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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

RedFromMI wrote:
youthathletics wrote:We always say follow the money....makes perfect sense.
Make sure you read the comments to the post - just as telling as the actual post.
Every time I read twitter links I thank god that I don't rely on information from twitter.... Other than lacrosse news....pure idiocy out there.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

RedFromMI wrote:
youthathletics wrote:We always say follow the money....makes perfect sense.
Make sure you read the comments to the post - just as telling as the actual post.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: You're the one moving the goalposts. You are saying that the fact that people are buying homes on beaches proves that Global Warming isn't happening. You are also saying that because zoning isn't preventing people from building on beachfront land, that "proves" Global Warming isn't happening.

My retort was intended to show the absurdity of your "logic". My retort was: so if communities DO start zoning and denying new construction on beachfront property, does that mean that you think that Global Warming is indeed real.

Goalposts firmly in place. You're trying to correlate ownership of beachhouses to the idea that Global Warming is a lie. I showed you the ridiculousness of your syllogism.
runrussellrun wrote:Will ask again, if not our waterfront cities being submerged under seawater, WHAT is the catastrophic part of global warming?
Playing dumb again, are we? It's because so much of humanity lives along rivers and oceans. Uncomplicated.

What you are saying is that you're mad that they can't predict what's going to happen, exactly when it will happen. And because they can't do that, the science is obviously wrong.

runrussellrun wrote:(global warming? Buckley AF base had a 38 F degree monthly avg. for Nov. 2018, Sixteen years ago, (2002) the monthly avg. was 39 F degrees ! Is it contrarian to show facts? )

Look, I am a $cienti$t. Holiday inn. What data do all the climatalogists use?
These same scientists just landed a probe on Mars---which is was 300,000,000 miles away for InSight? Earth is moving. Mars is moving. And yet they not only landed on Mars safely..they hit their target landing area. they are NOT. Mike Mann-hockey stick and his "peers" have never been to Houston/FLorida

What you and the rest of the uneducated masses are telling me is: you're right, and they are wrong. Yeah, ok. Give me this same line of BS when it's time for life saving surgery for you. Do you want the trained scientist, and all the equipment designed by trained engineers and scientists? Or do you want some guy like you, "who did a little research on the internet"? You have no idea what I am "trained in " Who the heck do YOU think you are ? The arrogance is surprising......just being the devils advocate perhaps (doubt it tho )

You and the rest of the anti-warming crew are acting like petulant children. You're mad that Daddy can't promise you that you're going to be safe all the time, and can't promise you that you'll live forever.
My Daddy is one of those Massachusettes Institute of Technology graduates (pHD) who can run mental circles around pretty much anyone. He's a denier.
These scientists are giving you their best estimates based on a lifetime of study and work. And because they can't guarantee you 100% that such-and-such is going to happen on such-and-such date, you want to totally ignore them, hold your breath and pout.
The more I read your acerbic rhetoric.....thinking the comments aren't really directed towards me. Hypocrites. like Harvard still heating with centuries old tech (delivery systems) and using CARBON fuel
Go ahead. You have a long line of Republicans right in line with you. No one is stopping you from thinking this way. Knock yourself out. More power to ya.
Science is NOT a party thing.......
But in the meantime, find a farmer in your region. Look for gray hair. Ask him if he's been farming for more than 30 years. If he says yes, ask him how many weeks earlier are his harvests than they were when he was a kid. Not how many days. How many weeks. When you get that answer, and you aren't at least mildly concerned, well.... I do. I know over a dozen farmers that fit this description. ALL use the USDA/Burpee planting zone chart. NONE are planting earlier (by weeks ) Please tell us the farmers that YOU know that are planting WEEKS earlier.

And no, that's not climate. It's another word between weather and climate. (perhaps thinking Micro-climate) But I can tell you that as a guy who makes his living turning grain and fruit into profit...every single person I know in the fruit, grain, and botanical supply chain---not just in America, but globally----- is very, very worried about the changes to their harvests.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

AFAN wrote:
Making buildings more energy and material efficient? Oh, the horrors. That's crazy. These fiends MUST be stopped. The last thing American businesses need is to be able to produce goods and services for less money than those of competing nations. Am-i-right? ;)
You make a luxury product and the manufacturing of should be scrutinized. Your carbon footprint should be taxed DOUBLE. THe horrors indeed (IE: A gallon of propane costs $3, you pay a $3 tax for a total of $6 ) Making ethanol at home is illegal, isn't it? b/c the "chemistry" is SOOOOO difficult. (Long family history with it. Pres. Bush pardoned a relative for moonshining. Uncle STILL runs a still )

Amercian businesses! Not sure how MANDATING, by LAWS, that a company has to be energy efficient, helps THAT company. Thousands of homes near me that were built before the Declaration of Independence was signed. (and upNdown the eastern seaboard too ) They should ALL be torn down and replaced with LEED, air tight buildings that need mechanical air handlers (read NEED electricity ) :lol: Because the yearly temp MAY go up a few degrees, on average. MAY>

my gripe for YEARS, especially regarding the non-problem, not a huge deal, that is climate warming/global change is the globalists (your "competing" nations) aren't on the same page. CHina doesn't have the USA's EPA clean water act. Nor air. No OSHA, DOE, FTC (not that the US enforces monopolistic practices ) .......etc. If the pretends CARE about the world and the people in it, should the pollution of the soul be factored in as well? Suicidal slave girls making cell phones? Awesomer. Place a HUGH tariff on products made in factories that do NOT comply with US standards.

We need bios/dossiers so AFAN doesn't get people and their opinion/viewpoints confused. US Government owned and operated NUKE power plants. Perhaps all those much smarter than me NASA scientists can get jobs running the NUKE pp instead of predicting the 20-175 cm sea level rize. NO CARBON footprint. There outa be a law.

(bill gates owns a company or two that works with "modern" NUKE tech. Is HE smart? )

Why isn't this happening?
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote:And to reiterate, so you don't give me the goalposts complaint------about 90% of the changes we can make to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have more important primary benefits. Better truck fleet efficiency. More energy efficient factories, etc. We can do thousands of things that will reduce greenhouse gases that make our America more economically efficient. Focus on that, ignore pointless things like cap and trade.

You and I are on the same page on WHAT TO DO. So why not just focus on that, and ignore global warming altogether? Works for me!

I TRY to ignore the pretend issue, but every time it rains, or it doesn't rain, or it burns, or is killed by frost (early/late) or any flood, drought, sunny day....... icon_puke

We may be on the same page on many topics, and again, why I have been saying for years (since 9/11 actually) that the issue is what I would call the P.E.A.

PATRIOTIC Energy ACT .....not some stupid green new deal. (see my tariff-human rights opinion above )

Don't want to provide details b/c they are stupid (b/c I am ) as I did NOT sleep in a HIE last night and only scored a 9 on the MCAT.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:Skeptical Science
Climate Myth
"the warming trend over the Northern Hemisphere, where virtually all of the thermometer data exist, is a function of population density at the thermometer site."
30 March 2012 (Source)

What the Science Says
Urban and rural regions show the same warming trend, and since most of Earth's surface is ocean, oceans contribute the most to global temperature records. pHD

I am a natural skeptic. Coupled with my Massachusettes Institute of Technology pHD father, it's conspiracy city book1

Topics like:

Temp data culling, from roughly 7000 to 3000. Why did this happen?
Solar Panel carbon footprint/pay back
Magnetic poles/shifting (YES.....plenty of research that is being done on the gravity/magnetism and climat....pretends don't wanna hear it. )

ANyway, when smart guy $cienti$t$ gather historic temp. data, where do they get the data? Come on .....answer.

B/c Holiday INN fatty can prove that warming has NOT occurred. (based on temp data.)

Go ahead.....PICK a city/town/hamlet/ ... twork-ghcn

and this

show me the increase....please.

But satellites, the indian ocean.....the melting of land, penguins dying, as is 25 species a day.....b/c THAT's never happened before. (only 99.99 % of ALL living things have perished )

But, go ahead........have a Monsanto guy in the White House. Have NON-tech pushing our POO into our water ways. (remember all that rain in the Carolina's and pig/chicken poop run off. It's infantile how we can't solve these simple solutions. But, we gotta toy on mars icon_puke )
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

What was the ratio of man,vehicles, factories etc versus forest land 150 years ago and what is the ratio today?

Higher, lower or the same? That ratio has 0 impact and the C02 models are false? It’s bad science right. GMAFB
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by youthathletics »

Instead of asking another question, consider answering RRR's below and let's see where we get.
runrussellrun wrote:Go ahead.....PICK a city/town/hamlet/ ... twork-ghcn

and this

show me the increase....please.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

youthathletics wrote:Instead of asking another question, consider answering RRR's below and let's see where we get.
runrussellrun wrote:Go ahead.....PICK a city/town/hamlet/ ... twork-ghcn

and this

show me the increase....please.
This is how his “data” has been answered: ... ge-impacts

Let me guess, the source is bad right? Look outside your window. Man has no impact. Looked like that in 1850.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

It's interesting to note the discrepancies in the number of data sets per state. IE: Why my awesome state of Massachusettes only has 3 readings, but Florida has 13 and even Nebraska has nine. The greatest number, by far, is for Alaska. They have TWENTY data/temp readers. But, New Jersey, the densest population in the USA, has three??

Back to being a jerk. No Spring or PItts fields? No Fall River or New Beford? No Lowell or Lawrence? Oak bluffs or Gay head?

curious no???? book1 book1 book1
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote:It's interesting to note the discrepancies in the number of data sets per state. IE: Why my awesome state of Massachusettes only has 3 readings, but Florida has 13 and even Nebraska has nine. The greatest number, by far, is for Alaska. They have TWENTY data/temp readers. But, New Jersey, the densest population in the USA, has three??

Back to being a jerk. No Spring or PItts fields? No Fall River or New Beford? No Lowell or Lawrence? Oak bluffs or Gay head?

curious no???? book1 book1 book1
I am curious about traffic congestion. Traffic was awful on I-95 and the Mass Pike in 1850. 128 was awful too! You should have seen the traffic jams on the DC beltway when Lincoln came to town!
Last edited by Typical Lax Dad on Sun Dec 02, 2018 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
youthathletics wrote:Instead of asking another question, consider answering RRR's below and let's see where we get.
runrussellrun wrote:Go ahead.....PICK a city/town/hamlet/ ... twork-ghcn

and this

show me the increase....please.
This is how his “data” has been answered: ... ge-impacts

Let me guess, the source is bad right? Look outside your window. Man has no impact. Looked like that in 1850.
Who the F keeps saying that MAN has no impact? But,the laughable claims on your link are just that, laughable.

What the F does MAN have to do with precipitation increase in the N.E.......where we both live? Further, what data is this based on? You and the other flat earthers who wanna believe the earth is less than 200 years old (data time frame ) aren't going to touch my bank account without a fight.

And....I asked to prove me wrong. Find a city whose average has increased......not some lame coverall bs1
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
youthathletics wrote:Instead of asking another question, consider answering RRR's below and let's see where we get.
runrussellrun wrote:Go ahead.....PICK a city/town/hamlet/ ... twork-ghcn

and this

show me the increase....please.
This is how his “data” has been answered: ... ge-impacts

Let me guess, the source is bad right? Look outside your window. Man has no impact. Looked like that in 1850.
Who the F keeps saying that MAN has no impact? But,the laughable claims on your link are just that, laughable.

What the F does MAN have to do with precipitation increase in the N.E.......where we both live? Further, what data is this based on? You and the other flat earthers who wanna believe the earth is less than 200 years old (data time frame ) aren't going to touch my bank account without a fight.

And....I asked to prove me wrong. Find a city whose average has increased......not some lame coverall bs1
I am not a scientist, but I did stay at a HIE. I have enough common sense to get out of the rain.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by youthathletics »

NIST was also around in the Lincoln era, certifying and calibrating all those temperature monitoring devices....hell, we can barely find two thermometers to read the same temperature with exactness once they leave a laboratory, if then....#DecimalPointsMatter. ;)

We all agree man, oops sorry need to be pronoun proper, WE impact our surroundings and environment.

Pray-tell... what are we NOT doing that we should be?
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

youthathletics wrote:NIST was also around in the Lincoln era, certifying and calibrating all those temperature monitoring devices....hell, we can barely find two thermometers to read the same temperature with exactness once they leave a laboratory, if then....#DecimalPointsMatter. ;)

We all agree man, oops sorry need to be pronoun proper, WE impact our surroundings and environment.

Pray-tell... what are we NOT doing that we should be?
Man traffic congestion was awful. You should have seen route 1 when the factory shifts changed over in 1850.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote:You have no idea what I am "trained in " Who the heck do YOU think you are ? The arrogance is surprising......just being the devils advocate perhaps (doubt it tho )
:lol: I think I'm the same uneducated boob that you are! I do not have a direct background in any field that's remotely connected with climate change. Neither do you. There's no shame in that. You and I are in no position to judge the science...that's all I'm saying. I thought it was obvious I was including myself when I pointed out that you're not a climate expert. I make whiskey for heaven's sake. What the heck do I know about triple integrals and the math and chemistry surrounding air pollution?
runrussellrun wrote:My Daddy is one of those Massachusettes Institute of Technology graduates (pHD) who can run mental circles around pretty much anyone. He's a denier.
Ah, so you DO believe scientists then? ;)
runrussellrun wrote:The more I read your acerbic rhetoric.....thinking the comments aren't really directed towards me
Dude. You have been hammering posters, and making fun of them pretty good on this topic for YEARS. I return a little of your fire, and you get upset? I can tone it down no problem....maybe you should do the same, eh?
runrussellrun wrote:I do. I know over a dozen farmers that fit this description. ALL use the USDA/Burpee planting zone chart. NONE are planting earlier (by weeks ) Please tell us the farmers that YOU know that are planting WEEKS earlier.
I didn't ask you about planting. I asked about harvest----every farmer I know in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Germany, France, Bulgaria and more.... are harvesting grains, fruits and botanicals earlier than they were 20-30 years ago. This is worrisome.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:It's interesting to note the discrepancies in the number of data sets per state. IE: Why my awesome state of Massachusettes only has 3 readings, but Florida has 13 and even Nebraska has nine. The greatest number, by far, is for Alaska. They have TWENTY data/temp readers. But, New Jersey, the densest population in the USA, has three??

Back to being a jerk. No Spring or PItts fields? No Fall River or New Beford? No Lowell or Lawrence? Oak bluffs or Gay head?

curious no???? book1 book1 book1
I am curious about traffic congestion. Traffic was awful on I-95 and the Mass Pike in 1850. 128 was awful too! You should have seen the traffic jams on the DC beltway when Lincoln came to town!
....and curious about President Polk approving scientific research and the creation of AIDS to wipe out a certain demographic. At least according to a former Presidents mentor and spiritual leader.


Like I said.....of COURSE man has an impact. I don't, but you CAN eat the fish from the SUdbury, Concord and Nashua rivers. The latter being one of the nastiest rivers in the world in the 1960's. Guess what Sherlock. It, and many, many others, got cleaned up. Just not the General Electric water contamination.....b/c Obama's jobs czar had some stuff to sell in China.

Years ago I went to a LEED talk at the HQ of the Nashua RIver Watershed. The building was a very poor design. Electric heat, cavernous spaces.....just horrible. Of course, the LEED sustainable junk was floated like the straw tithing baskets at your local neighborhood casper the ghost house of worship. Electric baseboard heat. And, the PERFECT south facing, very large surface roof had ZERO solar panels on it. Remember taking a PR class at College Park. A main premise of a "non-profit" was to put itself out of business. (cure cancer, diabetes, CLEAN up a certain body of water) But, business is good, even though the mission statement has been accomplished. $2 million in assets, yet they can't upgrade the heating system? it's ONLy THe hypocrites. ... 06_990.pdf

Speaking of the jerk turnpike, heading out to the Berkshires now. Gotta get there to be bored and watch the f f FFFFoootballl game and wake up early to shoot that 12 pointer. From the Balcony.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:I do. I know over a dozen farmers that fit this description. ALL use the USDA/Burpee planting zone chart. NONE are planting earlier (by weeks ) Please tell us the farmers that YOU know that are planting WEEKS earlier.
I didn't ask you about planting. I asked about harvest----every farmer I know in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Germany, France, Bulgaria and more.... are harvesting grains, fruits and botanicals earlier than they were 20-30 years ago. This is worrisome.

Did YOU ask about harvesting? (net moving again ) I will check your words.

But, why is it worrisome that they harvest crops earlier, explain that one to me.

Regarding me ONCE....where I have bashed the opinion of a laxthreader? Attacking their intelligence or educaton. Just one ping Vissily.

You bet I bash the links and claims. And will respect ANY scientist that doesn't come at the collective you and me and pigeon hole question askers as deniers. THat spew the "science is $ettled".

"A disgrace to the Profession" a compilation by Mark Steyn is an easy read. I can mail it to you.

"Merchants of doubt" Oreskes/Conway has also been read and discussed.

Peer review icon_puke Why is it the beer advocate's top 50 beers, one brewing company makes up 98%. Like the scientists who agree. Most aren't scientists.

How is the FOI lawsuit between Mann and Steyn going?

ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
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