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Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:36 pm
by Bandito
Dismiss, Dismiss, Deflect, Deflect.

Again ignoring facts is what the Democrats do. The left is the party of bigotry, fascism, KKK, racism, back in the day and still is today.

You can't say anything positive about Trump and his policies yet everyone who has half a brain agrees he is doing an amazing job.

51% approval
Historic Black approval ratings in the 30s
Historic unemployment for minorities and women

The left is seriously in trouble. Maybe if they didn't promote socialism, keeping minorities on their political plantation-dependant on government and want to take away guns and allow illegals to flood in, they'd win!

Sucks to be a Democrat. All this Trump winning must be exhausting!

So no debate on the 289 facts of Trump winning I posted? Makes sense. Can't argue against facts you betas!

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:39 pm
by Bandito
jhu72 wrote:
Bandito wrote:
foreverlax wrote:14 early warning signs of fascism - applicable to Trump

- Powerful and continuing nationalism - YES

-Disdain for human rights - YES

-Identification of enemies as a unifying cause - YES

- Supremacy of the military - YES

-Rampant sexism - YES

-Controlled mass media - YES

-Obsession with national security - YES

-Religion and government intertwined - YES

-Corporate power protected - YES

-Labor [sic] power suppressed - YES

-Disdain for intellectuals & the arts - YES

-Obsession with crime & punishment - YES

-Rampant cronyism & corruption - YES

-Fraudulent elections - MAYBE

13 of 14 are HoF numbers!! :lol:
Fascism is a leftist ideology. You claiming it comes from the right is pathetic and a lie. You have been duped. If you don't even know the history of Fascism in the world and in this country, you can't be taken seriously.
Only in the right wing fever swamp. :roll: :lol:

Here is a nice piece on the truth of Fascism

Once again, a Democratic National Committee member called the Republicans fascists. Since the Democrats do not seem to know the definition of fascism, maybe this will help Democrat voters realize it is their party who are the fascists.

Fascism – “Force and terror are combined with massive propaganda to further the interests of the state. In Fascist states, only the political party of the ruling elite is allowed. No form of dissent is tolerated and a highly developed secret police and informer system is used to ferret out and eliminate all opposition. Fascism rests upon two tenets utterly contrary to those of democracy: (1) the leadership principle and (2) statism. Unchallenged power whom all must obey. The extreme expression of totalitarianism – the state embodies everything. In fascist doctrine, all matters, political, social, economic are subject to the state.”

The left “forced” our children through indoctrination to behave as mini antagonists. They’re told to insult, assault, confront, shout down others, commit violence, falsely accuse, and manufacture phony scenarios about conservatives. In other words, no form of dissent or you’ll be accosted, jeered and lied about and financially ruined. Passing of massive propaganda is the main goal and purpose of the MSM. The Democrats placed informants and “secret police” (the FBI and IRS) in positions to harm conservatives, and to spy on to defeat Republican opponents.

For Democrat voters who have no clue about socialism, “Socialism is a philosophy of economic collectivism, advocating public ownership of major instruments of production, distribution, and exchange.”

Revolutionary socialism eventually leads to communism and I fear we will encounter the revolutionary rather than the evolutionary form of socialism if the Democrats are ever successful in taking charge again - neither of which is acceptable.

The Democrats are the real fascists.

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:41 pm
by DMac
Are you suggesting that gun regulations and take away guns are synonymous?

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:00 pm
by a fan
Bandito wrote:
For Democrat voters who have no clue about socialism, “Socialism is a philosophy of economic collectivism, advocating public ownership of major instruments of production, distribution, and exchange
:lol: You mean like Public Universities (production), Public Roads (distribution), or Federal Home loans (exchange)?

Wait, wait. Let me guess: "that's different".

Did I get it right?

BTW, where did you get that half-assed definition? Of of a cereal box? Apple is "publicly owned". So is Lockheed Martin. You think that's socialism?

The phrase you a looking for here is "advocating government ownership.....".

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:10 pm
by Bandito
a fan wrote:
Bandito wrote:
For Democrat voters who have no clue about socialism, “Socialism is a philosophy of economic collectivism, advocating public ownership of major instruments of production, distribution, and exchange
:lol: You mean like Public Universities (production), Public Roads (distribution), or Federal Home loans (exchange)?

Wait, wait. Let me guess: "that's different".

Did I get it right?

BTW, where did you get that half-assed definition? Of of a cereal box? Apple is "publicly owned". So is Lockheed Martin. You think that's socialism?

The phrase you a looking for here is "advocating government ownership.....".
What you describe isn't socialism. But you keep on thinking it is. What the Democrats want is complete governmental control of everything. $32 trillion to run the health care system!!! That is socialism. You can't seem to figure out what socialism is. But I am the issue? LOL. Grow up and move on. Maybe if you didn't suffer from TDS, you'd actually know what socialism is.

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:15 pm
by Bandito
DMac wrote:Are you suggesting that gun regulations and take away guns are synonymous?
Guns are already heavily regulated. Guns aren't the issue at all. You don't blame the car for killing someone in a car accident or the alcohol for causing someone a DUI. You blame the person. So why are we blaming guns? Also it should be noted not one NRA member has caused a mass shooting. It is normally deranged leftists who commit mass attacks via firearms. What the Democrats want is complete confiscation of firearms. They want it to make it near impossible for anyone to own a gun. Why? It is all about control. It is fascism. This is what Mussolini did in Italy, this is what Hitler did in Germany, this is what the Soviets did as well. Once guns are out of the equation, that is when mass extermination of people can occur. You obviously have no idea about history. Leftists are Fascists and Nazis. They learned from them. FDR was a great admirer of Mussolini and Hitler's use of Fascism. FDR was a Democrat. Democrats are Fascists and taking away guns proves that point.

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:18 pm
by foreverlax
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:Are you suggesting that gun regulations and take away guns are synonymous?
Guns are already heavily regulated. Guns aren't the issue at all. You don't blame the car for killing someone in a car accident or the alcohol for causing someone a DUI. You blame the person. So why are we blaming guns? Also it should be noted not one NRA member has caused a mass shooting. It is normally deranged leftists who commit mass attacks via firearms. What the Democrats want is complete confiscation of firearms. They want it to make it near impossible for anyone to own a gun. Why? It is all about control. It is fascism. This is what Mussolini did in Italy, this is what Hitler did in Germany, this is what the Soviets did as well. Once guns are out of the equation, that is when mass extermination of people can occur. You obviously have no idea about history. Leftists are Fascists and Nazis. They learned from them. FDR was a great admirer of Mussolini and Hitler's use of Fascism. FDR was a Democrat. Democrats are Fascists and taking away guns proves that point.

Still can't understand normal thinking - Ds want a "complete confiscation of firearms"...provide one link.

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:20 pm
by a fan
Bandito wrote:What you describe isn't socialism.
Of course it isn't.

Dude. You just gave your definition. The government owns the University of Iowa. The Government owns the University of Maryland. Just like your definition states.
Bandito wrote:$32 trillion to run the health care system!!! That is socialism.

You mean like Medicare?

Oh, no. That's different. Bandito likes that socialism. So guess what? That means "it's not socialism".

In your world, 1+1= squirrel. Got it.

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:24 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
foreverlax wrote:
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:Are you suggesting that gun regulations and take away guns are synonymous?
Guns are already heavily regulated. Guns aren't the issue at all. You don't blame the car for killing someone in a car accident or the alcohol for causing someone a DUI. You blame the person. So why are we blaming guns? Also it should be noted not one NRA member has caused a mass shooting. It is normally deranged leftists who commit mass attacks via firearms. What the Democrats want is complete confiscation of firearms. They want it to make it near impossible for anyone to own a gun. Why? It is all about control. It is fascism. This is what Mussolini did in Italy, this is what Hitler did in Germany, this is what the Soviets did as well. Once guns are out of the equation, that is when mass extermination of people can occur. You obviously have no idea about history. Leftists are Fascists and Nazis. They learned from them. FDR was a great admirer of Mussolini and Hitler's use of Fascism. FDR was a Democrat. Democrats are Fascists and taking away guns proves that point.

Still can't understand normal thinking - Ds want a "complete confiscation of firearms"...provide one link.
Venmo him $2,400 and he will agree with everything.

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:27 pm
by DMac
That's a pretty wild crock of BS all in all.
No one, D or R, has ever threatened to confiscate guns in this country in my lifetime.
Don't be too concerned bout that.

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:29 pm
by MDlaxfan76
:lol: :lol: :roll:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
foreverlax wrote:
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:Are you suggesting that gun regulations and take away guns are synonymous?
Guns are already heavily regulated. Guns aren't the issue at all. You don't blame the car for killing someone in a car accident or the alcohol for causing someone a DUI. You blame the person. So why are we blaming guns? Also it should be noted not one NRA member has caused a mass shooting. It is normally deranged leftists who commit mass attacks via firearms. What the Democrats want is complete confiscation of firearms. They want it to make it near impossible for anyone to own a gun. Why? It is all about control. It is fascism. This is what Mussolini did in Italy, this is what Hitler did in Germany, this is what the Soviets did as well. Once guns are out of the equation, that is when mass extermination of people can occur. You obviously have no idea about history. Leftists are Fascists and Nazis. They learned from them. FDR was a great admirer of Mussolini and Hitler's use of Fascism. FDR was a Democrat. Democrats are Fascists and taking away guns proves that point.

Still can't understand normal thinking - Ds want a "complete confiscation of firearms"...provide one link.
Venmo him $2,400 and he will agree with everything.
:lol: :lol: :roll:

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:30 pm
by MDlaxfan76
DMac wrote:That's a pretty wild crock of BS all in all.
No one, D or R, has ever threatened to confiscate guns in this country in my lifetime.
Don't be too concerned bout that.
Nor "What the Democrats want is complete governmental control of everything."
Really kookoobirds.

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:36 pm
by MDlaxfan76
jhu72 wrote:
Bandito wrote:
foreverlax wrote:14 early warning signs of fascism - applicable to Trump

- Powerful and continuing nationalism - YES

-Disdain for human rights - YES

-Identification of enemies as a unifying cause - YES

- Supremacy of the military - YES

-Rampant sexism - YES

-Controlled mass media - YES

-Obsession with national security - YES

-Religion and government intertwined - YES

-Corporate power protected - YES

-Labor [sic] power suppressed - YES

-Disdain for intellectuals & the arts - YES

-Obsession with crime & punishment - YES

-Rampant cronyism & corruption - YES

-Fraudulent elections - MAYBE

13 of 14 are HoF numbers!! :lol:
Fascism is a leftist ideology. You claiming it comes from the right is pathetic and a lie. You have been duped. If you don't even know the history of Fascism in the world and in this country, you can't be taken seriously.
Only in the right wing fever swamp. :roll: :lol:

One has to wonder where El Bandito got his "definition"...

Just for giggles, I googled the exact language contained in his quotes. Found this letter to the editor of the Agusta Chronicle one of Gatehouse Media's local newspapers: ... l-fascists

Interestingly, nearly everything Bandito ostensibly wrote was actually a quote from this 'letter to the editor'. Cut and paste job.

The supposed authors of the letter itself quoted that definition without attribution. And indeed google finds no other reference to that language anywhere...and they have how many books fully digitized??

So, I googled the "authors" and found that they (appears to be two people) and only found other letters to the editor of that same Augusta Georgia newspaper. Nowhere else does S.V. Hoke or S.V. Hoke/Martinez appear as such. The second person "Martinez" doesn't provide another name.


Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:38 pm
by runrussellrun
a fan wrote:
Bandito wrote:
For Democrat voters who have no clue about socialism, “Socialism is a philosophy of economic collectivism, advocating public ownership of major instruments of production, distribution, and exchange
:lol: You mean like Public Universities (production), Public Roads (distribution), or Federal Home loans (exchange)?

Wait, wait. Let me guess: "that's different".

Did I get it right?

BTW, where did you get that half-assed definition? Of of a cereal box? Apple is "publicly owned". So is Lockheed Martin. You think that's socialism?

The phrase you a looking for here is "advocating government ownership.....".
Lockheed Martin is absolutely a socialist company. Couldn't survive without government ownership. (who owns the stock/exactly)

AFAN, you keep on saying that government own universities. But, as I point out with the Bayh-Dole act of 1980, the universities own any patents or rights to the things created with Federal dollars. They, in turn, lease those patents or rights to "private" firms. My college plays its sports in buildings named after "commercial" business. It's no longer Cole field house or Byrd Stadium. While public U may not be listed in the S & P 500, plenty of the intermingled business are. Same with Lockheed Martin. If you are saying Lockheed Martin is NOT socialist, than neither is State Public U. Who supplies the food? The maintanence? The "books". The electricity? The poop and water?

Any wall street traded firms doing work in College Park, MD? Is Comcast trading in the $30's still :roll: :roll:

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:42 pm
by a fan
Trying to simplify things for ol' Bandito. Don't confuse him by telling him that the government pays all the bills at Lockheed. Or that Hopkins gets a Billion dollars a year from the Federal government. ;)

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:44 pm
by jhu72

So let me get this right. You claim Democrats are Fascists, Nazis, Socialists and Communists. Well that pretty much throws into a cocked hat the 19th and 20th century's social, political, economic and historical research of 99% of researchers in those fields. Are you going to write a book, or publish this "theory" of yours?? I am sure it will receive rave reviews and have the experts in those fields falling all over themselves claiming you have shown them the error of their ways.

Just for grins, where did you learn all this, or did you just develop this all by yourself, self made man, you "built it"? I can't tell you how impressed I am.

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:46 pm
by runrussellrun
Yup, A FAN. Aramark has supplied the "government owned" food & service to hungover Wahoos since the 1980's. Not sure how a global corporation is "government" owned. They certainly can't live without most government contracts. Rockies Stadium , prisons, educational institutions, military, etc.

Just don't be to small to succeed is all the oligarchy pretend liberals ask.

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:47 pm
by jhu72
a fan wrote:Trying to simplify things for ol' Bandito. Don't confuse him by telling him that the government pays all the bills at Lockheed. Or that Hopkins gets a Billion dollars a year from the Federal government. ;)

... slightly over $2 billion. ;)

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:47 pm
by Bandito
jhu72 wrote:So let me get this right. You claim Democrats are Fascists, Nazis, Socialists and Communists. Well that pretty much throws into a cocked hat the 19th and 20th century's social, political, economic and historical research of 99% of researchers in those fields. Are you going to write a book, or publish this "theory" of yours?? I am sure it will receive rave reviews and have the experts in those fields falling all over themselves claiming you have shown them the error of their ways.

Just for grins, where did you learn all this, or did you just develop this all by yourself? I can't tell you how impressed I am.
Most of those 19th and 20th century progressives were the cause of the issues we have now with the Democrat Party in our country. It has been written about ad naseum by historians and well based in facts.

Re: Progressive Ideology

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:48 pm
by a fan
:lol: I stand corrected, JHU72!
