Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I think we've already agreed our public education system is a mess and has gone down hill over the past decades....I bet you primarily know why? The US has slipped dozens of spots in the past couple decades in global rank....why? I bet you when you lie your head on the pillow at night and ponder why, I bet you have a really good idea.
Do me a solid...just this one time.....tell me why YOU think it's slipped, so I don't have to guess, and so we can actually discuss this.
In short, it has been infiltrated by our gov't, which then means it is forever doomed. Special interests now get involved b/c profit can be made, it then begins to erode which means some knuckleheads now have solutions to a problem they created, which then means more unintended consequences are certain. We've grossly over complicated teaching.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm In my heart of hearts, I do not believe RD is trying to be some overtly far right hit man....on the contrary, I believe his intentions are to right a listing ship leaning port, taking us further of course. I believe it really is that simple.
Most of my discussions around this guy is simply responding to Pete's stupid juvenile trolling.

I don't hate's just obvious that he's as you say: Trump light. What does that mean? It means clickbait instead of problem solving. It means that he already made Florida government 10% bigger in a single year. What does that tell me? It tells me he's not a conservative....and he's not a serious person. Why would I vote for someone who's going to make government bigger than ever every chance that they get, IN ADDITION to him playing clickbait headline games that do nothing to fix actual problems?
I still struggle with your stake in the ground about making gov't bigger...just seems like line in the sand for you that clouds your opportunity to see something for what it is not.

a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm So as a human with a heart, why would I vote for someone that's INTENTIONALLY fomenting hate to get elected, while ALSO making Big Government even bigger. Why wouldn't I, instead, choose someone like Romney that doesn't play games with hate? Because it's obvious as hell that DeSantis doesn't REALLY care about this silly school stuff....he's been gifted a wedge issue, and he's going to play that card because, as you say, he's Trump-light.

Hard pass. I want adults in the Republican party to offer me a REAL choice in governance. Clickbait politics isn't a REAL choice, YA.
I still do not believe RD is playing with hate, I think the real fundamental intent is to try and stick with core educational methods and NOT allow the special interests to muck things up even more. But yes....I agree, comes off as looking bad IF you want it to.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm The ship isn't leaning port, YA. All that's happening is that you're seeing voices that were 1000% unwelcome in local government for 200+ years FINALLY having a tee-tiny voice. And there's a handful of these people. And since you never once in your life saw an openly gay person giving THEIR opinion on what's taught in our schools? You're flipping out, and getting upset. Which is your right, of course.....but EVERYONE is allowed a voice in how our public institutions are run, YA.....not just you, and not just me. I'm delighted they're having a say.
Full circle....from my reply on what happened to our educational system. I have zero issue with with LGBT voices...I just believe it does not belong in school. I suppose it might be because I am a minimalist and all that 'other stuff' becomes noise that chips away at the fundamentals of education.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:17 pm In short, it has been infiltrated by our gov't, which then means it is forever doomed. Special interests now get involved b/c profit can be made, it then begins to erode which means some knuckleheads now have solutions to a problem they created, which then means more unintended consequences are certain. We've grossly over complicated teaching.
Yes. And this "don't say gay" is right in line with this....yet another thing you're telling the teacher to worry you not see that?

That said........the reason for this over complication is simple: Conservatives refuse to invest in education in 2022. So what's the game?

1. cut spending to schools. In Colorado? You can make more money as a grocery bagger after 5 years than you can as a median Colorado teacher.

2. then make up for this ridiculous lack of funding, in part, via Dept of Ed...because conservative States hate high taxes.

2.a. then turn around and complain that the Dept. of Ed, that funds 20%-40% of all State educational funding wants a say in how you spend that money. So yep, now there's a reporting element that comes along with that Federal Money. You don't like that, right?

3. Then, each State compounds these problems by designating funding via school districts. Result: poor areas have sh*t schools, and rich areas like mine have palaces for schools. And, of course, the rich parents say "funding problem? What funding problem...the school MY kid goes to has a campus that looks like a DIII school with money to burn". So they refuse to pay higher State taxes to help the poor kids.

Wanna solve the problem? Raise State taxes, and eliminate the Dept. of Ed. Fund all education through the State. Then the Federal government has no say, so long as all laws are followed regarding discrimination. And you'll have poor kids with palaces for schools, instead of ONLY the rich areas. Or......a State can choose to make all schools complete sh*tboxes. Their choice. But you know doggone well what will happen...the rich families will demand more funding for schools. Problem solved.
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still struggle with your stake in the ground about making gov't bigger...just seems like line in the sand for you that clouds your opportunity to see something for what it is not.
For decades, the game was: conservatives wanted limited government, limited spending, pay as you go, and limited regulations. Having two parties gave you a choice: do you want more government services and regulations with higher taxes? Or do you want less government services, fewer regulations, and low taxes.

I DESPERATELY want that choice, YA. Because without it? I now have NO choice between candidates and parties. They all do the same thing.....spend more, borrow more. Literally the ONLY thing I don't want my government to do....especially at the Federal level.

Conservatives now play the game of taking money from the Federal government (all of it borrowed, naturally) to enable their Big Gov spending, all while claiming to be small government conservatives.

Bot to my point: if that's not what the R's stand for? What is their platform? What will they give me that the Dems won't? Seems to me, it's all a bunch of cultural stuff.....trying to legislate culture. That doesn't work. Over time, culture moves, and laws can't stop it. I have no interest in legislating culture. It doesn't work.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm I still do not believe RD is playing with hate, I think the real fundamental intent is to try and stick with core educational methods and NOT allow the special interests to muck things up even more. But yes....I agree, comes off as looking bad IF you want it to.
We never did that, YA. What your teachers did was indoctrinate your kids with the typical WASP viewpoint.

Here's just one example: did you get Xmas break as a kid? Or did you get Hannukah break?

We've been indoctrinating our kids in schools from the word go, YA. The difference is? It was YOUR Christian values that were getting crammed down everyone's throats, so you didn't think to complain. Now I don't have a problem with this indoctrination....but that means you have let others in a school district have their views in books and lessons as well. Simple fairness. American way, and all that.

Here's Denver Public Schools calendar, YA. Now if you REALLY believe what you're selling? You should be outraged that this district would tell folks that they have time off to celebrate Christianity. It's right ain't "Holiday break", no sir. It's Christmas break. And this is just ONE example. Did you save your kids K-6 textbooks? Have a of the core things taught in schools is family, same as it ever was. Did they HAVE to do that? Nope. But they did. Still do here in 2022. So.....why is this ok, but you just can't stomach telling a kid that there's such a thing as two dads?

BTW, this year? Jewish kids don't get the first two days of their holiday off. How is this ok, if indoctrination of students is off the table? ... c-schools/

a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm Full circle....from my reply on what happened to our educational system. I have zero issue with with LGBT voices...I just believe it does not belong in school. I suppose it might be because I am a minimalist and all that 'other stuff' becomes noise that chips away at the fundamentals of education.
Well, it would have made sense to complain, oh, about 100 years ago...because they've been teaching about sex, gender, family, boys, girls, and all of that stuff this whole time. understand that it looks bad to start complaining NOW, I'd hope?

You're giving someone you called "Trump light" waaaaay too much credit if you think he passed this law because (come on, really?) he's a "teaching fundamentalist" who wants to teach Reading, Riting, and Rithmatic. You know better. He found a cause, and he's milking it.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:27 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:13 pm What is that term FLP folks LOVE to use... Bout time for Disney to step up to the plate and pay their fair share of taxes? The Disney folks should be happy to end their corporate welfare they have enjoyed for decades. I bet the Disney folks don't see it that way. I'm guessing a hot dog and a coke will cost 50 dollars next year, extra if you want mustard and onions.
So long as EVERY corporation has to actually pay their share? You know doggone well I'm all for that, cradle.

The thing that will SHOCK Floridians? Is that they'll be swimming in cash if they actually tax corporations the same way they tax mom and pop shops in Florida.

And then they could (gasp) cut taxes on ordinary people. Imagine that, Cradle? Republicans acting like they claim for once.

And Pete-------Republicans would never lose a race again. You want permanent power in a State? Tax corporations like everyone else, and then lower taxes for regular citizens,.....and be sure to tell citizens why their taxes went down. Of course, neither party is smart enough to do that, because they think they need corporations to get into office.
Sign me up, I'm all for it. The whining and squealing from all these corporations would be deafening. The actions RD is using against Disney are all about politics. Disney didn't want to play the game and now they are being made an example of what happens if you don't play nice.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by RedFromMI »

How about a primer about the actual tax district that is being talked about:

(From Twitter and @NPapantonisWFTV):
There’s a lot of misinformation and confusion about what the end of Disney’s Reedy Creek district means for the company and for taxpayers.
Here’s what I know, after talking to lobbyists, lawyers and tax officials:
For those of you who haven’t heard, Reedy Creek is the special tax district of Walt Disney World. It’s essentially its own city. Disney pays taxes to Reedy Creek, which operates a fire department, planning department, sewer treatment plant and public works department.

On the other hand, Disney controls Reedy Creek, which means if they want to build a new hotel or highway, they just have to ask themselves for permission.
The biggest loss for Disney is the end of that control.

It’s a lot easier to ask yourself for permission than to go to the county. While they already follow all laws and building codes and they’ll still get everything they want, it’s going to slow the process down.

Potholes might develop on roads that they no longer pave themselves. They can’t just call a meeting or alter their comprehensive plan on a random Friday. They also can’t quickly finance new public projects like a fire station.

The bigger issue for everyone else is the tax revenue. Disney already pays the same local property taxes as every other landowner. Reedy Creek added its own tax on top of that to pay for its projects. That tax – $163 million per year – is illegal outside of the district.

When Reedy Creek goes away, that tax goes away, and Orange and Osceola Counties can’t do anything to get it back.
However, the counties will now be responsible for all of the services Reedy Creek provides and all of the debt it has accumulated.

They can’t raise sales taxes or impact fees. So, the counties will have to raise property taxes. They must tax every property equally – not just Disney – and therefore it’s expected that property taxes in Orange County will rise as much as 25% next June.

Osceola, much smaller and less wealthy, is still working on its figures, but it's going to be a hit to them as well. Many of that county's residents work for Disney or have jobs derived from WDW. They'll be paying their employer's taxes now.

Lawyers largely agree that the state followed all the laws while doing this. They agree Disney may sue, but probably doesn’t have much ground to stand on. Some believe a vote of residents or delegates from the district is required to make this legal.

That doesn’t appear to be the case here because a vote was never held to implement the district 55 years ago.
Essentially, Disney will lose some control of its property, and get a $163 million per year tax break and ~$1 billion of debt passed onto taxpayers.

Some things will be negotiated – Disney still controls Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista, two actual towns within RCID. Lawmakers might backtrack from this plan during the next session now that they’re realizing what they’ve done.

However, aside from maybe taking away the company’s ability to build a nuclear plant, we have yet to hear how this benefits Florida and especially the local residents in any way.

The residents, by the way, had no say in this vote, no say in their property taxes going through the roof, and no desire to have their communities staring at financial ruin.

(Addition): There is the question of whether the county CAN raise property taxes by 25%, well above the 10% or 3% cap the state imposes. If not, that likely means budget cuts unless the state steps in.

I’m following up on this.

ANSWER: the cap is only on the assessed value of the home. The county would pass the 25% increase as a millage rate.

You can read quotes from the OC Tax Collector here:
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:30 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:17 pm In short, it has been infiltrated by our gov't, which then means it is forever doomed. Special interests now get involved b/c profit can be made, it then begins to erode which means some knuckleheads now have solutions to a problem they created, which then means more unintended consequences are certain. We've grossly over complicated teaching.
Yes. And this "don't say gay" is right in line with this....yet another thing you're telling the teacher to worry you not see that?

That said........the reason for this over complication is simple: Conservatives refuse to invest in education in 2022. So what's the game?

1. cut spending to schools. In Colorado? You can make more money as a grocery bagger after 5 years than you can as a median Colorado teacher.

2. then make up for this ridiculous lack of funding, in part, via Dept of Ed...because conservative States hate high taxes.

2.a. then turn around and complain that the Dept. of Ed, that funds 20%-40% of all State educational funding wants a say in how you spend that money. So yep, now there's a reporting element that comes along with that Federal Money. You don't like that, right?

3. Then, each State compounds these problems by designating funding via school districts. Result: poor areas have sh*t schools, and rich areas like mine have palaces for schools. And, of course, the rich parents say "funding problem? What funding problem...the school MY kid goes to has a campus that looks like a DIII school with money to burn". So they refuse to pay higher State taxes to help the poor kids.

Wanna solve the problem? Raise State taxes, and eliminate the Dept. of Ed. Fund all education through the State. Then the Federal government has no say, so long as all laws are followed regarding discrimination. And you'll have poor kids with palaces for schools, instead of ONLY the rich areas. Or......a State can choose to make all schools complete sh*tboxes. Their choice. But you know doggone well what will happen...the rich families will demand more funding for schools. Problem solved.
You are over thinking may be hearing us, but not listening. What RD is doing and what I believe he is attempting to do, is not make it more complicated, quite the contrary...simplifying it. It's really easy, if you are a teacher STFU and focus on lessons, full stop.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still struggle with your stake in the ground about making gov't bigger...just seems like line in the sand for you that clouds your opportunity to see something for what it is not.
For decades, the game was: conservatives wanted limited government, limited spending, pay as you go, and limited regulations. Having two parties gave you a choice: do you want more government services and regulations with higher taxes? Or do you want less government services, fewer regulations, and low taxes.

I DESPERATELY want that choice, YA. Because without it? I now have NO choice between candidates and parties. They all do the same thing.....spend more, borrow more. Literally the ONLY thing I don't want my government to do....especially at the Federal level.

Conservatives now play the game of taking money from the Federal government (all of it borrowed, naturally) to enable their Big Gov spending, all while claiming to be small government conservatives.

Bot to my point: if that's not what the R's stand for? What is their platform? What will they give me that the Dems won't? Seems to me, it's all a bunch of cultural stuff.....trying to legislate culture. That doesn't work. Over time, culture moves, and laws can't stop it. I have no interest in legislating culture. It doesn't work.

Sure culture moves...great, now what? WE have a dumber popluation b/c of it, no? Exactly, my point. Sure we can't put it back in the box, but we can push back and "get back to the basics". Think of your 3 chamber as an knew in your heart it would work, even knowing it was going to tough, challenging, fighting against the crowd of the assembly line MGP's of the world...but at the end of the day, you are doing it the right way and a minority appreciates least for now. It takes decades to swing a pendulum, but our academics need a shot of nitrous.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still do not believe RD is playing with hate, I think the real fundamental intent is to try and stick with core educational methods and NOT allow the special interests to muck things up even more. But yes....I agree, comes off as looking bad IF you want it to.
We never did that, YA. What your teachers did was indoctrinate your kids with the typical WASP viewpoint.

Here's just one example: did you get Xmas break as a kid? Or did you get Hannukah break?

We've been indoctrinating our kids in schools from the word go, YA. The difference is? It was YOUR Christian values that were getting crammed down everyone's throats, so you didn't think to complain. Now I don't have a problem with this indoctrination....but that means you have let others in a school district have their views in books and lessons as well. Simple fairness. American way, and all that.

Here's Denver Public Schools calendar, YA. Now if you REALLY believe what you're selling? You should be outraged that this district would tell folks that they have time off to celebrate Christianity. It's right ain't "Holiday break", no sir. It's Christmas break. And this is just ONE example. Did you save your kids K-6 textbooks? Have a of the core things taught in schools is family, same as it ever was. Did they HAVE to do that? Nope. But they did. Still do here in 2022. So.....why is this ok, but you just can't stomach telling a kid that there's such a thing as two dads?

BTW, this year? Jewish kids don't get the first two days of their holiday off. How is this ok, if indoctrination of students is off the table? ... c-schools/

Not sure where you get the WASP teaching that took place....I never learned that in public school or I forgot. I also never learned about Christianity in school, other than maybe history in later years.
FCPS school calendar: Check out December.

If a kid says I have two dads....great, who cares, its acceptable these days, no need to do a damned lesson plan on it is my point.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm Full circle....from my reply on what happened to our educational system. I have zero issue with with LGBT voices...I just believe it does not belong in school. I suppose it might be because I am a minimalist and all that 'other stuff' becomes noise that chips away at the fundamentals of education.
Well, it would have made sense to complain, oh, about 100 years ago...because they've been teaching about sex, gender, family, boys, girls, and all of that stuff this whole time. understand that it looks bad to start complaining NOW, I'd hope?

You're giving someone you called "Trump light" waaaaay too much credit if you think he passed this law because (come on, really?) he's a "teaching fundamentalist" who wants to teach Reading, Riting, and Rithmatic. You know better. He found a cause, and he's milking it.
It's never a bad time to fix something that has gone our education system; stats prove we have slipped, it needs attention.

I see it as fixing the leaks on a ship listing to portside. RD is essentially giving the progressives the Heisman, telling them enough is enough. SUre call it what you want, but I still believe it is based on principle, not a game. If we do as you suggest, which is essentially turn our heads and do anything b/c 100 years of past....,then I suppose your fix is just buy more bilge pumps to pump more water out of an already sinking ship; big government must be a top priority for you ;) . Me....I'd bring it back to the dock for renovation, relieve the crew that screwed it up, start anew.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by RedFromMI »

Good article in the NYT about the "controversy" in the math textbooks: ... books.html

Basically it is the inclusion of learning strategies to help students through their fears of doing math (social-emotional learning) and by making them better students the math gets easier.

But there is _fear_ from the Desantis crowd that this is a backdoor method to teach stuff (that does not actually get taught!) like CRE.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Peter Brown »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:33 am
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:30 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:17 pm In short, it has been infiltrated by our gov't, which then means it is forever doomed. Special interests now get involved b/c profit can be made, it then begins to erode which means some knuckleheads now have solutions to a problem they created, which then means more unintended consequences are certain. We've grossly over complicated teaching.
Yes. And this "don't say gay" is right in line with this....yet another thing you're telling the teacher to worry you not see that?

That said........the reason for this over complication is simple: Conservatives refuse to invest in education in 2022. So what's the game?

1. cut spending to schools. In Colorado? You can make more money as a grocery bagger after 5 years than you can as a median Colorado teacher.

2. then make up for this ridiculous lack of funding, in part, via Dept of Ed...because conservative States hate high taxes.

2.a. then turn around and complain that the Dept. of Ed, that funds 20%-40% of all State educational funding wants a say in how you spend that money. So yep, now there's a reporting element that comes along with that Federal Money. You don't like that, right?

3. Then, each State compounds these problems by designating funding via school districts. Result: poor areas have sh*t schools, and rich areas like mine have palaces for schools. And, of course, the rich parents say "funding problem? What funding problem...the school MY kid goes to has a campus that looks like a DIII school with money to burn". So they refuse to pay higher State taxes to help the poor kids.

Wanna solve the problem? Raise State taxes, and eliminate the Dept. of Ed. Fund all education through the State. Then the Federal government has no say, so long as all laws are followed regarding discrimination. And you'll have poor kids with palaces for schools, instead of ONLY the rich areas. Or......a State can choose to make all schools complete sh*tboxes. Their choice. But you know doggone well what will happen...the rich families will demand more funding for schools. Problem solved.
You are over thinking may be hearing us, but not listening. What RD is doing and what I believe he is attempting to do, is not make it more complicated, quite the contrary...simplifying it. It's really easy, if you are a teacher STFU and focus on lessons, full stop.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still struggle with your stake in the ground about making gov't bigger...just seems like line in the sand for you that clouds your opportunity to see something for what it is not.
For decades, the game was: conservatives wanted limited government, limited spending, pay as you go, and limited regulations. Having two parties gave you a choice: do you want more government services and regulations with higher taxes? Or do you want less government services, fewer regulations, and low taxes.

I DESPERATELY want that choice, YA. Because without it? I now have NO choice between candidates and parties. They all do the same thing.....spend more, borrow more. Literally the ONLY thing I don't want my government to do....especially at the Federal level.

Conservatives now play the game of taking money from the Federal government (all of it borrowed, naturally) to enable their Big Gov spending, all while claiming to be small government conservatives.

Bot to my point: if that's not what the R's stand for? What is their platform? What will they give me that the Dems won't? Seems to me, it's all a bunch of cultural stuff.....trying to legislate culture. That doesn't work. Over time, culture moves, and laws can't stop it. I have no interest in legislating culture. It doesn't work.

Sure culture moves...great, now what? WE have a dumber popluation b/c of it, no? Exactly, my point. Sure we can't put it back in the box, but we can push back and "get back to the basics". Think of your 3 chamber as an knew in your heart it would work, even knowing it was going to tough, challenging, fighting against the crowd of the assembly line MGP's of the world...but at the end of the day, you are doing it the right way and a minority appreciates least for now. It takes decades to swing a pendulum, but our academics need a shot of nitrous.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still do not believe RD is playing with hate, I think the real fundamental intent is to try and stick with core educational methods and NOT allow the special interests to muck things up even more. But yes....I agree, comes off as looking bad IF you want it to.
We never did that, YA. What your teachers did was indoctrinate your kids with the typical WASP viewpoint.

Here's just one example: did you get Xmas break as a kid? Or did you get Hannukah break?

We've been indoctrinating our kids in schools from the word go, YA. The difference is? It was YOUR Christian values that were getting crammed down everyone's throats, so you didn't think to complain. Now I don't have a problem with this indoctrination....but that means you have let others in a school district have their views in books and lessons as well. Simple fairness. American way, and all that.

Here's Denver Public Schools calendar, YA. Now if you REALLY believe what you're selling? You should be outraged that this district would tell folks that they have time off to celebrate Christianity. It's right ain't "Holiday break", no sir. It's Christmas break. And this is just ONE example. Did you save your kids K-6 textbooks? Have a of the core things taught in schools is family, same as it ever was. Did they HAVE to do that? Nope. But they did. Still do here in 2022. So.....why is this ok, but you just can't stomach telling a kid that there's such a thing as two dads?

BTW, this year? Jewish kids don't get the first two days of their holiday off. How is this ok, if indoctrination of students is off the table? ... c-schools/

Not sure where you get the WASP teaching that took place....I never learned that in public school or I forgot. I also never learned about Christianity in school, other than maybe history in later years.
FCPS school calendar: Check out December.

If a kid says I have two dads....great, who cares, its acceptable these days, no need to do a damned lesson plan on it is my point.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm Full circle....from my reply on what happened to our educational system. I have zero issue with with LGBT voices...I just believe it does not belong in school. I suppose it might be because I am a minimalist and all that 'other stuff' becomes noise that chips away at the fundamentals of education.
Well, it would have made sense to complain, oh, about 100 years ago...because they've been teaching about sex, gender, family, boys, girls, and all of that stuff this whole time. understand that it looks bad to start complaining NOW, I'd hope?

You're giving someone you called "Trump light" waaaaay too much credit if you think he passed this law because (come on, really?) he's a "teaching fundamentalist" who wants to teach Reading, Riting, and Rithmatic. You know better. He found a cause, and he's milking it.
It's never a bad time to fix something that has gone our education system; stats prove we have slipped, it needs attention.

I see it as fixing the leaks on a ship listing to portside. RD is essentially giving the progressives the Heisman, telling them enough is enough. SUre call it what you want, but I still believe it is based on principle, not a game. If we do as you suggest, which is essentially turn our heads and do anything b/c 100 years of past....,then I suppose your fix is just buy more bilge pumps to pump more water out of an already sinking ship; big government must be a top priority for you ;) . Me....I'd bring it back to the dock for renovation, relieve the crew that screwed it up, start anew.


This was a very good post.

Desantis is making all the *right* enemies. If you’re upset at Ron for these moves, there’s a good chance you’ve been part of the growing problem.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by jhu72 »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:37 pm Sure, sure; Ron's just trying to right the listing ship of education. Jesus.

More on the policy-free performative stupidity of Ron: ... tbooks?s=w

"On April 15, the Florida Department of Education issued a dramatic press release: "Florida Rejects Publishers’ Attempts to Indoctrinate Students." In the release, Florida Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran announced that he had rejected 54 math textbooks submitted by publishers for the next school year. According to the Florida Department of Education, 26 of those math textbooks were rejected because they contained "prohibited topics," including Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL).

To underscore the importance of this decision, the release contained a quote from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R). “It seems that some publishers attempted to slap a coat of paint on an old house built on the foundation of Common Core, and indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism, especially, bizarrely, for elementary school students,” DeSantis said. Corcoran said the math textbooks were rejected because children deserve "a world-class education without the fear of indoctrination or exposure to dangerous and divisive concepts in our classrooms."

In a press conference on Monday, DeSantis defended the decision, focusing on SEL. Right-wing activists claim that SEL is CRT by another name but that is inaccurate. SEL focuses on the development of "critical thinking, emotion management, conflict resolution, decision making, [and] teamwork" — skills that are necessary for students to excel in school and in life. The term dates back to a 1997 book but the concept of character development dates back at least to Benjamin Franklin in the mid-1700s.

"You know, math is about getting the right answer and we want kids to learn to think so they get the right answer. It’s not about how you feel about the problem or to introduce some of these other things," DeSantis said. DeSantis noted that "most of the books that did not meet Florida standards… happened to be in the early grades."

Asked during the press conference what CRT would look like in a math textbook, DeSantis demurred, returning to SEL. "You do have things like social and emotional learning," DeSantis responded, "and some of the things that are more political in there."

But DeSantis' Communications Director, Christina Pushaw, was quite clear that the rejected math textbooks included CRT. She said people are free to "buy any CRT math textbook you want." (These textbooks, Pushaw claimed, teach kids that "2+2=4" is "white supremacy.") Pushaw emphasized that DeSantis would not "force Florida taxpayers to pay for this indoctrination."

CRT is a graduate-level academic framework which explores how "laws, policies, and procedures that function to produce racial inequality." This is sometimes referred to as "structural racism." It is not something you typically find discussed in a K-12 math textbook.

Notably, the Florida Department of Education, Desantis, and Pushaw did not provide any examples of how these math textbooks would indoctrinate Florida students. (The only "example" Pushaw provided was a math worksheet from Missouri that mentioned Maya Angelou.)

Florida eventually released a list of the 26 math textbooks rejected for "prohibited concepts" (the remainder were rejected for other reasons) but there was no information explaining the rejection. DeSantis said that he would not release examples because he respected "the process" and wanted to give publishers the opportunity to appeal. This concern for fairness to the publishers didn't stop DeSantis from issuing a press release accusing all of them of indoctrinating students with race essentialism and other concepts.

DeSantis appears determined to keep the contents of these textbooks secret. Popular Information reached out to the Florida Department of Education and asked for examples of content that caused the textbooks to be rejected. There was no response.

Popular Information, however, has obtained 8 of the 26 math textbooks rejected by Florida for “prohibited topics,” including textbooks for elementary, middle, and high school students. We then scrutinized these textbooks for any mention of race, emotion, or related topics. What we found bears no resemblance to the alarming assertions of Florida officials."
... DeathSantis and crew are out and out liars. They put out a press release that was a lie and now people who look into the situation are proving it to be a document full of lies. There is no CRT in the math textbooks.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by jhu72 »

Peter Brown wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:57 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:33 am
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:30 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:17 pm In short, it has been infiltrated by our gov't, which then means it is forever doomed. Special interests now get involved b/c profit can be made, it then begins to erode which means some knuckleheads now have solutions to a problem they created, which then means more unintended consequences are certain. We've grossly over complicated teaching.
Yes. And this "don't say gay" is right in line with this....yet another thing you're telling the teacher to worry you not see that?

That said........the reason for this over complication is simple: Conservatives refuse to invest in education in 2022. So what's the game?

1. cut spending to schools. In Colorado? You can make more money as a grocery bagger after 5 years than you can as a median Colorado teacher.

2. then make up for this ridiculous lack of funding, in part, via Dept of Ed...because conservative States hate high taxes.

2.a. then turn around and complain that the Dept. of Ed, that funds 20%-40% of all State educational funding wants a say in how you spend that money. So yep, now there's a reporting element that comes along with that Federal Money. You don't like that, right?

3. Then, each State compounds these problems by designating funding via school districts. Result: poor areas have sh*t schools, and rich areas like mine have palaces for schools. And, of course, the rich parents say "funding problem? What funding problem...the school MY kid goes to has a campus that looks like a DIII school with money to burn". So they refuse to pay higher State taxes to help the poor kids.

Wanna solve the problem? Raise State taxes, and eliminate the Dept. of Ed. Fund all education through the State. Then the Federal government has no say, so long as all laws are followed regarding discrimination. And you'll have poor kids with palaces for schools, instead of ONLY the rich areas. Or......a State can choose to make all schools complete sh*tboxes. Their choice. But you know doggone well what will happen...the rich families will demand more funding for schools. Problem solved.
You are over thinking may be hearing us, but not listening. What RD is doing and what I believe he is attempting to do, is not make it more complicated, quite the contrary...simplifying it. It's really easy, if you are a teacher STFU and focus on lessons, full stop.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still struggle with your stake in the ground about making gov't bigger...just seems like line in the sand for you that clouds your opportunity to see something for what it is not.
For decades, the game was: conservatives wanted limited government, limited spending, pay as you go, and limited regulations. Having two parties gave you a choice: do you want more government services and regulations with higher taxes? Or do you want less government services, fewer regulations, and low taxes.

I DESPERATELY want that choice, YA. Because without it? I now have NO choice between candidates and parties. They all do the same thing.....spend more, borrow more. Literally the ONLY thing I don't want my government to do....especially at the Federal level.

Conservatives now play the game of taking money from the Federal government (all of it borrowed, naturally) to enable their Big Gov spending, all while claiming to be small government conservatives.

Bot to my point: if that's not what the R's stand for? What is their platform? What will they give me that the Dems won't? Seems to me, it's all a bunch of cultural stuff.....trying to legislate culture. That doesn't work. Over time, culture moves, and laws can't stop it. I have no interest in legislating culture. It doesn't work.

Sure culture moves...great, now what? WE have a dumber popluation b/c of it, no? Exactly, my point. Sure we can't put it back in the box, but we can push back and "get back to the basics". Think of your 3 chamber as an knew in your heart it would work, even knowing it was going to tough, challenging, fighting against the crowd of the assembly line MGP's of the world...but at the end of the day, you are doing it the right way and a minority appreciates least for now. It takes decades to swing a pendulum, but our academics need a shot of nitrous.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still do not believe RD is playing with hate, I think the real fundamental intent is to try and stick with core educational methods and NOT allow the special interests to muck things up even more. But yes....I agree, comes off as looking bad IF you want it to.
We never did that, YA. What your teachers did was indoctrinate your kids with the typical WASP viewpoint.

Here's just one example: did you get Xmas break as a kid? Or did you get Hannukah break?

We've been indoctrinating our kids in schools from the word go, YA. The difference is? It was YOUR Christian values that were getting crammed down everyone's throats, so you didn't think to complain. Now I don't have a problem with this indoctrination....but that means you have let others in a school district have their views in books and lessons as well. Simple fairness. American way, and all that.

Here's Denver Public Schools calendar, YA. Now if you REALLY believe what you're selling? You should be outraged that this district would tell folks that they have time off to celebrate Christianity. It's right ain't "Holiday break", no sir. It's Christmas break. And this is just ONE example. Did you save your kids K-6 textbooks? Have a of the core things taught in schools is family, same as it ever was. Did they HAVE to do that? Nope. But they did. Still do here in 2022. So.....why is this ok, but you just can't stomach telling a kid that there's such a thing as two dads?

BTW, this year? Jewish kids don't get the first two days of their holiday off. How is this ok, if indoctrination of students is off the table? ... c-schools/

Not sure where you get the WASP teaching that took place....I never learned that in public school or I forgot. I also never learned about Christianity in school, other than maybe history in later years.
FCPS school calendar: Check out December.

If a kid says I have two dads....great, who cares, its acceptable these days, no need to do a damned lesson plan on it is my point.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm Full circle....from my reply on what happened to our educational system. I have zero issue with with LGBT voices...I just believe it does not belong in school. I suppose it might be because I am a minimalist and all that 'other stuff' becomes noise that chips away at the fundamentals of education.
Well, it would have made sense to complain, oh, about 100 years ago...because they've been teaching about sex, gender, family, boys, girls, and all of that stuff this whole time. understand that it looks bad to start complaining NOW, I'd hope?

You're giving someone you called "Trump light" waaaaay too much credit if you think he passed this law because (come on, really?) he's a "teaching fundamentalist" who wants to teach Reading, Riting, and Rithmatic. You know better. He found a cause, and he's milking it.
It's never a bad time to fix something that has gone our education system; stats prove we have slipped, it needs attention.

I see it as fixing the leaks on a ship listing to portside. RD is essentially giving the progressives the Heisman, telling them enough is enough. SUre call it what you want, but I still believe it is based on principle, not a game. If we do as you suggest, which is essentially turn our heads and do anything b/c 100 years of past....,then I suppose your fix is just buy more bilge pumps to pump more water out of an already sinking ship; big government must be a top priority for you ;) . Me....I'd bring it back to the dock for renovation, relieve the crew that screwed it up, start anew.


This was a very good post.

Desantis is making all the *right* enemies. If you’re upset at Ron for these moves, there’s a good chance you’ve been part of the growing problem.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

The people who are largely responsible for destroying the public education system in this country are the racists, homophobes, misogynist and those who insist on religious education in public schools. They have been attacking the system since the late 60s and early 70s when they lost control of the system when meaningful integration began. Now they are attempting to do away with the system completing its destruction. So they can go back to a segregated system with boys on top and girls on the bottom and anyone different not being educated at all. Only difference is they will attempt to privatize the education system using public money.
ardilla secreta
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by ardilla secreta »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:20 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:57 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:33 am
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:30 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:17 pm In short, it has been infiltrated by our gov't, which then means it is forever doomed. Special interests now get involved b/c profit can be made, it then begins to erode which means some knuckleheads now have solutions to a problem they created, which then means more unintended consequences are certain. We've grossly over complicated teaching.
Yes. And this "don't say gay" is right in line with this....yet another thing you're telling the teacher to worry you not see that?

That said........the reason for this over complication is simple: Conservatives refuse to invest in education in 2022. So what's the game?

1. cut spending to schools. In Colorado? You can make more money as a grocery bagger after 5 years than you can as a median Colorado teacher.

2. then make up for this ridiculous lack of funding, in part, via Dept of Ed...because conservative States hate high taxes.

2.a. then turn around and complain that the Dept. of Ed, that funds 20%-40% of all State educational funding wants a say in how you spend that money. So yep, now there's a reporting element that comes along with that Federal Money. You don't like that, right?

3. Then, each State compounds these problems by designating funding via school districts. Result: poor areas have sh*t schools, and rich areas like mine have palaces for schools. And, of course, the rich parents say "funding problem? What funding problem...the school MY kid goes to has a campus that looks like a DIII school with money to burn". So they refuse to pay higher State taxes to help the poor kids.

Wanna solve the problem? Raise State taxes, and eliminate the Dept. of Ed. Fund all education through the State. Then the Federal government has no say, so long as all laws are followed regarding discrimination. And you'll have poor kids with palaces for schools, instead of ONLY the rich areas. Or......a State can choose to make all schools complete sh*tboxes. Their choice. But you know doggone well what will happen...the rich families will demand more funding for schools. Problem solved.
You are over thinking may be hearing us, but not listening. What RD is doing and what I believe he is attempting to do, is not make it more complicated, quite the contrary...simplifying it. It's really easy, if you are a teacher STFU and focus on lessons, full stop.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still struggle with your stake in the ground about making gov't bigger...just seems like line in the sand for you that clouds your opportunity to see something for what it is not.
For decades, the game was: conservatives wanted limited government, limited spending, pay as you go, and limited regulations. Having two parties gave you a choice: do you want more government services and regulations with higher taxes? Or do you want less government services, fewer regulations, and low taxes.

I DESPERATELY want that choice, YA. Because without it? I now have NO choice between candidates and parties. They all do the same thing.....spend more, borrow more. Literally the ONLY thing I don't want my government to do....especially at the Federal level.

Conservatives now play the game of taking money from the Federal government (all of it borrowed, naturally) to enable their Big Gov spending, all while claiming to be small government conservatives.

Bot to my point: if that's not what the R's stand for? What is their platform? What will they give me that the Dems won't? Seems to me, it's all a bunch of cultural stuff.....trying to legislate culture. That doesn't work. Over time, culture moves, and laws can't stop it. I have no interest in legislating culture. It doesn't work.

Sure culture moves...great, now what? WE have a dumber popluation b/c of it, no? Exactly, my point. Sure we can't put it back in the box, but we can push back and "get back to the basics". Think of your 3 chamber as an knew in your heart it would work, even knowing it was going to tough, challenging, fighting against the crowd of the assembly line MGP's of the world...but at the end of the day, you are doing it the right way and a minority appreciates least for now. It takes decades to swing a pendulum, but our academics need a shot of nitrous.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still do not believe RD is playing with hate, I think the real fundamental intent is to try and stick with core educational methods and NOT allow the special interests to muck things up even more. But yes....I agree, comes off as looking bad IF you want it to.
We never did that, YA. What your teachers did was indoctrinate your kids with the typical WASP viewpoint.

Here's just one example: did you get Xmas break as a kid? Or did you get Hannukah break?

We've been indoctrinating our kids in schools from the word go, YA. The difference is? It was YOUR Christian values that were getting crammed down everyone's throats, so you didn't think to complain. Now I don't have a problem with this indoctrination....but that means you have let others in a school district have their views in books and lessons as well. Simple fairness. American way, and all that.

Here's Denver Public Schools calendar, YA. Now if you REALLY believe what you're selling? You should be outraged that this district would tell folks that they have time off to celebrate Christianity. It's right ain't "Holiday break", no sir. It's Christmas break. And this is just ONE example. Did you save your kids K-6 textbooks? Have a of the core things taught in schools is family, same as it ever was. Did they HAVE to do that? Nope. But they did. Still do here in 2022. So.....why is this ok, but you just can't stomach telling a kid that there's such a thing as two dads?

BTW, this year? Jewish kids don't get the first two days of their holiday off. How is this ok, if indoctrination of students is off the table? ... c-schools/

Not sure where you get the WASP teaching that took place....I never learned that in public school or I forgot. I also never learned about Christianity in school, other than maybe history in later years.
FCPS school calendar: Check out December.

If a kid says I have two dads....great, who cares, its acceptable these days, no need to do a damned lesson plan on it is my point.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm Full circle....from my reply on what happened to our educational system. I have zero issue with with LGBT voices...I just believe it does not belong in school. I suppose it might be because I am a minimalist and all that 'other stuff' becomes noise that chips away at the fundamentals of education.
Well, it would have made sense to complain, oh, about 100 years ago...because they've been teaching about sex, gender, family, boys, girls, and all of that stuff this whole time. understand that it looks bad to start complaining NOW, I'd hope?

You're giving someone you called "Trump light" waaaaay too much credit if you think he passed this law because (come on, really?) he's a "teaching fundamentalist" who wants to teach Reading, Riting, and Rithmatic. You know better. He found a cause, and he's milking it.
It's never a bad time to fix something that has gone our education system; stats prove we have slipped, it needs attention.

I see it as fixing the leaks on a ship listing to portside. RD is essentially giving the progressives the Heisman, telling them enough is enough. SUre call it what you want, but I still believe it is based on principle, not a game. If we do as you suggest, which is essentially turn our heads and do anything b/c 100 years of past....,then I suppose your fix is just buy more bilge pumps to pump more water out of an already sinking ship; big government must be a top priority for you ;) . Me....I'd bring it back to the dock for renovation, relieve the crew that screwed it up, start anew.


This was a very good post.

Desantis is making all the *right* enemies. If you’re upset at Ron for these moves, there’s a good chance you’ve been part of the growing problem.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

The people who are largely responsible for destroying the public education system in this country are the racists, homophobes, misogynist and those who insist on religious education in public schools. They have been attacking the system since the late 60s and early 70s when they lost control of the system when meaningful integration began. Now they are attempting to do away with the system completing its destruction. So they can go back to a segregated system with boys on top and girls on the bottom and anyone different not being educated at all. Only difference is they will attempt to privatize the education system using public money.
….for profit.
Posts: 5289
Joined: Tue Mar 29, 2022 6:49 am

Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:20 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:57 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:33 am
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:30 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:17 pm In short, it has been infiltrated by our gov't, which then means it is forever doomed. Special interests now get involved b/c profit can be made, it then begins to erode which means some knuckleheads now have solutions to a problem they created, which then means more unintended consequences are certain. We've grossly over complicated teaching.
Yes. And this "don't say gay" is right in line with this....yet another thing you're telling the teacher to worry you not see that?

That said........the reason for this over complication is simple: Conservatives refuse to invest in education in 2022. So what's the game?

1. cut spending to schools. In Colorado? You can make more money as a grocery bagger after 5 years than you can as a median Colorado teacher.

2. then make up for this ridiculous lack of funding, in part, via Dept of Ed...because conservative States hate high taxes.

2.a. then turn around and complain that the Dept. of Ed, that funds 20%-40% of all State educational funding wants a say in how you spend that money. So yep, now there's a reporting element that comes along with that Federal Money. You don't like that, right?

3. Then, each State compounds these problems by designating funding via school districts. Result: poor areas have sh*t schools, and rich areas like mine have palaces for schools. And, of course, the rich parents say "funding problem? What funding problem...the school MY kid goes to has a campus that looks like a DIII school with money to burn". So they refuse to pay higher State taxes to help the poor kids.

Wanna solve the problem? Raise State taxes, and eliminate the Dept. of Ed. Fund all education through the State. Then the Federal government has no say, so long as all laws are followed regarding discrimination. And you'll have poor kids with palaces for schools, instead of ONLY the rich areas. Or......a State can choose to make all schools complete sh*tboxes. Their choice. But you know doggone well what will happen...the rich families will demand more funding for schools. Problem solved.
You are over thinking may be hearing us, but not listening. What RD is doing and what I believe he is attempting to do, is not make it more complicated, quite the contrary...simplifying it. It's really easy, if you are a teacher STFU and focus on lessons, full stop.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still struggle with your stake in the ground about making gov't bigger...just seems like line in the sand for you that clouds your opportunity to see something for what it is not.
For decades, the game was: conservatives wanted limited government, limited spending, pay as you go, and limited regulations. Having two parties gave you a choice: do you want more government services and regulations with higher taxes? Or do you want less government services, fewer regulations, and low taxes.

I DESPERATELY want that choice, YA. Because without it? I now have NO choice between candidates and parties. They all do the same thing.....spend more, borrow more. Literally the ONLY thing I don't want my government to do....especially at the Federal level.

Conservatives now play the game of taking money from the Federal government (all of it borrowed, naturally) to enable their Big Gov spending, all while claiming to be small government conservatives.

Bot to my point: if that's not what the R's stand for? What is their platform? What will they give me that the Dems won't? Seems to me, it's all a bunch of cultural stuff.....trying to legislate culture. That doesn't work. Over time, culture moves, and laws can't stop it. I have no interest in legislating culture. It doesn't work.

Sure culture moves...great, now what? WE have a dumber popluation b/c of it, no? Exactly, my point. Sure we can't put it back in the box, but we can push back and "get back to the basics". Think of your 3 chamber as an knew in your heart it would work, even knowing it was going to tough, challenging, fighting against the crowd of the assembly line MGP's of the world...but at the end of the day, you are doing it the right way and a minority appreciates least for now. It takes decades to swing a pendulum, but our academics need a shot of nitrous.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still do not believe RD is playing with hate, I think the real fundamental intent is to try and stick with core educational methods and NOT allow the special interests to muck things up even more. But yes....I agree, comes off as looking bad IF you want it to.
We never did that, YA. What your teachers did was indoctrinate your kids with the typical WASP viewpoint.

Here's just one example: did you get Xmas break as a kid? Or did you get Hannukah break?

We've been indoctrinating our kids in schools from the word go, YA. The difference is? It was YOUR Christian values that were getting crammed down everyone's throats, so you didn't think to complain. Now I don't have a problem with this indoctrination....but that means you have let others in a school district have their views in books and lessons as well. Simple fairness. American way, and all that.

Here's Denver Public Schools calendar, YA. Now if you REALLY believe what you're selling? You should be outraged that this district would tell folks that they have time off to celebrate Christianity. It's right ain't "Holiday break", no sir. It's Christmas break. And this is just ONE example. Did you save your kids K-6 textbooks? Have a of the core things taught in schools is family, same as it ever was. Did they HAVE to do that? Nope. But they did. Still do here in 2022. So.....why is this ok, but you just can't stomach telling a kid that there's such a thing as two dads?

BTW, this year? Jewish kids don't get the first two days of their holiday off. How is this ok, if indoctrination of students is off the table? ... c-schools/

Not sure where you get the WASP teaching that took place....I never learned that in public school or I forgot. I also never learned about Christianity in school, other than maybe history in later years.
FCPS school calendar: Check out December.

If a kid says I have two dads....great, who cares, its acceptable these days, no need to do a damned lesson plan on it is my point.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm Full circle....from my reply on what happened to our educational system. I have zero issue with with LGBT voices...I just believe it does not belong in school. I suppose it might be because I am a minimalist and all that 'other stuff' becomes noise that chips away at the fundamentals of education.
Well, it would have made sense to complain, oh, about 100 years ago...because they've been teaching about sex, gender, family, boys, girls, and all of that stuff this whole time. understand that it looks bad to start complaining NOW, I'd hope?

You're giving someone you called "Trump light" waaaaay too much credit if you think he passed this law because (come on, really?) he's a "teaching fundamentalist" who wants to teach Reading, Riting, and Rithmatic. You know better. He found a cause, and he's milking it.
It's never a bad time to fix something that has gone our education system; stats prove we have slipped, it needs attention.

I see it as fixing the leaks on a ship listing to portside. RD is essentially giving the progressives the Heisman, telling them enough is enough. SUre call it what you want, but I still believe it is based on principle, not a game. If we do as you suggest, which is essentially turn our heads and do anything b/c 100 years of past....,then I suppose your fix is just buy more bilge pumps to pump more water out of an already sinking ship; big government must be a top priority for you ;) . Me....I'd bring it back to the dock for renovation, relieve the crew that screwed it up, start anew.


This was a very good post.

Desantis is making all the *right* enemies. If you’re upset at Ron for these moves, there’s a good chance you’ve been part of the growing problem.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

The people who are largely responsible for destroying the public education system in this country are the racists, homophobes, misogynist and those who insist on religious education in public schools. They have been attacking the system since the late 60s and early 70s when they lost control of the system when meaningful integration began. Now they are attempting to do away with the system completing its destruction. So they can go back to a segregated system with boys on top and girls on the bottom and anyone different not being educated at all. Only difference is they will attempt to privatize the education system using public money.
Great post.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by youthathletics »

A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

“I wish you would!”
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by cradleandshoot »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:20 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:57 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:33 am
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:30 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:17 pm In short, it has been infiltrated by our gov't, which then means it is forever doomed. Special interests now get involved b/c profit can be made, it then begins to erode which means some knuckleheads now have solutions to a problem they created, which then means more unintended consequences are certain. We've grossly over complicated teaching.
Yes. And this "don't say gay" is right in line with this....yet another thing you're telling the teacher to worry you not see that?

That said........the reason for this over complication is simple: Conservatives refuse to invest in education in 2022. So what's the game?

1. cut spending to schools. In Colorado? You can make more money as a grocery bagger after 5 years than you can as a median Colorado teacher.

2. then make up for this ridiculous lack of funding, in part, via Dept of Ed...because conservative States hate high taxes.

2.a. then turn around and complain that the Dept. of Ed, that funds 20%-40% of all State educational funding wants a say in how you spend that money. So yep, now there's a reporting element that comes along with that Federal Money. You don't like that, right?

3. Then, each State compounds these problems by designating funding via school districts. Result: poor areas have sh*t schools, and rich areas like mine have palaces for schools. And, of course, the rich parents say "funding problem? What funding problem...the school MY kid goes to has a campus that looks like a DIII school with money to burn". So they refuse to pay higher State taxes to help the poor kids.

Wanna solve the problem? Raise State taxes, and eliminate the Dept. of Ed. Fund all education through the State. Then the Federal government has no say, so long as all laws are followed regarding discrimination. And you'll have poor kids with palaces for schools, instead of ONLY the rich areas. Or......a State can choose to make all schools complete sh*tboxes. Their choice. But you know doggone well what will happen...the rich families will demand more funding for schools. Problem solved.
You are over thinking may be hearing us, but not listening. What RD is doing and what I believe he is attempting to do, is not make it more complicated, quite the contrary...simplifying it. It's really easy, if you are a teacher STFU and focus on lessons, full stop.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still struggle with your stake in the ground about making gov't bigger...just seems like line in the sand for you that clouds your opportunity to see something for what it is not.
For decades, the game was: conservatives wanted limited government, limited spending, pay as you go, and limited regulations. Having two parties gave you a choice: do you want more government services and regulations with higher taxes? Or do you want less government services, fewer regulations, and low taxes.

I DESPERATELY want that choice, YA. Because without it? I now have NO choice between candidates and parties. They all do the same thing.....spend more, borrow more. Literally the ONLY thing I don't want my government to do....especially at the Federal level.

Conservatives now play the game of taking money from the Federal government (all of it borrowed, naturally) to enable their Big Gov spending, all while claiming to be small government conservatives.

Bot to my point: if that's not what the R's stand for? What is their platform? What will they give me that the Dems won't? Seems to me, it's all a bunch of cultural stuff.....trying to legislate culture. That doesn't work. Over time, culture moves, and laws can't stop it. I have no interest in legislating culture. It doesn't work.

Sure culture moves...great, now what? WE have a dumber popluation b/c of it, no? Exactly, my point. Sure we can't put it back in the box, but we can push back and "get back to the basics". Think of your 3 chamber as an knew in your heart it would work, even knowing it was going to tough, challenging, fighting against the crowd of the assembly line MGP's of the world...but at the end of the day, you are doing it the right way and a minority appreciates least for now. It takes decades to swing a pendulum, but our academics need a shot of nitrous.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm I still do not believe RD is playing with hate, I think the real fundamental intent is to try and stick with core educational methods and NOT allow the special interests to muck things up even more. But yes....I agree, comes off as looking bad IF you want it to.
We never did that, YA. What your teachers did was indoctrinate your kids with the typical WASP viewpoint.

Here's just one example: did you get Xmas break as a kid? Or did you get Hannukah break?

We've been indoctrinating our kids in schools from the word go, YA. The difference is? It was YOUR Christian values that were getting crammed down everyone's throats, so you didn't think to complain. Now I don't have a problem with this indoctrination....but that means you have let others in a school district have their views in books and lessons as well. Simple fairness. American way, and all that.

Here's Denver Public Schools calendar, YA. Now if you REALLY believe what you're selling? You should be outraged that this district would tell folks that they have time off to celebrate Christianity. It's right ain't "Holiday break", no sir. It's Christmas break. And this is just ONE example. Did you save your kids K-6 textbooks? Have a of the core things taught in schools is family, same as it ever was. Did they HAVE to do that? Nope. But they did. Still do here in 2022. So.....why is this ok, but you just can't stomach telling a kid that there's such a thing as two dads?

BTW, this year? Jewish kids don't get the first two days of their holiday off. How is this ok, if indoctrination of students is off the table? ... c-schools/

Not sure where you get the WASP teaching that took place....I never learned that in public school or I forgot. I also never learned about Christianity in school, other than maybe history in later years.
FCPS school calendar: Check out December.

If a kid says I have two dads....great, who cares, its acceptable these days, no need to do a damned lesson plan on it is my point.
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:41 pm Full circle....from my reply on what happened to our educational system. I have zero issue with with LGBT voices...I just believe it does not belong in school. I suppose it might be because I am a minimalist and all that 'other stuff' becomes noise that chips away at the fundamentals of education.
Well, it would have made sense to complain, oh, about 100 years ago...because they've been teaching about sex, gender, family, boys, girls, and all of that stuff this whole time. understand that it looks bad to start complaining NOW, I'd hope?

You're giving someone you called "Trump light" waaaaay too much credit if you think he passed this law because (come on, really?) he's a "teaching fundamentalist" who wants to teach Reading, Riting, and Rithmatic. You know better. He found a cause, and he's milking it.
It's never a bad time to fix something that has gone our education system; stats prove we have slipped, it needs attention.

I see it as fixing the leaks on a ship listing to portside. RD is essentially giving the progressives the Heisman, telling them enough is enough. SUre call it what you want, but I still believe it is based on principle, not a game. If we do as you suggest, which is essentially turn our heads and do anything b/c 100 years of past....,then I suppose your fix is just buy more bilge pumps to pump more water out of an already sinking ship; big government must be a top priority for you ;) . Me....I'd bring it back to the dock for renovation, relieve the crew that screwed it up, start anew.


This was a very good post.

Desantis is making all the *right* enemies. If you’re upset at Ron for these moves, there’s a good chance you’ve been part of the growing problem.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

The people who are largely responsible for destroying the public education system in this country are the racists, homophobes, misogynist and those who insist on religious education in public schools. They have been attacking the system since the late 60s and early 70s when they lost control of the system when meaningful integration began. Now they are attempting to do away with the system completing its destruction. So they can go back to a segregated system with boys on top and girls on the bottom and anyone different not being educated at all. Only difference is they will attempt to privatize the education system using public money.
Me think thou dost protest too much. FTR... I'm a big fan of "doggie style" and the lucky #69. I don't give a chit about RD thinks about it either... If he is content with the missionary position.. good for him.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by jhu72 »

... yup, never gonna happen. DeathSantis and company will keep this from every becoming law. Will try to sneak it by everyone, but won't be able to.

Crist will make hay with this in Orange County. Gotta believe even in Florida voters dislike stupidity costing them money even more that they like Trumpnista bluster. :lol:
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by jhu72 »

What Disney has said so far about the "Don't Say Gay" dust up. Sure doesn't sound like they are planning on bending a knee to King Ronnie. Ronnie D. would make a great model for a Disney villain. :lol:
Peter Brown
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Peter Brown »


BREAKING: Ron DeSantis just signed into law the new congressional maps that create four new GOP leaning districts, the bill to remove Disney's special exemption status, and the "Stop Woke Act," banning CRT in schools, universities, and corporations.

And it's only 3:07 pm.

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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by cradleandshoot »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 10:47 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:37 pm Sure, sure; Ron's just trying to right the listing ship of education. Jesus.

More on the policy-free performative stupidity of Ron: ... tbooks?s=w

"On April 15, the Florida Department of Education issued a dramatic press release: "Florida Rejects Publishers’ Attempts to Indoctrinate Students." In the release, Florida Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran announced that he had rejected 54 math textbooks submitted by publishers for the next school year. According to the Florida Department of Education, 26 of those math textbooks were rejected because they contained "prohibited topics," including Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL).

To underscore the importance of this decision, the release contained a quote from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R). “It seems that some publishers attempted to slap a coat of paint on an old house built on the foundation of Common Core, and indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism, especially, bizarrely, for elementary school students,” DeSantis said. Corcoran said the math textbooks were rejected because children deserve "a world-class education without the fear of indoctrination or exposure to dangerous and divisive concepts in our classrooms."

In a press conference on Monday, DeSantis defended the decision, focusing on SEL. Right-wing activists claim that SEL is CRT by another name but that is inaccurate. SEL focuses on the development of "critical thinking, emotion management, conflict resolution, decision making, [and] teamwork" — skills that are necessary for students to excel in school and in life. The term dates back to a 1997 book but the concept of character development dates back at least to Benjamin Franklin in the mid-1700s.

"You know, math is about getting the right answer and we want kids to learn to think so they get the right answer. It’s not about how you feel about the problem or to introduce some of these other things," DeSantis said. DeSantis noted that "most of the books that did not meet Florida standards… happened to be in the early grades."

Asked during the press conference what CRT would look like in a math textbook, DeSantis demurred, returning to SEL. "You do have things like social and emotional learning," DeSantis responded, "and some of the things that are more political in there."

But DeSantis' Communications Director, Christina Pushaw, was quite clear that the rejected math textbooks included CRT. She said people are free to "buy any CRT math textbook you want." (These textbooks, Pushaw claimed, teach kids that "2+2=4" is "white supremacy.") Pushaw emphasized that DeSantis would not "force Florida taxpayers to pay for this indoctrination."

CRT is a graduate-level academic framework which explores how "laws, policies, and procedures that function to produce racial inequality." This is sometimes referred to as "structural racism." It is not something you typically find discussed in a K-12 math textbook.

Notably, the Florida Department of Education, Desantis, and Pushaw did not provide any examples of how these math textbooks would indoctrinate Florida students. (The only "example" Pushaw provided was a math worksheet from Missouri that mentioned Maya Angelou.)

Florida eventually released a list of the 26 math textbooks rejected for "prohibited concepts" (the remainder were rejected for other reasons) but there was no information explaining the rejection. DeSantis said that he would not release examples because he respected "the process" and wanted to give publishers the opportunity to appeal. This concern for fairness to the publishers didn't stop DeSantis from issuing a press release accusing all of them of indoctrinating students with race essentialism and other concepts.

DeSantis appears determined to keep the contents of these textbooks secret. Popular Information reached out to the Florida Department of Education and asked for examples of content that caused the textbooks to be rejected. There was no response.

Popular Information, however, has obtained 8 of the 26 math textbooks rejected by Florida for “prohibited topics,” including textbooks for elementary, middle, and high school students. We then scrutinized these textbooks for any mention of race, emotion, or related topics. What we found bears no resemblance to the alarming assertions of Florida officials."
... DeathSantis and crew are out and out liars. They put out a press release that was a lie and now people who look into the situation are proving it to be a document full of lies. There is no CRT in the math textbooks.
Your probably right. Given the fact that math books are written and published by your fellow DemocRAT educators it is amazing if they actually contain math at all. You know that new arithmetic when 2 + 2 equals 7 but if you tried with good effort to find the answer you still get a gold star for effort. I believe your FLP friends call it out come based education. And your peeing in your pants about " don't say gay" .. :roll:
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
Peter Brown
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Peter Brown »

cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:55 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 10:47 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:37 pm Sure, sure; Ron's just trying to right the listing ship of education. Jesus.

More on the policy-free performative stupidity of Ron: ... tbooks?s=w

"On April 15, the Florida Department of Education issued a dramatic press release: "Florida Rejects Publishers’ Attempts to Indoctrinate Students." In the release, Florida Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran announced that he had rejected 54 math textbooks submitted by publishers for the next school year. According to the Florida Department of Education, 26 of those math textbooks were rejected because they contained "prohibited topics," including Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL).

To underscore the importance of this decision, the release contained a quote from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R). “It seems that some publishers attempted to slap a coat of paint on an old house built on the foundation of Common Core, and indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism, especially, bizarrely, for elementary school students,” DeSantis said. Corcoran said the math textbooks were rejected because children deserve "a world-class education without the fear of indoctrination or exposure to dangerous and divisive concepts in our classrooms."

In a press conference on Monday, DeSantis defended the decision, focusing on SEL. Right-wing activists claim that SEL is CRT by another name but that is inaccurate. SEL focuses on the development of "critical thinking, emotion management, conflict resolution, decision making, [and] teamwork" — skills that are necessary for students to excel in school and in life. The term dates back to a 1997 book but the concept of character development dates back at least to Benjamin Franklin in the mid-1700s.

"You know, math is about getting the right answer and we want kids to learn to think so they get the right answer. It’s not about how you feel about the problem or to introduce some of these other things," DeSantis said. DeSantis noted that "most of the books that did not meet Florida standards… happened to be in the early grades."

Asked during the press conference what CRT would look like in a math textbook, DeSantis demurred, returning to SEL. "You do have things like social and emotional learning," DeSantis responded, "and some of the things that are more political in there."

But DeSantis' Communications Director, Christina Pushaw, was quite clear that the rejected math textbooks included CRT. She said people are free to "buy any CRT math textbook you want." (These textbooks, Pushaw claimed, teach kids that "2+2=4" is "white supremacy.") Pushaw emphasized that DeSantis would not "force Florida taxpayers to pay for this indoctrination."

CRT is a graduate-level academic framework which explores how "laws, policies, and procedures that function to produce racial inequality." This is sometimes referred to as "structural racism." It is not something you typically find discussed in a K-12 math textbook.

Notably, the Florida Department of Education, Desantis, and Pushaw did not provide any examples of how these math textbooks would indoctrinate Florida students. (The only "example" Pushaw provided was a math worksheet from Missouri that mentioned Maya Angelou.)

Florida eventually released a list of the 26 math textbooks rejected for "prohibited concepts" (the remainder were rejected for other reasons) but there was no information explaining the rejection. DeSantis said that he would not release examples because he respected "the process" and wanted to give publishers the opportunity to appeal. This concern for fairness to the publishers didn't stop DeSantis from issuing a press release accusing all of them of indoctrinating students with race essentialism and other concepts.

DeSantis appears determined to keep the contents of these textbooks secret. Popular Information reached out to the Florida Department of Education and asked for examples of content that caused the textbooks to be rejected. There was no response.

Popular Information, however, has obtained 8 of the 26 math textbooks rejected by Florida for “prohibited topics,” including textbooks for elementary, middle, and high school students. We then scrutinized these textbooks for any mention of race, emotion, or related topics. What we found bears no resemblance to the alarming assertions of Florida officials."
... DeathSantis and crew are out and out liars. They put out a press release that was a lie and now people who look into the situation are proving it to be a document full of lies. There is no CRT in the math textbooks.
Your probably right. Given the fact that math books are written and published by your fellow DemocRAT educators it is amazing if they actually contain math at all. You know that new arithmetic when 2 + 2 equals 7 but if you tried with good effort to find the answer you still get a gold star for effort. I believe your FLP friends call it out come based education. And your peeing in your pants about " don't say gay" .. :roll:

The below is from the largest donor to the Democratic Party:

CA92853E-0213-49BC-842B-809A32699F5D.jpeg (112.74 KiB) Viewed 534 times

Let’s remember what this law is about: keeping discussions of sex and gender identity out of classrooms for kids ages 3-8.
a fan
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:33 am You are over thinking may be hearing us, but not listening. What RD is doing and what I believe he is attempting to do, is not make it more complicated, quite the contrary...simplifying it. It's really easy, if you are a teacher STFU and focus on lessons, full stop. do you think this is the silver bullet? Do you think that the reason US education has slid over the past 40 years is.....teachers are talking about how some kids have two daddies?

Not poverty. Not the absurdly high student to teacher ratio. Not sh*t pay for teachers....that's "over thinking this". You're telling me that you think the #1 problem is that you think teachers are stopping lessons dead in their tracks to talk about two dads for hours on end?

Dude. If you're anywhere close to right? Florida's schools will show IMMEDIATE improvement across the board with your new law in place.

You ready to wager some steak dinners on this theory of yours, that the only thing standing between awesome schools and failing schools....if I have this too many conversations about how little Stevie has two dads?
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:51 pm I see it as fixing the leaks on a ship listing to portside. RD is essentially giving the progressives the Heisman, telling them enough is enough. SUre call it what you want, but I still believe it is based on principle, not a game. If we do as you suggest, which is essentially turn our heads and do anything b/c 100 years of past....,then I suppose your fix is just buy more bilge pumps to pump more water out of an already sinking ship; big government must be a top priority for you ;) . Me....I'd bring it back to the dock for renovation, relieve the crew that screwed it up, start anew.
I'm curious: where is it that you think conservative Americans work? We've been told.......Not Hollywood. Not silicon valley. Not in media. And now? The claim is that the libs are running the asylum in schools all across America, with no conservative or moderate teachers to be found anywhere?

So where is it that conservatives work? How the F do you guys put a roof over your head if none of you have jobs? ;)

These Teachers are all controlled by school districts. Good luck finding a truly liberal school district, outside of VERY specific places like Boulder, Co, or Ann Arbor, MI. By and large, moderates are running the show.

And I know about Fairfax first hand. Lived there, attended Navy Elementary with by brother in the 70's. School's still there, chugging away.
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