Is America a racist nation?

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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 4:38 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:51 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:37 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 1:48 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 1:21 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:43 am Take cover, OuttaNowhereWregget....prepare for incoming.
I think we already know where ONW is coming from on a series of issues.
In the same vein that we know where your coming from on a series of issues. 8-)
ahh, but you misrepresent me frequently. ;)

Sure, I hope I'm transparent about my views and how my background and experiences relevannt to such topics inform those views. Not everyone is as open about that. (you are). I'm hopefully also humble enough to recognize that my knowledge has limitations and that others' experiences and knowledge lead to valid views different than mine....that's why we participate, to share and learn from one another.

I have no interest in bludgeoning others though sometimes a feel like it's appropriate!
You misrepresent yourself frequently all of your own accord. I'm just willing to point it out to you. I'm still holding out hope that someday you'll say something that a lifetime Republican would be expected to say. You have failed miserably in that respect ever since I have been reading your posts. The final nail in the coffin was you as a lifetime Republican becoming a rabid member of the I love Joe Biden club. I would really love to see you thrown into a roomful of actual Republicans and explain to all of them your undying love for Joe Biden. Betcha you would get a free flying lesson. 8-) Correct me if I'm wrong but don't actual Republicans disagree with Biden and his policies? You have had a viable and realistic option available to you for awhile now. IMO you feel you can do more harm to Republicans by continuing your charade that your still one of them.
Sure, many RINOs, which is what you (and MAGA-world) seem to wish to label people like me and a large host of other lifelong Republicans, find lots to disagree with Biden about. But when it comes to a choice between a MAGA 'new' Republican or someone like, say, Hogan, we're going to go Hogan easy peasy and all day Sunday. And if it's a MAGA type versus any moderate Dem, that too is easy peasy, all day. It would require a real flamer nut job on the left to make us scratch our heads and actually vote for MAGA in power. And I doubt I would.

And Biden ain't a flamer lefty.

Think of it this way, if you will: substitute MAGA label for NAZI.
Makes it easy to reject, right?

Heck of a lot of 'conservative' and moderate-conservative pro democracy Germans were put to death or fled the Nazis. Along with Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, disabled, and pro democracy liberals and communists. Of course, many other 'conservatives' tried to pretend to themselves that fascism had actual merit and that they could profit by being aligned. They may well have been seduced by all the nationalist rhetoric as well, but that's more true red and black NAZI.

But how did that turn out for them? And the world?

Hugely important these a-holes never gain that level of power, right?
And to those of us Republicans who are pro democracy, that's the existential question.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 3:02 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:26 pm "The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: The liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor."

"And by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game that is constantly raging between the white liberals and the white conservatives."

"The American Negro is nothing but a political football, and the white liberals control this ball through tricks or tokenism, false promises of integration and civil rights."

"In this game of deceiving and using the American Negro, the white liberals have complete cooperation of the Negro civil rights leader who sell our people out for a few crumbs of token recognition, token gains, token progress."

--Malcolm X
It's easy to see which group has done more for civil rights in America and it's not even close. But sure, there's plenty of hypocrites and self-serving liberals out there too.

The Nation of Islam has a very rich history of hating Jews.

"All I held against Jews was that so many Jews actually were hypocrites in their claim to be friends of the American black man." - Malcolm X

"But let’s not forget the Jew. Anybody that gives even a just criticism of the Jew is instantly labeled anti-Semite. The Jew cries louder than anybody else if anybody criticizes him. You can tell the truth about any minority in America, but make a true observation about the Jew, and if it doesn’t 't pat him on the back, then he uses his grip on the news media to label you anti-Semite." - Malcolm X

"the satanic Jews that control everything, and mostly everybody, if they are your enemy, you must, must be somebody." - Louis Farrakhan
For cradle's benefit, "liberal" and "moderate" Republicans were very much part of the civil rights movement, indeed in the tradition of Lincoln.

It was arch-conservative Democrats who were the primary forces of segregation, and liberal and moderate Democrats and Republicans alike opposed.

But yup, plenty of self-serving hypocrites of various stripes.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 4:47 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 3:02 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:26 pm "The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: The liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor."

"And by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game that is constantly raging between the white liberals and the white conservatives."

"The American Negro is nothing but a political football, and the white liberals control this ball through tricks or tokenism, false promises of integration and civil rights."

"In this game of deceiving and using the American Negro, the white liberals have complete cooperation of the Negro civil rights leader who sell our people out for a few crumbs of token recognition, token gains, token progress."

--Malcolm X
It's easy to see which group has done more for civil rights in America and it's not even close. But sure, there's plenty of hypocrites and self-serving liberals out there too.

The Nation of Islam has a very rich history of hating Jews.

"All I held against Jews was that so many Jews actually were hypocrites in their claim to be friends of the American black man." - Malcolm X

"But let’s not forget the Jew. Anybody that gives even a just criticism of the Jew is instantly labeled anti-Semite. The Jew cries louder than anybody else if anybody criticizes him. You can tell the truth about any minority in America, but make a true observation about the Jew, and if it doesn’t 't pat him on the back, then he uses his grip on the news media to label you anti-Semite." - Malcolm X

"the satanic Jews that control everything, and mostly everybody, if they are your enemy, you must, must be somebody." - Louis Farrakhan
For cradle's benefit, "liberal" and "moderate" Republicans were very much part of the civil rights movement, indeed in the tradition of Lincoln.

It was arch-conservative Democrats who were the primary forces of segregation, and liberal and moderate Democrats and Republicans alike opposed.

But yup, plenty of self-serving hypocrites of various stripes.

There were also northern conservative democrats that left the party. I realized during my first trip to upstate NY that it may as well be in the South.
Last edited by Typical Lax Dad on Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 3:02 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:26 pm "The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: The liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor."

"And by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game that is constantly raging between the white liberals and the white conservatives."

"The American Negro is nothing but a political football, and the white liberals control this ball through tricks or tokenism, false promises of integration and civil rights."

"In this game of deceiving and using the American Negro, the white liberals have complete cooperation of the Negro civil rights leader who sell our people out for a few crumbs of token recognition, token gains, token progress."

--Malcolm X
It's easy to see which group has done more for civil rights in America and it's not even close. But sure, there's plenty of hypocrites and self-serving liberals out there too.

The Nation of Islam has a very rich history of hating Jews.

"All I held against Jews was that so many Jews actually were hypocrites in their claim to be friends of the American black man." - Malcolm X

"But let’s not forget the Jew. Anybody that gives even a just criticism of the Jew is instantly labeled anti-Semite. The Jew cries louder than anybody else if anybody criticizes him. You can tell the truth about any minority in America, but make a true observation about the Jew, and if it doesn’t 't pat him on the back, then he uses his grip on the news media to label you anti-Semite." - Malcolm X

"the satanic Jews that control everything, and mostly everybody, if they are your enemy, you must, must be somebody." - Louis Farrakhan
The following quotes were written/tweeted by Ayn Reagan, who is Jewish:

"Liberal Jews are not like everyone else.
Everyone else does not vote for people who hate them.
Who protect terrorist groups that rape and kill them.
Most people love their children and would not support a party that allows campus jihadists to attack those children with impunity."

"Those of you charlatans who claim to be Jewish but support anti-Semites should stop being so selectively fragile. Your Hamas heroes want to gang rape and kill you. That you defend. But when real Jews identify you as the frauds you are, suddenly you tearfully play the Jew Card."

"The American media is infested with anti-Semites, many of whom are liberal Jews. Honoring their fellow Jew haters is the least of their sins. The pretend journalists routinely smear Israel and glorify Hamas and ignore hate crimes committed against Jewish Americans."

--Ayn Reagan
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:05 am The following quotes were written/tweeted by Ayn Reagan, who is Jewish:

"Liberal Jews are not like everyone else.
Everyone else does not vote for people who hate them.
Who protect terrorist groups that rape and kill them.
Most people love their children and would not support a party that allows campus jihadists to attack those children with impunity."

"Those of you charlatans who claim to be Jewish but support anti-Semites should stop being so selectively fragile. Your Hamas heroes want to gang rape and kill you. That you defend. But when real Jews identify you as the frauds you are, suddenly you tearfully play the Jew Card."

"The American media is infested with anti-Semites, many of whom are liberal Jews. Honoring their fellow Jew haters is the least of their sins. The pretend journalists routinely smear Israel and glorify Hamas and ignore hate crimes committed against Jewish Americans."

--Ayn Reagan
We can quote till the cows come home. I don't know who Ayn Reagan is (doesn't sound like their real name if it's even a real person), but a famous Jew once said "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."

But when the rubber meets the road, the leader of the Democratic party obviously doesn't support campus "jihadists" and has condemned the anti-semitism happening.

The leader of the Republican party (now Trump party) said neo-Nazis and white supremacists have "some very fine people" among them.

I still remember the neo-nazis coming out of the woodwork after Trump was elected and they felt emboldened.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:58 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:05 am The following quotes were written/tweeted by Ayn Reagan, who is Jewish:

"Liberal Jews are not like everyone else.
Everyone else does not vote for people who hate them.
Who protect terrorist groups that rape and kill them.
Most people love their children and would not support a party that allows campus jihadists to attack those children with impunity."

"Those of you charlatans who claim to be Jewish but support anti-Semites should stop being so selectively fragile. Your Hamas heroes want to gang rape and kill you. That you defend. But when real Jews identify you as the frauds you are, suddenly you tearfully play the Jew Card."

"The American media is infested with anti-Semites, many of whom are liberal Jews. Honoring their fellow Jew haters is the least of their sins. The pretend journalists routinely smear Israel and glorify Hamas and ignore hate crimes committed against Jewish Americans."

--Ayn Reagan
We can quote till the cows come home. I don't know who Ayn Reagan is (doesn't sound like their real name if it's even a real person), but a famous Jew once said "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."

But when the rubber meets the road, the leader of the Democratic party obviously doesn't support campus "jihadists" and has condemned the anti-semitism happening.

The leader of the Republican party (now Trump party) said neo-Nazis and white supremacists have "some very fine people" among them.

I still remember the neo-nazis coming out of the woodwork after Trump was elected and they felt emboldened.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Racists vote also…..similar to Michael Jordan saying Chinese wear basketball shoes.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:58 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:05 am The following quotes were written/tweeted by Ayn Reagan, who is Jewish:

"Liberal Jews are not like everyone else.
Everyone else does not vote for people who hate them.
Who protect terrorist groups that rape and kill them.
Most people love their children and would not support a party that allows campus jihadists to attack those children with impunity."

"Those of you charlatans who claim to be Jewish but support anti-Semites should stop being so selectively fragile. Your Hamas heroes want to gang rape and kill you. That you defend. But when real Jews identify you as the frauds you are, suddenly you tearfully play the Jew Card."

"The American media is infested with anti-Semites, many of whom are liberal Jews. Honoring their fellow Jew haters is the least of their sins. The pretend journalists routinely smear Israel and glorify Hamas and ignore hate crimes committed against Jewish Americans."

--Ayn Reagan
a famous Jew once said "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."
Please tell me what Jesus's statements here have to do with the preceding quotes.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:34 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:58 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:05 am The following quotes were written/tweeted by Ayn Reagan, who is Jewish:

"Liberal Jews are not like everyone else.
Everyone else does not vote for people who hate them.
Who protect terrorist groups that rape and kill them.
Most people love their children and would not support a party that allows campus jihadists to attack those children with impunity."

"Those of you charlatans who claim to be Jewish but support anti-Semites should stop being so selectively fragile. Your Hamas heroes want to gang rape and kill you. That you defend. But when real Jews identify you as the frauds you are, suddenly you tearfully play the Jew Card."

"The American media is infested with anti-Semites, many of whom are liberal Jews. Honoring their fellow Jew haters is the least of their sins. The pretend journalists routinely smear Israel and glorify Hamas and ignore hate crimes committed against Jewish Americans."

--Ayn Reagan
a famous Jew once said "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."
Please tell me what Jesus's statements here have to do with the preceding quotes.
It is how to treat one's enemies.

And I don't think the preceding quotes have much basis in reality. It's one person's opinion and they try to paint an entire group of Jewish people as evil and your enemy. It's clearly a social media account (of unknown origin) that's trying to incite division and hatred.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:41 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:34 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:58 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:05 am The following quotes were written/tweeted by Ayn Reagan, who is Jewish:

"Liberal Jews are not like everyone else.
Everyone else does not vote for people who hate them.
Who protect terrorist groups that rape and kill them.
Most people love their children and would not support a party that allows campus jihadists to attack those children with impunity."

"Those of you charlatans who claim to be Jewish but support anti-Semites should stop being so selectively fragile. Your Hamas heroes want to gang rape and kill you. That you defend. But when real Jews identify you as the frauds you are, suddenly you tearfully play the Jew Card."

"The American media is infested with anti-Semites, many of whom are liberal Jews. Honoring their fellow Jew haters is the least of their sins. The pretend journalists routinely smear Israel and glorify Hamas and ignore hate crimes committed against Jewish Americans."

--Ayn Reagan
a famous Jew once said "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."
Please tell me what Jesus's statements here have to do with the preceding quotes.
It is how to treat one's enemies.
What does this have to do with Israel defending their citizens and going to war against Hamas?
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:44 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:41 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:34 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:58 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:05 am The following quotes were written/tweeted by Ayn Reagan, who is Jewish:

"Liberal Jews are not like everyone else.
Everyone else does not vote for people who hate them.
Who protect terrorist groups that rape and kill them.
Most people love their children and would not support a party that allows campus jihadists to attack those children with impunity."

"Those of you charlatans who claim to be Jewish but support anti-Semites should stop being so selectively fragile. Your Hamas heroes want to gang rape and kill you. That you defend. But when real Jews identify you as the frauds you are, suddenly you tearfully play the Jew Card."

"The American media is infested with anti-Semites, many of whom are liberal Jews. Honoring their fellow Jew haters is the least of their sins. The pretend journalists routinely smear Israel and glorify Hamas and ignore hate crimes committed against Jewish Americans."

--Ayn Reagan
a famous Jew once said "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."
Please tell me what Jesus's statements here have to do with the preceding quotes.
It is how to treat one's enemies.
What does this have to do with Israel defending their citizens and going to war against Hamas?
I see you're ignoring the actual discussion.

I simply felt like throwing in a quote from another Jew since you were doing it. It was tangential to the Ronald Rand tweet about liberal Jews as it included enemies in it.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by runrussellrun »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:22 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:44 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:41 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:34 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:58 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:05 am The following quotes were written/tweeted by Ayn Reagan, who is Jewish:

"Liberal Jews are not like everyone else.
Everyone else does not vote for people who hate them.
Who protect terrorist groups that rape and kill them.
Most people love their children and would not support a party that allows campus jihadists to attack those children with impunity."

"Those of you charlatans who claim to be Jewish but support anti-Semites should stop being so selectively fragile. Your Hamas heroes want to gang rape and kill you. That you defend. But when real Jews identify you as the frauds you are, suddenly you tearfully play the Jew Card."

"The American media is infested with anti-Semites, many of whom are liberal Jews. Honoring their fellow Jew haters is the least of their sins. The pretend journalists routinely smear Israel and glorify Hamas and ignore hate crimes committed against Jewish Americans."

--Ayn Reagan
a famous Jew once said "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."
Please tell me what Jesus's statements here have to do with the preceding quotes.
It is how to treat one's enemies.
What does this have to do with Israel defending their citizens and going to war against Hamas?
I see you're ignoring the actual discussion.

I simply felt like throwing in a quote from another Jew since you were doing it. It was tangential to the Ronald Rand tweet about liberal Jews as it included enemies in it.
Why don't Katholics call themselves a "race". :roll:

Walking thru the "GORGE" yesterday, lots and lots of people of different creeds and colors. Only the Asians wouldn't say hello. Same attitude for the medical doctors that populate the "best" hospitals ? Is it that they are shy, or just feel superior.

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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:22 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:44 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:41 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:34 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:58 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:05 am The following quotes were written/tweeted by Ayn Reagan, who is Jewish:

"Liberal Jews are not like everyone else.
Everyone else does not vote for people who hate them.
Who protect terrorist groups that rape and kill them.
Most people love their children and would not support a party that allows campus jihadists to attack those children with impunity."

"Those of you charlatans who claim to be Jewish but support anti-Semites should stop being so selectively fragile. Your Hamas heroes want to gang rape and kill you. That you defend. But when real Jews identify you as the frauds you are, suddenly you tearfully play the Jew Card."

"The American media is infested with anti-Semites, many of whom are liberal Jews. Honoring their fellow Jew haters is the least of their sins. The pretend journalists routinely smear Israel and glorify Hamas and ignore hate crimes committed against Jewish Americans."

--Ayn Reagan
a famous Jew once said "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."
Please tell me what Jesus's statements here have to do with the preceding quotes.
It is how to treat one's enemies.
What does this have to do with Israel defending their citizens and going to war against Hamas?
I see you're ignoring the actual discussion.

I simply felt like throwing in a quote from another Jew since you were doing it. It was tangential to the Ronald Rand tweet about liberal Jews as it included enemies in it.
You're actually the one doing the ignoring. You quoted Jesus completely out of context as if it had any relevance whatsoever to the "discussion". I asked you about it, very specifically, yet you chose to ignore it.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:41 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:34 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:58 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:05 am The following quotes were written/tweeted by Ayn Reagan, who is Jewish:

"Liberal Jews are not like everyone else.
Everyone else does not vote for people who hate them.
Who protect terrorist groups that rape and kill them.
Most people love their children and would not support a party that allows campus jihadists to attack those children with impunity."

"Those of you charlatans who claim to be Jewish but support anti-Semites should stop being so selectively fragile. Your Hamas heroes want to gang rape and kill you. That you defend. But when real Jews identify you as the frauds you are, suddenly you tearfully play the Jew Card."

"The American media is infested with anti-Semites, many of whom are liberal Jews. Honoring their fellow Jew haters is the least of their sins. The pretend journalists routinely smear Israel and glorify Hamas and ignore hate crimes committed against Jewish Americans."

--Ayn Reagan
a famous Jew once said "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."
Please tell me what Jesus's statements here have to do with the preceding quotes.
It is how to treat one's enemies.

And I don't think the preceding quotes have much basis in reality. It's one person's opinion and they try to paint an entire group of Jewish people as evil and your enemy. It's clearly a social media account (of unknown origin) that's trying to incite division and hatred.
Ayn's rationale for going after and exposing those who are "Jews" in name only:

"Liberal Jews have long gone unchallenged for your outrageous duplicity of feigning Jewishness while facilitating anti-Semitism. Now you will be challenged by me and others. And you will despise it because there is no defense for what you do. You provide camouflage for Jew haters."

I agree with her completely.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by youthathletics »

Racism is officially over, NYC Mayor confirms it.

Seems all you have to do is hire people of the same demographic (wait I thought that was racist), Then funnel money to only a certain demographic (wait I thought that was also racist), then speak boldly that we are now all chocolate (wait isn't that racist).

We just can't seem to get out of our own way....Leadership is so hard to find.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:31 pm We just can't seem to get out of our own way....Leadership is so hard to find.
Sure is...
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by cradleandshoot »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:31 pm Racism is officially over, NYC Mayor confirms it.

Seems all you have to do is hire people of the same demographic (wait I thought that was racist), Then funnel money to only a certain demographic (wait I thought that was also racist), then speak boldly that we are now all chocolate (wait isn't that racist).

We just can't seem to get out of our own way....Leadership is so hard to find.
Milk chocolate is probably what he meant to say. That would be an equal mix of white chocolate and dark chocolate. FTR the dark chocolate can never be bitter sweet.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by SCLaxAttack »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:31 pm Racism is officially over, NYC Mayor confirms it.

Seems all you have to do is hire people of the same demographic (wait I thought that was racist), Then funnel money to only a certain demographic (wait I thought that was also racist), then speak boldly that we are now all chocolate (wait isn't that racist).

We just can't seem to get out of our own way....Leadership is so hard to find.
How could you watch that and come to the conclusions you stated, unless all you wanted to do was misinterpret his statements? For a guy who often tells us we should listen to Trump's exact words but what he means you sure are holding the mayor to a higher standard. Anyone with a little bit of mental acuity not looking proclaim "wokeness" will appreciate everything he said. As for how you incorrectly positioned his comments thinking your comments could make a difference in what he said:

- Hire people of the same demographic? Since when are women (as opposed to men), Spanish-Americans, Trinidadian-Americans, Korean-Americans, Filipino-Americans, and Dominican-Americans all the same demographic?

- He didn't say "only" (your word) a certain demographic is awarded city contracts. He was commenting about a certain classification of business ownership (which starts with "Women", as he stated) that, by law, do get a leg up in the contract award process.

- It would be fine by me if NYC awarded contracts by demographics:
- 53% female
- 31% white
- 28% Hispanic or Latino
- 20% black
- 16% Asian

Sounds like you're just that white men aren't still in control. Good thing they aren't, or the gerrymandering across boroughs and neighborhoods to keep white power in NYC would make Louisiana congressional districts look comparatively like neat little boxes. Get over it.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:41 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:34 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:58 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:05 am The following quotes were written/tweeted by Ayn Reagan, who is Jewish:

"Liberal Jews are not like everyone else.
Everyone else does not vote for people who hate them.
Who protect terrorist groups that rape and kill them.
Most people love their children and would not support a party that allows campus jihadists to attack those children with impunity."

"Those of you charlatans who claim to be Jewish but support anti-Semites should stop being so selectively fragile. Your Hamas heroes want to gang rape and kill you. That you defend. But when real Jews identify you as the frauds you are, suddenly you tearfully play the Jew Card."

"The American media is infested with anti-Semites, many of whom are liberal Jews. Honoring their fellow Jew haters is the least of their sins. The pretend journalists routinely smear Israel and glorify Hamas and ignore hate crimes committed against Jewish Americans."

--Ayn Reagan
a famous Jew once said "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."
Please tell me what Jesus's statements here have to do with the preceding quotes.
It is how to treat one's enemies.

And I don't think the preceding quotes have much basis in reality. It's one person's opinion and they try to paint an entire group of Jewish people as evil and your enemy. It's clearly a social media account (of unknown origin) that's trying to incite division and hatred.
It's also a particularly pernicious form of anti-semitic Jew-baiting that has a very long history.

It's obviously a phony name, so why would any other aspect of the account be believable? We don't even know if the account is run by a "she" much less is Jewish.

But the anti-semitism oozes from it.
Also Islamaphobia.

All apiece of bigotry and hate.

But ONW chooses to repeat hate-filled "quotes" from a phony Twitter X account. And objects to a quote from someone he has previously espoused is a true life figure who actually said as quoted...

Bully troll behavior, but that's become clear.
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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:51 pm Bully troll behavior, but that's become clear.
That is you to a T--a Bully Troll. But you use fake polite high sounding language to mask it and think no one else is wise to you. You're also a brutal twister of words and meanings and intents. Insufferable.
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