Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 8:45 pm In national elections, I don't expect most Dems to vote for a Republican, just as I (normally) would not expect many Republicans to vote Dem...these are weird times, but if we get back to sane politics, that'll be the pattern.

The question is whether the unaligned tilt one way or the other in any given election and whether voters of any particular group turnout higher than usual.

But times are indeed weird, so I'll likely crossover.

I've only voted for a Dem for POTUS once in my life, but until MAGA (and any other brand of Christian Nationalist, etc) is put down hard, Dems are going to be my default for a bit.

I'd vote for Cheney in a heartbeat over DeSantis, and I'll have the opportunity to make that choice in the GOP primaries should they both run. I won't vote for Trump or DeSantis or Abbott or Cruz or Hawley or any other MAGA Republican in the primaries, nor in the general, period.

On the other hand, the Dems will need to put up a decent person to earn my vote, OR the GOP puts up a MAGA. I'd even take a Warren over a MAGA at this point.

Biden, even old and doddering two years from now, is better than any MAGA by a long shot.
I don't think RD is dumb enough to invest his political capital in an election in 2024 that could include trump running as a 3rd party candidate. I could be wrong but hopefully trump will be castrated of any sort as a viable political candidate in the very near future. If it ain't RD or trump then who more likely could the Rs turn to that would give them a smidgeon of hope? I understand the fact that most Republicans don't like Liz very much. If your willing to throw in the towel on 2024 then Liz Cheney would be the perfect sacrificial lamb.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 6:25 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 8:45 pm In national elections, I don't expect most Dems to vote for a Republican, just as I (normally) would not expect many Republicans to vote Dem...these are weird times, but if we get back to sane politics, that'll be the pattern.

The question is whether the unaligned tilt one way or the other in any given election and whether voters of any particular group turnout higher than usual.

But times are indeed weird, so I'll likely crossover.

I've only voted for a Dem for POTUS once in my life, but until MAGA (and any other brand of Christian Nationalist, etc) is put down hard, Dems are going to be my default for a bit.

I'd vote for Cheney in a heartbeat over DeSantis, and I'll have the opportunity to make that choice in the GOP primaries should they both run. I won't vote for Trump or DeSantis or Abbott or Cruz or Hawley or any other MAGA Republican in the primaries, nor in the general, period.

On the other hand, the Dems will need to put up a decent person to earn my vote, OR the GOP puts up a MAGA. I'd even take a Warren over a MAGA at this point.

Biden, even old and doddering two years from now, is better than any MAGA by a long shot.
I don't think RD is dumb enough to invest his political capital in an election in 2024 that could include trump running as a 3rd party candidate. I could be wrong but hopefully trump will be castrated of any sort as a viable political candidate in the very near future. If it ain't RD or trump then who more likely could the Rs turn to that would give them a smidgeon of hope? I understand the fact that most Republicans don't like Liz very much. If your willing to throw in the towel on 2024 then Liz Cheney would be the perfect sacrificial lamb.
Why are you so fixated on Cheney?
There's no way on god's green earth that she could win the 2024 primary in MAGA-GOP world.
We can wish all we want that the situation was different and that putting country first is actually rewarded politically right away in the GOP, but it won't be.

It's going to take more than Trump dissolving to get rid of this extreme right lurch, this appeal to Christian Nationalism, demonization of the "Other" etc, this bizzaro world of conspiracy mongers and election deniers, as dominant in the GOP.

At least another cycle, maybe two or three. Gotta lose repeatedly.

This is likely DeSantis' moment, whether it's the "smart" time or not.

I could be entirely wrong, but everything he's done over the past two years appears to be in anticipation of the national run in 2024, under the expectation that the Trump voters will ultimately need a candidate who channels their "values" (deranged and ugly as they are) if and when Trump falters as their standard bearer. He's tried not to directly antagonize Trump, while also not endorsing him. That's an untenable situation, but I think he plays this out as the non-declared candidate in the wings, hoping that Trump's legal woes worsen to the point where the party en masse turns to him and begs him to join the race. They're already doing so behind closed doors, with large, mostly dark, fundraising in anticipation.

Meanwhile, in some polls, he's ahead of Trump by 20%, yet without declaring himself a candidate.

On the other hand, if Trump survives the legal woes, wins the nomination and loses the general, yes, people will again turn to DeSantis...but had he endorsed Trump in the primaries, not a candidate himself? Did he work hard publicly for Trump in the general?

And, at least IMO, DeSantis' image is going to worsen significantly the more that people pay attention to they will be doing these next 6 years.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Farfromgeneva »

cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 6:05 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 29, 2022 9:05 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Dec 29, 2022 3:07 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 29, 2022 7:44 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Dec 29, 2022 5:51 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 10:56 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 4:23 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:49 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 12:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 11:28 am
He's such a fascist creep.
Not just any old creep but a fascist creep to boot. :D Your sure handy at labeling people. Is that your conservative side or your progressive side speaking?
I've more than adequately explained why I see him as fascist. I don't think I'd used the word creep before, but that's clear as a bell too.

If you want to homework this a bit before commenting otherwise, that would be useful.
The people of Florida did your homework. They reelected him by a very wide margin. It would be just as useful if you accepted that fact. I guess much to your chagrin they don't accept your opinion. Maybe judging by your very high standards there are millions of fascist creeps residing in the state of Florida. The people of Florida spoke, maybe you should accept their decision and get over it. FTR, I'm not all that enamored with Gov. Hochul being elected in NYS. She won the election fair and square. Maybe you need to put your little DeSantis snit behind you and wait until he makes his decision for 2024. Time for you to put your big boy pants on and stop whining about the man. :roll:
Yes, there are. Or at least the same sorts as unwittingly bought into fascism in Italy under Mussolini or Nazism under Hitler, seduced...and then it was too late.

Current fascists know that the label turns people off, but that's what their authoritarianism is all about.

But hey, if you don't want to do the homework, par for the course from you.

You can just get in line with the other goose steppers.
I think your obsession and hatred towards RD is causing you extreme emotional trauma. FTR, my dad died with " fascist" 88 shrapnel still in his back. So you can take your goose stepping comment and no roll it up into a little ball and stick it up your ass. Your rapid decline into the world of hatred and intolerance is a sad thing to witness. You need a vacation, maybe a couple of weeks in Florida will do you a world of good?
First, I don't have "hatred towards DeSantis", I merely think that I'm accurate in my assessment of his authoritarian "fascist" tendencies.
He may well not kick his dog if he has one.

But yes, he's repeatedly displayed authoritarian tendencies, disregard for rule of law, and divisive "populist" rhetoric and "cultural" policies. Many people are attracted to such. Heck of a lot of people, actually. His particular brand of fascism is Christian Nationalist. Big in the southern states and Bible Belt generally.

Again, if you don't want to do the homework and just want to go along and get in line for this wing of the GOP, I think my goose stepper comment is on point. Glad it got your attention.
It got my attention to the degree it proved beyond a shadow of a doubt what an angry old man you are. I am more concerned with who is governor of NYS and what stupid policy/policies they are going to implement. If dropping a load in your britches about who or what RD is makes you happy then good for you. RD is living rent free in your head and you seem more than happy to let him live there. FTR, if you were paying attention NJ Bill made a brilliant observation about RD running for POTUS. Unless he is the most impatient politician on the planet he has to recognize what a chitshow YOUR party is staring at in 2024. Does he want to run knowing possibly that trump would run as a 3rd party candidate to dilute the pool of Republican voters? I say let Liz Cheney carry the torch in 2024. She is a conservative and I would vote for her because she has bigger balls than most of the other folks in your party. I bet the usual suspects on this forum will vote for her as well. I can see Dr Wizard with a Liz 2024 bumper sticker in his EV. :D
I don't know why you despise RD so much, I'm guessing it has much to do with Pete Browns love affair with him which IMO explains a lot of your hostility. I hope your family has a great New Years Eve. FTR, I have no opinion yet about RD other than I don't think he is a fascist. He must be doing something right, even trump hates him.
Again, when you've actually done your homework on the current co-front runner for the GOP nomination for POTUS 2024, come on back and we can discuss what sort of fascist DeSantis is...or is not, in your opinion. Until then, it's just rants by you.

And until DeSantis drops out of the running formally, I'm going to take the threat seriously. And, for 6 months of the year, I live in this state he governs, so that matter me.

And OBTW, this just happens to be the DeSantis thread, started by gator troll Petey, so, if you wish to avoid discussions of DeSantis, my advice would be to start by avoiding this thread...

I wish you and yours a very happy New Year as well.
What you consider as me doing my " homework" is a sorry attempt on your part to persuade me to your way of thinking. I understand why your so angry. Your a lifelong member of the Republican party who has nothing but contempt and resentment for your own party. I'm not certain there are more than a handful of Republicans that would receive your seal of approval. Maybe when YOUR party invites you to speak at the 2024 RNC you can clarify your antagonism towards the party you have been an avid member of for your entire life? Your stated and implied goal is to persuade YOUR party into your Mr Magoo vision for YOUR party. Why don't you finally admit the simple fact YOUR party has kicked you to the curb. You will then have a clear conscience to support who you like. You may have been a lifelong Republican, my condolences there, but YOUR party and your values don't even live on the same planet anymore. Your no more a Republican anymore than I am. Way past time for you to wake up and smell the coffee. You can explain yourself better when your invited to speak at the 2024 RNC show. 8-) IMO and this should make you very happy, I don't think RD will run in 2024. That would be problematic for him as long as trump is still in the picture. I'm all about Liz Cheney being the 2024 GOP candidate. She would probably wind up being a political sacrificial lamb but we might have one thing in common, we would both vote for her. I'm not sure the other usual suspects on this forum will be as rabid in their support for Liz. Maybe you can use your power of persuasion to change their minds?? Look up fat chance in the dictionary for the answer for that. I hope that over time you heal from your severe case of DeSantaphobia.
You chase MD around everywhere and call him angry? Man…
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 9:28 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 6:25 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 8:45 pm In national elections, I don't expect most Dems to vote for a Republican, just as I (normally) would not expect many Republicans to vote Dem...these are weird times, but if we get back to sane politics, that'll be the pattern.

The question is whether the unaligned tilt one way or the other in any given election and whether voters of any particular group turnout higher than usual.

But times are indeed weird, so I'll likely crossover.

I've only voted for a Dem for POTUS once in my life, but until MAGA (and any other brand of Christian Nationalist, etc) is put down hard, Dems are going to be my default for a bit.

I'd vote for Cheney in a heartbeat over DeSantis, and I'll have the opportunity to make that choice in the GOP primaries should they both run. I won't vote for Trump or DeSantis or Abbott or Cruz or Hawley or any other MAGA Republican in the primaries, nor in the general, period.

On the other hand, the Dems will need to put up a decent person to earn my vote, OR the GOP puts up a MAGA. I'd even take a Warren over a MAGA at this point.

Biden, even old and doddering two years from now, is better than any MAGA by a long shot.
I don't think RD is dumb enough to invest his political capital in an election in 2024 that could include trump running as a 3rd party candidate. I could be wrong but hopefully trump will be castrated of any sort as a viable political candidate in the very near future. If it ain't RD or trump then who more likely could the Rs turn to that would give them a smidgeon of hope? I understand the fact that most Republicans don't like Liz very much. If your willing to throw in the towel on 2024 then Liz Cheney would be the perfect sacrificial lamb.
Why are you so fixated on Cheney?
There's no way on god's green earth that she could win the 2024 primary in MAGA-GOP world.
We can wish all we want that the situation was different and that putting country first is actually rewarded politically right away in the GOP, but it won't be.

It's going to take more than Trump dissolving to get rid of this extreme right lurch, this appeal to Christian Nationalism, demonization of the "Other" etc, this bizzaro world of conspiracy mongers and election deniers, as dominant in the GOP.

At least another cycle, maybe two or three. Gotta lose repeatedly.

This is likely DeSantis' moment, whether it's the "smart" time or not.

I could be entirely wrong, but everything he's done over the past two years appears to be in anticipation of the national run in 2024, under the expectation that the Trump voters will ultimately need a candidate who channels their "values" (deranged and ugly as they are) if and when Trump falters as their standard bearer. He's tried not to directly antagonize Trump, while also not endorsing him. That's an untenable situation, but I think he plays this out as the non-declared candidate in the wings, hoping that Trump's legal woes worsen to the point where the party en masse turns to him and begs him to join the race. They're already doing so behind closed doors, with large, mostly dark, fundraising in anticipation.

Meanwhile, in some polls, he's ahead of Trump by 20%, yet without declaring himself a candidate.

On the other hand, if Trump survives the legal woes, wins the nomination and loses the general, yes, people will again turn to DeSantis...but had he endorsed Trump in the primaries, not a candidate himself? Did he work hard publicly for Trump in the general?

And, at least IMO, DeSantis' image is going to worsen significantly the more that people pay attention to they will be doing these next 6 years.
Trump despises DeSantis. Trump could be the monkey wrench that DeSantis probably doesn't want to have to deal with. With his looming legal problems hanging over his head trump may choose to hunker down at Mara Lago. If trump decides to run 3rd party RD is screwed and he knows it. I guess your defining my interest in Liz Cheney as an infatuation is missing the point. Hell she could run as a 3rd party candidate if trump sits this one out. She will never win but that is not the end game. The end game would be just popular enough with your wing of the Republican party to siphon off votes from a DeSantis campaign making it impossible for him to win. Remember how Ross Perot helped sink GHWB? Whatever DeSantis chooses to do he has to be aware that there are Republicans on your side that will be willing to do anything to torpedo him. If he is hell bent on going all in for 2024 he has to know that alot of Republicans despise him with the same venom they despise trump. Is there a chance that your telling me that your wing of your party will simply sit on their hands and do nothing? I doubt that very much. To win DeSantis has to win over your wing of the party and you know as well as I that ain't gonna happen.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 2:22 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 9:28 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 6:25 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 8:45 pm In national elections, I don't expect most Dems to vote for a Republican, just as I (normally) would not expect many Republicans to vote Dem...these are weird times, but if we get back to sane politics, that'll be the pattern.

The question is whether the unaligned tilt one way or the other in any given election and whether voters of any particular group turnout higher than usual.

But times are indeed weird, so I'll likely crossover.

I've only voted for a Dem for POTUS once in my life, but until MAGA (and any other brand of Christian Nationalist, etc) is put down hard, Dems are going to be my default for a bit.

I'd vote for Cheney in a heartbeat over DeSantis, and I'll have the opportunity to make that choice in the GOP primaries should they both run. I won't vote for Trump or DeSantis or Abbott or Cruz or Hawley or any other MAGA Republican in the primaries, nor in the general, period.

On the other hand, the Dems will need to put up a decent person to earn my vote, OR the GOP puts up a MAGA. I'd even take a Warren over a MAGA at this point.

Biden, even old and doddering two years from now, is better than any MAGA by a long shot.
I don't think RD is dumb enough to invest his political capital in an election in 2024 that could include trump running as a 3rd party candidate. I could be wrong but hopefully trump will be castrated of any sort as a viable political candidate in the very near future. If it ain't RD or trump then who more likely could the Rs turn to that would give them a smidgeon of hope? I understand the fact that most Republicans don't like Liz very much. If your willing to throw in the towel on 2024 then Liz Cheney would be the perfect sacrificial lamb.
Why are you so fixated on Cheney?
There's no way on god's green earth that she could win the 2024 primary in MAGA-GOP world.
We can wish all we want that the situation was different and that putting country first is actually rewarded politically right away in the GOP, but it won't be.

It's going to take more than Trump dissolving to get rid of this extreme right lurch, this appeal to Christian Nationalism, demonization of the "Other" etc, this bizzaro world of conspiracy mongers and election deniers, as dominant in the GOP.

At least another cycle, maybe two or three. Gotta lose repeatedly.

This is likely DeSantis' moment, whether it's the "smart" time or not.

I could be entirely wrong, but everything he's done over the past two years appears to be in anticipation of the national run in 2024, under the expectation that the Trump voters will ultimately need a candidate who channels their "values" (deranged and ugly as they are) if and when Trump falters as their standard bearer. He's tried not to directly antagonize Trump, while also not endorsing him. That's an untenable situation, but I think he plays this out as the non-declared candidate in the wings, hoping that Trump's legal woes worsen to the point where the party en masse turns to him and begs him to join the race. They're already doing so behind closed doors, with large, mostly dark, fundraising in anticipation.

Meanwhile, in some polls, he's ahead of Trump by 20%, yet without declaring himself a candidate.

On the other hand, if Trump survives the legal woes, wins the nomination and loses the general, yes, people will again turn to DeSantis...but had he endorsed Trump in the primaries, not a candidate himself? Did he work hard publicly for Trump in the general?

And, at least IMO, DeSantis' image is going to worsen significantly the more that people pay attention to they will be doing these next 6 years.
Trump despises DeSantis. Trump could be the monkey wrench that DeSantis probably doesn't want to have to deal with. With his looming legal problems hanging over his head trump may choose to hunker down at Mara Lago. If trump decides to run 3rd party RD is screwed and he knows it. I guess your defining my interest in Liz Cheney as an infatuation is missing the point. Hell she could run as a 3rd party candidate if trump sits this one out. She will never win but that is not the end game. The end game would be just popular enough with your wing of the Republican party to siphon off votes from a DeSantis campaign making it impossible for him to win. Remember how Ross Perot helped sink GHWB? Whatever DeSantis chooses to do he has to be aware that there are Republicans on your side that will be willing to do anything to torpedo him. If he is hell bent on going all in for 2024 he has to know that alot of Republicans despise him with the same venom they despise trump. Is there a chance that your telling me that your wing of your party will simply sit on their hands and do nothing? I doubt that very much. To win DeSantis has to win over your wing of the party and you know as well as I that ain't gonna happen.
I think DeSantis has a massive ego, so I'm not depending on his being worried about Trump (if in virtual exile) or my 'wing of the Republican Party'. I'd like to think that folks like me will be clear-eyed about him, but I think many could be fooled. Most people like me have already gone unaffiliated.

I dunno if Cheney would try to be a spoiler for DeSantis. She might well hurt Biden more.

For my part, if he's the candidate, I'm voting for the Dem, not'll matter that most of us do so. No matter who I'd otherwise prefer.

I'm also not sure Trump despises DeSantis, other than someone taking his applause...if DeSantis bends the knee, Trump will likely endorse him. But Trump will need to have decided to withdraw...which likely would have to happen before the primaries, else it will indeed be bloody.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by jhu72 »

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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by cradleandshoot »

It sounds like the RepubliCONs will need to take Kristi out behind the woodshed and spank her with a hickory switch. There could be a legitimate argument as to who gives a rats rear end what the governor of South Dakota thinks.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:53 am
It sounds like the RepubliCONs will need to take Kristi out behind the woodshed and spank her with a hickory switch. There could be a legitimate argument as to who gives a rats rear end what the governor of South Dakota thinks.
So, you're rooting for DeSantis over Noem?

She's been touted by many, including on here, as a legit contender for the GOP nomination (or a potential VP to Trump or other).
God help us.

What we are witnessing is the pressure to be further and further to the 'right' on social issues in the GOP, as demanded by the most rabid extremists...this is what we should expect now for the Party primary process having given license to the radicals, election deniers and insurrectionists.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 9:52 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:53 am
It sounds like the RepubliCONs will need to take Kristi out behind the woodshed and spank her with a hickory switch. There could be a legitimate argument as to who gives a rats rear end what the governor of South Dakota thinks.
So, you're rooting for DeSantis over Noem?

She's been touted by many, including on here, as a legit contender for the GOP nomination (or a potential VP to Trump or other).
God help us.

What we are witnessing is the pressure to be further and further to the 'right' on social issues in the GOP, as demanded by the most rabid extremists...this is what we should expect now for the Party primary process having given license to the radicals, election deniers and insurrectionists.
Your the lifelong Republican Skippy. You and your fellow members of the Republican party need to figure this chit out amongst yourselves. I personally don't give a flying fig about DeSantis or any of the other members of YOUR party that cause you all your mental anguish. My only point about the comments from the Gov of SD is that I'm certain the vast majority of YOUR party could care less about what she has to say about him. My opinion is very simple and strait forward, she might be better advised to worry about what the problems are in her state and and concentrate on dealing with them.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:51 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 9:52 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:53 am
It sounds like the RepubliCONs will need to take Kristi out behind the woodshed and spank her with a hickory switch. There could be a legitimate argument as to who gives a rats rear end what the governor of South Dakota thinks.
So, you're rooting for DeSantis over Noem?

She's been touted by many, including on here, as a legit contender for the GOP nomination (or a potential VP to Trump or other).
God help us.

What we are witnessing is the pressure to be further and further to the 'right' on social issues in the GOP, as demanded by the most rabid extremists...this is what we should expect now for the Party primary process having given license to the radicals, election deniers and insurrectionists.
Your the lifelong Republican Skippy. You and your fellow members of the Republican party need to figure this chit out amongst yourselves. I personally don't give a flying fig about DeSantis or any of the other members of YOUR party that cause you all your mental anguish. My only point about the comments from the Gov of SD is that I'm certain the vast majority of YOUR party could care less about what she has to say about him. My opinion is very simple and strait forward, she might be better advised to worry about what the problems are in her state and and concentrate on dealing with them.
She has national aspirations, cradle. I think she’s an empty suit, but a lot of the hard right admire her.

Her staff undoubtedly have national aspirations as well.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:06 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:51 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 9:52 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:53 am
It sounds like the RepubliCONs will need to take Kristi out behind the woodshed and spank her with a hickory switch. There could be a legitimate argument as to who gives a rats rear end what the governor of South Dakota thinks.
So, you're rooting for DeSantis over Noem?

She's been touted by many, including on here, as a legit contender for the GOP nomination (or a potential VP to Trump or other).
God help us.

What we are witnessing is the pressure to be further and further to the 'right' on social issues in the GOP, as demanded by the most rabid extremists...this is what we should expect now for the Party primary process having given license to the radicals, election deniers and insurrectionists.
Your the lifelong Republican Skippy. You and your fellow members of the Republican party need to figure this chit out amongst yourselves. I personally don't give a flying fig about DeSantis or any of the other members of YOUR party that cause you all your mental anguish. My only point about the comments from the Gov of SD is that I'm certain the vast majority of YOUR party could care less about what she has to say about him. My opinion is very simple and strait forward, she might be better advised to worry about what the problems are in her state and and concentrate on dealing with them.
She has national aspirations, cradle. I think she’s an empty suit, but a lot of the hard right admire her.

Her staff undoubtedly have national aspirations as well.
Yet again that is an issue for YOUR party to deal with. IMO she will fit in very nicely with all the other empty suits from both parties. King Andy had national aspirations as well. How did that work out for him in the long run?
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

This is the DeSantis thread, not King Andy
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:21 pm This is the DeSantis thread, not King Andy
Only making a comparison with respects to 2 arrogant weeds who were/are governors of their state and have/had aspirations to be POTUS. I thought you might get my drift. My bad for thinking you know how to think outside of the box. :D
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 4:48 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:21 pm This is the DeSantis thread, not King Andy
Only making a comparison with respects to 2 arrogant weeds who were/are governors of their state and have/had aspirations to be POTUS. I thought you might get my drift. My bad for thinking you know how to think outside of the box. :D
I understood just fine. Cuomo is out of the game...unfortunately, DeSantis is not.
Thus the thread topic.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:42 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 4:48 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:21 pm This is the DeSantis thread, not King Andy
Only making a comparison with respects to 2 arrogant weeds who were/are governors of their state and have/had aspirations to be POTUS. I thought you might get my drift. My bad for thinking you know how to think outside of the box. :D
I understood just fine. Cuomo is out of the game...unfortunately, DeSantis is not.
Thus the thread topic.
I beg to differ. There have been rumblings that King Andy and his rabid supporters are working very stealthily to resurrect his political career. You are free to underestimate King Andy at your own peril. So is this first time a thread topic here on this forum has deviated from the topic at hand? :D
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:42 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 4:48 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:21 pm This is the DeSantis thread, not King Andy
Only making a comparison with respects to 2 arrogant weeds who were/are governors of their state and have/had aspirations to be POTUS. I thought you might get my drift. My bad for thinking you know how to think outside of the box. :D
I understood just fine. Cuomo is out of the game...unfortunately, DeSantis is not.
Thus the thread topic.
I beg to differ. There have been rumblings that King Andy and his rabid supporters are working very stealthily to resurrect his political career. You are free to underestimate King Andy at your own peril. So is this first time a thread topic here on this forum has deviated from the topic at hand? :D
:D no, there are a lot of deviants on here. ;)

Cuomo can try all he want in NY, he'll never be POTUS.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:50 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:42 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 4:48 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:21 pm This is the DeSantis thread, not King Andy
Only making a comparison with respects to 2 arrogant weeds who were/are governors of their state and have/had aspirations to be POTUS. I thought you might get my drift. My bad for thinking you know how to think outside of the box. :D
I understood just fine. Cuomo is out of the game...unfortunately, DeSantis is not.
Thus the thread topic.
I beg to differ. There have been rumblings that King Andy and his rabid supporters are working very stealthily to resurrect his political career. You are free to underestimate King Andy at your own peril. So is this first time a thread topic here on this forum has deviated from the topic at hand? :D
:D no, there are a lot of deviants on here. ;)

Cuomo can try all he want in NY, he'll never be POTUS.
I don't disagree. You would be surprised at the large number of influential people that are still enamored with Andy Cuomo. I'm still not convinced that RD can win in 2024. The upcoming primary season will dictate how RD is received outside of his home state. He has a long road to go and has to win over the hearts and minds of the Republican party. Should trump choose to run 3rd party that would be a huge problem for the sunshine boy.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 4:56 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:50 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:42 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 4:48 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:21 pm This is the DeSantis thread, not King Andy
Only making a comparison with respects to 2 arrogant weeds who were/are governors of their state and have/had aspirations to be POTUS. I thought you might get my drift. My bad for thinking you know how to think outside of the box. :D
I understood just fine. Cuomo is out of the game...unfortunately, DeSantis is not.
Thus the thread topic.
I beg to differ. There have been rumblings that King Andy and his rabid supporters are working very stealthily to resurrect his political career. You are free to underestimate King Andy at your own peril. So is this first time a thread topic here on this forum has deviated from the topic at hand? :D
:D no, there are a lot of deviants on here. ;)

Cuomo can try all he want in NY, he'll never be POTUS.
I don't disagree. You would be surprised at the large number of influential people that are still enamored with Andy Cuomo. I'm still not convinced that RD can win in 2024. The upcoming primary season will dictate how RD is received outside of his home state. He has a long road to go and has to win over the hearts and minds of the Republican party. Should trump choose to run 3rd party that would be a huge problem for the sunshine boy.
Believe me, I don't want DeSantis to win...but, absent a Trump scenario, he's the darling of the big right wing money. A lot of positives on paper...but he's thin-skinned, petulant, and generally comes across as an a-hole...but that's what a whole lot of GOP voters seem to prefer.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 6:10 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 4:56 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:50 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:42 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 4:48 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:21 pm This is the DeSantis thread, not King Andy
Only making a comparison with respects to 2 arrogant weeds who were/are governors of their state and have/had aspirations to be POTUS. I thought you might get my drift. My bad for thinking you know how to think outside of the box. :D
I understood just fine. Cuomo is out of the game...unfortunately, DeSantis is not.
Thus the thread topic.
I beg to differ. There have been rumblings that King Andy and his rabid supporters are working very stealthily to resurrect his political career. You are free to underestimate King Andy at your own peril. So is this first time a thread topic here on this forum has deviated from the topic at hand? :D
:D no, there are a lot of deviants on here. ;)

Cuomo can try all he want in NY, he'll never be POTUS.
I don't disagree. You would be surprised at the large number of influential people that are still enamored with Andy Cuomo. I'm still not convinced that RD can win in 2024. The upcoming primary season will dictate how RD is received outside of his home state. He has a long road to go and has to win over the hearts and minds of the Republican party. Should trump choose to run 3rd party that would be a huge problem for the sunshine boy.
Believe me, I don't want DeSantis to win...but, absent a Trump scenario, he's the darling of the big right wing money. A lot of positives on paper...but he's thin-skinned, petulant, and generally comes across as an a-hole...but that's what a whole lot of GOP voters seem to prefer.
I can't argue with you there.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by njbill »

Great chyron running on CNN right now:

“Donors grumbling about Desantis’ lack of charm.”


Truer words were never spoke.
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