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Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:38 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:14 pm
get it to x wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:11 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:01 pm
get it to x wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:18 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:08 am yup, the reason this thread is Racism in America is that we have idiots who actually think BLM is against the "nuclear family".
I know you better than this. If by idiots you mean people just making stuff up, I'll give you the direct link to the page and please read the fourth paragraph from the bottom.

It's like the old joke about the husband caught with his mistress--"Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?".
I assume you mean this?

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

Do you actually think this is the same thing as 'against' men and women married with kids?
Heck, do you actually have an issue with this statement above?

I don't and I'm quite pleased with having been raised in and having the benefit of an intact "nuclear family" and have been very, very fortunate to have had that experience as a spouse and father as well.

But forcing that specific structure as the only way to raise children successfully?
Can't sign up for that.
It's one thing to be neutral, it's quite another to disrupt. Especially to a system that has proven to have tangible benefits. C'mon 76, nobody is looking at having anything like other societies with arranged marriages to "your kind only", which are prevalent in Islam, Greek Orthodox and most Asian cultures. Nobody is going to hold a gun to anybody's head. Do Black Father's Lives Matter to BLM?
What does “parents” mean to you in that statement above?
I know what it meant to me.

I see why this is confusing, get it to x.

They are arguing that the "western-prescribed...requirement" deserves to be "disrupted", offering a more expansive definition of 'family' and responsibilities to same.

They are not suggesting that a family with mom and dad is to be 'disrupted', it's the notion that such structure is the only way to successfully raise children. What they ARE rejecting is the lack of responsibility too many in our society feel to those without such support system, as well as the forced aspects that put power differentially in the hands of men versus women.

I'm glad you don't subscribe to some other societies 'arranged marriages' etc, (and I didn't get the sense you did), but don't ignore the reality that we've long had a male dominated patriarchy determined to tilt the legal scales to enable men to dominate the women in this traditional-Western family unit structure.

I trust that you don't subscribe to such domination personally, but let's be clear that many in our American society still do.

BLM's members have perhaps had a clearer window into the reality of many moms without present dads because of the many generations of state-endorsed racism and then massive incarceration of black men. These women have in response been self-reliant, with greater emphasis upon extended family support and community support.

But our economic system continues to create a situation in which single mothers, and thus their children, are far likely to be living in poverty. This is true regardless of race, but when you add in both factors of sexism and race, and single earner status, the statistical difference is even larger for those children with single, black moms.

Is there another, better way than our current structure?
If so, what would that look like and how do we avoid unintended consequences?

There's a legit discussion to be had, IMO.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:41 pm
by MDlaxfan76
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:32 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:08 am
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:59 am
6ftstick wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:54 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:20 am
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:03 am
get it to x wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:49 am
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:28 am
get it to x wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:01 am
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:09 am
CU88 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:53 am Are posters here telling us that cops have both the Right and Training to be both Judge AND Executioner?
… some clearly like it that way, certainly when it comes to people of color
How many is some? The vagueness of your post does little to bolster your argument. And of those that want to be executioner, how many only want to kill people of color? How many unjustified killings of black people were there? Without adjudicating Rayshard Brooks death, George Floyd is certainly the most recent example. If this were an epidemic, why haven't we seen massive unrest on a continual basis? Of the 9 unarmed black people killed in 2019 in police interactions about half involved physical confrontations and attempts to take an officers weapon and become an armed person.

Sure, we need better hiring and training practices, but let's not ignore what creates too many interactions. Remember, most of these interactions occur in cities with Democrats in control of the Mayor's Office, District Attorney and Chief of Police. I don't believe they are racists. They are just focusing on the wrong things and many times painting others as villains to deflect from their own failures. People of all colors, including whites, are more likely to live in poverty and have police interactions when there is no father present in the house, more so in urban settings where there is a presence of police in closer proximity to the population.

And yet what group want's to eliminate the "nuclear family" from the black community? I will give you three guesses but the first two don't count. This is from a tab on a website titled "What we believe":

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

Where does the word "father" appear?

… this old saw. A conservative church lady fantasy narrative (not so sure calling it conservative is fair any longer - I know actual conservatives who understand this if BS). Like no black (or white) kid who runs afoul of the law has a father. And of course this is all the fault of democrats. Have you ever talked to a black man about raising his children (more specifically SONS)? The challenges -- that you as a white man don't face!

The fact that lack of fathers is a problem DOES NOT mean it is the problem. I have personally spoken with enough of a sample of black fathers about raising their sons to feel pretty confident they have a special problem. It is called systematic racism. They know it when they see it, and they see it daily. Sure it is better than it used to be, but it does exist. It is real. Because you don't see (of course you don't - you are white) doesn't mean it does not exist.

To change the subject only a little -- put me in the class of white men who doesn't trust the police. My interactions - by the book - with them show them to have significant problems in interacting with citizens, the people they are supposed to serve and protect. I have been noticing this since the 80s. It is not new, and it is getting worse IMO. I am not talking about the call it 5% bad COPs - it is the entire force. I don't think I am the only white man who has lost trust and respect for these folks over the last 20 - 40 years. It is the system, it is broken, it must and will be fixed. It is more than just retraining - it will require them to see their job differently. A fan, above, puts his finger on how to see it differently. He is absolutely correct in his assessment of the Brooks incident (he is not the first - this discussion has been had many times). They need to stop thinking with their balls and start thinking with their brains. Needless confrontation is stupid and expensive. It is the system.

PS - if you don't think this is wrapped up in the question of gun control - think again.
There is racism and there will always be racism because there will always be stupid people. Systemic? I don't buy it. The societal penalty for being a real racist is too stiff and only those stupid people can't see it. Racism is a problem of the heart, not the intellect. Groups like skinheads and the KKK are marginalized by society. The only organized racism is your "paternalism" for treating black adults like your children.

Paternalism is the job of fathers!!! So let's do nothing about a problem that could be addressed without much financial investment, just educating all people on how to increase their chances of success. Feminists would likely go nuts about the "Patriarchy", which has only proven to improve lives for many centuries. So let's let a bunch of entitled third wave feminists and uncaring liberals dictate the fate of people they don't know any more than I do.
You need to spend some time talking to some black fathers about their experiences and those of their children. It would be time well spent.
A friend of mine that happens to be black was the global head of a bulge bracket trading group. X can talk to him. He is now the head of trading group at a firm with over 1 trillion in trading assets. He also has a kid at Goldman now. Another “black” that I know is about to become a prominent politician....he was on CNBC not long ago. Another is on the board of BoA and about 5-6 other publics. He ran M&A at RJR before he structured the sale. Two NESCAC kids have moved on to law and medical school.... Another guy I know did spots on 60 minutes. I can have X talk to these Dems that the government raised.....
Can't possibly be true. America is chock full of systemic racism. Blacks can't reach these levels of success.

Didn't you hear? Still back of the bus, segregated water fountains, redlined neighborhoods, voter suppression. Also, just to be clear, no black thinks for himself or herself. Monolithic.

Thank god Ralph Northam still has his job!


The Democratic Mind
Genetically and morally inferior.....
Be easy on yourself TLD. You are neither genetically or morally inferior. You only suffer from intellectual inferiority. We still love you for all of your defects of character none the less.
:lol: :roll:
Pretty sure that TLD has no worries about his intellectual capacities...same for character.

Unfortunately, a whole lot of folks in our country continue to have these presumptions, some consciously, most unconsciously.
But time's up.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:42 pm
by cradleandshoot
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:31 am
a fan wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:29 am
get it to x wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:44 am A good idea in there, except disarming police. But can we do more then one thing at a time? How about we educate black youth, especially women, on what the future possibly holds for them and their children as single mom's? How about we stop subsidizing destructive behavior. For a party that claims Republicans are the "anti science" party Dems sure seem to promote behavior that statistics show is counterproductive to the people they claim to champion.
If you want to cast stones at groups, start with the various churches that have stymied efforts on sex education and birth control.

Want to actually help fix the problem here? Get your party off their butts, and start an Apollo-type program to eliminate unwanted pregnancies. Do you have any idea how fast Democrats would embrace a program like that? Massive Federal funding to end unwanted pregnancies?

What has been stopping this from happening? That's right-----American Conservatives who would rather have abortions and unwanted pregnancies than allow for birth control and sex ed in public schools.

Fix that? Soooooo many problems in America are eliminated. Let me know when your side is ready to do that. The libs would work with you on this problem with glee......
Don’t you realize only black girls with low moral standards get pregnant. It’s genetic.
Holy shmolies, you learn something new here every day. TLD is informing us that black teenage girls are more promiscuous than white teenage girls. I spent my teenage years looking for all promiscuous teenage girls. That is why all my friends had that magic trojan tucked in their wallet. We wanted to get laid. There was no discrimination there as long as the plumbing was intact.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:45 pm
by Peter Brown
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:17 pmLaw and Order!
Lock'em up. But why aren't the fathers around?
Nah, no systemic racism...

So unaware.

It's not systemic "racism" that had Brooks on 'probation'; it's systemic judicial abuse. The system doesn't care if you are black or white; it only wants to incarcerate you and keep you incarcerated. Probation is the lever to keep the doors revolving with prisoners. Brooks was on probation; being arrested again for a DUI would've lading him back in prison. He wasn't scared of white police; he was scared of the system trapping him inside iron bars yet again. That's why he fought and ran.

But you're perfectly fine with 30 Special Forces raiding Stone because Orange Man Bad! That is a systemic problem.

You can't understand how the entire system is rotten because you're too busy being woke.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:46 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:42 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:31 am
a fan wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:29 am
get it to x wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:44 am A good idea in there, except disarming police. But can we do more then one thing at a time? How about we educate black youth, especially women, on what the future possibly holds for them and their children as single mom's? How about we stop subsidizing destructive behavior. For a party that claims Republicans are the "anti science" party Dems sure seem to promote behavior that statistics show is counterproductive to the people they claim to champion.
If you want to cast stones at groups, start with the various churches that have stymied efforts on sex education and birth control.

Want to actually help fix the problem here? Get your party off their butts, and start an Apollo-type program to eliminate unwanted pregnancies. Do you have any idea how fast Democrats would embrace a program like that? Massive Federal funding to end unwanted pregnancies?

What has been stopping this from happening? That's right-----American Conservatives who would rather have abortions and unwanted pregnancies than allow for birth control and sex ed in public schools.

Fix that? Soooooo many problems in America are eliminated. Let me know when your side is ready to do that. The libs would work with you on this problem with glee......
Don’t you realize only black girls with low moral standards get pregnant. It’s genetic.
Holy shmolies, you learn something new here every day. TLD is informing us that black teenage girls are more promiscuous than white teenage girls. I spent my teenage years looking for all promiscuous teenage girls. That is why all my friends had that magic trojan tucked in their wallet. We wanted to get laid. There was no discrimination there as long as the plumbing was intact.
You must still be laid off.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:47 pm
by cradleandshoot
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:41 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:32 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:08 am
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:59 am
6ftstick wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:54 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:20 am
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:03 am
get it to x wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:49 am
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:28 am
get it to x wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:01 am
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:09 am
CU88 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:53 am Are posters here telling us that cops have both the Right and Training to be both Judge AND Executioner?
… some clearly like it that way, certainly when it comes to people of color
How many is some? The vagueness of your post does little to bolster your argument. And of those that want to be executioner, how many only want to kill people of color? How many unjustified killings of black people were there? Without adjudicating Rayshard Brooks death, George Floyd is certainly the most recent example. If this were an epidemic, why haven't we seen massive unrest on a continual basis? Of the 9 unarmed black people killed in 2019 in police interactions about half involved physical confrontations and attempts to take an officers weapon and become an armed person.

Sure, we need better hiring and training practices, but let's not ignore what creates too many interactions. Remember, most of these interactions occur in cities with Democrats in control of the Mayor's Office, District Attorney and Chief of Police. I don't believe they are racists. They are just focusing on the wrong things and many times painting others as villains to deflect from their own failures. People of all colors, including whites, are more likely to live in poverty and have police interactions when there is no father present in the house, more so in urban settings where there is a presence of police in closer proximity to the population.

And yet what group want's to eliminate the "nuclear family" from the black community? I will give you three guesses but the first two don't count. This is from a tab on a website titled "What we believe":

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

Where does the word "father" appear? :lol:

… this old saw. A conservative church lady fantasy narrative (not so sure calling it conservative is fair any longer - I know actual conservatives who understand this if BS). Like no black (or white) kid who runs afoul of the law has a father. And of course this is all the fault of democrats. Have you ever talked to a black man about raising his children (more specifically SONS)? The challenges -- that you as a white man don't face!

The fact that lack of fathers is a problem DOES NOT mean it is the problem. I have personally spoken with enough of a sample of black fathers about raising their sons to feel pretty confident they have a special problem. It is called systematic racism. They know it when they see it, and they see it daily. Sure it is better than it used to be, but it does exist. It is real. Because you don't see (of course you don't - you are white) doesn't mean it does not exist.

To change the subject only a little -- put me in the class of white men who doesn't trust the police. My interactions - by the book - with them show them to have significant problems in interacting with citizens, the people they are supposed to serve and protect. I have been noticing this since the 80s. It is not new, and it is getting worse IMO. I am not talking about the call it 5% bad COPs - it is the entire force. I don't think I am the only white man who has lost trust and respect for these folks over the last 20 - 40 years. It is the system, it is broken, it must and will be fixed. It is more than just retraining - it will require them to see their job differently. A fan, above, puts his finger on how to see it differently. He is absolutely correct in his assessment of the Brooks incident (he is not the first - this discussion has been had many times). They need to stop thinking with their balls and start thinking with their brains. Needless confrontation is stupid and expensive. It is the system.

PS - if you don't think this is wrapped up in the question of gun control - think again.
There is racism and there will always be racism because there will always be stupid people. Systemic? I don't buy it. The societal penalty for being a real racist is too stiff and only those stupid people can't see it. Racism is a problem of the heart, not the intellect. Groups like skinheads and the KKK are marginalized by society. The only organized racism is your "paternalism" for treating black adults like your children.

Paternalism is the job of fathers!!! So let's do nothing about a problem that could be addressed without much financial investment, just educating all people on how to increase their chances of success. Feminists would likely go nuts about the "Patriarchy", which has only proven to improve lives for many centuries. So let's let a bunch of entitled third wave feminists and uncaring liberals dictate the fate of people they don't know any more than I do.
You need to spend some time talking to some black fathers about their experiences and those of their children. It would be time well spent.
A friend of mine that happens to be black was the global head of a bulge bracket trading group. X can talk to him. He is now the head of trading group at a firm with over 1 trillion in trading assets. He also has a kid at Goldman now. Another “black” that I know is about to become a prominent politician....he was on CNBC not long ago. Another is on the board of BoA and about 5-6 other publics. He ran M&A at RJR before he structured the sale. Two NESCAC kids have moved on to law and medical school.... Another guy I know did spots on 60 minutes. I can have X talk to these Dems that the government raised.....
Can't possibly be true. America is chock full of systemic racism. Blacks can't reach these levels of success.

Didn't you hear? Still back of the bus, segregated water fountains, redlined neighborhoods, voter suppression. Also, just to be clear, no black thinks for himself or herself. Monolithic.

Thank god Ralph Northam still has his job!


The Democratic Mind
Genetically and morally inferior.....
Be easy on yourself TLD. You are neither genetically or morally inferior. You only suffer from intellectual inferiority. We still love you for all of your defects of character none the less.
:lol: :roll:
Pretty sure that TLD has no worries about his intellectual capacities...same for character.

Unfortunately, a whole lot of folks in our country continue to have these presumptions, some consciously, most unconsciously.
But time's up.
I am impressed MD, the sarcasm did not travel over your head for a change. For a moderate Republican I think there may be hope for you.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:53 pm
by cradleandshoot
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:46 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:42 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:31 am
a fan wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:29 am
get it to x wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:44 am A good idea in there, except disarming police. But can we do more then one thing at a time? How about we educate black youth, especially women, on what the future possibly holds for them and their children as single mom's? How about we stop subsidizing destructive behavior. For a party that claims Republicans are the "anti science" party Dems sure seem to promote behavior that statistics show is counterproductive to the people they claim to champion.
If you want to cast stones at groups, start with the various churches that have stymied efforts on sex education and birth control.

Want to actually help fix the problem here? Get your party off their butts, and start an Apollo-type program to eliminate unwanted pregnancies. Do you have any idea how fast Democrats would embrace a program like that? Massive Federal funding to end unwanted pregnancies?

What has been stopping this from happening? That's right-----American Conservatives who would rather have abortions and unwanted pregnancies than allow for birth control and sex ed in public schools.

Fix that? Soooooo many problems in America are eliminated. Let me know when your side is ready to do that. The libs would work with you on this problem with glee......
Don’t you realize only black girls with low moral standards get pregnant. It’s genetic.
Holy shmolies, you learn something new here every day. TLD is informing us that black teenage girls are more promiscuous than white teenage girls. I spent my teenage years looking for all promiscuous teenage girls. That is why all my friends had that magic trojan tucked in their wallet. We wanted to get laid. There was no discrimination there as long as the plumbing was intact.
You must still be laid off.
Yep, how did you guess? Keep working hard there, I need all the money you give in to the system. My wife is going in the middle of July to get her other hip replaced. I was hoping to spend that windfall at Del Lago when they opened up. Looks like we will be paying those doctor bills instead. That is the way it goes. Life is funny my unemployment windfall will be just enough to pay for the surgery and rehab. No casino for me... ;)

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:01 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:53 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:46 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:42 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:31 am
a fan wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:29 am
get it to x wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:44 am A good idea in there, except disarming police. But can we do more then one thing at a time? How about we educate black youth, especially women, on what the future possibly holds for them and their children as single mom's? How about we stop subsidizing destructive behavior. For a party that claims Republicans are the "anti science" party Dems sure seem to promote behavior that statistics show is counterproductive to the people they claim to champion.
If you want to cast stones at groups, start with the various churches that have stymied efforts on sex education and birth control.

Want to actually help fix the problem here? Get your party off their butts, and start an Apollo-type program to eliminate unwanted pregnancies. Do you have any idea how fast Democrats would embrace a program like that? Massive Federal funding to end unwanted pregnancies?

What has been stopping this from happening? That's right-----American Conservatives who would rather have abortions and unwanted pregnancies than allow for birth control and sex ed in public schools.

Fix that? Soooooo many problems in America are eliminated. Let me know when your side is ready to do that. The libs would work with you on this problem with glee......
Don’t you realize only black girls with low moral standards get pregnant. It’s genetic.
Holy shmolies, you learn something new here every day. TLD is informing us that black teenage girls are more promiscuous than white teenage girls. I spent my teenage years looking for all promiscuous teenage girls. That is why all my friends had that magic trojan tucked in their wallet. We wanted to get laid. There was no discrimination there as long as the plumbing was intact.
You must still be laid off.
Yep, how did you guess? Keep working hard there, I need all the money you give in to the system. My wife is going in the middle of July to get her other hip replaced. I was hoping to spend that windfall at Del Lago when they opened up. Looks like we will be paying those doctor bills instead. That is the way it goes. Life is funny my unemployment windfall will be just enough to pay for the surgery and rehab. No casino for me... ;)
You will be fine. Hopefully her surgery goes well. Minor surgery is when someone else has it. Best of luck.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:17 pm
by ggait
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
The best thing for kids is to have an intact nuclear family AND also the back-up of an extended family/village. The best thing is belt and suspenders.

The nuclear family only model is a pretty recent development. And the evidence overwhelmingly shows that it is extremely fragile and often unsustainable. Especially in today's economy where the family often has to rely upon two pay checks.

Commercial daycare has to replace a family caretaker (mom, grandmom, aunt, neighbor). And boy does the nuclear family only model collapse (economically and emotionally) if the mom/dad relationship goes south (whether the parents stay together or not).

The kids are so much better off if their economic and emotional well-being is not 100% dependent on (i) both mom and dad always staying continuously employed and (ii) always staying happily married. If the nuclear family hits a speed bump, it often crumbles. And that's when grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins can pick up the slack for the great benefit of the kids.

Even though yucky Hillary said it, it is true. It does take a village.

Terrific article by David Brooks deep diving into this topic. Highly recommended. ... ke/605536/

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:39 pm
by old salt
Last night in Atlanta : ... s-walkout/

...a number of Atlanta police officers called in sick just before a shift change Wednesday evening.

The city was left scrambling to cover absences as the Atlanta Police Department tried to tamp down rumors of a mass police walkout that spread widely on social media.

It’s unclear how many officers declined to show up for their Wednesday night shift. The police department declined to answer specific questions about the no-shows and the mayor did not release specific numbers when she spoke to reporters late Wednesday.

“We do have enough officers to cover us through the night,” Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D) told CNN. “Our streets won’t be any less safe because of the number of officers who called out.”

The Atlanta Police Department confirmed a larger-than-normal number of absent officers on Wednesday evening but denied any mass strike in response to the criminal charges leveled against the two men involved in the fatal shooting of Brooks, whose death has sparked more protests against racism and police brutality.

Hours after the charges were announced, some Atlanta police officers began calling in sick just before their night shifts started. A police union spokesman confirmed the protest to NBC News, but said the union had not organized a formal walkout. Throughout Wednesday night, more officers reportedly called in sick, refused to show up to any calls except those requesting backup and went radio-silent.

“This is not an organized thing, it’s not a blue flu, it’s not a strike, it’s nothing like that,” Vince Champion, a spokesman for the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, told NBC News. “What it actually is is officers protesting that they’ve had enough and they don’t want to deal with it any longer.”

The “blue flu,” which Champion denied, is a type of de facto police strike in which a large group of officers simultaneously call in sick. Essential state employees, like police and first responders, are legally forbidden from actually walking out on the job in many jurisdictions.

Champion added that many officers felt prosecutors had not publicly shared sufficient evidence to back up the charges leveled against Rolfe, in part because the district attorney only released a video still that appears to show the former officer kick Brooks rather than the full video itself.

Bottoms said morale in Atlanta’s police department was at a low, perhaps even more so than in other jurisdictions facing intense scrutiny and criticism during the last three weeks of protests.

“The thing that I’m most concerned about is how we repair the morale in our police department,” Bottoms said on CNN, “and how do we ensure our communities are safe as they interact with our police officers.”

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:42 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
ggait wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:17 pm
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
The best thing for kids is to have an intact nuclear family AND also the back-up of an extended family/village. The best thing is belt and suspenders.

The nuclear family only model is a pretty recent development. And the evidence overwhelmingly shows that it is extremely fragile and often unsustainable. Especially in today's economy where the family often has to rely upon two pay checks.

Commercial daycare has to replace a family caretaker (mom, grandmom, aunt, neighbor). And boy does the nuclear family only model collapse (economically and emotionally) if the mom/dad relationship goes south (whether the parents stay together or not).

The kids are so much better off if their economic and emotional well-being is not 100% dependent on (i) both mom and dad always staying continuously employed and (ii) always staying happily married. If the nuclear family hits a speed bump, it often crumbles. And that's when grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins can pick up the slack for the great benefit of the kids.

Even though yucky Hillary said it, it is true. It does take a village.

Terrific article by David Brooks deep diving into this topic. Highly recommended. ... ke/605536/
Yes. In the “old days” a whole neighborhood looked out for kids and could even get on them when they got out of was good for everyone. Had nothing to do with “single mom’s”. Economics have already disinter-mediated parents with daycare. It’s very hard for a mom to stay at home and have a decent standard of living.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:48 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:39 pm Last night in Atlanta : ... s-walkout/

...a number of Atlanta police officers called in sick just before a shift change Wednesday evening.

The city was left scrambling to cover absences as the Atlanta Police Department tried to tamp down rumors of a mass police walkout that spread widely on social media.

It’s unclear how many officers declined to show up for their Wednesday night shift. The police department declined to answer specific questions about the no-shows and the mayor did not release specific numbers when she spoke to reporters late Wednesday.

“We do have enough officers to cover us through the night,” Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D) told CNN. “Our streets won’t be any less safe because of the number of officers who called out.”

The Atlanta Police Department confirmed a larger-than-normal number of absent officers on Wednesday evening but denied any mass strike in response to the criminal charges leveled against the two men involved in the fatal shooting of Brooks, whose death has sparked more protests against racism and police brutality.

Hours after the charges were announced, some Atlanta police officers began calling in sick just before their night shifts started. A police union spokesman confirmed the protest to NBC News, but said the union had not organized a formal walkout. Throughout Wednesday night, more officers reportedly called in sick, refused to show up to any calls except those requesting backup and went radio-silent.

“This is not an organized thing, it’s not a blue flu, it’s not a strike, it’s nothing like that,” Vince Champion, a spokesman for the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, told NBC News. “What it actually is is officers protesting that they’ve had enough and they don’t want to deal with it any longer.”

The “blue flu,” which Champion denied, is a type of de facto police strike in which a large group of officers simultaneously call in sick. Essential state employees, like police and first responders, are legally forbidden from actually walking out on the job in many jurisdictions.

Champion added that many officers felt prosecutors had not publicly shared sufficient evidence to back up the charges leveled against Rolfe, in part because the district attorney only released a video still that appears to show the former officer kick Brooks rather than the full video itself.

Bottoms said morale in Atlanta’s police department was at a low, perhaps even more so than in other jurisdictions facing intense scrutiny and criticism during the last three weeks of protests.

“The thing that I’m most concerned about is how we repair the morale in our police department,” Bottoms said on CNN, “and how do we ensure our communities are safe as they interact with our police officers.”
Maybe Rolfe will get his job back.


Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:52 pm
by get it to x
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:39 pm Last night in Atlanta : ... s-walkout/

...a number of Atlanta police officers called in sick just before a shift change Wednesday evening.

The city was left scrambling to cover absences as the Atlanta Police Department tried to tamp down rumors of a mass police walkout that spread widely on social media.

It’s unclear how many officers declined to show up for their Wednesday night shift. The police department declined to answer specific questions about the no-shows and the mayor did not release specific numbers when she spoke to reporters late Wednesday.

“We do have enough officers to cover us through the night,” Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D) told CNN. “Our streets won’t be any less safe because of the number of officers who called out.”

The Atlanta Police Department confirmed a larger-than-normal number of absent officers on Wednesday evening but denied any mass strike in response to the criminal charges leveled against the two men involved in the fatal shooting of Brooks, whose death has sparked more protests against racism and police brutality.

Hours after the charges were announced, some Atlanta police officers began calling in sick just before their night shifts started. A police union spokesman confirmed the protest to NBC News, but said the union had not organized a formal walkout. Throughout Wednesday night, more officers reportedly called in sick, refused to show up to any calls except those requesting backup and went radio-silent.

“This is not an organized thing, it’s not a blue flu, it’s not a strike, it’s nothing like that,” Vince Champion, a spokesman for the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, told NBC News. “What it actually is is officers protesting that they’ve had enough and they don’t want to deal with it any longer.”

The “blue flu,” which Champion denied, is a type of de facto police strike in which a large group of officers simultaneously call in sick. Essential state employees, like police and first responders, are legally forbidden from actually walking out on the job in many jurisdictions.

Champion added that many officers felt prosecutors had not publicly shared sufficient evidence to back up the charges leveled against Rolfe, in part because the district attorney only released a video still that appears to show the former officer kick Brooks rather than the full video itself.

Bottoms said morale in Atlanta’s police department was at a low, perhaps even more so than in other jurisdictions facing intense scrutiny and criticism during the last three weeks of protests.

“The thing that I’m most concerned about is how we repair the morale in our police department,” Bottoms said on CNN, “and how do we ensure our communities are safe as they interact with our police officers.”
Another compete misreading of the situation by those in charge. And she wonder's why the morale is low when she pronounced judgement before all of the facts were in. Then the DA announcing charges before the GA Bureau of Investigation had completed their investigation.

Meanwhile, Beverly Hills has imposed a moratorium on groups of over ten people gathering after 9pm. Apparently the protesters were interrupting their beauty sleep, or maybe their MENSA meeting. Racists!!!!

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:53 pm
by old salt

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:54 pm
by Farfromgeneva
Atlanta is fine. Got in around 4am. Today, quiet, muggy, need that afternoon thunderstorm so common in summers here, but no evidence of things burning down in more than a third of a city I’ve seen today. The idea the city is burning down is complete fiction. Ludicrous and stupid.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:56 pm
by CU77
"I was the chief of police in Camden, N.J., when we concluded the most violent year in our history. In 2012, we tallied 67 homicides, 172 shooting victims and 175 open-air drug markets. Children couldn’t walk safely to school. Cops left crime scenes unattended to respond to the next shooting; it was nonstop. Camden was ranked the most dangerous city in the country, with a murder rate more than 18 times the national average. More people were killed in our town of 77,000 than were killed that year in Hawaii, North Dakota, South Dakota, New Hampshire and Wyoming combined.

"And police were not always helping. The city needed guardians, but officers often saw themselves as warriors seeking to dominate criminals through toughness. Citizens didn’t trust us, and efforts to arrest our way to law and order clearly weren’t working. As chief, I was handcuffed by legacy work rules and binding arbitrator decisions that made it difficult to hold officers accountable for misconduct or poor performance. I couldn’t even reassign officers on desk duty to the street to suppress spiking gun violence.

"So we started from scratch. We let every city police officer go and created a new department with new rules in 2013. By agreement with Camden County, the city ceased to fund its department and instead paid the county to police the city of Camden. We required all officers to apply as new hires (most officers from the old force got jobs, but not all) and committed to a new relationship between Camden’s police and its citizens, around 95 percent of whom are minorities.

"It worked. At the end of 2019, homicides in Camden were down 63 percent, and total crime is the lowest it has been in decades. Fewer mothers are burying children, and flagrant drug crime is radically reduced. Here’s how we did it." J. Scott Thomson ... story.html

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:00 pm
by get it to x
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:42 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:17 pm
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
The best thing for kids is to have an intact nuclear family AND also the back-up of an extended family/village. The best thing is belt and suspenders.

The nuclear family only model is a pretty recent development. And the evidence overwhelmingly shows that it is extremely fragile and often unsustainable. Especially in today's economy where the family often has to rely upon two pay checks.

Commercial daycare has to replace a family caretaker (mom, grandmom, aunt, neighbor). And boy does the nuclear family only model collapse (economically and emotionally) if the mom/dad relationship goes south (whether the parents stay together or not).

The kids are so much better off if their economic and emotional well-being is not 100% dependent on (i) both mom and dad always staying continuously employed and (ii) always staying happily married. If the nuclear family hits a speed bump, it often crumbles. And that's when grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins can pick up the slack for the great benefit of the kids.

Even though yucky Hillary said it, it is true. It does take a village.

Terrific article by David Brooks deep diving into this topic. Highly recommended. ... ke/605536/
Yes. In the “old days” a whole neighborhood looked out for kids and could even get on them when they got out of was good for everyone. Had nothing to do with “single mom’s”. Economics have already disinter-mediated parents with daycare. It’s very hard for a mom to stay at home and have a decent standard of living.
Because wages for non-college educated people actually fell in real terms over the last 30 years. Shipping jobs overseas and importing cheap labor, legal or illegal, drove down wages. The labor class' wages have been rising since Trump took office. And if you're looking to give Obama credit, google 'Obama Magic Wand ' and see if he had any intent to change the fortunes of the middle class. Dems would rather go back to the old feudal system, where finance guys make the money and feed the dependent lower class just enough to keep them from turning on them. "Let them eat cake".

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:09 pm
by foreverlax
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:45 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:17 pmLaw and Order!
Lock'em up. But why aren't the fathers around?
Nah, no systemic racism...

So unaware.

It's not systemic "racism" that had Brooks on 'probation'; it's systemic judicial abuse. The system doesn't care if you are black or white; it only wants to incarcerate you and keep you incarcerated. Probation is the lever to keep the doors revolving with prisoners. Brooks was on probation; being arrested again for a DUI would've lading him back in prison. He wasn't scared of white police; he was scared of the system trapping him inside iron bars yet again. That's why he fought and ran.

But you're perfectly fine with 30 Special Forces raiding Stone because Orange Man Bad! That is a systemic problem.

You can't understand how the entire system is rotten because you're too busy being woke.
So you support the penal system not being for profit?

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:11 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
get it to x wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:00 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:42 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:17 pm
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
The best thing for kids is to have an intact nuclear family AND also the back-up of an extended family/village. The best thing is belt and suspenders.

The nuclear family only model is a pretty recent development. And the evidence overwhelmingly shows that it is extremely fragile and often unsustainable. Especially in today's economy where the family often has to rely upon two pay checks.

Commercial daycare has to replace a family caretaker (mom, grandmom, aunt, neighbor). And boy does the nuclear family only model collapse (economically and emotionally) if the mom/dad relationship goes south (whether the parents stay together or not).

The kids are so much better off if their economic and emotional well-being is not 100% dependent on (i) both mom and dad always staying continuously employed and (ii) always staying happily married. If the nuclear family hits a speed bump, it often crumbles. And that's when grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins can pick up the slack for the great benefit of the kids.

Even though yucky Hillary said it, it is true. It does take a village.

Terrific article by David Brooks deep diving into this topic. Highly recommended. ... ke/605536/
Yes. In the “old days” a whole neighborhood looked out for kids and could even get on them when they got out of was good for everyone. Had nothing to do with “single mom’s”. Economics have already disinter-mediated parents with daycare. It’s very hard for a mom to stay at home and have a decent standard of living.
Because wages for non-college educated people actually fell in real terms over the last 30 years. Shipping jobs overseas and importing cheap labor, legal or illegal, drove down wages. The labor class' wages have been rising since Trump took office. And if you're looking to give Obama credit, google 'Obama Magic Wand ' and see if he had any intent to change the fortunes of the middle class. Dems would rather go back to the old feudal system, where finance guys make the money and feed the dependent lower class just enough to keep them from turning on them. "Let them eat cake".
It worked out for me. ... 1028833119

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:16 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:45 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:17 pmLaw and Order!
Lock'em up. But why aren't the fathers around?
Nah, no systemic racism...

So unaware.

It's not systemic "racism" that had Brooks on 'probation'; it's systemic judicial abuse. The system doesn't care if you are black or white; it only wants to incarcerate you and keep you incarcerated. Probation is the lever to keep the doors revolving with prisoners. Brooks was on probation; being arrested again for a DUI would've lading him back in prison. He wasn't scared of white police; he was scared of the system trapping him inside iron bars yet again. That's why he fought and ran.

But you're perfectly fine with 30 Special Forces raiding Stone because Orange Man Bad! That is a systemic problem.

You can't understand how the entire system is rotten because you're too busy being woke.

Change the subject once again, hey PB. :roll:

I do agree with you that we have set up our incarceration system to incentivize incarceration and, thus, way, way, way too many people get locked up and for too long. That itself is not explicitly racist, but its implementation as to which criminals and crimes we choose to incarcerate and which we choose to not is indeed systemically racist.

And it has had a huge impact on black men...fathers.

Now, with your change of subject, not sure anyone actually know Brooks' motivation to run, surely you don't, so that's merely speculative. But not being informed that he was being arrested, just suddenly grabbed to be cuffed, in his state, could simply have been anger at being manhandled...or your speculation may have had a role. Doesn't matter. The decision to handcuff him rather than any number of options was just the start of things going wrong. It's the decision to pull the trigger 3 times on a guy running away and then kicking him that we suspect would not have been as likely to happen had he been white. Is that systemic racism, or just one guy, one bad apple?

The latter can be argued, but it's the ongoing reality that this kind of treatment has been covered up and excused for generations by more than just those who pull the trigger, including all the rest of us who've put up with it being the reality for some of us...