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Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:22 pm
by Peter Brown
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:12 pm
njbill wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:59 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:38 pm Thank you for you reply NJ. i new that the usual suspects here would disagree with me.

"What “threat”? If the cops thought he was a threat, they would have frisked or searched him. Instead, they simply shoved him to the ground and walked right past him. If he was a threat, why did they turn their backs on him? Why did they allow his hands to remain free?"

I remember this happening just like it was yesterday. My nephew had been a beat cop on patrol for the Rochester Police Department for about a month. This was memorable be cause it was the first time as a family we had to go to RGH because he had been injured on the job. He just walked out of a convenient store on Hudson Ave. A harmless little old guy waves for him to come over. The harmless little old guy punches him in the face and breaks his beer bottle over his forehead. Memory serves me it was a broken nose, a fractured cheek bone and stiches for the cut on his forehead. Of course you are right NJ, those little old guys are completely harmless aren't they. :roll: I only wish that in YOUR WORLD at least once a week the people you interact with would treat you the very same way. Maybe one week it is a punch in the face. The next week it is a kick in your balls. The next week they bite you in your arm. How would you adapt to that challenge NJ?

You can't answer because you sit fat, dumb and happy in your little world of FLP happiness. Here is a suggestion for you. Why don't you give yourself an opportunity to spend some time in the trenches? your a jersey guy, you could easily volunteer for some ride-along time on the evening shift in Newark or Camden. You could use some your r legal beagle knowledge to help these officers understand how they could do their jobs better. If your REALLY lucky, maybe some old guy will punch you in the face and whack a beer bottle over your head. I bet it gives you a different perspective than where you sit today. That would be your little ass is sitting protected in the catbird seat while you pass judgement on all the other cops. When you are willing to put your own ass even for a day in the cops shoes, then maybe you earn the right to an opinion that is more knowledgeable than what oozes out of your lily white protected ass.
Maybe your nephew should have just shot the guy first. You know, shoot first, ask questions later.

Comes with the job. If you can’t take it, quit.
Thanks for your kind thoughts NJ. My nephew had to quit because he was a suicidal basket case. When he was not trying to drink himself to death he tried to eat his handgun a couple of times. His fellow officers talked him out of it. He is doing great now, lives in Seattle, works on a fishing boat the last I knew. He smokes a lot of weed, he loves his 2 dogs and as far as I know he has not tried to blow his brains out in a few years. Thanks for your kind thoughts and go F**K yourself you jerk. :evil:


The left expresses itself very clearly on this board. cradle's reply is justified.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:24 pm
by Brooklyn
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:17 am
Libs and their unending screechiness irritate anyone half-sane. It's probably past time to respond in kind.

'screechiness' - that's more apropos for the right wing Tea Bagger rallies

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:29 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard ... l/32860548#

it doesnt matter that lincoln didnt rebel against the state- nor does it matter that he in fact preserved the state- this has to come down too, because of what it suggests.

if art isnt protected, then what is.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:35 pm
by cradleandshoot
njbill wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:14 pm Your nephew realized he wasn’t cut out for the job and quit. Good for him. Not everyone is. No shame in that.

More cops should come to the same realization and quit.

You, too. Thanks for your kind thoughts.
He never realized it, the people that loved him and worked with him realized what he was going through. He gave his heart and soul to the job for as long as he could. The poor kid spent almost as much time in the ER as he did on the streets. He wanted to help people and be a good cop. He was angry and bitter before he left NYS. I can only paraphrase something he said to me that bothered me a lot. He only wanted to help people, but the people he was supposed to serve hated him and resented him from day one because he wore a blue uniform. His words that bothered me the most were something along the lines of eff all of them, they don't deserve any help. He did not deserve to be a cop anymore. The people that he wanted so very much to help never gave him a chance from day one. He was just another guy in a blue Uniform that could not be trusted. There was nothing he would ever do that was ever going to change that.

I worry about my nephew all of the time. If he ends his life tomorrow I will be heartbroken but not surprised. He died years ago trying to help people who hated him from the the day he put on his badge. None of you people can understand and nor do any of you give a F**K. You talk about and old guy getting pushed down in Buffalo. Well I care as much about him as any of you would ever care about my nephew. Some trauma you all can see on tape, other trauma accumulates over months and years but is no less painless to the person that suffers .One guy is a hero because the cops pushed him to the ground. The other guy is a stinking no good pig because he wore a badge and spent 5 years getting the chit beat out of him by people that hated him from the jump. I don't know why any sane person would ever be a police officer today. They must be stupid or something. What a F****d up world we live in.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:35 pm
by foreverlax
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:22 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:12 pm
njbill wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:59 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:38 pm Thank you for you reply NJ. i new that the usual suspects here would disagree with me.

"What “threat”? If the cops thought he was a threat, they would have frisked or searched him. Instead, they simply shoved him to the ground and walked right past him. If he was a threat, why did they turn their backs on him? Why did they allow his hands to remain free?"

I remember this happening just like it was yesterday. My nephew had been a beat cop on patrol for the Rochester Police Department for about a month. This was memorable be cause it was the first time as a family we had to go to RGH because he had been injured on the job. He just walked out of a convenient store on Hudson Ave. A harmless little old guy waves for him to come over. The harmless little old guy punches him in the face and breaks his beer bottle over his forehead. Memory serves me it was a broken nose, a fractured cheek bone and stiches for the cut on his forehead. Of course you are right NJ, those little old guys are completely harmless aren't they. :roll: I only wish that in YOUR WORLD at least once a week the people you interact with would treat you the very same way. Maybe one week it is a punch in the face. The next week it is a kick in your balls. The next week they bite you in your arm. How would you adapt to that challenge NJ?

You can't answer because you sit fat, dumb and happy in your little world of FLP happiness. Here is a suggestion for you. Why don't you give yourself an opportunity to spend some time in the trenches? your a jersey guy, you could easily volunteer for some ride-along time on the evening shift in Newark or Camden. You could use some your r legal beagle knowledge to help these officers understand how they could do their jobs better. If your REALLY lucky, maybe some old guy will punch you in the face and whack a beer bottle over your head. I bet it gives you a different perspective than where you sit today. That would be your little ass is sitting protected in the catbird seat while you pass judgement on all the other cops. When you are willing to put your own ass even for a day in the cops shoes, then maybe you earn the right to an opinion that is more knowledgeable than what oozes out of your lily white protected ass.
Maybe your nephew should have just shot the guy first. You know, shoot first, ask questions later.

Comes with the job. If you can’t take it, quit.
Thanks for your kind thoughts NJ. My nephew had to quit because he was a suicidal basket case. When he was not trying to drink himself to death he tried to eat his handgun a couple of times. His fellow officers talked him out of it. He is doing great now, lives in Seattle, works on a fishing boat the last I knew. He smokes a lot of weed, he loves his 2 dogs and as far as I know he has not tried to blow his brains out in a few years. Thanks for your kind thoughts and go F**K yourself you jerk. :evil:


The left expresses itself very clearly on this board. cradle's reply is justified.
Of course you have to troll.....more of a "lost in the translation". More cops should quit if they feel "it's" slipping away.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:37 pm
by foreverlax
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:29 pm ... l/32860548#

it doesnt matter that lincoln didnt rebel against the state- nor does it matter that he in fact preserved the state- this has to come down too, because of what it suggests.

if art isnt protected, then what is.
a. it is a bit offensive, to me.

b. art is protected...go ahead and sell it.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:39 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
agreed. to both.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:39 pm
by Farfromgeneva
I never understood statues and monuments in general, a waste of real estate, just like golf course and cemeteries...

But, I comeoletly don’t get the Lincoln submissiveness argument, seems silly to me and I strongly don’t believe in moral relativism and the corresponding insistence of catering to every single person’s idiosyncratic feelings which this case seems like.

Boston is a pretty parochial town though, or the whole state. They look in other people’s pockets too much. Like John Kerry proposing or supporting massive wealth transfers while parking his yacht in RI to not pay Mass taxes on it.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:42 pm
by RedFromMI
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:39 pm agreed. to both.
Or stick it in a museum where context can be given, or in a private cemetary...

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:44 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:39 pm I never understood statues and monuments in general, a waste of real estate, just like golf course and cemeteries...

But, I comeoletly don’t get the Lincoln submissiveness argument, seems silly to me and I strongly don’t believe in moral relativism and the corresponding insistence of catering to every single person’s idiosyncratic feelings which this case seems like.

Boston is a pretty parochial town though, or the whole state. They look in other people’s pockets too much. Like John Kerry proposing or supporting massive wealth transfers while parking his yacht in RI to not pay Mass taxes on it.
i'd question, if the lincoln statue should come down, why not... anything related to george washington?

surely, owning slaves is worse than fighting a war to preserve the union and proclaim emancipation.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:47 pm
by Farfromgeneva
I guess, but as time culture and society changes then I’d propose we never erect another monument or statue in the country. Save the tax dollars and real estate for more core functions of govt.

Things change, little is permanent, there’s a reason Bob Dylan stopped singing the Hurricane over time.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:48 pm
by cradleandshoot
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:22 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:12 pm
njbill wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:59 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:38 pm Thank you for you reply NJ. i new that the usual suspects here would disagree with me.

"What “threat”? If the cops thought he was a threat, they would have frisked or searched him. Instead, they simply shoved him to the ground and walked right past him. If he was a threat, why did they turn their backs on him? Why did they allow his hands to remain free?"

I remember this happening just like it was yesterday. My nephew had been a beat cop on patrol for the Rochester Police Department for about a month. This was memorable be cause it was the first time as a family we had to go to RGH because he had been injured on the job. He just walked out of a convenient store on Hudson Ave. A harmless little old guy waves for him to come over. The harmless little old guy punches him in the face and breaks his beer bottle over his forehead. Memory serves me it was a broken nose, a fractured cheek bone and stiches for the cut on his forehead. Of course you are right NJ, those little old guys are completely harmless aren't they. :roll: I only wish that in YOUR WORLD at least once a week the people you interact with would treat you the very same way. Maybe one week it is a punch in the face. The next week it is a kick in your balls. The next week they bite you in your arm. How would you adapt to that challenge NJ?

You can't answer because you sit fat, dumb and happy in your little world of FLP happiness. Here is a suggestion for you. Why don't you give yourself an opportunity to spend some time in the trenches? your a jersey guy, you could easily volunteer for some ride-along time on the evening shift in Newark or Camden. You could use some your r legal beagle knowledge to help these officers understand how they could do their jobs better. If your REALLY lucky, maybe some old guy will punch you in the face and whack a beer bottle over your head. I bet it gives you a different perspective than where you sit today. That would be your little ass is sitting protected in the catbird seat while you pass judgement on all the other cops. When you are willing to put your own ass even for a day in the cops shoes, then maybe you earn the right to an opinion that is more knowledgeable than what oozes out of your lily white protected ass.
Maybe your nephew should have just shot the guy first. You know, shoot first, ask questions later.

Comes with the job. If you can’t take it, quit.
Thanks for your kind thoughts NJ. My nephew had to quit because he was a suicidal basket case. When he was not trying to drink himself to death he tried to eat his handgun a couple of times. His fellow officers talked him out of it. He is doing great now, lives in Seattle, works on a fishing boat the last I knew. He smokes a lot of weed, he loves his 2 dogs and as far as I know he has not tried to blow his brains out in a few years. Thanks for your kind thoughts and go F**K yourself you jerk. :evil:


The left expresses itself very clearly on this board. cradle's reply is justified.
My nephew that beautiful kid that always wanted to be a cop died before he moved out west. I mean the part of him we all knew died. My heart aches for him all the time. I remember being in the hospital the night he was almost shot in the head and beaten silly by the guy he had the struggle with. I remember holding my brothers head while he was crying. I remember seeing my nephew in that hospital bed with his face swollen and beaten all up. I ache for my nephew every day. Who ever he was is no longer. Who ever he was he sacrificed for an ungrateful bunch of assholes that never gave him the chance to be a good cop. That is all he ever wanted to be.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:51 pm
by cradleandshoot
foreverlax wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:35 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:22 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:12 pm
njbill wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:59 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:38 pm Thank you for you reply NJ. i new that the usual suspects here would disagree with me.

"What “threat”? If the cops thought he was a threat, they would have frisked or searched him. Instead, they simply shoved him to the ground and walked right past him. If he was a threat, why did they turn their backs on him? Why did they allow his hands to remain free?"

I remember this happening just like it was yesterday. My nephew had been a beat cop on patrol for the Rochester Police Department for about a month. This was memorable be cause it was the first time as a family we had to go to RGH because he had been injured on the job. He just walked out of a convenient store on Hudson Ave. A harmless little old guy waves for him to come over. The harmless little old guy punches him in the face and breaks his beer bottle over his forehead. Memory serves me it was a broken nose, a fractured cheek bone and stiches for the cut on his forehead. Of course you are right NJ, those little old guys are completely harmless aren't they. :roll: I only wish that in YOUR WORLD at least once a week the people you interact with would treat you the very same way. Maybe one week it is a punch in the face. The next week it is a kick in your balls. The next week they bite you in your arm. How would you adapt to that challenge NJ?

You can't answer because you sit fat, dumb and happy in your little world of FLP happiness. Here is a suggestion for you. Why don't you give yourself an opportunity to spend some time in the trenches? your a jersey guy, you could easily volunteer for some ride-along time on the evening shift in Newark or Camden. You could use some your r legal beagle knowledge to help these officers understand how they could do their jobs better. If your REALLY lucky, maybe some old guy will punch you in the face and whack a beer bottle over your head. I bet it gives you a different perspective than where you sit today. That would be your little ass is sitting protected in the catbird seat while you pass judgement on all the other cops. When you are willing to put your own ass even for a day in the cops shoes, then maybe you earn the right to an opinion that is more knowledgeable than what oozes out of your lily white protected ass.
Maybe your nephew should have just shot the guy first. You know, shoot first, ask questions later.

Comes with the job. If you can’t take it, quit.
Thanks for your kind thoughts NJ. My nephew had to quit because he was a suicidal basket case. When he was not trying to drink himself to death he tried to eat his handgun a couple of times. His fellow officers talked him out of it. He is doing great now, lives in Seattle, works on a fishing boat the last I knew. He smokes a lot of weed, he loves his 2 dogs and as far as I know he has not tried to blow his brains out in a few years. Thanks for your kind thoughts and go F**K yourself you jerk. :evil:


The left expresses itself very clearly on this board. cradle's reply is justified.
Of course you have to troll.....more of a "lost in the translation". More cops should quit if they feel "it's" slipping away.
How many people do you know in any job that are willing or even aware that it is slipping away from them?

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:55 pm
by Farfromgeneva
I always wanted to be a professional athlete when I was growing up but wasn’t cut out to be one. It’s a tragedy when anyone goes through mental health issues, I crashed a few years back from losing my dad unexpectedly then his two brothers dying from brain cancers and suicide within two years, a miscarriage in between two kids and a boss who picked $250k from my pocket in bonus money I was contractually due by reallocating revenues behind my back and had to finally go see someone, not as bad as your nephew, only mild clinical depression (sertralin, rich wife stuff, 150mgs/day), adhd (no point in medicating that my psychologist suggested that most higher performing or people with advanced degrees have some of it in general) and even deep anxiety to which she won’t let my GP prescribe Xanax bc “I have no filters of any kind” (which I’m sure some of you will jump on but then come say it to my face and see which Unfiltered response you get). I hope he does well but no one has a right to their dream job and it has to be the right fit and it has to be earned every day. Sounds like he wasn’t cut out for it because some turd comes with that job and that’s the deal.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:56 pm
by Farfromgeneva
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:51 pm
foreverlax wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:35 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:22 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:12 pm
njbill wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:59 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:38 pm Thank you for you reply NJ. i new that the usual suspects here would disagree with me.

"What “threat”? If the cops thought he was a threat, they would have frisked or searched him. Instead, they simply shoved him to the ground and walked right past him. If he was a threat, why did they turn their backs on him? Why did they allow his hands to remain free?"

I remember this happening just like it was yesterday. My nephew had been a beat cop on patrol for the Rochester Police Department for about a month. This was memorable be cause it was the first time as a family we had to go to RGH because he had been injured on the job. He just walked out of a convenient store on Hudson Ave. A harmless little old guy waves for him to come over. The harmless little old guy punches him in the face and breaks his beer bottle over his forehead. Memory serves me it was a broken nose, a fractured cheek bone and stiches for the cut on his forehead. Of course you are right NJ, those little old guys are completely harmless aren't they. :roll: I only wish that in YOUR WORLD at least once a week the people you interact with would treat you the very same way. Maybe one week it is a punch in the face. The next week it is a kick in your balls. The next week they bite you in your arm. How would you adapt to that challenge NJ?

You can't answer because you sit fat, dumb and happy in your little world of FLP happiness. Here is a suggestion for you. Why don't you give yourself an opportunity to spend some time in the trenches? your a jersey guy, you could easily volunteer for some ride-along time on the evening shift in Newark or Camden. You could use some your r legal beagle knowledge to help these officers understand how they could do their jobs better. If your REALLY lucky, maybe some old guy will punch you in the face and whack a beer bottle over your head. I bet it gives you a different perspective than where you sit today. That would be your little ass is sitting protected in the catbird seat while you pass judgement on all the other cops. When you are willing to put your own ass even for a day in the cops shoes, then maybe you earn the right to an opinion that is more knowledgeable than what oozes out of your lily white protected ass.
Maybe your nephew should have just shot the guy first. You know, shoot first, ask questions later.

Comes with the job. If you can’t take it, quit.
Thanks for your kind thoughts NJ. My nephew had to quit because he was a suicidal basket case. When he was not trying to drink himself to death he tried to eat his handgun a couple of times. His fellow officers talked him out of it. He is doing great now, lives in Seattle, works on a fishing boat the last I knew. He smokes a lot of weed, he loves his 2 dogs and as far as I know he has not tried to blow his brains out in a few years. Thanks for your kind thoughts and go F**K yourself you jerk. :evil:


The left expresses itself very clearly on this board. cradle's reply is justified.
Of course you have to troll.....more of a "lost in the translation". More cops should quit if they feel "it's" slipping away.
How many people do you know in any job that are willing or even aware that it is slipping away from them?
To my prior post, it took some heavy crash and burn, 100hr weeks, not being around during my kids infancy enough, for me to understand that you can’t help anyone else if your not ok yourself. Not easy, not obvious but right.

BTW, probably a year or so too late but I finally did quit without a plan my gig. So people can and do often do it.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:09 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:05 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:51 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:38 pm
njbill wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:13 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:31 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:13 am
njbill wrote: Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:20 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 16, 2020 7:04 pm ouch, I'd need to know more about these guys' hearts before wishing any "street justice once they are on the inside" for anyone.

Now, if I found that they spewed anger and hate and were unrepentant...then karma, she is indeed a b-tch.
I’ve seen all I need. Shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground is enough for me.

The only time it EVER would be justified to shove someone like that would be if they were coming at the cop with a gun. Cops are only permitted to use proportional force, that is, force that is reasonable under the circumstances. The force they used might’ve been reasonable if the victim were a 300 lb. NFL lineman. It is entirely unreasonable, and unlawful, to use that degree of force on someone like this guy who was peacefully protesting.

Falls often are deadly to the elderly. Anyone who has lived long enough knows that. I certainly hope this guy recovers, but I fear this event will end up being a bright line event in his physical and mental decline.
I quite agree that it was unjustified, part and parcel with the whole attitude, just would want to know more about whether they were repentant.
If the old geezer had not gotten into the cops grill it never would have happened. How did these cops know he was unarmed and posed no threat? The old geezer could have easily had a gun tucked in his belt behind his back. It would have been avoidable if the old geezer had not approached the cops. In the middle of a riot control clearing operation that is not the time to chit chat with officers. I don't feel bad for the old geezer. He picked a really, really, really bad time to try and make a political statement. I know my opinion is harsh and uncaring to most folks here. How many of you folks out there would ever get into a cops face for any reason. Getting into a cops face in that type of situation should be the last thing you ever do.
Yes, your opinion is harsh and uncaring.

Also based on assumptions that are made up to suit your narrative.

What “threat”? If the cops thought he was a threat, they would have frisked or searched him. Instead, they simply shoved him to the ground and walked right past him. If he was a threat, why did they turn their backs on him? Why did they allow his hands to remain free?

Could have had a gun? Please. That’s the excuse cops have used since time immemorial to justify their actions after the fact.

What “riot”? This was a peaceful protest.

The cops, not the protester, initiated the physical encounter. He walked up to them and stopped. Then one goon used his night stick to push him, in effect a horizontal stick check, while the other pushed him with his right hand.
Thank you for you reply NJ. i new that the usual suspects here would disagree with me.

"What “threat”? If the cops thought he was a threat, they would have frisked or searched him. Instead, they simply shoved him to the ground and walked right past him. If he was a threat, why did they turn their backs on him? Why did they allow his hands to remain free?"

I remember this happening just like it was yesterday. My nephew had been a beat cop on patrol for the Rochester Police Department for about a month. This was memorable be cause it was the first time as a family we had to go to RGH because he had been injured on the job. He just walked out of a convenient store on Hudson Ave. A harmless little old guy waves for him to come over. The harmless little old guy punches him in the face and breaks his beer bottle over his forehead. Memory serves me it was a broken nose, a fractured cheek bone and stiches for the cut on his forehead. Of course you are right NJ, those little old guys are completely harmless aren't they. :roll: I only wish that in YOUR WORLD at least once a week the people you interact with would treat you the very same way. Maybe one week it is a punch in the face. The next week it is a kick in your balls. The next week they bite you in your arm. How would you adapt to that challenge NJ?

You can't answer because you sit fat, dumb and happy in your little world of FLP happiness. Here is a suggestion for you. Why don't you give yourself an opportunity to spend some time in the trenches? your a jersey guy, you could easily volunteer for some ride-along time on the evening shift in Newark or Camden. You could use some your r legal beagle knowledge to help these officers understand how they could do their jobs better. If your REALLY lucky, maybe some old guy will punch you in the face and whack a beer bottle over your head. I bet it gives you a different perspective than where you sit today. That would be your little ass is sitting protected in the catbird seat while you pass judgement on all the other cops. When you are willing to put your own ass even for a day in the cops shoes, then maybe you earn the right to an opinion that is more knowledgeable than what oozes out of your lily white protected ass.
Did your nephew find another line of work? What were his options?
My nephew lasted 5 years on the job. He started out as a good cop who wanted to help people. He wound up as a suicidal basket case who mentally was unfit to serve in the capacity of a police officer. I suppose many, many trips to the ER for being attacked numerous times and having almost been shot in the head by a bad guy that got his gun in a physical struggle may have taken its toll. He lives in Seattle now, works on a fishing boat, smokes alot of weed and hopes every day he can suppress the anxiety that still makes him want to blow his brains out. Except for those little problems he has to overcome he is doing just fine.
Glad he got out safely. Ironically I was reading the Abner Louima incident yesterday and one of the vets mentioned 5 years on the streets is enough. Do you believe Rochester became more safe, less safe or no change with the loss of industry and economic opportunity (not working in a bar or restaurant)?

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:13 pm
by Farfromgeneva
That’s easy, the failure over time of Kodak and Bausch and Lomb alone crushed that area. My uncle (who ultimately killed him sled in retirement over in Rome NY) has d an AA and was able to work up to line manager making $100-$120k in the 1990s and have a nice home in Penfield. All those gigs are gone and Paychex can’t replace a fraction of them.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:17 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:47 pm I guess, but as time culture and society changes then I’d propose we never erect another monument or statue in the country. Save the tax dollars and real estate for more core functions of govt.

Things change, little is permanent, there’s a reason Bob Dylan stopped singing the Hurricane over time.
sure- different question, but sure.

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:20 pm
by Farfromgeneva
Weren’t they proposing putting something else up in its place? That would be equally stupid and a waste of precious resources in a uncertain period in time, no?

Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:24 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:13 pm That’s easy, the failure over time of Kodak and Bausch and Lomb alone crushed that area. My uncle (who ultimately killed him sled in retirement over in Rome NY) has d an AA and was able to work up to line manager making $100-$120k in the 1990s and have a nice home in Penfield. All those gigs are gone and Paychex can’t replace a fraction of them.
I am wondering if Cradle's nephew was having these problems when Rochester was prosperous.