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Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:42 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:36 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:44 pm me an infectious disease expert who wouldn't say that getting the crew ashore, quarantined fast, tested and then cleared wouldn't be the best way to both save lives and debilitating illnesses AND to the get the maximum crew back at sea as fast as possible.
A special medical team deployed onboard the TR to deal with potential Covid infections. Throughout the process they were in consultation with the Surgeon General of the Navy.
Did you read his words in the press conf ?
Are you & Capt Crozier more qualified than him to advise the Navy CoC on this issue.
Yup. Certainly Crozier.
And definitely no one who thinks it's 'just a flu'.

But actually, if I'm reading this correctly, the response and pace picked up a lot AFTER Crozier sent his letter, not before.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:48 pm
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:40 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:21 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:46 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 7:04 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:25 pm Poorly informed, partisan second guessers would be wise to pay attention to the words of the Command Master Chief of the Navy in the 1 Apr presser, re-linked below. (can't excerpt because it's pdf). ... red%29.pdf

There are few more effective comm channels in the Navy than the network of Command Master Chiefs (CMC's), down to each command's Chiefs Mess.
If you want to "get the word out", unfiltered, send your message via the goat locker.

Sec Modly says he received a personal email from an enlisted member on the TR indicating that conditions were not as dire as indicated in the CO's signal flare email. (it was separately reported that Crozier had not shown his email to his CMC before sending it.) Then Master Chief Smith explained the impact of the signal flare on the families of the crew & the family ombudsman network. He concluded by indicating that his contacts on the TR were not expressing the same degree of urgency to him as expressed in the signal flare email.
Love to see the evidence of that story.
So you don't believe what the Senior Enlisted Man in the Navy told the assembled Pentagon press corps.
Did you even bother to read what he said in the press conf ?
A press briefing by Modly?
The SecNav, CNO, CMC of the Navy & the Surgeon General of the Navy.
Did you read the words of the Command Master Chief of the Navy ?
Do you believe him, yes or no ?
That the letter getting out to the public interfered with the ombudsman process? Is that what you're pointing to or something else?

What I see from multiple folks is that there was a failure in the chain of command to fully recognize that the captain felt it was necessary to move much faster and a failure to communicate effectively to the chain of command. They talk about improving communications...

They make the point that now that they're on it, things are moving much faster than they had been. Making good progress. They don't answer the direct question that was asked, whether the letter lit a fire causing them to act more swiftly?, (Modly dances around and answers a different question), but the subsequent speakers appear to be responding by saying that now that they understand (April 1) they are moving more swiftly.

It's also noticeable that they keep saying that Crozier sent the letter up through the chain of command properly. Leaking it was a problem (eg the ombudsman aspect), but there was no suggestion that Crozier leaked it. Still hasn't been that accusation except in right-wing land.

But perhaps you're pointing to something else?
Modly does most of the talking.

And then of course subsequently Modly removes Crozier from command, telling David Ignatius he did so because he was concerned Trump wouldn't like what he was seeing about the letter in the press, so he was removing Crozier before Trump got involved.
.:lol:.'re dodging my question. Did you read the last 2 paragraphs of Master Chief Smith's remarks, where he talks about the Navy Chief's horizontal communications network & what it was telling him about conditions on the ship ? Did you read that part ? Yes or No ?

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:51 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:48 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:40 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:21 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:46 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 7:04 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:25 pm Poorly informed, partisan second guessers would be wise to pay attention to the words of the Command Master Chief of the Navy in the 1 Apr presser, re-linked below. (can't excerpt because it's pdf). ... red%29.pdf

There are few more effective comm channels in the Navy than the network of Command Master Chiefs (CMC's), down to each command's Chiefs Mess.
If you want to "get the word out", unfiltered, send your message via the goat locker.

Sec Modly says he received a personal email from an enlisted member on the TR indicating that conditions were not as dire as indicated in the CO's signal flare email. (it was separately reported that Crozier had not shown his email to his CMC before sending it.) Then Master Chief Smith explained the impact of the signal flare on the families of the crew & the family ombudsman network. He concluded by indicating that his contacts on the TR were not expressing the same degree of urgency to him as expressed in the signal flare email.
Love to see the evidence of that story.
So you don't believe what the Senior Enlisted Man in the Navy told the assembled Pentagon press corps.
Did you even bother to read what he said in the press conf ?
A press briefing by Modly?
The SecNav, CNO, CMC of the Navy & the Surgeon General of the Navy.
Did you read the words of the Command Master Chief of the Navy ?
Do you believe him, yes or no ?
That the letter getting out to the public interfered with the ombudsman process? Is that what you're pointing to or something else?

What I see from multiple folks is that there was a failure in the chain of command to fully recognize that the captain felt it was necessary to move much faster and a failure to communicate effectively to the chain of command. They talk about improving communications...

They make the point that now that they're on it, things are moving much faster than they had been. Making good progress. They don't answer the direct question that was asked, whether the letter lit a fire causing them to act more swiftly?, (Modly dances around and answers a different question), but the subsequent speakers appear to be responding by saying that now that they understand (April 1) they are moving more swiftly.

It's also noticeable that they keep saying that Crozier sent the letter up through the chain of command properly. Leaking it was a problem (eg the ombudsman aspect), but there was no suggestion that Crozier leaked it. Still hasn't been that accusation except in right-wing land.

But perhaps you're pointing to something else?
Modly does most of the talking.

And then of course subsequently Modly removes Crozier from command, telling David Ignatius he did so because he was concerned Trump wouldn't like what he was seeing about the letter in the press, so he was removing Crozier before Trump got involved.
.:lol:.'re dodging my question. Did you read the last 2 paragraphs of Master Chief Smith's remarks, where he talks about the Navy Chief's horizontal communications network & what it was telling him about conditions on the ship ? Did you read that part ? Yes or No ?
I read it all quickly, no attempt to dodge...I'll go back and read that section again. Give me a moment.

EDIT: yes, that was the part that included the ombudsman aspect. I don't see in this what you think is such a big deal...Here's the whole thing, right towards the very end of the press conference.

ADM. GILDAY: Sir, could I have the response to that as well in terms of our communication with families? And so I’d like the master chief petty officer of the Navy, Master Chief Petty Officer Smith, to step up to the mic and talk about that a little bit.

MASTER CHIEF PETTY OFFICER RUSSELL L. SMITH: Good afternoon. So, you know, one of the principal vehicles that we have to communicate with families is the ombudsman. Not having that letter addressed in a way where we could have used the things like the ombudsman and such, the CMC could have communicated in a very different way. The CO could have communicated in a very different way to avoid family members panicking when the first thing they see or read is not just the letter itself but the spin and the hype and all the things that surround it. So that letter getting outside of our Navy lifelines really reduced and diminished the ability of the ombudsman network to communicate to families in a way that probably would have been a lot more settling. So imagine when you wake up and you read this thing first in the press before you get to hear about it from any Navy leader. Now you’re on your heels explaining, which is never a good place to be. But in speaking with people that are on the ship, morale does seem high. And I think they know they’re going to get through this. We’ve been talking a lot about this long before any of this happened and how we are going to have some tough times ahead because of the nature of the virus and what our families have to go through. Most of it, of our communication, has honestly been focused on those crews that are at sea who are worried about their families back home, because frankly that’s where the greater need is right now as far as, you know, what are they facing, what’s the stress on the crew. In this instance, it’s just the opposite, where now I’ve got family members who are at home, often sheltered in place, who are asking about their loved ones at sea. So we’re doing everything we can. And one of the nice things about the chiefs network and me being a chief – and, by the way, today is the chief petty officer’s birthday – we have that informal network and the ability to communicate with the fleet. That does not necessarily follow the natural flow of the chain of command, because we work together to help the whole and cut across that bureaucracy by communicating horizontally, where most can’t. So there’s a pretty good bead. I’m glad that SEC may have also had the opportunity to hear directly. But what we’re getting from the ship is not that things are in a terrible state; quite the oppos

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:52 pm
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:42 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:36 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:44 pm me an infectious disease expert who wouldn't say that getting the crew ashore, quarantined fast, tested and then cleared wouldn't be the best way to both save lives and debilitating illnesses AND to the get the maximum crew back at sea as fast as possible.
A special medical team deployed onboard the TR to deal with potential Covid infections. Throughout the process they were in consultation with the Surgeon General of the Navy.
Did you read his words in the press conf ?
Are you & Capt Crozier more qualified than him to advise the Navy CoC on this issue.
Yup. Certainly Crozier.
And definitely no one who thinks it's 'just a flu'.

But actually, if I'm reading this correctly, the response and pace picked up a lot AFTER Crozier sent his letter, not before.
You're dodging this question too. Did you read the words of the Surgeon General of the Navy -- RADM Gillingham. Yes or No ?
Are you & Capt Crozier better qualified than him & his special medical team aboard the TR to advise the Navy CoC on this issue ? Yes or No ?

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:58 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:52 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:42 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:36 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:44 pm me an infectious disease expert who wouldn't say that getting the crew ashore, quarantined fast, tested and then cleared wouldn't be the best way to both save lives and debilitating illnesses AND to the get the maximum crew back at sea as fast as possible.
A special medical team deployed onboard the TR to deal with potential Covid infections. Throughout the process they were in consultation with the Surgeon General of the Navy.
Did you read his words in the press conf ?
Are you & Capt Crozier more qualified than him to advise the Navy CoC on this issue.
Yup. Certainly Crozier.
And definitely no one who thinks it's 'just a flu'.

But actually, if I'm reading this correctly, the response and pace picked up a lot AFTER Crozier sent his letter, not before.
You're dodging this question too. Did you read the words of the Surgeon General of the Navy -- RADM Gillingham. Yes or No ?
Are you & Capt Crozier better qualified than him & his special medical team aboard the TR to advise the Navy CoC on this issue ? Yes or No ?
jiminy, why don't you just post the relevant bit that you think is so revealing?

What I read is that they moved much faster post letter and now (April 1) are doing a heck of a job if they don't say so see something different?

ok, just re-read that part again.

And my description is dead on.
They moved faster and now are doing a heck of a job if they don't say so themselves.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:05 am
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:58 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:52 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:42 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:36 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:44 pm me an infectious disease expert who wouldn't say that getting the crew ashore, quarantined fast, tested and then cleared wouldn't be the best way to both save lives and debilitating illnesses AND to the get the maximum crew back at sea as fast as possible.
A special medical team deployed onboard the TR to deal with potential Covid infections. Throughout the process they were in consultation with the Surgeon General of the Navy.
Did you read his words in the press conf ?
Are you & Capt Crozier more qualified than him to advise the Navy CoC on this issue.
Yup. Certainly Crozier.
And definitely no one who thinks it's 'just a flu'.

But actually, if I'm reading this correctly, the response and pace picked up a lot AFTER Crozier sent his letter, not before.
You're dodging this question too. Did you read the words of the Surgeon General of the Navy -- RADM Gillingham. Yes or No ?
Are you & Capt Crozier better qualified than him & his special medical team aboard the TR to advise the Navy CoC on this issue ? Yes or No ?
jiminy, why don't you just post the relevant bit that you think is so revealing?

What I read is that they moved much faster post letter and now (April 1) are doing a heck of a job if they don't say so see something different?

ok, just re-read that part again.

And my description is dead on.
They moved faster and now are doing a heck of a job if they don't say so themselves.
It's a pdf document. My browser won't cut & paste a pdf document.

Prove that the signal flare prompted them to move any faster that what was already underway.
That's just your theory. They were already fully engaged before Crozier's signal flare landed in the media.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:09 am
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:05 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:58 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:52 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:42 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:36 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:44 pm me an infectious disease expert who wouldn't say that getting the crew ashore, quarantined fast, tested and then cleared wouldn't be the best way to both save lives and debilitating illnesses AND to the get the maximum crew back at sea as fast as possible.
A special medical team deployed onboard the TR to deal with potential Covid infections. Throughout the process they were in consultation with the Surgeon General of the Navy.
Did you read his words in the press conf ?
Are you & Capt Crozier more qualified than him to advise the Navy CoC on this issue.
Yup. Certainly Crozier.
And definitely no one who thinks it's 'just a flu'.

But actually, if I'm reading this correctly, the response and pace picked up a lot AFTER Crozier sent his letter, not before.
You're dodging this question too. Did you read the words of the Surgeon General of the Navy -- RADM Gillingham. Yes or No ?
Are you & Capt Crozier better qualified than him & his special medical team aboard the TR to advise the Navy CoC on this issue ? Yes or No ?
jiminy, why don't you just post the relevant bit that you think is so revealing?

What I read is that they moved much faster post letter and now (April 1) are doing a heck of a job if they don't say so see something different?

ok, just re-read that part again.

And my description is dead on.
They moved faster and now are doing a heck of a job if they don't say so themselves.
It's a pdf document. My browser won't cut & paste a pdf document.

Prove that the signal flare prompted them to move any faster that what was already underway.
That's just your theory.
Gillingham speaks twice.
Here's part 1

Q: Thank you. I wonder if you could clarify a couple points. You mentioned that you’re doing testing. Is the testing all for COVID-19 or is it for influenza-like symptoms? And if so, what is the breakdown? And also, you mentioned that you had visited Guam two weeks earlier – excuse me, that the Roosevelt had. So was the plan for the Roosevelt to return to Guam? And if so, what was the plan at that point?

ADM. GILDAY: So the return back to Guam was a regularly scheduled port visit. It just happened to coincide with, I think, four days after we had that initial case, that initial positive on the 22nd of March.

REAR ADMIRAL BRUCE L. GILLINGHAM: And if you could please repeat your first question.

Q: Sure. You’ve talked about doing testing of all the sailors and how you’ve accelerated it. I’d like to know if those are all COVID-19 tests, or they test for influenza and then there are subsequent tests if someone comes back positive for COVID-19?

ADM. GILLINGHAM: Thank you. Let me – let me just kind of give you an overview of the – of the testing plan or the algorithm. So our ships have the ability to test for upwards of 20 influenza-like illnesses. COVID-19 only recently has been added to that array as an FDA-approved diagnostic test. As the secretary said, we had four deployed preventive medical units aboard on all three ships of the – of the strike group. They have the ability to do what is known as surveillance testing of – for COVID-19. And so that was used in that expedient, emergent manner to identify those who were presumed positive. As diagnostic capability became more available, we have been confirming those in a – in DOD laboratories. So – and I’m happy to report that now Naval Hospital Guam, due to a lot of hard work by many people, we were able to accelerate the establishment of diagnostic testing at Naval Hospital Guam, and that actually is live now as I speak. So it’s important to understand the difference between surveillance testing and diagnostic testing. The team on the ship, in an overabundance of caution, wanted to identify those who had potentially had the virus, and tested them, confirmed that individually, and then got final confirmation with an FDA-approved test. Over.

And moments later part 2:

Q: Great. And then just to follow up on a different topic, you said the Comfort was there in New York. Have they seen a single patient yet?

SEC. MODLY: I’m not sure. I know the Mercy’s had – as of yesterday when I was there, they’ve had nine – they’ve had 11 patients already. Nine are still on the ship as of yesterday. Two have already been discharged from the Mercy. I was under the impression the Comfort was starting to see patients yesterday, but I don’t have the number. Bruce, do you know?

ADM. GILDAY: None right now, but ready to go. Yes, sir.

ADM. GILLINGHAM: Yes, sir. No, they’ve been – yeah. They’ve been making the arrangements with the local health officials to identify those patients that are appropriate to be transferred to Comfort. And that process is in place. And I believe that patient arrival is imminent.

ahhh, and then a last part:

SEC. MODLY: Well, we’re asking them – this is part of the reason why we’re looking for more space off the ship is to be able to spread the crew out and give them space where they can be isolated. That’s why hotels are actually a pretty good – pretty good place to put people, particularly if they stay where they’re supposed to be for the quarantine period and – or for the isolation period. As far as on the ship, the more people you get off the ship the more you can spread out the ones that are left onboard to include spreading them out when they’re dining and using the bathroom facilities – the head facilities – and so on and so forth. So we’re in agreement with the CO that we need to do all we can to get as many people off the ship while still maintaining the safe operation of the ship and so that they can actually be – demonstrate a little bit more social separation on the ship itself. CNO, do you have anything to add to that? A

DM. GILDAY: No, I appreciate anything that –

ADM. GILLINGHAM: Just perhaps the medical response, sir. And I’d like to reassure everyone as the surgeon general that I have been in contact with the senior medical officer aboard the ship and the entire medical chain of command – the 7th Fleet surgeon, the Pacific Fleet surgeon – and I’m aware he expressed some of this concerns to us. I communicated those to the chain – medical chain of command. I will tell you that even prior to the letter that we anticipated they would need additional medical support. So in conjunction with Naval Hospital Guam, which is a full service hospital, as well as 55 members of the 3rd Medical Battalion from Okinawa, we have created a medical task force. So they are there to support the observation and treatment as necessary of those crew members who are – who are positive.
As the secretary of the Navy emphasized, none of those sailors have required hospitalization either aboard the ship or at Naval Hospital Guam. We will continue to monitor their condition. We believe that their relative health and youth is in their favor. We’re not assuming that they won’t become more ill. But so far, indications are that they will continue to be mildly symptomatic and recover without sequelae.

MODERATOR: All right. Ladies and gentlemen, thanks very much to those in the room. Thank you for dialing in, folks. We’ll talk to you later.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:15 am
by MDlaxfan76
So, "I will tell you that even prior to the letter that we anticipated they would need additional medical support."

You think???

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:20 am
by old salt
He confirmed that the entire Navy Medical CoC was fully engaged throughout, from the med team & senior medical officer on the TR, up through the 7thFLT & PACFLT Surgeons, to him. He confirmed that they heard Crozier's concerns, even before his letter, & were already taking action. Help was on the way.

So you & Crozier were better qualified to advise than the fully engaged Navy Medical CoC on the proper course of action ?

Good night Gracie.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:46 am
by LandM
The IG which TLD was speaking was the IG who started the whole Ukraine mess - did I get that to your satisfaction? Funny on you. You over analyze too much.

You are trying to justify what a Captain did by revealing confidential information, battle information and compromising the ship, his crew, and those on the ground. You ever seen a wart cannon blazing? Nope, An 18 carpeting? Nope. The Captain could have easily went to Guam, not told anybody but his crew, had sailors tested, dropped off some sailors, and steamed away. Nope. He makes a public spectacle out of this. That is your problem. Go do it!

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:01 am
by CU88
Cost of Navy secretary's trip to Guam? $243,000, his job and isolation after coronavirus exposure ... 973486001/


Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:51 am
by old salt
Latest from the TR :
97% of 4900 tested. 416 +. 1 + sailor in Naval Hospital Guam, found unresponsive in isolation quarters on base.
Over 2000 tested negative in 14 day quarantine in local hotels off base.

On the RR -- less than 15 +

"small number" of +'s in Carl Vinson. All in port.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:26 pm
by Trinity
The coronavirus has invaded the inner sanctum of Saudi Arabia's royal family. An internal memo obtained by The New York Times called for urgent preparation of 500 beds at an elite Saudi hospital that treats members of the extended clan.


Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:36 pm
by Farfromgeneva
LandM wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:39 am Far,
IMHO you have two issues.
1. A Captain who leaked probably classified information as he thought he was not getting the answers he liked......but I have no idea nor does anyone else out here. You can and it is proper that if an order is given to you, you deem it illegal, jump the Chain, no one will take issue with that. We are ALL dealing with a pandemic and I will assume that the military is training and communicating with ALL their soldiers, sailors and airmen. He should have used his chain - I cannot fathom in this situation that he was given an illegal order.
2. Modley had every right to go to the ship and address the sailors, he also had every right to fire the Captain. What was unprofessional was the rant and calling names - that was his issue. He was unprofessional and he will pay a price as well.
You have two guys who are USNA grads, they are not stupid. They both got caught in the heat of the moment and both their careers are done. As Trinity said, move on. Unfortunately the Captain gave the world a sound bite when this all could have been avoided.
You seem to be incapable of separating the two even though they can be though. Originally my inquiry was, Croziers situation is done, it’s acknowledge he violated some rule that can and should come with consequences though there’s nothing that states absolutely that this action requires remove from command, that was a decision made with latitude to do so by a superior. Then after he’s gone there’s specific behavior made by choice by Modly which has largely been defended by the folks in the “I know better because I served cohort” (setting aside this group hasn’t actively served in quite a while and this situation is completely unique in a 100yrs or military history in the US, even the Spanish Flu is not comparable for a number of reasons). Modly adhjucated the action extended the penalty (with prejudice given his language and elective public statements and commentary, his speech to the ship was no way better before he said it, no way the cursing was in there and by evidence of espers pushing him out they wouldn’t have allowed him to trash Crozier the way he did) so his right to address the ship is completely irrelevant to my question.

Regardless of military rule “rights” of Modly, do you “military experts” believe his choices in action and behavior represent the type of person who should be in that seat? You’ve all already judged basically that not only did Crozier violate a rule, but his behavior was so deleterious military well being that only his removal was sufficient, a judgment determination. Are you capable of making a determination about Modlys fitness based on his elective behavior. Fitness to lead isn’t just about what the rules dictate what one is allowed to do, but more about how the work within that rule set with respect to those they lead and providing the leadership that will allow the operation to function at its best. Did Modlys behavior provide the leadership that allows the navy to function at its best is essentially the core of the question and it doesn’t matter what Crozier did to answer this. If the answer is no than he needs to STFU and move out of the way just like he blew Crozier out. If he did then I understand what your perspective is better. The rest is noise.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:48 pm
by MDlaxfan76
LandM wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:46 am MD,
The IG which TLD was speaking was the IG who started the whole Ukraine mess - did I get that to your satisfaction? Funny on you. You over analyze too much.

You are trying to justify what a Captain did by revealing confidential information, battle information and compromising the ship, his crew, and those on the ground. You ever seen a wart cannon blazing? Nope, An 18 carpeting? Nope. The Captain could have easily went to Guam, not told anybody but his crew, had sailors tested, dropped off some sailors, and steamed away. Nope. He makes a public spectacle out of this. That is your problem. Go do it!
jiminy, you need to think a bit harder.

The IG started the Ukraine mess???
Really, that's who "started it"???

Man, that's ridiculous.

"battle information"???...this is getting downright kooky-ville.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:52 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:20 am He confirmed that the entire Navy Medical CoC was fully engaged throughout, from the med team & senior medical officer on the TR, up through the 7thFLT & PACFLT Surgeons, to him. He confirmed that they heard Crozier's concerns, even before his letter, & were already taking action. Help was on the way.

So you & Crozier were better qualified to advise than the fully engaged Navy Medical CoC on the proper course of action ?

Good night Gracie.
Sorry, that's not actually what he says.
You may want to read that into it, but it's not there.

He confirms that they moved faster post letter, and suggests they're doing a good job now.
I take no exception to what he actually says, which was your original question, whether I believed him or not.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:55 pm
by old salt
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:36 pm
LandM wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:39 am Far,
IMHO you have two issues.
1. A Captain who leaked probably classified information as he thought he was not getting the answers he liked......but I have no idea nor does anyone else out here. You can and it is proper that if an order is given to you, you deem it illegal, jump the Chain, no one will take issue with that. We are ALL dealing with a pandemic and I will assume that the military is training and communicating with ALL their soldiers, sailors and airmen. He should have used his chain - I cannot fathom in this situation that he was given an illegal order.
2. Modley had every right to go to the ship and address the sailors, he also had every right to fire the Captain. What was unprofessional was the rant and calling names - that was his issue. He was unprofessional and he will pay a price as well.
You have two guys who are USNA grads, they are not stupid. They both got caught in the heat of the moment and both their careers are done. As Trinity said, move on. Unfortunately the Captain gave the world a sound bite when this all could have been avoided.
You seem to be incapable of separating the two even though they can be though. Originally my inquiry was, Croziers situation is done, it’s acknowledge he violated some rule that can and should come with consequences though there’s nothing that states absolutely that this action requires remove from command, that was a decision made with latitude to do so by a superior. Then after he’s gone there’s specific behavior made by choice by Modly which has largely been defended by the folks in the “I know better because I served cohort” (setting aside this group hasn’t actively served in quite a while and this situation is completely unique in a 100yrs or military history in the US, even the Spanish Flu is not comparable for a number of reasons). Modly adhjucated the action extended the penalty (with prejudice given his language and elective public statements and commentary, his speech to the ship was no way better before he said it, no way the cursing was in there and by evidence of espers pushing him out they wouldn’t have allowed him to trash Crozier the way he did) so his right to address the ship is completely irrelevant to my question.

Regardless of military rule “rights” of Modly, do you “military experts” believe his choices in action and behavior represent the type of person who should be in that seat? You’ve all already judged basically that not only did Crozier violate a rule, but his behavior was so deleterious military well being that only his removal was sufficient, a judgment determination. Are you capable of making a determination about Modlys fitness based on his elective behavior. Fitness to lead isn’t just about what the rules dictate what one is allowed to do, but more about how the work within that rule set with respect to those they lead and providing the leadership that will allow the operation to function at its best. Did Modlys behavior provide the leadership that allows the navy to function at its best is essentially the core of the question and it doesn’t matter what Crozier did to answer this. If the answer is no than he needs to STFU and move out of the way just like he blew Crozier out. If he did then I understand what your perspective is better. The rest is noise.
IMHO -- both were right & both made mistakes which merited their replacement.
As the investigation(s) play out, we'll learn more about what they did & why & the surrounding circumstances.
Given the involvement of the media & partisan politicians, the Navy can better move forward without both of them.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:01 pm
by Farfromgeneva
I got you OS. You answered and appreciate it. Just wanted to get the specific, direct perspective on Modly and other responses that circle back to Crozier or seem to suggest that Modly had the technical right to do what he did all seem like deflection or an unwillingness to speak to Modly's action as it related to his fitness since he was so easy and quick to judge Crozier as "unfit" beyond just "he violated a rule". Modly clearly made this personal and took it out of the "rules of engagement within the military realm" while having the arrogance to defend his poor behavior in loud, public manners. IMO he deserved every bit of what he got AFTER administering his choice of punishment on Crozier for his mistake or violation. And I view a guy like Modly as one who may have served well and honorably, but somebody who represents a different world than a purely military one given his time since active service and living in a corporate and private world.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:05 pm
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:52 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:20 am He confirmed that the entire Navy Medical CoC was fully engaged throughout, from the med team & senior medical officer on the TR, up through the 7thFLT & PACFLT Surgeons, to him. He confirmed that they heard Crozier's concerns, even before his letter, & were already taking action. Help was on the way.

So you & Crozier were better qualified to advise than the fully engaged Navy Medical CoC on the proper course of action ?

Good night Gracie.
Sorry, that's not actually what he says.
You may want to read that into it, but it's not there.

He confirms that they moved faster post letter, and suggests they're doing a good job now.
I take no exception to what he actually says, which was your original question, whether I believed him or not.
Here are the Navy Surgeon General's words.
He confirms that the entire Navy Medical CoC was in the loop.
He confirms that they were aware of Crozier's concerns.
Show us the words that confirm they are now moving faster & would have done anything differently had the contents of letter been conveyed via proper channels :
ADM. GILLINGHAM: Just perhaps the medical response, sir. And I’d like to reassure everyone as the surgeon general that I have been in contact with the senior medical officer aboard the ship and the entire medical chain of command – the 7th Fleet surgeon, the Pacific Fleet surgeon – and I’m aware he expressed some of this concerns to us. I communicated those to the chain – medical chain of command. I will tell you that even prior to the letter that we anticipated they would need additional medical support. So in conjunction with Naval Hospital Guam, which is a full service hospital, as well as 55 members of the 3rd Medical Battalion from Okinawa, we have created a medical task force. So they are there to support the observation and treatment as necessary of those crew members who are – who are positive.
As the secretary of the Navy emphasized, none of those sailors have required hospitalization either aboard the ship or at Naval Hospital Guam. We will continue to monitor their condition. We believe that their relative health and youth is in their favor. We’re not assuming that they won’t become more ill. But so far, indications are that they will continue to be mildly symptomatic and recover without sequelae.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:05 pm
by a fan
old salt wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:55 pm
IMHO -- both were right & both made mistakes which merited their replacement.
As the investigation(s) play out, we'll learn more about what they did & why & the surrounding circumstances.
Given the involvement of the media & partisan politicians, the Navy can better move forward without both of them.
This is where I sit, too.