Athletes Unlimited 2022

D1 Womens Lacrosse
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by Sunnylax »

njbill wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:12 pm Wow, did Taylor learn how to defend North in practice this year. At least based on today’s game, I would say she’s done a better job than even Trenchard.
That’s quite a statement. Don’t agree with that one!
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by njbill »

Haha. Well as I said in a subsequent post after North scored two goals in quick succession, maybe I had jinxed her. Up to that point, Taylor was doing a bang up job.
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by Sunnylax »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:18 pm
DMac wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:07 pm German Shepherd Dog.
Down a couple, Apuzzo scores, then wins the draw, then wins it again and is relentlessly chasing down players.
She plays with an incredible intensity, GSD like. You really don't want to be up one or two with a few minutes
left v Apuzzo, she's coming after you at that point. Didn't catch up and get the W yesterday but I still wouldn't
bet against her at that point in a game.
Gotcha. She’s the best.
Apuzzo is the best offensive player on the field. I love the way she plays!
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by DMac »

Final week, final draft, Teams Apuzzo, Moreno, Johansen, and Glynn again.
Don't know who has first pick, but who is chosen first? Week one it was North,
weeks two and three it was Mastroianni, my money is on her again.

The great North debate. Will say once again that I figure it's unanimously agreed
upon that she is a force to be reckoned with and a threat to score nearly every
time she has the ball. She's a hurricane coming at you with shot velocity the likes
of which had never been seen, by me anyway, in the college game and I don't think
there's anyone who shoots the ball harder in this league either. Her threat reaches
much further than just velocity though, we all know she has quickness, ankle breaking
moves, vicious determination, stick handling ability that is second to none, and a
variety of shots (she's become somewhat predictable with those though) that makes
her the threat she is. All of that said, will say again, the way I see it that force and
velocity comes at a price which I believe was on full display early on in her last game
(I caught the early part and last few minutes of that game). njb would call it eating up
a lot of seconds on the shot clock, I would call it choking the offense. She's determined/
hell bent on getting to the cage to a fault often times, IMO, and ultimately this is going
to hurt your team, it takes too many players out of the game for way too many seconds
of a possession. If and when they do get involved everything is too rushed as that clock
now becomes an additional defender you're trying to beat and every tick makes for a
higher risk and somewhat panicky style of play which ultimately, far more often than not,
isn't going to work and the ball is going to go the other way. I think all of the recognition
she gets is fully warranted but the goo-goo goggling and the great one/greatest one hype
is just way over the top (not at all her fault), I sure see other players who I would choose
before North were I choosing teams but that's not to say she'd be too far down my list either.
She's a good one for sure.
I don't like this one champion thing but it is what it is. This is the last chance for players to
move up on the leader's board which would weigh heavy on my mind when choosing players
too, methinks Charolette is going to be doing some real choking of the O this week in order
to move up on that board. JMHO.
My two cents....well maybe nickel's, even dime's....worth which no one really gives a schidt
about, I know.
Last edited by DMac on Mon Aug 08, 2022 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by Sunnylax »

DMac wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:55 am Final week, final draft, Teams Apuzzo, Moreno, Johansen, and Glynn again.
Don't know who has first pick, but who is chosen first? Week one it was North,
weeks two and three it was Mastroianni, my money is on her again.

The great North debate. Will say once again that I figure it's unanimously agreed
upon that she is a force to be reckoned with and a threat to score nearly every
time she has the ball. She's a hurricane coming at you with shot velocity the likes
of which had never been seen, by me anyway, in the college game and I don't think
there's anyone who shoots the ball harder in this league either. Her threat reaches
much further than just velocity though, we all know she has quickness, ankle breaking
moves, vicious determination, stick handling ability that is second to none, and a
variety of shots (she's become somewhat predictable with those though) that makes
her the threat she is. All of that said, will say again, the way I see it that force and
velocity comes at a price which I believe was on full display early on in her last game
(I caught the early part and last few minutes of that game). njb would call it eating up
a lot of seconds on the shot clock, I would call it choking the offense. She's determined/
hell bent on getting to the cage to a fault often times, IMO, and ultimately this is going
to hurt your team, it takes too many players out of the game for way too many seconds
of a possession. If and when they do get involved everything is too rushed as that clock
now becomes an additional defender you're trying to beat and every tick makes for a
higher risk and somewhat panicky style of play which ultimately, far more often than not,
isn't going to work and the ball is going to go the other way. I think all of the recognition
she gets is fully warranted but the goo-goo goggling and the great one/greatest one hype
is just way over the top (not at all her fault), I sure see other players who I would choose
before North were I choosing teams but that's not to say she'd be too far down my list either.
She's a good one for sure.
My two cents....well maybe nickle's, even dime's....worth which no one really gives a schidt
about, I know.
Agree! Nicely stated.
Can Opener
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by Can Opener »

njbill wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 3:36 pm Lax247, I watched the same game you did. North had an up-and-down game. She did some good things. She did some bad things. The best thing she did was score the game-winning goal in overtime. That’s a real good thing. On balance, I think she had a decent game, but not a great game.

Kent had a great game. You say to the winner go the spoils. Well Kent was one of the winners today so she shares in the spoils as does North.

North takes too many shots. She isn’t the only one in the league with a bad shooting percentage, but she is one of them. She took way too many shots and had a horrible shooting percentage in the gold medal game in the World Cup. That was absolutely inexcusable given the importance of that game. She came up small in the most important game in the sport in five years. She came up big at the end of an essentially meaningless exhibition game today. Big whoop.

She holds the ball way too much and too long in a game with a 60 second shot clock. Look at how long she holds the ball compared to other players in the league. Her team uses some number of seconds, maybe upwards of 10, to get the ball into the offensive end. Pass the ball around a little bit, maybe consume another five or 10 seconds, then the ball goes to North who holds it for 15-20 seconds or so while she dodges back-and-forth trying to probe for an opening. If she finds one, shoots, and scores, that’s great. She’s helped her team. If she spends all that time, shoots, and the shot is saved, that’s effectively a turnover. If she shoots wide of the net and the other team backs it up, that’s a turnover. If she shoots wide of the net and her team backs it up, invariably there is little time left on the shot clock, and her team has to rush a shot.

Having said all that, she is a good scorer. She has a very hard shot which she uses to beat goalies. Often times the same shot would be saved if it had less speed. She also can be accurate, which sounds counterintuitive since she misses the net so often. But I think it is a fair comment on her play. And she varies her shot location perhaps better than anybody in the game today. Plus she has improved her feeding this year. It is still not where it should be, but it is better. Lastly, her redefend at least has a pulse now.

Her game is hurt by the fact that this league has no shooting space or three seconds rule. She doesn’t get to the 8 m line like she did in college where it was her bread and butter. I already mentioned how the shot clock hurts her. Also, defenders can rough her up more than they could in college. That impacts her ability to score, as it does all offensive players in this league.

Over the past couple of years, it has become obvious how to play her. You simply have to run a double team at her, and she usually gives up the ball. I frankly don’t think teams have defended her very well in this league. While Trenchard does a good job on her, at times she needs help, as she did on the last play of the game.
I’m back. You’re welcome. 8-)

I have not followed this league as closely as you have, but I have watched enough games to know that it is not accurate to say “then the ball goes to North who holds it for 15-20 seconds or so while she dodges back-and-forth trying to probe for an opening.” That is not a fair or accurate representation of her work. I took the time to go through Sunday’s game in detail, which I selected because it was admittedly not one of her best. (I couldn’t find Saturday’s game on ESPN.) You may be surprised to know that her touches worked out as follows:
* 34 touches
* 22 passes
* 9 shots (3 goals)
* 3 turnovers
She had 6 possessions of her 34 (18%) that exceeded 10 seconds. Those 6 possessions were of the following length in seconds: 15, 16, 11, 13, 11 & 16. Her average possession was 5.9 seconds and her average possession other than the 6 cited above was 4.2 seconds.

While we are correcting the record, it is also not accurate to say: “North's shot is relatively slowly developing with the crow hops and big windups.” Other than on a FPS, the very large majority of her shots do not involve crow hops. Happy to be educated otherwise if you can point me to video clips of her crow hops.

BTW, North currently leads the league in traditional points with 23 goals and 10 assists. She is second in the league in goals behind Gilbert who has 24 goals – although that excellent player has only 1 assist and no 2-pointers. North is third in the league in assists. She also leads the league with 5 2-point goals. Her shooting percentage is on par with the best offensive players in the league at 37%. If you factor in the effect of 2-pointers, which produced 28 “goals” (23 regular points + 5 extra points), her shooting percentage jumps to 45% which I am 90% certain is the best in the league if you apply the same math to others. Again, happy to be corrected if I am missing something.
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by Bart »

Can Opener wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:43 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 3:36 pm Lax247, I watched the same game you did. North had an up-and-down game. She did some good things. She did some bad things. The best thing she did was score the game-winning goal in overtime. That’s a real good thing. On balance, I think she had a decent game, but not a great game.

Kent had a great game. You say to the winner go the spoils. Well Kent was one of the winners today so she shares in the spoils as does North.

North takes too many shots. She isn’t the only one in the league with a bad shooting percentage, but she is one of them. She took way too many shots and had a horrible shooting percentage in the gold medal game in the World Cup. That was absolutely inexcusable given the importance of that game. She came up small in the most important game in the sport in five years. She came up big at the end of an essentially meaningless exhibition game today. Big whoop.

She holds the ball way too much and too long in a game with a 60 second shot clock. Look at how long she holds the ball compared to other players in the league. Her team uses some number of seconds, maybe upwards of 10, to get the ball into the offensive end. Pass the ball around a little bit, maybe consume another five or 10 seconds, then the ball goes to North who holds it for 15-20 seconds or so while she dodges back-and-forth trying to probe for an opening. If she finds one, shoots, and scores, that’s great. She’s helped her team. If she spends all that time, shoots, and the shot is saved, that’s effectively a turnover. If she shoots wide of the net and the other team backs it up, that’s a turnover. If she shoots wide of the net and her team backs it up, invariably there is little time left on the shot clock, and her team has to rush a shot.

Having said all that, she is a good scorer. She has a very hard shot which she uses to beat goalies. Often times the same shot would be saved if it had less speed. She also can be accurate, which sounds counterintuitive since she misses the net so often. But I think it is a fair comment on her play. And she varies her shot location perhaps better than anybody in the game today. Plus she has improved her feeding this year. It is still not where it should be, but it is better. Lastly, her redefend at least has a pulse now.

Her game is hurt by the fact that this league has no shooting space or three seconds rule. She doesn’t get to the 8 m line like she did in college where it was her bread and butter. I already mentioned how the shot clock hurts her. Also, defenders can rough her up more than they could in college. That impacts her ability to score, as it does all offensive players in this league.

Over the past couple of years, it has become obvious how to play her. You simply have to run a double team at her, and she usually gives up the ball. I frankly don’t think teams have defended her very well in this league. While Trenchard does a good job on her, at times she needs help, as she did on the last play of the game.
I’m back. You’re welcome. 8-)

I have not followed this league as closely as you have, but I have watched enough games to know that it is not accurate to say “then the ball goes to North who holds it for 15-20 seconds or so while she dodges back-and-forth trying to probe for an opening.” That is not a fair or accurate representation of her work. I took the time to go through Sunday’s game in detail, which I selected because it was admittedly not one of her best. (I couldn’t find Saturday’s game on ESPN.) You may be surprised to know that her touches worked out as follows:
* 34 touches
* 22 passes
* 9 shots (3 goals)
* 3 turnovers
She had 6 possessions of her 34 (18%) that exceeded 10 seconds. Those 6 possessions were of the following length in seconds: 15, 16, 11, 13, 11 & 16. Her average possession was 5.9 seconds and her average possession other than the 6 cited above was 4.2 seconds.

Huh? Not all touches are created equal imo. Getting the ball around and settling the offense leads to shorter touches and hence would bring the overall time/touch down. The question is what happens to the ball when the offense is initiated? What happened during the extended touches? What were the off players doing and how were they interacting. What are the results of these extended length touches? Goals? Turnovers? Missed shots? Open cutters missed? How do these extended touches effect the entire team play? It is not a simple average.

IMO, she has not held the ball nearly as much as she had at BC but there are a heck of a lot more really really good players out there and she needs not carry the load. She seems to be seeing the field better and if that part of her game matures to the next level look out. I do not know what her BC coach preached to her regarding scoring and what not but what I see this summer is a player who is maturing into a more complete and complimentary attacker rather than a pure scorer(which she was/is really good at).

While we are correcting the record, it is also not accurate to say: “North's shot is relatively slowly developing with the crow hops and big windups.” Other than on a FPS, the very large majority of her shots do not involve crow hops. Happy to be educated otherwise if you can point me to video clips of her crow hops.

BTW, North currently leads the league in traditional points with 23 goals and 10 assists. She is second in the league in goals behind Gilbert who has 24 goals – although that excellent player has only 1 assist and no 2-pointers. North is third in the league in assists. She also leads the league with 5 2-point goals. Her shooting percentage is on par with the best offensive players in the league at 37%. If you factor in the effect of 2-pointers, which produced 28 “goals” (23 regular points + 5 extra points), her shooting percentage jumps to 45% which I am 90% certain is the best in the league if you apply the same math to others. Again, happy to be corrected if I am missing something.

This is kind of silly. Shooting percentage is shooting percentage. From inside or outside the 2 point arc. It makes little sense to change overall shooting percentage based on a two point shot. If you want to compare 2 point shooting percentage that is one thing but IMO the ball either does in or does not...that is shooting percentage imo.
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by Laxfan500 »

Can Opener wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:43 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 3:36 pm Lax247, I watched the same game you did. North had an up-and-down game. She did some good things. She did some bad things. The best thing she did was score the game-winning goal in overtime. That’s a real good thing. On balance, I think she had a decent game, but not a great game.

Kent had a great game. You say to the winner go the spoils. Well Kent was one of the winners today so she shares in the spoils as does North.

North takes too many shots. She isn’t the only one in the league with a bad shooting percentage, but she is one of them. She took way too many shots and had a horrible shooting percentage in the gold medal game in the World Cup. That was absolutely inexcusable given the importance of that game. She came up small in the most important game in the sport in five years. She came up big at the end of an essentially meaningless exhibition game today. Big whoop.

She holds the ball way too much and too long in a game with a 60 second shot clock. Look at how long she holds the ball compared to other players in the league. Her team uses some number of seconds, maybe upwards of 10, to get the ball into the offensive end. Pass the ball around a little bit, maybe consume another five or 10 seconds, then the ball goes to North who holds it for 15-20 seconds or so while she dodges back-and-forth trying to probe for an opening. If she finds one, shoots, and scores, that’s great. She’s helped her team. If she spends all that time, shoots, and the shot is saved, that’s effectively a turnover. If she shoots wide of the net and the other team backs it up, that’s a turnover. If she shoots wide of the net and her team backs it up, invariably there is little time left on the shot clock, and her team has to rush a shot.

Having said all that, she is a good scorer. She has a very hard shot which she uses to beat goalies. Often times the same shot would be saved if it had less speed. She also can be accurate, which sounds counterintuitive since she misses the net so often. But I think it is a fair comment on her play. And she varies her shot location perhaps better than anybody in the game today. Plus she has improved her feeding this year. It is still not where it should be, but it is better. Lastly, her redefend at least has a pulse now.

Her game is hurt by the fact that this league has no shooting space or three seconds rule. She doesn’t get to the 8 m line like she did in college where it was her bread and butter. I already mentioned how the shot clock hurts her. Also, defenders can rough her up more than they could in college. That impacts her ability to score, as it does all offensive players in this league.

Over the past couple of years, it has become obvious how to play her. You simply have to run a double team at her, and she usually gives up the ball. I frankly don’t think teams have defended her very well in this league. While Trenchard does a good job on her, at times she needs help, as she did on the last play of the game.
I’m back. You’re welcome. 8-)

I have not followed this league as closely as you have, but I have watched enough games to know that it is not accurate to say “then the ball goes to North who holds it for 15-20 seconds or so while she dodges back-and-forth trying to probe for an opening.” That is not a fair or accurate representation of her work. I took the time to go through Sunday’s game in detail, which I selected because it was admittedly not one of her best. (I couldn’t find Saturday’s game on ESPN.) You may be surprised to know that her touches worked out as follows:
* 34 touches
* 22 passes
* 9 shots (3 goals)
* 3 turnovers
She had 6 possessions of her 34 (18%) that exceeded 10 seconds. Those 6 possessions were of the following length in seconds: 15, 16, 11, 13, 11 & 16. Her average possession was 5.9 seconds and her average possession other than the 6 cited above was 4.2 seconds.

While we are correcting the record, it is also not accurate to say: “North's shot is relatively slowly developing with the crow hops and big windups.” Other than on a FPS, the very large majority of her shots do not involve crow hops. Happy to be educated otherwise if you can point me to video clips of her crow hops.

BTW, North currently leads the league in traditional points with 23 goals and 10 assists. She is second in the league in goals behind Gilbert who has 24 goals – although that excellent player has only 1 assist and no 2-pointers. North is third in the league in assists. She also leads the league with 5 2-point goals. Her shooting percentage is on par with the best offensive players in the league at 37%. If you factor in the effect of 2-pointers, which produced 28 “goals” (23 regular points + 5 extra points), her shooting percentage jumps to 45% which I am 90% certain is the best in the league if you apply the same math to others. Again, happy to be corrected if I am missing something.
I think that when you touch the ball as much as she does and takes as many shots you are going to score more than someone who gets the ball 1/2 the time. 37% is not great for North. why would you compare her to others in the league. ? With someone that great....I thinks thats pretty low-average shooting. I think if you go through all her games you will see that she is taking a ton of shots but only completing about 37% of them IDK that seems like nothing great....for the "greatest" as many anoint her. And saves are turnovers which cost her and the team points and possessions.
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Dr. Tact
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by Dr. Tact »

Laxfan500 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:42 pm

I think that when you touch the ball as much as she does and takes as many shots you are going to score more than someone who gets the ball 1/2 the time. 37% is not great for North. why would you compare her to others in the league. ? With someone that great....I thinks thats pretty low-average shooting. I think if you go through all her games you will see that she is taking a ton of shots but only completing about 37% of them IDK that seems like nothing great....for the "greatest" as many anoint her. And saves are turnovers which cost her and the team points and possessions.
0.37 shot percentage is not great. It wouldn't have sniffed the 2022 NCAA top 150 (#150 Belle Smith 0.47). The high point in 2022 NCAA was 66.7%. Yes, the talent on the field is better, but 1 out of 3 +/- shots is pretty low for an Elite player. For reference, Ortega is 55% in AU. North is currently 14th, out of 35 that have scored in AU, for shot percentage.
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by njbill »

Can Opener wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:43 pm I’m back. You’re welcome. 8-)

I have not followed this league as closely as you have, but I have watched enough games to know that it is not accurate to say “then the ball goes to North who holds it for 15-20 seconds or so while she dodges back-and-forth trying to probe for an opening.” That is not a fair or accurate representation of her work. I took the time to go through Sunday’s game in detail, which I selected because it was admittedly not one of her best. (I couldn’t find Saturday’s game on ESPN.) You may be surprised to know that her touches worked out as follows:
* 34 touches
* 22 passes
* 9 shots (3 goals)
* 3 turnovers
She had 6 possessions of her 34 (18%) that exceeded 10 seconds. Those 6 possessions were of the following length in seconds: 15, 16, 11, 13, 11 & 16. Her average possession was 5.9 seconds and her average possession other than the 6 cited above was 4.2 seconds.

While we are correcting the record, it is also not accurate to say: “North's shot is relatively slowly developing with the crow hops and big windups.” Other than on a FPS, the very large majority of her shots do not involve crow hops. Happy to be educated otherwise if you can point me to video clips of her crow hops.

BTW, North currently leads the league in traditional points with 23 goals and 10 assists. She is second in the league in goals behind Gilbert who has 24 goals – although that excellent player has only 1 assist and no 2-pointers. North is third in the league in assists. She also leads the league with 5 2-point goals. Her shooting percentage is on par with the best offensive players in the league at 37%. If you factor in the effect of 2-pointers, which produced 28 “goals” (23 regular points + 5 extra points), her shooting percentage jumps to 45% which I am 90% certain is the best in the league if you apply the same math to others. Again, happy to be corrected if I am missing something.
Another drive-by post from the Can man. Once a month or so, when the moon is full. Now folks see why I had to take out that restraining order against you. :lol: I promise myself not to respond to each and every garbage post, but I give in from time to time, as now.

You seem obsessed with providing the “North can do no wrong” narrative. I’ll even out the picture. Yes, I have leveled some criticisms at North this AU season, but I have said a number of positive things about her which you conveniently ignore. But such is your way.

It’s a good thing you are a salesman and not a lawyer as your arguments are full of holes and have more bluster than Johnny Most. For starters, you are commenting on a different game than I was. I was primarily referring to the Saturday game; you the Sunday game. Apples and oranges. You have included as “possessions” simple touches where she is merely passing the ball around the horn. Those touches are irrelevant to the point I was making. I didn’t say North holds the ball for 15-20 secs every single time she touches it, but by your own “handiwork,” she held the ball for over ten seconds six times. So thanks for proving my point that she holds it way too long.

Plus you failed to compare her to other players, none of whom hold the ball anywhere nearly as long as North does. Of course, I know why you omitted that comparison. It’s because North holds the ball much longer than anyone else does. That may not be an issue with no shot clock, but it is a big issue with a 60 sec clock.

North doesn’t crow hop? She doesn’t have big windups? Huh? No need for videos. I think we can take judicial notice.

Yes, she is near the top in goals and near the top in assists. Not surprising as she possesses the ball more and takes more shots than anyone else. I have commented that her feeding has improved this year, but you make no mention of that because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

I don’t know where you get your info on two point goals. I couldn’t find it. But your argument (which you assert with “90% certainty”) that a 45% shooting percentage would be the highest in the league is 100% wrong as five other players have shooting percentages higher than 45% without even factoring in two point goals.

You also fail to mention that she leads the league in shots and is second in shots missed. Her shooting percentage is poor under any measure. Not the worst in the league, but way down the list and certainly far worse than one would expect from a player some call The Great One.

And of course no mention that North is well down the list in DCs. We used to hear a lot from you about her draw collecting process. What happened? I’ll tell you. She was a good draw collector in college, but pretty pedestrian (at best) once she reached a higher level of competition. She had few, if any, DCs in the World Cup and has hardly any in AU. Why? Because the WC coaches and her AU teammates/coaches believe there are better centers to put on the draw.

I guess I am not surprised at your silence on her WC performance. To steal from Vince Lombardi, the gold medal game wasn’t everything. It was the only thing. It was the ONLY game that mattered in the WC. What did North do? She shot 2 for 9 (.222). Horrible. Treanor also had a bad shooting game, but had two assists. Had the US lost the game (something someone on this board who shall go unnamed said was unfathomable), it would have primarily been on North’s shoulders (secondarily on Treanor’s). North should thank her lucky stars that McCool (3 for 3), Cummings (2 for 2), and Apuzzo (3 second half goals) saved her bacon.

Oh, and all of that time you wasted a few months ago about that exhibition game – you were focusing on the wrong goal. The one I was referring to was when North failed to pass to an open teammate on the doorstep and instead dodged through and around about three defenders. Yes, she scored, but MY TAKE on the post goal celebration is that her teammates were chastising her for failing to make the pass. You, of course, claim that was a LIE. What is it with you Boston Burnouts? Do they not teach vocabulary up there? You don’t know the definition of “lie.” Your twin Beanie Boy doesn’t know the definition of “slander.”

I have said North is a good scorer. Best attacker currently in the game? No. Best in AU. No. Treanor and Apuzzo (AU) are clearly better attackers. I suspect even you would agree with that. North is in the second tier of active attackers with Scane, Gilbert, Ortega, and Ohlmiller; and maybe others depending on your views.

As I said in one of my posts, she gets too much hype for her level of ability. She is a top wlax player, but not the best or even at the tippy top. Indisputably, McCool, Cummings, Treanor, and Apuzzo are better players. I would add Mastroianni and Arsenault to the list, and probably a couple of defenders and a goalie, though some may disagree.

North is not at the Tiger Woods/Michael Jordan level, yet she gets that level of hype. Right now in AU, Apuzzo should be getting the most pub, not North. To the network’s credit, they have appreciably cut down on the North hysteria as the season has progressed.

North has three more games this weekend and then goes dark for an undetermined amount of time -- at least until next summer and maybe a lot longer if AU doesn’t survive. College is the premier showcase for wlax and next year there will be a new kid on the block. Maybe Scane, maybe Belle Smith, maybe someone else. Someone else will be the new big name. Talk will begin with fall ball. North won’t fade away entirely, but she won’t be the “face” of the sport next spring. That’s just the way it is and has always been.
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by njbill »

Bart wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:01 pm IMO, she has not held the ball nearly as much as she had at BC but there are a heck of a lot more really really good players out there and she needs not carry the load. She seems to be seeing the field better and if that part of her game matures to the next level look out. I do not know what her BC coach preached to her regarding scoring and what not but what I see this summer is a player who is maturing into a more complete and complimentary attacker rather than a pure scorer(which she was/is really good at).
Now it is my turn to quibble with you about words. I would delete "nearly." I would also say that the 60 sec vs. 90 sec shot clock materially impacts the amount of time North can hold the ball in AU. Yes, her teammates are better in AU. Also less willing to allow someone younger and newer (a rookie as our Joe says) to dominate the ball.

I don't see that she is seeing the field any differently or really maturing, but if you do, I won't argue. As I have said, her feeding has improved. Maybe that is what you mean by "seeing the field" and "maturing." Yes, look out if she ever learns to, and does, feed when she has opportunities. In the 6x6 world of AU, when she is doubled or tripled, someone -- a very able scorer -- is open. She should be passing almost all the time when that happens instead of eating up clock trying to beat double teams when defenders can sit in shooting space.
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by DMac »

Not liking this, aint seeing no video yet.
I wanna see who goes #1, dammit!!!
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by njbill »

Last draft of the year:

Round 1:

1. Charlotte North
2. Ally Mastroianni (with limitations)
3. Dempsey Arsenault
4. Marie McCool (with limitations)

Round 2:

5. Kenzie Kent
6. Lauren Gilbert
7. Cortney Fortunato
8. Haley Warden

Haven't heard this "with limitations" before. Don't know if that means they are injured and can't go 100% or if they are unavailable for some of the games.
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by njbill »

DMac wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:09 pm Not liking this, aint seeing no video yet.
I wanna see who goes #1, dammit!!!
Don't know how I got it, but I did. Am watching on my phone.
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by DMac »

I'm having no luck.
I see McCool. Arsenault, Mastroianni, and North were all #1 picks on their respective teams but do you know who had first choice and who they picked?
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by Laxfan500 »

DMac wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:21 pm I'm having no luck.
I see McCool. Arsenault, Mastroianni, and North were all #1 picks on their respective teams but do you know who had first choice and who they picked?
yes im curious too. I would def draft mastro over North.....but with limitations" what does that mean? Esp when you are counting on someone to take draw.....that could be an issue...
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by njbill »

Interesting. Jamie Ortega is out this week. They have added Andie Aldave as an injury replacement. Wonder why she wasn’t on the regular AU roster?
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by DMac »

Uh oh, I want Andie on my team!!
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by njbill »

My feed just went dark. Nothing.
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Re: Athletes Unlimited 2022

Post by DMac »

Not even getting any updates on players chosen now.
AU gets an A++ in making this difficult to follow.
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