have Trump derangement syndrome. Seek help immediately! Be careful not to offend anyone on your way to the doctor!

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:15 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
Bandito wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:12 pm
ToastDunk wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:46 pm A friend just sent me this from the NYT's comment section, I fell over in my chair...

From the Frank Bruni piece ... =Homepage
So long, Mike Pence.

I predict Trump will jettison Pence from the ticket and run next year with Ivanka as his vice-presidential running mate. That's why he's taking her on all these foreign trips, to give her foreign policy experience.

If he's re-elected, he'll resign after the midpoint of the next term in order to make her the first female president, and to set her up as the Republican presidential candidate for 2024 and 2028 (yes, she could run twice under that scenario, look it up).

So Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, and Tom Cotton, and Tom Scott and the rest of the GOP wannabes, you guys can pound salt (what, you thought in exchange for your support of Trump now that he'd bless your run for the presidency at some point in the near future? Ha, ha. Welcome to the art of the con).

Every corrupt kleptocracy needs its own entrenched and inextricable family dynasty.

These people will never go voluntarily. They will go the way of all dictatorships, which is never pretty. Beware, America.
Hopefully your fall from your chair knocked some sense into your hollow and paranoid head. You have Trump derangement syndrome. Seek help immediately! Be careful not to offend anyone on your way to the doctor!
Hi Manuelito!

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:17 pm
by a fan
Bandito wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:10 pm I don’t see you complaining when FDR had a military parade during his third inauguration.
Uhhhhh. Was anyone here alive for that?

Personally, I think we should do more of these things. As for the military stuff-----so long as they keep the modern in-service stuff out...or things like big rockets? That's really cool. Vietnam vets parading with those helos? WII vets parading with Shermans? Tell THEIR story, and the story of America.

The modern military stuff isn't cool, and sends an entirely different message to our citizens, and the world. Leave that overcompensating small hands stuff to the Dictators.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:21 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
a fan wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:17 pm
Bandito wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:10 pm I don’t see you complaining when FDR had a military parade during his third inauguration.
Uhhhhh. Was anyone here alive for that?

Personally, I think we should do more of these things. As for the military stuff-----so long as they keep the modern in-service stuff out...or things like big rockets? That's really cool. Vietnam vets parading with those helos? WII vets parading with Shermans? Tell THEIR story, and the story of America.

The modern military stuff isn't cool, and sends an entirely different message to our citizens, and the world. Leave that overcompensating small hands stuff to the Dictators.
Independence Day and Memorial Day are two different events. A military parade is more fitting for Memorial Day. July 4th should be about individual freedom of expression. This thing tomorrow is essentially a campaign rally.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:23 pm
by thatsmell
ToastDunk wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:46 pm A friend just sent me this from the NYT's comment section, I fell over in my chair...

From the Frank Bruni piece ... =Homepage
So long, Mike Pence.

I predict Trump will jettison Pence from the ticket and run next year with Ivanka as his vice-presidential running mate. That's why he's taking her on all these foreign trips, to give her foreign policy experience.

If he's re-elected, he'll resign after the midpoint of the next term in order to make her the first female president, and to set her up as the Republican presidential candidate for 2024 and 2028 (yes, she could run twice under that scenario, look it up).

So Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, and Tom Cotton, and Tom Scott and the rest of the GOP wannabes, you guys can pound salt (what, you thought in exchange for your support of Trump now that he'd bless your run for the presidency at some point in the near future? Ha, ha. Welcome to the art of the con).

Every corrupt kleptocracy needs its own entrenched and inextricable family dynasty.

These people will never go voluntarily. They will go the way of all dictatorships, which is never pretty. Beware, America.
The Kennedys, Bushes, Clintons...It's all about the hand-off... ehr, uhm, I mean "serving the people!"

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:24 pm
by Bandito
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:21 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:17 pm
Bandito wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:10 pm I don’t see you complaining when FDR had a military parade during his third inauguration.
Uhhhhh. Was anyone here alive for that?

Personally, I think we should do more of these things. As for the military stuff-----so long as they keep the modern in-service stuff out...or things like big rockets? That's really cool. Vietnam vets parading with those helos? WII vets parading with Shermans? Tell THEIR story, and the story of America.

The modern military stuff isn't cool, and sends an entirely different message to our citizens, and the world. Leave that overcompensating small hands stuff to the Dictators.
Independence Day and Memorial Day are two different events. A military parade is more fitting for Memorial Day. July 4th should be about individual freedom of expression. This thing tomorrow is essentially a campaign rally.
Lol. No turd Sherlock. Why are you so offended by it? Why is the left anti America? Why do you hate its greatness? Why does it bother you so much? Does the Betsy Ross flag offend you too?

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:29 pm
by Bandito
thatsmell wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:23 pm
ToastDunk wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:46 pm A friend just sent me this from the NYT's comment section, I fell over in my chair...

From the Frank Bruni piece ... =Homepage
So long, Mike Pence.

I predict Trump will jettison Pence from the ticket and run next year with Ivanka as his vice-presidential running mate. That's why he's taking her on all these foreign trips, to give her foreign policy experience.

If he's re-elected, he'll resign after the midpoint of the next term in order to make her the first female president, and to set her up as the Republican presidential candidate for 2024 and 2028 (yes, she could run twice under that scenario, look it up).

So Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, and Tom Cotton, and Tom Scott and the rest of the GOP wannabes, you guys can pound salt (what, you thought in exchange for your support of Trump now that he'd bless your run for the presidency at some point in the near future? Ha, ha. Welcome to the art of the con).

Every corrupt kleptocracy needs its own entrenched and inextricable family dynasty.

These people will never go voluntarily. They will go the way of all dictatorships, which is never pretty. Beware, America.
The Kennedys, Bushes, Clintons...It's all about the hand-off... ehr, uhm, I mean "serving the people!"
Trump is a populist though. He’s not royalty from any sense, definitely not politically speaking. Despite Trump’s immense wealth which he created in the private sector, personifying the American Dream, Trump is the people’s president. His policies are helping the average American everyday. He’s not part of the Deep State which tried to foil him before the election and is trying to tear him down now. Were you this mad at Trump back in the 70s-80s? Dems rigged an election and still lost. Their policies don’t work, never have, never will. America is waking up to the corrupt media and state. Thank God for Trump

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:31 pm
by a fan
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:21 pm Independence Day and Memorial Day are two different events. A military parade is more fitting for Memorial Day. July 4th should be about individual freedom of expression. This thing tomorrow is essentially a campaign rally.
Well yes, it's a campaign rally.....but I guess I just don't mind if he's using old hardware coupled with the men and women who used them.

That's not really what is being proposed for tomorrow, so far as I can tell. You have a good point.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:34 pm
by a fan
Bandito wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:29 pm Trump is a populist though. He’s not royalty from any sense, definitely not politically speaking. Despite Trump’s immense wealth which he created in the private sector, personifying the American Dream
I'd imagine you're right: Most Americans would dream of inheriting a few hundred million dollars from Daddy, yes.

You're making it sound like he's a self made man. Even YOU aren't that far gone. He inherited it. Which is fine, but don't pretend like he earned it.
Bandito wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:29 pm Trump is the people’s president. His policies are helping the average American everyday. He’s not part of the Deep State which tried to foil him before the election and is trying to tear him down now. Were you this mad at Trump back in the 70s-80s? Dems rigged an election and still lost. Their policies don’t work, never have, never will.
Really? What new policy has Trump signed into law? You're so into the guy, this should be easy for you to answer.

Take your time. Give me the top five pieces of actual Legislation that Trump signed in the last 2 1/2 years.