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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 5:33 pm
by Brooklyn
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:53 pm
What's the point, we could all debate the 2 amendment until the cows came home and never make any headway. What did the founding fathers actually mean by " well regulated militia" ?? What did the founding fathers mean by " the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" The inconsistency of those two statements in the 2nd amendment has led to differing and disagreeable opinions for decades. We can all read and interpret the constitution in any number of ways. The bottom line is that the SCOTUS has the final say.

Fer sure. Esp since the right wing 5th Circuit has ruled that the law in question in non kosher for constitutional purposes. If the USSC is consistent it will uphold that ruling on appeal. But still, my question remains, why did the Tea bagging right wingers all abandon Biden, Junior in his hour of need? When it comes to white supremacist, Tea Baggers, ultra right lunatics they love and support their rights to carry guns and all manner of weaponry. But when it comes to the more patriotic sort they disappear. Such hypocrisy!

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:05 pm
by old salt
By his persistence, afan has tried to turn any discussion in this thread about the Biden's malfeasance into a massive deflection & diversion.
Pay no attention to the volume of incriminating stuff that keeps coming out about the Biden's now that laptop has been authenticated.
Poor Hunter is just a victim. A recovered addict who is only being prosecuted because of his name.
The inability to account for all the foreign $$$ that went unreported & untaxed is no big deal, they all do it.
The whole thing is a conspiracy theory. Don't acknowledge any facts or anything that happened, or did not happen, after Barr & Trump left office,
...because that's too difficult to account for. The bottom line = Barr followed DOJ policy to not interfere in an election. The investigation was not yet complete & Weiss had not yet built the case sufficiently to bring charges by the time Trump's term ended.
It took > 3 years after Barr left office just to get a simple gun charge to court & the tax evasion cases have yet to be tried.
The earliest SOL's did not run until years after Barr left office & there was an easy mechanism available to extend them.
Barr is a red herring & is being used as an excuse & a diversion.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:55 pm
by Typical Lax Dad

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:23 am
by old salt
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:55 pm Peas in a pod…. ... esearch%22
Tell us pea brain -- did you even bother to read what you linked, or was it the only thing Google yielded for [Benghazi conspiracy theories].

The section on Benghazi does not address in detail anything that happened there -- nothing about the Intel failure, why our Amb & party went in when all the other govts were pulling their people out ? Why our "consulate" was so poorly defended ? Why nothing was done to rescue our people trapped there ? No details about the bogus attempt to blame it on a movie.

The "conspiracy theories" about Clinton's emails & health had nothing to do with what happened in Benghazi -- who said they did ?

The peas in a pod are you & afan with your red herring diversions.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 2:56 am
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:23 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:55 pm Peas in a pod…. ... esearch%22
Tell us pea brain -- did you even bother to read what you linked, or was it the only thing Google yielded for [Benghazi conspiracy theories].

The section on Benghazi does not address in detail anything that happened there -- nothing about the Intel failure, why our Amb & party went in when all the other govts were pulling their people out ? Why our "consulate" was so poorly defended ? Why nothing was done to rescue our people trapped there ? No details about the bogus attempt to blame it on a movie.

The "conspiracy theories" about Clinton's emails & health had nothing to do with what happened in Benghazi -- who said they did ?

The peas in a pod are you & afan with your red herring diversions.
:lol: :lol:

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:07 am
by runrussellrun
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 2:56 am
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:23 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:55 pm Peas in a pod…. ... esearch%22
Tell us pea brain -- did you even bother to read what you linked, or was it the only thing Google yielded for [Benghazi conspiracy theories].

The section on Benghazi does not address in detail anything that happened there -- nothing about the Intel failure, why our Amb & party went in when all the other govts were pulling their people out ? Why our "consulate" was so poorly defended ? Why nothing was done to rescue our people trapped there ? No details about the bogus attempt to blame it on a movie.

The "conspiracy theories" about Clinton's emails & health had nothing to do with what happened in Benghazi -- who said they did ?

The peas in a pod are you & afan with your red herring diversions.
:lol: :lol:
Isn't "laughing" at people that are dead........something that alex "pos" jones would do ?

yeah......SO......fn funny

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:54 am
by a fan
old salt wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:05 pm By his persistence, afan has tried to turn any discussion in this thread about the Biden's malfeasance into a massive deflection & diversion.
Pay no attention to the volume of incriminating stuff that keeps coming out about the Biden's now that laptop has been authenticated.
Nope. Ane the rest of the forum knows it...which is why they're making fun of you, and not me.

All I'm doing is reporting what the timeline was as reported by the Whistleblowers. You know, the guys that you and TeamTinFoil believe.

Unllke you, I actually read their opening statement, and listened to what they said without bias. You, as you have told me, are a you cherry picked what you heard. Which is your right, and I respect that right.

However, for the rest of us that aren't in the bag for the Republican party:

-the WB"s are generally speaking alleging political interference. However, unlike FoxNation, they don't claim it came from Dems. They claim the whole mess started under the Trump regime, by Trump's handpicked employees.

-the WB's biggest complaint, by far, was that Bill Barr stepped in, and moved the investigation to DC, pulling power away from the IRS. This had NEVER happened before in the WB's entire career. This was clearly a political move, for good or ill. The freaking US Attorney General doesn't step in unless it's the VP's kid. Duh. Even TeamTinFoil admits that this is unusual.

-this is where allllll the delays started. Normally? These IRS pull their own warrants and build their own case with no one in their way. Gee, ya think putting a bunch of lawyers in their way slowed things down? :roll: Of course it did. Hence their complaints...they've never dealt with the DoJ stepping in and

-Barr personally----PERSONALLY----put Weiss in charge. Old Salt can add all the opinions he wants, that's fine. But the FACT is that Bill Barr is the one who put Weiss in charge. Had Barr left the IRS agents to do their jobs? Weiss, have never been involved. This is a FACT, not an opinion.

In summary, all I'm doing is reporting what the WB's said, without opinion. The WB's told Congress that they were angry Barr stepped in and put a bunch of lawyers in their way. Who wouldn't be? Don't blame them, to be honest. They detail each time a lawyer slowed things down, or didn't do what the IRS agents wanted. This is the IRS agents opinion, of course. Maybe Barr and Weiss had good reasons to step in...I have no clue, I'm not a lawyer.s

The part TeamTInFoil wants everyone to ignore are the facts that the WB"s laid out:

1. that the big complaint was that Barr stepped in and took the IRS agents power away, and gave it to Weiss. Now everything had to run through Weiss. This is the foundation for alllll the WB"s future complaints. Had Barr left things alone, and treated this like a normal tax case? Weiss would NEVER have been put in charge, and the IRS would have executed warrants internally with no DoJ involvement, as per normal. This is a FACT, not an opinion.

2. that everyone involved at the top management level (the decision-makers) is not just a Republican, but also a Trump appointee. This means Barr, Weiss, Rettig (IRS) and Wray (FBI). So if there's a conspiracy to slow down the investigation, it's on Trump appointees. This is a FACT, not an opinion.

3. that the WB's said that Bill Barr stepping in had never happened before in their career. The IRS is left to do their jobs without DoJ interference in every other tax case they've ever been involved in. THAT is their complaint. Again, this is a FACT, not an opinion.

FoxNation takes all of the above, ignores EVERYTHING the the WB's complained about, and spins it into "the Dems did this"...because that's what they're paid to do. And TeamTinFoil laps it up, because that's THEIR job in this mess: "Dems are bad, R's are good".

Which is why GGait, TLD, and others are laughing their *sses off. Because by the WB"s own testimony, they're complaining about Trump appointees stepping in and derailing the IRS from doing their job.

These are FACTS, not opinions. The WhistleBlower transcripts are there for all to read.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:21 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:54 am
old salt wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:05 pm By his persistence, afan has tried to turn any discussion in this thread about the Biden's malfeasance into a massive deflection & diversion.
Pay no attention to the volume of incriminating stuff that keeps coming out about the Biden's now that laptop has been authenticated.
Nope. Ane the rest of the forum knows it...which is why they're making fun of you, and not me.

All I'm doing is reporting what the timeline was as reported by the Whistleblowers. You know, the guys that you and TeamTinFoil believe.

Unllke you, I actually read their opening statement, and listened to what they said without bias. You, as you have told me, are a you cherry picked what you heard. Which is your right, and I respect that right.

However, for the rest of us that aren't in the bag for the Republican party:

-the WB"s are generally speaking alleging political interference. However, unlike FoxNation, they don't claim it came from Dems. They claim the whole mess started under the Trump regime, by Trump's handpicked employees.

-the WB's biggest complaint, by far, was that Bill Barr stepped in, and moved the investigation to DC, pulling power away from the IRS. This had NEVER happened before in the WB's entire career. This was clearly a political move, for good or ill. The freaking US Attorney General doesn't step in unless it's the VP's kid. Duh. Even TeamTinFoil admits that this is unusual.

-this is where allllll the delays started. Normally? These IRS pull their own warrants and build their own case with no one in their way. Gee, ya think putting a bunch of lawyers in their way slowed things down? :roll: Of course it did. Hence their complaints...they've never dealt with the DoJ stepping in and

-Barr personally----PERSONALLY----put Weiss in charge. Old Salt can add all the opinions he wants, that's fine. But the FACT is that Bill Barr is the one who put Weiss in charge. Had Barr left the IRS agents to do their jobs? Weiss, have never been involved. This is a FACT, not an opinion.

In summary, all I'm doing is reporting what the WB's said, without opinion. The WB's told Congress that they were angry Barr stepped in and put a bunch of lawyers in their way. Who wouldn't be? Don't blame them, to be honest. They detail each time a lawyer slowed things down, or didn't do what the IRS agents wanted. This is the IRS agents opinion, of course. Maybe Barr and Weiss had good reasons to step in...I have no clue, I'm not a lawyer.s

The part TeamTInFoil wants everyone to ignore are the facts that the WB"s laid out:

1. that the big complaint was that Barr stepped in and took the IRS agents power away, and gave it to Weiss. Now everything had to run through Weiss. This is the foundation for alllll the WB"s future complaints. Had Barr left things alone, and treated this like a normal tax case? Weiss would NEVER have been put in charge, and the IRS would have executed warrants internally with no DoJ involvement, as per normal. This is a FACT, not an opinion.

2. that everyone involved at the top management level (the decision-makers) is not just a Republican, but also a Trump appointee. This means Barr, Weiss, Rettig (IRS) and Wray (FBI). So if there's a conspiracy to slow down the investigation, it's on Trump appointees. This is a FACT, not an opinion.

3. that the WB's said that Bill Barr stepping in had never happened before in their career. The IRS is left to do their jobs without DoJ interference in every other tax case they've ever been involved in. THAT is their complaint. Again, this is a FACT, not an opinion.

FoxNation takes all of the above, ignores EVERYTHING the the WB's complained about, and spins it into "the Dems did this"...because that's what they're paid to do. And TeamTinFoil laps it up, because that's THEIR job in this mess: "Dems are bad, R's are good".

Which is why GGait, TLD, and others are laughing their *sses off. Because by the WB"s own testimony, they're complaining about Trump appointees stepping in and derailing the IRS from doing their job.

These are FACTS, not opinions. The WhistleBlower transcripts are there for all to read.
Facts aren’t fun.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:30 pm
by a fan
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:21 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:54 am
old salt wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:05 pm By his persistence, afan has tried to turn any discussion in this thread about the Biden's malfeasance into a massive deflection & diversion.
Pay no attention to the volume of incriminating stuff that keeps coming out about the Biden's now that laptop has been authenticated.
Nope. Ane the rest of the forum knows it...which is why they're making fun of you, and not me.

All I'm doing is reporting what the timeline was as reported by the Whistleblowers. You know, the guys that you and TeamTinFoil believe.

Unllke you, I actually read their opening statement, and listened to what they said without bias. You, as you have told me, are a you cherry picked what you heard. Which is your right, and I respect that right.

However, for the rest of us that aren't in the bag for the Republican party:

-the WB"s are generally speaking alleging political interference. However, unlike FoxNation, they don't claim it came from Dems. They claim the whole mess started under the Trump regime, by Trump's handpicked employees.

-the WB's biggest complaint, by far, was that Bill Barr stepped in, and moved the investigation to DC, pulling power away from the IRS. This had NEVER happened before in the WB's entire career. This was clearly a political move, for good or ill. The freaking US Attorney General doesn't step in unless it's the VP's kid. Duh. Even TeamTinFoil admits that this is unusual.

-this is where allllll the delays started. Normally? These IRS pull their own warrants and build their own case with no one in their way. Gee, ya think putting a bunch of lawyers in their way slowed things down? :roll: Of course it did. Hence their complaints...they've never dealt with the DoJ stepping in and

-Barr personally----PERSONALLY----put Weiss in charge. Old Salt can add all the opinions he wants, that's fine. But the FACT is that Bill Barr is the one who put Weiss in charge. Had Barr left the IRS agents to do their jobs? Weiss, have never been involved. This is a FACT, not an opinion.

In summary, all I'm doing is reporting what the WB's said, without opinion. The WB's told Congress that they were angry Barr stepped in and put a bunch of lawyers in their way. Who wouldn't be? Don't blame them, to be honest. They detail each time a lawyer slowed things down, or didn't do what the IRS agents wanted. This is the IRS agents opinion, of course. Maybe Barr and Weiss had good reasons to step in...I have no clue, I'm not a lawyer.s

The part TeamTInFoil wants everyone to ignore are the facts that the WB"s laid out:

1. that the big complaint was that Barr stepped in and took the IRS agents power away, and gave it to Weiss. Now everything had to run through Weiss. This is the foundation for alllll the WB"s future complaints. Had Barr left things alone, and treated this like a normal tax case? Weiss would NEVER have been put in charge, and the IRS would have executed warrants internally with no DoJ involvement, as per normal. This is a FACT, not an opinion.

2. that everyone involved at the top management level (the decision-makers) is not just a Republican, but also a Trump appointee. This means Barr, Weiss, Rettig (IRS) and Wray (FBI). So if there's a conspiracy to slow down the investigation, it's on Trump appointees. This is a FACT, not an opinion.

3. that the WB's said that Bill Barr stepping in had never happened before in their career. The IRS is left to do their jobs without DoJ interference in every other tax case they've ever been involved in. THAT is their complaint. Again, this is a FACT, not an opinion.

FoxNation takes all of the above, ignores EVERYTHING the the WB's complained about, and spins it into "the Dems did this"...because that's what they're paid to do. And TeamTinFoil laps it up, because that's THEIR job in this mess: "Dems are bad, R's are good".

Which is why GGait, TLD, and others are laughing their *sses off. Because by the WB"s own testimony, they're complaining about Trump appointees stepping in and derailing the IRS from doing their job.

These are FACTS, not opinions. The WhistleBlower transcripts are there for all to read.
Facts aren’t fun.
Especially so when they're the facts that are agreed upon.....TeamTinFoil claims that they believe the Whistleblowers.

Yet they want to cherry pick what the WB's told them, and ignore what the WB"s were actually complaining about.....

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:04 pm
by old salt
Barr never took the WB's power away. The case proceeded normally along established channels.
The IRS did not make criminal referrals to the DoJ until Feb & Sept 2022.

Barr did not assign Weiss specifically to go after Hunter.
Weiss had already returned as the Acting US Atty for DE when the position became vacant in Mar '17.
The " Acting" was dropped in Feb '18, after Senate confirmation, with Blue Card endorsements from DE's 2 Dem Senators.

Weiss was already in the job before the IRS criminal referral. There is no evidence that Barr interfered with Weiss & his investigation.
Did the WB's complain about Barr by name ? Show us the quotes from their testimony naming Barr.

Barr was following longstanding DoJ policy to not politicize investigations & not publicly reveal them during political campaigns.
That was what prompted Barr to return as Trump's AG -- the DoJ's political undermining of Trump's campaign & subsequent Presidency.

It is remarkable that it did not leak that Hunter was under investigation until he revealed it himself in Dec 2020.
Contrast that with the leaks out of DoJ during the campaign of 2016, continuing until Barr became AG.

There was still more than enough time within the SOL to prosecute Hunter after the election & inauguration.

Yes, facts are stubborn things. afan is making AG Barr a McGuffin. A diversion, distraction & excuse for the reckoning finally coming for Hunter's criminal activities & the complicity of his family members.
Mr Shapley said that the IRS had largely concluded its investigation by the end of 2021 and recommended that Hunter Biden be charged with multiple tax fraud felonies. The agency officially referred those conclusions to US government attorneys in Washington DC, in February 2022, and in California in September 2022. Neither took action.

Ultimately, Mr Weiss brought charges against Mr Biden as part of a plea deal - but for misdemeanours that carry no prison time, not the felonies the IRS investigators recommended.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:37 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:04 pm Barr never took the WB's power away. The case proceeded normally along established channels.
The IRS did not make criminal referrals to the DoJ until Feb & Sept 2022.

Barr did not assign Weiss specifically to go after Hunter.
Weiss had already returned as the Acting US Atty for DE when the position became vacant in Mar '17.
The " Acting" was dropped in Feb '18, after Senate confirmation, with Blue Card endorsements from DE's 2 Dem Senators.

Weiss was already in the job before the IRS criminal referral. There is no evidence that Barr interfered with Weiss & his investigation.
Did the WB's complain about Barr by name ? Show us the quotes from their testimony naming Barr.

Barr was following longstanding DoJ policy to not politicize investigations & not publicly reveal them during political campaigns.
That was what prompted Barr to return as Trump's AG -- the DoJ's political undermining of Trump's campaign & subsequent Presidency.

It is remarkable that it did not leak that Hunter was under investigation until he revealed it himself in Dec 2020.
Contrast that with the leaks out of DoJ during the campaign of 2016, continuing until Barr became AG.

There was still more than enough time within the SOL to prosecute Hunter after the election & inauguration.

Yes, facts are stubborn things. afan is making AG Barr a McGuffin. A diversion, distraction & excuse for the reckoning finally coming for Hunter's criminal activities & the complicity of his family members.
Mr Shapley said that the IRS had largely concluded its investigation by the end of 2021 and recommended that Hunter Biden be charged with multiple tax fraud felonies. The agency officially referred those conclusions to US government attorneys in Washington DC, in February 2022, and in California in September 2022. Neither took action.

Ultimately, Mr Weiss brought charges against Mr Biden as part of a plea deal - but for misdemeanours that carry no prison time, not the felonies the IRS investigators recommended.
The Biden justice department got the man they were shown…you are still whining.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:13 pm
by a fan
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:04 pm Barr never took the WB's power away. The case proceeded normally along established channels.
The IRS did not make criminal referrals to the DoJ until Feb & Sept 2022. [

Barr did not assign Weiss specifically to go after Hunter.
Wrong on both counts. You know, for a guy who swears he read the transcripts, it's plain as day that you couldn't even tell me what the top five complaints of the whistleblowers were. And funniest of all, you think I'm the one doing the complaining. I'm not complaining about doodly. All I'm doing is telling the forum what the Whistleblowers complaints were.

These are the same whistleblowers that you, YA, Cradle, and FoxNation trust. And the reason you trust them is that you didn't bother reading what they told Congress. All that you got was FoxNation spin where they're intentionally ignoring what the WB's complaints were, and who they were directed at, so that you can concoct an entire new conspiracy theory that AT NO POINT makes any sense. As usual.

Here's their own words. Not mine. Not FoxNations. No opinions here, and nothing you can refute. It's the WB's own words:


After approximately four months (edit-this is now spring 2019) of continuing to pull internal and public reports (preliminary steps), I had drafted my initiation package for Hunter Bi den that was ultimately approved to go forward to Department of Justice-Tax Division. That referral asked for the investigation to go to the DC U.S. Attorney's office because that's where I had determined venue was for the tax case. I did not know at the time that the Delaware U.S Attorney's office and the FBI had already opened an investigation related to the bank report in and around January 2019. I was told at the time that after inter-department discussions within DOJ at a Senior level, the tax investigation related to Hunter Biden would join the active investigation being conducted out of the Delaware U.S. Attorney's Office and Delaware FBI Office. I recall creating venue analyses for DOJ-Tax showing that venue should be in Washington DC, but I was ultimately overruled by everyone above me.

So here's his first complaint. This is spring of 2019, and when he says "DOJ at a Senior Level", he's talking about the head of the DoJ...Bill Barr. The WB is mad that the case was pulled from it's normal venue-----DoJ Tax Division----and moved to Weiss' desk per Bill Barr. The WB didn't like that, and told Congress why. There's no running from this FACT. There's no hiding. The WB explained that Bill Barr took the case from its normal path of taking it to DoJ Tax division, and treated this case differently. And this is just ONE reason why the WB blew the whistle. Barr broke protocol.

He goes on to explain WHY he thought it was bad that Bill Barr moved the case to Delaware instead of DoJTaxDivision in Wash DC

There were definitely potential issues I saw with working this case in Delaware. We were working with a small USAO who might not have ever worked a case of this caliber. Delaware was the state in which the subject's father lived in and the family was extremely well known throughout the state, including people on the team. This was later evident by the President, Joe Biden, having to come into the FBI office on an unrelated matter, and it being joked with the team. Another example was that a magistrate judge in Delaware made inappropriate comments at the signing of the first electronic search warrant that had caused her to recuse themself from the investigation, which set us back an additional 4 months as we had to draft new warrants and redo investigative steps. This is a few of the many issues that we encountered with working the case out of Delaware, but at the end of the day, I constantly remember telling myself, my co-case agent and my supervisor that these are issues we have to deal with and there is nothing we can change. We just have to deal with every challenge and roadblocks that were put in front of us and continue to do what is right, for the right reasons.

See? No tinfoil needed. Weiss and his team didn't have the needed experience to handle a tax case like this.....and the DoJTaxDivision (shocker) worked these cases all day long. You know how you and your buds have been complaining about how Weiss handled this? Well guess what? The whistleblowers saw the problem coming....and told Congress about it.

And did you listen to them? Nope. Why? Because Bill Barr has a magic R by his name. So you think it's impossible for Barr to simply make a bad choice in putting Weiss on the case instead of a far more experienced DoJTax team in DC like the Whistleblowers wanted.

Allllll the complaints flow from this choice of Barr's to move the case to Delaware. Guess what office Leslie Wolfe worked in, OS? Oh, that's right: the Delaware office.

You could have simply read what the WB's told you MONTHS ago, realized why the case went squirrelly....and moved on.

Instead? You keep doubling down on your conspiracy, and best of all? Adding even MORE to your conspiracy that there are crimes in Hunter's laptop....even though there isn't a single person on Earth who can tell anyone, anywhere, what that crime is.

Oh well. Keep at it.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 4:13 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
a fan wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:13 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:04 pm Barr never took the WB's power away. The case proceeded normally along established channels.
The IRS did not make criminal referrals to the DoJ until Feb & Sept 2022. [

Barr did not assign Weiss specifically to go after Hunter.
Wrong on both counts. You know, for a guy who swears he read the transcripts, it's plain as day that you couldn't even tell me what the top five complaints of the whistleblowers were. And funniest of all, you think I'm the one doing the complaining. I'm not complaining about doodly. All I'm doing is telling the forum what the Whistleblowers complaints were.

These are the same whistleblowers that you, YA, Cradle, and FoxNation trust. And the reason you trust them is that you didn't bother reading what they told Congress. All that you got was FoxNation spin where they're intentionally ignoring what the WB's complaints were, and who they were directed at, so that you can concoct an entire new conspiracy theory that AT NO POINT makes any sense. As usual.

Here's their own words. Not mine. Not FoxNations. No opinions here, and nothing you can refute. It's the WB's own words:


After approximately four months (edit-this is now spring 2019) of continuing to pull internal and public reports (preliminary steps), I had drafted my initiation package for Hunter Bi den that was ultimately approved to go forward to Department of Justice-Tax Division. That referral asked for the investigation to go to the DC U.S. Attorney's office because that's where I had determined venue was for the tax case. I did not know at the time that the Delaware U.S Attorney's office and the FBI had already opened an investigation related to the bank report in and around January 2019. I was told at the time that after inter-department discussions within DOJ at a Senior level, the tax investigation related to Hunter Biden would join the active investigation being conducted out of the Delaware U.S. Attorney's Office and Delaware FBI Office. I recall creating venue analyses for DOJ-Tax showing that venue should be in Washington DC, but I was ultimately overruled by everyone above me.

So here's his first complaint. This is spring of 2019, and when he says "DOJ at a Senior Level", he's talking about the head of the DoJ...Bill Barr. The WB is mad that the case was pulled from it's normal venue-----DoJ Tax Division----and moved to Weiss' desk per Bill Barr. The WB didn't like that, and told Congress why. There's no running from this FACT. There's no hiding. The WB explained that Bill Barr took the case from its normal path of taking it to DoJ Tax division, and treated this case differently. And this is just ONE reason why the WB blew the whistle. Barr broke protocol.

He goes on to explain WHY he thought it was bad that Bill Barr moved the case to Delaware instead of DoJTaxDivision in Wash DC

There were definitely potential issues I saw with working this case in Delaware. We were working with a small USAO who might not have ever worked a case of this caliber. Delaware was the state in which the subject's father lived in and the family was extremely well known throughout the state, including people on the team. This was later evident by the President, Joe Biden, having to come into the FBI office on an unrelated matter, and it being joked with the team. Another example was that a magistrate judge in Delaware made inappropriate comments at the signing of the first electronic search warrant that had caused her to recuse themself from the investigation, which set us back an additional 4 months as we had to draft new warrants and redo investigative steps. This is a few of the many issues that we encountered with working the case out of Delaware, but at the end of the day, I constantly remember telling myself, my co-case agent and my supervisor that these are issues we have to deal with and there is nothing we can change. We just have to deal with every challenge and roadblocks that were put in front of us and continue to do what is right, for the right reasons.

See? No tinfoil needed. Weiss and his team didn't have the needed experience to handle a tax case like this.....and the DoJTaxDivision (shocker) worked these cases all day long. You know how you and your buds have been complaining about how Weiss handled this? Well guess what? The whistleblowers saw the problem coming....and told Congress about it.

And did you listen to them? Nope. Why? Because Bill Barr has a magic R by his name. So you think it's impossible for Barr to simply make a bad choice in putting Weiss on the case instead of a far more experienced DoJTax team in DC like the Whistleblowers wanted.

Allllll the complaints flow from this choice of Barr's to move the case to Delaware. Guess what office Leslie Wolfe worked in, OS? Oh, that's right: the Delaware office.

You could have simply read what the WB's told you MONTHS ago, realized why the case went squirrelly....and moved on.

Instead? You keep doubling down on your conspiracy, and best of all? Adding even MORE to your conspiracy that there are crimes in Hunter's laptop....even though there isn't a single person on Earth who can tell anyone, anywhere, what that crime is.

Oh well. Keep at it.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:23 pm
by old salt
a fan wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:13 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:04 pm Barr never took the WB's power away. The case proceeded normally along established channels.
The IRS did not make criminal referrals to the DoJ until Feb & Sept 2022. [

Barr did not assign Weiss specifically to go after Hunter.
Wrong on both counts. You know, for a guy who swears he read the transcripts, it's plain as day that you couldn't even tell me what the top five complaints of the whistleblowers were. And funniest of all, you think I'm the one doing the complaining. I'm not complaining about doodly. All I'm doing is telling the forum what the Whistleblowers complaints were.

These are the same whistleblowers that you, YA, Cradle, and FoxNation trust. And the reason you trust them is that you didn't bother reading what they told Congress. All that you got was FoxNation spin where they're intentionally ignoring what the WB's complaints were, and who they were directed at, so that you can concoct an entire new conspiracy theory that AT NO POINT makes any sense. As usual.

Here's their own words. Not mine. Not FoxNations. No opinions here, and nothing you can refute. It's the WB's own words:


After approximately four months (edit-this is now spring 2019) of continuing to pull internal and public reports (preliminary steps), I had drafted my initiation package for Hunter Bi den that was ultimately approved to go forward to Department of Justice-Tax Division. That referral asked for the investigation to go to the DC U.S. Attorney's office because that's where I had determined venue was for the tax case. I did not know at the time that the Delaware U.S Attorney's office and the FBI had already opened an investigation related to the bank report in and around January 2019. I was told at the time that after inter-department discussions within DOJ at a Senior level, the tax investigation related to Hunter Biden would join the active investigation being conducted out of the Delaware U.S. Attorney's Office and Delaware FBI Office. I recall creating venue analyses for DOJ-Tax showing that venue should be in Washington DC, but I was ultimately overruled by everyone above me.

So here's his first complaint. This is spring of 2019, and when he says "DOJ at a Senior Level", he's talking about the head of the DoJ...Bill Barr. The WB is mad that the case was pulled from it's normal venue-----DoJ Tax Division----and moved to Weiss' desk per Bill Barr. The WB didn't like that, and told Congress why. There's no running from this FACT. There's no hiding. The WB explained that Bill Barr took the case from its normal path of taking it to DoJ Tax division, and treated this case differently. And this is just ONE reason why the WB blew the whistle. Barr broke protocol.

He goes on to explain WHY he thought it was bad that Bill Barr moved the case to Delaware instead of DoJTaxDivision in Wash DC

There were definitely potential issues I saw with working this case in Delaware. We were working with a small USAO who might not have ever worked a case of this caliber. Delaware was the state in which the subject's father lived in and the family was extremely well known throughout the state, including people on the team. This was later evident by the President, Joe Biden, having to come into the FBI office on an unrelated matter, and it being joked with the team. Another example was that a magistrate judge in Delaware made inappropriate comments at the signing of the first electronic search warrant that had caused her to recuse themself from the investigation, which set us back an additional 4 months as we had to draft new warrants and redo investigative steps. This is a few of the many issues that we encountered with working the case out of Delaware, but at the end of the day, I constantly remember telling myself, my co-case agent and my supervisor that these are issues we have to deal with and there is nothing we can change. We just have to deal with every challenge and roadblocks that were put in front of us and continue to do what is right, for the right reasons.

See? No tinfoil needed. Weiss and his team didn't have the needed experience to handle a tax case like this.....and the DoJTaxDivision (shocker) worked these cases all day long. You know how you and your buds have been complaining about how Weiss handled this? Well guess what? The whistleblowers saw the problem coming....and told Congress about it.

And did you listen to them? Nope. Why? Because Bill Barr has a magic R by his name. So you think it's impossible for Barr to simply make a bad choice in putting Weiss on the case instead of a far more experienced DoJTax team in DC like the Whistleblowers wanted.

Allllll the complaints flow from this choice of Barr's to move the case to Delaware. Guess what office Leslie Wolfe worked in, OS? Oh, that's right: the Delaware office.

You could have simply read what the WB's told you MONTHS ago, realized why the case went squirrelly....and moved on.

Instead? You keep doubling down on your conspiracy, and best of all? Adding even MORE to your conspiracy that there are crimes in Hunter's laptop....even though there isn't a single person on Earth who can tell anyone, anywhere, what that crime is.

Oh well. Keep at it.
BS. Supposition, not facts

Neither "the AG" nor "Barr" is ever mentioned. There are senior levels in DoJ below Barr.
According to your post -- unbeknownst to the IRS WB, the DE office was already investigating Hunter's finances due to bank reports.

It was a jurisdictional dispute within DoJ. The IRS WB apparently did not know that his case was assigned to the DE office because that office was already working a case on Hunter based on bank reports (& maybe the gun case too).

They would not have had a more sympathetic jury in CA or DC. The US Atty's in DC & CA declined to take the tax case when Weiss tried to transfer it to them. Weiss is now trying the tax case in CA because he has SC authority & staffing.

According to your own post -- the DE office was already investigating Hunter's finances when the IRS WB made his referral.
You're attributing a game of bureaucratic hot potato within DoJ to a Barr directed conspiracy theory, without proof.
You're the one under the tinfoil hat.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:05 pm
by a fan
old salt wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:23 pm BS. Supposition, not facts

Neither "the AG" nor "Barr" is ever mentioned. There are senior levels in DoJ below Barr.'re cornered by your bullheadedness now. I gave you, tech, YA, and Cradle this information a year ago. You ignored it then, and you're flat out denying it now.

How about you just politely say "oh, my bad, you're right, the Whistleblowers told us that Bill Barr was the one who moved the cases to Delaware".

Because OF COURSE the freaking AG who made that top-level call, Old Salt. And even if it wasn't Barr? Who cares? This was the Trump DoJ making these choices.

But it WAS Bill Barr, naturally.

The way that our cases work is when the case is referred from IRS to DOJ Tax, the case has to go through our ASAC and SAC, and then it goes to DOJ Tax where they review and approve it and send it to the appropriate venue or jurisdiction. So in [or] around March or April of 2019, the case went up to DOJ Tax. And at that time we were told that William Barr made the decision to join two investigations together. So at that point in time I had found out that Delaware had opened up an investigation related to the bank reports and that that occurred in January of 2019, so 2 months after I started mine. So when I found out about their case and was told that we had to merge the two, I did a venue analysis. I showed them that, "Hey, the venue's in D.C. It's not in Delaware. We need to work this in D.C." But, ultimately, I was overruled, and it was determined to send the case, join the two case together, and work everything under Delaware.

So here he is, clear as day, disagreeing with Bill Barr's choice to move the case to an inexperienced Delaware crew.

It's a Xmas miracle, OS! A Republican did something that had what Old Salt views as negative consequences the first time in our nation's history. ;)

Ok....can you FINALLY take a knee, realize that there's no conspiracy, and move on? Plenty of other stuff out there to complain about, you know. ;) ... dacted.pdf

 ... dacted.pdf

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:17 am
by old salt
a fan wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:05 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:23 pm BS. Supposition, not facts

Neither "the AG" nor "Barr" is ever mentioned. There are senior levels in DoJ below Barr.'re cornered by your bullheadedness now. I gave you, tech, YA, and Cradle this information a year ago. You ignored it then, and you're flat out denying it now.

How about you just politely say "oh, my bad, you're right, the Whistleblowers told us that Bill Barr was the one who moved the cases to Delaware".

Because OF COURSE the freaking AG who made that top-level call, Old Salt. And even if it wasn't Barr? Who cares? This was the Trump DoJ making these choices.

;ve But it WAS Bill Barr, naturally.

The way that our cases work is when the case is referred from IRS to DOJ Tax, the case has to go through our ASAC and SAC, and then it goes to DOJ Tax where they review and approve it and send it to the appropriate venue or jurisdiction. So in [or] around March or April of 2019, the case went up to DOJ Tax. And at that time we were told that William Barr made the decision to join two investigations together. So at that point in time I had found out that Delaware had opened up an investigation related to the bank reports and that that occurred in January of 2019, so 2 months after I started mine. So when I found out about their case and was told that we had to merge the two, I did a venue analysis. I showed them that, "Hey, the venue's in D.C. It's not in Delaware. We need to work this in D.C." But, ultimately, I was overruled, and it was determined to send the case, join the two case together, and work everything under Delaware.

So here he is, clear as day, disagreeing with Bill Barr's choice to move the case to an inexperienced Delaware crew.
It's a Xmas miracle, OS! A Republican did something that had what Old Salt views as negative consequences the first time in our nation's history. ;)
Ok....can you FINALLY take a knee, realize that there's no conspiracy, and move on? Plenty of other stuff out there to complain about, you know. ;) ... dacted.pdf ... dacted.pdf
Wait. What ? You're the one who's been spewing the conspiracy theory that Barr delayed & obstructed the WB's case.

Now that you've FINALLY cited your source, you're making my point. By the time the WB's case went to DoJ tax (Mar/Apr '19), the DE office had already been investigating Hunter's finances since Jan '19. It made sense for the DoJ "Senior level" to merge the cases. The DE US Atty office was already conducting the lead investigation, so it made sense to merge the investigation & prosecution under Weiss.

From your earlier post :
. I did not know at the time that the Delaware U.S Attorney's office and the FBI had already opened an investigation related to the bank report in and around January 2019. I was told at the time that after inter-department discussions within DOJ at a Senior level, the tax investigation related to Hunter Biden would join the active investigation being conducted out of the Delaware U.S. Attorney's Office and Delaware FBI Office.

The WB did not agree with the exec decision which had already been made for the DE office to conduct the combined investigation & prosecution.
You have no idea what the bank report contained & who it involved beyond Hunter.

You & the WB may disagree with the decision to merge the cases under Weiss, but that does not substantiate your conspiracy theory blaming Barr for Weiss letting the earliest SOLs run -- Weiss still had plenty of time & passed up the chance to extend them. Maybe someday, we will learn why.


Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:00 am
by a fan
old salt wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:17 am]
Wait. What ? You're the one who's been spewing the conspiracy theory that Barr delayed & obstructed the WB's case.
No. That's what you THINK i've been "spewing".

It ain't me. It's the Whistleblowers. They are the ones claiming Barr's crew dragged their feet, and delayed things. They are the ones who are mad that Barr broke protocol, and moved the case to Delaware, and had Weiss run it.

And you agree with them, which is the funny part. You agree that the DoJ dragged their feet. You just refuse to admit that Barr is the man who set it all in motion. If this was any other case than Hunter? There is NO WAY that Barr would have personally stepped in, and moved the case to Delaware.

You know it. I know it. TeamTinFoil knows it.

So if you want to have a conspiracy? Great news! Start with your man Barr, who put a less experienced TrumpApointee in charge fo the case, and pulled the case away from DoJTaxDivisionDC, which is where the Whistleblowers claimed the varsity lived.

That's it. That's the "conspiracy".

For me? it was an administrative choice that Barr made. That's what he's paid to do, for good or ill. What I've been telling you is the obvious: if there IS a conspiracy by Barr? In what freaking world does dragging this petty tax case on for six years (and counting) help Hunter or Joe?

It doesn't. Because Duh.

old salt wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:17 am]
You & the WB may disagree with the decision to merge the cases under Weiss, but that does not substantiate your conspiracy theory blaming Barr for Weiss letting the earliest SOLs run -- Weiss still had plenty of time & passed up the chance to extend them. Maybe someday, we will learn why
Which would all be great, except I never said that.

I don't have any theories, and they could let Hunter go, or shoot him in the head for all I care. He's a civilian. Don't care what happens.

What I have told you over and over and over is: your complaints all land at Barr's feet.

Don't like what Weiss did, or that he let the SOL's lapse? Great. Barr put him in charge. Blame Barr and Weiss. Knock yourself out. Both Republicans. Both Trump appointees.

If Barr didn't step in? There is no Weiss. There is only DoJTax, just like it was for every case the WB's had worked before. And this is what YOU claim you want: for Hunter to be treated like everyone else. Barr is the one who changed it all.

And sorry mate, you can't dance your way out of that FACT.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:03 am
by a fan
old salt wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:17 am Now that you've FINALLY cited your source, you're making my point. By the time the WB's case went to DoJ tax (Mar/Apr '19), the DE office had already been investigating Hunter's finances since Jan '19. It made sense for the DoJ "Senior level" to merge the cases. The DE US Atty office was already conducting the lead investigation, so it made sense to merge the investigation & prosecution under Weiss.
Now you've changed your mind: you think the WB's are wrong, and that Barr made the right choice giving it to Weiss.

Small problem now: poof. There goes your conspiracy, and you're glad that Barr appointed Weiss.

Either way? After YEARS of claiming conspiracy, and DoJ "protecting Joe and Hunter" you are, admitting there isn't a conspiracy.

Cool. My work is done here. Lets move on....FINALLY!!!

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:14 am
by old salt
a fan wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:00 am
old salt wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:17 am]
Wait. What ? You're the one who's been spewing the conspiracy theory that Barr delayed & obstructed the WB's case.
No. That's what you THINK i've been "spewing".

It ain't me. It's the Whistleblowers. They are the ones claiming Barr's crew dragged their feet, and delayed things. They are the ones who are mad that Barr broke protocol, and moved the case to Delaware, and had Weiss run it.

And you agree with them, which is the funny part. You agree that the DoJ dragged their feet. You just refuse to admit that Barr is the man who set it all in motion. If this was any other case than Hunter? There is NO WAY that Barr would have personally stepped in, and moved the case to Delaware.

You know it. I know it. TeamTinFoil knows it.

So if you want to have a conspiracy? Great news! Start with your man Barr, who put a less experienced TrumpApointee in charge fo the case, and pulled the case away from DoJTaxDivisionDC, which is where the Whistleblowers claimed the varsity lived.

That's it. That's the "conspiracy".

For me? it was an administrative choice that Barr made. That's what he's paid to do, for good or ill. What I've been telling you is the obvious: if there IS a conspiracy by Barr? In what freaking world does dragging this petty tax case on for six years (and counting) help Hunter or Joe?

It doesn't. Because Duh.

old salt wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:17 am]
You & the WB may disagree with the decision to merge the cases under Weiss, but that does not substantiate your conspiracy theory blaming Barr for Weiss letting the earliest SOLs run -- Weiss still had plenty of time & passed up the chance to extend them. Maybe someday, we will learn why
Which would all be great, except I never said that.

I don't have any theories, and they could let Hunter go, or shoot him in the head for all I care. He's a civilian. Don't care what happens.

What I have told you over and over and over is: your complaints all land at Barr's feet.

Don't like what Weiss did, or that he let the SOL's lapse? Great. Barr put him in charge. Blame Barr and Weiss. Knock yourself out. Both Republicans. Both Trump appointees.

If Barr didn't step in? There is no Weiss. There is only DoJTax, just like it was for every case the WB's had worked before. And this is what YOU claim you want: for Hunter to be treated like everyone else. Barr is the one who changed it all.

And sorry mate, you can't dance your way out of that FACT.
Barr did not "pull the case" away. It was the normal referral process to a US Atty.
Barr did not "step in". Weiss was already on the job before the WB's referral.

It has been 63 mos since the WB's case was referred to DoJ.
Barr was only in office for the first 17 of those 63 mos, during which there was a campaign & election.
...& it did not leak under Barr. You are still grasping at straws, looking for a (R) to blame.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:19 am
by a fan
old salt wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:14 am Barr did not "pull the case" away. It was the normal referral process to a US Atty.
Barr did not "step in". Weiss was already on the job before the WB's referral.

It has been 63 mos since the WB's case was referred to DoJ.
Barr was only in office for the first 17 of those 63 mos, during which there was a campaign & election.
...& it did not leak under Barr. You are still grasping at straws, looking for a (R) to blame.
:lol: For the 1,000,00th time.

I'm not blaming anyone.

The Whistleblowers are. And you agree with them. Or at least you did before you found out five minutes ago that they named Barr personally.

And you're caught. You're stuck. And everyone reading this knows it.

Weiss is a Republican. You want to tell me now, after agreeing with the WB's for over a year, that you think the WB"s are wrong?

Great. Now you're left blaming Weiss, a lifelong Republican for your "conspiracy".

Knock yourself out. Blame Weiss. Works for me.