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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:06 pm
by Brooklyn
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:58 pm

I disagree. What our POTUS does with his megaphone impacts lives.

That's relevant to the thread.

Not that this particular tweet wouldn't also find a home at Orange Duce, but that thread doesn't have anything specific to COVID-19.
Venn diagram.

this reply is more deserving of that +1000

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:18 pm
by jhu72
old salt wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:29 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:18 pm I think Fauci is setting Orange Duce up. He is now talking about how we have to be prepared for a recurrence in the fall. Some research does indicate that CV (all flavors) is sensitive to hot humid weather. COVID-19 similarly. I don't think Fauci believes the evidence supports total disappearance under such conditions, only a lessening. He knows that we aren't going to have established enough herd immunity that this supposed seasonal effect will mean it is going to magically disappear (as Trump thinks). By making this statement, he is saying something Trump wants to hear (Trump thinks he is right). Fauci knows we will likely have a second wave starting late summer, early fall. This is just a means to get Trump to understand it ain't over when infections lessen when we come out of "lockdown" in early summer.

Yes sir Mr. President, you sure are smart. It's seasonal. We will just have to "lockdown" again.

Laying the ground work.
That also has the advantage of being a solid strategy.

Fauci & Birx are going to let the data drive the strategy.

Exactly. It makes another "lockdown" a lot more palatable.

1031 at 11PM EDT.

United States in Crisis

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:19 pm
by DocBarrister
Trump, our so-called wartime president, is losing the war against coronavirus badly.

68,203 total cases

13,347 new cases just today

1,027 total deaths

247 new deaths just today (first day with 200+ deaths)

The United States may surpass China in total cases tomorrow.

Trump and Pence need to get their act together, or they should both resign and let someone competent like Speaker Pelosi take over the war.

DocBarrister :|

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:44 pm
by jhu72
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia canceled Easter Sunday Services. Someone with a brain. Did Orange Duce give them permission?? Some Trumpnista congregations will decide his ass holiness knows best and they will go ahead and hold services.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:10 am
The Trouble with the Corona Virus and Reliable Statistics:

Making decisions with bad data. ... able-data/

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:48 am
by calourie
Dated article Kra. There is enough good data being accumulated out there on the cases being identified and the deaths accruing to make some intelligent assumptions about the extent and timing of this scourge without knowing what the death rate might end up being if everyone were to be tested.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:41 am
by jhu72
We have good data, deaths/capita and it's rate of growth. There is no confusion as to the size of the population. Death from the disease, may have a little mixing with other causes (like traditional flu), but there is enough clinical distinction that the experienced clinicians aren't making significant errors all across the country or world. This is the best kind of data and we are paying a high price for it. We won't know the totals for how much of the population was infected until we test the entire population for antibodies.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:12 am
by jhu72
3/25/2020 per capita numbers (past 24 hrs from roughly 7:30 3/24/20 pm to 7:30 pm 3/25/20)

Easily the worst day yet in the US

US Cases per Capita --> 19.8 per 100,000
US Deaths per Capita --> 2.9 per million

States with highest per capita infection (per 100,000)
Note format change to (Infection/100,000 ; rate of change) (Deaths/million; rate of change)

New York (158.5; 20%) (14.7; 36%)
New Jersey (44,6; 20%) (7.0; 41%)
Louisiana (38.6; 29%) (14.0; 41%)
Washington (32.5; 6%) (16.4; 8%)
Massachusetts (26.7; 59%) (2.2; 36%)
District of Columbia (26.5; 33%) (2.8; 0%)
Connecticut (24.5; 42%) (5.3; 58%)
Michigan (23.0; 28%) (4.3; 79%)
Vermont (20.0; 32%) (12.8; 14%)
Colorado (15.8; 26%) (1.9; 38%)
Illinois (14.7; 21%) (1.3; 0%)
Tennessee (13.4; 26%) (2.2; 50%)
Mississippi (12.7; 18%) (1.0; 200%)
Rhode Island (12.5; 6%) (0.0; 0%)
Delaware (12.2; 14%) (0.0; 0%)
Georgia (11.7; 22%) (3.8; 25%)
Wisconsin (10.7; 29%) (1.2; 40%)
Utah (10.6; 14%) (.3; 0%)
Maine (10.6; 20%) (0.0; 0%)
Nevada (10.5; 16%) (1.9; 50%)

US deaths in the last 24 hours is 32% greater than the deaths for the previous 24 hours
US new cases in the last 24 hours is 22% greater than the new cases in the previous 24 hours

Four new state have joined the club, recording their first death in the past 24 hours

North Carolina
New Mexico

-- National death rate growth is once again outstripping the infection rate growth (3 of the last 4 reports)
-- Washington State is definitely slowing down, but it hasn’t turned yet.
-- 5 new states join the list of states with greater than 10 infections per 100,000.
-- New England continues to bloom.
-- The upper Midwest continues to bloom.
-- Only 4 states have double digit deaths per million. Washington 16.4; New York 14.7; Louisiana 14.0 and Vermont 12.8

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:17 am
by Trinity
Obama left Trump a pandemic plan to follow. But the plan was hidden where Trump could never find it. In a book. ... cil-149285

G-7 failed to agree on statement after U.S. insisted on calling coronavirus outbreak "Wuhan virus" It’s all about the branding, shifting blame. ... story.html

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:11 am
by ... oronavirus
PR Disaster: President Xi Forgets To Remove 'Made In China' Tags From Coronavirus
March 25th, 2020

BEIJING—In a PR disaster for the Communist government of China, President Xi Jinping suddenly realized he forgot to take off the "Made in China" tags from all copies of the coronavirus his government shipped all over the world.

"Oh, shoot, I knew I forgot something," the totalitarian Communist president muttered as his scientists examined COVID-19 viruses under microscopes and realized every copy of the virus had the telltale tag attached. "All this time I've been trying to blame America for this thing and the evidence was right there."

"How embarrassing!" Luckily for the Communists, the American media immediately began calling anyone who pointed out the tags' existence a racist, buying the CCP some time to deal with the PR fiasco.

The CCP has issued a recall on the virus, asking everyone with copies of the novel Wuhan coronavirus to ship them back to mainland China so the tags can be replaced with new ones reading "Made by Evil Pig-Dog President Trump."

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:26 am
by Peter Brown wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:11 am ... oronavirus
PR Disaster: President Xi Forgets To Remove 'Made In China' Tags From Coronavirus
March 25th, 2020

BEIJING—In a PR disaster for the Communist government of China, President Xi Jinping suddenly realized he forgot to take off the "Made in China" tags from all copies of the coronavirus his government shipped all over the world.

"Oh, shoot, I knew I forgot something," the totalitarian Communist president muttered as his scientists examined COVID-19 viruses under microscopes and realized every copy of the virus had the telltale tag attached. "All this time I've been trying to blame America for this thing and the evidence was right there."

"How embarrassing!" Luckily for the Communists, the American media immediately began calling anyone who pointed out the tags' existence a racist, buying the CCP some time to deal with the PR fiasco.

The CCP has issued a recall on the virus, asking everyone with copies of the novel Wuhan coronavirus to ship them back to mainland China so the tags can be replaced with new ones reading "Made by Evil Pig-Dog President Trump."

:lol: That is funny, and as a gentle reminder, it's good to laugh even in the most difficult times.

Btw, Coronavirus has leveled up TDS to Ultra Hyper TDS Alpha. I see above this post that the following characters have utilized this board not to post any relevant information but instead to exercise their TDS for the day: JHU72 (4x), Brooklyn, Trinity, and DocBarrister. Must be an interesting way to live every second.

Re: United States in Crisis

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:33 am
by 6ftstick
DocBarrister wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:19 pm Trump, our so-called wartime president, is losing the war against coronavirus badly.

68,203 total cases

13,347 new cases just today

1,027 total deaths

247 new deaths just today (first day with 200+ deaths)

The United States may surpass China in total cases tomorrow.

Trump and Pence need to get their act together, or they should both resign and let someone competent like Speaker Pelosi take over the war.

DocBarrister :|
Pelosi. She's more interested in carbon footprints and diversity on Corporate boards than in fighting the disease.

Its a good thing you weren't on Eisenhowers staff before D-Day—where the estimates suggested 40% casualties. You'd be telling him what's a few more years of Nazis. Its too scary to go. Thank God for leadership.

I prefer to listen to Dr Birx who lectured "the sky is falling" types to calm down,

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:34 am
by Matnum PI
Trinity wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:17 am Obama left Trump a pandemic plan to follow. But the plan was hidden where Trump could never find it. In a book. ... cil-149285
The transition was awful. The Trump administrations attitude was basically, Don't bother, get out. That this good work was ignored is far from a surprise.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:37 am
by RedFromMI
Trinity wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:17 am Obama left Trump a pandemic plan to follow. But the plan was hidden where Trump could never find it. In a book. ... cil-149285

G-7 failed to agree on statement after U.S. insisted on calling coronavirus outbreak "Wuhan virus" It’s all about the branding, shifting blame. ... story.html
The pandemic plan has been uploaded:

You too can read it. Designed to be EASY to use, and actually has really useful stuff. Decisions that need to be made in a pandemic.

So when the admin says no one could have foreseen - they had a document that foresaw all sorts of possibilities!

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:43 am
by 6ftstick
Matnum PI wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:34 am
Trinity wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:17 am Obama left Trump a pandemic plan to follow. But the plan was hidden where Trump could never find it. In a book. ... cil-149285
The transition was awful. The Trump administrations attitude was basically, Don't bother, get out. That this good work was ignored is far from a surprise.
Once again note s\a single attribution. Nobody on the record as to the truth of the administrations response.

Buried deep in the article

a “Crimson Contagion” scenario that health officials undertook just last year

That doesn't sound like anything was ignored.

Re: United States in Crisis

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:45 am
by Peter Brown
6ftstick wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:33 am
DocBarrister wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:19 pm Trump, our so-called wartime president, is losing the war against coronavirus badly.

68,203 total cases

13,347 new cases just today

1,027 total deaths

247 new deaths just today (first day with 200+ deaths)

The United States may surpass China in total cases tomorrow.

Trump and Pence need to get their act together, or they should both resign and let someone competent like Speaker Pelosi take over the war.

DocBarrister :|
Pelosi. She's more interested in carbon footprints and diversity on Corporate boards than in fighting the disease.

Its a good thing you weren't on Eisenhowers staff before D-Day—where the estimates suggested 40% casualties. You'd be telling him what's a few more years of Nazis. Its too scary to go. Thank God for leadership.

I prefer to listen to Dr Birx who lectured "the sky is falling" types to calm down,

The funny thing is, I don't think Nancy cares one fig about carbon footprints (she took a government G-450 back to DC from SF on Saturday, with one staffer onboard) nor Corporate Board diversity (her husband - and her net worth - is a control shareholder in many companies; I'd be willing to bet my entire net worth the boards of the companies that his firm controls does not select board members according to sex or race). She did this to pander to voting blocs.

She should be held accountable but one thing you should have learned these past few years is the Democrat voting bloc is easily swayed by optics.

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:49 am
by RedFromMI
6ftstick wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:43 am
Matnum PI wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:34 am
Trinity wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:17 am Obama left Trump a pandemic plan to follow. But the plan was hidden where Trump could never find it. In a book. ... cil-149285
The transition was awful. The Trump administrations attitude was basically, Don't bother, get out. That this good work was ignored is far from a surprise.
Once again note s\a single attribution. Nobody on the record as to the truth of the administrations response.

Buried deep in the article

a “Crimson Contagion” scenario that health officials undertook just last year

That doesn't sound like anything was ignored.
The upper administration did - because their response did not follow much of anything in the playbook. The result of the simulation from last fall was buried. And ignored.

We have their response - the lack of action, lack of coordination, lack of concern. In other words - what they did, not what they said.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:06 am
by tech37
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:26 am wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:11 am ... oronavirus
PR Disaster: President Xi Forgets To Remove 'Made In China' Tags From Coronavirus
March 25th, 2020

BEIJING—In a PR disaster for the Communist government of China, President Xi Jinping suddenly realized he forgot to take off the "Made in China" tags from all copies of the coronavirus his government shipped all over the world.

"Oh, shoot, I knew I forgot something," the totalitarian Communist president muttered as his scientists examined COVID-19 viruses under microscopes and realized every copy of the virus had the telltale tag attached. "All this time I've been trying to blame America for this thing and the evidence was right there."

"How embarrassing!" Luckily for the Communists, the American media immediately began calling anyone who pointed out the tags' existence a racist, buying the CCP some time to deal with the PR fiasco.

The CCP has issued a recall on the virus, asking everyone with copies of the novel Wuhan coronavirus to ship them back to mainland China so the tags can be replaced with new ones reading "Made by Evil Pig-Dog President Trump."

:lol: That is funny, and as a gentle reminder, it's good to laugh even in the most difficult times.

Btw, Coronavirus has leveled up TDS to Ultra Hyper TDS Alpha. I see above this post that the following characters have utilized this board not to post any relevant information but instead to exercise their TDS for the day: JHU72 (4x), Brooklyn, Trinity, and DocBarrister. Must be an interesting way to live every second.
So true! And you've certainly forgotten to mention others PB...

I've been calling BS/nonsense on these characters for years now whose hate for the POTUS rules their very existence... no objectivity, no logic, and their instincts suck, despite being considered intelligent people.

That makes me a "Trumpist" I guess :roll:

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:10 am
by MDlaxfan76
tech37 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:06 am
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:26 am wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:11 am ... oronavirus
PR Disaster: President Xi Forgets To Remove 'Made In China' Tags From Coronavirus
March 25th, 2020

BEIJING—In a PR disaster for the Communist government of China, President Xi Jinping suddenly realized he forgot to take off the "Made in China" tags from all copies of the coronavirus his government shipped all over the world.

"Oh, shoot, I knew I forgot something," the totalitarian Communist president muttered as his scientists examined COVID-19 viruses under microscopes and realized every copy of the virus had the telltale tag attached. "All this time I've been trying to blame America for this thing and the evidence was right there."

"How embarrassing!" Luckily for the Communists, the American media immediately began calling anyone who pointed out the tags' existence a racist, buying the CCP some time to deal with the PR fiasco.

The CCP has issued a recall on the virus, asking everyone with copies of the novel Wuhan coronavirus to ship them back to mainland China so the tags can be replaced with new ones reading "Made by Evil Pig-Dog President Trump."

:lol: That is funny, and as a gentle reminder, it's good to laugh even in the most difficult times.

Btw, Coronavirus has leveled up TDS to Ultra Hyper TDS Alpha. I see above this post that the following characters have utilized this board not to post any relevant information but instead to exercise their TDS for the day: JHU72 (4x), Brooklyn, Trinity, and DocBarrister. Must be an interesting way to live every second.
So true! And you've certainly forgotten to mention others PB...

I've been calling BS/nonsense on these characters for years now whose hate for the POTUS rules their very existence... no objectivity, no logic, and their instincts suck, despite being considered intelligent people.

That makes me a "Trumpist" I guess :roll:
ya think?

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:13 am
by tech37
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:10 am
tech37 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:06 am
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:26 am wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:11 am ... oronavirus
PR Disaster: President Xi Forgets To Remove 'Made In China' Tags From Coronavirus
March 25th, 2020

BEIJING—In a PR disaster for the Communist government of China, President Xi Jinping suddenly realized he forgot to take off the "Made in China" tags from all copies of the coronavirus his government shipped all over the world.

"Oh, shoot, I knew I forgot something," the totalitarian Communist president muttered as his scientists examined COVID-19 viruses under microscopes and realized every copy of the virus had the telltale tag attached. "All this time I've been trying to blame America for this thing and the evidence was right there."

"How embarrassing!" Luckily for the Communists, the American media immediately began calling anyone who pointed out the tags' existence a racist, buying the CCP some time to deal with the PR fiasco.

The CCP has issued a recall on the virus, asking everyone with copies of the novel Wuhan coronavirus to ship them back to mainland China so the tags can be replaced with new ones reading "Made by Evil Pig-Dog President Trump."

:lol: That is funny, and as a gentle reminder, it's good to laugh even in the most difficult times.

Btw, Coronavirus has leveled up TDS to Ultra Hyper TDS Alpha. I see above this post that the following characters have utilized this board not to post any relevant information but instead to exercise their TDS for the day: JHU72 (4x), Brooklyn, Trinity, and DocBarrister. Must be an interesting way to live every second.
So true! And you've certainly forgotten to mention others PB...

I've been calling BS/nonsense on these characters for years now whose hate for the POTUS rules their very existence... no objectivity, no logic, and their instincts suck, despite being considered intelligent people.

That makes me a "Trumpist" I guess :roll:
ya think?
Right on cue :lol: :lol: :lol: