Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by foreverlax »

old salt wrote:It's like pulling a string. Then what about the DACA Dreamers' parents, who are still here illegally ?

...& the non-DACA Dreamers, outside the DACA time window of opportunity, or who didn't sign up ?

...& then their parents, who are still here illegally ?

... & then what about the rest of the 11-22 million still here illegally ?
Sure it is....like every single other thing - there are a world of intended and unintended consequences for every action.

So "perfection is the enemy of the good" or "don't start a trip to NY until all the lights are green"?? Have to start somewhere.....

There are really only three options

1. give all of them a path to citizenship, or

2. round them up and deport them, or

3. something in-between, where the "non-criminal" illegals who add value, can stay, but not jump the line ahead of those who opted for the legal approach.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by runrussellrun »

and 4. Give all the legal pathway immigrants, now US citizens, ALL of the money they had to spend over the years so they could wait in line to vote. Probably at least $10k each. Roughly 11 million "naturalized" citizens since 2001. What's that, $111 billion?

Fair is fair, right?
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by foreverlax »

runrussellrun wrote:and 4. Give all the legal pathway immigrants, now US citizens, ALL of the money they had to spend over the years so they could wait in line to vote. Probably at least $10k each. Roughly 11 million "naturalized" citizens since 2001. What's that, $111 billion?

Fair is fair, right?
Sure....once I get my money back from .gov for their breech and abuse of fiduciary standards. :lol:
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by runrussellrun »

foreverlax wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:and 4. Give all the legal pathway immigrants, now US citizens, ALL of the money they had to spend over the years so they could wait in line to vote. Probably at least $10k each. Roughly 11 million "naturalized" citizens since 2001. What's that, $111 billion?

Fair is fair, right?
Sure....once I get my money back from .gov for their breech and abuse of fiduciary standards. :lol:
Is the Fed govt. still suing credit company duh jour and giving us all affected money back? Where do ALL the wallstreet fines go? Like user fees in your local school budget, they mysteriously don't show up on the budget. If you CAN find the budget.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by old salt »

foreverlax wrote:
old salt wrote:It's like pulling a string. Then what about the DACA Dreamers' parents, who are still here illegally ?

...& the non-DACA Dreamers, outside the DACA time window of opportunity, or who didn't sign up ?

...& then their parents, who are still here illegally ?

... & then what about the rest of the 11-22 million still here illegally ?
Sure it is....like every single other thing - there are a world of intended and unintended consequences for every action.

So "perfection is the enemy of the good" or "don't start a trip to NY until all the lights are green"?? Have to start somewhere.....

There are really only three options

1. give all of them a path to citizenship, or

2. round them up and deport them, or

3. something in-between, where the "non-criminal" illegals who add value, can stay, but not jump the line ahead of those who opted for the legal approach.
That's an excuse for not fixing the relatively minor part, that's causing the current (& recurring) Central American families on the border crisis.
It would be a part of any comprehensive immigration reform.
It's the light turning green at the first intersection, ...before getting stuck in the gridlock traffic jam.
Last edited by old salt on Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by old salt »

Rules of Engagement & what missions the military will perform in support of DHS.
https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your ... an-border/

This week. U.S. Northern Command chief Air Force Gen. Terrence O’Shaughnessy said only forces required by their specialty to carry weapons will be allowed to be armed.

The operations order backs that up, directing that “except for law enforcement, force protection, and security personnel who carry an issued firearm for duty on a routine basis, DoD personnel are not authorized to carry individual service weapons during a [defense support for civilian authorities] mission, unless specifically authorized by the [Secretary of Defense.]”

In addition, all ammunition and weapons must be transported in sealed containers, and no service member is authorized to bring a personal weapon.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by a fan »

I've never understood this. This came to my attention for the first time with the Ft. Hood shooting. It's called the Defense Dept., yes? So why is it that our troops can't be armed "defending" our country, within its borders?

Why is it implied that a fully armed US Soldier, is necessarily located outside of our borders?
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by foreverlax »

runrussellrun wrote:
foreverlax wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:and 4. Give all the legal pathway immigrants, now US citizens, ALL of the money they had to spend over the years so they could wait in line to vote. Probably at least $10k each. Roughly 11 million "naturalized" citizens since 2001. What's that, $111 billion?

Fair is fair, right?
Sure....once I get my money back from .gov for their breech and abuse of fiduciary standards. :lol:
Is the Fed govt. still suing credit company duh jour and giving us all affected money back? Where do ALL the wallstreet fines go? Like user fees in your local school budget, they mysteriously don't show up on the budget. If you CAN find the budget.
Good point, wrong thread....Stay on point
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by foreverlax »

old salt wrote:
foreverlax wrote:
old salt wrote:It's like pulling a string. Then what about the DACA Dreamers' parents, who are still here illegally ?

...& the non-DACA Dreamers, outside the DACA time window of opportunity, or who didn't sign up ?

...& then their parents, who are still here illegally ?

... & then what about the rest of the 11-22 million still here illegally ?
Sure it is....like every single other thing - there are a world of intended and unintended consequences for every action.

So "perfection is the enemy of the good" or "don't start a trip to NY until all the lights are green"?? Have to start somewhere.....

There are really only three options

1. give all of them a path to citizenship, or

2. round them up and deport them, or

3. something in-between, where the "non-criminal" illegals who add value, can stay, but not jump the line ahead of those who opted for the legal approach.
That's an excuse for not fixing the relatively minor part, that's causing the current (& recurring) Central American families on the border crisis.
It would be a part of any comprehensive immigration reform.
It's the light turning green at the first intersection, ...before getting stuck in the gridlock traffic jam.
"starting with closing the legal loopholes which allow this asylum scam,"

Clarification - what are you referencing?
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by old salt »

foreverlax wrote:"starting with closing the legal loopholes which allow this asylum scam,"

Clarification - what are you referencing?
https://nypost.com/2018/07/04/scams-are ... um-system/ (@ 7/4/2018)

People hoping to settle in the United States wait years for a green card to be legal residents. They play by the rules. Yet these law-abiding newcomers must feel like idiots, watching what’s happening on the southern border.

Hundreds of thousands of Central American migrants are walking right in. They’re not waiting in line. They’re using “asylum” requests as their E-ZPass. Just 12 percent of requests from El Salvadorans, 11 percent from Guatemalans and 7.5 percent from Hondurans are actually granted, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Never mind, the request gets them in the door.

It’s a shameful distortion of a program intended to provide a haven for true victims of state-sponsored religious, ethnic and political persecution. The United States offered asylum to Hungarian anti-Communists after their uprising was crushed by the Soviets in 1956; to Cubans fleeing Castro’s prisons; to Vietnamese after the fall of Saigon in 1975; to Chinese political dissidents escaping the crackdown after Tiananmen Square in 1989; and, more recently, to Chinese Christians and Muslims threatened for practicing their religion.

That’s not what’s happening on the southern border. There, migrants walk up to a border agent with a familiar story. Women typically plead they’re victims of an abusive boyfriend or husband, and men claim they’re escaping gang violence. They’re detained briefly, but many are then released into the United States and given a date for an asylum hearing.

Being granted asylum means hitting the jackpot. Asylees get access to the Refugee Cash Assistance program, including medical care, a housing allowance and hundreds of dollars a month in cash. In contrast, immigrants who go the green-card route are ineligible for most benefits for years.

Half of those who use asylum as their excuse for crossing the border never even file a claim or show up at a hearing. They’re also winners. After all, they made it inside, unlike the East Asian waiting 12 years to enter as a legal worker.

Last weekend, open-borders advocates held 700 marches across the country, protesting the Trump administration’s policies. One target was Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recent clarification that domestic abuse is not sufficient grounds for seeking asylum. A few immigration judges have granted asylum on those grounds, but it’s not how asylum is defined. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi accused Sessions of “staggering cruelty.” But Sessions is right. The asylum law “is not a general hardship statute,” he says. If every hardship qualifies for asylum, it means everyone can come in.

That’s the marchers’ objective — and increasingly the goal of the progressive flank of the Democratic Party. Their rhetoric suggests any limit on immigration is a crime against humanity. New Yorkers like Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Gov. Andrew Cuomo foe Cynthia Nixon and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who toppled Rep. Joe Crowley last week, are calling for the abolition of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency.

A similar battle is raging inside the European Union, which is overwhelmed by mostly bogus asylum claims from North African migrants. More than 70 percent of their claims are rejected, according to special envoy of the UN High Commission on Refugees Vincent Cochetel.

But the migrants who are turned down for asylum stay, eluding deportation. They’re straining public schools and government benefits and provoking a backlash against German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government. Last weekend EU leaders tentatively devised a plan to screen asylum seekers in disembarkation centers along the North African coast, before they make their way across the Mediterranean to Europe. President Trump is proposing something similar to vet asylum applicants on the Mexican side of our southern border, before they enter the US.

In America and Europe, demagogues tell us to have a heart and let everybody in. But the public understands that immigration affects public schools, wages, taxes — even cultural identity. That’s why we have immigration laws.

The aspiring Americans who obey those laws and wait their turn deserve our respect. Allowing other immigrants to jump in front of them using flimsy asylum claims is a slap in the face.
Per the UNHCR, asylum seekers must apply in the first safe country they enter. These caravan migrants are bypassing the UNHCR center just inside Mexico's southern border & rejecting Mexico's generous offer of asylum, work permits, public education & other support services.

It's a combination of the loopholes re. asylum in our immigration laws + court mandated catch & release, caused by the time required to litigate each applicant & then deport them after they've been released within the US.
Last edited by old salt on Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by HooDat »

is it wrong that every time I read the header for this thread, I just want to jump on and reply:

"Me. It's me."
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by foreverlax »

Agree 100%...something easily defined, easily determined and easily remedied.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by old salt »

Interesting BBC report from a large migrant aid center, set up in the parking lot of a stadium outside Mexico City.

Aid tents dispensing food, medical treatment & legal advice by bilingual lawyers on US asylum request procedures,
"in preparation for the final push north". I wonder who's paying for all that.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by runrussellrun »

Where will they work? Who is hiring? Don't the pretends care about the most important issue, jobs? Who will pay for their healthcare, if they seasonal jobs working the chairlift at Vail ski area?
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote:Interesting BBC report from a large migrant aid center, set up in the parking lot of a stadium outside Mexico City.

Aid tents dispensing food, medical treatment & legal advice by bilingual lawyers on US asylum request procedures,
"in preparation for the final push north". I wonder who's paying for all that.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by youthathletics »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
old salt wrote:Interesting BBC report from a large migrant aid center, set up in the parking lot of a stadium outside Mexico City.

Aid tents dispensing food, medical treatment & legal advice by bilingual lawyers on US asylum request procedures,
"in preparation for the final push north". I wonder who's paying for all that.
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros.
The new Netflix investors....probably gonna make a mini-series on it as well, then write off the investment.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by foreverlax »

Pentagon spokesman, Lt. Col. Jamie Davis told CNN, "we are not calling it 'Operation Faithful Patriot,' we are calling it 'border support.'"

Davis said he could not provide a reason why the change had been made.
NOOOO! This is an invasion!! We need to have an OPERATION!! WITH A FANCY NAME.

Mattis looks like a clown for supporting this B.S. Evidently they do use political stunts!!
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by Trinity »

Operation Moonwalk.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by HooDat »

now that the election is in the rear view mirror, who wants to place odds on this whole thing magically fading away......
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by dislaxxic »

HooDat wrote:now that the election is in the rear view mirror, who wants to place odds on this whole thing magically fading away......
Quite correct, i believe...the issue served Don's purpose.

Maybe Cradle will have the good sense to re-name the thread what it SHOULD be called: "Bi-Partisan Immigration Reform - Who's IN?"

Last edited by dislaxxic on Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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