2020 Elections - Trump FIRED

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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

HooDat wrote:Here is the problem - my guess is that if she does run (and I bet, short of death or a huge scandal that Hillary does indeed run), she is going to go faaar left. Left of Ocasio-Cortez. Left of Bernie Sanders. She will run on the message of: "I compromised my principles and tried to run as a moderate. I have learned my lesson and now will be running a campaign that is "true to me and my values". I will run on my core beliefs: Universal health care; Free college; Living wage; Women's right to choose". She will press every left wing hot button she can find - and it might just get her the nomination.

If there is one thing the D party has shown it is that it tends to lack discipline. Hillary lost the nomination to Obama because the party lacked discipline, and that time it worked out. She won the nomination in 2016 because she was able to enforce discipline (narrowly nudging out Sanders), but in the end proving that "discipline" doesn't energize Dem voters sufficiently. She is savvy enough a politician to know that this time around she needs to package herself as the radical, the protester, the aggrieved. If she taps that right, along with a machine that is hidden from view....?

But, if she were to run and lose, that could be the best thing for the party in a long time. A Clinton loss would provide a very healthy "cleansing" process, providing a very clear break with the Wall Street aligned Clinton way. And win or lose vs Trump, a renewed message from the Dems would pave the way for continued Dem success below the white house.

Beyond that, every Dem should be nervous that she uses her muscle, and her money, and her political chits to once again claim what is her right! :shock:

Because every Republican will be secretly praying that she gets the nomination for 2020.
Nah, the Dems are 'done' with her. Way, way too much baggage.
Most have come to grips with the reality that she was uniquely unsuited to be the counterpoint to Trump.
And most would be quite PO'd if she roils the waters.

Of course, I do agree that she could do a lot of damage to the Dems and, sure, the Trumpists would be delighted if she was the nominee. But that's definitely not going to happen.

That all said, run today, even Hillary would defeat Trump. That may be even more the case in another 6 months. It's going to get very ugly for the Trump Administration, the Trump family, and the Trump organization.

Dems could over play it, going too fast, but the key folks seem to be aware that they need to be methodical, and avoid excess hyperbole.

My own preference would be for either a Kasich or like figure to emerge on the GOP side and successfully defeat Trump and Trumpism in the GOP, or to do so as an "Independence Party", or for a centrist, moderate Dem to emerge and defeat Trump and for the GOP to shake off Trumpist fever that way.

From the Dem point of view, retaking the White House is the key priority. Supreme Court nominations, progressive tilting policy choices like protecting preexisting conditions, Medicare etc will be more important than the more left wing policy aspirations. But if they take the Senate (as looks likely in 2020) and the White House, do expect proposals like Medicare for all to come to the fore. Certainly a rejiggering of taxes again with higher rates on top 10%, very high on top 1%, and a couple of points on corporates.

But if Trump is the GOP candidate in 2020 and the Dems run a well left, coastal progressive instead of a moderate, note that the Dems could well win nevertheless over a damaged Trump. It's very unlikely that the current sugar high the economy is running on right now will last, as inflationary pressures caused by both overheated employment and tariff effects will be met with rising interest rates to cool it off. That typically means a dip, or a full blown recession, so the one real positive buoying GOP hopes may go up in smoke. Indeed, that's likely.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by HooDat »

dislaxxic wrote:Novel fiction there, Hoo...you should write a screenplay. I'd suggest "Every Trumpist's Wet Dream" as a title...it'd be a smash hit in most of Fly-Over America! ;)

A Hillary nomination would indeed be Trump's dream scenario. But I would prefer a Dem party that actually offered a true alternative to the GOP. In my lifetime, they have done so three times: McGovern, Humphrey and Carter.

Mondale offered a bit of a "choice", but outside of his healthcare platform Bill Clinton was probably to the right of Bush on many issues. As afan has repeatedly pointed out, Obama was probably more conservative than Trump - he just wasn't pro-life or pro-gun (are those really the things that determine conservative vs liberal ??) And the real political differences between him and McCain or Romney were negligible.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

HooDat wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:Novel fiction there, Hoo...you should write a screenplay. I'd suggest "Every Trumpist's Wet Dream" as a title...it'd be a smash hit in most of Fly-Over America! ;)

A Hillary nomination would indeed be Trump's dream scenario. But I would prefer a Dem party that actually offered a true alternative to the GOP. In my lifetime, they have done so three times: McGovern, Humphrey and Carter.

Mondale offered a bit of a "choice", but outside of his healthcare platform Bill Clinton was probably to the right of Bush on many issues. As afan has repeatedly pointed out, Obama was probably more conservative than Trump - he just wasn't pro-life or pro-gun (are those really the things that determine conservative vs liberal ??) And the real political differences between him and McCain or Romney were negligible.
Would you have, did you, vote for those you describe as "true alternative to GOP"?

I was too young to vote, but worked for Nixon versus McGovern (gee that 'true alternative' won how many states?).

I voted in '80, but didn't vote for either Reagan or Carter. Was fine with voting for Reagan in '84. Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, Romney. I agree that Obama and McCain and Romney would have governed more alike than not. And I'm ok with that. I do think they would have made better foreign policy decisions.

Not sure how you think Clinton was "more conservative" than HW Bush, much less W. But sure, Clinton was a moderate Dem. Which is why he actually got elected.

I do think Trump is more 'radical' than Obama and not 'conservative' in that sense, but on the right-left spectrum way, way to the right.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by dislaxxic »

That all said, run today, even Hillary would defeat Trump. That may be even more the case in another 6 months. It's going to get very ugly for the Trump Administration, the Trump family, and the Trump organization.

Although i hate the idea of HRC gaining the Dem nomination for 2020, it would, in Alternate-World, be awesome, absolutely STUPENDOUS to see Hair Furor go down in flames to his favorite boogey-woman.

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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by jhu72 »


Think you are over estimating HRC's power and base. She has been eclipsed by "the new faces". Tom Perez has put together a winning team. It is absolutely amazing what he has accomplished. He has done it largely without HRC money sources, which greatly reduces HRC's influence. Winning beats once upon a time power and influence. If the Ds had lost in 2018, I might buy the argument, but given their victory and magnitude, really don't see it.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by HooDat »

dislaxxic wrote:
That all said, run today, even Hillary would defeat Trump. That may be even more the case in another 6 months. It's going to get very ugly for the Trump Administration, the Trump family, and the Trump organization.

Although i hate the idea of HRC gaining the Dem nomination for 2020, it would, in Alternate-World, be awesome, absolutely STUPENDOUS to see Hair Furor go down in flames to his favorite boogey-woman.

it would make for a fantastic dark comedy.... Southpark would have a field day..... And even though I have a very warped sense of humor, I don't think it would really be worth the laughs....
jhu72 wrote:greatly reduces HRC's influence. Winning beats once upon a time power and influence. If the Ds had lost in 2018, I might buy the argument, but given their victory and magnitude, really don't see it.
i hope you are right. and think you most likely are. I just don't think anyone should underestimate the power of money and the intensity of her ambition.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by ChairmanOfTheBoard »

HooDat wrote:Here is the problem - my guess is that if she does run (and I bet, short of death or a huge scandal that Hillary does indeed run), she is going to go faaar left. Left of Ocasio-Cortez. Left of Bernie Sanders. She will run on the message of: "I compromised my principles and tried to run as a moderate. I have learned my lesson and now will be running a campaign that is "true to me and my values". I will run on my core beliefs: Universal health care; Free college; Living wage; Women's right to choose". She will press every left wing hot button she can find - and it might just get her the nomination.

If there is one thing the D party has shown it is that it tends to lack discipline. Hillary lost the nomination to Obama because the party lacked discipline, and that time it worked out. She won the nomination in 2016 because she was able to enforce discipline (narrowly nudging out Sanders), but in the end proving that "discipline" doesn't energize Dem voters sufficiently. She is savvy enough a politician to know that this time around she needs to package herself as the radical, the protester, the aggrieved. If she taps that right, along with a machine that is hidden from view....?

But, if she were to run and lose, that could be the best thing for the party in a long time. A Clinton loss would provide a very healthy "cleansing" process, providing a very clear break with the Wall Street aligned Clinton way. And win or lose vs Trump, a renewed message from the Dems would pave the way for continued Dem success below the white house.

Beyond that, every Dem should be nervous that she uses her muscle, and her money, and her political chits to once again claim what is her right! :shock:

Because every Republican will be secretly praying that she gets the nomination for 2020.
of course, these are her public positions. not the private ones.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:https://theintercept.com/2018/11/11/ric ... president/ Could the democrats be smart enough to actually nominate this man? Hell he would get my vote in a heartbeat. IMO he just will never win over the FLP wing of the party. He is not the candidate they are looking for. :roll:
Sheesh, you're right, he doesn't have a snowballs chance in...voted for Trump, tied to coal companies, no way.

All sorts of other things to perhaps like or at least respect, but no, a guy who just lost for State Senator in W.Va, with zero national stature...pretty sure he won't raise a nickel much less get any workers to join him. Actually gotta wonder whether he has a screw loose thinking otherwise. The way he's yelling in the first video, yup, could well have one or more loose.

There will be at least one candidate, e.g. a Sherrod Brown, with working class, middle America appeal, who has actual earned bona fides. And no one will pay any attention to this guy other than to worry about him being embarrassing.
So very sad MD that in this instance you are utterly clueless about what the Democrat party use to represent. The fact that you yourself seem to be even more clueless about why this type of old school democrat would be popular amongst old school democrats such as myself... and I don't mean to insult you with what I am about to say... I am just being honest and blunt..., you are proving to be more than ignorant of what the Democrat party use to stand for and use to be. If my mom were alive today she would go up one side of you and down the other and you would have and extra hole to defecate out of behind your knee. If you are telling me that what the Democrat party today circa 2018 is what mainstream America today stands for then you are wrong all day long. Problem is IMO there is no political party that represents what so many million middle class Americans believe and were raise on.

I think I have made it crystal clear what I think about both major parties. So your major complain about this man Ojeda is he voted for Trump and surprisingly enough being from West Virginia he supports coal. The man has more integrity and honesty in his little pinky finger that any FLP Democrat out there whining and bitching about how bad unfair America is will ever have. I guess I am biased and can't judge fairly. Ojeda is a former army officer that is of the same caliber that I served under in the Army. I would follow the man any where he would lead me. If that bothers you then we are having a conversation you are incapable of understanding... maybe because you never had the honor serving under such and officer and a man of integrity. To Mr Ojeda I will salute you solidly and give you my ultimate compliment... AIRBORNE SIR... ALL THE WAY... salut1
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by foreverlax »

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“The reason why the Democratic Party fell from grace is because they become nothing more than elitist. That was it. Goldman Sachs, that’s who they were. 
That is too simple a solution. Blame Wall $t....with just a tint of a dog whistle to those who think the Global Goldman's and Sach's and Kushner's and Adelson's are the reason the Ds suck.

As I recall you are a big fan of Alan West.....
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by HooDat »

I must have missed the memo that told everyone but me that: being against the aspects of Wall Street that gave us the mortgage crises and various other wonderful hits and being against the off-shoring of jobs and taxable income means that you are anti-Semitic.

I also don't know when being against those things put you at odds with the democrats??...

I know I am old, but my hearing must really be bad, because I don't hear all these "dog whistles"....
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:https://theintercept.com/2018/11/11/ric ... president/ Could the democrats be smart enough to actually nominate this man? Hell he would get my vote in a heartbeat. IMO he just will never win over the FLP wing of the party. He is not the candidate they are looking for. :roll:
Sheesh, you're right, he doesn't have a snowballs chance in...voted for Trump, tied to coal companies, no way.

All sorts of other things to perhaps like or at least respect, but no, a guy who just lost for State Senator in W.Va, with zero national stature...pretty sure he won't raise a nickel much less get any workers to join him. Actually gotta wonder whether he has a screw loose thinking otherwise. The way he's yelling in the first video, yup, could well have one or more loose.

There will be at least one candidate, e.g. a Sherrod Brown, with working class, middle America appeal, who has actual earned bona fides. And no one will pay any attention to this guy other than to worry about him being embarrassing.
So very sad MD that in this instance you are utterly clueless about what the Democrat party use to represent. The fact that you yourself seem to be even more clueless about why this type of old school democrat would be popular amongst old school democrats such as myself... and I don't mean to insult you with what I am about to say... I am just being honest and blunt..., you are proving to be more than ignorant of what the Democrat party use to stand for and use to be. If my mom were alive today she would go up one side of you and down the other and you would have and extra hole to defecate out of behind your knee. If you are telling me that what the Democrat party today circa 2018 is what mainstream America today stands for then you are wrong all day long. Problem is IMO there is no political party that represents what so many million middle class Americans believe and were raise on.

I think I have made it crystal clear what I think about both major parties. So your major complain about this man Ojeda is he voted for Trump and surprisingly enough being from West Virginia he supports coal. The man has more integrity and honesty in his little pinky finger that any FLP Democrat out there whining and bitching about how bad unfair America is will ever have. I guess I am biased and can't judge fairly. Ojeda is a former army officer that is of the same caliber that I served under in the Army. I would follow the man any where he would lead me. If that bothers you then we are having a conversation you are incapable of understanding... maybe because you never had the honor serving under such and officer and a man of integrity. To Mr Ojeda I will salute you solidly and give you my ultimate compliment... AIRBORNE SIR... ALL THE WAY... salut1
Wow, pretty personal cradle.

On Ojeda, I think you've misunderstood me. I was agreeing that he doesn't have a snowball's chance in winning even a smidgeon of meaningful traction in the Dem primary. No chance at all. That's not to say that the guy doesn't have much that might well deserve respect. But, I agree, he's 'disqualified' himself by several factors that just won't fly in the Dem party in 2018 or 2020. BTW, being pro-coal company is not the same thing as caring about West Virginia people, including miners. But voting for Trump is a much bigger deal, much less losing in a state election. And never having governed or held high executive authority in business or held any sort of higher office. And there will be others in the moderate lane who actually have such credentials.

I'm also not sure what defines an "old school Democrat" in your mind. Perhaps you can share with us some prominent, national level examples of "old school Democrats" of yesteryear who you admire?
Last edited by MDlaxfan76 on Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by foreverlax »

HooDat wrote:I must have missed the memo that told everyone but me that: being against the aspects of Wall Street that gave us the mortgage crises and various other wonderful hits and being against the off-shoring of jobs and taxable income means that you are anti-Semitic.

I also don't know when being against those things put you at odds with the democrats??...

I know I am old, but my hearing must really be bad, because I don't hear all these "dog whistles"....
As someone who has fed at the Wall $t trough, I share those same "concerns" and many, many more. To clarify, there are a whole lot of very very rich Rs (WASP) who are as much globalist as the NY crowd and they don't live in NY...that's part of my point.

To answer your statement with a question, why does he specifically say the demise of an entire political party is because of "elitist" and specifically "Goldman Sachs".

I'm old as well and dog whistles are new for me as well. Used to be, you knew when someone was being a whatever you want to call them. Now it's much more surreptitious....with that said, if you've never been a minority, it most of that kind of stuff may never hit your gay-dar
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

foreverlax wrote:
HooDat wrote:I must have missed the memo that told everyone but me that: being against the aspects of Wall Street that gave us the mortgage crises and various other wonderful hits and being against the off-shoring of jobs and taxable income means that you are anti-Semitic.

I also don't know when being against those things put you at odds with the democrats??...

I know I am old, but my hearing must really be bad, because I don't hear all these "dog whistles"....
As someone who has fed at the Wall $t trough, I share those same "concerns" and many, many more. To clarify, there are a whole lot of very very rich Rs (WASP) who are as much globalist as the NY crowd and they don't live in NY...that's part of my point.

To answer your statement with a question, why does he specifically say the demise of an entire political party is because of "elitist" and specifically "Goldman Sachs".

I'm old as well and dog whistles are new for me as well. Used to be, you knew when someone was being a whatever you want to call them. Now it's much more surreptitious....with that said, if you've never been a minority, it most of that kind of stuff may never hit your gay-dar
I have two friends who are long time partners at GS, one Jewish, one not. Though there are certainly plenty of non Jews at the firm, they have no doubt why they would be singled out, beyond simply the success of the firm and several of its various partners having served in government, Secretary of the Treasury etc. They understand that it's a not so subtle anti-semitic dog whistle, especially when coupled with "globalist".

But of course not everyone who thinks that Wall Street screws up from time to time in its pursuit of profits is necessarily ant-semitic if they happen to say Goldman Sachs instead of Merrill Lynch. They're simply unaware of the connection others draw to "Jews" and "money"...and all those two have meant in hate speech over the centuries. But they're repeating exactly what the haters are spewing.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:https://theintercept.com/2018/11/11/ric ... president/ Could the democrats be smart enough to actually nominate this man? Hell he would get my vote in a heartbeat. IMO he just will never win over the FLP wing of the party. He is not the candidate they are looking for. :roll:
Sheesh, you're right, he doesn't have a snowballs chance in...voted for Trump, tied to coal companies, no way.

All sorts of other things to perhaps like or at least respect, but no, a guy who just lost for State Senator in W.Va, with zero national stature...pretty sure he won't raise a nickel much less get any workers to join him. Actually gotta wonder whether he has a screw loose thinking otherwise. The way he's yelling in the first video, yup, could well have one or more loose.

There will be at least one candidate, e.g. a Sherrod Brown, with working class, middle America appeal, who has actual earned bona fides. And no one will pay any attention to this guy other than to worry about him being embarrassing.
So very sad MD that in this instance you are utterly clueless about what the Democrat party use to represent. The fact that you yourself seem to be even more clueless about why this type of old school democrat would be popular amongst old school democrats such as myself... and I don't mean to insult you with what I am about to say... I am just being honest and blunt..., you are proving to be more than ignorant of what the Democrat party use to stand for and use to be. If my mom were alive today she would go up one side of you and down the other and you would have and extra hole to defecate out of behind your knee. If you are telling me that what the Democrat party today circa 2018 is what mainstream America today stands for then you are wrong all day long. Problem is IMO there is no political party that represents what so many million middle class Americans believe and were raise on.

I think I have made it crystal clear what I think about both major parties. So your major complain about this man Ojeda is he voted for Trump and surprisingly enough being from West Virginia he supports coal. The man has more integrity and honesty in his little pinky finger that any FLP Democrat out there whining and bitching about how bad unfair America is will ever have. I guess I am biased and can't judge fairly. Ojeda is a former army officer that is of the same caliber that I served under in the Army. I would follow the man any where he would lead me. If that bothers you then we are having a conversation you are incapable of understanding... maybe because you never had the honor serving under such and officer and a man of integrity. To Mr Ojeda I will salute you solidly and give you my ultimate compliment... AIRBORNE SIR... ALL THE WAY... salut1
Wow, pretty personal cradle.

On Ojeda, I think you've misunderstood me. I was agreeing that he doesn't have a snowball's chance in winning even a smidgeon of meaningful traction in the Dem primary. No chance at all. That's not to say that the guy doesn't have much that might well deserve respect. But, I agree, he's 'disqualified' himself by several factors that just won't fly in the Dem party in 2018 or 2020. BTW, being pro-coal company is not the same thing as caring about West Virginia people, including miners. But voting for Trump is a much bigger deal, much less losing in a state election. And never having governed or held high executive authority in business or held any sort of higher office. And there will be others in the moderate lane who actually have such credentials.

I'm also not sure what defines an "old school Democrat" in your mind. Perhaps you can share with us some prominent, national level examples of "old school Democrats" of yesteryear who you admire?
Ever heard of a guy named John F Kennedy? He is about as old school democrat as it gets. Hopefully that gives you a frame of reference of what the Democrat party USA represented in my parents generation. Remember the words from his inauguration address. I can hardly remember them any more very vague and obtuse in the USA circa 2018 They went something like … ask not what your country can do for you... ask what you can do for your country. I may not remember those words correctly that were spoken such a long time ago and they represent not a gosh damn thing about anything these squirrely ass bunch of rat bastards that claim to be democrats stand for today. I hope that clears it up for you MD. In retrospect... JFK was a very flawed man in many respects. Growing up in an Irish Catholic family in the 1950/1960 era of Camelot... JFK was what the Democrat party use to stand for. I hope that defines what "old school" democrat is in my mind.

Just to clarify on the wall in my basement is a beautifully framed copy of JFK's inaugural address. I bought it for my mom after I got out of the Army. She cried almost as hard that day as the she did that day JKF was assassinated. I was only 5 years old and I still remember how upset and heartbroken my mom was I am not blowing smoke up your ass when I talk about what the Democrat Party use to be. For goodness sakes we lived it almost every damn day of our lives. My grandmother felt the same way about Harry Truman. You do know that Truman left office with no wealth to speak of and didn't expect his time as POTUS to make him a wealthy man... and it never did. Truman is another fine example of what an old school Democrat was. I don't know What the heck happened to the Democrat party I was raised in. IMO a bunch of little pissants from the mid 60's took it over and navigated it down its present path. maybe the last living relic of the Democrat party is Jimmy Carter. My first ever vote in 1976 was for that humble mild mannered peanut farmer. A good man with a great heart who was a terrible president. Sometimes to be POTUS you can't be nice and kind and accomplish what you want to do.

Fast forward to DJT... a petulant, arrogant first class a-hole who only sits in the WH because the Democrats could only put forward to run this country a candidate that was even worse that Trump. We get the government that we deserve. Maybe in 2020 BOTH parties will pull their heads out of a very dark and unsanitary spot and find at the very least 2 candidates that are capable of leading. I don't care if that person is a flaming commie lib or a hard core right wing conservative. If the desire in their heart is to put our nation and all our people first.... then our nation will be just fine.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Thanks cradle.

I obviously quite agree about DJT.
Also about HRC.

JFK is a pretty interesting example. Flawed for sure, and daddy’s dough illgotten, but very inspirational. In the latter aspect, probably need to fast forward to Obama to find a comparable.

Truman is an interestingly different example of a hardworking politician who rose to the demands of the office and the moment.

Carter, indeed a very good person, not a great President, best ex President to date.

Your vitriol though about the current Dem party though seems quite extreme to me. Sure, there’s an extreme wing but we’re also seeing some success of more moderate candidates too.

My concern about the GOP is that they seem in total thrall, to have sold their souls.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by cradleandshoot »

Could not agree with you more about the Republicans, I find it hard to tone my vitriol towards the Democrat party because like the Republicans they have sold their soul to the most extreme wing of the party. When I mentioned Major Ojeda from West Virginia as what I would consider an old school Democrat who was looking after and concerned about the poor people in his state, I heard some very blunt remarks as to why he could never be a Democrat nominee for POTUS. He voted with Trump and he supports coal. The fact he is a tireless worker for the common man/woman and wants health care for all that can't afford it. Is this not the same reason a very good man like Jim Webb can't gain traction as a loyal Democrat? … just too damn middle of the road American to ever gain traction in the Democrat party. When both parties have both veered to the farthest extremes what are folks like me suppose to do that have absolutely nothing in common with what either party stands for?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by seacoaster »

Brown 2020? "We're thinking about it."

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/15/us/p ... e=Homepage

"Perhaps more important, Mr. Brown projects a grizzled authenticity that endears his brand of progressivism to even some conservative voters. He talks about how his suits are made just miles from his home in Cleveland and cites scripture at rallies. He wears on his lapel a canary pin that a steelworker gave him years ago and has an enduring passion for the Cleveland Indians. His dog, Franklin, appears frequently on social media and had a starring role in one of the senator’s campaign ads.

Yet at a time when Mr. Trump has stoked a fire-breathing liberalism among some Democrats, Mr. Brown has not embraced some key progressive issues, including Medicare for All. And after a midterm season that swept women and minority candidates into office and crowned new progressive superstars, he is a white male career politician from the Midwest.

“Democrats win the White House when we have a new, fresh face who’s inspiring and talking a lot about the future,” said Rebecca Katz, a Democratic strategist from the party’s progressive wing.

“He’s a traditional Democrat,” she continued, “and I think in the post-Bernie era, it seems that Democratic voters want more than that.”

Still, some Democrats view Mr. Brown, 66, as perhaps their best option for putting Ohio and other Midwestern swing states in play: a viable, and younger, alternative to better-known potential candidates like Joseph R. Biden Jr., the former vice president, and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Even if Ohio has become irreversibly red, some believe Mr. Brown would have a good shot at victory in other rust belt states that Mr. Trump carried, like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. (Mr. Brown dislikes the term “rust belt” and is known to send gently worded, handwritten letters to reporters if they use it.)"
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:https://theintercept.com/2018/11/11/ric ... president/ Could the democrats be smart enough to actually nominate this man? Hell he would get my vote in a heartbeat. IMO he just will never win over the FLP wing of the party. He is not the candidate they are looking for. :roll:
Sheesh, you're right, he doesn't have a snowballs chance in...voted for Trump, tied to coal companies, no way.

All sorts of other things to perhaps like or at least respect, but no, a guy who just lost for State Senator in W.Va, with zero national stature...pretty sure he won't raise a nickel much less get any workers to join him. Actually gotta wonder whether he has a screw loose thinking otherwise. The way he's yelling in the first video, yup, could well have one or more loose.

There will be at least one candidate, e.g. a Sherrod Brown, with working class, middle America appeal, who has actual earned bona fides. And no one will pay any attention to this guy other than to worry about him being embarrassing.
So very sad MD that in this instance you are utterly clueless about what the Democrat party use to represent. The fact that you yourself seem to be even more clueless about why this type of old school democrat would be popular amongst old school democrats such as myself... and I don't mean to insult you with what I am about to say... I am just being honest and blunt..., you are proving to be more than ignorant of what the Democrat party use to stand for and use to be. If my mom were alive today she would go up one side of you and down the other and you would have and extra hole to defecate out of behind your knee. If you are telling me that what the Democrat party today circa 2018 is what mainstream America today stands for then you are wrong all day long. Problem is IMO there is no political party that represents what so many million middle class Americans believe and were raise on.

I think I have made it crystal clear what I think about both major parties. So your major complain about this man Ojeda is he voted for Trump and surprisingly enough being from West Virginia he supports coal. The man has more integrity and honesty in his little pinky finger that any FLP Democrat out there whining and bitching about how bad unfair America is will ever have. I guess I am biased and can't judge fairly. Ojeda is a former army officer that is of the same caliber that I served under in the Army. I would follow the man any where he would lead me. If that bothers you then we are having a conversation you are incapable of understanding... maybe because you never had the honor serving under such and officer and a man of integrity. To Mr Ojeda I will salute you solidly and give you my ultimate compliment... AIRBORNE SIR... ALL THE WAY... salut1
Wow, pretty personal cradle.

On Ojeda, I think you've misunderstood me. I was agreeing that he doesn't have a snowball's chance in winning even a smidgeon of meaningful traction in the Dem primary. No chance at all. That's not to say that the guy doesn't have much that might well deserve respect. But, I agree, he's 'disqualified' himself by several factors that just won't fly in the Dem party in 2018 or 2020. BTW, being pro-coal company is not the same thing as caring about West Virginia people, including miners. But voting for Trump is a much bigger deal, much less losing in a state election. And never having governed or held high executive authority in business or held any sort of higher office. And there will be others in the moderate lane who actually have such credentials.

I'm also not sure what defines an "old school Democrat" in your mind. Perhaps you can share with us some prominent, national level examples of "old school Democrats" of yesteryear who you admire?
Ojeda did a pretty creditable job this AM on Morning Joe.
Mostly softball questions, but he handled it well, I thought.
Called the deployment a stunt, soldiers missing Thanksgiving.
That said, no chance of actually winning the primary given no relevant experience and not a broad enough appeal to pull both the right (where he is) and center of the Dem party.
But he could contribute to the discussion.
He ended with a reference to the GOP having brass knuckles, Dems a pillow..."time to knuckle up", he said.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote:Could not agree with you more about the Republicans, I find it hard to tone my vitriol towards the Democrat party because like the Republicans they have sold their soul to the most extreme wing of the party. When I mentioned Major Ojeda from West Virginia as what I would consider an old school Democrat who was looking after and concerned about the poor people in his state, I heard some very blunt remarks as to why he could never be a Democrat nominee for POTUS. He voted with Trump and he supports coal. The fact he is a tireless worker for the common man/woman and wants health care for all that can't afford it. Is this not the same reason a very good man like Jim Webb can't gain traction as a loyal Democrat? … just too damn middle of the road American to ever gain traction in the Democrat party. When both parties have both veered to the farthest extremes what are folks like me suppose to do that have absolutely nothing in common with what either party stands for?
I think your assessment of the parties wings (the active base) is correct, but historically (and I mean the last 40 years of my voting life), I've felt comfortable that there were enough fellow Republicans with views similar to my own (ie fiscal conservative, libertarian socially, gov't restraint on capitalism excesses esp. environment and consumer protection, free trade and global soft power engagement, military superiority but restraint) that I could support our party's candidates except in rare instances. I've always been willing to cross over for Dem candidates who stood out and when the GOP candidate was weak, but that was rare.

I no longer am comfortable. It's now only the rare Republican who I find worthy of support. That's a huge, very recent, shift in my perspective.

I don't see the shift left of the Dems as nearly as extreme over these same 40 years as what I observe of the GOP. Are the Dems really "left" of George McGovern in his era? even Mondale or Dukakis? Clinton pulled the party back toward the middle. Gore was pretty darn moderate as well, though tacked hard left on the environment post loss. Obama was certainly a progressive but actually had very strong moderate appeal too, and an exceptionally inspirational figure. Which is why he won so strongly despite two very credible, relatively moderate GOP candidates. HRC was considered a moderate by many in the Dem party, but was the opposite of inspirational primarily due to the sense of corruption. Very flawed candidate who thought she was entitled to the post, yet in a "change election" moment. But not a far left candidate.

I see lots of appealing moderate Dems these days, though many of the party's old guard would not typically get my vote, just as HRC didn't despite my rejection of Trump.

I do see some young, idealistic progressives who I think deserve respect for their idealism, though I wouldn't want their policies to dominate consistently. But I do respect their passion and brains, so take them seriously.

I see almost no credible idealism on the GOP side right now. Instead really ugly stuff socially and rampant corruption, being excused and covered for by the GOP hierarchy and ignored by the GOP base.

IMO, they need a spanking electorally before they reform.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Next Up

Post by foreverlax »

As a life long R (fiscal conservative and socially libertarian) in a blue state, I have voted for both parties at all levels of government. When Trump and HRC were nominated, I switched to Independent....neither party felt like home.

At this point, for the upcoming primary, I am considering changing, again, to D....I want to actually have a vote in picking the D candidate I believe can beat Trump.
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