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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:18 pm
by jhu72
old salt wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:07 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 10:02 am
tech37 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 8:22 am
a fan wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:58 pm
tech37 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:04 pm No modern presidency faced the kind of resistance/opposition that Trump and his admin did.
Not true.

Nixon and Clinton did. And all for the same reason.
Respectfully a fan... I completely disagree. You're not considering context again. Nixon/Clinton never had the BiG Tech social media platforms nor the 24/7 MSM resistance movement to deal with. If those POTUSs had, I'd agree with you.

Again, this such rehash and has nothing to do with Covid. PM me with any reply you have.
Those two Presidents also didn't have a captured propaganda media and viral social networks on which to spread their lies and disinformation, an army of sycophants and cheerleaders spreading such. Indeed, no modern President has similarly used the technology of his day so effectively, nor for such ill.

While Kennedy was markedly better than Nixon on TV, he didn't use it much, simply benefited. The best comparison of using the tech of the day, though before our direct memories, would have been FDR with his fireside chats.

The whine about having faced opposition is the whine of the guilty, whether from Trump himself or all those who were willing to put aside principle to support a con man, simply for power and/or for "policies" that fit their resentments and bigotries or greed.
JFK did not face a Russian collusion hoax perpetuated by the FBI & IC.
... neither did your boy Orange Duce!

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:21 pm
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:53 am
It's so dishonest to suggest that I haven't acknowledged that there are Republicans who supported Trump simply because he wasn't a Democrat. I understand this to be the case, no matter how much I think that's wrong-headed, underestimating the danger that Trump and
Trumpism represents to the country. IMO, I was right, Cheney wrong last November...She's since changed her mind.

Were there millions of such voters? Sure.
But the huge turnout of voters who rarely vote at all and the majority of Trump's voters were not simply policy oriented. and that's what made the difference in 2016 and they showed up again in 2020, emboldened by a racist, nativist populist who gave voice to their resentments and bigotries.

I do get it.

But no, I don't buy that the over 70% of Republicans who continue to support the Big Lie are doing so because they simply "liked" Trump's policies over the presumed different Biden policies. Nope, this is due to deep-seated emotions that have nothing to do with reality, policies or otherwise.

You can't put lipstick on this pig, Salty.
Still no acknowledgement from you of (R)'s who supported Trump because they agreed with Trump's policies.
I guess that just leaves tech, me & Liz Cheney, ...& Liz is the only one who voted for Trump.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:29 pm
by runrussellrun
a fan wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 12:30 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 8:13 am
and STILL no answer from AFAN........classless.

How is a covid survivor, with natural immunity, a threat to anyone? You parents, afan
Another insult. Neat. Let me guess: you're going to get all upset and clutch your pearls when I return fire, right?

You don't get to change the original question, and then claim I didn't answer your new question, sorry mate.

You didn't like the answer to the old question. So you're going to pretend you didn't ask it, and invent a new one----and then pretend to get upset that I didn't answer your new question. Neat-o.
G I apologize if I missed your answer. How are Covid survivors going to harm your parents again?

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:57 pm
by a fan
runrussellrun wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:29 pm G I apologize if I missed your answer. How are Covid survivors going to harm your parents again?
Here's a refresher, to remind you of what you're actually writing here, since you can't remember.....
runrussellrun wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:29 am Thus,.....the numbers. Come on, ggait or afan......the NUMBERS show that almost all of the covid deaths had a number of factors:

OLD (avg. age 75 )

UNhealthy (that silly obesity , sugary sweet everything )....etc. etc.

You all have zero basis, medically and molecularly, for worrying about OTHERS not being vaccinated.
You didn't say boo about "covid survivors". You wrote, and I quote You all have zero basis, medically and molecularly, for worrying about OTHERS not being vaccinated.

You're wrong.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:00 pm
by JoeMauer89
jhu72 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:16 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:35 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:25 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 10:53 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:53 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:27 pm Barking up the wrong tree. How about the 33,295,755 who have recovered from CV-19, as of today? Are they not considered important?
I'm still trying to square what it is you think we should have done as Americans in responding to Covid.

You make it sound as if you think we should have done nothing, and simply gone on with our lives. No masks. No closures. No border closures. No distancing.

Do I have this right? And if I don't, can you please tell me what it is you think we should have done? All I can tell is that you think we're "doing it wrong".

When did I ever say we shouldn't have had any response at all? The point I was trying to make is that by pointing out the number of deaths as a political football of sorts, those that do so are doing more damage than they realize. The amount of misinformation that is spread by our media on a daily basis no matter what "side" your on is overwhelming. Nobody talks about the long-term ramifications of THAT. Were learning to live with the virus, whether people like it or not. I will never shame those that are unvaccinated because it is their choice and THEIR risk that they bear. If you or I got vaccinated, and in the likelihood they passed CV-19 to us, it's OVERWHELMING likely that any symptoms we have will be manageable. So the nonsense narrative that the unvaccinated POSE A RISK to the vaccinated, is just that, nonsense. The unvaccinated pose the overwhelming risk to those that are also unvaccinated. If anybody in this thread had ideas that the US would get vaccinated to the point of "eradication", their are fooling themselves only. This virus will be around forever, we are continuing to manage it and learning new things every day that we use to our advantage. There hasn't been one god damn politician that hasn't f**ked up aspects of the response to this virus. Because most if not all of them foolishly think that they can "control" the virus. They can take reasonable measures to help their constituents LEARN TO LIVE with this virus. If you want the Government to do more, go pack your bags and live in Australia. Some way to go through life, guess what they haven't eradicated CV-19 anymore than the US has and are just kicking the can down the road at the expense of massive upheaval of daily Aussie society. To the point that their police force is tackling citizens on the streets with rifles pointed at their heads. I never once said that it is not extremely unfortunate that so many lives have been lost but to think that the majority or all of them were preventable is bullcrap, no one knows that yet, it's going to take time/research,etc before we know a quantifiable answer to that. And guess what, it may not be what a lot of FLP regulars on this thread want to hear... This isn't all pointed at you, but some of you FLP morons live in a f**king fantasy land. :roll: :roll: :roll:

well, you seem to be begging for a long-winded diatribe in return on this Joe. ;)

No, again, this is not about the individual's personal risk. Simply that, statistically, those who don't get vaccinated will cost all the rest of us, not simply themselves or just others unvaccinated. Those who do get sick and need care cost each of us in our shared healthcare cost system. The unlucky "few" hundred thousand or million who get very sick and die, cost us a huge amount each. And they cost the healthcare workers tremendously, and when the system gets particularly strained, as it is in many places, those of us who don't contract a nasty case of Covid because we've been vaccinated, masked, etc nevertheless may pay a steep price if we need serious healthcare for other issues, yet such care is constricted.

All of that has nothing to with the individual's personal risk and 'right's to make an individual decision. We may think it's stupid and selfish not to get vaccinated, but the real point is that it costs all the rest of us who are doing our part to reduce transmission and really bad other words, trying to 'live with it'.

I don't know that you realize how obnoxious your response comes across to the # of deaths with the # of recoveries. I feel sure you simply must not understand how that comes across a dismissive of the deaths, and the inevitability of far more deaths with no mitigation efforts versus strong mitigation/vaccination, etc.

Listen, we heard from Covid deniers that this 'just another flu', would end after maybe a bad flu season, then it was exclaimed that it couldn't possibly take 100k, much less 200k...the latter # was one which many of us thought would actually be a victory and a relief, yet such view was responded to as "fear mongering" as, at the time, it seemed like such an extremely high #...yet those of us predicting at least those sorts of #'s could see that our commitment to mitigation strategies was going to be very weak...too many making the sorts of arguments you are still making Joe. Or at least seem to be making.

I actually think, and glean, that you've been personally making responsible choices and doing a solid job of doing your part.

No one's asking you or anyone else to to do otherwise.
You are full of turd, its the same self-serving elitist bullcrap that you spout on a daily basis. I don't come off as dismissive of anything. You have made it not enjoyable to post in this particular thread anymore. Again, you live in a fantasy land. Where in the united states can you not receive care at a hospital if you were at the point that you truly needed to to ensure the best chance of your survival? Nowhere that I know of, outside of so mesmall rural areas that luckily can be bailed out by our bigger healthcare systems. What CAN"T you do in your normal life due to an unvaccinated person? Not what you are uncomfortable with, what CAN YOU NOT DO? Are they physically preventing you from meeting a friend for dinner and drinks at a relatively crowded bar if you meet them double-masked, as I am sure you are wont to do. Your double my age and you still can't ascertain WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IS HAPPENING AND WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING are two distinctly different things. Life is moving along relatively normally here in NYC and LI, and that DOES NOT mean people are behaving recklessly. I could care less about whatever the hell is going in your fantasy-land of tony neighborhood somewhere outside of Baltimore. Life exists outside of Chuckie's "little circle". You seem to forget that, on a daily basis. Same old FLP fu***ng bullcrap, never ceases to amaze me. :roll:


... you are the one full of sh*t! You have been unrealistically dismissive of any negative news with respect to the pandemic since day 1!!! You have behaved as a self important blow hard -- from day 1!
All you do is MYOPICALLY focus on the negative on a daily basis, to the point that it seems to me and some other's like you enjoy all the constant negativity that surrounds your posting of opinion pieces/news articles, etc. My head is not buried in the sand, there's a ton of negative with this virus. I just don't choose to obsess over it and grouse and take political potshots at people no longer in charge of our country. There's more to life than CV-19, that's my point. You would understand that better, if you turned the damn news off every once and while and enjoyed life. Because life is meant to be enjoyed my friend. Doing so doesn't mean your acting in a "selfish" manner, your simply living life as it's intended to be. :roll: :roll:


Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:25 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:00 pm
jhu72 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:16 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:35 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:25 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 10:53 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:53 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:27 pm Barking up the wrong tree. How about the 33,295,755 who have recovered from CV-19, as of today? Are they not considered important?
I'm still trying to square what it is you think we should have done as Americans in responding to Covid.

You make it sound as if you think we should have done nothing, and simply gone on with our lives. No masks. No closures. No border closures. No distancing.

Do I have this right? And if I don't, can you please tell me what it is you think we should have done? All I can tell is that you think we're "doing it wrong".

When did I ever say we shouldn't have had any response at all? The point I was trying to make is that by pointing out the number of deaths as a political football of sorts, those that do so are doing more damage than they realize. The amount of misinformation that is spread by our media on a daily basis no matter what "side" your on is overwhelming. Nobody talks about the long-term ramifications of THAT. Were learning to live with the virus, whether people like it or not. I will never shame those that are unvaccinated because it is their choice and THEIR risk that they bear. If you or I got vaccinated, and in the likelihood they passed CV-19 to us, it's OVERWHELMING likely that any symptoms we have will be manageable. So the nonsense narrative that the unvaccinated POSE A RISK to the vaccinated, is just that, nonsense. The unvaccinated pose the overwhelming risk to those that are also unvaccinated. If anybody in this thread had ideas that the US would get vaccinated to the point of "eradication", their are fooling themselves only. This virus will be around forever, we are continuing to manage it and learning new things every day that we use to our advantage. There hasn't been one god damn politician that hasn't f**ked up aspects of the response to this virus. Because most if not all of them foolishly think that they can "control" the virus. They can take reasonable measures to help their constituents LEARN TO LIVE with this virus. If you want the Government to do more, go pack your bags and live in Australia. Some way to go through life, guess what they haven't eradicated CV-19 anymore than the US has and are just kicking the can down the road at the expense of massive upheaval of daily Aussie society. To the point that their police force is tackling citizens on the streets with rifles pointed at their heads. I never once said that it is not extremely unfortunate that so many lives have been lost but to think that the majority or all of them were preventable is bullcrap, no one knows that yet, it's going to take time/research,etc before we know a quantifiable answer to that. And guess what, it may not be what a lot of FLP regulars on this thread want to hear... This isn't all pointed at you, but some of you FLP morons live in a f**king fantasy land. :roll: :roll: :roll:

well, you seem to be begging for a long-winded diatribe in return on this Joe. ;)

No, again, this is not about the individual's personal risk. Simply that, statistically, those who don't get vaccinated will cost all the rest of us, not simply themselves or just others unvaccinated. Those who do get sick and need care cost each of us in our shared healthcare cost system. The unlucky "few" hundred thousand or million who get very sick and die, cost us a huge amount each. And they cost the healthcare workers tremendously, and when the system gets particularly strained, as it is in many places, those of us who don't contract a nasty case of Covid because we've been vaccinated, masked, etc nevertheless may pay a steep price if we need serious healthcare for other issues, yet such care is constricted.

All of that has nothing to with the individual's personal risk and 'right's to make an individual decision. We may think it's stupid and selfish not to get vaccinated, but the real point is that it costs all the rest of us who are doing our part to reduce transmission and really bad other words, trying to 'live with it'.

I don't know that you realize how obnoxious your response comes across to the # of deaths with the # of recoveries. I feel sure you simply must not understand how that comes across a dismissive of the deaths, and the inevitability of far more deaths with no mitigation efforts versus strong mitigation/vaccination, etc.

Listen, we heard from Covid deniers that this 'just another flu', would end after maybe a bad flu season, then it was exclaimed that it couldn't possibly take 100k, much less 200k...the latter # was one which many of us thought would actually be a victory and a relief, yet such view was responded to as "fear mongering" as, at the time, it seemed like such an extremely high #...yet those of us predicting at least those sorts of #'s could see that our commitment to mitigation strategies was going to be very weak...too many making the sorts of arguments you are still making Joe. Or at least seem to be making.

I actually think, and glean, that you've been personally making responsible choices and doing a solid job of doing your part.

No one's asking you or anyone else to to do otherwise.
You are full of turd, its the same self-serving elitist bullcrap that you spout on a daily basis. I don't come off as dismissive of anything. You have made it not enjoyable to post in this particular thread anymore. Again, you live in a fantasy land. Where in the united states can you not receive care at a hospital if you were at the point that you truly needed to to ensure the best chance of your survival? Nowhere that I know of, outside of so mesmall rural areas that luckily can be bailed out by our bigger healthcare systems. What CAN"T you do in your normal life due to an unvaccinated person? Not what you are uncomfortable with, what CAN YOU NOT DO? Are they physically preventing you from meeting a friend for dinner and drinks at a relatively crowded bar if you meet them double-masked, as I am sure you are wont to do. Your double my age and you still can't ascertain WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IS HAPPENING AND WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING are two distinctly different things. Life is moving along relatively normally here in NYC and LI, and that DOES NOT mean people are behaving recklessly. I could care less about whatever the hell is going in your fantasy-land of tony neighborhood somewhere outside of Baltimore. Life exists outside of Chuckie's "little circle". You seem to forget that, on a daily basis. Same old FLP fu***ng bullcrap, never ceases to amaze me. :roll:


... you are the one full of sh*t! You have been unrealistically dismissive of any negative news with respect to the pandemic since day 1!!! You have behaved as a self important blow hard -- from day 1!
All you do is MYOPICALLY focus on the negative on a daily basis, to the point that it seems to me and some other's like you enjoy all the constant negativity that surrounds your posting of opinion pieces/news articles, etc. My head is not buried in the sand, there's a ton of negative with this virus. I just don't choose to obsess over it and grouse and take political potshots at people no longer in charge of our country. There's more to life than CV-19, that's my point. You would understand that better, if you turned the damn news off every once and while and enjoyed life. Because life is meant to be enjoyed my friend. Doing so doesn't mean your acting in a "selfish" manner, your simply living life as it's intended to be. :roll: :roll:

More to life if you manage to catch a case and live to tell. If you die, there isn’t more to life.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:32 pm
by a fan
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:00 pm There hasn't been one god damn politician that hasn't f**ked up aspects of the response to this virus. Because most if not all of them foolishly think that they can "control" the virus.
I understand that you think that. Which is why I asked the question: since you think every governor and POTUS did it wrong, what would you have done?

Pretend you're the governor of a State, and Covid breaks out in 2020: tell me what you would have done. A few bullet points will suffice, no need for a novel.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:44 pm
by JoeMauer89
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:25 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:00 pm
jhu72 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:16 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:35 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:25 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 10:53 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:53 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:27 pm Barking up the wrong tree. How about the 33,295,755 who have recovered from CV-19, as of today? Are they not considered important?
I'm still trying to square what it is you think we should have done as Americans in responding to Covid.

You make it sound as if you think we should have done nothing, and simply gone on with our lives. No masks. No closures. No border closures. No distancing.

Do I have this right? And if I don't, can you please tell me what it is you think we should have done? All I can tell is that you think we're "doing it wrong".

When did I ever say we shouldn't have had any response at all? The point I was trying to make is that by pointing out the number of deaths as a political football of sorts, those that do so are doing more damage than they realize. The amount of misinformation that is spread by our media on a daily basis no matter what "side" your on is overwhelming. Nobody talks about the long-term ramifications of THAT. Were learning to live with the virus, whether people like it or not. I will never shame those that are unvaccinated because it is their choice and THEIR risk that they bear. If you or I got vaccinated, and in the likelihood they passed CV-19 to us, it's OVERWHELMING likely that any symptoms we have will be manageable. So the nonsense narrative that the unvaccinated POSE A RISK to the vaccinated, is just that, nonsense. The unvaccinated pose the overwhelming risk to those that are also unvaccinated. If anybody in this thread had ideas that the US would get vaccinated to the point of "eradication", their are fooling themselves only. This virus will be around forever, we are continuing to manage it and learning new things every day that we use to our advantage. There hasn't been one god damn politician that hasn't f**ked up aspects of the response to this virus. Because most if not all of them foolishly think that they can "control" the virus. They can take reasonable measures to help their constituents LEARN TO LIVE with this virus. If you want the Government to do more, go pack your bags and live in Australia. Some way to go through life, guess what they haven't eradicated CV-19 anymore than the US has and are just kicking the can down the road at the expense of massive upheaval of daily Aussie society. To the point that their police force is tackling citizens on the streets with rifles pointed at their heads. I never once said that it is not extremely unfortunate that so many lives have been lost but to think that the majority or all of them were preventable is bullcrap, no one knows that yet, it's going to take time/research,etc before we know a quantifiable answer to that. And guess what, it may not be what a lot of FLP regulars on this thread want to hear... This isn't all pointed at you, but some of you FLP morons live in a f**king fantasy land. :roll: :roll: :roll:

well, you seem to be begging for a long-winded diatribe in return on this Joe. ;)

No, again, this is not about the individual's personal risk. Simply that, statistically, those who don't get vaccinated will cost all the rest of us, not simply themselves or just others unvaccinated. Those who do get sick and need care cost each of us in our shared healthcare cost system. The unlucky "few" hundred thousand or million who get very sick and die, cost us a huge amount each. And they cost the healthcare workers tremendously, and when the system gets particularly strained, as it is in many places, those of us who don't contract a nasty case of Covid because we've been vaccinated, masked, etc nevertheless may pay a steep price if we need serious healthcare for other issues, yet such care is constricted.

All of that has nothing to with the individual's personal risk and 'right's to make an individual decision. We may think it's stupid and selfish not to get vaccinated, but the real point is that it costs all the rest of us who are doing our part to reduce transmission and really bad other words, trying to 'live with it'.

I don't know that you realize how obnoxious your response comes across to the # of deaths with the # of recoveries. I feel sure you simply must not understand how that comes across a dismissive of the deaths, and the inevitability of far more deaths with no mitigation efforts versus strong mitigation/vaccination, etc.

Listen, we heard from Covid deniers that this 'just another flu', would end after maybe a bad flu season, then it was exclaimed that it couldn't possibly take 100k, much less 200k...the latter # was one which many of us thought would actually be a victory and a relief, yet such view was responded to as "fear mongering" as, at the time, it seemed like such an extremely high #...yet those of us predicting at least those sorts of #'s could see that our commitment to mitigation strategies was going to be very weak...too many making the sorts of arguments you are still making Joe. Or at least seem to be making.

I actually think, and glean, that you've been personally making responsible choices and doing a solid job of doing your part.

No one's asking you or anyone else to to do otherwise.
You are full of turd, its the same self-serving elitist bullcrap that you spout on a daily basis. I don't come off as dismissive of anything. You have made it not enjoyable to post in this particular thread anymore. Again, you live in a fantasy land. Where in the united states can you not receive care at a hospital if you were at the point that you truly needed to to ensure the best chance of your survival? Nowhere that I know of, outside of so mesmall rural areas that luckily can be bailed out by our bigger healthcare systems. What CAN"T you do in your normal life due to an unvaccinated person? Not what you are uncomfortable with, what CAN YOU NOT DO? Are they physically preventing you from meeting a friend for dinner and drinks at a relatively crowded bar if you meet them double-masked, as I am sure you are wont to do. Your double my age and you still can't ascertain WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IS HAPPENING AND WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING are two distinctly different things. Life is moving along relatively normally here in NYC and LI, and that DOES NOT mean people are behaving recklessly. I could care less about whatever the hell is going in your fantasy-land of tony neighborhood somewhere outside of Baltimore. Life exists outside of Chuckie's "little circle". You seem to forget that, on a daily basis. Same old FLP fu***ng bullcrap, never ceases to amaze me. :roll:


... you are the one full of sh*t! You have been unrealistically dismissive of any negative news with respect to the pandemic since day 1!!! You have behaved as a self important blow hard -- from day 1!
All you do is MYOPICALLY focus on the negative on a daily basis, to the point that it seems to me and some other's like you enjoy all the constant negativity that surrounds your posting of opinion pieces/news articles, etc. My head is not buried in the sand, there's a ton of negative with this virus. I just don't choose to obsess over it and grouse and take political potshots at people no longer in charge of our country. There's more to life than CV-19, that's my point. You would understand that better, if you turned the damn news off every once and while and enjoyed life. Because life is meant to be enjoyed my friend. Doing so doesn't mean your acting in a "selfish" manner, your simply living life as it's intended to be. :roll: :roll:

More to life if you manage to catch a case and live to tell. If you die, there isn’t more to life.
Unfortunately right. Same as if you die of one of many other leading causes of death that don't get discussed nearly as much as CV-19. I don't want to hear the tired line, Cancer isn't transmissible from one person to another. Death is a sad part of life, unfortunately. We have lived and co-existed with it for millennia though, WELL before CV-19 was even a thought. Enough with the moral turpitude. Do what you need to do to make your self feel safe. Can't worry about others, in doing so you will only find your self more and more frustrated. Which all of you FLP morons clearly are since you don't even realize its the SAME EXACT 10 people agreeing with themselves on a daily basis with maybe 3 users who post a dissenting or opposing viewpoint. That's NOT representative of reality at all. It's only representative of the nurtured reality that you guys have created on this site. Open your eyes...


Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:47 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:44 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:25 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:00 pm
jhu72 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:16 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:35 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:25 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 10:53 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:53 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:27 pm Barking up the wrong tree. How about the 33,295,755 who have recovered from CV-19, as of today? Are they not considered important?
I'm still trying to square what it is you think we should have done as Americans in responding to Covid.

You make it sound as if you think we should have done nothing, and simply gone on with our lives. No masks. No closures. No border closures. No distancing.

Do I have this right? And if I don't, can you please tell me what it is you think we should have done? All I can tell is that you think we're "doing it wrong".

When did I ever say we shouldn't have had any response at all? The point I was trying to make is that by pointing out the number of deaths as a political football of sorts, those that do so are doing more damage than they realize. The amount of misinformation that is spread by our media on a daily basis no matter what "side" your on is overwhelming. Nobody talks about the long-term ramifications of THAT. Were learning to live with the virus, whether people like it or not. I will never shame those that are unvaccinated because it is their choice and THEIR risk that they bear. If you or I got vaccinated, and in the likelihood they passed CV-19 to us, it's OVERWHELMING likely that any symptoms we have will be manageable. So the nonsense narrative that the unvaccinated POSE A RISK to the vaccinated, is just that, nonsense. The unvaccinated pose the overwhelming risk to those that are also unvaccinated. If anybody in this thread had ideas that the US would get vaccinated to the point of "eradication", their are fooling themselves only. This virus will be around forever, we are continuing to manage it and learning new things every day that we use to our advantage. There hasn't been one god damn politician that hasn't f**ked up aspects of the response to this virus. Because most if not all of them foolishly think that they can "control" the virus. They can take reasonable measures to help their constituents LEARN TO LIVE with this virus. If you want the Government to do more, go pack your bags and live in Australia. Some way to go through life, guess what they haven't eradicated CV-19 anymore than the US has and are just kicking the can down the road at the expense of massive upheaval of daily Aussie society. To the point that their police force is tackling citizens on the streets with rifles pointed at their heads. I never once said that it is not extremely unfortunate that so many lives have been lost but to think that the majority or all of them were preventable is bullcrap, no one knows that yet, it's going to take time/research,etc before we know a quantifiable answer to that. And guess what, it may not be what a lot of FLP regulars on this thread want to hear... This isn't all pointed at you, but some of you FLP morons live in a f**king fantasy land. :roll: :roll: :roll:

well, you seem to be begging for a long-winded diatribe in return on this Joe. ;)

No, again, this is not about the individual's personal risk. Simply that, statistically, those who don't get vaccinated will cost all the rest of us, not simply themselves or just others unvaccinated. Those who do get sick and need care cost each of us in our shared healthcare cost system. The unlucky "few" hundred thousand or million who get very sick and die, cost us a huge amount each. And they cost the healthcare workers tremendously, and when the system gets particularly strained, as it is in many places, those of us who don't contract a nasty case of Covid because we've been vaccinated, masked, etc nevertheless may pay a steep price if we need serious healthcare for other issues, yet such care is constricted.

All of that has nothing to with the individual's personal risk and 'right's to make an individual decision. We may think it's stupid and selfish not to get vaccinated, but the real point is that it costs all the rest of us who are doing our part to reduce transmission and really bad other words, trying to 'live with it'.

I don't know that you realize how obnoxious your response comes across to the # of deaths with the # of recoveries. I feel sure you simply must not understand how that comes across a dismissive of the deaths, and the inevitability of far more deaths with no mitigation efforts versus strong mitigation/vaccination, etc.

Listen, we heard from Covid deniers that this 'just another flu', would end after maybe a bad flu season, then it was exclaimed that it couldn't possibly take 100k, much less 200k...the latter # was one which many of us thought would actually be a victory and a relief, yet such view was responded to as "fear mongering" as, at the time, it seemed like such an extremely high #...yet those of us predicting at least those sorts of #'s could see that our commitment to mitigation strategies was going to be very weak...too many making the sorts of arguments you are still making Joe. Or at least seem to be making.

I actually think, and glean, that you've been personally making responsible choices and doing a solid job of doing your part.

No one's asking you or anyone else to to do otherwise.
You are full of turd, its the same self-serving elitist bullcrap that you spout on a daily basis. I don't come off as dismissive of anything. You have made it not enjoyable to post in this particular thread anymore. Again, you live in a fantasy land. Where in the united states can you not receive care at a hospital if you were at the point that you truly needed to to ensure the best chance of your survival? Nowhere that I know of, outside of so mesmall rural areas that luckily can be bailed out by our bigger healthcare systems. What CAN"T you do in your normal life due to an unvaccinated person? Not what you are uncomfortable with, what CAN YOU NOT DO? Are they physically preventing you from meeting a friend for dinner and drinks at a relatively crowded bar if you meet them double-masked, as I am sure you are wont to do. Your double my age and you still can't ascertain WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IS HAPPENING AND WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING are two distinctly different things. Life is moving along relatively normally here in NYC and LI, and that DOES NOT mean people are behaving recklessly. I could care less about whatever the hell is going in your fantasy-land of tony neighborhood somewhere outside of Baltimore. Life exists outside of Chuckie's "little circle". You seem to forget that, on a daily basis. Same old FLP fu***ng bullcrap, never ceases to amaze me. :roll:


... you are the one full of sh*t! You have been unrealistically dismissive of any negative news with respect to the pandemic since day 1!!! You have behaved as a self important blow hard -- from day 1!
All you do is MYOPICALLY focus on the negative on a daily basis, to the point that it seems to me and some other's like you enjoy all the constant negativity that surrounds your posting of opinion pieces/news articles, etc. My head is not buried in the sand, there's a ton of negative with this virus. I just don't choose to obsess over it and grouse and take political potshots at people no longer in charge of our country. There's more to life than CV-19, that's my point. You would understand that better, if you turned the damn news off every once and while and enjoyed life. Because life is meant to be enjoyed my friend. Doing so doesn't mean your acting in a "selfish" manner, your simply living life as it's intended to be. :roll: :roll:

More to life if you manage to catch a case and live to tell. If you die, there isn’t more to life.
Unfortunately right. Same as if you die of one of many other leading causes of death that don't get discussed nearly as much as CV-19. I don't want to hear the tired line, Cancer isn't transmissible from one person to another. Death is a sad part of life, unfortunately. We have lived and co-existed with it for millennia though, WELL before CV-19 was even a thought. Enough with the moral turpitude. Do what you need to do to make your self feel safe. Can't worry about others, in doing so you will only find your self more and more frustrated. Which all of you FLP morons clearly are since you don't even realize its the SAME EXACT 10 people agreeing with themselves on a daily basis with maybe 3 users who post a dissenting or opposing viewpoint. That's NOT representative of reality at all. It's only representative of the nurtured reality that you guys have created on this site. Open your eyes...

Most of those other causes of death you can’t catch and be dead a week later because you sat next to an infected person on the bus…or talked to at a bar. You ever catch a heart attack? Can a person catch cancer from someone else? I guess you cam accidentally give someone COVID-19. Accidents are a leading cause of death.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:47 pm
by Typical Lax Dad

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:53 pm
by RedFromMI
Do what you need to do to make yourself feel safe.
What is needed to make me and a WHOLE lot of other people to feel safe is to get everyone in the population vaccinated except those who cannot for medical reasons.

The vaccine is available, and already proven quite safe.

The disease is NOT. ... -how-long/

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:05 pm
by JoeMauer89
a fan wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:32 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:00 pm There hasn't been one god damn politician that hasn't f**ked up aspects of the response to this virus. Because most if not all of them foolishly think that they can "control" the virus.
I understand that you think that. Which is why I asked the question: since you think every governor and POTUS did it wrong, what would you have done?

Pretend you're the governor of a State, and Covid breaks out in 2020: tell me what you would have done. A few bullet points will suffice, no need for a novel.
Educated my constituents on the facts of the disease. Urged them not to panic, assure them that the overwhelming majority of people who contract CV-19 will recover. Once the vaccine became available, focus all my efforts on getting it out to the widest swatch of the population possibly in the most effective manner possible. Instead of focusing placing restrictions on the constituents, only use this as a tool when it was absolutely necessary and not a minute longer than that. After the first month of vaccines being available, focus intensely on vaccine education and hesitancy and not on stupid curfews, capacity limits and other restrictions that ultimately made no difference in stopping the spread. Strongly encourage masks in very crowded places, stopping short of mandating it. Taking steps like that. There you go.


Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:07 pm
by JoeMauer89
RedFromMI wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:53 pm
Do what you need to do to make yourself feel safe.
What is needed to make me and a WHOLE lot of other people to feel safe is to get everyone in the population vaccinated except those who cannot for medical reasons.

The vaccine is available, and already proven quite safe.

The disease is NOT. ... -how-long/
Right, but do you continue on not living your life if that TAKES MULTIPLE YEARS TO HAPPEN? You can't pause your life and wait for these people to come around. That's what I am saying. :roll: :roll:


Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:18 pm
by a fan
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:05 pm Educated my constituents on the facts of the disease. Urged them not to panic, assure them that the overwhelming majority of people who contract CV-19 will recover. Once the vaccine became available
Ok, this timespan covers Jan of 2020 to ~Jan 2021, when the vaccine becomes available.

So this means that as governor, for an entire year, you're going to do nothing but PSA and Press Conferences? That's it? Nothing else?

K-12 are open during all of 2020 in your State? Restaurants, bars, etc.....all fully open?

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:19 pm
by MDlaxfan76
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:44 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:25 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:00 pm
jhu72 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:16 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:35 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:25 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 10:53 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:53 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:27 pm Barking up the wrong tree. How about the 33,295,755 who have recovered from CV-19, as of today? Are they not considered important?
I'm still trying to square what it is you think we should have done as Americans in responding to Covid.

You make it sound as if you think we should have done nothing, and simply gone on with our lives. No masks. No closures. No border closures. No distancing.

Do I have this right? And if I don't, can you please tell me what it is you think we should have done? All I can tell is that you think we're "doing it wrong".

When did I ever say we shouldn't have had any response at all? The point I was trying to make is that by pointing out the number of deaths as a political football of sorts, those that do so are doing more damage than they realize. The amount of misinformation that is spread by our media on a daily basis no matter what "side" your on is overwhelming. Nobody talks about the long-term ramifications of THAT. Were learning to live with the virus, whether people like it or not. I will never shame those that are unvaccinated because it is their choice and THEIR risk that they bear. If you or I got vaccinated, and in the likelihood they passed CV-19 to us, it's OVERWHELMING likely that any symptoms we have will be manageable. So the nonsense narrative that the unvaccinated POSE A RISK to the vaccinated, is just that, nonsense. The unvaccinated pose the overwhelming risk to those that are also unvaccinated. If anybody in this thread had ideas that the US would get vaccinated to the point of "eradication", their are fooling themselves only. This virus will be around forever, we are continuing to manage it and learning new things every day that we use to our advantage. There hasn't been one god damn politician that hasn't f**ked up aspects of the response to this virus. Because most if not all of them foolishly think that they can "control" the virus. They can take reasonable measures to help their constituents LEARN TO LIVE with this virus. If you want the Government to do more, go pack your bags and live in Australia. Some way to go through life, guess what they haven't eradicated CV-19 anymore than the US has and are just kicking the can down the road at the expense of massive upheaval of daily Aussie society. To the point that their police force is tackling citizens on the streets with rifles pointed at their heads. I never once said that it is not extremely unfortunate that so many lives have been lost but to think that the majority or all of them were preventable is bullcrap, no one knows that yet, it's going to take time/research,etc before we know a quantifiable answer to that. And guess what, it may not be what a lot of FLP regulars on this thread want to hear... This isn't all pointed at you, but some of you FLP morons live in a f**king fantasy land. :roll: :roll: :roll:

well, you seem to be begging for a long-winded diatribe in return on this Joe. ;)

No, again, this is not about the individual's personal risk. Simply that, statistically, those who don't get vaccinated will cost all the rest of us, not simply themselves or just others unvaccinated. Those who do get sick and need care cost each of us in our shared healthcare cost system. The unlucky "few" hundred thousand or million who get very sick and die, cost us a huge amount each. And they cost the healthcare workers tremendously, and when the system gets particularly strained, as it is in many places, those of us who don't contract a nasty case of Covid because we've been vaccinated, masked, etc nevertheless may pay a steep price if we need serious healthcare for other issues, yet such care is constricted.

All of that has nothing to with the individual's personal risk and 'right's to make an individual decision. We may think it's stupid and selfish not to get vaccinated, but the real point is that it costs all the rest of us who are doing our part to reduce transmission and really bad other words, trying to 'live with it'.

I don't know that you realize how obnoxious your response comes across to the # of deaths with the # of recoveries. I feel sure you simply must not understand how that comes across a dismissive of the deaths, and the inevitability of far more deaths with no mitigation efforts versus strong mitigation/vaccination, etc.

Listen, we heard from Covid deniers that this 'just another flu', would end after maybe a bad flu season, then it was exclaimed that it couldn't possibly take 100k, much less 200k...the latter # was one which many of us thought would actually be a victory and a relief, yet such view was responded to as "fear mongering" as, at the time, it seemed like such an extremely high #...yet those of us predicting at least those sorts of #'s could see that our commitment to mitigation strategies was going to be very weak...too many making the sorts of arguments you are still making Joe. Or at least seem to be making.

I actually think, and glean, that you've been personally making responsible choices and doing a solid job of doing your part.

No one's asking you or anyone else to to do otherwise.
You are full of turd, its the same self-serving elitist bullcrap that you spout on a daily basis. I don't come off as dismissive of anything. You have made it not enjoyable to post in this particular thread anymore. Again, you live in a fantasy land. Where in the united states can you not receive care at a hospital if you were at the point that you truly needed to to ensure the best chance of your survival? Nowhere that I know of, outside of so mesmall rural areas that luckily can be bailed out by our bigger healthcare systems. What CAN"T you do in your normal life due to an unvaccinated person? Not what you are uncomfortable with, what CAN YOU NOT DO? Are they physically preventing you from meeting a friend for dinner and drinks at a relatively crowded bar if you meet them double-masked, as I am sure you are wont to do. Your double my age and you still can't ascertain WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IS HAPPENING AND WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING are two distinctly different things. Life is moving along relatively normally here in NYC and LI, and that DOES NOT mean people are behaving recklessly. I could care less about whatever the hell is going in your fantasy-land of tony neighborhood somewhere outside of Baltimore. Life exists outside of Chuckie's "little circle". You seem to forget that, on a daily basis. Same old FLP fu***ng bullcrap, never ceases to amaze me. :roll:


... you are the one full of sh*t! You have been unrealistically dismissive of any negative news with respect to the pandemic since day 1!!! You have behaved as a self important blow hard -- from day 1!
All you do is MYOPICALLY focus on the negative on a daily basis, to the point that it seems to me and some other's like you enjoy all the constant negativity that surrounds your posting of opinion pieces/news articles, etc. My head is not buried in the sand, there's a ton of negative with this virus. I just don't choose to obsess over it and grouse and take political potshots at people no longer in charge of our country. There's more to life than CV-19, that's my point. You would understand that better, if you turned the damn news off every once and while and enjoyed life. Because life is meant to be enjoyed my friend. Doing so doesn't mean your acting in a "selfish" manner, your simply living life as it's intended to be. :roll: :roll:

More to life if you manage to catch a case and live to tell. If you die, there isn’t more to life.
Unfortunately right. Same as if you die of one of many other leading causes of death that don't get discussed nearly as much as CV-19. I don't want to hear the tired line, Cancer isn't transmissible from one person to another. Death is a sad part of life, unfortunately. We have lived and co-existed with it for millennia though, WELL before CV-19 was even a thought. Enough with the moral turpitude. Do what you need to do to make your self feel safe. Can't worry about others, in doing so you will only find your self more and more frustrated. Which all of you FLP morons clearly are since you don't even realize its the SAME EXACT 10 people agreeing with themselves on a daily basis with maybe 3 users who post a dissenting or opposing viewpoint. That's NOT representative of reality at all. It's only representative of the nurtured reality that you guys have created on this site. Open your eyes...

I've highlighted in red some good advice for yourself, Joe.

If you don't like reading about the virus and folks' opinions about public policy, go indeed live your life and "turn off" these threads.

If not, let me suggest that every time you use the abbreviation of FLP to describe the posters on here whose opinions you don't like, you're making it partisan and betraying your own partisan, right wing tendencies. Very few on here would actually fit the bill of FLP, though a couple do. The bulk of those who you label that way are simply moderate to moderate progressive, whether R like me or I or D...very few far lefties.

And when you betray this right wing preference of your own, you open yourself up to being lumped together with all the bloody numbskull deniers on the right who decided to posture that Covid was nothing to worry about, just another flu, can't possibly take 100's of thousands of Americans, doesn't deserve any governmental response toward mitigation...what confirms the lumping of you with those numbskulls is your repeated refusal to acknowledge that the costs of continued rampant spread really does fall on all of us in a number of ways, regardless of our own independent risk of contraction and bad personal outcomes.

Other piece of advice is to either don't argue about the topic or do so with less emotional hyperbole, more recognition that there really are such costs, and focus instead on what I think might actually be some reasonable points regarding how best, as a society, we can to move through this pandemic more successfully.

We needn't agree. But the conversation can be reasonable.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:21 pm
by MDlaxfan76
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:07 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:53 pm
Do what you need to do to make yourself feel safe.
What is needed to make me and a WHOLE lot of other people to feel safe is to get everyone in the population vaccinated except those who cannot for medical reasons.

The vaccine is available, and already proven quite safe.

The disease is NOT. ... -how-long/
Right, but do you continue on not living your life if that TAKES MULTIPLE YEARS TO HAPPEN? You can't pause your life and wait for these people to come around. That's what I am saying. :roll: :roll:

Who is asking you to "pause your life" Joe?
We had a short period of significant isolation...since then, what aspects of your life have been "paused".

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:25 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
a fan wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:18 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:05 pm Educated my constituents on the facts of the disease. Urged them not to panic, assure them that the overwhelming majority of people who contract CV-19 will recover. Once the vaccine became available
Ok, this timespan covers Jan of 2020 to ~Jan 2021, when the vaccine becomes available.

So this means that as governor, for an entire year, you're going to do nothing but PSA and Press Conferences? That's it? Nothing else?

K-12 are open during all of 2020 in your State? Restaurants, bars, etc.....all fully open?
Yep nobody is forcing anyone to go to a bar, school, restaurant, store, work and all the other places. We tried the social distancing thing but we got too many complaints, tried the mask thing and got too many complaints.... tried the vaccination thing and got too many complaints. Live and Let Die is the best way to go about it. 700,000 dead Americans is no big deal. They were all going to die eventually.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:28 pm
by ggait
Strongly encourage masks in very crowded places, stopping short of mandating it.
Honest question Joe. Why only encourage?

I'm not encouraged to wear a seat belt and wear a helmet. I'm required to do those things, even though the harm of non-compliance would fall completely on me.

Public health measures, like masks, are situations where the harm of my non-compliance will also effect others.

So, in my view, public health measures are more like being required (not encouraged) to drive the speed limit, stop at red lights, and not drive drunk. Also, the more public health measures (like masks and vax) we have, the easier it is for schools/businesses/lives to be open and available to those who want to live their lives too.

And remember, 15% of the USA population does not have the option to get vaxed yet. What about their rights?

As the saying goes, my right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins.

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:36 pm
by jhu72

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:45 pm
by jhu72
Even the seat belt and helmet requirements have a societal component to them. Society pays for those not complying in potential unpaid medical bills and resource utilization.