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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:47 pm
by Brooklyn
JoeMauer89 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:42 pm
Why are you directing your anger at me? Are you serious with this post? Your wishing for a fellow poster to "croak"? What are, you 10 f**king years old? I wear a mask when its necessary and am fully vaccinated. Your a f**king cartoon character, batshit crazy. Jesus, you really are unhinged. I've always thought you were on the fringe, but this confirms it. I've never once myself seen or wished for a fellow poster to "croak". You should be ashamed of yourself, fool.


So emotional. Look at all the insults and bad behavior. Such a shame. Why don't you calm down and try to approach it all with rational thought? I know it's difficult but such naughtiness is unbecoming. Take a deep breath, hold it, pause, and then think before you post.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:49 pm
by wgdsr
Brooklyn wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:43 pm
wgdsr wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:39 pm you post the cartoons and i think it's a joke.
Yep. All forum right wing delusionals claim to ignore my posts. But I guess they can't resist the truths of what I post. ;)
speaking of which, you still haven't answered the question.

and btb, i've never claimed to ignore your posts.... so? i'm out of the venn?

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:50 pm
by JoeMauer89
Brooklyn wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:47 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:42 pm
Why are you directing your anger at me? Are you serious with this post? Your wishing for a fellow poster to "croak"? What are, you 10 f**king years old? I wear a mask when its necessary and am fully vaccinated. Your a f**king cartoon character, batshit crazy. Jesus, you really are unhinged. I've always thought you were on the fringe, but this confirms it. I've never once myself seen or wished for a fellow poster to "croak". You should be ashamed of yourself, fool.


So emotional. Look at all the insults and bad behavior. Such a shame. Why don't you calm down and try to approach it all with rational thought? I know it's difficult but such naughtiness is unbecoming. Take a deep breath, hold it, pause, and then think before you post.
Don't wish that you want other posters to "croak". I take that stuff seriously. I may come at people hard but I never ever wish ill will of others. You are the one that needs to think before you let your extreme political hatred guide every post that you hit send on. Maybe a dip in Lake Woebegone will wake you up! :lol: :lol:


Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:57 pm
by Brooklyn
wgdsr wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:49 pm speaking of which, you still haven't answered the question.

and btb, i've never claimed to ignore your posts.... so? i'm out of the venn?


Image ... ru.svg.png

such things entail some degree of logic but, I'm afraid it's a bit over the head of most right wingers

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:59 pm
by Brooklyn
JoeMauer89 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:50 pm

Don't wish that you want other posters to "croak". I take that stuff seriously. I may come at people hard but I never ever wish ill will of others. You are the one that needs to think before you let your extreme political hatred guide every post that you hit send on. Maybe a dip in Lake Woebegone will wake you up! :lol: :lol:


If you would stop being so emotional and think logically you would see that I don't see any of that either. That's why I want you right wing ding-dongs to use masks, take the vax, and keep social distancing.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:01 pm
by wgdsr
Brooklyn wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:57 pm
wgdsr wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:49 pm speaking of which, you still haven't answered the question.

and btb, i've never claimed to ignore your posts.... so? i'm out of the venn?


Image ... ru.svg.png

such things entail some degree of logic but, I'm afraid it's a bit over the head of most right wingers
you're the best!!!!

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:15 pm
by NattyBohChamps04
I still don't know why so many people are angry at the vaccine and mask mandates but have no problem with Fox News enforcing mask mandates, vaccine mandates and testing mandates and Donald Trump and his third wife being vaccinated back in March.

Anyone on the right want to explain it to me like I'm 5?

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:26 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
wgdsr wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:26 pm
huh. no flu deaths. what a coincidence.
Obviously they were just lumped as COVID-19….number is overblown.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:30 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
JoeMauer89 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:15 pm
CV-19 being so dominant is the major reason the flu hasn't "existed" in a while. I know you don't believe that we have achieved what it takes to eradicate flu but not CV-19, although at different levels of transmissive properties, both are in the same larger respiratory family.

Joe, you mean different levels of killing folk....

this lady is lying...we have it figured out.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:32 pm
by Brooklyn
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:15 pm I still don't know why so many people are angry at the vaccine and mask mandates but have no problem with Fox News enforcing mask mandates, vaccine mandates and testing mandates and Donald Trump and his third wife being vaccinated back in March.

Anyone on the right want to explain it to me like I'm 5?

I had not heard of this change in the law until but it sounds promising as a partial solution to all the controversy going on today:


The use of face masks in public spaces, private businesses, and the workplace has proven controversial in some quarters, despite scientific evidence that mask wearing saves lives by reducing the spread of the coronavirus. In an attempt to discourage attacks on workers enforcing mask rules, the Illinois General Assembly recently classified violent resistance to following public health regulations as “aggravated battery,” instead of “simple battery.”

The Problem

It has been common knowledge for some time—and the overwhelming consensus of scientists and public health officials—that wearing face masks greatly reduces the spread of the novel coronavirus, thus protecting many people from developing COVID-19. As a result, public officials have enacted mask requirements to protect the general population from the disease, but also to avoid another general shutdown of the countless businesses that keep the economy humming.

Nonetheless, heated resistance to wearing face masks has emerged, sometimes taking a violent turn. In one bizarre twist, an Illinois woman complaining about other shoppers not wearing masks took her own mask off, threatened to cough on a store employee, and then allegedly attacked the employee. A viral video out of Washington state caught a woman berating pizza parlor staff, claiming that she did not have to comply with the shop’s mask policy because she enjoyed a “right” to her pizza. Things were more tragic in Michigan, where a man stabbed an elderly shopper who had approached him about not wearing a mask in a convenience store.

In the midst of such incidents, experts now predict a spike indeathscaused by COVID-19 across the Midwest. This surge will likely be acutely aggravated by anti-mask sentiment, which at times is even stoked by defiant public officials.

It was in this context that the Illinois legislature proposed SB 0471 to reclassify violence undertaken while opposing public health regulations from “simple battery” to “aggravated battery.” The principal Senate sponsor Kimberly Lightford said, “Our essential workers put their lives at risk for us to stay safe, and it is clear that we have to continue to do better to protect working class people with a renewed commitment to providing basic rights for everyone.”

It is hoped that this change will enhance protections for officials and employees—such as retail workers, servers, cashiers, and store clerks—who are on the front lines of enforcing face mask policies, social distancing regulations, and capacity limits for indoor spaces. Governor J.B. Pritzker signed the bill into law on August 7th and it took effect immediately.

What Is Battery?

We often hear the phrase “assault and battery” without much clarity on its meaning. Intentionally threatening someone’s safety without making physical contact with that person constitutes “assault” in Illinois, whereas “battery” must include physical contact. “Battery” is defined as intentionally causing physical harm to another person with no legitimate legal basis, whether to cause harm or simply to threaten.

Battery can rise to “aggravated” status depending on the location of the offense (such as public property or a place of worship), the status of the victim (such as the disabled, elderly, or emergency workers), or if it involves the use of items such as a firearm or a motor vehicle. Simple battery is classified as a misdemeanor in Illinois, whereas aggravated battery constitutes a felony criminal offense. Depending on the precise offense, aggravated battery can carry a hefty prison sentence.

What Can Business Owners Do?

Many Illinois businesses yearned for the shutdown order to be lifted so they could return to some semblance of normal business operations. Now that they have been able to re-open, most are trying to do so in a safe manner, to protect both patrons and staff. That involves enforcing the use of face masks, social distancing, and capacity limits.

Businesses striving to abide by proper public health regulations can take several steps to ensure altercations do not arise:

Use your social media. If your patrons follow you on social media, use your platforms to remind them of your company’s safety regulations and proper decorum while visiting your business. You could even post a link to a news item about the new law with a message similar to this: “In light of this recent legislation, we would like to remind our patrons of our safety protocols and our expectations for respectful interactions with store employees.”

Post signage. Greet patrons with immediate visual reminders of the need for a mask, social distancing, and capacity limits, as well as your expectations for appropriate conduct.

Offer masks on site. In case a patron forgets to bring a mask, have masks on hand. That way, there can be no excuse not to wear one!

Have a plan to accommodate. If a patron claims to have a disability that a face mask would aggravate, have a plan in place to provide a reasonable accommodation. For example, have the patron wait outside while a store clerk serves as a runner to collect the items the patron needs. Confer with your team to develop a sensible, reasonable, and effective plan.

Give verbal reminders. If all else fails, feel free to gently but firmly remind patrons of public health regulations, as well as your own store rules. You can always remind them of the new penalties as well.

If businesses follow these simple steps, most customers will appreciate their foresight, thoughtfulness, and attentiveness to safety—and their continued patronage will help these businesses get back on track toward healthy margins.

We should have gotten rid of this covid menace a long time ago. But these trouble makers who refuse to take the vax or wear masks are the cause as to why the problem persists and is growing. As Justice Learned Hand said many moons ago, everyone has a constitutional right to be stupid. But not one has the right to cause harm to others. All that the malcontents needed to do was to comply with the law and all would have been well a long time ago. We have the examples of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand as proof aplenty where there has been great success in reducing outbreaks in areas with high compliance.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:37 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
Know how your audience

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:54 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
Good ‘ol fear porn

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:19 pm
by youthathletics
.. welcomed break from all the scientists on fanlax... now please, continue. :lol:

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:26 pm
by MDlaxfan76
JoeMauer89 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 7:22 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 7:03 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:50 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:31 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:08 pm Pretty neat video and coding by this person. You can see how it moves around its chasing people indoors.

No really my takeaway.
I watched Florida's cycle and it doesn't look like hottest versus coldest months had anything to do with timing of flares.

But it's indeed "chasing" people wherever they congregate with lots of 'dry tinder'.

Take away the dry tinder and the flares lessen. Whether that's because folks aren't congregating indoors, wearing masks (yet insufficient-in aggregate #'s- to stop spread when no one vaccinated...just helps slow) or because of vaccination and the easiest tinder already burnt...

That said, I'm looking forward to being in Florida in winter months...just in case (and to be able to walk 100 yds to the range!).

You can see how this post can be construed as privileged and "elitist". If there's a significant wave (Signs are it will be less than what it was in the winter of 20-21, which was not nearly as bad as the late winter of 2020 (Original virus jumping off point in Northeast), You are gleefully extolling how you cant wait to escape such wave, by shipping off to Florida and avoiding any personal hardship spending the winter in MD may cause you. I could care less what precaution's your community takes, not everybody has the opportunity to run wherever they want to avoid situations they don't want to deal with. And the fact you have no problem spewing this tells me all I need to know. Completely out of touch with reality, must be nice! :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll:

Joe, I certainly can understand why someone might call it "privileged"; heck, I would too!
I'm definitely "privileged", no bones about it. Very, very fortunate.
At least some of that "privilege" has been earned by many years of working hard, taking risk, and having some good luck along the way, including marrying a great gal who had a heck of lot less 'advantages' than me at birth, yet has had her own very successful career. Lucky for me.

But, dunno where you get "elitist". What the heck does "elitism" have to do with having the wherewithal to go to Florida? Sure are a lot of non-"elitists" there, after all. "Privileged", "lucky", "fortunate" fine..."elitist" nope.

You may have missed it, but I'd be willing to wager that I'm a heck of a lot more concerned about the ravages of Covid (and other health epidemics) on those who have far less resources than you've demonstrated on these threads. Heck, the business I help run is very focused on such. I see very little evidence from your posts of such concern about others. But that's getting "personal" and I really shouldn't respond to your latest personal attack by responding in kind. Let's just say, you're mistaken to attack me on that front.

On any upcoming waves, I sure as heck hope they're effectively muted by high vaccination rates and continued diligence, everywhere, including regions where the cold is going to push people inside.

The good news in regions like the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, where btw I have a whole lot of friends and family residing throughout the winter, is that vaccination rates are high and continuing to grow, so we should at least hope this has dramatically reduced the 'dry tinder'.

I'm actually more concerned about future waves in areas like Florida which continue to have large pockets of unvaccinated and where mask compliance is very low...but Florida does have the benefit, at least for me and my family, including 84 yr old mom, of having lots of ways to enjoy oneself outside. And our community indeed has high vaccine compliance and takes precautions seriously, so again lucky to be able to be in that environment.

But let's not kid ourselves, the virus is really, really nasty. I just learned of a prominent lax coach, '50's, fully vaccinated, in good shape, who caught Delta recently, has been hospitalized twice for symptoms now...worse, the coach's father, fully vaccinated, caught it from the coach (they think)... and died. Coach is back to work 2 days a week under doctor's orders; feels terribly guilty about father.

Thanks for explaining yourself, that's all I'm trying to get out of you. The elitist part is not the wherewithal, it was the fact you needed to broadcast it. Nonetheless, sorry to hear about the Lax Coach's father. Condolences. At the end of the day, I am a human being and not the monster the FLP brethren makes me out to be. I'm alway going to challenge others to provide their reasoning, you know that by now.


No problem, just would prefer that the "challenge" to explain was less harshly now, you should know I'm always happy to explain myself. Getting me to shut up is harder! ;)

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:29 pm
by jhu72
Recent evidence from French researchers (Pasteur Institute) has identified a number of coronavirus variants closer to the human COVID variant than the RaTG13 previously assumed to have been in the line of variants to cause human COVID. RaTG13 came from Yunnan province in southern China. These variants come from bats found in Laos, almost the same distance from from Wuhan as the bat caves in southern China. They have searched in China, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Africa and Latin America. The closeness of the Laotian viruses to human COVID argues that it is more likely COVID came from nature rather than a lab leak. Not conclusively, but there is no evidence any virus closer than RaTG13 was ever in the Wuhan lab.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:36 pm
by JoeMauer89
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:26 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 7:22 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 7:03 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:50 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:31 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:08 pm Pretty neat video and coding by this person. You can see how it moves around its chasing people indoors.

No really my takeaway.
I watched Florida's cycle and it doesn't look like hottest versus coldest months had anything to do with timing of flares.

But it's indeed "chasing" people wherever they congregate with lots of 'dry tinder'.

Take away the dry tinder and the flares lessen. Whether that's because folks aren't congregating indoors, wearing masks (yet insufficient-in aggregate #'s- to stop spread when no one vaccinated...just helps slow) or because of vaccination and the easiest tinder already burnt...

That said, I'm looking forward to being in Florida in winter months...just in case (and to be able to walk 100 yds to the range!).

You can see how this post can be construed as privileged and "elitist". If there's a significant wave (Signs are it will be less than what it was in the winter of 20-21, which was not nearly as bad as the late winter of 2020 (Original virus jumping off point in Northeast), You are gleefully extolling how you cant wait to escape such wave, by shipping off to Florida and avoiding any personal hardship spending the winter in MD may cause you. I could care less what precaution's your community takes, not everybody has the opportunity to run wherever they want to avoid situations they don't want to deal with. And the fact you have no problem spewing this tells me all I need to know. Completely out of touch with reality, must be nice! :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll:

Joe, I certainly can understand why someone might call it "privileged"; heck, I would too!
I'm definitely "privileged", no bones about it. Very, very fortunate.
At least some of that "privilege" has been earned by many years of working hard, taking risk, and having some good luck along the way, including marrying a great gal who had a heck of lot less 'advantages' than me at birth, yet has had her own very successful career. Lucky for me.

But, dunno where you get "elitist". What the heck does "elitism" have to do with having the wherewithal to go to Florida? Sure are a lot of non-"elitists" there, after all. "Privileged", "lucky", "fortunate" fine..."elitist" nope.

You may have missed it, but I'd be willing to wager that I'm a heck of a lot more concerned about the ravages of Covid (and other health epidemics) on those who have far less resources than you've demonstrated on these threads. Heck, the business I help run is very focused on such. I see very little evidence from your posts of such concern about others. But that's getting "personal" and I really shouldn't respond to your latest personal attack by responding in kind. Let's just say, you're mistaken to attack me on that front.

On any upcoming waves, I sure as heck hope they're effectively muted by high vaccination rates and continued diligence, everywhere, including regions where the cold is going to push people inside.

The good news in regions like the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, where btw I have a whole lot of friends and family residing throughout the winter, is that vaccination rates are high and continuing to grow, so we should at least hope this has dramatically reduced the 'dry tinder'.

I'm actually more concerned about future waves in areas like Florida which continue to have large pockets of unvaccinated and where mask compliance is very low...but Florida does have the benefit, at least for me and my family, including 84 yr old mom, of having lots of ways to enjoy oneself outside. And our community indeed has high vaccine compliance and takes precautions seriously, so again lucky to be able to be in that environment.

But let's not kid ourselves, the virus is really, really nasty. I just learned of a prominent lax coach, '50's, fully vaccinated, in good shape, who caught Delta recently, has been hospitalized twice for symptoms now...worse, the coach's father, fully vaccinated, caught it from the coach (they think)... and died. Coach is back to work 2 days a week under doctor's orders; feels terribly guilty about father.

Thanks for explaining yourself, that's all I'm trying to get out of you. The elitist part is not the wherewithal, it was the fact you needed to broadcast it. Nonetheless, sorry to hear about the Lax Coach's father. Condolences. At the end of the day, I am a human being and not the monster the FLP brethren makes me out to be. I'm alway going to challenge others to provide their reasoning, you know that by now.


No problem, just would prefer that the "challenge" to explain was less harshly now, you should know I'm always happy to explain myself. Getting me to shut up is harder! ;)
I'm always up for a good challenge! I can say I'll try, no promises.... :lol:


Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:43 pm
by ggait
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:15 pm I still don't know why so many people are angry at the vaccine and mask mandates but have no problem with Fox News enforcing mask mandates, vaccine mandates and testing mandates and Donald Trump and his third wife being vaccinated back in March.

Anyone on the right want to explain it to me like I'm 5?
Sure. Here is who is vaccinated:

Pretty much everyone working at Fox News, per company policy.

Every single living U.S. President and First Lady.

All 50 governors -- both Republican and Democratic.

Nearly 100% of US Congress. Every single Dem reports being vaxed. Majority of Reps also report being vaxed. So the overall "admitted" vax rate in Congress is over 80%. The remaining 20% are Reps who refuse to disclose their vax status. Presumably almost all of them have been vaxed, but they are too weasel-ish to say so. Many, such as idiots like MTG, cite HIPAA medical privacy to effectively lie about their vax status. I think Rand Paul may be the only member who says he has not been vaxed.

96% of American physicians.

75-80% of the military, soon 100%.

So who's not vaccinated? Pretty much all of the people die-ing of Covid. Who are so stupid as to listen to and rely upon their Facebook feed, Fox News and GOP leadership. All of whom are vaxed.

Trump said it during the 2016 campaign -- "I love the poorly educated!"

Do as I say, mouth breathers. Not as I do.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:47 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
ggait wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:43 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:15 pm I still don't know why so many people are angry at the vaccine and mask mandates but have no problem with Fox News enforcing mask mandates, vaccine mandates and testing mandates and Donald Trump and his third wife being vaccinated back in March.

Anyone on the right want to explain it to me like I'm 5?
Sure. Here is who is vaccinated:

Pretty much everyone working at Fox News, per company policy.

Every single living U.S. president and First Lady.

All 50 governors -- both Republican and Democratic.

Nearly 100% of US Congress. Every single Dem reports being vaxed. Majority of Reps also report being vaxed. So the overall "admitted" vax rate in Congress is over 80%. The remaining 20% are Reps who refuse to disclose their vax status. Presumably almost all of them have been vaxed, but they are too weasel-ish to say so. Many, such as idiots like MTG, cite HIPAA medical privacy to effectively lie about their vax status. I think Rand Paul may be the only member who says he has not been vaxed.

96% of American physicians.

75-80% of the military, soon 100%.

So who's not vaccinated? Pretty much all of the people die-ing of Covid. Who are so stupid as to listen to and rely upon their Facebook feed, Fox News and GOP leadership. All of whom are vaxed.

Do as I say, mouth breathers. Not as I do.
Buddy just told me his wife is at a funeral in SC. 3 of 6 family members have died from COVID-19….Had to go eventually…..oh well. No point in being concerned with COVID-19. People get electrocuted and nobody talks about it.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 3:14 pm
by MDlaxfan76
ggait wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:43 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:15 pm I still don't know why so many people are angry at the vaccine and mask mandates but have no problem with Fox News enforcing mask mandates, vaccine mandates and testing mandates and Donald Trump and his third wife being vaccinated back in March.

Anyone on the right want to explain it to me like I'm 5?
Sure. Here is who is vaccinated:

Pretty much everyone working at Fox News, per company policy.

Every single living U.S. President and First Lady.

All 50 governors -- both Republican and Democratic.

Nearly 100% of US Congress. Every single Dem reports being vaxed. Majority of Reps also report being vaxed. So the overall "admitted" vax rate in Congress is over 80%. The remaining 20% are Reps who refuse to disclose their vax status. Presumably almost all of them have been vaxed, but they are too weasel-ish to say so. Many, such as idiots like MTG, cite HIPAA medical privacy to effectively lie about their vax status. I think Rand Paul may be the only member who says he has not been vaxed.

96% of American physicians.

75-80% of the military, soon 100%.

So who's not vaccinated? Pretty much all of the people die-ing of Covid. Who are so stupid as to listen to and rely upon their Facebook feed, Fox News and GOP leadership. All of whom are vaxed.

Trump said it during the 2016 campaign -- "I love the poorly educated!"

Do as I say, mouth breathers. Not as I do.
While mostly "poorly educated", there are some cohorts of intransigence that probably are less likely to be Fox watchers and GOP members...might well be Facebook feed or other networks of influence, but not your typical right winger types. And then there are the flat out whack jobs, doesn't have anything to do with political affiliation.

But yeah, most of the anti-vax mouth-breathers are indeed the Trumpist right-wingers.

And now its spreading to all vaccines, not just this one...not even a smidgen of that has anything to do with medical risk concerns, it's all partisan "freedom" BS.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 4:03 pm
by youthathletics
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 3:14 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:43 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:15 pm I still don't know why so many people are angry at the vaccine and mask mandates but have no problem with Fox News enforcing mask mandates, vaccine mandates and testing mandates and Donald Trump and his third wife being vaccinated back in March.

Anyone on the right want to explain it to me like I'm 5?
Sure. Here is who is vaccinated:

Pretty much everyone working at Fox News, per company policy.

Every single living U.S. President and First Lady.

All 50 governors -- both Republican and Democratic.

Nearly 100% of US Congress. Every single Dem reports being vaxed. Majority of Reps also report being vaxed. So the overall "admitted" vax rate in Congress is over 80%. The remaining 20% are Reps who refuse to disclose their vax status. Presumably almost all of them have been vaxed, but they are too weasel-ish to say so. Many, such as idiots like MTG, cite HIPAA medical privacy to effectively lie about their vax status. I think Rand Paul may be the only member who says he has not been vaxed.

96% of American physicians.

75-80% of the military, soon 100%.

So who's not vaccinated? Pretty much all of the people die-ing of Covid. Who are so stupid as to listen to and rely upon their Facebook feed, Fox News and GOP leadership. All of whom are vaxed.

Trump said it during the 2016 campaign -- "I love the poorly educated!"

Do as I say, mouth breathers. Not as I do.
While mostly "poorly educated", there are some cohorts of intransigence that probably are less likely to be Fox watchers and GOP members...might well be Facebook feed or other networks of influence, but not your typical right winger types. And then there are the flat out whack jobs, doesn't have anything to do with political affiliation.

But yeah, most of the anti-vax mouth-breathers are indeed the Trumpist right-wingers.

And now its spreading to all vaccines, not just this one...not even a smidgen of that has anything to do with medical risk concerns, it's all partisan "freedom" BS.
So are you saying "most of the anti-vax mouth-breathers are indeed the Trumpist right-wingers." are black folks? ... 2asc%22%7D