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Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 5:56 pm
by Farfromgeneva
Feel like if we get the AQ we might end up playing either Syracuse, Yale/Penn or PSU rather than UMD if any of those are top four seeds based on travel and budgetary considerations.

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 8:13 pm
by kmartin
Come on now people. Don’t look past Romo or the nec. We beat Bryant and Sacred Heart by one goal. Nec is a straight up battle. Teams all know each other. No jinxing allowed.

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 8:24 pm
by oldbartman
The only game that is important is the NEXT game. NEVER LOOK PAST YOUR NEXT OPPONENT!!! If you do, it is almost always a guaranteed L.

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 9:30 pm
by Hawkeye
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2019 5:56 pm Feel like if we get the AQ we might end up playing either Syracuse, Yale/Penn or PSU rather than UMD if any of those are top four seeds based on travel and budgetary considerations.
Yes, I agree that Syracuse or Penn would be good options for a trip if the circumstances played out that way for everyone.

Penn State is almost certainly going to be hosting the play-in winner unless their train comes completely derailed somehow.

And on the topic of potential future travel plans... for a reason that is apparently forbidden to speak of.
Geneva -> College Park, MD: 330 miles
Geneva -> New Haven, CT: 341 miles

That's essentially the same.

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:29 am
by Jimmy2Times
Way too much lacrosse to be played before we can start thinking about first-round playoff games. First on the docket is the game down in Moon T'ship. Bobby Mo is not going to roll over for us, in fact, if we do not come out firing it is going to be a very long day. Let's take care of business and get the home-field advantage for the tourney.

Lets go Bart

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:29 am
by Jimmy2Times
Way too much lacrosse to be played before we can start thinking about first-round playoff games. First on the docket is the game down in Moon T'ship. Bobby Mo is not going to roll over for us, in fact, if we do not come out firing it is going to be a very long day. Let's take care of business and get the home-field advantage for the tourney.

Lets go Bart

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 1:05 pm
by FL-GO
You can say that again 😏

Seriously though, this team has had too many slow starts to not be a little concerned. RMU would love to play spoiler and they’re fighting for a NEC playoff spot too.

If they win and so does MSM and WC, they’re the 2 seed. If SJU and WC wins, RMU hosts as the 1 if they beat us too.

At least Hobart controls their own destiny. If Statesmen win, they’re in and host the tourney. Lose and it’s either a 2 or 3 seed on the road.


Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:19 pm
by Laxgunea
hey, I was just asking about the NEC AQ ... no jinx there. Someone's going to win it. (I know who I am rooting for).

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 6:39 pm
by FL-GO
There is the possibility of some crazy tiebreaker that could mean Hobart’s out. Pretty rare chance, so hopefully Statesmen just win and not let it come to that.

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:36 am
by Bartman
Feeling good after looking at the comparative stats for the ROMO game today but boys need to keep pressure on for all four quarters. Two good offenses, so win at the X and limit any multiple goal runs that ROMO is capable of. Win today and play at home next week....GOBART

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 1:57 pm
by Laxgunea
First half tough ... Anyone think this isn't the right league for us? How many one point games this year? Last year? RoMo goals off faceoff are killer. Holden's goal with 6 seconds left in half was fantastic. This will come down to the end.

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 3:06 pm
by LRoggy
WHEN are we going to learn to NOT take our foot off the gas when we have a team on the ropes???

BURY THEM when you can.

This is as bad as the St. Joe's game. This team should be 12-2 right now and ranked comfortably. Completely blew a great 2nd half by Lucchesi.

Damn, I'm ticked off on this one. LEARN the F***ING LESSON already!

I'd rather lose playing loose than lose playing NOT TO WIN.

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 3:10 pm
by FL-GO
I’m done with Raymond.

This team will have all the stats but the lack of heart shown today is so disappointing.

Even with the defense tanking, Sam stood on his head in the 4th to give them a chance to win. What a choke job.

0-0 starting Thursday. Will see if these kids and coaches can find what they had on Sr day and not be one and done.

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 3:16 pm
by Bartman
LRoggy wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2019 3:06 pm WHEN are we going to learn to NOT take our foot off the gas when we have a team on the ropes???

BURY THEM when you can.

This is as bad as the St. Joe's game. This team should be 12-2 right now and ranked comfortably. Completely blew a great 2nd half by Lucchesi.

Damn, I'm ticked off on this one. LEARN the F***ING LESSON already!

I'd rather lose playing loose than lose playing NOT TO WIN.
Totally agree...this was on Raymond....too scared to lose....suggest they go down to the Mount and just let it rip....forget the coach

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:05 pm
by oldbartman
Chickensh!t way to lose. Up by 4 starting Q4 and to stop playing the way you've won with falls on the coaching staff. Playing not to lose with the lead against an opportunistic team like Romo guaranteed the L. Failing to get the loose balls round the crease gave the Colonials the extra chances they needed and they took advantage of it. New season starts now. It's win or go home.

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:20 pm
by oldbartman
BTW. Congrats to Romo. They never gave up today, or all season. MSM will have their hands full. Th
e Colonials are playing with a ton of confidence and momentum now.

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:45 pm
by Bartman
So Hobart needs to beat SHU and then the winner of MSM-RMU. Anybody can win this NEC tournament. Hobart had the edge , but after our loss today , we have much to prove( Congrats to RMU for never giving up) ....hopefully we will be pissed off at ourselves and hungry enough to go after each game more sitting on any lead unless it is at least 4 up with 2 minutes to go ( not an entire quarter!!!!). This team has the talent and should win this tournament. Two days of practice focused on SHU, a long bus ride on Wednesday and the Pioneers on Thursday.....hopefully a win and another encounter with either MSM or RMU, it should be an exciting tournament

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 5:39 pm
by Laxgunea
I agree with all of the criticisms about trying not lose. That game should have been a win. Players were asked to play a style at the end that is not theirs. Coach can't just impose a style. It is clear these guys play best when attacking. Didn't think they were allowed to play that way at the end.
Now they can play like there is nothing to lose because there isn't.

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 11:02 pm
by oldbartman
When you stop attacking, you give the other team the chance to win. The coaching staff blew this one. Let the dogs loose. We have nothing to lose now.

Re: Hobart 2019

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 1:17 pm
by shoothi
While there can be critique of the coach, I am of the opinion you have to look at the players.

The coach is not the one who did not pick up a ground ball, the coach did not make the wrong defensive slide, the coach did not get his stick checked out of his hands coming out of a time out, the coach did not stop chasing the goalie over the midfield line and a host of others bone head plays in this game.

With the tournament coming up, this is all mental...about being able to win and making a play....there are players that play the game and there are players that win games...two different things...they have the capability but do they have the internal make up to go out and make plays when it counts...we will find out.