All things CoronaVirus

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.

How many of your friends and family members have died of the Chinese Corona Virus?

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1 person.
2 people.
3 people.
Total votes: 69

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Kismet »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:55 pm
ggait wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:48 pm
“Just when I thought I was out……they pull me back in”
GF 2 is the best movie sequel of all time. Arguably better than GF 1.

GF 3, however, is completely horrible. That line is the only good thing in it.
Surprised that movie isn't to violent for your petty liberal tendencies... :lol: :lol:

I think that weed cloud in CO has permanently altered your brain, hence the extreme hatred for everyone that's unvaccinated. Because they are automatically mouth-breathers, no nuance at all. Yup, simplest explanation. That's it. A liberal guy from Denver who thinks that this CV-19 thread in the politics' section actually represents reality/actual public sentiment on a god damn lacrosse site said it, so it must, MUST be reality. Accept it or you shall be shamed by narrow-minded fools to stubborn and prideful to account for any nuance in this discussion. Just go with the flow or else. Not how it works in reality bud. :lol: :lol:

So sez our very own KAARON RODGERS on a lacrosse site, no less.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:49 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:51 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:32 pm
ggait wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:02 pm
I don’t see your multitude of hysteria posts on Lamar Jackson or Ice Cube or Nikki Minaj. Probably an oversight.
There were plenty of posts on here busting Kyrie's chops for being a selfish stupid dumbass.

Look it up, Petey. But maybe you missed that discussion -- you might have been on one of your frequent recurring suspensions at that time. And I feel another one is coming up fast.

Kyrie got the exact same treatment, deservedly so, as K-Aaron.

We are a color blind, multi-sport, equal opportunity basher of stupidity and BS. Which is why you get so much action on here. :lol:
Do you know how stupid you sound? You are letting someone get so inside your head you resort to posts like this. You are insufferable. You live in a liberal fantasy land created by your narrow-minded ideology. It's sad man, that you hold so much hatred for other's based on their medical decision's or lack thereof. There's so much more to life, take the time to enjoy it. Instead of coming on this thread and sounding like, the narrow-minded, petty, indicative, divisive, liberal piece of turd you are coming off as. You are so heck brainwashed you don't even know it fool. Petey is right on this one fool, take your woke directives and aim them somewhere else. Your obsessed with Covid-19, its sickening. :lol: :lol:


I don't give a rat's ass if I said I wasn't posting in the politics thread, guess what I broke my promise. It's sickening the level of nonsense that goes on in this thread. This thread is NOWHERE NEAR REPRESENTATIVE OF REALITY. NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!!

Yikes, Joe.
You also don't need to read this thread if it gets you this worked up.

This hasn't been a healthy discussion for months, whether I expressed my outrage or not. It's a sad pissing contest. Any attempt to bring a differing opinion is met by EXTREME resistance. There's only side of the argument represented here. Poster's like myself, tech37, YA, OS, C&S and other's are made to feel as if were are uneducated fools because we question the narrow minded narrative that permeates this thread. ggait is the worst offender of the bunch. He is a as divisive as the come. I bet he doesn't have the cojones to say some of the things he says about "Mouth-Breathers" to their face. For a so called lawyer his posts are incredibly petty and full of hatred. Who the hell gives a turd if Aaron Rodgers is unvaccinated or not? Who they hell care's if he lied to his team or wasn't following the protocols? That's for The Packers to deal with, it's their issue not yours. You have not a clue that Rodgers doesn't where a Mask in public outside of the press conferences. If spent a little less time shaming others you might have less to be upset about. It is not your responsibility to be the vaccine police. You've done what you think you need to do to be protected, and that's the right thing. You can't control what I do, what Charles Smith does, etc, etc. Spare me the woke bullcrap. It's stale. :oops: :oops:

So, stay away from it if it isn't "healthy".

"Spare" yourself "the woke bullcrap".
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by a fan »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:49 pm Poster's like myself, tech37, YA, OS, C&S and other's are made to feel as if were are uneducated fools because we question the narrow minded narrative that permeates this thread. ggait is the worst offender of the bunch. He is a as divisive as the come. I bet he doesn't have the cojones to say some of the things he says about "Mouth-Breathers" to their face. For a so called lawyer his posts are incredibly petty and full of hatred. Who the hell gives a turd if Aaron Rodgers is unvaccinated or not? Who they hell care's if he lied to his team or wasn't following the protocols.
Every poster you mentioned is vaccinated, Joe.

And GGait, myself, and others are not full of hatred. They're sick of watching their fellow Americans die because they're getting suckered by nonsense they read on the internet. It's frustrating.

The alternative position, which you have been advocating from the beginning, is to not care if their fellow Americans live or die.

You understand that that's your message, right? You're telling me that I should say: "who cares if unvaxxed Americans are dying, my family is vaccinated."

That's pretty cold, imho.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

wgdsr wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:22 pm
youthathletics wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:14 pm Interesting take from a Doctor:
MARIA BARTIROMO: Dr. Carson, you headed the pediatric neurosurgery unit at Johns Hopkins. Do you agree with the CDC's decision to vaccinate children 5 to 11 with the Pfizer vaccine?

DR. BEN CARSON: Absolutely not.

The fact of the matter is, the mortality rate for children from COVID-19 is 0.025, which is very similar to the rate for seasonal flu. And we haven't been for years and years going through all these things for seasonal flu.

Plus, we don't know what the long-term impact of these vaccines is. So this is really sort of a giant experiment. Do we want to put our children at risk, when we know that the risk of the disease to them is relatively small, but we don't know what the future risks are? Why would we do a thing like? It makes no sense whatsoever.

And, also, getting to this whole ideal of natural immunity, there have been a number of studies that have shown that it is very, very effective. You look at the Cleveland Clinic study, 1, 300 of their health care workers who had been previously infected, none of them got reinfected.

So, I know the CDC is coming out with their recommendations and trying to spin things their way. But we ought to look at all of the data.
he's a neurosurgeon not an epidemiologist!
A-Aron has a medical degree also!
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by JoeMauer89 »

Kismet wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:57 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:55 pm
ggait wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:48 pm
“Just when I thought I was out……they pull me back in”
GF 2 is the best movie sequel of all time. Arguably better than GF 1.

GF 3, however, is completely horrible. That line is the only good thing in it.
Surprised that movie isn't to violent for your petty liberal tendencies... :lol: :lol:

I think that weed cloud in CO has permanently altered your brain, hence the extreme hatred for everyone that's unvaccinated. Because they are automatically mouth-breathers, no nuance at all. Yup, simplest explanation. That's it. A liberal guy from Denver who thinks that this CV-19 thread in the politics' section actually represents reality/actual public sentiment on a god damn lacrosse site said it, so it must, MUST be reality. Accept it or you shall be shamed by narrow-minded fools to stubborn and prideful to account for any nuance in this discussion. Just go with the flow or else. Not how it works in reality bud. :lol: :lol:

So sez our very own KAARON RODGERS on a lacrosse site, no less.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
What's your deal bud? Are you that daft that you think that this little group of 10 poster's ACTUALLY represents reality or even public sentiment on all thing's CV-19?? How do you even have discourse when all it is, is 10 guys agreeing with each other over and over again. I'm going off the deep end here for a reason. They way you guys come at Petey is laughable. He challenge's you to think outside the box, you can't stand that. So you resort to snide remarks like Kaaren Rodgers. I can't stand the guy, never have and it has nothing AT ALL to do with his vaccination status. I could give a turd about that. He's arrogant, overrated and baby that pout's when he doesn't get his way. Those are the reason's I don't like him. At the very bottom of the list is whether or not he is vaccinated and whether or not he violated the NFL Protocols. Do yourself a favor if you can't stand it, don't watch sports then. You are the troll, nobody else. Liberal snowflake, nothing more.

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr »

ggait wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:45 pm
wgdsr wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:26 pm on the mandates due jan 4, i wonder what kind of showdown is going to be happening. will states have the right to set their own laws superceding federal ones?
an atty or 2 on here has proferred that they will be found constitutional. my out-of-the cracker-jack-box guess is that the testing requirement option might pull it across the line.

then states are on deck.
There is absolutely no question that the states can mandate away if they want to.

See Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905). The current SCOTUS has very recently followed that precedent. For example, ACB's recent brush aside of challenges to Indiana University's vax mandate.

The federal mandate is also on solid ground legally, but not quite as rock solid as the state authority is.
my question if is federal mandates get challenged in courts (by states) and the feds win.... can states then say eff it, those rules don't matter out here in these parts. and set their "own" rules?
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by JoeMauer89 »

a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:04 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:49 pm Poster's like myself, tech37, YA, OS, C&S and other's are made to feel as if were are uneducated fools because we question the narrow minded narrative that permeates this thread. ggait is the worst offender of the bunch. He is a as divisive as the come. I bet he doesn't have the cojones to say some of the things he says about "Mouth-Breathers" to their face. For a so called lawyer his posts are incredibly petty and full of hatred. Who the hell gives a turd if Aaron Rodgers is unvaccinated or not? Who they hell care's if he lied to his team or wasn't following the protocols.
Every poster you mentioned is vaccinated, Joe.

And GGait, myself, and others are not full of hatred. They're sick of watching their fellow Americans die because they're getting suckered by nonsense they read on the internet. It's frustrating.

The alternative position, which you have been advocating from the beginning, is to not care if their fellow Americans live or die.

You understand that that's your message, right? You're telling me that I should say: "who cares if unvaxxed Americans are dying, my family is vaccinated."

That's pretty cold, imho.
Why are you speaking as if you assume that's my position? Get off your pulpit. I understand your more upset than other's because of how a bad case of CV-19 could ruin your career. You are in a unique situation with your profession, stop projecting that fear on to this thread. That's what get's you angry, that you could lose your livelihood on the small chance you lose your sense of smell and it never comes back. So you did the right thing and got vaccinated. Bottom line, you protected yourself. Heck, everybody on this site is vaccinated, but you would never know that because advocating that their exists a healthy population that is unvaccinated yet ARE NOT mouth-breather's is not the end of the world. There is always a subsection of the population that is hesitant, they have certain things they need to make themselves ok with before they make their own personal decision. You think everything is black or white. You attack poster's as if you are the moral authority. Stay safe.

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:05 pmLiberal snowflake, nothing more.
The irony in that is so delicious I wanna package it and sell it.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Kismet »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:05 pm
Kismet wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:57 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:55 pm
ggait wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:48 pm
“Just when I thought I was out……they pull me back in”
GF 2 is the best movie sequel of all time. Arguably better than GF 1.

GF 3, however, is completely horrible. That line is the only good thing in it.
Surprised that movie isn't to violent for your petty liberal tendencies... :lol: :lol:

I think that weed cloud in CO has permanently altered your brain, hence the extreme hatred for everyone that's unvaccinated. Because they are automatically mouth-breathers, no nuance at all. Yup, simplest explanation. That's it. A liberal guy from Denver who thinks that this CV-19 thread in the politics' section actually represents reality/actual public sentiment on a god damn lacrosse site said it, so it must, MUST be reality. Accept it or you shall be shamed by narrow-minded fools to stubborn and prideful to account for any nuance in this discussion. Just go with the flow or else. Not how it works in reality bud. :lol: :lol:

So sez our very own KAARON RODGERS on a lacrosse site, no less.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
What's your deal bud? Are you that daft that you think that this little group of 10 poster's ACTUALLY represents reality or even public sentiment on all thing's CV-19?? How do you even have discourse when all it is, is 10 guys agreeing with each other over and over again. I'm going off the deep end here for a reason. They way you guys come at Petey is laughable. He challenge's you to think outside the box, you can't stand that. So you resort to snide remarks like Kaaren Rodgers. I can't stand the guy, never have and it has nothing AT ALL to do with his vaccination status. I could give a turd about that. He's arrogant, overrated and baby that pout's when he doesn't get his way. Those are the reason's I don't like him. At the very bottom of the list is whether or not he is vaccinated and whether or not he violated the NFL Protocols. Do yourself a favor if you can't stand it, don't watch sports then. You are the troll, nobody else. Liberal snowflake, nothing more.

Thanks for yet another rant and for cluing everybody else in, Einstein. Feel better that I called you Albert as opposed to KAARON?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Might be time for some more valium there BUD. ;) or, maybe just some liberal snowflake tonic. :lol: :lol:
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:14 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:04 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:49 pm Poster's like myself, tech37, YA, OS, C&S and other's are made to feel as if were are uneducated fools because we question the narrow minded narrative that permeates this thread. ggait is the worst offender of the bunch. He is a as divisive as the come. I bet he doesn't have the cojones to say some of the things he says about "Mouth-Breathers" to their face. For a so called lawyer his posts are incredibly petty and full of hatred. Who the hell gives a turd if Aaron Rodgers is unvaccinated or not? Who they hell care's if he lied to his team or wasn't following the protocols.
Every poster you mentioned is vaccinated, Joe.

And GGait, myself, and others are not full of hatred. They're sick of watching their fellow Americans die because they're getting suckered by nonsense they read on the internet. It's frustrating.

The alternative position, which you have been advocating from the beginning, is to not care if their fellow Americans live or die.

You understand that that's your message, right? You're telling me that I should say: "who cares if unvaxxed Americans are dying, my family is vaccinated."

That's pretty cold, imho.
Why are you speaking as if you assume that's my position? Get off your pulpit. I understand your more upset than other's because of how a bad case of CV-19 could ruin your career. You are in a unique situation with your profession, stop projecting that fear on to this thread. That's what get's you angry, that you could lose your livelihood on the small chance you lose your sense of smell and it never comes back. So you did the right thing and got vaccinated. Bottom line, you protected yourself. Heck, everybody on this site is vaccinated, but you would never know that because advocating that their exists a healthy population that is unvaccinated yet ARE NOT mouth-breather's is not the end of the world. There is always a subsection of the population that is hesitant, they have certain things they need to make themselves ok with before they make their own personal decision. You think everything is black or white. You attack poster's as if you are the moral authority. Stay safe.

I agree.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by JoeMauer89 »

Kismet wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:31 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:05 pm
Kismet wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:57 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:55 pm
ggait wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:48 pm
“Just when I thought I was out……they pull me back in”
GF 2 is the best movie sequel of all time. Arguably better than GF 1.

GF 3, however, is completely horrible. That line is the only good thing in it.
Surprised that movie isn't to violent for your petty liberal tendencies... :lol: :lol:

I think that weed cloud in CO has permanently altered your brain, hence the extreme hatred for everyone that's unvaccinated. Because they are automatically mouth-breathers, no nuance at all. Yup, simplest explanation. That's it. A liberal guy from Denver who thinks that this CV-19 thread in the politics' section actually represents reality/actual public sentiment on a god damn lacrosse site said it, so it must, MUST be reality. Accept it or you shall be shamed by narrow-minded fools to stubborn and prideful to account for any nuance in this discussion. Just go with the flow or else. Not how it works in reality bud. :lol: :lol:

So sez our very own KAARON RODGERS on a lacrosse site, no less.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
What's your deal bud? Are you that daft that you think that this little group of 10 poster's ACTUALLY represents reality or even public sentiment on all thing's CV-19?? How do you even have discourse when all it is, is 10 guys agreeing with each other over and over again. I'm going off the deep end here for a reason. They way you guys come at Petey is laughable. He challenge's you to think outside the box, you can't stand that. So you resort to snide remarks like Kaaren Rodgers. I can't stand the guy, never have and it has nothing AT ALL to do with his vaccination status. I could give a turd about that. He's arrogant, overrated and baby that pout's when he doesn't get his way. Those are the reason's I don't like him. At the very bottom of the list is whether or not he is vaccinated and whether or not he violated the NFL Protocols. Do yourself a favor if you can't stand it, don't watch sports then. You are the troll, nobody else. Liberal snowflake, nothing more.

Thanks for yet another rant and for cluing everybody else in, Einstein. Feel better that I called you Albert as opposed to KAARON?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Might be time for some more valium there BUD. ;)
Call me whatever you want, doesn't bother me.

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by a fan »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:14 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:04 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:49 pm Poster's like myself, tech37, YA, OS, C&S and other's are made to feel as if were are uneducated fools because we question the narrow minded narrative that permeates this thread. ggait is the worst offender of the bunch. He is a as divisive as the come. I bet he doesn't have the cojones to say some of the things he says about "Mouth-Breathers" to their face. For a so called lawyer his posts are incredibly petty and full of hatred. Who the hell gives a turd if Aaron Rodgers is unvaccinated or not? Who they hell care's if he lied to his team or wasn't following the protocols.
Every poster you mentioned is vaccinated, Joe.

And GGait, myself, and others are not full of hatred. They're sick of watching their fellow Americans die because they're getting suckered by nonsense they read on the internet. It's frustrating.

The alternative position, which you have been advocating from the beginning, is to not care if their fellow Americans live or die.

You understand that that's your message, right? You're telling me that I should say: "who cares if unvaxxed Americans are dying, my family is vaccinated."

That's pretty cold, imho.
Why are you speaking as if you assume that's my position? Get off your pulpit. I understand your more upset than other's because of how a bad case of CV-19 could ruin your career. You are in a unique situation with your profession, stop projecting that fear on to this thread. That's what get's you angry, that you could lose your livelihood on the small chance you lose your sense of smell and it never comes back. So you did the right thing and got vaccinated. Bottom line, you protected yourself. Heck, everybody on this site is vaccinated, but you would never know that because advocating that their exists a healthy population that is unvaccinated yet ARE NOT mouth-breather's is not the end of the world. There is always a subsection of the population that is hesitant, they have certain things they need to make themselves ok with before they make their own personal decision. You think everything is black or white. You attack poster's as if you are the moral authority. Stay safe.

Um. You just finished attacking other posters as if you are the moral authority. On your pulpit, lecturing others. Self aware much?

And you’re way off with your assertion about my profession affecting why I’m angry at antivaxxers. I can get covid from both vaxxed and unvaxxed, my man. So you’re wrong about why I’m angry…doubly so because I just told you why I’m angry.

Im angry, for the second time, because I’m tired of people succumbing to disinformation from the internet that’s leading them to not take the vaxx.

And I’m sorry mate, but whether you understand it or not, you are telling me not to care about these people’s misinformed choices. You’re telling me to live on and not care that my fellow Americans are dying of disinformation.

As tempting as it is? Hard pass. I don’t want Rogers to die or get a bad case of covid. Mea culpa
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by JoeMauer89 »

a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:09 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:14 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:04 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:49 pm Poster's like myself, tech37, YA, OS, C&S and other's are made to feel as if were are uneducated fools because we question the narrow minded narrative that permeates this thread. ggait is the worst offender of the bunch. He is a as divisive as the come. I bet he doesn't have the cojones to say some of the things he says about "Mouth-Breathers" to their face. For a so called lawyer his posts are incredibly petty and full of hatred. Who the hell gives a turd if Aaron Rodgers is unvaccinated or not? Who they hell care's if he lied to his team or wasn't following the protocols.
Every poster you mentioned is vaccinated, Joe.

And GGait, myself, and others are not full of hatred. They're sick of watching their fellow Americans die because they're getting suckered by nonsense they read on the internet. It's frustrating.

The alternative position, which you have been advocating from the beginning, is to not care if their fellow Americans live or die.

You understand that that's your message, right? You're telling me that I should say: "who cares if unvaxxed Americans are dying, my family is vaccinated."

That's pretty cold, imho.
Why are you speaking as if you assume that's my position? Get off your pulpit. I understand your more upset than other's because of how a bad case of CV-19 could ruin your career. You are in a unique situation with your profession, stop projecting that fear on to this thread. That's what get's you angry, that you could lose your livelihood on the small chance you lose your sense of smell and it never comes back. So you did the right thing and got vaccinated. Bottom line, you protected yourself. Heck, everybody on this site is vaccinated, but you would never know that because advocating that their exists a healthy population that is unvaccinated yet ARE NOT mouth-breather's is not the end of the world. There is always a subsection of the population that is hesitant, they have certain things they need to make themselves ok with before they make their own personal decision. You think everything is black or white. You attack poster's as if you are the moral authority. Stay safe.

Um. You just finished attacking other posters as if you are the moral authority. On your pulpit, lecturing others. Self aware much?

And you’re way off with your assertion about my profession affecting why I’m angry at antivaxxers. I can get covid from both vaxxed and unvaxxed, my man. So you’re wrong about why I’m angry…doubly so because I just told you why I’m angry.

Im angry, for the second time, because I’m tired of people succumbing to disinformation from the internet that’s leading them to not take the vaxx.

And I’m sorry mate, but whether you understand it or not, you are telling me not to care about these people’s misinformed choices. You’re telling me to live on and not care that my fellow Americans are dying of disinformation.

As tempting as it is? Hard pass. I don’t want Rogers to die or get a bad case of covid. Mea culpa
Do you really think that Rodgers want's that to happen either? You act as if you think he's inviting it. You talk about disinformation, how about the alarming lack of messaging. Eat right, lose weight, exercise, get fresh air. Take your vitamins, stay active. I haven't heard that once during this entire pandemic. It's no coincidence that the most unhealthy are almost always the ones that have a bad outcome when they contract covid. But, no, let's worry about a world-class athlete contracting covid and not Johnny Smith who is 12 and 350 pounds and highly unhealthy. SMH. :lol: :lol:

Joe :P
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Bart »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:13 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:09 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:14 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:04 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:49 pm Poster's like myself, tech37, YA, OS, C&S and other's are made to feel as if were are uneducated fools because we question the narrow minded narrative that permeates this thread. ggait is the worst offender of the bunch. He is a as divisive as the come. I bet he doesn't have the cojones to say some of the things he says about "Mouth-Breathers" to their face. For a so called lawyer his posts are incredibly petty and full of hatred. Who the hell gives a turd if Aaron Rodgers is unvaccinated or not? Who they hell care's if he lied to his team or wasn't following the protocols.
Every poster you mentioned is vaccinated, Joe.

And GGait, myself, and others are not full of hatred. They're sick of watching their fellow Americans die because they're getting suckered by nonsense they read on the internet. It's frustrating.

The alternative position, which you have been advocating from the beginning, is to not care if their fellow Americans live or die.

You understand that that's your message, right? You're telling me that I should say: "who cares if unvaxxed Americans are dying, my family is vaccinated."

That's pretty cold, imho.
Why are you speaking as if you assume that's my position? Get off your pulpit. I understand your more upset than other's because of how a bad case of CV-19 could ruin your career. You are in a unique situation with your profession, stop projecting that fear on to this thread. That's what get's you angry, that you could lose your livelihood on the small chance you lose your sense of smell and it never comes back. So you did the right thing and got vaccinated. Bottom line, you protected yourself. Heck, everybody on this site is vaccinated, but you would never know that because advocating that their exists a healthy population that is unvaccinated yet ARE NOT mouth-breather's is not the end of the world. There is always a subsection of the population that is hesitant, they have certain things they need to make themselves ok with before they make their own personal decision. You think everything is black or white. You attack poster's as if you are the moral authority. Stay safe.

Um. You just finished attacking other posters as if you are the moral authority. On your pulpit, lecturing others. Self aware much?

And you’re way off with your assertion about my profession affecting why I’m angry at antivaxxers. I can get covid from both vaxxed and unvaxxed, my man. So you’re wrong about why I’m angry…doubly so because I just told you why I’m angry.

Im angry, for the second time, because I’m tired of people succumbing to disinformation from the internet that’s leading them to not take the vaxx.

And I’m sorry mate, but whether you understand it or not, you are telling me not to care about these people’s misinformed choices. You’re telling me to live on and not care that my fellow Americans are dying of disinformation.

As tempting as it is? Hard pass. I don’t want Rogers to die or get a bad case of covid. Mea culpa
Do you really think that Rodgers want's that to happen either? You act as if you think he's inviting it. You talk about disinformation, how about the alarming lack of messaging. Eat right, lose weight, exercise, get fresh air. Take your vitamins, stay active. I haven't heard that once during this entire pandemic. It's no coincidence that the most unhealthy are almost always the ones that have a bad outcome when they contract covid. But, no, let's worry about a world-class athlete contracting covid and not Johnny Smith who is 12 and 350 pounds and highly unhealthy. SMH. :lol: :lol:

Joe :P
The problem Joe is that Rogers has a platform that reaches much further with alot more people than the eggheads on Television. For whatever reason, people are looking for someone just like him to state "facts" that are in line with exactly what they believe to be true or so desperately want to be true. Since a famous sports figure said it is so then it must be....can't listen to some silly egghead. He is a mans man after all. At least that is how I see it.
a fan
Posts: 19547
Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:05 pm

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by a fan »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:13 pm Do you really think that Rodgers want's that to happen either? You act as if you think he's inviting it. You talk about disinformation, how about the alarming lack of messaging. Eat right, lose weight, exercise, get fresh air. Take your vitamins, stay active. I haven't heard that once during this entire pandemic.
Oh, yes you have. From multiple outlets. At the start of the this very day. Including this Forum. Have a look for yourself.

I dropped a bunch of weight the minute the virus was a serious thing, and am dropping more. Eating better, exercising. Getting fresh air. As instructed.
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:13 pm It's no coincidence that the most unhealthy are almost always the ones that have a bad outcome when they contract covid. But, no, let's worry about a world-class athlete contracting covid and not Johnny Smith who is 12 and 350 pounds and highly unhealthy. SMH. :lol: :lol:
I worry about both. Imagine that? ;)
Posts: 2009
Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:39 pm

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by JoeMauer89 »

Bart wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:25 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:13 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:09 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:14 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:04 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:49 pm Poster's like myself, tech37, YA, OS, C&S and other's are made to feel as if were are uneducated fools because we question the narrow minded narrative that permeates this thread. ggait is the worst offender of the bunch. He is a as divisive as the come. I bet he doesn't have the cojones to say some of the things he says about "Mouth-Breathers" to their face. For a so called lawyer his posts are incredibly petty and full of hatred. Who the hell gives a turd if Aaron Rodgers is unvaccinated or not? Who they hell care's if he lied to his team or wasn't following the protocols.
Every poster you mentioned is vaccinated, Joe.

And GGait, myself, and others are not full of hatred. They're sick of watching their fellow Americans die because they're getting suckered by nonsense they read on the internet. It's frustrating.

The alternative position, which you have been advocating from the beginning, is to not care if their fellow Americans live or die.

You understand that that's your message, right? You're telling me that I should say: "who cares if unvaxxed Americans are dying, my family is vaccinated."

That's pretty cold, imho.
Why are you speaking as if you assume that's my position? Get off your pulpit. I understand your more upset than other's because of how a bad case of CV-19 could ruin your career. You are in a unique situation with your profession, stop projecting that fear on to this thread. That's what get's you angry, that you could lose your livelihood on the small chance you lose your sense of smell and it never comes back. So you did the right thing and got vaccinated. Bottom line, you protected yourself. Heck, everybody on this site is vaccinated, but you would never know that because advocating that their exists a healthy population that is unvaccinated yet ARE NOT mouth-breather's is not the end of the world. There is always a subsection of the population that is hesitant, they have certain things they need to make themselves ok with before they make their own personal decision. You think everything is black or white. You attack poster's as if you are the moral authority. Stay safe.

Um. You just finished attacking other posters as if you are the moral authority. On your pulpit, lecturing others. Self aware much?

And you’re way off with your assertion about my profession affecting why I’m angry at antivaxxers. I can get covid from both vaxxed and unvaxxed, my man. So you’re wrong about why I’m angry…doubly so because I just told you why I’m angry.

Im angry, for the second time, because I’m tired of people succumbing to disinformation from the internet that’s leading them to not take the vaxx.

And I’m sorry mate, but whether you understand it or not, you are telling me not to care about these people’s misinformed choices. You’re telling me to live on and not care that my fellow Americans are dying of disinformation.

As tempting as it is? Hard pass. I don’t want Rogers to die or get a bad case of covid. Mea culpa
Do you really think that Rodgers want's that to happen either? You act as if you think he's inviting it. You talk about disinformation, how about the alarming lack of messaging. Eat right, lose weight, exercise, get fresh air. Take your vitamins, stay active. I haven't heard that once during this entire pandemic. It's no coincidence that the most unhealthy are almost always the ones that have a bad outcome when they contract covid. But, no, let's worry about a world-class athlete contracting covid and not Johnny Smith who is 12 and 350 pounds and highly unhealthy. SMH. :lol: :lol:

Joe :P
The problem Joe is that Rogers has a platform that reaches much further with alot more people than the eggheads on Television. For whatever reason, people are looking for someone just like him to state "facts" that are in line with exactly what they believe to be true or so desperately want to be true. Since a famous sports figure said it is so then it must be....can't listen to some silly egghead. He is a mans man after all. At least that is how I see it.

Good point. You are right, the guy has never carried himself as a role model well before all this went down. Eli Manning on the other hand, is and always was a standup guy. Rodgers is a clown, with an inferiority complex since the beginning of his career.

Posts: 2009
Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:39 pm

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by JoeMauer89 »

a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:27 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:13 pm Do you really think that Rodgers want's that to happen either? You act as if you think he's inviting it. You talk about disinformation, how about the alarming lack of messaging. Eat right, lose weight, exercise, get fresh air. Take your vitamins, stay active. I haven't heard that once during this entire pandemic.
Oh, yes you have. From multiple outlets. At the start of the this very day. Including this Forum. Have a look for yourself.

I dropped a bunch of weight the minute the virus was a serious thing, and am dropping more. Eating better, exercising. Getting fresh air. As instructed.
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:13 pm It's no coincidence that the most unhealthy are almost always the ones that have a bad outcome when they contract covid. But, no, let's worry about a world-class athlete contracting covid and not Johnny Smith who is 12 and 350 pounds and highly unhealthy. SMH. :lol: :lol:
I worry about both. Imagine that? ;)
Good for you! And yes, I know you are not concerned for Rodgers wellbeing, you just like to relish the fact that he is a high-profile athlete that has provided proof that he is a "mouth-breather", so that it gives you and the "select 10" an opportunity to shame, shame, shame away. Same old story, will never change around these parts.

Peter Brown
Posts: 12878
Joined: Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:19 am

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Peter Brown »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:18 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:28 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:04 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 11:30 am That begs the question why the usual suspects here are so invested in Rogers. Why?
Gee whiz, Pete. That's a tough one.

Because he's a high profile American, FFS, just like Joe Rogan. And in case it escaped your attention, you've STILL got unvaccinated Floridians pushing up daisies every week, because they're listening to Rogan, Rodgers, and every other boob on the internet. That's why.

We get that you don't give a *hit about unvaccinated people dying from Covid, Pete. Message received.

Way to be woke.
I don’t see your multitude of hysteria posts on Lamar Jackson or Ice Cube or Nikki Minaj. Probably an oversight.
Probably because “deh” Black Petey! It’s reverse racism against A-Aron!!!!!

Free Rogers!

I just finished a meeting with some Chicago guys who are packers fans…odd, but they grew up in Wisconsin.

In any event, you’ll be pleased to know they all support Rogers and think the east coast elites’ takes are bad. That is, most of the Fanlax libs’ takes. They will support the guy when he returns to the lineup.

Aaron is still da man!!!! And no, the reason the Fanlax libs haven’t jumped on Nikki, Ice Cube, or Chappelle is not because off racism but rather institutional laziness. They see Rogers in the mainstream news, so they fall in lockstep like obedient soldiers and echo the chants. Like I said, very little original thought here.

C’mon people, think for yourselves!! Let’s go, America!!!
Typical Lax Dad
Posts: 34082
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:10 pm

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:34 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:18 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:28 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:04 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 11:30 am That begs the question why the usual suspects here are so invested in Rogers. Why?
Gee whiz, Pete. That's a tough one.

Because he's a high profile American, FFS, just like Joe Rogan. And in case it escaped your attention, you've STILL got unvaccinated Floridians pushing up daisies every week, because they're listening to Rogan, Rodgers, and every other boob on the internet. That's why.

We get that you don't give a *hit about unvaccinated people dying from Covid, Pete. Message received.

Way to be woke.
I don’t see your multitude of hysteria posts on Lamar Jackson or Ice Cube or Nikki Minaj. Probably an oversight.
Probably because “deh” Black Petey! It’s reverse racism against A-Aron!!!!!

Free Rogers!

I just finished a meeting with some Chicago guys who are packers fans…odd, but they grew up in Wisconsin.

In any event, you’ll be pleased to know they all support Rogers and think the east coast elites’ takes are bad. That is, most of the Fanlax libs’ takes. They will support the guy when he returns to the lineup.

Aaron is still da man!!!! And no, the reason the Fanlax libs haven’t jumped on Nikki, Ice Cube, or Chappelle is not because off racism but rather institutional laziness. They see Rogers in the mainstream news, so they fall in lockstep like obedient soldiers and echo the chants. Like I said, very little original thought here.

C’mon people, think for yourselves!! Let’s go, America!!!
“I wish you would!”
Peter Brown
Posts: 12878
Joined: Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:19 am

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Peter Brown »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:31 pm
Bart wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:25 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:13 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:09 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:14 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:04 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:49 pm Poster's like myself, tech37, YA, OS, C&S and other's are made to feel as if were are uneducated fools because we question the narrow minded narrative that permeates this thread. ggait is the worst offender of the bunch. He is a as divisive as the come. I bet he doesn't have the cojones to say some of the things he says about "Mouth-Breathers" to their face. For a so called lawyer his posts are incredibly petty and full of hatred. Who the hell gives a turd if Aaron Rodgers is unvaccinated or not? Who they hell care's if he lied to his team or wasn't following the protocols.
Every poster you mentioned is vaccinated, Joe.

And GGait, myself, and others are not full of hatred. They're sick of watching their fellow Americans die because they're getting suckered by nonsense they read on the internet. It's frustrating.

The alternative position, which you have been advocating from the beginning, is to not care if their fellow Americans live or die.

You understand that that's your message, right? You're telling me that I should say: "who cares if unvaxxed Americans are dying, my family is vaccinated."

That's pretty cold, imho.
Why are you speaking as if you assume that's my position? Get off your pulpit. I understand your more upset than other's because of how a bad case of CV-19 could ruin your career. You are in a unique situation with your profession, stop projecting that fear on to this thread. That's what get's you angry, that you could lose your livelihood on the small chance you lose your sense of smell and it never comes back. So you did the right thing and got vaccinated. Bottom line, you protected yourself. Heck, everybody on this site is vaccinated, but you would never know that because advocating that their exists a healthy population that is unvaccinated yet ARE NOT mouth-breather's is not the end of the world. There is always a subsection of the population that is hesitant, they have certain things they need to make themselves ok with before they make their own personal decision. You think everything is black or white. You attack poster's as if you are the moral authority. Stay safe.

Um. You just finished attacking other posters as if you are the moral authority. On your pulpit, lecturing others. Self aware much?

And you’re way off with your assertion about my profession affecting why I’m angry at antivaxxers. I can get covid from both vaxxed and unvaxxed, my man. So you’re wrong about why I’m angry…doubly so because I just told you why I’m angry.

Im angry, for the second time, because I’m tired of people succumbing to disinformation from the internet that’s leading them to not take the vaxx.

And I’m sorry mate, but whether you understand it or not, you are telling me not to care about these people’s misinformed choices. You’re telling me to live on and not care that my fellow Americans are dying of disinformation.

As tempting as it is? Hard pass. I don’t want Rogers to die or get a bad case of covid. Mea culpa
Do you really think that Rodgers want's that to happen either? You act as if you think he's inviting it. You talk about disinformation, how about the alarming lack of messaging. Eat right, lose weight, exercise, get fresh air. Take your vitamins, stay active. I haven't heard that once during this entire pandemic. It's no coincidence that the most unhealthy are almost always the ones that have a bad outcome when they contract covid. But, no, let's worry about a world-class athlete contracting covid and not Johnny Smith who is 12 and 350 pounds and highly unhealthy. SMH. :lol: :lol:

Joe :P
The problem Joe is that Rogers has a platform that reaches much further with alot more people than the eggheads on Television. For whatever reason, people are looking for someone just like him to state "facts" that are in line with exactly what they believe to be true or so desperately want to be true. Since a famous sports figure said it is so then it must be....can't listen to some silly egghead. He is a mans man after all. At least that is how I see it.

Good point. You are right, the guy has never carried himself as a role model well before all this went down. Eli Manning on the other hand, is and always was a standup guy. Rodgers is a clown, with an inferiority complex since the beginning of his career.


I was tied up all afternoon so I missed the back and forth here.

I see Joe had the audacity (white privilege? :lol: ) to possibly consider a more nuanced take on the Aaron Rogers situation.

The usual suspects are having none of it!!! :lol:

It makes me wonder: when a thoughtful poster (like Joe) disagrees with the left about any odd topic on here, why is there alway such a mad rush by the left to disagree? They never pause to reflect and thoughtfully consider the validity of any opinion not packaged by the mainstream media. What is that mania all about? Is it insecurity? A lack of underlying confidence in their position? I’d really like a psychologist’s take on this, because it fascinates me.
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