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Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:30 pm
by Pensky Material
seriously? wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 5:02 pm
Have you ever been at a Brown game when the far sidelines are loaded with students? How about the recent Penn game when what we can all guess were football players lining the railing were calling out "over-rated"to Guadet and the entire team. It is part of the game. F'bombs are unacceptable but before you call out Yale and pretend that the rest of the Ivy fans and players are saints, attend a few more games.
So you're using an example of students chanting over-rated as an example to complain about? Seems pretty tame to me compared to the example another poster gave about heckling an opposing coach directly.

Yale has certainly gotten a reputation the last few years, I recall QK commenting early in the season about their bench during the game.

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:42 pm
by calourie
Mid-Lax wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 5:04 pm
Counselor wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 3:57 pm Yale is not a Final Four calibre team this season ....
Pretty harsh early assessment counselor. Last year after the Bucknell loss or after the ILT trouncing by Cornell, you could have made the same assessment. I think they have a good shot, as do almost two handful of other teams.
The possibility of Yale being a Final Four caliber team was pretty clearly evidenced against Penn State, the reality of being one will depend on the staff and team's ability to continue developing for the remainder of the regular season and beyond. Plenty of capable players and spirit to make such a run, but needless to say very difficult to do against a whole host of equally driven and similarly well stocked peers. Interesting sidelight that Yale's most consistently outstanding player is their FOGO, and the subsequent development of the team dynamic around that reality. I do see both the O and D rounding into form buoyed by the cushion TD's dominance has given them in all but the Penn game. Offensive options abound, but unlike last year with Ben Reeves, there doesn't seem to be an obvious go-to option, a guy with the athleticism to have an advantage over whomever is assigned to cover him. As a result this year's sqaud has had to and will have to rely on the more subtle difference makers of team play and the recognition and exploitation of matchups if they are to be successful as the competition gets stiffer. Likewise on D, the loss of two of the better SSDMs in the country, in addition to putting pressure on some young and untested players to develop their footwork, has created a need for quicker and more effective slides. This is a process which takes time and was aided vastly last year by the veteran presence of Chris Keating, who almost always seemed to be in the right place at the right time. This area too has seen fine advancement, but will need to continue to improve to meet what lies ahead. All in all I like this team's chances to make a decent post season run, but meanwhile one game at a time. Next up: Albany.

As far as the swagger and chirping goes, I'd have to be nearer the fray to assess how one-sided, provoked or not it is. To me hard-fought but sportspersonlike behavior is preferable to taunting and persomally directed insults. The refs do have a say in the matter and I would instruct them to rule in the best interests of the sport, which they seem to have done in the Brown game.

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 10:30 pm
by FannOLax
Counselor wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 3:57 pm ...Yale is not a Final Four calibre team this season ....
Hmmm, well, it is extremely difficult to repeat as national champions, but after winning it all in 2017 Maryland returned to the Final 4 in 2018; as for Yale, well, Penn State has only one loss this season, which just happened to come against Yale.
We'll see.

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:18 pm
by The Orfling
Counselor wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 3:57 pm Yale has had the rep of excessive chirping for years...surprised Shay allows a discredit to the program...Yale is not a Final Four calibre team this season ....
Remember when that year when a Brown player mouthed off so much to the Princeton coach that the coach threw an elbow at him (for which he appropriately lost his job)? When fans of other Ivies complained about the behavior of Brown players, Counselor, you did not call out the Brown HC — you defended the team and dismissed complaints. You may not remember what you posted on LaxPower, but I do, because it’s been so inconsistent: one rule for Brown and Lars T, another rule for the rest of the Ivies.

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:21 pm
by Husky1
Seriously, a couple of points.
1. Gaudet was chirping and gesturing to the Brown bench. I was sitting right behind the Brown team.
I know what I saw. Gaudiest is a phenomenal talent who does things most players can't do BUT he does not honor the game
With his lack of self control.
2. Last year the cheap shot #24, J.J. Ntshaykolo took should have been a game DQ. I was there for that too. Still don't know what the refs were thinking when they let that go lightly. But, it was last year.
3. The officiating was sub par for an Ivy League contest but questionable calls went both ways...I don't imagine either coaching staff was happy with those guys. No way that Brown cam out ahead there.
4. Prep school chirping by Ivy League alums? Cummon man, don't you guys have more important things to do? Save the world, or something ....

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 1:19 am
by calourie
middleAgedBear wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:09 pm Gaudet is a player I'd love, if he were on my side...

Also, why is Gaudet wearing a dog collar? Serious question.
The following article should help explain Gaudet's dog collar: ... eaf3ce148b

IIRC a year or two ago a number of Yale players wore these collars preseason and perhaps even during some games as part of a research study of the collar's effectiveness. I suppose Gaudet remains a fan of the project.

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:52 am
by middleAgedBear
That sounds like a very interesting project calourie. I initially thought it was some type of athletic tape, but then noticed the ends sticking out.

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 12:08 pm
by MDlaxfan76
The discussion about 'chirping' and other unsportsmanlike conduct within the Ivy League is indeed an interesting one, though certainly not an exclusively Yale issue. Not by a long shot!

But, yes, the Yale lacrosse team has had a reputation with this issue for some time, well preceding its recent success at the national level.

There's a huge amount to like about the program that Shay has built, but sportsmanship has not been, pretty darn apparently, a priority. Which means it's an opportunity for improvement, as I agree, there are other aspects of the culture which are quite good.

Anyone who thinks otherwise, I'd suggest is either not well informed or is in willful denial.
Calling it 'swagger' (I'm not referring to any specific posters) is to miss the endemic lack of sportsmanship. Swagger's not a valid excuse.

Here's my view as a former Ivy player and colored a bit by my son's perspective, which he shared with me after his recent Ivy college career:

There's lots of chatter on the field, back and forth, as guys battle both physically and emotionally to gain an edge. My son and I were both goalies and the frequent target of such chatter. Instead of letting it bother us, we gave it back and we used the intensity as motivation. I think my son handled it even more intensely than did I. He liked it, loved playing when the intensity was highest. I remember feeling the same way.

But it was between players. Not for the audience. And we left it on the field. There was mutual respect post-game. Grace in both victory and defeat. The guys who didn't handle it that way, others knew and disliked.

Anyone who took a cheap shot to truly hurt someone, and was not immediately sorry, shunned. I'm not talking about a whack to the elbow or back of the leg, I'm talking about big hits of defenseless players. This was not as big a deal in my day as we didn't really understand brain injury risks, but there's a reason why a great player Franz Wittlesberger (Hopkins) has had difficulty getting into the Hall of Fame; interestingly I hear that Rodney Rullman (UVA goalie Franz put out of a game) has written a letter of support for act of sportsmanship and grace IMO.

Chirping to a sideline or at a coach, definitely not ok. But between players, all part of the game.

As to fans, sounds like we all agree that the expletives reflect very poorly on those hurling them, especially when they can be heard by 'kids and grandmas'. It doesn't matter whether these are students or some jerk dads, it reflects poorly upon them...and the team/school they support. It's incumbent upon their fellow fans who support that team to tell them to knock it off, and if that's not working, for the AD to step in. If they don't, they're providing tacit support for the behavior.

It's an especially poor reflection on a program when recent team alumni participate in ugly taunting. They are not just any alumni, they represent that specific program. The head coach needs to have been clear before they graduated as to what was appropriate, and post graduation he still should have an influence.

But, again, from a players' perspective, the taunts should be turned to motivation by those who are the targets. Not to lose one's cool, but to sharpen one's intensity and focus.

Back to playing ball...

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:09 pm
by baylax72
Well said, MD. Although I wouldn't say that chirping in a goalie's face for 5 seconds after you score a goal is appropriate on the field chirping, which made me want to turn the Yale game off on Saturday. Act like you've done it before.

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 1:52 pm
by MDlaxfan76
baylax72 wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:09 pm Well said, MD. Although I wouldn't say that chirping in a goalie's face for 5 seconds after you score a goal is appropriate on the field chirping, which made me want to turn the Yale game off on Saturday. Act like you've done it before.
Oh, I quite agree.
Really anything the fans see is probably well beyond appropriate.

I'm just saying that there's lots of give and take on the field and the players who embrace the intensity won't get shaken up by it.

Goalies are always going to hear a bunch of lip; comes with the turf. I used to challenge shooters to shoot and would thank them afterwards when they were dumb enough to crank a shot I could see coming from a mile off. I'd be talking to my defenders, exhorting them to 'eat up' their guy, knowing full well their guy could hear me tell him that. Of course, I knew darn well they'd be celebrating when they stuck a ball past me. That was a given. But if they did, I'd just turn and say 'nice shot' or some such compliment...I think that actually got to them more than any smack talk!

In general, rubbing something in the face of an opponent is not cool. Especially when you're whupping the other team.

But when it's back and forth, embrace the intensity. Give and take. But don't be a jerk, and be a good sport after the game.

Same for fans, though I'd suggest not ever engaging with the hecklers...that's what they want.

I remember one of my first games as a freshman, facing 83 shots against Navy, the plebes were marched behind my goal to heckle, then marched to the other end when we switched...long day!

My son was told to warm up during the first Q of a 2016 game vs Brown with the starter struggling. The Brown student fans were brutal, all sorts of insults and expletives, drunk from ride up to Cambridge; 15 yds behind bench, in front of kids and grandmas, etc. And they stayed at it when he went in, though at least went to other side of the field. But he had a 63% three quarters, including 8 saves on Molloy, no GA's. They lost the game but held that high powered offense to their lowest production that year. Super intense on the field, but everyone very sportsmanlike post-game. Can't say the same for the Brown student fans; they were a mess, heckling adult HU fans in the parking lot. Not ok.

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 7:39 pm
by Ghost
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2019 12:08 pm The discussion about 'chirping' and other unsportsmanlike conduct within the Ivy League is indeed an interesting one, though certainly not an exclusively Yale issue. Not by a long shot!

But, yes, the Yale lacrosse team has had a reputation with this issue for some time, well preceding its recent success at the national level.

There's a huge amount to like about the program that Shay has built, but sportsmanship has not been, pretty darn apparently, a priority. Which means it's an opportunity for improvement, as I agree, there are other aspects of the culture which are quite good.

Anyone who thinks otherwise, I'd suggest is either not well informed or is in willful denial.
Calling it 'swagger' (I'm not referring to any specific posters) is to miss the endemic lack of sportsmanship. Swagger's not a valid excuse.

Here's my view as a former Ivy player and colored a bit by my son's perspective, which he shared with me after his recent Ivy college career:

There's lots of chatter on the field, back and forth, as guys battle both physically and emotionally to gain an edge. My son and I were both goalies and the frequent target of such chatter. Instead of letting it bother us, we gave it back and we used the intensity as motivation. I think my son handled it even more intensely than did I. He liked it, loved playing when the intensity was highest. I remember feeling the same way.

But it was between players. Not for the audience. And we left it on the field. There was mutual respect post-game. Grace in both victory and defeat. The guys who didn't handle it that way, others knew and disliked.

Anyone who took a cheap shot to truly hurt someone, and was not immediately sorry, shunned. I'm not talking about a whack to the elbow or back of the leg, I'm talking about big hits of defenseless players. This was not as big a deal in my day as we didn't really understand brain injury risks, but there's a reason why a great player Franz Wittlesberger (Hopkins) has had difficulty getting into the Hall of Fame; interestingly I hear that Rodney Rullman (UVA goalie Franz put out of a game) has written a letter of support for act of sportsmanship and grace IMO.

Chirping to a sideline or at a coach, definitely not ok. But between players, all part of the game.

As to fans, sounds like we all agree that the expletives reflect very poorly on those hurling them, especially when they can be heard by 'kids and grandmas'. It doesn't matter whether these are students or some jerk dads, it reflects poorly upon them...and the team/school they support. It's incumbent upon their fellow fans who support that team to tell them to knock it off, and if that's not working, for the AD to step in. If they don't, they're providing tacit support for the behavior.

It's an especially poor reflection on a program when recent team alumni participate in ugly taunting. They are not just any alumni, they represent that specific program. The head coach needs to have been clear before they graduated as to what was appropriate, and post graduation he still should have an influence.

But, again, from a players' perspective, the taunts should be turned to motivation by those who are the targets. Not to lose one's cool, but to sharpen one's intensity and focus.

Back to playing ball...
Haha! Yale has been known for real mean spirited smack talking in the past...
But, maybe Yale had a recent change of heart...
When Dartmouth players were asked about the subject- they reported that the Yale players were fine... “... almost disappointing lol”

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:53 pm
by Mid-Lax
Maybe we can move to the complaints over the paid parking at Reese :?

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:15 pm
by lefty1
ML - you pay for parking at Reese?
The last few games I’ve seen zero cars in the street, but nobody has been collecting. Suppose if you go around the bowl and do that whole thing, yeah. Just pull up and do the ole Obi-Wan.

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 11:09 am
by seriously?

"There's a huge amount to like about the program that Shay has built, but sportsmanship has not been, pretty darn apparently, a priority. Which means it's an opportunity for improvement, as I agree, there are other aspects of the culture which are quite good.

Anyone who thinks otherwise, I'd suggest is either not well informed or is in willful denial.
Calling it 'swagger' (I'm not referring to any specific posters) is to miss the endemic lack of sportsmanship. Swagger's not a valid excuse."

MD, in response to your pontificating, Shay must be doing something right because he has 50 kids on his team and Dartmouth has 35. (And that increase in talented players started before this successful run.) Let's stop blaming the weather in New Hampshire. For years it was known that the coach at Dartmouth had zero control over his team. Maybe they played "nice" on the field but off the field they were out of control. One coach quits, another comes on -- same story. If you asked the very successful women's team, they'd tell you the same thing. Whether it was partying or lack of drive, maybe both.

And can you ever write anything under 1000 words?

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:35 pm
by Denver14
Can't remember a game where a team's (arguable MVP) left to play elsewhere, and the next year, met up with his old mates. I do remember Henry West leaving Cornell for Maryland and in the tournament, with 2 seconds left in the game, assisted on the goal that sent his former mates home 7-8. Anyone else remember something like the scenario we'll see tomorrow night?

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 8:02 pm
by calourie
Chirping and swagger aside, one thing I will say about Shay's Yale program is that you don't see a lot of "dirty" play. Tough and aggressive, yes, which can result in the occasional penalty for late hits and unnecessary roughness, but no going out of the way to impart physical harm on an opponent. As for the chirping, it is apparent from the Brown game that officials have a great deal of leeway in trying to put a lid on that type of behavior, and I would just as soon leave the regulation of that in their hands. I also don't hold the players and staff responsible for the character of their fans, though I suppose a correlation might be made tying mouthy behavior on the part of players as being tacitly complicit in rude invective being hurled from the stands. Outside of objects being thrown on the field, I don't think it is the staff's duty to get involved in how rowdy the fans feel justified in being.

I'm curious to see how Yale handles tomorrow night's tussle over at Albany. This will only be Yale's second night game and there should be a good and "rowdy" crowd. Albany is likely to be fired up with the return of TD, and still have a number of players from their very recent glory days. Would love to see the Bulldogs focused and firing from the opening whistle.

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:41 pm
by Mid-Lax
calourie, forgot thread is about lacrosse. Pretty excited about a Friday night game at Albany! Always a treat and a fairly full house of screaming fans. The return of TD will be handled with class by two teams who have a lot of respected for each other.

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 12:25 am
by Ghost
seriously? wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2019 11:09 am MD,

"There's a huge amount to like about the program that Shay has built, but sportsmanship has not been, pretty darn apparently, a priority. Which means it's an opportunity for improvement, as I agree, there are other aspects of the culture which are quite good.

Anyone who thinks otherwise, I'd suggest is either not well informed or is in willful denial.
Calling it 'swagger' (I'm not referring to any specific posters) is to miss the endemic lack of sportsmanship. Swagger's not a valid excuse."

MD, in response to your pontificating, Shay must be doing something right because he has 50 kids on his team and Dartmouth has 35. (And that increase in talented players started before this successful run.) Let's stop blaming the weather in New Hampshire. For years it was known that the coach at Dartmouth had zero control over his team. Maybe they played "nice" on the field but off the field they were out of control. One coach quits, another comes on -- same story. If you asked the very successful women's team, they'd tell you the same thing. Whether it was partying or lack of drive, maybe both.

And can you ever write anything under 1000 words?
...Shay is doing something “right”?? Right By whom??
Do you need a 50 player roster or poach State school transfers to win??
If you ask, you will find, “reserve” Players, and non lax head alumni, may not share your “Shay’s doin’ sumthin’ right” point of view...

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:34 am
by Mid-Lax
I don't know any Yale players or lax alumni who aren't proud of what Shay and his staff have built and where the program is at currently. For many years they were near bottom of the conference. For many years, they were a doormat to Princeton and Cornell. Ivy League play would invariably start 0-2. Meanwhile significant talent considering Yale and Harvard would end up with the Crimson. This program was built 'brick by brick'. A lot of thinking on improvement, process, coaching, training. Every fan, alumni, and player is proud of the work they have put in, the Ivy League Tournament championships, and most recently the National Championship. Every alumni player considers Coach Shay a mentor and a true fried. These student-athletes worked very hard, harder then many could care to understand. No coddling any on them by the staff or the university on study habits or grades. You made the grade on the field and in the classroom, or you din't, and you were out. As for the character, the players spend countless of hours every season volunteering whether it's having local youth lacrosse participate in camps, or hosting Harlem Youth Lacrosse, or going up to Newton. CT and working with the community there, Lastly, there's even the recent example of bone marrow donation. As far as individuals, these are respectful proud giving young men.

Having written this, they are not perfect. But, they are not dirty players. Yes, some chirp and a few tend to go overboard or use profanity. We all agree that's extreme, but, as Coach Shay becomes fully aware of it (I don't think he reads this or the former laxpower to check what we all think of his program), I am sure her will curb the behavior. But, let's not color every player, the accomplishments of the entire program, or the staff and Coach Shay, by those situations. There's way, way more good here than this chirping situation. I guess for now, if it really troubles someone, don't watch your team's games vs Yale, or watch their games in general.

Now, about the parking, are you telling me I shouldn't be paying when I drive in in to the Reese tailgate area? ;)

Re: Yale 2019

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 1:18 pm
by MDlaxfan76
seriously? wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2019 11:09 am MD,

"There's a huge amount to like about the program that Shay has built, but sportsmanship has not been, pretty darn apparently, a priority. Which means it's an opportunity for improvement, as I agree, there are other aspects of the culture which are quite good.

Anyone who thinks otherwise, I'd suggest is either not well informed or is in willful denial.
Calling it 'swagger' (I'm not referring to any specific posters) is to miss the endemic lack of sportsmanship. Swagger's not a valid excuse."

MD, in response to your pontificating, Shay must be doing something right because he has 50 kids on his team and Dartmouth has 35. (And that increase in talented players started before this successful run.) Let's stop blaming the weather in New Hampshire. For years it was known that the coach at Dartmouth had zero control over his team. Maybe they played "nice" on the field but off the field they were out of control. One coach quits, another comes on -- same story. If you asked the very successful women's team, they'd tell you the same thing. Whether it was partying or lack of drive, maybe both.

And can you ever write anything under 1000 words?
Sorry, didn't mean to insult you guys.
I see it as an opportunity for the Yale program to do even better.
As I said, there's a ton to like about the Yale program.
Did I not use enough words in saying so? :D

I quite agree with you about the former HC at my alma mater...saw it with my own eyes. Was pretty darn disgusted by it.
Don't think that's the case now, but if you think otherwise that's interesting.

But I'll stick to my contention that the Yale program could do better in this department.