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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:55 am
by MDlaxfan76
6ftstick wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:46 am
dislaxxic wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:39 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:28 am...and your takeaway is to distrust the serious press....
These smug, over-confident Trumpists have institutionalized false narratives and Fake News. Think about it...the Con has been doing this for DECADES...creating a narrative that puts him in the best light and daring people to contradict him...denigrating those who point out his BS as weak and false. Classic bully behavior. Except this is a Wimp in Bully Clothing. Many of us in here, and - as is increasingly evident - the country at large is just fed up with this BS...Trump needs to be fired and his "style" exiled to Page 6 where it belongs.

Enough is ENOUGH.

.. ... virus-poll
We do rally as Americans, thankfully, and Trump did change his tone and began to support taking action...a very good thing...but the poll was done before he lost control down the stretch of the week. Before the recognition that what he'd been saying over the prior 3 days and last week were simply not true.

Even so, shouldn't it be 90+% like W's 9-11 polling response?

Keep polling as the death rate rises and the health system is overwhelmed.
That's going to be happening in NYC in less than 2 weeks. And then rolling through the country.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:56 am
by jhu72
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 12:58 am Here a fun story:

So my mother who lives alone in a small house w maybe one friend nearby (also older lady) is in the hospital bc she fell down at home after having been at an emergency room and release night prior. Hadn’t eaten in two days and now has a broken arm. In addition, though I have to verify, she told me and my sister she has liver cancer (unofficially diagnoses by an MRI not sure dr seems convinced but biopsy is weds). They’ve made the decision she can’t live alone and won’t release her that way so I’m driving up mom or Tuesday to Binghamton. Town is shut down I’m told and I have to go up get her out and find her a ALF facility as fast as possible. All while this virus pandemic is going on. Should be fun. Not even sure I can visit ALF joints right now. Bad time for any other stuff to happen in life suffice to say bc this wouldn’t be easy without the virus. Thank whoever I can do my work remotely and have a contract with a partner that rolls a few months on this work.
Sorry to hear that. Good luck.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:57 am
by RedFromMI
6ftstick wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:46 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:45 am
6ftstick wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:42 am
Trinity wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:35 am ... 3b648e9014

A second opinion. The federal response has been criminal.
from the article

When you are a governor bragging about the packed restaurant that your family is dining in during this pandemic that requires you to stay home, you are essentially stealing N95 masks from the nurses in your state. When you are a U.S. representative appearing on a morning show encouraging people to go to pubs while the head of the nation’s infectious disease response is stating clearly that people need to shelter in place, you have effectively robbed the ICU staff in your district of countless needed ventilators.

What the heck
What the heck do these Trumpists think they're doing?
That paragraph makes absolutely zero sense.
Let me try and translate for you - by encouraging the wrong kind of behavior that will not just fail to "bend the curve" but maybe even accelerate it, you take away the limited resources we actually have (because you force it to be used too fast). By bending the curve, you at least allow some chance at resupply and reconfiguring how we deliver health care. Makes perfect sense to me...

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:57 am
by seacoaster
6ftstick wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:19 am
Trinity wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:48 am “Inside the White House, Trump’s advisers struggled to get him to take the virus seriously.”
A compelling case for gross negligence and dereliction of duty in ignoring the clear warning signs of the coming pandemic.“

Michael Bromwich, SDNY vet ... story.html
Not a single attribution. Not one name of a source. No mention of multiple sources corroborating any of the anti Trump bile in all those paragraphs

Go on record folks. You want us to believe this stuff—the lies the WAPO ahas been telling for 4 years—GO ON THE RECORD.
Preet Bharara's pithy response to this article:

"'Bin Laden determined to Strike in US.' - President’s Daily Brief, August 6, 2001"

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:00 am
by youthathletics
It is the people and their negative comments that got Trump elected in the first place....the more you complain, criticize, chastise, ......the more you appear to be the problem and help Trump. Are you really any different than Trump, if all you do is blame the other person? There are ways you can get your point across without trying to look and act smarter than everyone else or fall in line with the pack of negativity. Ain't nobody go time for dat.

Certainly Trump is out of his would damned near anyone. He has surrounded himself with some top notch people that collectively are attempting to their very best under the circumstances, and to use stable & accurate measures to make judgement calls. One could argue, that all Trump has been preaching is to make the US not so dependent on other our manufacturing (makes sense now), scrutinize and keep our borders in closer check (makes more sense now), bring our businesses home (makes more sense now).

I suppose learning from the 2016 campaign has not yielded any insight into actually how you beat Trump. It seems you all really do want Trump in 2020, that way you can continue bitchin' and moanin'.

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:03 am
by RedFromMI
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:55 am
6ftstick wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:46 am
dislaxxic wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:39 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:28 am...and your takeaway is to distrust the serious press....
These smug, over-confident Trumpists have institutionalized false narratives and Fake News. Think about it...the Con has been doing this for DECADES...creating a narrative that puts him in the best light and daring people to contradict him...denigrating those who point out his BS as weak and false. Classic bully behavior. Except this is a Wimp in Bully Clothing. Many of us in here, and - as is increasingly evident - the country at large is just fed up with this BS...Trump needs to be fired and his "style" exiled to Page 6 where it belongs.

Enough is ENOUGH.

.. ... virus-poll
We do rally as Americans, thankfully, and Trump did change his tone and began to support taking action...a very good thing...but the poll was done before he lost control down the stretch of the week. Before the recognition that what he'd been saying over the prior 3 days and last week were simply not true.

Even so, shouldn't it be 90+% like W's 9-11 polling response?

Keep polling as the death rate rises and the health system is overwhelmed.
That's going to be happening in NYC in less than 2 weeks. And then rolling through the country.
My daughter's hospital finally got her first COVID-19 case. Fortunately for her (resident in general population area of that hospital) the case was in ICU. Hospital already limiting teams to minimize exposure.

But she still had to evaluate a person in the ER area, and had to be extremely careful not to get near people or touch anything as she is planning on seeing her future inlaws with her fiance and his mother is in a vulnerable population due to her own health. She also has to remember to take her ID badge on the trip (1.5 hrs) in case her state institutes a lockdown so she can get back home...

Strange and dangerous times...

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:07 am
by MDlaxfan76
RedFromMI wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:03 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:55 am
6ftstick wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:46 am
dislaxxic wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:39 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:28 am...and your takeaway is to distrust the serious press....
These smug, over-confident Trumpists have institutionalized false narratives and Fake News. Think about it...the Con has been doing this for DECADES...creating a narrative that puts him in the best light and daring people to contradict him...denigrating those who point out his BS as weak and false. Classic bully behavior. Except this is a Wimp in Bully Clothing. Many of us in here, and - as is increasingly evident - the country at large is just fed up with this BS...Trump needs to be fired and his "style" exiled to Page 6 where it belongs.

Enough is ENOUGH.

.. ... virus-poll
We do rally as Americans, thankfully, and Trump did change his tone and began to support taking action...a very good thing...but the poll was done before he lost control down the stretch of the week. Before the recognition that what he'd been saying over the prior 3 days and last week were simply not true.

Even so, shouldn't it be 90+% like W's 9-11 polling response?

Keep polling as the death rate rises and the health system is overwhelmed.
That's going to be happening in NYC in less than 2 weeks. And then rolling through the country.
My daughter's hospital finally got her first COVID-19 case. Fortunately for her (resident in general population area of that hospital) the case was in ICU. Hospital already limiting teams to minimize exposure.

But she still had to evaluate a person in the ER area, and had to be extremely careful not to get near people or touch anything as she is planning on seeing her future inlaws with her fiance and his mother is in a vulnerable population due to her own health. She also has to remember to take her ID badge on the trip (1.5 hrs) in case her state institutes a lockdown so she can get back home...

Strange and dangerous times...
Best wishes to your daughter...these folks are heroes or are going to be called upon for such.
Unfortunately, she probably shouldn't be seeing her in-laws.
Or if she does, staying well away from them and any surfaces they might touch thereafter.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:07 am
by 6ftstick
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:55 am
6ftstick wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:46 am
dislaxxic wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:39 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:28 am...and your takeaway is to distrust the serious press....
These smug, over-confident Trumpists have institutionalized false narratives and Fake News. Think about it...the Con has been doing this for DECADES...creating a narrative that puts him in the best light and daring people to contradict him...denigrating those who point out his BS as weak and false. Classic bully behavior. Except this is a Wimp in Bully Clothing. Many of us in here, and - as is increasingly evident - the country at large is just fed up with this BS...Trump needs to be fired and his "style" exiled to Page 6 where it belongs.

Enough is ENOUGH.

.. ... virus-poll
We do rally as Americans, thankfully, and Trump did change his tone and began to support taking action...a very good thing...but the poll was done before he lost control down the stretch of the week. Before the recognition that what he'd been saying over the prior 3 days and last week were simply not true.

Even so, shouldn't it be 90+% like W's 9-11 polling response?

Keep polling as the death rate rises and the health system is overwhelmed.
That's going to be happening in NYC in less than 2 weeks. And then rolling through the country.
Please. the press is still 95% anti trump. Nothing he does is reported accurately or favorably.

His numbers changed when he began to speak around the MSM to the American Public directly in these press conferences. Allowing the quality and expertise of the task force he assembled to come through and to let the people see what all this sacrifice has been about.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:09 am
by RedFromMI
youthathletics wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:00 am It is the people and their negative comments that got Trump elected in the first place....the more you complain, criticize, chastise, ......the more you appear to be the problem and help Trump. Are you really any different than Trump, if all you do is blame the other person? There are ways you can get your point across without trying to look and act smarter than everyone else or fall in line with the pack of negativity. Ain't nobody go time for dat.

Certainly Trump is out of his would damned near anyone. He has surrounded himself with some top notch people that collectively are attempting to their very best under the circumstances, and to use stable & accurate measures to make judgement calls. One could argue, that all Trump has been preaching is to make the US not so dependent on other our manufacturing (makes sense now), scrutinize and keep our borders in closer check (makes more sense now), bring our businesses home (makes more sense now).

I suppose learning from the 2016 campaign has not yielded any insight into actually how you beat Trump. It seems you all really do want Trump in 2020, that way you can continue bitchin' and moanin'.
Trump actually has, due to his position as president, great ability to make things happen. He still is basically choosing for the most part to not do what needs to be done. And he is out of his element so badly I cannot imagine any president since FDR actually failing as bad as Trump is (both parties). There are a few top notch people left, but for the most part sycophancy seems to be the best qualification for working for Trump, not competence. That is why you have Kushner and Ivanka in top advisor positions - positions for which they have absolutely no qualifications.

Time and time again as this crisis has ramped up he has downplayed the problem, listened to a lying Xi from China (who himself was underplaying the problem) over his own people. He has delayed doing real actions that would have made things better now, and the whole country is paying for it.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:12 am
by RedFromMI
6ftstick wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:07 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:55 am
6ftstick wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:46 am
dislaxxic wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:39 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:28 am...and your takeaway is to distrust the serious press....
These smug, over-confident Trumpists have institutionalized false narratives and Fake News. Think about it...the Con has been doing this for DECADES...creating a narrative that puts him in the best light and daring people to contradict him...denigrating those who point out his BS as weak and false. Classic bully behavior. Except this is a Wimp in Bully Clothing. Many of us in here, and - as is increasingly evident - the country at large is just fed up with this BS...Trump needs to be fired and his "style" exiled to Page 6 where it belongs.

Enough is ENOUGH.

.. ... virus-poll
We do rally as Americans, thankfully, and Trump did change his tone and began to support taking action...a very good thing...but the poll was done before he lost control down the stretch of the week. Before the recognition that what he'd been saying over the prior 3 days and last week were simply not true.

Even so, shouldn't it be 90+% like W's 9-11 polling response?

Keep polling as the death rate rises and the health system is overwhelmed.
That's going to be happening in NYC in less than 2 weeks. And then rolling through the country.
Please. the press is still 95% anti trump. Nothing he does is reported accurately or favorably.

His numbers changed when he began to speak around the MSM to the American Public directly in these press conferences. Allowing the quality and expertise of the task force he assembled to come through and to let the people see what all this sacrifice has been about.
Actually, the MSM has been for the most part quite accurate. Not favorable because he actually deserves it. He lies and the press catches him and he cannot take the criticism and so attacks the press instead. They are just the messengers. They are not the message - and he no longer can lie his way out of this one so easily, except for those who refuse to see his failure.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:13 am
by MDlaxfan76
youthathletics wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:00 am It is the people and their negative comments that got Trump elected in the first place....the more you complain, criticize, chastise, ......the more you appear to be the problem and help Trump. Are you really any different than Trump, if all you do is blame the other person? There are ways you can get your point across without trying to look and act smarter than everyone else or fall in line with the pack of negativity. Ain't nobody go time for dat.

Certainly Trump is out of his would damned near anyone. He has surrounded himself with some top notch people that collectively are attempting to their very best under the circumstances, and to use stable & accurate measures to make judgement calls. One could argue, that all Trump has been preaching is to make the US not so dependent on other our manufacturing (makes sense now), scrutinize and keep our borders in closer check (makes more sense now), bring our businesses home (makes more sense now).

I suppose learning from the 2016 campaign has not yielded any insight into actually how you beat Trump. It seems you all really do want Trump in 2020, that way you can continue bitchin' and moanin'.
I think we can do the political aspects of this discussion, ala next November, in other threads.

No one is criticizing Trump on this thread BECAUSE they want him to lose in November.

Rather, it's because what he is doing RIGHT NOW continues to be misleading the American public and, thus, failing to inspire the confidence necessary to meet this challenge as best we can, to take the actions we must. His massive errors of leadership over the past 6 weeks, at a minimum, are disastrous.

We WANT him to do WAY better, ASAP.
Lives depend on it, unfortunately.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:18 am
by Peter Brown
In case anyone here is genuinely interested in original analysis, which btw would require you not bring any partisan angle to this issue (foreverlax convinced me yesterday that absolutely zero Democrats care much anymore about fact-gathering), I'd suggest taking the time to read the following, incredibly well-laid out, data-driven, debunking of the hysteria in this country over Covid-19. If you find anything wrong in this man's report, feel free to post. As far as I am concerned, he has the answer and we will be back to business within 2 months tops. ... 767def5894

Data is data. Our focus here isn’t treatments but numbers. You don’t need a special degree to understand what the data says and doesn’t say. Numbers are universal. I hope you walk away with a more informed perspective on how you can help and fight back against the hysteria that is driving our country into a dark place. You can help us focus our scarce resources on those who are most vulnerable, who need our help.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:23 am
by youthathletics
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:13 am
youthathletics wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:00 am It is the people and their negative comments that got Trump elected in the first place....the more you complain, criticize, chastise, ......the more you appear to be the problem and help Trump. Are you really any different than Trump, if all you do is blame the other person? There are ways you can get your point across without trying to look and act smarter than everyone else or fall in line with the pack of negativity. Ain't nobody go time for dat.

Certainly Trump is out of his would damned near anyone. He has surrounded himself with some top notch people that collectively are attempting to their very best under the circumstances, and to use stable & accurate measures to make judgement calls. One could argue, that all Trump has been preaching is to make the US not so dependent on other our manufacturing (makes sense now), scrutinize and keep our borders in closer check (makes more sense now), bring our businesses home (makes more sense now).

I suppose learning from the 2016 campaign has not yielded any insight into actually how you beat Trump. It seems you all really do want Trump in 2020, that way you can continue bitchin' and moanin'.
I think we can do the political aspects of this discussion, ala next November, in other threads. [THERE YOU GO AGAIN, MINIMIZING AND TRYING TO CONTROL THINGS]

No one is criticizing Trump on this thread BECAUSE they want him to lose in November. [WRONG! AND YOU KNOW IT]

Rather, it's because what he is doing RIGHT NOW continues to be misleading the American public and, thus, failing to inspire the confidence necessary to meet this challenge as best we can, to take the actions we must. His massive errors of leadership over the past 6 weeks, at a minimum, are disastrous.

We WANT him to do WAY better, ASAP.
Lives depend on it, unfortunately.
You are proving my point. again....playing back seat driver. I suppose you cant help yourself.

A good leader, especially one in charge of ~350mm people, keeps things calm, optimistic, accomplish-able, etc, does not ensue panic, dismisses noise that is not productive (press bitchin' about anxious people...duh, that's why you keep calm and stay positive).

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:25 am
by jhu72
6ftstick wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:39 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:35 am Here's the thing.

Absent Article 25, which ain't gonna happen, Trump is the POTUS we have.

He's the guy with the ball, whether we like it or not. And he's shooting airball after airball after airball.

The very best thing he could do is to pass the ball and get out of the way, but that's not what he's doing.

The others on the court who could actually hit the basket are trying to get him to pass the ball...what should they do, walk off the court?

And you're right, this isn't a game, it's life and death.
Actually, I have to agree with 6ft here. Those not putting their names behind it at this time aren't really solving any problem. Other national leadership is stepping up, in the form of the governors. Trump is rapidly becoming irrelevant. Those who know the truth in the administration need to step out, resign, go on record, whatever. If they get fired, this just pushes forward the case for removal from office. The public will notice. People are already noticing -- the stock market is not buying the happy horseshlt.

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:34 am
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
DocBarrister wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 12:15 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:43 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:31 pm
Cooter wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:10 pm This site

Has the active cases at 18,984 with only 64 as serious or critical.
This low number of serious or critical cases indicates that we should end the lockdown.

Deaths are up to 256.
Look farther down the page and find the total number of cases in the US. Still exponential growth. You are deluding yourself.

Switch the view to log plot. Straight line=exponential. The threat is GROWING
Agree. I have finished my calculations for the past 24 hours and we continue to see 24 hour infection growth of more than 45% - shown on your first graph above. More states moving into the over 1 death per million, and growing category. I will post all of this later.

For now I am updating on what is going on in one of the largest national HMOs (wife's employer). They have already cut back their daily patient load by canceling appointments for preventative care in preparation for a huge influx. In those parts of the country where they have not started seeing that influx, they are forcing clinicians to take vacation days on a rotating basis to rest up for the coming battle. They are conducting most of their patient exams via telemedicine so as not to degrade the work force through patient interaction at this time. They have decided to despecialize so that when the battle begins non-internist physicians will work under the direction of the internists (internal medicine specialists) in the groups. This is a force multiplier for the internists, the most capable in handling this type of disease. HMO management has notified their physicians that they under no circumstance are to prescribe the Trump anti-malaria ("he feels good about them") drugs.

As I have indicated the past few days, Louisiana appeared to be a growing problem based on the per capita data. Today Louisiana made news that they are indeed in trouble, so we will start hearing more about them. Florida also looks like they are soon to be in the crosshairs based on the Kinsa networked thermometer data. Probably a week away. They have not started reporting large per capita infections, but they will.

It has been reported that Ivanka tested negative after contact with Australian carrier. The meeting was reported (I posted) a few weeks ago. Ivanka was there with Barr. Radio silence on Barr.
New York City is in serious trouble. Gov. Cuomo waited too long to shut down the city.

Louisiana looks like a developing disaster.

The thermometer data from Florida appears catastrophic. I hope this is not the case, but I’m concerned we could see apocalyptic casualties in Florida over the next month.

I think the casualty numbers in the United States are potentially heading in a disastrous direction. The relative lack of testing is an absolute calamity.

DocBarrister :|
Doc i heard on the radio this morning that NYC has one third of all the cases in the US! can that be right? i havent looked at the #s since last night but was wondering if anyone thought this was high.

of course, it's "reported known" cases at this point.

edit- i just looked it up- NYC has something like 5-6k cases, US totalling near 20k. wow.

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:39 am
by Bart
RedFromMI wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:03 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:55 am
6ftstick wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:46 am
dislaxxic wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:39 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:28 am...and your takeaway is to distrust the serious press....
These smug, over-confident Trumpists have institutionalized false narratives and Fake News. Think about it...the Con has been doing this for DECADES...creating a narrative that puts him in the best light and daring people to contradict him...denigrating those who point out his BS as weak and false. Classic bully behavior. Except this is a Wimp in Bully Clothing. Many of us in here, and - as is increasingly evident - the country at large is just fed up with this BS...Trump needs to be fired and his "style" exiled to Page 6 where it belongs.

Enough is ENOUGH.

.. ... virus-poll
We do rally as Americans, thankfully, and Trump did change his tone and began to support taking action...a very good thing...but the poll was done before he lost control down the stretch of the week. Before the recognition that what he'd been saying over the prior 3 days and last week were simply not true.

Even so, shouldn't it be 90+% like W's 9-11 polling response?

Keep polling as the death rate rises and the health system is overwhelmed.
That's going to be happening in NYC in less than 2 weeks. And then rolling through the country.
My daughter's hospital finally got her first COVID-19 case. Fortunately for her (resident in general population area of that hospital) the case was in ICU. Hospital already limiting teams to minimize exposure.

But she still had to evaluate a person in the ER area, and had to be extremely careful not to get near people or touch anything as she is planning on seeing her future inlaws with her fiance and his mother is in a vulnerable population due to her own health. She also has to remember to take her ID badge on the trip (1.5 hrs) in case her state institutes a lockdown so she can get back home...

Strange and dangerous times...
Not attacking your daughter, she is obviously bright, well trained and on the front lines. I wish her to remain healthy and stay sane in these trying time. I have to ask however in a general sense.......why take the chance? Why visit an individual who is in a vulnerable population when you work in the environment most likely to come in contact with the virus? I am not directing this directly at your daughter so please do not take it that way but this is why we as a nation are having difficulty with all this self imposed social distancing. I am careful, I am always careful I will be ok to visit those others who are also like me. When our brightest and best trained often do not listen to their own advice how will the average person be expected to do so? Oh and yes, as an admission........I live with a health care worker and we have had this exact conversation.

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:41 am
by RedFromMI
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:18 am In case anyone here is genuinely interested in original analysis, which btw would require you not bring any partisan angle to this issue (foreverlax convinced me yesterday that absolutely zero Democrats care much anymore about fact-gathering), I'd suggest taking the time to read the following, incredibly well-laid out, data-driven, debunking of the hysteria in this country over Covid-19. If you find anything wrong in this man's report, feel free to post. As far as I am concerned, he has the answer and we will be back to business within 2 months tops. ... 767def5894

Data is data. Our focus here isn’t treatments but numbers. You don’t need a special degree to understand what the data says and doesn’t say. Numbers are universal. I hope you walk away with a more informed perspective on how you can help and fight back against the hysteria that is driving our country into a dark place. You can help us focus our scarce resources on those who are most vulnerable, who need our help.
First, he (author) is a Silicon Valley technologist - no real expertise on pandemics. So everything he says has to be viewed within that light. Also the founder of the Lincoln Project, and pretty deeply involved in R politics (including Koch funding). Understanding the author and where he comes from is always useful.

Lots of misuse of data from my perspective. He has this whole section about a bell curve as if he can actually predict for the US when the peak will occur. He cannot - the information is not in the data yet. The whole thing about per capita has some limited value, and the US does have the advantage compared with other countries in that we have a lower average population density. But the US is also quite mobile, and with our lack of testing we have essentially spread the virus all over the country without knowing where it might be.

But the essential problem is he is making predictions on his "knowledge" of data, not on actual science of epidemics/pandemics. And any predictions on actual effects are meaningless in the face of rapidly changing situations on the ground with respect to social distancing, lockdowns, shutdowns, etc.

He is essentially misusing statistics to argue a political point (which is exactly what you would expect given that the Lincoln Project is actually his political project).

Also, just because the virus is sensitive to UV light does NOT mean that it will die down in the summer. It might slow the spread or it might not, but that is a speculation not yet evident in the data. BTW, look at the progression in Australia, coming of a hot summer. Still taking off like gangbusters.

This is a bit like Trump's hope that we can just fix this with some old drugs in new combinations. It _might_ be possible, but we do not actually know the answer. We can hope, but in the meantime we need to run the trials.

So I don't see a lot of value in his piece other than to make people who want to believe there is some magic way out of this. Which is a public disservice at this point.

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:58 am
by jhu72
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:34 am
DocBarrister wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 12:15 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:43 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:31 pm
Cooter wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:10 pm This site

Has the active cases at 18,984 with only 64 as serious or critical.
This low number of serious or critical cases indicates that we should end the lockdown.

Deaths are up to 256.
Look farther down the page and find the total number of cases in the US. Still exponential growth. You are deluding yourself.

Switch the view to log plot. Straight line=exponential. The threat is GROWING
Agree. I have finished my calculations for the past 24 hours and we continue to see 24 hour infection growth of more than 45% - shown on your first graph above. More states moving into the over 1 death per million, and growing category. I will post all of this later.

For now I am updating on what is going on in one of the largest national HMOs (wife's employer). They have already cut back their daily patient load by canceling appointments for preventative care in preparation for a huge influx. In those parts of the country where they have not started seeing that influx, they are forcing clinicians to take vacation days on a rotating basis to rest up for the coming battle. They are conducting most of their patient exams via telemedicine so as not to degrade the work force through patient interaction at this time. They have decided to despecialize so that when the battle begins non-internist physicians will work under the direction of the internists (internal medicine specialists) in the groups. This is a force multiplier for the internists, the most capable in handling this type of disease. HMO management has notified their physicians that they under no circumstance are to prescribe the Trump anti-malaria ("he feels good about them") drugs.

As I have indicated the past few days, Louisiana appeared to be a growing problem based on the per capita data. Today Louisiana made news that they are indeed in trouble, so we will start hearing more about them. Florida also looks like they are soon to be in the crosshairs based on the Kinsa networked thermometer data. Probably a week away. They have not started reporting large per capita infections, but they will.

It has been reported that Ivanka tested negative after contact with Australian carrier. The meeting was reported (I posted) a few weeks ago. Ivanka was there with Barr. Radio silence on Barr.
New York City is in serious trouble. Gov. Cuomo waited too long to shut down the city.

Louisiana looks like a developing disaster.

The thermometer data from Florida appears catastrophic. I hope this is not the case, but I’m concerned we could see apocalyptic casualties in Florida over the next month.

I think the casualty numbers in the United States are potentially heading in a disastrous direction. The relative lack of testing is an absolute calamity.

DocBarrister :|
Doc i heard on the radio this morning that NYC has one third of all the cases in the US! can that be right? i havent looked at the #s since last night but was wondering if anyone thought this was high.

of course, it's "reported known" cases at this point.

edit- i just looked it up- NYC has something like 5-6k cases, US totalling near 20k. wow.
Can't prove this, but my gut tells me that New York is currently being over tested with respect to the rest of the country. At minimum you should assume any number for infections (cases) should be doubled. This based on the data from Iceland (50% of all cases are asymptomatic). The best data we have. The problem is this data applies to a low density population. My suspicion is (can't prove it - yet) that this is not a constant value, but is a function of population density. The higher the density, the higher this multiplier should be. This would argue for over testing higher density areas of the country, with respect to lower density areas of the country.

At the moment their are only two numbers that can be taken at face value -- the number of tests performed and the number of dead. The dead are easy to count and retroactively test. Number infected, is useful, but very imprecise due to limited numbers of tests performed and the inherent selection bias of the testing guidelines.

At present deaths are the only reliable number. Dead people are easy to count, you don't have to go looking for them. They are easy to test after the fact. The only reliable measure at this time is deaths/capita!

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:05 am
by SCLaxAttack
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:18 am In case anyone here is genuinely interested in original analysis, which btw would require you not bring any partisan angle to this issue (foreverlax convinced me yesterday that absolutely zero Democrats care much anymore about fact-gathering), I'd suggest taking the time to read the following, incredibly well-laid out, data-driven, debunking of the hysteria in this country over Covid-19. If you find anything wrong in this man's report, feel free to post. As far as I am concerned, he has the answer and we will be back to business within 2 months tops. ... 767def5894

Data is data. Our focus here isn’t treatments but numbers. You don’t need a special degree to understand what the data says and doesn’t say. Numbers are universal. I hope you walk away with a more informed perspective on how you can help and fight back against the hysteria that is driving our country into a dark place. You can help us focus our scarce resources on those who are most vulnerable, who need our help.
My laymen’s interpretation of this article is that its obvious flaw in concluding that we shouldn’t be as concerned as we are is the data he’s using is affected by the caution and techniques put in place by countries in order to stem the flow. In order to come to the conclusion he wants us to come to wouldn’t we have to have a test group of countries that have just let things occur under normal conditions to compare to?

Further, he makes no attempt to dispute that a bell curve shortening and lengthening will occur with actions currently being put in place, and that’s what’s needed for the public health system to not implode. Sure, it would be nice if we could throw billions in the air and have masks, other protective equipment, and ventilators instantly appear, but that ramp up will take time. He advocates that we do nothing until then.

After reading this I’m reminded of something I saw posted on social media -

“If everything gets cancelled and you have to stay home and NOTHING HAPPENS, please try to remember: THAT’S THE POINT!”

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:10 am
by Peter Brown
RedFromMI wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:41 am
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:18 am In case anyone here is genuinely interested in original analysis, which btw would require you not bring any partisan angle to this issue (foreverlax convinced me yesterday that absolutely zero Democrats care much anymore about fact-gathering), I'd suggest taking the time to read the following, incredibly well-laid out, data-driven, debunking of the hysteria in this country over Covid-19. If you find anything wrong in this man's report, feel free to post. As far as I am concerned, he has the answer and we will be back to business within 2 months tops. ... 767def5894

Data is data. Our focus here isn’t treatments but numbers. You don’t need a special degree to understand what the data says and doesn’t say. Numbers are universal. I hope you walk away with a more informed perspective on how you can help and fight back against the hysteria that is driving our country into a dark place. You can help us focus our scarce resources on those who are most vulnerable, who need our help.
First, he (author) is a Silicon Valley technologist - no real expertise on pandemics. So everything he says has to be viewed within that light. Also the founder of the Lincoln Project, and pretty deeply involved in R politics (including Koch funding). Understanding the author and where he comes from is always useful.

Lots of misuse of data from my perspective. He has this whole section about a bell curve as if he can actually predict for the US when the peak will occur. He cannot - the information is not in the data yet. The whole thing about per capita has some limited value, and the US does have the advantage compared with other countries in that we have a lower average population density. But the US is also quite mobile, and with our lack of testing we have essentially spread the virus all over the country without knowing where it might be.

But the essential problem is he is making predictions on his "knowledge" of data, not on actual science of epidemics/pandemics. And any predictions on actual effects are meaningless in the face of rapidly changing situations on the ground with respect to social distancing, lockdowns, shutdowns, etc.

He is essentially misusing statistics to argue a political point (which is exactly what you would expect given that the Lincoln Project is actually his political project).

Also, just because the virus is sensitive to UV light does NOT mean that it will die down in the summer. It might slow the spread or it might not, but that is a speculation not yet evident in the data. BTW, look at the progression in Australia, coming of a hot summer. Still taking off like gangbusters.

This is a bit like Trump's hope that we can just fix this with some old drugs in new combinations. It _might_ be possible, but we do not actually know the answer. We can hope, but in the meantime we need to run the trials.

So I don't see a lot of value in his piece other than to make people who want to believe there is some magic way out of this. Which is a public disservice at this point.

Marie Curie, chemist and physicist, (full disclosure: a true life hero of mine) once famously said: Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas

This author's background doesn't intrigue me at all, though as a Lincoln Project founder' (?), I assume he hates Trump., So you and he have a bond!

That being said, he acknowledges at the outset that he is not an epidemiologist, but rather a numbers viralogist.

To your contention that he does not understand UV light and that this does not mean the virus will die down in the summer months, his source is this: ... id=3551767