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Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:30 am
by LandM
Forgot it would be nice to have AOC pay her back business taxes for a failed business. Geez cannot believe she failed in a business adventure. Wonder how many vendors she screwe$?


Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:40 am
by runrussellrun
seacoaster wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:08 am
SCLaxAttack wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 7:25 am Congratulations, folks. I only took the effort to look back two complete pages on this thread. Excluding the mention here, AOC got one sentence. Another thread hijacked into all Trump hate, all the time. I think that means we’re up to at least six or seven of them now. Geez it’s boring, and redundant, on the fanlax political pages.
I confess I had the same thought about a bunch of these threads. But they do tend, with this President and his constant blather to remain in the news feeds, to bleed into the same thing.

AOC thread -- Trump makes racist attack on AOC and other Congresswomen of color. Trump relevant.

Progressive Ideology thread -- Trump calls Democrats "socialists" and stuff, without knowing what he is talking about. Trump relevant (and this thread is special for its silliness anyway).

GOP, Past Present and Future -- The GOP of the past is, umm, moribund because of fidelity to Orange Duce, and its future is bound to and governed by the bootlicking toadyism of the GOP to Trump. Trump relevant.

Orange Duce thread -- Trump is the issue, in all of his childish, incurious, uninformed counter-glory.

The Mueller Report and Impeachment -- well, seems like Trump is relevant here too. Just going out on a limb.

National Security, Iran, the Census threads? The Security and Iran threads are tied up in the Gordian knot of "Obama bad deal/apologist/identity politician" vs. "Trump No Deals/Lotta Blather/racist/divisive electoral strategy. The Census thread actually directly deals with Trump/Wilbur/GOP efforts to gerrymander the national count of people. Not true. Census thread ONLY topic is WHY? Why have the census at all, if not going to increase number of Reps, per the US Constitution. Funds? How can someone (AFAN ;) ) claim that funds are distributed to US Congressional districts based on Census data, and out of the other side of the mouth utters, "flyover/RED states get MORE funds than......."

I wish it wasn't so, but the threads do tend to merge into a focus on one stupid person.


Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:56 am
by MDlaxfan76
LandM wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:15 am MD,
You have the Congresswoman from MI hollering impeach the MF and being escorted out by the Secret Service for being “bold” in a Trump presentation. Are you not a little concerned about that?

You have the Congresswoman from MN - to anyone that I know she is outright scary. Listen to what she says.

You have AOC winning with 27,000 votes yet has 4 million twitter followers using that platform for free everything. If the green new deal was that great at least explain in 12 slides.

The last Congresswoman seems to just tag along for the publicity.

I do not see any outrage over their actions, their communications or their twitter usage. If your gonna critic be fair about it.
No, I'm pretty darn moderate in my views and perspective. I lean conservative fiscally and in national defense, but libertarian on social issues.

So, I'm not outraged by liberal freshmen Congresswomen. That doesn't mean I agree with each of their policies, much less some of their views, including a loss of decorum at times.

There's been all sorts of critique of such, including from me when actually appropriate. For instance, though Omar's point of view on Israel and the US policy towards the Netanyahu gov't's expansion of settlements has validity and her perspective deserves a voice, she needed (and may still need) to learn how to avoid historical anti-semitic tropes when expressing those views. I'm willing to give her a chance to learn.

By contrast, Steve King has had way too much time not to now be held to account for his racist talk. Instead he gets applauded by Trump (though reprimanded by GOP House leadership).

I don't find any of these women 'scary' and I certainly don't think that a President should ever call for anyone to be 'sent back', whether they are naturalized citizens or born citizens of The USA. The stupidity and blatant racism of that is way, way beyond the pale.

Trump wants you to be 'scared', so that you'll go along with racism and nativism and his consolidation of power, all in the name of "Making America Great Again" ...for white Americans of northern European descent (and those others who pledge fealty to that 'natural order').

Don't be scared. They're pushing back in the spirit of American democracy, within the bounds of the system. Norms have been breached by this POTUS in ways that will be very difficult to recover from, and that's indeed a shame, but I'm all for 'impeaching the MF'.

Don't think it will happen, though, so I'm all for 'voting for a piece of wood' over Trump. Hopefully it will be someone who can restore decorum and civility, or at least model such behaviors themselves, and call on their Democratic allies to follow their lead. Including the "Squad".

I'd prefer not Warren or Bernie, as I do find both too extreme in their views and somewhat unpleasant in their tone, (though I don't think much of their extreme policy views would ever pass), but perhaps more importantly I'd like to see Trumpism defeated ignominiously, not a close call.

And hopefully the GOP will then break the fever hold of Trumpism, if such is ignominiously defeated. We need a viable, competitive system. But based on the competition of ideas, not tribes.


Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:57 am
by MDlaxfan76
runrussellrun wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:40 am
seacoaster wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:08 am
SCLaxAttack wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 7:25 am Congratulations, folks. I only took the effort to look back two complete pages on this thread. Excluding the mention here, AOC got one sentence. Another thread hijacked into all Trump hate, all the time. I think that means we’re up to at least six or seven of them now. Geez it’s boring, and redundant, on the fanlax political pages.
I confess I had the same thought about a bunch of these threads. But they do tend, with this President and his constant blather to remain in the news feeds, to bleed into the same thing.

AOC thread -- Trump makes racist attack on AOC and other Congresswomen of color. Trump relevant.

Progressive Ideology thread -- Trump calls Democrats "socialists" and stuff, without knowing what he is talking about. Trump relevant (and this thread is special for its silliness anyway).

GOP, Past Present and Future -- The GOP of the past is, umm, moribund because of fidelity to Orange Duce, and its future is bound to and governed by the bootlicking toadyism of the GOP to Trump. Trump relevant.

Orange Duce thread -- Trump is the issue, in all of his childish, incurious, uninformed counter-glory.

The Mueller Report and Impeachment -- well, seems like Trump is relevant here too. Just going out on a limb.

National Security, Iran, the Census threads? The Security and Iran threads are tied up in the Gordian knot of "Obama bad deal/apologist/identity politician" vs. "Trump No Deals/Lotta Blather/racist/divisive electoral strategy. The Census thread actually directly deals with Trump/Wilbur/GOP efforts to gerrymander the national count of people. Not true. Census thread ONLY topic is WHY? Why have the census at all, if not going to increase number of Reps, per the US Constitution. Funds? How can someone (AFAN ;) ) claim that funds are distributed to US Congressional districts based on Census data, and out of the other side of the mouth utters, "flyover/RED states get MORE funds than......."

I wish it wasn't so, but the threads do tend to merge into a focus on one stupid person.
Create a thread if that's what you want to talk about RR.


Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:00 am
by runrussellrun
Name just ONE of the bills that AOC has voted for that you approve of, mdlaxfanGreen. Just one ping.


Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:11 am
by MDlaxfan76
LandM wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:30 am Forgot it would be nice to have AOC pay her back business taxes for a failed business. Geez cannot believe she failed in a business adventure. Wonder how many vendors she screwe$?
For shame. Her failed business venture owes NY State less than $2,000...not for income taxes, as in on actual profits, but simply her 'business taxes' for having a registered business. Sounds like the business never made a profit, but does owe various fees.

This is indeed a problem when states tax start-ups which haven't yet turned profitable. It discourages entrepreneurs and incentivizes some to go underground rather than being registered.

Of course, the business owes the taxes not AOC personally. The business dissolved.

But it's a bad look for her, for sure.

The last reporting I could find was back in March, I'd bet it was paid despite not owing it personally. ... h-n2543607

There's no basis, as reported, to suggest she stiffed any vendors, nor that she failed to pay any personal or business income taxes.


Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 10:44 am
by LandM
If you have not guessed by now I do not take people’s advice, can think for myself. Not intimidated by anything either. No, not Billy Bad, just the facts.

The integrity of a person should be on display by not coughing the $2,000. NY is the one of the worst places to set up a business. She knew the rules and by not paying she showed her integrity. That means allot more then the $ amount.


Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 8:50 am
by Brooklyn
All too often when Trump is criticized, right wingers attribute that to TDS or Trump derangement syndrome. Not surprisingly, they forget that their own AOC derangement syndrome which is infinitely worse:



Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 10:01 am
by MDlaxfan76
LandM wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 10:44 am MD,
If you have not guessed by now I do not take people’s advice, can think for myself. Not intimidated by anything either. No, not Billy Bad, just the facts.

The integrity of a person should be on display by not coughing the $2,000. NY is the one of the worst places to set up a business. She knew the rules and by not paying she showed her integrity. That means allot more then the $ amount.
Not sure why you thought the first para was necessary to say to me.

Surely you don't think I'm trying to "intimidate" you?

This is a discussion board. So, we do try to share with one another our perspective and logic on various topics, sometimes bringing to those discussions 'facts' that may or may not be relevant. We examine such 'facts', logic, and perspective for, hopefully, mutual benefit.

I quite agree that paying off that $2k would be appropriate, even if not owed individually. But I'm not so sure this a good example of an actual character flaw, a display of or lack of 'integrity'. I don't know, for instance, whether she saw this as a business tax on a business that failed and never made money, and once the business dissolved effectively no longer owed. Could well have been something she put behind her and moved on from, like most folks try to do who fail in a business. Or it may have been actually her way of saying that there are unfair taxes on the little guy, not enough on the fat cats. I don't know, but either of these explanations would satisfy me coming from a then 20 something at the beginning of their adult life experience curve (you and I have been on that curve much, much longer!).

I'm sure you can indeed make up your own mind, but you do realize that the reason the right wing dark media machine have thought this matter actually newsworthy is that its supposed to blunt Trump's enormous amounts of money 'lost' in various bankruptcies, the enormous amount of money he refused to pay back from those 'he' (his businesses) had borrowed from lenders, the enormous amounts of taxes he and his family had fraudulently not paid, etc, etc?

The meme being that we shouldn't critique Donald the businessman's not paying lenders and not paying the tax man, if AOC doesn't pay $2k in business taxes on her failed business.

Are these really equivalent?

As I've been an entrepreneur myself or investor in entrepreneurial ventures for most of my career, I've had at least my share of outright 'failures'. In one case I refused to take bankruptcy for the business when all, including my family, bankers, lawyers, etc advised me to do so. I fought for an additional 12 months to extract value from that business so that every vendor was fully repaid. Brutal process, but I pulled it off, though it put me personally deeply under water. Business was otherwise dissolved and simply died. I don't know for sure that every last government fee was actually paid as it was such an exhausting time. Hope so, but I certainly needed to eventually move on. I retained the records for 20 years and finally got rid of them.

In another deal in which I was consultant/investor/board member, and other investors may have invested in part because of my association, I needed to distance myself from the fast growing business when the primary owner and CEO went rogue, dishonestly, not paying payroll taxes through fraudulent filings etc. Big money sloshing around. Whistle blown by a low level accounting person who had been ordered to write a check which was known to be expected to bounce. I left the Board, informed other investors, bankers, etc as to the reasons for my departure. We all assumed total write-off. Three years later I was surprised to be approached by that same CEO. He had gotten in bed with an even worse crook CEO and was begging for my assistance. I demanded in writing a deal in which the CEO would not get a penny until the IRS was entirely repaid (they started with a bill of $9mm), all investors had been entirely repaid, and all funds were handled in escrow untouchable by him. He agreed. Took me over a year but I went toe to toe with the fancy legal counsel for the other CEO, explaining to them how their client was crook (as was my CEO), explained the deal, and got the IRS paid back and the investors paid back. I didn't take any fees for this work.

Fortunately I've also had some financial successes along the way!

Trump's truly a dishonest businessman, dishonest husband, dishonest golfer too apparently.
Big difference from AOC.


Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:42 am
by HooDat
Brooklyn wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2019 8:50 am All too often when Trump is criticized, right wingers attribute that to TDS or Trump derangement syndrome. Not surprisingly, they forget that their own AOC derangement syndrome which is infinitely worse:

so what you can't see is what is happening below the bottom frame... Let's just say his hands are busy....... :o :shock: :? :lol:


Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 1:55 pm
by Brooklyn
hahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:04 pm
by LandM
My reply did not reflect on you. It concerned your comment about Trump making anyone scared. My point was Trump might scare some but not all. Sorry about the confusion.

Best lesson learned is a failure IMHO. But you still need to do the right things when shooting it behind the barn. Communicate and do the right thing. Then pick yourself up and start over again IMHO.


Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:40 am
by HooDat
anyone else notice how quiet AOC has been lately?

makes you wonder why....

I might need to strap on my tinfoil hat and say that Pelosi told the media to stop focusing on her because she is hurting the Dems'


Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:51 am
by holmes435
How quiet AOC is, or how quiet the media reporting and how quiet those attacking her are?

I don't follow her on any social media but a quick look at her twitter feed shows tons of activity.

The more Trump and people focus on her, the more of a platform she has to get her beliefs out there. The same thing happened with Trump - we gave him a platform to step on.


Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 12:04 pm
by LandM
PLUS 6 million


Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 12:26 pm
by ABV 8.3%
HooDat wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:40 am anyone else notice how quiet AOC has been lately?

makes you wonder why....

I might need to strap on my tinfoil hat and say that Pelosi told the media to stop focusing on her because she is hurting the Dems'
The establishment has already gotten to AOC. Some of Her recent votes ensure that she will run un-opposed . ... tez/412804

End the spend, eh AOC? ;) Giving the defense industry the money that liberals are supposed to hate.

Who knows, maybe she messed up by voting YEAh, for H.R. 3877, when the other gang of 4 members voted no, but I doubt it.


Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:38 pm
by HooDat
holmes435 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:51 am How quiet AOC is, or how quiet the media reporting and how quiet those attacking her are?

I don't follow her on any social media but a quick look at her twitter feed shows tons of activity.

The more Trump and people focus on her, the more of a platform she has to get her beliefs out there. The same thing happened with Trump - we gave him a platform to step on.
yep - I just find the extent to which the attention has dissipated interesting.


Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:06 pm
by seacoaster
Hey, she's back in the news!! ... 0b2ebaa0aa

"The sign warns of the “4 Horsemen” — typically a reference to biblical imagery symbolizing the end of the earth: conquest, war, famine and death.

But the North Carolina billboard that went up over the weekend does not depict horsemen. It shows photos of the freshman congresswomen also known as “the Squad”: Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts. The billboard calls the progressive Democratic members of Congress “idiots” and is signed by “the Deplorables.”

Cherokee Guns, a Murphy, N.C., gun shop about a mile away from the sign, took responsibility for the billboard. An image shared to the shop’s Facebook page Sunday went viral this week and drew a sharp rebuke from the women pictured, as well as anti-gun-violence advocates. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence on Monday called the billboard “violent rhetoric.”

“Threats against members of Congress, particularly minority members are [trending upward] and it is driven by the president’s racial rhetoric,” the group wrote. “This is dangerous!!!”

For the congresswomen, the menacing billboard is just another high-profile threat — one of many they say they have faced since they took office in 2018.

“How the hell is this not inciting violence?” Tlaib asked in a Wednesday evening tweet.

In her own tweet, Pressley called out Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), whose district, she noted, houses the shop. She implored Meadows to “do the right thing.”

The idea that Meadows might "do the right thing" should give us all a rueful chuckle.....


Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:08 pm
by youthathletics
Breaking: Chief of staff and communications director for Ocasio-Cortez abruptly resign.

Saikat Chakrabarti resigned as the chief of staff for Ocasio-Cortez after a series of controversies over his comments that led to a recriminations from the Democratic establishment and the progressive upstarts in the party.....

....In another misstep, Chakrabarti admitted in an interview that the Green New Deal was crafted in order to seize the economy, not to fix the climate.

Quite interesting.


Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:28 am
by MDlaxfan76
youthathletics wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:08 pm Breaking: Chief of staff and communications director for Ocasio-Cortez abruptly resign.

Saikat Chakrabarti resigned as the chief of staff for Ocasio-Cortez after a series of controversies over his comments that led to a recriminations from the Democratic establishment and the progressive upstarts in the party.....

....In another misstep, Chakrabarti admitted in an interview that the Green New Deal was crafted in order to seize the economy, not to fix the climate.

Quite interesting.
On this, I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of the things that Pelosi and AOC spoke about in their meeting recently. Chakrabarti had indeed been an inflammatory influence in the AOC office, impolitic. And Pelosi undoubtedly emphasized the need to build influence by making allies, not foes, within the Dem Party, and AOC listened and acted. Makes sense.

But the characterization in the very far right wing rag, the Blaze, as usual misstates reality. His tweet about the Green New Deal wasn't saying it had been "crafted to seize the economy, not to fix the climate". That's just how the far right wanted to play his meaning. He saw it as an effort to reshape the economy, not simply about climate, meaning away from incentivizing carbon and waste to one focused on valuing sustainable, ethical economic choices. Climate being just one piece of "Green".

Lots to argue about in all that, but the Blaze purposely misrepresents as part of their practice.

youth, I think the rags, left or right, that flagrantly promote conspiracy theories and don't practice basic journalistic ethics only degrade our understanding...they should be ignored or at least viewed with a very high degree of skepticism.