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Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:05 pm
by Peter Brown
HooDat wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:45 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:26 pm
I'm glad we are all onboard that for-profit prisons are inhumane, grotesque, and antithetical to America. That is good news., I take agreement when I can find it. And if Republicans have promoted them, shame on the Republican Party. I would tell you that for-profit prisons proliferated under Clinton, but that's ancient history the way our days roll buy now lol.
Anyone here think it is a coincidence that the Clinton's came out of Arkansas and that the most powerful family in the state happens to also own a regional investment bank that was the leading underwriter of private prison securities in the country....?

I am sure there is nothing to see there ..... nothing at all.....

Isn't it funny that while the lower classes get shafted, the extremely wealthy and their politician puppets keep getting richer?

And isn't it hilarious that when the working classes start figuring out that they are getting the shaft from globalism, exported slavery, and Versailles like wealth disparity and start working together - we suddenly have a borderline race-war on our hands?

I agree with your post.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:17 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
it's proof of TAATS.

DJ Trump doesnt have your best interests in mind. neither does mcconnell, pelosi, biden, or any other elected official.

their interest is in who bankrolls their campaign. and that's rarely a 2 legged individual.

so the issue isnt with the candidates, their platforms, the electoral college, etc. it's with the stranglehold that the establishment has on teh american electorate.

and that goes from the 17th century all the way up to 2020.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:21 pm
by MDlaxfan76
A bit of conflation with 'globalism' going on in that list, but the fundamental point is valid about the haves and have nots, the capital class and the working class.

Globalism and technology are forces that are pretty much an inevitable part of reality of the future, (unless you want to crush/stagnate the world's economy) they are managed to provide equity is another matter altogether.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:39 pm
by jhu72
We are no where near a race war. 60s were many times worse. Does the monied class try to divert the attention of the poor and working classes - you betcha. But this particular diversion - race - has been going on for a long time! Actually given the fact that white and black have never been more united in opposition to racism, I would say that game is pretty much on its way out the door. I think the polls are something like 80-20 on the side of those protesting against racism.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:49 pm
by jhu72

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:50 pm
by Peter Brown
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:39 pm We are no where near a race war. 60s were many times worse. Does the monied class try to divert the attention of the poor and working classes - you betcha. But this particular diversion - race - has been going on for a long time! Actually given the fact that white and black have never been more united in opposition to racism, I would say that game is pretty much on its way out the door. I think the polls are something like 80-20 on the side of those protesting against racism.

Ad it's a good thing the left never takes things too far!

Why here they are toppling then burning a George Washington statue in Portland Oregon! ... index.html

the statue was spray painted with "Genocidal Colonist," "You're on native lands," "BLM" and "Big Floyd"

Where oh where does one sign up to the Democratic Party, folks! I wonder what the country's new name will be? Shouldn't the DNC at least give us a blueprint of future plans, like doing away with the Jefferson Memorial, The Washington Monument, Washington DC itself (can't have that name!). I just want clarity on where the Party wants to take America!

C'mon Dems. Tell us your vision! (also, as a southerner with rebel roots, will I have to give up my net worth? again, no judgment here, just like to know the plan! thanks!)

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:53 pm
Philadelphia woman looking at 80 years for federal arson crimes for firebombing 2 police vehicles.

Caught by her “unique“ Etsy shirt: ... d=71325821


Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:59 pm
by HooDat ... rity-down/
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:21 pm bit of conflation with 'globalism' going on in that list, but the fundamental point is valid about the haves and have nots, the capital class and the working class.

Globalism and technology are forces that are pretty much an inevitable part of reality of the future, (unless you want to crush/stagnate the world's economy) they are managed to provide equity is another matter altogether.
you are naive or trying to make yourself feel better. Globalism is important to the powerful for one reason only - money. It is cheaper to "employ" Chinese/Vietnamese/Cambodian/Mexican/Costa Rican labor than it would be to house and feed slaves in the US. That is why globalism is "important". THAT is why the elite class will die on the hill of pushing globalism as their utopian fantasy.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:03 pm
by HooDat
and as far as crushing or stagnating the world's economy ... why do you think so many people are so pissed off?

do you really believe that the world's economy is treating the working class in any way different than how a baby treats its diaper? *

* acknowledgements to Norm from Cheers! ;) )

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:05 pm
by jhu72
Don't think George Washington or Thomas Jefferson have anything to worry about. Don't like Nathan Bedford Forrest's odds.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:06 pm
by MDlaxfan76
HooDat wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:59 pm ... rity-down/
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:21 pm bit of conflation with 'globalism' going on in that list, but the fundamental point is valid about the haves and have nots, the capital class and the working class.

Globalism and technology are forces that are pretty much an inevitable part of reality of the future, (unless you want to crush/stagnate the world's economy) they are managed to provide equity is another matter altogether.
you are naive or trying to make yourself feel better. Globalism is important to the powerful for one reason only - money. It is cheaper to "employ" Chinese/Vietnamese/Cambodian/Mexican/Costa Rican labor than it would be to house and feed slaves in the US. That is why globalism is "important". THAT is why the elite class will die on the hill of pushing globalism as their utopian fantasy.
Don't kid yourself that I don't actually understand that argument. :roll:

I just don't see those folks in other countries as less deserving of competing for work than their competitors in the US. And I'm in favor of international systems that enhance that possibility, not discourage it.

Now, if you want to discuss how we, as a nation, best serve our own citizens to win that competition, I'm all for such discussion.

But I don't see 'globalism', nor technology, as the enemy...they're inevitable realities that are far more beneficial than detrimental, in and of themselves. But like capitalism, they need rules and regulations, as, unfettered, they can, and indeed will, run amok.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:14 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:05 pm Don't think George Washington or Thomas Jefferson have anything to worry about. Don't like Nathan Bedford Forrest's odds.
but they should, no? they're both racists. both enslaved people of color. and maybe worse.

why the pass?

does LBJ get a pass for using the N word?
robert byrd recruiting to the local KKK chapter?
hugo black joins the klan because he "would have joined any group if it helped get me votes"???

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:25 pm
by ardilla secreta
DocBarrister wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:43 am From CNN:

(CNN)Growing up in the South, Robert P. Jones attended Southern Baptist churches, Sunday schools, even a Southern Baptist college.

But it was only in seminary, in his mid-20s, that Jones says he learned the full truth about Southern Baptists' white supremacist roots. The denomination was founded to defend slavery and did not formally rebuke its past until 1995, when Southern Baptists voted to apologize for their history of racism.

Jones was a social scientist before he realized how stubbornly racist ideas can persist in white churches.
"White Christian churches have not just been complacent; they have not only been complicit," he writes in his book, "White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity," publishing next month.

... "Rather, as the dominant cultural power in America, they have been responsible for constructing and sustaining a project to protect white supremacy and resist black equality," he writes. "This project has framed the entire American story." ... index.html

I’m curious as to when you first learned of the Tulsa Massacre of 1921. An astonishing sad story that had for too long been suppressed. Promises of restitution broken, bogus investigations, no charges or arrests.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:25 pm
by MDlaxfan76
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:14 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:05 pm Don't think George Washington or Thomas Jefferson have anything to worry about. Don't like Nathan Bedford Forrest's odds.
but they should, no? they're both racists. both enslaved people of color. and maybe worse.

why the pass?

does LBJ get a pass for using the N word?
robert byrd recruiting to the local KKK chapter?
hugo black joins the klan because he "would have joined any group if it helped get me votes"???
This question has been repeatedly answered, so I won't bother again.

Just to be clear though Chairman, I take it you think that any monuments and memorials to anyone who ever said something racist etc should be torn down, removed, etc? No matter what else they did in their lives that made our nation's aspirations and progress possible?

No differences?

Just because those who fought to destroy that nation, explicitly on behalf of the institution of slavery are to be no longer honored?

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:29 pm
by MDlaxfan76
ardilla secreta wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:25 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:43 am From CNN:

(CNN)Growing up in the South, Robert P. Jones attended Southern Baptist churches, Sunday schools, even a Southern Baptist college.

But it was only in seminary, in his mid-20s, that Jones says he learned the full truth about Southern Baptists' white supremacist roots. The denomination was founded to defend slavery and did not formally rebuke its past until 1995, when Southern Baptists voted to apologize for their history of racism.

Jones was a social scientist before he realized how stubbornly racist ideas can persist in white churches.
"White Christian churches have not just been complacent; they have not only been complicit," he writes in his book, "White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity," publishing next month.

... "Rather, as the dominant cultural power in America, they have been responsible for constructing and sustaining a project to protect white supremacy and resist black equality," he writes. "This project has framed the entire American story." ... index.html

I’m curious as to when you first learned of the Tulsa Massacre of 1921. An astonishing sad story that had for too long been suppressed. Promises of restitution broken, bogus investigations, no charges or arrests.
In my case, only in the past weeks.
I also didn't know the full significance of Juneteenth until two years ago.

My ignorance, for someone who has actually paid some attention to US history, is rather stunning in retrospect.
Old white guy...old white guy written 'history'...

DocB likely has had a more informed perspective...

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:39 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
ardilla secreta wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:25 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:43 am From CNN:

(CNN)Growing up in the South, Robert P. Jones attended Southern Baptist churches, Sunday schools, even a Southern Baptist college.

But it was only in seminary, in his mid-20s, that Jones says he learned the full truth about Southern Baptists' white supremacist roots. The denomination was founded to defend slavery and did not formally rebuke its past until 1995, when Southern Baptists voted to apologize for their history of racism.

Jones was a social scientist before he realized how stubbornly racist ideas can persist in white churches.
"White Christian churches have not just been complacent; they have not only been complicit," he writes in his book, "White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity," publishing next month.

... "Rather, as the dominant cultural power in America, they have been responsible for constructing and sustaining a project to protect white supremacy and resist black equality," he writes. "This project has framed the entire American story." ... index.html

I’m curious as to when you first learned of the Tulsa Massacre of 1921. An astonishing sad story that had for too long been suppressed. Promises of restitution broken, bogus investigations, no charges or arrests.
I learned about it years ago. There are a bunch of those stories. Look at Rosewood in Florida or the Wilmington riots or the Elaine Massacre.... People’s land and property taken, destroyed and people killed or run off. This country should be 100 years ahead of where we are but the resistance has been persistent. Federal, state and local governments and policies let their citizens down.

Watch until the end.....classic

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:50 pm
by old salt
njbill wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:40 pm Rolfe waived his court appearance today. This means he didn’t ask for bond and will remain in jail. Not sure about this, but I presume he has a right to request bond at a later time. Perhaps he and his lawyer are waiting for things to calm down. Or perhaps they are concerned for his safety were he to be released into the community.

The DA has announced they will not seek the death penalty. He also said the case may not go before a grand jury until January.
Thanks bill -- I had the same thought about him deferring the hearing for personal safety concerns. That may be an indicator he feels more secure in the Gwinnett Co facility than in Fulton Co's. Might also be waiting for the GBI investigation which could help his cause.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:54 pm
by jhu72
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:14 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:05 pm Don't think George Washington or Thomas Jefferson have anything to worry about. Don't like Nathan Bedford Forrest's odds.
but they should, no? they're both racists. both enslaved people of color. and maybe worse.

why the pass?

does LBJ get a pass for using the N word?
robert byrd recruiting to the local KKK chapter?
hugo black joins the klan because he "would have joined any group if it helped get me votes"???
Because although some believe all racists (slave holders) should be purged, there are clearly degrees and mitigation. There will be arguments, but the arguments against Washington and Jefferson will be lost by those who believe they should lose their honorifics. Same for LBJ most likely. Also remember none of these folks are being written out of history. Honorific statues and portraits are what are being attacked (by some - not all).

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:56 pm
by Farfromgeneva
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:06 pm
HooDat wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:59 pm ... rity-down/
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:21 pm bit of conflation with 'globalism' going on in that list, but the fundamental point is valid about the haves and have nots, the capital class and the working class.

Globalism and technology are forces that are pretty much an inevitable part of reality of the future, (unless you want to crush/stagnate the world's economy) they are managed to provide equity is another matter altogether.
you are naive or trying to make yourself feel better. Globalism is important to the powerful for one reason only - money. It is cheaper to "employ" Chinese/Vietnamese/Cambodian/Mexican/Costa Rican labor than it would be to house and feed slaves in the US. That is why globalism is "important". THAT is why the elite class will die on the hill of pushing globalism as their utopian fantasy.
Don't kid yourself that I don't actually understand that argument. :roll:

I just don't see those folks in other countries as less deserving of competing for work than their competitors in the US. And I'm in favor of international systems that enhance that possibility, not discourage it.

Now, if you want to discuss how we, as a nation, best serve our own citizens to win that competition, I'm all for such discussion.

But I don't see 'globalism', nor technology, as the enemy...they're inevitable realities that are far more beneficial than detrimental, in and of themselves. But like capitalism, they need rules and regulations, as, unfettered, they can, and indeed will, run amok.
If one believes in Ricardo then it’s legitimacy seems apparent.

I also never understood why people checked their humanity at a border. Being strongly domestic compensation rights (some union positions can cross borders obviously) and also talk about human rights and poverty globally in the same breath.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:56 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:54 pm
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:14 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:05 pm Don't think George Washington or Thomas Jefferson have anything to worry about. Don't like Nathan Bedford Forrest's odds.
but they should, no? they're both racists. both enslaved people of color. and maybe worse.

why the pass?

does LBJ get a pass for using the N word?
robert byrd recruiting to the local KKK chapter?
hugo black joins the klan because he "would have joined any group if it helped get me votes"???
Because although some believe all racists (slave holders) should be purged, there are clearly degrees and mitigation. There will be arguments, but the arguments against Washington and Jefferson will be lost by those who believe they should lose their honorifics. Same for LBJ most likely. Also remember none of these folks are being written out of history. Honorific statues and portraits are what are being attacked (by some - not all).
and that's all im asking. why some, and not others. thanks 72.