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Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:15 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
Michael Moore

>> HIs points:

Only 21% of the population is white men aged 40 and older. Women, people of color and young people will vote for Harris!

69% of Americans support legal abortion

90% want better gun safety legislation

72% believe climate change is real and want to do something

71% approve of labor unions

79% want the rich to pay more taxes

76% want a higher minimum wage

73% want student debt relief

70% approve legalizing marijuana use

74% want more affordable homes

65% approve term limits on the supreme court

69% support same sex marriage

65% want to end the electoral college

70% support a ceasefire in Gaza

72% want money out of politics

Trump is campaigning against what the American public wants. He wants to take us back.

There is a groundswell of support for moving forward with Harris! Look to the future. Young people, women and people of color are the voters to take us there.<<

Trump is running on being against people he doesn’t like and people like him don’t like. It is that SIMPLE.

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:29 pm
by Seacoaster(1)
Trump is doubling down on the “Harris is Indian” thing. Makes me wonder if there is a saboteur on his campaign staff. I’m thinking it’s dislaxxic.

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:33 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:29 pm Trump is doubling down on the “Harris is Indian” thing. Makes me wonder if there is a saboteur on his campaign staff. I’m thinking it’s dislaxxic.
Like Trump has said before, these people don’t look Indian to him….what changed?

He is just not politically correct.

Trump: That probably is me, absolutely, because I’ll tell you what, if you look—if you look at some of the reservations that you have approved—you, sir, in your great wisdom, have approved— will tell you right now, they don’t look like Indians to me, and they don’t look like Indians. Now maybe we say politically correct or not politically correct. They don’t look like Indians to me, and they don’t look like Indians to Indians, and a lot of people are laughing at it, and you are telling how tough it is, how rough it is, to get approved. Well, you go up to Connecticut, and you look. Now, they don’t look like Indians to me, sir.

Facing backlash from Native Americans, Trump went on the Don Imus radio show for an interview afterwards, saying: “I think I might have more Indian blood than a lot of the so-called Indians that are trying to open up the reservations.”

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:06 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
jhu72 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:21 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:36 pm It's July...

We had like 4 years of regular politics happen in the past 3 weeks.
... yup, things are moving fast. Trump folks are behaving like they are in trouble. :)
BTW, just started reading Rendezvous with Rama. I just finished Chapter 1 and already hooked. Not sure if you have read it?

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:39 pm
by jhu72
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:06 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:21 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:36 pm It's July...

We had like 4 years of regular politics happen in the past 3 weeks.
... yup, things are moving fast. Trump folks are behaving like they are in trouble. :)
BTW, just started reading Rendezvous with Rama. I just finished Chapter 1 and already hooked. Not sure if you have read it?
... great book, read in the early 1970s as I recall.

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:42 pm
by jhu72

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:28 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
jhu72 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:39 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:06 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:21 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:36 pm It's July...

We had like 4 years of regular politics happen in the past 3 weeks.
... yup, things are moving fast. Trump folks are behaving like they are in trouble. :)
BTW, just started reading Rendezvous with Rama. I just finished Chapter 1 and already hooked. Not sure if you have read it?
... great book, read in the early 1970s as I recall.
I figured you had read it.

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:42 pm
by Farfromgeneva
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:45 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:33 am Joe was going to get waxed in Nov. On god….

Initially I didn’t think Kamala would have a chance stepping in this late but coming around that she can whoop his fat a**. I’m praying she goads him into some serious mysoginstif racist stuff. It shouldn’t be hard.
Over/under on how long it takes for him to use the hard n word? I know there are apparently Apprentice tapes with him letting loose. If he gets pi$$ed off enough I could see him accidentally letting it slip.
If she were really smart she’d lean into it. Get a removable thug life tattoo, etc.

Like this

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:44 pm
by Farfromgeneva
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:20 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:45 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:33 am Joe was going to get waxed in Nov. On god….

Initially I didn’t think Kamala would have a chance stepping in this late but coming around that she can whoop his fat a**. I’m praying she goads him into some serious mysoginstif racist stuff. It shouldn’t be hard.
Over/under on how long it takes for him to use the hard n word? I know there are apparently Apprentice tapes with him letting loose. If he gets pi$$ed off enough I could see him accidentally letting it slip.
To his people, that word is just "anti-woke." So NP.
I will say I’ve asked and gotten verbal approval from friends in their presence to let it rip if I’m spitting bars. For example, The Sotry or OJ by Jay Z or Hit Em Up by Tupac. If you drop that word don’t bother doing the song.

It is importance for folks to under the fact that Frank White needs to get spanked right for setting traps. That is all.

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:46 pm
by Farfromgeneva
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:45 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:33 am Joe was going to get waxed in Nov. On god….

Initially I didn’t think Kamala would have a chance stepping in this late but coming around that she can whoop his fat a**. I’m praying she goads him into some serious mysoginstif racist stuff. It shouldn’t be hard.
Over/under on how long it takes for him to use the hard n word? I know there are apparently Apprentice tapes with him letting loose. If he gets pi$$ed off enough I could see him accidentally letting it slip.

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:47 pm
by Farfromgeneva
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:37 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:20 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:45 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:33 am Joe was going to get waxed in Nov. On god….

Initially I didn’t think Kamala would have a chance stepping in this late but coming around that she can whoop his fat a**. I’m praying she goads him into some serious mysoginstif racist stuff. It shouldn’t be hard.
Over/under on how long it takes for him to use the hard n word? I know there are apparently Apprentice tapes with him letting loose. If he gets pi$$ed off enough I could see him accidentally letting it slip.
To his people, that word is just "anti-woke." So NP.
Just heard from a West Indian woman that has never voted in this country who said she is registering to vote and will vote for Kamala and there is a lot of Gen Z energy behind her. I know several people that have said they are donating to a presidential campaign for the first time. A hood rat that was all in for Trump last year has changed his tune and he said he knows guys that feel the same. Trump's "black jobs" comment is his "deplorables"..... A small sample....time will tell.
In her camp cautiously but I would not this “she’s young” sh*t has to stop, she’s already older the the average presidents age.

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:49 pm
by Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:58 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:25 am More creepy stuff from this guy, on women ... 8b1757?ddm
Not Creepy. People can choose not to have children and still be happy. Some people just weren't cut out to parent. And for others, having children has held them back and left them unfulfilled.

But people should be well aware of the potential consequences for a self-centered life.

My Aunt who is in her 80s, intentionally childless and pursued an amazing career and profession in her early years. Was the top of her industry, doctorate, respected, well traveled, earned and experienced some of the most incredible things in life and an incredibly rewarding career, life.

She now talks constantly that being childless is her biggest regret/failure/misery. It haunts her. Literally that is all she talks about for the past 10 years.

That's not the case for everyone. But a very real potential consequence of that choice.

There is much less possibility for hope in a childless life/world. There is a reason that regret in old age and the joys of family, children and legacy are some of the most common themes in great literature, movies and art for centuries.

Because it's real.

Vivek had an excellent message at the RNC:
And our message to Gen Z is this, you’re going to be the generation that actually saves this country. You want to be a rebel? You want to be a hippie? You want to stick it to the man? Show up on your college campus and try calling yourself a conservative. Say you want, get married, have kids, teach them to believe in God, and pledge allegiance to their country, because you know what? Fear has been infectious in this country, but courage can be contagious too. That too is what it means to be an American.

And you know what? If you’re at home and you disagree with everything I just said, our message to you is this, we will still defend to the death your right to say it, because that is who we are as Americans. We are the country where we can disagree like hell and still get together at the dinner table at the end of it. That is the America I know. That is the America we miss. We do not have to be ancient Rome. We don’t have to be this nation in decline. We can still be a nation in our ascent. A nation whose best days, not in some fake politician way, but in a true way, a nation whose best days are actually still ahead of us, still on our way to that shining city on a hill.

That country where no matter who you are or where your parents came from, or what your skin color is, or how long your last name is, that you will still get ahead in this country with your own hard work, your own commitment, your own dedication. And that you know what, you are free to speak your mind at every step of the way. That is the American dream. That is what won us the American Revolution.

That is what reunited us after the Civil War. That is what won us two world Wars and the Cold War. That is what still gives hope to the free world. And if we can revive that dream over group identity and victimhood and grievance, then nobody in the world, not a nation, not a corporation, not a virus, not China is going to defeat us. That is what American exceptionalism is all about, and that is what we will revive this November when we send Donald J. Trump back to the White House. Thank you all. God bless you and your families, and may God bless our United States of America. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
“I’ve never regretted not having children. My mindset in that regard has been constant. I objected to being born, and I refuse to impose life on someone else.”
— Robert Smith

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:50 pm
by Farfromgeneva
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:19 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:18 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 12:09 pm Saw a 20 something old yesterday out with a Trump shirt on. Looked completely out of place and unhappy. Shirt said “Trump 2024… I don’t give a FKCU about your feelings….” And a picture of Trump on the back of the shirt with Aviators on giving a double middle finger saying “You Missed!”….

The kid looked so unhappy.
Because a 20yr old should be balls deep in nature
He looked unhappy. Not sad, just unhappy.
STDs from dirty maga women?

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:52 pm
by Farfromgeneva
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:15 pm Michael Moore

>> HIs points:

Only 21% of the population is white men aged 40 and older. Women, people of color and young people will vote for Harris!

69% of Americans support legal abortion

90% want better gun safety legislation

72% believe climate change is real and want to do something

71% approve of labor unions

79% want the rich to pay more taxes

76% want a higher minimum wage

73% want student debt relief

70% approve legalizing marijuana use

74% want more affordable homes

65% approve term limits on the supreme court

69% support same sex marriage

65% want to end the electoral college

70% support a ceasefire in Gaza

72% want money out of politics

Trump is campaigning against what the American public wants. He wants to take us back.

There is a groundswell of support for moving forward with Harris! Look to the future. Young people, women and people of color are the voters to take us there.<<

Trump is running on being against people he doesn’t like and people like him don’t like. It is that SIMPLE.
Could you just find another source for the datapoints that’s not a douchenozzle?

Re: 2024

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:00 am
by old salt
Trump showed up & faced the insults in a hostile forum. Kamala was a no show.
Trump questioned the authenticity of Kamala's "blackness". If he now doubles down, it was intentional.
If he backfills & makes excuses, it was an unforced error, he walked into a minefield & plowed through it rather than picking his way through.
It will resonate with voters who are frustrated with the double standard & hypocrisy when trying to honestly discuss race in the US.
Time will tell how big the impact will be. I don't know if it will help or hurt Trump.
I would not have recommended he handle it that way, but I didn't think he'd win in 2016, or get the nomination in '16 & "20.
That's my frank assessment & I have nothing more to say on this issue.
Let the personal attacks & smears begin. Let the bile flow. Get it out of your systems.

Re: 2024

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:14 am
by NattyBohChamps04

This dude is also wondering why the guy under his knee won't have an honest discussion of race.

Re: 2024

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:15 am
by ggait
I don't really care if KH is a fake black person.

What is completely unacceptable, however, is that she hates Jews. Even though her husband is a Jew. That doesn't count, though, because Dougie is a horrible Jew.

Also unacceptable that KH is a miserable child-less cat lady.

However, I can't say that I hate KH for being a Hawk Tua girl. I mean what's not to like about that? I bet JD would dig that a lot more than getting busy with his living room couch.

What a forking shirt show the next three months is going to be....

Re: 2024

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:50 am
by Farfromgeneva
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:14 am Image

This dude is also wondering why the guy under his knee won't have an honest discussion of race.
Looks like crackhead Henry Rollins

Re: 2024

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:55 am
by Farfromgeneva
Any white dude calling someone a fake black personal is less than a moron. Flat out deficient.

That’s point #1.

#2 who gives a f**k. Of course she, and probably the next 10 black leaders the way our system has shook out, will be Barry not Barack.

Just how it goes. The pioneers aren’t exactly the Ruff Ryders. Who’s the idiot who expects a first woman and 2nd black president to look like either this:

Or gender specific like this

Re: 2024

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:37 am
by Typical Lax Dad
Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:52 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:15 pm Michael Moore

>> HIs points:

Only 21% of the population is white men aged 40 and older. Women, people of color and young people will vote for Harris!

69% of Americans support legal abortion

90% want better gun safety legislation

72% believe climate change is real and want to do something

71% approve of labor unions

79% want the rich to pay more taxes

76% want a higher minimum wage

73% want student debt relief

70% approve legalizing marijuana use

74% want more affordable homes

65% approve term limits on the supreme court

69% support same sex marriage

65% want to end the electoral college

70% support a ceasefire in Gaza

72% want money out of politics

Trump is campaigning against what the American public wants. He wants to take us back.

There is a groundswell of support for moving forward with Harris! Look to the future. Young people, women and people of color are the voters to take us there.<<

Trump is running on being against people he doesn’t like and people like him don’t like. It is that SIMPLE.
Could you just find another source for the datapoints that’s not a douchenozzle?
He is a stain. Not sure those figures are accurate but it’s a comprehensive list of what most decent Americans stand for.