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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 8:26 pm
by DocBarrister
a fan wrote:
That's pretty much it, thank you! Have no problem with prosecution. And I think HRC's use of a private server was disgusting and dangerous.
Do you know what is truly "disgusting and dangerous?" Advocating the criminal prosecution of a United States citizen after the highest criminal investigative agency in the land, the FBI, reached a factual finding that she did not commit a crime, and after the highest law enforcement department in the land, the Department of Justice, reached a legal conclusion that she did not commit a crime.

That kind of "disgusting and dangerous" jurisprudence is more appropriate for a dictatorship like Putin's Russia, an oppressive oligarchy like Xi's China, or a literal banana republic like Daniel Ortega's Nicaragua.

It is not appropriate for the United States. We are a nation of laws. Even in Trump's America we should not be advocating the prosecution of one of our fellow citizens if the facts and the law do not support such a prosecution. But that is precisely what you're advocating here.

You're better than this, and so is our nation.


Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 8:38 pm
by DocBarrister
youthathletics wrote:
Trinity wrote:Since none of these SC targets are on the 2018 ballot, I’m not so sure the Trump camp can bank on sixty days of silence from Mueller. Nor do they deserve it. If the cases are ready, let them fly.
Thought for sure we would see something dropped today considering the long weekend, but maybe they have enough respect for Labor Day. I did read two of his prosecuters left the Mueller camp....maybe work is winding down?
I doubt that Mueller's chef's menu has even progressed beyond the appetizer. One of my favorite restaurants in the entire world offers a five-course tasting menu. ... g-Menu.pdf

I'd say we're between course 2 and 3. Donald John Trump is, needless to say, the main course. I strongly suggest ordering the wine pairing. Bon appetit.

DocBarrister 8-)

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 9:24 pm
by a fan
DocBarrister wrote: Do you know what is truly "disgusting and dangerous?" Advocating the criminal prosecution of a United States citizen after the highest criminal investigative agency in the land, the FBI, reached a factual finding that she did not commit a crime, and after the highest law enforcement department in the land, the Department of Justice, reached a legal conclusion that she did not commit a crimer
:lol: I see. So you'd be against, say, calling a Special Independent Prosecutor to investigate Tru.., er, I mean Hillary if the regular ol' Federal Prosecutor or FBI didn't find a crime had been committed?

What's this thread called, again?

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 9:48 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
A Suspected Russian Spy, With Curious Ties to Washington

April article....the other shoe fell today....

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 9:51 pm
by DocBarrister
a fan wrote:
DocBarrister wrote: Do you know what is truly "disgusting and dangerous?" Advocating the criminal prosecution of a United States citizen after the highest criminal investigative agency in the land, the FBI, reached a factual finding that she did not commit a crime, and after the highest law enforcement department in the land, the Department of Justice, reached a legal conclusion that she did not commit a crimer
:lol: I see. So you'd be against, say, calling a Special Independent Prosecutor to investigate Tru.., er, I mean Hillary if the regular ol' Federal Prosecutor or FBI didn't find a crime had been committed?

What's this thread called, again?
That doesn’t even make sense.

The investigation of Hillary ended two years ago, with no evidence of any crimes.

The investigation of Trump is ongoing, and there is already evidence that Trump committed at least two felonies. Plus, Mueller would never have been appointed if Trump hadn’t fired the man investigating him, James Comey.

There is nothing similar between the baseless partisan smear campaign against Hillary and the ongoing criminal investigation of Donald Trump, which has already yielded substantial evidence of multiple felony crimes.

DocBarrister 8-)

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:04 pm
by DocBarrister
Typical Lax Dad wrote:A Suspected Russian Spy, With Curious Ties to Washington

April article....the other shoe fell today....
Other indications that Robert Mueller is getting closer to Trump’s alleged Russian collusion: a bizarre series of attacks on career DOJ official, Bruce Ohr. What expertise does Ohr have? Russian organized crime.

Bruce Ohr. Lisa Page. Andrew Weissmann. Andrew McCabe. President Donald Trump has relentlessly attacked these FBI and Justice Department officials as dishonest “Democrats” engaged in a partisan “witch hunt” led by the special counsel determined to tie his campaign to Russia. But Trump’s attacks have also served to highlight another thread among these officials and others who have investigated his campaign: their extensive experience in probing money laundering and organized crime, particularly as they pertain to Russia. ... me/569056/

DocBarrister 8-)

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:12 pm
by a fan
Ah, Doc, forever the partisan character.

So there was no evidence that Hillary broke laws?

What do you think would happen if a high ranking Federal official set up their own unsecured email server, and emailed about a hundred
classified emails, and the DoJ found out? Hugs all around? Federal Prosecutors would throw them a party?

She got a pass because she was the Dem nominee for POTUS that year, and because she's Hillary Clinton.

Play coy all you like. As usual, you don't believe what you are selling.

Have a great weekend, Doc! ;)

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:10 pm
by DocBarrister
The only reason she was investigated is because she’s Hillary Clinton.

After all the garbage she had to deal with, the score still stands:

Hillary Clinton indictments: 0.

While you spend so much time on Hillary’s email, we have a president who is already an unindicted co-conspirator (the presidential equivalent of an indictment) on two felony crimes. In Trump we are witnessing the greatest presidential scandal in American history. Yet all you can discuss is Hillary’s email?!?

Did we even discuss how Trump’s negligence and racist indifference contributed to 2,975 deaths in Puerto Rico?

DocBarrister :roll:

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:24 am
by Trinity
Papadopolous fingers Trump and Sessions in his sentencing memo. Finally admits Trump nodded approval of Putin meeting and Sessions told him to look into it. Obviously, others at the meeting were truthful earlier. Sessions at first did not recall this exchange, then said he rejected it. Trump’s always lied about it.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 10:37 am
by Typical Lax Dad
Trinity wrote:Papadopolous fingers Trump and Sessions in his sentencing memo. Finally admits Trump nodded approval of Putin meeting and Sessions told him to look into it. Obviously, others at the meeting were truthful earlier. Sessions at first did not recall this exchange, then said he rejected it. Trump’s always lied about it.

VERBATIM: Trump blasts DOJ at Indiana rally
Friday’s court filing confirmed reporting by Reuters in March about the apparent difference between Sessions’ testimony and how others recounted his reaction to the proposal at the March 2016 meeting.

Those lies better all match:

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:07 pm
by Trinity ... e-fbi.html

Ohr and Steele are the good guys. Always have been.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 9:53 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
Trinity wrote: ... e-fbi.html

Ohr and Steele are the good guys. Always have been.
Looks like our old moderator has jumped ship.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:46 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
Trinity wrote: ... e-fbi.html

Ohr and Steele are the good guys. Always have been.
Looks like our old moderator has jumped ship.

Has ggait found his way here? Hope so.
Always appreciated hearing from someone who actually knows a thing or two on the legal side!

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 4:10 pm
by Trinity
Our “feels” aren’t convincing?

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 9:44 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
Trinity wrote: ... e-fbi.html

Ohr and Steele are the good guys. Always have been.
Looks like our old moderator has jumped ship.

Has ggait found his way here? Hope so.
Always appreciated hearing from someone who actually knows a thing or two on the legal side!
I am hoping ggait shows up. I like his rational posts and his insight.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:20 pm
by njbill
Agreed. Looks like he has registered, but not posted yet. See page 11 of the members list.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:58 am
by Trinity
Sessions not only needed to recuse, he might need his own lawyer.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:56 am
DocBarrister wrote:
youthathletics wrote:
Trinity wrote:Since none of these SC targets are on the 2018 ballot, I’m not so sure the Trump camp can bank on sixty days of silence from Mueller. Nor do they deserve it. If the cases are ready, let them fly.
Thought for sure we would see something dropped today considering the long weekend, but maybe they have enough respect for Labor Day. I did read two of his prosecuters left the Mueller camp....maybe work is winding down?
I doubt that Mueller's chef's menu has even progressed beyond the appetizer. One of my favorite restaurants in the entire world offers a five-course tasting menu. ... g-Menu.pdf

I'd say we're between course 2 and 3. Donald John Trump is, needless to say, the main course. I strongly suggest ordering the wine pairing. Bon appetit.

DocBarrister 8-)
More Doc prognostications.
Someone bookmark this one too!


Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 12:01 pm
by laxman3221 wrote: More Doc prognostications.
Someone bookmark this one too!

The Madame President and transformative class were classics.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:11 pm
laxman3221 wrote: wrote: More Doc prognostications.
Someone bookmark this one too!

The Madame President and transformative class were classics.
Something about the Duke Laxers being guilty too...

Let's hope the Wayback Machine saved that one also.