2020 Elections - Trump FIRED

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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by a fan »

Odd. I have a ton of Trump fans in my facebook feed. That ain't how they interpreted Trump's words.

They agreed with njbill's view. They believe that the virus was nothing more than a different strain of flu, and they claimed the hysteria over it was an attempt by the media to take Trump down.

Of course, these posters are getting quiet now that they have friends who work in hospitals that are overwhelmed. I'd post a few of the exchanges if I knew how.

And I could fill pages of how some of the lefties are dealing with this in my neighborhood. Kids using playground equipment together while the parents maintain social distance. As if they kids can't carry the virus back to their parents. Then there's the spring breakers packing beaches, and returning home. My greatest fear? That this hits all the elderly care homes in FLA.

Then there's the moderates and thinking lefties/righties. They could give a *hit about the TrumpBashing and (fill in the Dem) bashing, and just want to get through this nightmare.

About 90% of us are handling this just fine. The other 10% are not just idiots....they're killing people.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 9:17 am
The vast and overwhelming majority of American media is straight up liberal and Democrat-sympathetic. You know, I know it, we all know it. My dog knows it. gmafb.
And CNN has the story today. Not even 24 hours after Fox put it up.

Wow. What a conspiracy. I mean, "covering for a Dem" for almost 20 hours. Whew. Unreal, right?

They should be ashamed of themselves.

Let us know when Rush runs the story. He hasn't yet. Disgraceful how far Rush will go to cover for a Dem.

....got any other made up theories for us?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by njbill »

tech37 wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:28 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:47 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:05 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:02 pm Yup. Calling the virus a hoax was much much dumber.

It doesn’t shock anyone with a pulse that you choose to push a false narrative rather than address the deeper question, but you do you.
“False narrative?” That’s just Trump propaganda. I know what he said. You know what he said. Everyone knows what he said. He is on tape for goodness’ sake.

Trump tried to claim it wasn’t his voice on the Access Hollywood tape. Do you believe that, too?

Look, if you are going to argue today is Wednesday when it is Saturday, there is really no basis for discussion.
Got a real kick out of you doing your best Bill Clinton the other day parsing Trump's words re "hoax." Very lawyerly of you :roll:

Obviously (see logic) Trump was referring to Dems using the pandemic as political attack fodder. Trump used that same word "hoax" when referring to Dems attempt at collusion and impeachment. There is no other way of defining unless your judgement is clouded.
As I said in my earlier post which you are referring to, Trump is certainly no wordsmith. But those are the words that came out of his mouth, like it or not. He said impeachment was a hoax, that is, the impeachment was a trumped up political vendetta with no legitimate legal basis. I obviously don’t agree with that, but there is at least some rational logic to his comment since impeachment is a political process.

Now, moving to his coronavirus comment, the question is what did he mean by “this”? To my thinking, “this” logically referred to the threat of the coronavirus, not to the Dems politicizing it. If that is what he meant, he would have said something like “The Democrats are going after me again just like they did with impeachment.” So calling the threat of the coronavirus a “hoax” is by no means equivalent to calling impeachment a hoax.

But don’t take my word for it, look at how Trump is reacting. He obviously understands he is going to be facing a withering TV ad campaign in the fall about his response to this pandemic. There are oodles of video clips available that can be smartly strung together by someone like the Bloomberg ad guys that will be devastating. This is Trump’s attempt to get ahead of these ads, to a degree, so he can say in the fall “that wasn’t what I said and I clarified my comment right after it happened.”

Will it work? I don’t know. I actually think it is too early to tell how this pandemic will impact his reelection. If somehow (miraculously) things turn around quickly, he will try to pitch himself as the Great Savior, probably to some effect. If, as unfortunately appears to be the case, we are in for the long-haul, I think this will be a major reason he is not reelected. And he understands that.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by njbill »

a fan wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:55 pm My greatest fear? That this hits all the elderly care homes in FLA.
Mine too. I am hoping for a few things, however. First, these facilities saw what happened in Washington and are taking exquisite care to protect against the spread of the virus. The people who work in these facilities are well versed in preventing the spread of infection, certainly much more so than the spring break yahoos. Two, the seniors themselves are also taking extreme protections. Three, if, heaven forbid, there is an outbreak at one facility, it is very unlikely to spread to another one because all such facilities are probably hermetically sealed off now.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:55 pm Odd. I have a ton of Trump fans in my facebook feed. That ain't how they interpreted Trump's words.

They agreed with njbill's view. They believe that the virus was nothing more than a different strain of flu, and they claimed the hysteria over it was an attempt by the media to take Trump down. You can't even type "TRUMP" in the search function b/c his name is mentioned so much. Are you telling us that plenty of media types aren't running the same 24/7 trump bad take down attempt?

Of course, these posters are getting quiet now that they have friends who work in hospitals that are overwhelmed. I'd post a few of the exchanges if I knew how. Quiet about what ? That the trump haters aren't doing the trump take down? Or that they take it seriously ....now ? Nonsense. this thing is SO overblown...........Trump already trying to quash the money trail. Stay focused AFAN.....follow the money.

And I could fill pages of how some of the lefties are dealing with this in my neighborhood. Kids using playground equipment together while the parents maintain social distance. As if they kids can't carry the virus back to their parents. Then there's the spring breakers packing beaches, and returning home. My greatest fear? That this hits all the elderly care homes in FLA. So the lefties are completely ignoring health care advice? you actually know who these people think? Vote?

Then there's the moderates and thinking lefties/righties. They could give a *hit about the TrumpBashing and (fill in the Dem) bashing, and just want to get through this nightmare.

About 90% of us are handling this just fine. The other 10% are not just idiots....they're killing people. :arrow: :arrow:
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
Peter Brown
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:17 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 9:17 am
The vast and overwhelming majority of American media is straight up liberal and Democrat-sympathetic. You know, I know it, we all know it. My dog knows it. gmafb.
And CNN has the story today. Not even 24 hours after Fox put it up.

Wow. What a conspiracy. I mean, "covering for a Dem" for almost 20 hours. Whew. Unreal, right?

They should be ashamed of themselves.

Let us know when Rush runs the story. He hasn't yet. Disgraceful how far Rush will go to cover for a Dem.

....got any other made up theories for us?

Yeah it’s the same velocity as the coverage of Christine Blakey Ford’s allegations. And the resident Dems here who couldn’t shut up about Kavanaugh are piercing in their volume of indignation. Exactly the same. :roll:
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:49 pm Yeah it’s the same velocity as the coverage of Christine Blakey Ford’s allegations. And the resident Dems here who couldn’t shut up about Kavanaugh are piercing in their volume of indignation. Exactly the same. :roll:
The story, from your right wing benchmark of a FoxNews story....is almost exactly 24 hours old. CNN and others are already on it.

You want to keep playing this game? And pretend that the Kavanaugh fervor peaked at 24 hours into the story?

This is your chance to shine. What is it you think the MSM and Fox are going to do with this Biden story. You're claiming that they're going to bury it, right?

I've got a steak dinner that says the MSM media covers this story. You up for this?
a fan
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:44 pm Are you telling us that plenty of media types aren't running the same 24/7 trump bad take down attempt?
What do you expect? Do our people have enough protective equipment? Am I at my distillery on a Saturday making hand sanitizer because our 1st world health system can't cope for heavens sake?

And you're honestly, sincerely, for reals, shocked that people would dare hold the man we voted to manage the Executive Branch accountable?

Seriously? Why even hold elections if you're just going to smile and nod when your elected leaders fail?

Can you take it too far, and blame him for the color of the sky? Of course. But come on----things are NOT going well. The buck stops here.

runrussellrun wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:44 pm So the lefties are completely ignoring health care advice? you actually know who these people think? Vote?
Yes. I can name the people in these parks, RRR. And their kids. They're my neighbors. I know them personally.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by tech37 »

njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:24 pm
tech37 wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:28 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:47 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:05 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:02 pm Yup. Calling the virus a hoax was much much dumber.

It doesn’t shock anyone with a pulse that you choose to push a false narrative rather than address the deeper question, but you do you.
“False narrative?” That’s just Trump propaganda. I know what he said. You know what he said. Everyone knows what he said. He is on tape for goodness’ sake.

Trump tried to claim it wasn’t his voice on the Access Hollywood tape. Do you believe that, too?

Look, if you are going to argue today is Wednesday when it is Saturday, there is really no basis for discussion.
Got a real kick out of you doing your best Bill Clinton the other day parsing Trump's words re "hoax." Very lawyerly of you :roll:

Obviously (see logic) Trump was referring to Dems using the pandemic as political attack fodder. Trump used that same word "hoax" when referring to Dems attempt at collusion and impeachment. There is no other way of defining unless your judgement is clouded.
As I said in my earlier post which you are referring to, Trump is certainly no wordsmith. But those are the words that came out of his mouth, like it or not. He said impeachment was a hoax, that is, the impeachment was a trumped up political vendetta with no legitimate legal basis. I obviously don’t agree with that, but there is at least some rational logic to his comment since impeachment is a political process.

Now, moving to his coronavirus comment, the question is what did he mean by “this”? To my thinking, “this” logically referred to the threat of the coronavirus, not to the Dems politicizing it. If that is what he meant, he would have said something like “The Democrats are going after me again just like they did with impeachment.” So calling the threat of the coronavirus a “hoax” is by no means equivalent to calling impeachment a hoax.

But don’t take my word for it, look at how Trump is reacting. He obviously understands he is going to be facing a withering TV ad campaign in the fall about his response to this pandemic. There are oodles of video clips available that can be smartly strung together by someone like the Bloomberg ad guys that will be devastating. This is Trump’s attempt to get ahead of these ads, to a degree, so he can say in the fall “that wasn’t what I said and I clarified my comment right after it happened.”

Will it work? I don’t know. I actually think it is too early to tell how this pandemic will impact his reelection. If somehow (miraculously) things turn around quickly, he will try to pitch himself as the Great Savior, probably to some effect. If, as unfortunately appears to be the case, we are in for the long-haul, I think this will be a major reason he is not reelected. And he understands that.
Okay njbill...thank you for the reply.

Here's something you said we can agree upon (and I really like the term you used) "Trump is certainly no wordsmith"
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by CU77 »

njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:35 pm The people who work in these facilities are well versed in preventing the spread of infection, certainly much more so than the spring break yahoos.
That's not the main problem:
Staff members who worked while sick at multiple long-term care facilities contributed to the spread of COVID-19 among vulnerable elderly in the Seattle area, federal health officials said Wednesday.
“They need the money. They don’t have sick leave. They don’t recognize their symptoms. They deny their symptoms,” said Dr. Jeff Duchin, public health officer for Seattle and King County.
Underlining added.
https://time.com/5805823/seattle-nursin ... stigation/
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by njbill »

CU77 wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 4:26 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:35 pm The people who work in these facilities are well versed in preventing the spread of infection, certainly much more so than the spring break yahoos.
That's not the main problem:
Staff members who worked while sick at multiple long-term care facilities contributed to the spread of COVID-19 among vulnerable elderly in the Seattle area, federal health officials said Wednesday.
“They need the money. They don’t have sick leave. They don’t recognize their symptoms. They deny their symptoms,” said Dr. Jeff Duchin, public health officer for Seattle and King County.
Underlining added.
https://time.com/5805823/seattle-nursin ... stigation/
Yes, that unfortunately was a big problem in Washington. What I am hoping is that some lessons were learned there. I suspect the health care workers in WA were getting infected before anyone really understood what was going on. And then, tragically, they may have spread the disease to patients.

Hopefully the issue in Florida will be a little different in that they will be able to prevent or minimize the incidence of infected health care workers working in the facilities. If a worker or patient gets infected, I'm hoping they will be able to identify that earlier and then bar or remove that person from the facility.

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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by Jim Malone »

A woman says Biden assaulted her in 1993

Read it first in NY Post.

https://www.vox.com/2020/3/27/21195935/ ... allegation

NY Governor Cuomo seems to be the most "presidential" in his pressers. Way more than Trump, Biden or Sanders.
The parent, not the coach.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by a fan »

a fan wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:58 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:49 pm Yeah it’s the same velocity as the coverage of Christine Blakey Ford’s allegations. And the resident Dems here who couldn’t shut up about Kavanaugh are piercing in their volume of indignation. Exactly the same. :roll:
The story, from your right wing benchmark of a FoxNews story....is almost exactly 24 hours old. CNN and others are already on it.

You want to keep playing this game? And pretend that the Kavanaugh fervor peaked at 24 hours into the story?

This is your chance to shine. What is it you think the MSM and Fox are going to do with this Biden story. You're claiming that they're going to bury it, right?

I've got a steak dinner that says the MSM media covers this story. You up for this?
Too late now. The entire MSM is Biden now.

So much for your theory. This is the part where you admit you were wrong. I do it all the time on this site. It won't hurt, I promise.

"Hey, I was wrong. Let's move on". ;)
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by jhu72 »

njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:24 pm
tech37 wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:28 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:47 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:05 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:02 pm Yup. Calling the virus a hoax was much much dumber.

It doesn’t shock anyone with a pulse that you choose to push a false narrative rather than address the deeper question, but you do you.
“False narrative?” That’s just Trump propaganda. I know what he said. You know what he said. Everyone knows what he said. He is on tape for goodness’ sake.

Trump tried to claim it wasn’t his voice on the Access Hollywood tape. Do you believe that, too?

Look, if you are going to argue today is Wednesday when it is Saturday, there is really no basis for discussion.
Got a real kick out of you doing your best Bill Clinton the other day parsing Trump's words re "hoax." Very lawyerly of you :roll:

Obviously (see logic) Trump was referring to Dems using the pandemic as political attack fodder. Trump used that same word "hoax" when referring to Dems attempt at collusion and impeachment. There is no other way of defining unless your judgement is clouded.
As I said in my earlier post which you are referring to, Trump is certainly no wordsmith. But those are the words that came out of his mouth, like it or not. He said impeachment was a hoax, that is, the impeachment was a trumped up political vendetta with no legitimate legal basis. I obviously don’t agree with that, but there is at least some rational logic to his comment since impeachment is a political process.

Now, moving to his coronavirus comment, the question is what did he mean by “this”? To my thinking, “this” logically referred to the threat of the coronavirus, not to the Dems politicizing it. If that is what he meant, he would have said something like “The Democrats are going after me again just like they did with impeachment.” So calling the threat of the coronavirus a “hoax” is by no means equivalent to calling impeachment a hoax.

But don’t take my word for it, look at how Trump is reacting. He obviously understands he is going to be facing a withering TV ad campaign in the fall about his response to this pandemic. There are oodles of video clips available that can be smartly strung together by someone like the Bloomberg ad guys that will be devastating. This is Trump’s attempt to get ahead of these ads, to a degree, so he can say in the fall “that wasn’t what I said and I clarified my comment right after it happened.”

Will it work? I don’t know. I actually think it is too early to tell how this pandemic will impact his reelection. If somehow (miraculously) things turn around quickly, he will try to pitch himself as the Great Savior, probably to some effect. If, as unfortunately appears to be the case, we are in for the long-haul, I think this will be a major reason he is not reelected. And he understands that.
This pandemic is not going to change one mind.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by njbill »

I think it may have a significant effect. Hard to quantify right now because we are still in the middle of all this. Will be easier to do on November 4. Down the road, historians will be able to make pretty accurate judgments.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by a fan »

jhu72 wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 9:59 pm This pandemic is not going to change one mind.
You got it. Doubling down, is what you'll see.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by CU77 »

Correct. The election is all about turnout.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Jim Malone wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 7:16 pm A woman says Biden assaulted her in 1993

Read it first in NY Post.

https://www.vox.com/2020/3/27/21195935/ ... allegation

NY Governor Cuomo seems to be the most "presidential" in his pressers. Way more than Trump, Biden or Sanders.
I think this says more about Trump, Biden & Sanders than it does about Cuomo sadly...
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by Trinity »

Random tweet—- “There’s a certain type of white male who vacillates between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. That male has never played team sports of any sort.”
“I don’t take responsibility at all.” —Donald J Trump
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Re: 2020 Elections - Joementum Building

Post by tech37 »

jhu72 wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 9:59 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:24 pm
tech37 wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:28 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:47 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:05 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:02 pm Yup. Calling the virus a hoax was much much dumber.

It doesn’t shock anyone with a pulse that you choose to push a false narrative rather than address the deeper question, but you do you.
“False narrative?” That’s just Trump propaganda. I know what he said. You know what he said. Everyone knows what he said. He is on tape for goodness’ sake.

Trump tried to claim it wasn’t his voice on the Access Hollywood tape. Do you believe that, too?

Look, if you are going to argue today is Wednesday when it is Saturday, there is really no basis for discussion.
Got a real kick out of you doing your best Bill Clinton the other day parsing Trump's words re "hoax." Very lawyerly of you :roll:

Obviously (see logic) Trump was referring to Dems using the pandemic as political attack fodder. Trump used that same word "hoax" when referring to Dems attempt at collusion and impeachment. There is no other way of defining unless your judgement is clouded.
As I said in my earlier post which you are referring to, Trump is certainly no wordsmith. But those are the words that came out of his mouth, like it or not. He said impeachment was a hoax, that is, the impeachment was a trumped up political vendetta with no legitimate legal basis. I obviously don’t agree with that, but there is at least some rational logic to his comment since impeachment is a political process.

Now, moving to his coronavirus comment, the question is what did he mean by “this”? To my thinking, “this” logically referred to the threat of the coronavirus, not to the Dems politicizing it. If that is what he meant, he would have said something like “The Democrats are going after me again just like they did with impeachment.” So calling the threat of the coronavirus a “hoax” is by no means equivalent to calling impeachment a hoax.

But don’t take my word for it, look at how Trump is reacting. He obviously understands he is going to be facing a withering TV ad campaign in the fall about his response to this pandemic. There are oodles of video clips available that can be smartly strung together by someone like the Bloomberg ad guys that will be devastating. This is Trump’s attempt to get ahead of these ads, to a degree, so he can say in the fall “that wasn’t what I said and I clarified my comment right after it happened.”

Will it work? I don’t know. I actually think it is too early to tell how this pandemic will impact his reelection. If somehow (miraculously) things turn around quickly, he will try to pitch himself as the Great Savior, probably to some effect. If, as unfortunately appears to be the case, we are in for the long-haul, I think this will be a major reason he is not reelected. And he understands that.
This pandemic is not going to change one mind.
No one was prepared for this awful pandemic, especially your Chicom heroes who started all this in first place. Somehow they've escaped any criticism from you as you continue to pile it all on Trump and the administration. That's way too easy/obvious, especially in an election year, right 72? Expect to have BS called on your chronic efforts to assign blame. I despise people who kick someone when they're down or facing dire circumstances, especially when politically opportune.

I also must mention how ironic it is that CU77 has shown up during this crisis to self-righteously spew his liberal-laced critiques when the next pandemic may well start in a CA city where sanitary conditions and the rule of law have been neglected. Where has your criticism been re CA city conditions? I suggest you (and the always comical Doc B) clean up your own back yard before shaming anyone outside CA borders.
Last edited by tech37 on Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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