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Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:52 am
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2019 10:11 pm This is the human trafficking prevention overseen by the DOL.

If Trump's Labor Secy were not involved, the MSM would be calling Epstein's crimes what they really are -- multiple statutory rapes.
Are you having a problem with the charges brought by SDNY or the MSM using SDNYs characterization?

Obviously multiple (many!) statutory rapes. Also multi-state conspiracy to do so. Possible international too.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:40 am
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:52 am
old salt wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2019 10:11 pm This is the human trafficking prevention overseen by the DOL.

If Trump's Labor Secy were not involved, the MSM would be calling Epstein's crimes what they really are -- multiple statutory rapes.
Are you having a problem with the charges brought by SDNY or the MSM using SDNYs characterization?

Obviously multiple (many!) statutory rapes. Also multi-state conspiracy to do so. Possible international too.
I'm an enthusiastic supporter of the SDNY case. What took them so long ?
I'm disgusted by the MSM' bias, trying to hang this all on Acosta & Trump, rather than focusing on what Epstein did & who (beyond Acosta) enabled him to get away with it.

For example --
-- How many victims were willing to testify ? Of those, how vulnerable were they to being discredited at trial (remember the trial in PB when Roy Black destroyed William Kennedy Smith's accuser) ?
-- How many victims recieved restitution ? Did they have to sign NDA's & agree not to bring civil suits ?
-- Who authorized Epstein's work release & sentence reduction & why ?
-- How many victims since Epstein was released ?

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 12:04 pm
by foreverlax
Acosta’s Epstein Excuses Are Nonsensical and Self-Serving
Three former prosecutors break down the labor secretary’s explanation of the cushy plea deal he cut.
It's getting hung on Acosta for obvious reasons - rich guy got away with "murder"

It's getting hung on Trump for two reasons - he was known to pal around with Epstein and another example of poor vetting in the hiring of Acosta.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 1:50 pm
by MDlaxfan76
foreverlax wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 12:04 pm Acosta’s Epstein Excuses Are Nonsensical and Self-Serving
Three former prosecutors break down the labor secretary’s explanation of the cushy plea deal he cut.
It's getting hung on Acosta for obvious reasons - rich guy got away with "murder"

It's getting hung on Trump for two reasons - he was known to pal around with Epstein and another example of poor vetting in the hiring of Acosta.
That said, absolutely hold all the enablers accountable.

I quite agree with Salty that we should want to know who leaned on Acosta, who leaned on others.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 1:52 pm
by MDlaxfan76
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 1:50 pm
foreverlax wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 12:04 pm Acosta’s Epstein Excuses Are Nonsensical and Self-Serving
Three former prosecutors break down the labor secretary’s explanation of the cushy plea deal he cut.
It's getting hung on Acosta for obvious reasons - rich guy got away with "murder"

It's getting hung on Trump for two reasons - he was known to pal around with Epstein and another example of poor vetting in the hiring of Acosta.
That said, absolutely hold all the enablers accountable.

I quite agree with Salty that we should want to know who leaned on Acosta, who leaned on others.
But the MSM criticism is BS. Unless, of course we find that editors killed stories at the request of muckety mucks.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:13 pm
by old salt
It's all about what the MSM is focused on & the balance of their reporting.

How many mentions of Acosta or Trump vs Epstein in their coverage.

The primary focus is on Acosta & any Trump connection -- secondary focus on Epstein.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 3:14 pm
by old salt ... inal-crew/

David Oscar Markus, a Miami criminal-defense lawyer who practiced against Acosta when he was U.S. Attorney, offered a defense of Acosta in the pages of the Herald:

. . . the federal government only prosecutes federal crimes. At the time this case was being investigated, there were serious questions about whether Epstein’s crimes had the required federal nexus. These were traditional state court crimes with local victims, which the federal government decided should be prosecuted by the state system… To argue that Acosta was persuaded to sign off on passing the case to state authorities because of Epstein’s wealth or Epstein’s lawyers is to ignore Acosta’s record as a tough prosecutor who put away Jack Abramoff, Jose Padilla, Broward Sheriff Ken Jeanne, executives of Hamilton Bank, and many more.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:12 pm
by Trinity
The Jeffrey has offered a 77 Million dollar bail package, grounding his jets, electronic leash, etc. Not nearly enough. He gets out, he’s in the wind.

Regarding Acosta’s prior toughness— there’s this old joke about a lifelong bridge builder....

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:33 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:13 pm It's all about what the MSM is focused on & the balance of their reporting.

How many mentions of Acosta or Trump vs Epstein in their coverage.

The primary focus is on Acosta & any Trump connection -- secondary focus on Epstein.
I don't know what garbage you may watch, but there's no confusion on CNN or even MSNBC about the horrific behavior of Epstein. Heck, that's the whole point!

But sure, who let him the hook and why is a huge topic as it should be.
I agree with you that what matters goes way past Acosta (we think), nailing all the enablers and 'friends of Jeffrey' who weighed in.
Bipartisan walk of shame.

BTW, the MSM mention Bill almost as much as they mention Donald in their coverage. Donald gets a little more because he keeps opening his yap about it and does have to make a decision as to whether to dump Acosta or not. Willie doesn't have much say in the last regard! But he ain't out of the soup, as the MSM are reporting that there are significant holes in his statements.

But let's really get to the bottom of this.
Why? Because EPSTEIN did truly despicable stuff... and people knew it and protected him nevertheless.

Yes, we could also say that of Bill and Donald.
Both, at a minimum, full on dogs when it came to women and their marriage vows.
Both accused by many women of worse than just being dogs, actual assault and in a few cases, rape.

Unfortunately, bunch of powerful men have been getting away with stuff for years...all political stripes.

But a special place in hell goes to pedophiles.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:50 pm
by old salt
Blah, blah, blah. How many segments about Epstein without linking them to Acosta or Trump ?

How many mentions of Acosta or Trump vs Epstein ?

Then compare their complicity in Epstein's crimes.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:59 pm
by foreverlax
old salt wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:50 pm Blah, blah, blah. How many segments about Epstein without linking them to Acosta or Trump ?

How many mentions of Acosta or Trump vs Epstein ?

Then compare their complicity in Epstein's crimes.
It's the environment we're in...good news, you have complete control over the volume.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 5:03 pm
by old salt
Except I'm interested the other stuff -- what Epstein did (before & after his plea deal) & how he got away with it ?

Just blaming Acosta answers none of that.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:52 pm
by CU77
old salt wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:13 pm The primary focus is on Acosta & any Trump connection -- secondary focus on Epstein.
That's completely absurd. Here's a screen shot (taken just now) of the relevant part of the front page of the NYT:


It's Epstein, Epstein, Epstein. Do you see Acosta? No. Do you see Trump? No.

Well, maybe you do. Your PTDS (Pro-Trump Derangement Syndrome) is getting pretty serious.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:00 pm
by old salt
With SDNY, it's now a local NYC story for the NYT.
(contrary to their belief, the NYT is not the sole MSM .:lol:.)

Tune in to MSNBC & CNN for national coverage.

yesterday NYT headline :
Acosta Defends His Role in Brokering Jeffrey Epstein Plea Deal

Today's print WP pg 1, upper left, above the fold, headline :
Acosta defends Epstein plea deal ... 6880a6ebb0
only front page story on it.

yesterday's WP Editorial ... d1b67fb13a
The Jeffrey Epstein charges raise grave questions about Alexander Acosta

yesterday WP : ... 1391a04a8b
The big question Acosta failed to answer

July9, WP Op-Ed ... 277b643f02
Alexander Acosta must go

July 9, WP Op-Ed ... 5715a3500b
One thing is clear from the Jeffrey Epstein revelations: Acosta must step down

July 8, WP Op-Ed ... 34a654b435
Alex Acosta gave a pass to Epstein years ago. He’s still at it as labor secretary.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:31 pm
by Trinity
A dozen new victims have come forward since The Jeffrey‘s recent arrest by SDNY, girls from NY and Florida.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:05 pm
by old salt
Were any of them from the time after he got out of jail & was a registered sex offender ?
How long did he persist in his criminal predations ? How many additional victims ?

Tonight on CNN, James Patterson, the author of Filthy Rich, chronicled it as it happened -- he says FL prosecutors were hesitant to go to trial because they feared that most of the victims would not be allowed to testify because they could not prove that they were in Epstein's presence & defense lawyers told them they would rip to shreds any victims who did testify. ... acf2e5a1b2

Epstein’s influential allies have included a dream team of defense lawyers, such as Dershowitz; former Clinton special prosecutor Kenneth Starr; and leading white-collar defense attorneys Lefcourt, Roy Black and Jay Lefkowitz. ...Acosta called the defense team “an army of legal superstars” and said their “year-long assault” on prosecutors led him to back away from pressing federal charges against Epstein.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:06 am
by frmanfan
So on the radio this AM was the story about R Kelly being arrested for the same perverted behavior (underage forced sex). But what caught my ear was the comment about how many of his supporters surround the courthouse. At least we don't see anyone supporting Epstein (other than his own lawyers of course).

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:09 am
by Typical Lax Dad
frmanfan wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:06 am So on the radio this AM was the story about R Kelly being arrested for the same perverted behavior (underage forced sex). But what caught my ear was the comment about how many of his supporters surround the courthouse. At least we don't see anyone supporting Epstein (other than his own lawyers of course).
I am waiting for Gayle King to interview Epstein. The people that surrounded the courthouse to support R Kelly have the same mentality of SOME OF the people that voted Trump in office. A cult of personality. Entertainers.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:42 am
by runrussellrun
wahoomurf wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:30 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:59 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:43 pm
Trinity wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:40 pm Imagine the fury if Hillary was President and the First Spouse was wrapped into the scandal, as he clearly is. It’s industrial strength sex trafficking, according to Axios. Wait before you dig your heels in. This really can be bi-partisan.
I would love nothing more than to see these dirt bags do time for taking advantage of little gi
Epstein did time. He's paid his price. Bill Cosby gets to leave prison all day long and come back at 8pm to his own private villa/wing.
Holy Hat! Why of course he paid a very steep price. Those sluts and tramps didn't have any issues when Acosta followed the law and shared his sentencing rationale with them. Acosta wouldn't forget such an important component of the statute, n'est pas? ;)

Monsieur Karr's epigram was correct..." plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose." :roll:
WOw, glad I wasn't driving when I wrote this. The warning on those pill bottles are serious. ;)

I meant to type (sarcastically ) that Epstein paid the price. His "jail time" was a joke. Just like know that he wants to stay at "home" in Manhatten. And the wimps will let it happen.

Re: Sexual Assault ~ #MeToo ~ #TimesUp

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:45 am
by runrussellrun
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 1:52 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 1:50 pm
foreverlax wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 12:04 pm Acosta’s Epstein Excuses Are Nonsensical and Self-Serving
Three former prosecutors break down the labor secretary’s explanation of the cushy plea deal he cut.
It's getting hung on Acosta for obvious reasons - rich guy got away with "murder"

It's getting hung on Trump for two reasons - he was known to pal around with Epstein and another example of poor vetting in the hiring of Acosta.
That said, absolutely hold all the enablers accountable.

I quite agree with Salty that we should want to know who leaned on Acosta, who leaned on others.
But the MSM criticism is BS. Unless, of course we find that editors killed stories at the request of muckety mucks.
Found.....not find. Already has happened.