The Nation's Financial Condition

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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by HooDat »

runrussellrun wrote:Is UVA superior to OTHER Virginia state schools like VaTech or JMU?
okay - I just had to step into this part of the discussion: OF COURSE IT IS! headbang1
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by CU77 »

And the next generation of elites will come from China.

My nearby public university is seeing a huge upsurge in enrollment of Chinese students studying STEM. Why? Because they pay full freight, and the U needs the money to keep running at the same level after state support was slashed. (Yes, even in high-tax California.) Meanwhile, more and more American students are going abroad to study STEM. Why? It's pretty much free over there. These numbers are quite small now, but if it's the start of a serious trend, watch out.

Every wonder why Silicon Valley is where it is? There is a one-word answer: Stanford. That's private, you'll say. True, but 95% of research support comes from the federal gubmint. All the high-tech hubs have top-level Us nearby. As I noted earlier, the founders of Google were EE grad students at (wait for it) Stanford.

Want high-tech to move abroad? Then slash federal research funding. Within a generation, the tech elites will be gone, and they will take their money and the jobs they generate with them.

China is seriously considering building the next high-energy particle accelerator. 25 years ago, the US abandoned the Superconducting Super Collider project in Texas and left a big hole in the ground. US physicists moved by the thousands to Europe, which built the Large Hadron Collider outside Geneva. I personally know physicists who will move to China if China goes ahead.

A modern, high-tech, first-world economy absolutely requires high taxes and high gubmint funding of research. The private sector is too myopic and next-quarter bottom-line focused to do this well. Don't believe me? Go to any part of the world where this is not being done and see how life is there. You can start in Kansas.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Did a Harvard graduate weld your distilling equipment? A Dartmouth grad figured out that 6 awt was adequate for electrical needs? A Princeton Grad designed your website?
You still don't get it. Every single one of my business loans was backed by the Federal Government.

So guess what happens if I don't get that loan---which I wouldn't qualify for without the SBA?----that's right. The welder, the electrician and the website developer no longer has a customer, and can't freaking eat.
runrussellrun wrote:Meanwhile,
And....why do you make the LEAP from arrogant elites of education land to a HS dropout.
Your view of our total economy is ridiculous. I'm talking about the bottom half of earners in the US. 36% of our workforce has a college degree. You get that, right?

And if you're an electrician or plumber or welder with a full time career, you're not in the bottom half of earners in the US. You get that too, right?

So stay focused. I'm talking about the BOTTOM HALF.
runrussellrun wrote:See the world. Isn't that the recruiting slogan for the US Navy? So, there you have it. A GED person can also get a job, overseas. Bechtel, Haliburton and a myriad of other "contractors" are still hiring for overseas jobs. Ivy league types need not apply.
:lol: Riiiiight. It's so easy to get a work VISA and an overseas job with zero marketable skills. Oh, and to pay to move your family to France. Focus on the bottom half of earners in the US. That's what we are talking about here.

I want to HELP these people with my tax dollars. What I am making fun of is the ridiculous idea that these Americans, on a macroeconomic scale---as in: ALL OF THEM---- can flourish without a large Federal government. Can SOME of them flourish? Of course! But that's not what we are discussing here.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by runrussellrun »

Net moving.....I ain't no Powell...just can't score that trick shot.

In your mind, you may change the subject, BUT....the issue, as you clearly stated earlier, is that the Harvard grad would be fine. (without Fed dollars ) And are saying that you are talking about the BOTTOM earners in the US? Not having it. We are talking about the educated elite being EMPLOYED if all those federal dollars go away.

All your other comments are just noise........I truly believe in the moniker TAATS. I am pretty sure you do too. (especially when living off the govt. ) Where we separate , I think, is saying that the Biotechs of Cambridge, Massachusettes (herway ) or Siliconettes of the Valley can survive just fine without the TAATS federal tax spigot. They can't. See TARP of 2008 icon_puke

What you are clearly forgetting is that the bottom earner, since that is where the net apparently is now, has certain skills that make them employable....anywhere. And, this is the key.....NO student debt to pay back. Judge Smales was right, the world needs ditch diggers too. What the world does NOT need is another cell phone app and amusing ad campaigns. Yes....the Ryan Reynolds candy crush ?? ads.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by Trinity »

I taught at Stony Brook. We charged foreign students full boat and had a lot of them so in-state students with financial aid paid much less. Many were getting a college education in a foreign language. They were wonderful, earnest, grateful. Man, I couldn’t do it in English. As a bonus, they went home loving America.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote:the issue, as you clearly stated earlier, is that the Harvard grad would be fine.
Yes. How do you think they got there in the first place. They're either really smart, really rich.....or both. And how many people do the average parents of a Harvard grad have in their rolodex...and can call to get their kid a job if need arise? You're essentially trying to tell me that the rich in America don't have massive advantages. YES they feed at the Federal trough, just like the rest of us do. But if you remove that Federal money, they'll still be fine.

Some dude working on an average, non-corporate American farm? Not so much. Daddy can't call in a favor from his rich buddy----all his buddies are farmers.
runrussellrun wrote:I truly believe in the moniker TAATS. I am pretty sure you do too. (especially when living off the govt. ) Where we separate , I think, is saying that the Biotechs of Cambridge, Massachusettes (herway ) or Siliconettes of the Valley can survive just fine without the TAATS federal tax spigot. They can't. See TARP of 2008 icon_puke
So some dude with an MIT degree can't put food on the table here in 2018? Please.

I agree that the US Economy would have a fraction of its current GDP if it didn't not have a strong Federal government that doles money out.
runrussellrun wrote:What you are clearly forgetting is that the bottom earner, since that is where the net apparently is now, has certain skills that make them employable....anywhere.
So when unemployment is at 10% as it was in 2009, you think that the unemployment lines look like an Ivy League lacrosse alum reunion...and the ditch diggers are making bank?

You're not making any sense. You are conflating welders or master electricians with laborers with no skills. They are not the same group. Not even close
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by a fan »

And I'm realizing that as you slide into your fattylax character...I can't understand your posts anymore, and we're likely on the same page....but i just can't understand what you're saying.

Soooooo....have a great Thanksgiving, my friend! Let's just let this drop.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by runrussellrun »

The only contention to your constant net moving (others notice it as well, you're not as clear as you think ) is saying "they will be fine" (if Fed funds pulled)

I disagree.

What's a roladex?

Best holiday of the year, so have a good one.....even if the creeps wanna politicize it.'s cold.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by jhu72 »

CU77 wrote:And the next generation of elites will come from China.

My nearby public university is seeing a huge upsurge in enrollment of Chinese students studying STEM. Why? Because they pay full freight, and the U needs the money to keep running at the same level after state support was slashed. (Yes, even in high-tax California.) Meanwhile, more and more American students are going abroad to study STEM. Why? It's pretty much free over there. These numbers are quite small now, but if it's the start of a serious trend, watch out.

Every wonder why Silicon Valley is where it is? There is a one-word answer: Stanford. That's private, you'll say. True, but 95% of research support comes from the federal gubmint. All the high-tech hubs have top-level Us nearby. As I noted earlier, the founders of Google were EE grad students at (wait for it) Stanford.

Want high-tech to move abroad? Then slash federal research funding. Within a generation, the tech elites will be gone, and they will take their money and the jobs they generate with them.

China is seriously considering building the next high-energy particle accelerator. 25 years ago, the US abandoned the Superconducting Super Collider project in Texas and left a big hole in the ground. US physicists moved by the thousands to Europe, which built the Large Hadron Collider outside Geneva. I personally know physicists who will move to China if China goes ahead.

A modern, high-tech, first-world economy absolutely requires high taxes and high gubmint funding of research. The private sector is too myopic and next-quarter bottom-line focused to do this well. Don't believe me? Go to any part of the world where this is not being done and see how life is there. You can start in Kansas.
Exactly. The western democracies out grew private financing of basic science in the late 60s early 70s. It isn't likely to come back because of costs and investment horizon.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by jhu72 »

That Trump economy is just humming. Upper Midwest farm bankruptcies doubles from 2017 to 2018. Bankers are predicting it will get much worse. Farmers feeling the worst effects -- soybeans, corn and diary. What were the big three the Chinese declared war on?? Oh yeah, soybeans, corn and diary. Meanwhile GM just laid off another 15,000 in the Midwest.

Trump - making America great again. :lol: He sure is showing those liberal fools. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by jhu72 »

Trinity wrote:I taught at Stony Brook. We charged foreign students full boat and had a lot of them so in-state students with financial aid paid much less. Many were getting a college education in a foreign language. They were wonderful, earnest, grateful. Man, I couldn’t do it in English. As a bonus, they went home loving America.

.… and the very best, after graduation, stayed in the US to build or help build new economic engines!
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

jhu72 wrote:
Trinity wrote:I taught at Stony Brook. We charged foreign students full boat and had a lot of them so in-state students with financial aid paid much less. Many were getting a college education in a foreign language. They were wonderful, earnest, grateful. Man, I couldn’t do it in English. As a bonus, they went home loving America.

.… and the very best, after graduation, stayed in the US to build or help build new economic engines!
Absolutely. I was paired with a Chinese graduate student "Henry".... learned a lot about his country. He loved it here but felt obligated to go home. Two Iranian friends stayed and two went home. Going to grad school with international students was one of the best experiences in my life. The best was seeing and Egyptian and an Irishman get into a brawl over a girl....Sobbi was wearing his robe. Priceless. Most of my Indian friends went home but my best friend stayed. He is Sikh and caught hell after 9/11.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by ardilla secreta »

It’s hardly shocking that GM would have announced these cuts. As the sedan becomes less popular and driving habits change among younger generations, these announced cuts were inevitable and will likely continue. If I were employed at a plant that made sedans or any auto on the phase-out list I would have a Plan B for my future, but these workers never seem to have one. Tariffs are probably making this all happen sooner.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by runrussellrun »

jhu72 wrote:That Trump economy is just humming. Upper Midwest farm bankruptcies doubles from 2017 to 2018. Bankers are predicting it will get much worse. Farmers feeling the worst effects -- soybeans, corn and diary. What were the big three the Chinese declared war on?? Oh yeah, soybeans, corn and diary. Meanwhile GM just laid off another 15,000 in the Midwest.

Trump - making America great again. :lol: He sure is showing those liberal fools. :lol: :lol:
Futures market for soybeans and corn say uppty up up up. (or at least the same ) Double from last year, or 2013-14?

GM stock is up, so who cares about the GED worker bees.....if they had only studied and gone to Hopkins.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by HooDat »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:He is Sikh and caught hell after 9/11.
how stupid can people be?... bang1

It takes about five seconds of paying attention to get a glimmer of insight into the relationship between Sikh's and those responsible for 9-11....

But hey - if they look different they must be bad.....
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

HooDat wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:He is Sikh and caught hell after 9/11.
how stupid can people be?... bang1

It takes about five seconds of paying attention to get a glimmer of insight into the relationship between Sikh's and those responsible for 9-11....

But hey - if they look different they must be bad.....

I recall the time my family and I were flying out to British Columbia a couple of years after the World Trade Center bombing on 9/11..... some hayseed from Iowa or Missouri was complaining out loud about a Sikh family traveling.....the dudes exacts words were "If the airline let's these people get on the plane I am not boarding"..... the family was on a different flight.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by runrussellrun »

HooDat wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:He is Sikh and caught hell after 9/11.
how stupid can people be?... bang1

It takes about five seconds of paying attention to get a glimmer of insight into the relationship between Sikh's and those responsible for 9-11....

But hey - if they look different they must be bad.....

How stupid? pretty gosh darn. It takes about 5 trillion in $pending to figure out who was/is responsible for 9/11, after invading the WRONG countries. Guess we STILL can't figure it out. And our closest fighter wing /DEFENSE of NYC is STILL getting ice cream at Sundae School. Actually eating at the awesome Pickle Jar in Falmouth.

What the heck is wrong with us indeed.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by a fan »

Kudlow is live explaining how we're a big fat nowhere with China. The good part? They FINALLY detailed what Trump is demanding from China. I'm waiting to see it in print so I can share it. It's a ridiculous list, and China will never cave on it.

Kudlow explained that other Presidents walked away from these demands (things like intellectual property theft). He is apparently not wise enough to ask himself why? We're about to find out why. Soybean farmers already know.

Trump is digging his heels in. As I told everyone from the moment this Trade War was announced----buckle up, buttercup. Trump shooting his mouth off is about to hit YOUR households. Suddenly, it won't be nearly as neat-o of an idea when it's YOUR family that's out of a job, or has lost their business.

BTW, Kudlow is now selling tariff free America-China-everyoneelse trade, with NO government subsidies. :lol: Stick a needle in flyover America if Trump signs on for that.

I've said this before: if companies can move to any country they wish, with no tariff barriers to make their products, what does everyone here think will happen to labor wages?

That's right, folks----wages will move to an average. What do you think this means for Americans? Do you think wages will go up? Or down.

Hint: Mexicans work for $3hr. This is "America First", right? This isn't helping the 1%er Globalists, right?

Good luck all my friends at the former Water Cooler.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by foreverlax »

Kudlow has seemingly lost his way.....the idea that trade is "fair and free" is a unicorn.

Suggesting that is "The Plan" for trade is like Econ doesn't work in reality.

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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by dislaxxic »

Farm bankruptcies have doubled under Trump — and the worst is yet to come

"Let's be patient and see what our businessman-cum-president can get done, right?"

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