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Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:52 pm
by Brooklyn
criminally racist cops still at it:

The innocent black victim will likely win a major law suit against the city. Sadly, once again, it is the taxpayers who will have to pay for the crimes committed by the pigs. As always, such crimes are preventable. All the cops need to do is to obey the law and follow legal procedure as shown in the video.

Is there here who still insists the cops are innocent or shall I have to continue to post more such videos?

Re: America is a racist nation

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:13 pm
by Brooklyn
After 39 years behind bars, Black man walks free on overturned murder conviction ... b0cc9ea0f1

A man who spent almost 40 years behind bars had his murder conviction for a 1983 killing overturned Thursday.

"Even though it was delayed justice, it was justice," Raymond Flanks told reporters after he exited the courthouse. "Time and truth prevailed in this matter."

Prosecutors and defense lawyers joined together in asking for Flanks' conviction to be overturned. They argued that inconsistencies in the eyewitness testimony was kept from the jury that ultimately convicted Flanks.

According to the criminal justice group Innocence Project New Orleans, a man named Martin Carnesi was shot in his driveway during a botched robbery in 1983. The perpetrator was described by Carnesi's wife to have had a white blotch on his face and fled the scene in an old, blue car. Flanks -- who drove a new blue car and did not have a white blotch on his face -- was arrested shortly after.

When Carnesi's wife showed the detective John Dillmann the discrepancy between her description and Flank's appearance, Dillmann reportedly shook his head and asserted that Flanks was the culprit, according to the Innocence Project, which works to free innocent people sentenced to "unjust sentences."

"Det. Dillmannn falsely testified that Ms. Carnesi told him the perpetrator's only notable facial characteristic was a mustache, that he did not do anything to influence her during identification, and that Mr. Flanks' car matched Ms. Carnesi's description," said the organization in a statement. This was kept from the jury.

The Innocence Project's legal team presented the hidden evidence to the Orleans Parish District Attorney Civil Rights Division, which was launched by District Attorney Jason Williams "to confront past harm and injustice," according to the DA's website.

Flanks thanked the organization for its work in getting him released.

"Effortless nights and waking up early in the mornings to investigate and to go get records, retrieve records that the jury has never seen or the victims family never seen," said Flanks. "Their efforts, this is why I'm able to be free today. I can look up in the sky and see the birds flying in a different way now."

When reflecting on the case, Flanks laments the racial injustice and inequality he says is inherently part of the criminal justice system.

"I don't think the system is broken. I think the system was designed to do what it's doing. When men of my color, when men are in poverty, when men can't have the resources to get the representation they need; I think they're ignored," Flanks said.

Louisiana has the highest incarceration rate in the country, according to research organization Prison Policy Initiative. The data shows that Louisiana's incarceration rate is much higher than that of other U.S. states and many other countries around the world.

According to the Innocence Project, Orleans Parish in Louisiana has one of the highest known wrongful conviction rates in the country. Over 70% of these cases involve withheld evidence, they say.

ABC News requested a comment from the Orleans Parish District Attorney's office regarding the high rate of wrongful convictions and is awaiting a response.

"When you're honest with yourself and you know that you're not guilty for a crime that you were accused of, it gives you a sense of hope because you know you didn't do it," Flanks said. "There's a seed in you every morning when you wake up and you know there's a God."

Police and prosecutors -- all too often these are the real criminals. They should be forced to pay back the salaries and pensions and to spend 39 years in jail for this and similar wrongful convictions.

Re: America is a racist nation

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:18 pm
by Brooklyn
Men exonerated in killing of Malcolm X to receive $36 million settlement after suing New York
Muhammad Aziz and co-defendant Khalil Islam were exonerated in November 2021. ... d=92401344

Two men who were exonerated in the 1965 assassination of Malcolm X will receive a $36 million settlement after lawsuits were filed on their behalf against both the city and the state of New York last year.

New York City agreed to pay $26 million in settling a lawsuit filed on behalf of Muhammad Abdul Aziz and Khalil Islam, Islam was exonerated posthumously in the killing. Meanwhile, the state of New York also agreed to pay an additional $10 million.

A New York City Law Department spokesman told ABC News on Sunday evening that the settlement "brings some measure of justice to individuals who spent decades in prison and bore the stigma of being falsely accused of murdering an iconic figure."

"Based on our review, this office stands by the opinion of former Manhattan District Attorney Vance who stated, based on his investigation, that 'there is one ultimate conclusion: Mr. Aziz and Mr. Islam were wrongfully convicted of this crime,'" he added.

David Shanies, the attorney who represents Aziz and the late Khalil Islam, confirmed on Sunday evening the terms of the settlement to ABC News.

MORE: He was exonerated in the killing of Malcolm X but his fight for justice is not over
The settlement comes after Aziz and the estate of Islam sued New York City on July 14, seeking $40 million for malicious prosecution, denial of due process rights and government misconduct. Aziz and the estate of Khalil Islam also filed two multimillion-dollar civil lawsuits in December 2021 aimed at New York state government.

Then-Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance moved to vacate the convictions of Muhammad Aziz, 84, and co-defendant Khalil Islam in November 2021, citing "newly discovered evidence and the failure to disclose exculpatory evidence."

"Muhammad Aziz and Khalil Islam were wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for decades – 42 years between them – as the result of outrageous government misconduct and violations of their constitutional rights," Shanies said in July. "Justice delayed for far too long is justice denied. Mr. Aziz just turned 84 and Mr. Islam tragically died before seeing his name cleared."

"These men and their families should not be delayed compensation for the gross injustices they suffered," he added.

MORE: District attorney apologizes, calls out J. Edgar Hoover as men exonerated in murder of Malcolm X

Aziz, a U.S. Navy veteran and the father of six children, was 26 when he was arrested for the 1965 murder of Malcolm X at the Audubon Ballroom. He spent 20 years in prison.

Aziz was released on parole in 1985. Two years later, Islam was released after serving 22 years. They each appealed their convictions and always maintained their innocence. Islam died in 2009 at the age of 74. His estate filed a related claim.

Aziz and Islam were members of the Nation of Islam and belonged to Malcolm X's mosque #7 in Harlem.

Talmadge Hayer -- the confessed assassin of Malcolm X who was caught at the scene -- testified at trial that Aziz and Islam were not involved in the killing. In the late 1970s, Hayer signed an affidavit naming four other men who he said were involved in planning and carrying out the murder.

MORE: Man wrongfully convicted of murdering Malcolm X files $40 million lawsuit against New York City
But the case was not reopened until interest in the case was renewed in 2020 following the release of "Who Killed Malcolm X?" – a Netflix documentary that follows the work of independent historian Abdur-Rahman Muhammad who spent decades investigating the killing.

more ...

police, FBI, and prosecutors --- the real criminals

Each of those criminals should be forced to pay back every cent they stole from taxpayers and to spend the rest of their lives in jail.

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 3:39 pm
by Seacoaster(1)
Is there a special source that the cops go to in order to find this caliber of person? ... 5103574016

Maybe we should be focusing a little more on the race-bias problems in various police forces.

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 9:42 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
About three-fifths of Americans think the country’s police forces “operate in racist ways”, according to surveys by YouGov, a pollster. As well as high-profile cases, independent investigations and studies have brought attention to racial disparities in the actions of police forces. A recent study shows that police agencies’ official social-media posts display racial bias and may help perpetuate stereotypes about who commits certain crimes.

The authors—Ben Grunwald, Julian Nyarko and John Rappaport, of Duke, Stanford and Chicago law schools—gathered posts from almost 14,000 Facebook pages belonging to America’s local law-enforcement agencies. The authors used an algorithm designed by researchers at Stanford University to find posts about crimes that also identified the suspect by race. They then compared the frequency of these posts with information on actual arrest rates by the same police departments between 2010 and 2019.

The authors’ research focussed on posts about black suspects. Of posts mentioning a suspect’s race 32% mentioned a black person, despite black people accounting for only 20% of arrests. Black suspects were over-represented in all posts about serious crime with the exception of car theft (see left-hand chart). For violent crimes, such as rape and murder, black suspects were mentioned in police Facebook posts 40% more often than they should have been.

The authors then examined whether this racial skew was reflected in what Americans saw on social media. They aggregated data across counties from all police departments reporting arrest information, assuming that people would see more posts from their local forces than from those farther away. The researchers found that Facebook users in counties that voted Republican in the presidential elections in 2012 and 2016 were likely to see the most over-reporting of black suspects (see right-hand chart). A few Democratic-voting counties, such as Los Angeles County, California and Cook County, Illinois (which encompasses Chicago), swung the other way, with fewer posts about black suspects than would be expected from crime rates.

There are instances where knowing the race of a suspect could be useful for the public. Such information could help the police find (or help the public avoid) dangerous suspects-at-large. But black suspects were still vastly over-represented in posts about recent arrests. About one-third of Americans use Facebook as a regular source of news. None of them is served well by police forces that reinforce racial stereotypes.

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 10:58 pm
by Brooklyn
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sat Nov 19, 2022 3:39 pm Is there a special source that the cops go to in order to find this caliber of person? ... 5103574016

Maybe we should be focusing a little more on the race-bias problems in various police forces.

I'm betting that this cop will find a job in another police jurisdiction and be richly rewarded for his crimes against society.

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 11:30 pm
by Brooklyn
more racist cops exposed for their criminality: ... ce-captain

We’ve known for some time now that the presence of far-right extremists within the ranks of our police forces is a serious problem, one that was amplified by the Jan. 6 insurrection, where a number of officers were participants. Despite that, there’s been little effort among either police authorities themselves or their civic and federal overseers to confront the issue and begin rooting white supremacists out of our policing system.

Of course, when these bigots and their activities are publicly exposed, as with the neo-Nazi Massachusetts officer exposed by HuffPost’s Christopher Mathias last month, there’s an immediate uproar and the affected local authorities scramble to repair the damage. The same dynamic is occurring now in Idaho, where a now-retired Boise police captain was recently exposed as a contributor and speaker for this year’s white-nationalist American Renaissance (AR) conference. And it’s going to keep happening.

The Boise cop, Matthew Bryngleson, was exposed by researcher Molly Conger this weekend in a thread that detailed the officer’s real identity leading up to the annual AR gathering in Burns, Tennessee. Using the pseudonym Daniel Vinyard (taken from a racist skinhead character in the film American History X), Bryngleson was a scheduled speaker described as “a retired, race-realist police officer.” The title of his speech: “The Vilification of the Police and What It Means for America.”

American Renaissance is one of the longest-running white-nationalist operations, founded in the 1990s by Jared Taylor, who specializes in giving an academic veneer to old-fashioned racial bigotry, particularly of the eugenicist variety. One of Taylor’s most durable propaganda campaigns involves blaming black people for crime in America; among the people influenced by his spurious smears was mass killer Dylann Roof.

That was the topic, too, when Bryngleson and Taylor engaged in an interview that was posted to the AR website in September. Bryngelson told Taylor stories from his career and his interactions with Black people, whom he described as criminals whose crimes “the sound human mind can’t even comprehend … let alone carry them out.” At one point, Bryngelson used a transphobic slur to describe someone.

Taylor asked Bryngleson to describe his experience as a police officer in dealing with nonwhites, and he replied:

Whatever the worst crime of the day is, it’s usually a black person or a nonwhite. Of course white people do DUIs, they do domestic violence, they steal, but when it’s something where you pause and go, ‘Holy cow, I can’t believe that happened in this town,’ almost always it’s someone who is not from there, and it’s a black person, almost always without fail.

It’s a script. It’s what happens every single time no matter what the case is. You can catch them just finishing beating someone and during the subsequent resisting of arrest, the fight, we’re called racists. We can catch them in the act and the mere fact that we are catching them is racist. It’s 100 percent of the time we’re accused of being racist. Especially in this town, obviously, there are so few Black people there, but when we do encounter them, of course it’s going to be white officers because that’s mostly what we have, and when they get arrested they’re going to scream racism every single time.

more ...

There is just no end to the amount of links available online which expose the criminal nature of these racist trouble making cops. When will the right wing ever condemn these criminals?

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 7:33 am
by CU88
Brooklyn wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 11:30 pm more racist cops exposed for their criminality: ... ce-captain

We’ve known for some time now that the presence of far-right extremists within the ranks of our police forces is a serious problem, one that was amplified by the Jan. 6 insurrection, where a number of officers were participants. Despite that, there’s been little effort among either police authorities themselves or their civic and federal overseers to confront the issue and begin rooting white supremacists out of our policing system.

Of course, when these bigots and their activities are publicly exposed, as with the neo-Nazi Massachusetts officer exposed by HuffPost’s Christopher Mathias last month, there’s an immediate uproar and the affected local authorities scramble to repair the damage. The same dynamic is occurring now in Idaho, where a now-retired Boise police captain was recently exposed as a contributor and speaker for this year’s white-nationalist American Renaissance (AR) conference. And it’s going to keep happening.

The Boise cop, Matthew Bryngleson, was exposed by researcher Molly Conger this weekend in a thread that detailed the officer’s real identity leading up to the annual AR gathering in Burns, Tennessee. Using the pseudonym Daniel Vinyard (taken from a racist skinhead character in the film American History X), Bryngleson was a scheduled speaker described as “a retired, race-realist police officer.” The title of his speech: “The Vilification of the Police and What It Means for America.”

American Renaissance is one of the longest-running white-nationalist operations, founded in the 1990s by Jared Taylor, who specializes in giving an academic veneer to old-fashioned racial bigotry, particularly of the eugenicist variety. One of Taylor’s most durable propaganda campaigns involves blaming black people for crime in America; among the people influenced by his spurious smears was mass killer Dylann Roof.

That was the topic, too, when Bryngleson and Taylor engaged in an interview that was posted to the AR website in September. Bryngelson told Taylor stories from his career and his interactions with Black people, whom he described as criminals whose crimes “the sound human mind can’t even comprehend … let alone carry them out.” At one point, Bryngelson used a transphobic slur to describe someone.

Taylor asked Bryngleson to describe his experience as a police officer in dealing with nonwhites, and he replied:

Whatever the worst crime of the day is, it’s usually a black person or a nonwhite. Of course white people do DUIs, they do domestic violence, they steal, but when it’s something where you pause and go, ‘Holy cow, I can’t believe that happened in this town,’ almost always it’s someone who is not from there, and it’s a black person, almost always without fail.

It’s a script. It’s what happens every single time no matter what the case is. You can catch them just finishing beating someone and during the subsequent resisting of arrest, the fight, we’re called racists. We can catch them in the act and the mere fact that we are catching them is racist. It’s 100 percent of the time we’re accused of being racist. Especially in this town, obviously, there are so few Black people there, but when we do encounter them, of course it’s going to be white officers because that’s mostly what we have, and when they get arrested they’re going to scream racism every single time.

more ...

There is just no end to the amount of links available online which expose the criminal nature of these racist trouble making cops. When will the right wing ever condemn these criminals?

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:30 am
by Brooklyn
CU88 wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 7:33 am


These right wingers claim to be the moral vanguard of society, ever principled, law abiding, and upright. They oppose big government and want to limit its intrusion into people's lives, or so they say. But when it comes to the military industrial complex and police militarization with its coercive intrusionism into people's lives, that's perfectly OK to these Pharisees.

Those criminal cops cost society multiple billions of dollars every year. They bring drugs into society and control its distribution at tremendous untaxed profits. Drugs kill and disrupt the social order. But do the right wingers even care? Of course not. They happily blame black teenagers for the spread of drugs on the street notwithstanding the fact that it is cops who actually control the evil trade. Cops abuse the law, beat up and incarcerate innocents, get sued for billions which are paid for by taxpayers, and then the right wingers happily defend them as if they were the most innocent angels in the universe.

The hypocrisy of these people is unmatchable.

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:05 pm
by Typical Lax Dad


Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:37 am
by DMac
It is fantastic, not a history that was taught in any school I went to. We were the land of the free, home of the brave, and light of the world in those schools. Oh, and the Indians came and had Thanksgiving dinner with us too.
Lived in Georgia from 57-59, remember more about giant bullfrogs, baseball fields, and a wicked southern drawl with nigra being a commonly used word more than anything else. Remember too, though, the blatant in your face and all above board segregation Marable speaks of. Found it to be pretty confusing, made no sense to me, I had to be educated about southern whites and blacks, had to learn the rules. Whites only-Blacks only. W*tf??
A lot of progress has been made, much has improved. Far from perfect but decent progress nonetheless.

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:28 am
by Seacoaster(1)
DMac wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:37 am It is fantastic, not a history that was taught in any school I went to. We were the land of the free, home of the brave, and light of the world in those schools. Oh, and the Indians came and had Thanksgiving dinner with us too.
Lived in Georgia from 57-59, remember more about giant bullfrogs, baseball fields, and a wicked southern drawl with nigra being a commonly used word more than anything else. Remember too, though, the blatant in your face and all above board segregation Marable speaks of. Found it to be pretty confusing, made no sense to me, I had to be educated about southern whites and blacks, had to learn the rules. Whites only-Blacks only. W*tf??
A lot of progress has been made, much has improved. Far from perfect but decent progress nonetheless.
If we can just stop teaching kids about this stuff, it'll just go away.

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:37 am
by cradleandshoot
360 thousand union soldiers died guaranteeing the USA would forever be a racist nation. Lincolns assassination guaranteed his vision for healing our nation would never materialize. I believe Lincoln said something along these lines.. the confederacy needs to be treated more like misguided brothers rather than a defeated enemy. Well the union screwed the pooch in that regard. The effort to rebuild the south only added to the problem of healing the wounds created by that horrible war. The fact that millions of people are willing to walk 1000s of miles across dangerous territory to come to our racist, hate filled nation tells a person all they need to know. You all want a perfect nation that resembles your expectations and desires that is never going to happen. The problems in our country today have less to do with racism than they do with a generation raised with a callous disregard for human life. In America today if someone " disrespects" you the preferred solution involves a gun and a bullet.

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:09 am
by Farfromgeneva
Guns and butter baby!

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:58 am
by cradleandshoot
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:09 am Guns and butter baby!
It looks like the guns are winning and the butter only raises your cholesterol. Jaque Pepin has been killing people for decades with his high fat recipes that include at least a half a pound of butter to make an omelet. You throw that much butter into any omelet and it will taste wonderful. :D

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:12 am
by Farfromgeneva
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:58 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:09 am Guns and butter baby!
It looks like the guns are winning and the butter only raises your cholesterol. Jaque Pepin has been killing people for decades with his high fat recipes that include at least a half a pound of butter to make an omelet. You throw that much butter into any omelet and it will taste wonderful. :D
Butter is gross and kills me but I've had plenty in the past week

FFG Junior is a budding chef (and professional motorcycle rider, scientist and pro lacrosse player - he thinks he can do it all while not being able to maintain his bedroom...)

Butter, eggs, jalepeno jack, jamon, butter and butter:


Then after a ASO xmas show yesterday we went to the one legit Chi style Pizza place in Atl (Nancys) and as anyone who knows chicago style pizza it's all BUTTER, this one was a meat lovers. Leftovers from a 6 slice pie (that was like $44)


I'm crapping butter this am

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:43 am
by DMac
Don't know what happened tour post, TLD, but this was my response to it.
Agreed. Seacoaster nails it above, as noted I had to be taught how to be white in Georgia. I didn't need to be taught that people come in different colors, I could see that, but I did need to be taught that color dictates where one can and can not go. This was not the first new environment I had experienced but the first time I had experienced that. Lived in Japan prior to Georgia and people looked different there too but everyone used the same everything and could go to all the same places there. I didn't make the connection with color designated drinking fountains being a matter of superiority and knowing your place but you hang around with some of those good ol' Georgia boys for awhile and they'll clue you in on that right quick. It is absolutely a learned behavior and attitude.
Agree on the media and social media, it's awful and dangerous. I think guns are far less dangerous and less of a threat to society than the internet and social media where there's endless ammo of divisiveness and destruction. JMHO.

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:25 am
by Typical Lax Dad
DMac wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:43 am Don't know what happened tour post, TLD, but this was my response to it.
Agreed. Seacoaster nails it above, as noted I had to be taught how to be white in Georgia. I didn't need to be taught that people come in different colors, I could see that, but I did need to be taught that color dictates where one can and can not go. This was not the first new environment I had experienced but the first time I had experienced that. Lived in Japan prior to Georgia and people looked different there too but everyone used the same everything and could go to all the same places there. I didn't make the connection with color designated drinking fountains being a matter of superiority and knowing your place but you hang around with some of those good ol' Georgia boys for awhile and they'll clue you in on that right quick. It is absolutely a learned behavior and attitude.
Agree on the media and social media, it's awful and dangerous. I think guns are far less dangerous and less of a threat to society than the internet and social media where there's endless ammo of divisiveness and destruction. JMHO.
Absolutely. We have made good progress over the past 50 years. Just need to look at opportunities and living conditions for parents and grandparents versus the current generation and their kids. We still have a ways to go. 350 years of second class subservient status isn’t erased in 50 years. May take another 50 years. We will be far more productive as a country if the field isn’t tilted over something as trivial as race.

That video was excellent. A lot of his references are real shared experiences by many many people. Nothing he said was anything that I had not heard for most of my life.

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:07 am
by ardilla secreta
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:12 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:58 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:09 am Guns and butter baby!
It looks like the guns are winning and the butter only raises your cholesterol. Jaque Pepin has been killing people for decades with his high fat recipes that include at least a half a pound of butter to make an omelet. You throw that much butter into any omelet and it will taste wonderful. :D
Butter is gross and kills me but I've had plenty in the past week

FFG Junior is a budding chef (and professional motorcycle rider, scientist and pro lacrosse player - he thinks he can do it all while not being able to maintain his bedroom...)

Butter, eggs, jalepeno jack, jamon, butter and butter:


Then after a ASO xmas show yesterday we went to the one legit Chi style Pizza place in Atl (Nancys) and as anyone who knows chicago style pizza it's all BUTTER, this one was a meat lovers. Leftovers from a 6 slice pie (that was like $44)


I'm crapping butter this am
Nice looking omelette, especially for a kiddo. I’m assuming kid gets his looks from mom.

Re: Is America a racist nation?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 2:33 pm
by Farfromgeneva
DMac wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:43 am Don't know what happened tour post, TLD, but this was my response to it.
Agreed. Seacoaster nails it above, as noted I had to be taught how to be white in Georgia. I didn't need to be taught that people come in different colors, I could see that, but I did need to be taught that color dictates where one can and can not go. This was not the first new environment I had experienced but the first time I had experienced that. Lived in Japan prior to Georgia and people looked different there too but everyone used the same everything and could go to all the same places there. I didn't make the connection with color designated drinking fountains being a matter of superiority and knowing your place but you hang around with some of those good ol' Georgia boys for awhile and they'll clue you in on that right quick. It is absolutely a learned behavior and attitude.
Agree on the media and social media, it's awful and dangerous. I think guns are far less dangerous and less of a threat to society than the internet and social media where there's endless ammo of divisiveness and destruction. JMHO.
I saw your prior Ga note, no idea why it disappeared. Atlanta, of course, is different from the rest of the state. But it's got some areas that are very Rod Serling-esque still. Especially heading north, south or west of Atlanta...