Trump's Russian Collusion

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by runrussellrun »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2019 10:52 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2019 5:43 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2019 5:35 pm As was the case with old salt's post, I'm in total agreement with you, cradle.

My point is, it took all of a month, two, tops, to figure out how badly the State Dept. screwed up...and to make sure this didn't happen again, from a military perspective.

The four years of investigating was about hammering Hillary. Period. If anyone else was SoS--- the Benghazi investigation would have lasted about as long as the investigations into the Navy collisions I mentioned before.

That's it. That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying Hill wasn't wrong, and for the life of me, I still don't get the whole "it was a video" thing, because that made them look MORE incompetent, not LESS incompetent.
Well, someone had to "hammer" Hillary. Bill was too tired "hammering" interns and who knows what else on Epstein Island. ;)

And , regarding the you recall the media hammering Obama and his minions for the idiotic blame on the video? Fox sniffed around the video glue for a while, but no one else. Heck, do an internet search, today, and you get very little. Does google get government contracts, white collare welfare? exactly
Google and NSA are one in the same. Where else do you get so much for free?
so is fecesbook. you really think smuck zuckerberg wrote all that code? NSA recruit? exactly
Also, it's not free. we play plenty ( in taxes) to fund the secret budget that is NSA and google contracts. I tried to get jet fuel at the same cost as google when visiting friends in California, but had to pay full price. :o
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by ggait »

I am highly skeptical. Barr's summary appears to be a very bad start out of the gate.
Fine to be skeptical. But Barr's 4 pager was literally right out of the DOJ regs (pasted below).

He actually said more than he needed to, but (imo) he was wise to give some preview of what was coming. Could you imagine the shirt storm we'd be having if he just sent out a two-pager (which would have satisfed the regs)?

Barr, like Comey, has a pretty tough job to do. I actually think Comey did much better than is commonly acknowledged. Barr seems to be walking the same tight rope and, so far, is doing very well. Mueller has this, and Barr is working with Mueller. And they both are following the rules.

28 CFR § 600.9 - Notification and reports by the Attorney General.

(a) The Attorney General will notify the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Judiciary Committees of each House of Congress, with an explanation for each action -

(3) Upon conclusion of the Special Counsels investigation, including, to the extent consistent with applicable law, a description and explanation of instances (if any) in which the Attorney General concluded that a proposed action by a Special Counsel was so inappropriate or unwarranted under established Departmental practices that it should not be pursued.

(b) The notification requirement in paragraph (a)(1) of this section may be tolled by the Attorney General upon a finding that legitimate investigative or privacy concerns require confidentiality. At such time as confidentiality is no longer needed, the notification will be provided.

(c) The Attorney General may determine that public release of these reports would be in the public interest, to the extent that release would comply with applicable legal restrictions. All other releases of information by any Department of Justice employee, including the Special Counsel and staff, concerning matters handled by Special Counsels shall be governed by the generally applicable Departmental guidelines concerning public comment with respect to any criminal investigation, and relevant law.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by wahoomurf »

Many of the posts made by the FLHS and one or 2 others,provide some wonderful teaching moments.I moderate a study group,comprised of H.S. Sophomores at my parish. Our group does not discuss the magesterium of,the Catechism or the sacerdotal issues facing the RC Church.Rather we have an open forum in which we discuss civility and hypocrisy.

I'm amazed by the questions these young men and women ask.Upwards of 80% of our discussions are focused on the POTUS,his public pronouncements and what are the factors that make him the focus of the adulation he receives.

Our parish can be characterized as upper-middle class and conservative.Rudy Giuliani was once a parishioner.We started with a group of 22 which has since expanded to 75 +. This was a CCD offering.As such,most of the kids attend public schools. But within the past few months,many of the newbies attend Catholic high schools.

Many of them know of my past history with Trump. I try not to proselytize or tell them what to think.To help them draw their own conclusions,I often paraphrase some of what I read on FanLax. For that I extend my sincere thanks.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by 6ftstick »

wahoomurf wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:21 pm Many of the posts made by the FLHS and one or 2 others,provide some wonderful teaching moments.I moderate a study group,comprised of H.S. Sophomores at my parish. Our group does not discuss the magesterium of,the Catechism or the sacerdotal issues facing the RC Church.Rather we have an open forum in which we discuss civility and hypocrisy.

I'm amazed by the questions these young men and women ask.Upwards of 80% of our discussions are focused on the POTUS,his public pronouncements and what are the factors that make him the focus of the adulation he receives.

Our parish can be characterized as upper-middle class and conservative.Rudy Giuliani was once a parishioner.We started with a group of 22 which has since expanded to 75 +. This was a CCD offering.As such,most of the kids attend public schools. But within the past few months,many of the newbies attend Catholic high schools.

Many of them know of my past history with Trump. I try not to proselytize or tell them what to think.To help them draw their own conclusions,I often paraphrase some of what I read on FanLax. For that I extend my sincere thanks.
I'd hate to think you believe you're the only voice they here on the subject. They come to you with 2 and half years of constant negativity regarding Trump. More than 1/2 a million negative news articles. The liberal progressives that teach them and parents who may be suffering from Trump derangement syndrome.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

6ftstick wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:28 am
wahoomurf wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:21 pm Many of the posts made by the FLHS and one or 2 others,provide some wonderful teaching moments.I moderate a study group,comprised of H.S. Sophomores at my parish. Our group does not discuss the magesterium of,the Catechism or the sacerdotal issues facing the RC Church.Rather we have an open forum in which we discuss civility and hypocrisy.

I'm amazed by the questions these young men and women ask.Upwards of 80% of our discussions are focused on the POTUS,his public pronouncements and what are the factors that make him the focus of the adulation he receives.

Our parish can be characterized as upper-middle class and conservative.Rudy Giuliani was once a parishioner.We started with a group of 22 which has since expanded to 75 +. This was a CCD offering.As such,most of the kids attend public schools. But within the past few months,many of the newbies attend Catholic high schools.

Many of them know of my past history with Trump. I try not to proselytize or tell them what to think.To help them draw their own conclusions,I often paraphrase some of what I read on FanLax. For that I extend my sincere thanks.
I'd hate to think you believe you're the only voice they here on the subject. They come to you with 2 and half years of constant negativity regarding Trump. More than 1/2 a million negative news articles. The liberal progressives that teach them and parents who may be suffering from Trump derangement syndrome.
Golly, 6ft, you think it's possible that some households only turn on conservative media? How much negativity about Trump do they hear on Fox? I've been in households where Fox is perpetually on, channel never changes.

Any chance those parents with right wing TDS don't share with their kids that Trump is a lying slease? Their teachers at conservative Catholic schools don't tell them either?

But yeah, some of it's going to percolate through as the above isn't going to be the experience of every "upper-middle class and conservative" family, many of those are going to be appalled ... and kids are going to be confused.

So, they can watch Trump speak for himself. Anyone with half a brain can tell he lies almost perpetually. And that he's a flaming jerk. Really, really hard to miss.

So, what to make of that?
How does such a jerk get elected? Why is there such adulation from the 30-40%?

Sounds like a worthwhile conversation for these kids.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by OCanada »

The question is tgerexa basis in fact for those articles. The right constantly whimpers about political bias in higher education. It’s been looked at. The real problem is most higher ed have as their goals fact and truth base. In fact. Dine this goal is inimical to much of the far right it is not surprising it shows up in news coverage. When someone with the low moral character of trump can lie on an average of 8 or more times a day and various news sources won’t call him on it it’s inevitable. Tariff wars are easy to win. It’s been a very costly war to us so far. Friend of farmers? Not even close. Healthcare plan ? Doesn’t exist and there is no group working in it. Tax refund and eliminate the deficit. The results were predictable and they have all come true. Those sorts of things generate coverage
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

Retrospective -- Greatest Leaks : ... 46002.html's it look (& smell) now ?
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

6ftstick wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:28 am Hate to think you believe you're the only voice they here on the subject. They come to you with 2 and half years of constant negativity regarding Trump. More than 1/2 a million negative news articles. The liberal progressives that teach them and parents who may be suffering from Trump derangement syndrome.
:lol: The libs do that? Are you SURE it's not the Conservatives?

Who thinks government---especially Federal government----is bad? That you can't trust anyone in Federal government? That waste and fraud is rampant and nonstop?

Yep. American Conservatives think that. Remember?

So explain to me why you aren't thrilled that the media is running negative stories about our current Federal leaders? Aren't they SUPPOSED to do that in your eyes?

Is the Federal government larger under our current Federal leaders? You bet.

Is the Federal spending higher under our current Federal leaders? You bet. Trillions higher.

Is the Federal deficit larger under our current Federal leaders? You bet. Hundreds of billions higher, and growing with each passing month.

Two years ago, these were 6ftstick's three biggest complaints about our Federal leaders. So then why are you not THRILLED that the press, just as they did with our last Federal leader.....hammering our current Federal leader for making all three of these things---spending, deficit, size of government---are worse in 2019?

Take your time. Think it over.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 1:47 pm Retrospective -- Greatest Leaks : ... 46002.html's it look (& smell) now ?
The same. We still haven't seen what Mueller thinks of all this, remember?
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

...musta missed the Carter Page indictment.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by wahoomurf »

6ftstick wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:28 am
wahoomurf wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:21 pm Many of the posts made by the FLHS and one or 2 others,provide some wonderful teaching moments.I moderate a study group,comprised of H.S. Sophomores at my parish. Our group does not discuss the magesterium of,the Catechism or the sacerdotal issues facing the RC Church.Rather we have an open forum in which we discuss civility and hypocrisy.

I'm amazed by the questions these young men and women ask.Upwards of 80% of our discussions are focused on the POTUS,his public pronouncements and what are the factors that make him the focus of the adulation he receives.

Our parish can be characterized as upper-middle class and conservative.Rudy Giuliani was once a parishioner.We started with a group of 22 which has since expanded to 75 +. This was a CCD offering.As such,most of the kids attend public schools. But within the past few months,many of the newbies attend Catholic high schools.

Many of them know of my past history with Trump. I try not to proselytize or tell them what to think.To help them draw their own conclusions,I often paraphrase some of what I read on FanLax. For that I extend my sincere thanks.
I'd hate to think you believe you're the only voice they here on the subject. They come to you with 2 and half years of constant negativity regarding Trump. More than 1/2 a million negative news articles. The liberal progressives that teach them and parents who may be suffering from Trump derangement syndrome.
You obviously failed to either read my post or your level of hatred is the only source that informs your absurd assumptions.Sad.Interesting that you are absolutely sure you know to whom these kids listen? BTW,how many of these kids do you know,personally?And why do you assume these young men and women are "taught by liberal progressive'"? You may have grown up in a family or attended a school that pounded parochial versions of the world into your skull.Sad that you weren't encouraged or permitted to think for yourself.

The oppressive situation from whence you came goes a long way to understand why you are so full of hate.
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old salt
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

Rachel Maddow's Deep Delusion

The MSNBC host staged a hell of a drama during the Mueller probe, but life usually isn’t a John le Carre novel.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by 6ftstick »

wahoomurf wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 9:31 pm
6ftstick wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:28 am
wahoomurf wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:21 pm Many of the posts made by the FLHS and one or 2 others,provide some wonderful teaching moments.I moderate a study group,comprised of H.S. Sophomores at my parish. Our group does not discuss the magesterium of,the Catechism or the sacerdotal issues facing the RC Church.Rather we have an open forum in which we discuss civility and hypocrisy.

I'm amazed by the questions these young men and women ask.Upwards of 80% of our discussions are focused on the POTUS,his public pronouncements and what are the factors that make him the focus of the adulation he receives.

Our parish can be characterized as upper-middle class and conservative.Rudy Giuliani was once a parishioner.We started with a group of 22 which has since expanded to 75 +. This was a CCD offering.As such,most of the kids attend public schools. But within the past few months,many of the newbies attend Catholic high schools.

Many of them know of my past history with Trump. I try not to proselytize or tell them what to think.To help them draw their own conclusions,I often paraphrase some of what I read on FanLax. For that I extend my sincere thanks.
I'd hate to think you believe you're the only voice they here on the subject. They come to you with 2 and half years of constant negativity regarding Trump. More than 1/2 a million negative news articles. The liberal progressives that teach them and parents who may be suffering from Trump derangement syndrome.
You obviously failed to either read my post or your level of hatred is the only source that informs your absurd assumptions.Sad.Interesting that you are absolutely sure you know to whom these kids listen? BTW,how many of these kids do you know,personally?And why do you assume these young men and women are "taught by liberal progressive'"? You may have grown up in a family or attended a school that pounded parochial versions of the world into your skull.Sad that you weren't encouraged or permitted to think for yourself.

The oppressive situation from whence you came goes a long way to understand why you are so full of hate.
Where did you get HATE from my post.

My absurd assumptions? That they've heard or seen some parts of half million negative press articles on Trump is an absurd assumption?

That they've been influenced by predominately liberal progressive educators? You don't believe that public education is rampant with liberal progressives. I taught for years right out of college. Conservatives were a small small portion of the districts faculty. And that was a generation ago when students were still "encouraged or permitted to think for themselves." Not so anymore just look at todays headlines and protests against differing opinions. Just look at how hard you hammered me.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by wahoomurf »

wahoomurf wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 9:31 pm
6ftstick wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:28 am
wahoomurf wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:21 pm Many of the posts made by the FLHS and one or 2 others,provide some wonderful teaching moments.I moderate a study group,comprised of H.S. Sophomores at my parish. Our group does not discuss the magesterium of,the Catechism or the sacerdotal issues facing the RC Church.Rather we have an open forum in which we discuss civility and hypocrisy.

I'm amazed by the questions these young men and women ask.Upwards of 80% of our discussions are focused on the POTUS,his public pronouncements and what are the factors that make him the focus of the adulation he receives.

Our parish can be characterized as upper-middle class and conservative.Rudy Giuliani was once a parishioner.We started with a group of 22 which has since expanded to 75 +. This was a CCD offering.As such,most of the kids attend public schools. But within the past few months,many of the newbies attend Catholic high schools.

Many of them know of my past history with Trump. I try not to proselytize or tell them what to think.To help them draw their own conclusions,I often paraphrase some of what I read on FanLax. For that I extend my sincere thanks.
I'd hate to think you believe you're the only voice they here on the subject. They come to you with 2 and half years of constant negativity regarding Trump. More than 1/2 a million negative news articles. The liberal progressives that teach them and parents who may be suffering from Trump derangement syndrome.
You obviously failed to either read my post or your level of hatred is the only source that informs your absurd assumptions.Sad.Interesting that you are absolutely sure you know to whom these kids listen? BTW,how many of these kids do you know,personally?And why do you assume these young men and women are "taught by liberal progressive'"? You may have grown up in a family or attended a school that pounded parochial versions of the world into your skull.Sad that you weren't encouraged or permitted to think for yourself.

The oppressive situation from whence you came goes a long way to understand why you are so full of hate.
:roll: :o ;) :D
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by ggait »

Trump and his minions had tons of Rusky contacts, asked for Rusky help, got Rusky help, and then lied like crazy about their dealings with Ruskies. Oh -- and also canned Comey to stop him from investigating that "Rush-er" thing.

How crazy to think that maybe, just maybe, Trump was lying like crazy to hide that he was in cahoots with the Ruskies.

What Mueller will probably be telling us in a couple weeks is that Trump wasn't actually a Russian spy who conspired to get help from the Russians.

Instead, I bet he is going to tell us that Trump is a sleazy scoundrel looking to line his own pockets. And was surrounded by a pack of other sleazy scoundrels looking to line their pockets too. And so they all were lying like rugs to hide their grift, not their espionage.

Total vindication!!!
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by wahoomurf »

72" Kindling: "...they here on the subject"..."I taught for (four?) years right out of college".
What subject did you teach? Homonyms? Elementary school,High School or College?
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by calourie »

So when do we get to see what the Mueller report actually has to say? It would seem its' revelation would create a considerably more informed discussion than is currently going on, no? Would that not be what would be best for us all?
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

ggait wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 10:34 pm
Instead, I bet he is going to tell us that Trump is a sleazy scoundrel looking to line his own pockets. And was surrounded by a pack of other sleazy scoundrels looking to line their pockets too. And so they all were lying like rugs to hide their grift, not their espionage.

But to quote old salt: that's not illegal. Conflicts of interest aren't. Not even a little. It's up to voters to actually care about such conflicts, and right now the drooling geniuses in the Republican voting block think that they're going to benefit from Trump. So they not only wave it through---they cheer. They actually LIKE the conflicts of interest. Why? Because they make the libs mad.

And that's all that matters to them. Sweet. Really punching above your weight class, Republican voters. Way to go.
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old salt
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:46 pm
ggait wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 10:34 pm
Instead, I bet he is going to tell us that Trump is a sleazy scoundrel looking to line his own pockets. And was surrounded by a pack of other sleazy scoundrels looking to line their pockets too. And so they all were lying like rugs to hide their grift, not their espionage.

But to quote old salt: that's not illegal. Conflicts of interest aren't. Not even a little. It's up to voters to actually care about such conflicts, and right now the drooling geniuses in the Republican voting block think that they're going to benefit from Trump. So they not only wave it through---they cheer. They actually LIKE the conflicts of interest. Why? Because they make the libs mad.

And that's all that matters to them. Sweet. Really punching above your weight class, Republican voters. Way to go.
Quote this : ...that Trump could get elected tells you how bad the alternative was. Should have nominated Webb.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

No argument there.

The issue at hand, as you know, is that Republican voters aren't holding Trump accountable to any standard whatsoever. They just don't give a *hit. He's not conservative. He's not small government. He's refilled the swamp several times over, and lined his family's pocket at every turn. And R voters don't give a *hit.

They will. And I'm counting the days until Trump's tab arrives.... and R voters suddenly get religion.

That's not illegal. I'll remember that, that much I know.
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