~46~ Lame Duck Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by SCLaxAttack »

Because after all these years those other things would be as burned in her memory as who actually forced himself on her. :roll:
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by cradleandshoot »

njbill wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 6:04 pm Sure sounds like you support the guy. If not, what do the words you type mean?

Don’t recall anybody claiming he was a serial rapist. He was not accused of raping Ford. As I said, I found her account credible and his not. If you disagree, so be it.

He got caught with his pants down and tried to lie about it so he could get on to the Supreme Court. It’s really that simple. I might’ve had a little more respect for him if he had owned up, told the truth, and apologized for what he might been able to characterized as a teenage indiscretion when he was drunk. But he didn’t do that. He chose to lie from beginning to end.
Did you forget about him being the guy handing out the red solo cups?? I don't think BK denied having a fondness for beer and keggers as a teenager. I can't judge him on those merits because was also fond of beer and keggers and parties when I was a teenager. This may not matter to most of you, but it was true when i was in HS. There was no getting away with anything at these beer bashes when I was growing up. I was caught red handed with a girl in my class at one of them. I was guilty as hell of having Russian Hands and Roman Fingers. The girl i was with had no problem with it. :D I do remember that the gossip network in my HS had informed the entire school by that Monday morning. I find it very unusual that the gossip network in BKs HS was any less efficient than mine. I guess BK was fortunate to go to a HS where the art of discretion and CRS over ruled the same information gossip line that I remember from HS. When I was in HS there was no getting away with anything once your friends and acquaintances had the goods on you. In my day if you were trying to pork some drunken girl and your friends knew about it, forgive me if this sounds crass, it would have taken 30 seconds and not 30 years for it to become public knowledge.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by cradleandshoot »

SCLaxAttack wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 11:57 am Because after all these years those other things would be as burned in her memory as who actually forced himself on her. :roll:
Sorry SC and this may sound illogical, drunken memories from 3 decades ago do not resemble credible in my book. The woman can't remember where, when, how but only who... well maybe who. I don't know how much I would trust my memories of all my drunken escapades of 40 years ago. I do know one thing, I never tried to rape anyone and I understood what no meant. I partied with a pretty degenerate bunch of folks back then. We knew what our boundaries were. Who knows maybe BK partied with a bunch of dudes who were even worse than us, I doubt that very much.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by njbill »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 11:58 am
njbill wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 6:04 pm Sure sounds like you support the guy. If not, what do the words you type mean?

Don’t recall anybody claiming he was a serial rapist. He was not accused of raping Ford. As I said, I found her account credible and his not. If you disagree, so be it.

He got caught with his pants down and tried to lie about it so he could get on to the Supreme Court. It’s really that simple. I might’ve had a little more respect for him if he had owned up, told the truth, and apologized for what he might been able to characterized as a teenage indiscretion when he was drunk. But he didn’t do that. He chose to lie from beginning to end.
Did you forget about him being the guy handing out the red solo cups?? I don't think BK denied having a fondness for beer and keggers as a teenager. I can't judge him on those merits because was also fond of beer and keggers and parties when I was a teenager. This may not matter to most of you, but it was true when i was in HS. There was no getting away with anything at these beer bashes when I was growing up. I was caught red handed with a girl in my class at one of them. I was guilty as hell of having Russian Hands and Roman Fingers. The girl i was with had no problem with it. :D I do remember that the gossip network in my HS had informed the entire school by that Monday morning. I find it very unusual that the gossip network in BKs HS was any less efficient than mine. I guess BK was fortunate to go to a HS where the art of discretion and CRS over ruled the same information gossip line that I remember from HS. When I was in HS there was no getting away with anything once your friends and acquaintances had the goods on you. In my day if you were trying to pork some drunken girl and your friends knew about it, forgive me if this sounds crass, it would have taken 30 seconds and not 30 years for it to become public knowledge.
We are talking about his sexual assault, not his drinking (which he conceded), so I'm not sure how the red solo cups are relevant.

Maybe it would have been a big story that made the rounds of the two schools, maybe not. Wasn't really the case in my HS. Sure, if a girl got pregnant at my HS, that was big news that everyone knew about. But a drunken bump and grind in a bedroom away from the main party? Not all that uncommon. And since Keg didn't get much further than that, maybe not a big story even back then at his or her prep school. Even if it was a widely disseminated tale at the time, if you or one of your friends wasn't involved, decades later you may not remember it. I know girls in my HS got pregnant. At the time I knew their names as well as the boys involved. I don't remember any names now, decades later.

Ford took a lie detector test administered by an ex-FBI guy. She passed. Keg would not take a lie detector. She wanted to remain anonymous, but her name eventually got out, and she ultimately agreed to testify. She got harassment and death threats. Why would she subject herself to all that if the story was a lie? You'll say she didn't want a conservative on the Supreme Court. I didn't either, but I didn't make up a story about Brett, like we were in a gang that robbed banks.

I watched both testify. I watched the replay on SNL. I came away convinced she was telling the truth and he was lying. He had every reason to lie. She had no reason to come forward and lie.

I believe her, you don't. You can type one million words and you won't convince me. I can do the same and won't convince you.

What I continue to not get, though, is why you deny you support Kegger when all you do here is defend him.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

I think a lot of guys (and moms of guys) worry about an accusation from their own behavior, whether decades past or more current.

Girls and women rarely spoke up in decades past, they do so today if at least some greater frequency, though may assaults remain hidden due to the attacks the women receive when they do speak up.

The power incentives tremendously favor the men in these situations.

And, of course, men can be innocent of an accusation too.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by njbill »

Two or three girlfriends of mine from way back told me that they had been raped but never did anything about it. Not raped by some stranger in a dark alley, but by an acquaintance or a boyfriend who forced sex on them. They didn’t tell me names. These were private, one on one conversations I had with them. They had absolutely no reason to make the stories up.

Sad to say, but that type of thing was not all that uncommon many decades ago.

And, again, Brett was not accused of rape. What he did was probably multiple times more common than rape.

I’ll bet at the time of his confirmation hearing there was a lot of internal discussion about how he should respond. The handlers probably did a vote count and concluded that if he stonewalled, he still would get enough votes to be confirmed. So that is what he did.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by cradleandshoot »

njbill wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 1:08 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 11:58 am
njbill wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 6:04 pm Sure sounds like you support the guy. If not, what do the words you type mean?

Don’t recall anybody claiming he was a serial rapist. He was not accused of raping Ford. As I said, I found her account credible and his not. If you disagree, so be it.

He got caught with his pants down and tried to lie about it so he could get on to the Supreme Court. It’s really that simple. I might’ve had a little more respect for him if he had owned up, told the truth, and apologized for what he might been able to characterized as a teenage indiscretion when he was drunk. But he didn’t do that. He chose to lie from beginning to end.
Did you forget about him being the guy handing out the red solo cups?? I don't think BK denied having a fondness for beer and keggers as a teenager. I can't judge him on those merits because was also fond of beer and keggers and parties when I was a teenager. This may not matter to most of you, but it was true when i was in HS. There was no getting away with anything at these beer bashes when I was growing up. I was caught red handed with a girl in my class at one of them. I was guilty as hell of having Russian Hands and Roman Fingers. The girl i was with had no problem with it. :D I do remember that the gossip network in my HS had informed the entire school by that Monday morning. I find it very unusual that the gossip network in BKs HS was any less efficient than mine. I guess BK was fortunate to go to a HS where the art of discretion and CRS over ruled the same information gossip line that I remember from HS. When I was in HS there was no getting away with anything once your friends and acquaintances had the goods on you. In my day if you were trying to pork some drunken girl and your friends knew about it, forgive me if this sounds crass, it would have taken 30 seconds and not 30 years for it to become public knowledge.
We are talking about his sexual assault, not his drinking (which he conceded), so I'm not sure how the red solo cups are relevant.

Maybe it would have been a big story that made the rounds of the two schools, maybe not. Wasn't really the case in my HS. Sure, if a girl got pregnant at my HS, that was big news that everyone knew about. But a drunken bump and grind in a bedroom away from the main party? Not all that uncommon. And since Keg didn't get much further than that, maybe not a big story even back then at his or her prep school. Even if it was a widely disseminated tale at the time, if you or one of your friends wasn't involved, decades later you may not remember it. I know girls in my HS got pregnant. At the time I knew their names as well as the boys involved. I don't remember any names now, decades later.

Ford took a lie detector test administered by an ex-FBI guy. She passed. Keg would not take a lie detector. She wanted to remain anonymous, but her name eventually got out, and she ultimately agreed to testify. She got harassment and death threats. Why would she subject herself to all that if the story was a lie? You'll say she didn't want a conservative on the Supreme Court. I didn't either, but I didn't make up a story about Brett, like we were in a gang that robbed banks.

I watched both testify. I watched the replay on SNL. I came away convinced she was telling the truth and he was lying. He had every reason to lie. She had no reason to come forward and lie.

I believe her, you don't. You can type one million words and you won't convince me. I can do the same and won't convince you.

What I continue to not get, though, is why you deny you support Kegger when all you do here is defend him.
It was an alleged sexual assault made by a drunken woman at a party 30 years ago. Curious how she said nothing about this until they dragged her out to play the same role Anita Hill played trying to shoot down Clarence Thomas. You find her accusations credible I don't find them credible. The only thing I know for sure is that no one can or ever will be able to prove anything. Sort of like all of those credible accusations against trump and Bill Clinton. I find it odd that in this game being played about " credible accusations" that William Jefferson Clinton is the one guy on this forum who gets a pass all day long. I guess in the magical world of FLP people the term " credible accusations" is a one directional topic only relevant to Republicans? ;)
FTR counselor a lie detector test means diddly squat in a court of law. One last question for you counselor... Do you believe Juanita Broderick credible claim that William Jefferson Clinton raped her? She is more credible than Ford. She wasn't highly intoxicated at a drunken teenage party where except for BK assaulting her she suffers from an advanced case of CRS...
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Clinton doesn’t get a pass at all…who on here, specifically has given him a pass?
He was a complete dog, at a minimum cheating on his wife and using his political’power’ to pressure women if enticement wasn’t enough. Possibly rape, though that’s tougher to be sure of…but I would not give him the benefit of the doubt.

Trump simply way worse.

Kavanaugh, as a full adult, exhibits none of the ongoing gross behavior of either of those guys, indeed he’s seemed to go out of his way to be positive towards women (generally) albeit tone deaf on reproductive rights. Doesn’t mean he didn’t make drunken mistakes in his youth. I’d have been quite willing to give him the benefit of the doubt had he said he just couldn’t remember, so possible, but certainly not who he has tried to be through his life. But it sure felt like his complete, angry denial was implausibly firm… a prepared lie.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 10:22 am Clinton doesn’t get a pass at all…who on here, specifically has given him a pass?
He was a complete dog, at a minimum cheating on his wife and using his political’power’ to pressure women if enticement wasn’t enough. Possibly rape, though that’s tougher to be sure of…but I would not give him the benefit of the doubt.

Trump simply way worse.

Kavanaugh, as a full adult, exhibits none of the ongoing gross behavior of either of those guys, indeed he’s seemed to go out of his way to be positive towards women (generally) albeit tone deaf on reproductive rights. Doesn’t mean he didn’t make drunken mistakes in his youth. I’d have been quite willing to give him the benefit of the doubt had he said he just couldn’t remember, so possible, but certainly not who he has tried to be through his life. But it sure felt like his complete, angry denial was implausibly firm… a prepared lie.
Or it is possible that Ford was lying?? I don't see his angry denial as implausible if he never did it. How would you react under the same set of circumstance? I would have reacted the same way.

None of this means that BK is not guilty of something. None of us will ever know what the truth is. I refer back to how things worked when I was in HS. I was caught with a girl in a dark quiet corner of a HS party and the whole damn school knew about it Monday morning. In the case of the allegations against BK.. CRS was the order of the day.. none of the people at the party even remember Ford being there. I wish I was that lucky I was picked on mercilessly from my HS friends for some heavy making out. BKs friends never said anything about it that night and kept their mouths shut for 30 plus years.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:08 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 10:22 am Clinton doesn’t get a pass at all…who on here, specifically has given him a pass?
He was a complete dog, at a minimum cheating on his wife and using his political’power’ to pressure women if enticement wasn’t enough. Possibly rape, though that’s tougher to be sure of…but I would not give him the benefit of the doubt.

Trump simply way worse.

Kavanaugh, as a full adult, exhibits none of the ongoing gross behavior of either of those guys, indeed he’s seemed to go out of his way to be positive towards women (generally) albeit tone deaf on reproductive rights. Doesn’t mean he didn’t make drunken mistakes in his youth. I’d have been quite willing to give him the benefit of the doubt had he said he just couldn’t remember, so possible, but certainly not who he has tried to be through his life. But it sure felt like his complete, angry denial was implausibly firm… a prepared lie.
Or it is possible that Ford was lying?? I don't see his angry denial as implausible if he never did it. How would you react under the same set of circumstance? I would have reacted the same way.

None of this means that BK is not guilty of something. None of us will ever know what the truth is. I refer back to how things worked when I was in HS. I was caught with a girl in a dark quiet corner of a HS party and the whole damn school knew about it Monday morning. In the case of the allegations against BK.. CRS was the order of the day.. none of the people at the party even remember Ford being there. I wish I was that lucky I was picked on mercilessly from my HS friends for some heavy making out. BKs friends never said anything about it that night and kept their mouths shut for 30 plus years.
As I said in an earlier post, a lot of men, and moms of boys, worry about an accusation. It’s a reasonable concern, IMO, whether the guy actually did things or simply knows that he can’t really account for what he did or did not do and how it was perceived by a girl…who may well not have squawked at the time but now realizes she should speak up.

Let me also say that I do know that these sorts of things happened within my wider set of male contacts…when guys are laughing about a party wit a pulling a train with a girl, it’s pretty darn obvious that such is not all…

Doesn’t mean Kav crossed that line but we do know that he frequently was very inebriated…seems to me that it would be extremely unlikely to know for certain if you had times where you blacked out but know you continued to drink and function during those periods. So the truth is one really doesn’t know.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 12:11 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:08 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 10:22 am Clinton doesn’t get a pass at all…who on here, specifically has given him a pass?
He was a complete dog, at a minimum cheating on his wife and using his political’power’ to pressure women if enticement wasn’t enough. Possibly rape, though that’s tougher to be sure of…but I would not give him the benefit of the doubt.

Trump simply way worse.

Kavanaugh, as a full adult, exhibits none of the ongoing gross behavior of either of those guys, indeed he’s seemed to go out of his way to be positive towards women (generally) albeit tone deaf on reproductive rights. Doesn’t mean he didn’t make drunken mistakes in his youth. I’d have been quite willing to give him the benefit of the doubt had he said he just couldn’t remember, so possible, but certainly not who he has tried to be through his life. But it sure felt like his complete, angry denial was implausibly firm… a prepared lie.
Or it is possible that Ford was lying?? I don't see his angry denial as implausible if he never did it. How would you react under the same set of circumstance? I would have reacted the same way.

None of this means that BK is not guilty of something. None of us will ever know what the truth is. I refer back to how things worked when I was in HS. I was caught with a girl in a dark quiet corner of a HS party and the whole damn school knew about it Monday morning. In the case of the allegations against BK.. CRS was the order of the day.. none of the people at the party even remember Ford being there. I wish I was that lucky I was picked on mercilessly from my HS friends for some heavy making out. BKs friends never said anything about it that night and kept their mouths shut for 30 plus years.
As I said in an earlier post, a lot of men, and moms of boys, worry about an accusation. It’s a reasonable concern, IMO, whether the guy actually did things or simply knows that he can’t really account for what he did or did not do and how it was perceived by a girl…who may well not have squawked at the time but now realizes she should speak up.

Let me also say that I do know that these sorts of things happened within my wider set of male contacts…when guys are laughing about a party wit a pulling a train with a girl, it’s pretty darn obvious that such is not all…

Doesn’t mean Kav crossed that line but we do know that he frequently was very inebriated…seems to me that it would be extremely unlikely to know for certain if you had times where you blacked out but know you continued to drink and function during those periods. So the truth is one really doesn’t know.
I agree 100 %
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by njbill »

No, Broaddrick is not more credible than Ford. I don’t know if the alleged incident with Clinton happened or not. What I do know is that Broaddrick signed an affidavit that it never happened. Yes, she later recanted that, but even Ken Starr (who would have prosecuted Clinton for tearing the tag off a mattress if he could) dropped his investigation of her. Some of her friends corroborated her account, but her husband at the time did not. So who knows?

Yes, the results of a lie detector test aren’t admissible in court, but we weren’t in court. We were in a Senate confirmation hearing. That she passed a lie detector is some evidence she was telling the truth. If she was lying, why would she take a lie detector test? I certainly wouldn’t. I don’t really hold it against Brett for not reciprocating, but it is certainly something a truly innocent man could have done.

Sure it is possible Ford was lying or that it was some other oafish boy on top of her. It is also possible the Kegger (“I like beer”) was lying. Again, she had no reason to lie. He had every reason to do so.

Actually his reaction was pretty key to me in concluding he was lying. He fussed and fumed. He screwed up his facial expressions. He attacked Senators. He acted and looked like a liar. Had the same thing happened to me and had I been innocent, I would have simply said so, calmly and impassively. I would have said Ford was mistaken (wouldn’t have called her a liar) and that perhaps she has me or the incident confused with someone or something else.

cradle, did you go to some prudish Catholic high school? At my school getting caught in the corner with a girl was a complete non-event. And not remembering who was at a HS party decades ago? Huh? Other than my HS girlfriend, I have no idea all these years later who was at parties I attended. Means diddly.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by elonmuskrockefeller »

dislaxxic wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 3:23 pm
elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 1:34 pmThe 2016 field of Republican candidates was made up of by wishy-washy politicians who had had zero real achievement in life.

The list:

Withdrew before the primaries:

George Pataki
Lindsey Graham
Bobby Jindal
Mark Everson
Scott Walker
Rick Perry

Withdrew during the primaries:

ted Cruz
Marko Rubio
John Kasich
Ben Carson
Jeb Bush
Rand Paul
Mike Huckabee
Carly Fiorina
Chris Christie
Jim Gilmore
Rick Santorum

Wishy-Washy alright! Nah, no "life achievements" either! At least none like those achieved by the eventual winner. :lol: Tough bar those republicans need to clear... ;)


I never really found any of these guys to be all that impressive, tbh. I pulled for Rand Paul, who at least had a career. Carly was okay, but not a leader. Ben Carson was too ethereal. The rest were simply professional politicians.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by elonmuskrockefeller »

Fentanyl should be a national emergency.

Two of my sons' friends have now died from an accidental intake of fentanyl.

https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/tr ... eath-rates

Made in China, getting in though Mexico.

It's beyond outrageous that this administration has not done anything to halt these murders. Such bullsh8t press releases:

https://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/briefi ... -epidemic/

Nothing about stopping it at the source (China) or where it enters America (Mexico). I don't know how anyone can not be outraged by this Administration. Just freaking pathetic at every level.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by a fan »

elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:46 pm Fentanyl should be a national emergency.

Two of my sons' friends have now died from an accidental intake of fentanyl.

https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/tr ... eath-rates

Made in China, getting in though Mexico.

It's beyond outrageous that this administration has not done anything to halt these murders. Such bullsh8t press releases:

https://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/briefi ... -epidemic/

Nothing about stopping it at the source (China) or where it enters America (Mexico). I don't know how anyone can not be outraged by this Administration. Just freaking pathetic at every level.
Oh, totally. There were zero Fentanyl deaths under your man Trump and his magic little R. It's all Biden's fault.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by elonmuskrockefeller »

a fan wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 2:01 pm
elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:46 pm Fentanyl should be a national emergency.

Two of my sons' friends have now died from an accidental intake of fentanyl.

https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/tr ... eath-rates

Made in China, getting in though Mexico.

It's beyond outrageous that this administration has not done anything to halt these murders. Such bullsh8t press releases:

https://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/briefi ... -epidemic/

Nothing about stopping it at the source (China) or where it enters America (Mexico). I don't know how anyone can not be outraged by this Administration. Just freaking pathetic at every level.
Oh, totally. There were zero Fentanyl deaths under your man Trump and his magic little R. It's all Biden's fault.

AYFKM??! Deaths are up every year now 50%. Of course they were up during Trump's presidency...but it's beyond significantly up during this presidency. Stop making excuses, a fan.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by a fan »

elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 2:06 pm AYFKM??! Deaths are up every year now 50%. Of course they were up during Trump's presidency...but it's beyond significantly up during this presidency. Stop making excuses, a fan.
I'm not making excuses! The Dems are bad!!!! Biden is HORRIBLE, Pete! Why didn't you tell us this before the election, before it was too late?!

What now, Pete! Should we vote for Republicans!?

Please help us, Pete with your brilliant thinking!!!! We just don't know what to do!!!
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by Farfromgeneva »

a fan wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 2:01 pm
elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:46 pm Fentanyl should be a national emergency.

Two of my sons' friends have now died from an accidental intake of fentanyl.

https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/tr ... eath-rates

Made in China, getting in though Mexico.

It's beyond outrageous that this administration has not done anything to halt these murders. Such bullsh8t press releases:

https://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/briefi ... -epidemic/

Nothing about stopping it at the source (China) or where it enters America (Mexico). I don't know how anyone can not be outraged by this Administration. Just freaking pathetic at every level.
Oh, totally. There were zero Fentanyl deaths under your man Trump and his magic little R. It's all Biden's fault.
Because it's now an elevated priority of the Murdoch empire...
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by youthathletics »

A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by kramerica.inc »

https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white- ... -rcna64311
President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he intends to visit the U.S.-Mexico border for the first time since taking office, after nearly two years of Republicans criticizing his administration over the migrant crisis.

Biden revealed the potential trip while speaking to reporters before boarding Air Force One in Kentucky. Asked if he'll be going to the border, Biden said, "That’s my intention, we’re working out the details now."

The president is scheduled to attend the North American Leaders' Summit in Mexico City on Monday and Tuesday.

Republicans have repeatedly ridiculed Biden for not visiting the southern border while also saying the issue of migrants is not a priority for his presidency.

The Biden administration suffered a legal setback on implementing its immigration policies when the Supreme Court decided last month that Title 42 — a Trump-era immigration policy that lets authorities quickly expel asylum-seekers at the border — will remain in effect for now. The administration had sought to end that policy.

A trip to the border would come as House Republicans are poised to ramp up oversight of the Biden administration, with a particular focus on the border.
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