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Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2024 10:05 pm
by Typical Lax Dad

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 12:11 am
by Brooklyn

Yep. Sure seems like a SNL skit ... or Mad Magazine TV. :lol:

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 5:04 am
by old salt
The Harris campaign is so desperate, they'ii soon be offering a cash bounty to any nut who takes out her Fascist, Nazi, Hitler-loving opponent.
It's the only play she has left to distance herself from the Biden admin record, her past record & statements, & her inability to give a straight answer about what she intends to do if elected. ... ns-on-cnn/

Harris Finally Crashes and Burns on CNN

by Jeffrey Blehar, October 24, 2024

Even CNN’s own analysts panned the Democratic nominee’s performance. This was her first authentic campaign disaster.
...while Harris was predictably awful in both sit-downs ...They were water-treading exercises for the most part.
Last night’s CNN town hall, on the other hand, was memorably bad. This is the moment her campaign dreaded, the moment when the fundamental emptiness and inadequacy of their candidate was revealed for all the world to see without helpful edits or someone to bail her out. There Harris stood exposed — with an unpersuaded audience and a moderator in Cooper who handled his task without showing any particular solicitude for her electoral fortunes — and she withered in the spotlight. ...There are moments from this event that will haunt Harris in retirement forever should she lose, the sorts of ghastly stammering failures destined to go into YouTube clip reels ten years later explaining “How We Got Here.” (And if she wins? All is not forgiven, merely set aside — until the reality of her as president for four years takes its toll on Democratic fortunes, which will be quickly.)

...Harris’s answer to Anderson Cooper’s pointed question about the border fence to be perhaps the lowest moment of her entire public career to date,... in the specific sense that nobody who watches it — not even her fiercest partisans — will be able to come away from it with anything save a reflex-level revulsion. (For her friends, the reaction will be shame and desire to change the subject. For her enemies, it will be glee. For the vast majority of normal voters, it will simply be: “DO NOT WANT.”)
Cooper asks Harris: “Under Donald Trump you criticized the wall, over 50 times, you called it ‘stupid,’ ‘useless,’ and ‘a medieval vanity project.’ Is a border wall stupid?” ...She adopts a smug rictus grin and begins to half-cackle her way through a series of completely unrelated digs about how Trump didn’t succeed in building it. “Let’s talk about Donald Trump and that border wall. [chuckles] So remember Donald Trump said Mexico would pay for it? C’mon, they didn’t! How much of that wall did he build? I think the last number I saw was about 2 percent, and then when it came time for him to do a photo-op, you know where he did it? In the part of the wall that President Obama built. So c’mon!”
Cooper then gently reminds her that she is now claiming to support a bill that would appropriate $650 million to build that wall, and then she remembers to rotely say she will support “a bipartisan bill” but also “fix our broken immigration system.” She didn’t even answer the question (“Is the wall stupid?”), but in another way she answered it with crystal clarity: Of course she thinks it’s stupid. Why else would she default to making jokes about it? (The photo-op dig was also devastatingly revealing about how Harris truly thinks about and conceives of politics: It’s all about optics and flash to her, the most authentically Californian part of her personality.) it all, feel the pain that every person in that audience and every live viewer on CNN must have felt in real time. With her sputtering, stammering smirk attempting to cover for her inability to offer a credible answer to something she knew she’d been nailed on, those two minutes could well end up serving as the epitaph for her entire campaign.

What was most remarkable about the disaster is how even CNN’s own analysts panned Harris’s performance as well, some with a palpable sense of disgust. Almost all of them were traditional media types (assume bias accordingly), and their reaction ranged from disappointed and bewildered to visibly unsettled. Dana Bash spoke about “what I’m hearing from people I’ve been talking to” — this is of course a polite euphemism for “all of my Democratic media friends, including myself and every one of you in this room” — and said, “If her goal was to close the deal? [pregnant pause] They’re not sure she did that.”... Former Obama grand strategist David Axelrod ... is a legitimately intelligent observer of politics and was perhaps the most devastating of all in his analysis, precisely because Axelrod still has the bones of an old-school Chicago journalist and therefore cannot bring himself to openly insult people’s intelligence despite his obviously close associations with Obama and Democratic politics. (“It was a mixed night,” he euphemistically summarized.) His review is worth both reading and watching:

When she doesn’t want to answer a question, her habit is to kind of go to word-salad city, and she did that on a couple of answers; one was on Israel, Anderson asked a direct question, “Would you be stronger on Israel than Trump?” And there was a seven-minute answer, but none of it related to the question he was asking. And so, you know, on certain questions like that, on immigration, I thought she missed an opportunity, because she would acknowledge no concerns about any of the administration’s policies. And that’s a mistake. Sometimes you have to concede things, and she didn’t concede much. But I’ll tell you something, John King mentioned Bill Clinton; no one’s going to be Bill Clinton, but you do want to relate to the people in front of you, she didn’t do a lot of that. She didn’t ask them questions, she didn’t address them particularly, she was giving set pieces too much.

...that’s a solid indication that Harris truly failed last night. Her friends could only bring themselves, out of charity, to characterize it as a missed opportunity. But it is October 24. The hour is far too late. Given how little time she has left to change the story of her campaign, this was Kamala Harris’s first authentic campaign disaster.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 6:16 am
by Seacoaster(1)
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2024 5:04 am The Harris campaign is so desperate, they'ii soon be offering a cash bounty to any nut who takes out her Fascist, Nazi, Hitler-loving opponent.
It's the only play she has left to distance herself from the Biden admin record, her past record & statements, & her inability to give a straight answer about what she intends to do if elected. ... ns-on-cnn/

Harris Finally Crashes and Burns on CNN

by Jeffrey Blehar, October 24, 2024

Even CNN’s own analysts panned the Democratic nominee’s performance. This was her first authentic campaign disaster.
...while Harris was predictably awful in both sit-downs ...They were water-treading exercises for the most part.
Last night’s CNN town hall, on the other hand, was memorably bad. This is the moment her campaign dreaded, the moment when the fundamental emptiness and inadequacy of their candidate was revealed for all the world to see without helpful edits or someone to bail her out. There Harris stood exposed — with an unpersuaded audience and a moderator in Cooper who handled his task without showing any particular solicitude for her electoral fortunes — and she withered in the spotlight. ...There are moments from this event that will haunt Harris in retirement forever should she lose, the sorts of ghastly stammering failures destined to go into YouTube clip reels ten years later explaining “How We Got Here.” (And if she wins? All is not forgiven, merely set aside — until the reality of her as president for four years takes its toll on Democratic fortunes, which will be quickly.)

...Harris’s answer to Anderson Cooper’s pointed question about the border fence to be perhaps the lowest moment of her entire public career to date,... in the specific sense that nobody who watches it — not even her fiercest partisans — will be able to come away from it with anything save a reflex-level revulsion. (For her friends, the reaction will be shame and desire to change the subject. For her enemies, it will be glee. For the vast majority of normal voters, it will simply be: “DO NOT WANT.”)
Cooper asks Harris: “Under Donald Trump you criticized the wall, over 50 times, you called it ‘stupid,’ ‘useless,’ and ‘a medieval vanity project.’ Is a border wall stupid?” ...She adopts a smug rictus grin and begins to half-cackle her way through a series of completely unrelated digs about how Trump didn’t succeed in building it. “Let’s talk about Donald Trump and that border wall. [chuckles] So remember Donald Trump said Mexico would pay for it? C’mon, they didn’t! How much of that wall did he build? I think the last number I saw was about 2 percent, and then when it came time for him to do a photo-op, you know where he did it? In the part of the wall that President Obama built. So c’mon!”
Cooper then gently reminds her that she is now claiming to support a bill that would appropriate $650 million to build that wall, and then she remembers to rotely say she will support “a bipartisan bill” but also “fix our broken immigration system.” She didn’t even answer the question (“Is the wall stupid?”), but in another way she answered it with crystal clarity: Of course she thinks it’s stupid. Why else would she default to making jokes about it? (The photo-op dig was also devastatingly revealing about how Harris truly thinks about and conceives of politics: It’s all about optics and flash to her, the most authentically Californian part of her personality.) it all, feel the pain that every person in that audience and every live viewer on CNN must have felt in real time. With her sputtering, stammering smirk attempting to cover for her inability to offer a credible answer to something she knew she’d been nailed on, those two minutes could well end up serving as the epitaph for her entire campaign.

What was most remarkable about the disaster is how even CNN’s own analysts panned Harris’s performance as well, some with a palpable sense of disgust. Almost all of them were traditional media types (assume bias accordingly), and their reaction ranged from disappointed and bewildered to visibly unsettled. Dana Bash spoke about “what I’m hearing from people I’ve been talking to” — this is of course a polite euphemism for “all of my Democratic media friends, including myself and every one of you in this room” — and said, “If her goal was to close the deal? [pregnant pause] They’re not sure she did that.”... Former Obama grand strategist David Axelrod ... is a legitimately intelligent observer of politics and was perhaps the most devastating of all in his analysis, precisely because Axelrod still has the bones of an old-school Chicago journalist and therefore cannot bring himself to openly insult people’s intelligence despite his obviously close associations with Obama and Democratic politics. (“It was a mixed night,” he euphemistically summarized.) His review is worth both reading and watching:

When she doesn’t want to answer a question, her habit is to kind of go to word-salad city, and she did that on a couple of answers; one was on Israel, Anderson asked a direct question, “Would you be stronger on Israel than Trump?” And there was a seven-minute answer, but none of it related to the question he was asking. And so, you know, on certain questions like that, on immigration, I thought she missed an opportunity, because she would acknowledge no concerns about any of the administration’s policies. And that’s a mistake. Sometimes you have to concede things, and she didn’t concede much. But I’ll tell you something, John King mentioned Bill Clinton; no one’s going to be Bill Clinton, but you do want to relate to the people in front of you, she didn’t do a lot of that. She didn’t ask them questions, she didn’t address them particularly, she was giving set pieces too much.

...that’s a solid indication that Harris truly failed last night. Her friends could only bring themselves, out of charity, to characterize it as a missed opportunity. But it is October 24. The hour is far too late. Given how little time she has left to change the story of her campaign, this was Kamala Harris’s first authentic campaign disaster.
Cash bounties are already being offered by your team.

A less partisan, more balanced, less vitriolic review, here: ... -hall.html

"It was the most standard of job interview questions, in this case posed by Joe Donahue, a registered Republican and undecided voter, to an applicant for the post of leader of the free world: Vice President Kamala Harris, what weaknesses do you bring to the table?

And at a CNN town-hall meeting on Wednesday night, Ms. Harris answered with her version of another classic of the genre: Maybe I’m too much of a perfectionist.

“Perhaps a weakness, some would say, but I actually think is a strength, is, I really do value having a team of very smart people around me who bring to my decision-making process different perspectives,” she responded.

As political performances go, Ms. Harris’s lengthy question-and-answer session with undecided voters was certainly not disastrous. There were no obvious gaffes, no viral, awful moments. She made news, using the word “fascist” to describe former President Donald J. Trump and saying that Mr. Trump’s former chief of staff, John F. Kelly, was “putting out a 911 call” to the American people with his warnings about the former president’s authoritarian bent. And it must be noted that she was there because Mr. Trump didn’t bother to show up, having declined an invitation to debate her there.

But two weeks from Election Day, the vice president missed opportunity after opportunity to leave a strong impression that, if elected, she would bring with her thoroughly fleshed out policies for a Harris administration and a plan to get them enacted. She repeatedly mentioned her opponent, his fitness for office and the dangers he presents to American democracy.

At the conclusion of an unusually short presidential campaign, Ms. Harris still finds herself struggling between the need to define herself to voters who did not have the benefit of a protracted election season and her desire to focus on her opponent.

If the undecided questioners, both to her political left and to her political right, were stand-ins for the few voters still up for grabs, Mr. Trump’s increasingly authoritarian closing argument did not seem to be top of mind. Instead, the worries of those actually present were focused on less lofty matters. Carol Nackenoff, a political scientist at Swarthmore College, simply wanted to know what one policy goal topped her agenda for Congress; Jaxon Weiss, a registered Republican studying at Drexel University in Philadelphia, asked how much the taxpayers were on the hook for integrating the surge of migrants into U.S. society; and Pam Thistle, a real estate agent, wanted “to hear more nuts and bolts” about her plans to tax the rich.

That tax question could have prompted an answer generated by her own campaign. Her campaign has floated the idea of requiring taxpayers with net wealth above $100 million to pay a minimum tax of 25 percent on the rising value of assets such as stocks, bonds or privately held companies — even if they don’t sell them. Such a “wealth tax” remains controversial, but it certainly counts as nuts and bolts.

Ms. Harris, instead, offered her proposals to expand the child tax credit for middle-class Americans, reiterated her pledge that she would not raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000 a year and suggested she did want to make sure the ultrawealthy paid their “fair share.”

She just didn’t answer the very specific question: How?

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, an expert on presidential communication at the University of Pennsylvania, said both Ms. Harris and Mr. Trump would have big moments in the coming days to present closing arguments — he at Madison Square Garden in New York, she at the Ellipse behind the White House, the small park where Mr. Trump rallied his forces on Jan. 6, 2021, before they stormed the Capitol.

But with voters already casting ballots, Ms. Harris might have seen the CNN town hall as another opportunity to grab them with her final pitch, regardless of the question. Ms. Jamieson summed up Ms. Harris’s approach as: Mr. Trump is a clear and present danger to the Republic, and “I have plans that relate to you — I’m going to tell you what they are even if the question is something else.”

Faced with two tasks — pounding away at her closing argument and getting to the specifics — she opted for the first. For casual viewers, that might have been enough. For the undecided voters who came to the broadcast with thought-out concerns that needed to be addressed, it might not have been."

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 6:47 am
by youthathletics
Here we go...again, timing is impeccable. Cash Bounty? ... index.html

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 7:13 am
by DMac
Yes, again. Timing, shmiming....question is, do you find it unbelievable?
Don't forget, when you're a big shot like Donald you can grab 'em by the snatch.
Let me guess what Donald's answer will be...she's not my type.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 7:19 am
by cradleandshoot
DMac wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2024 7:13 am Yes, again. Timing, shmiming....question is, do you find it unbelievable.
Let me guess what Donald's answer will be...she's not my type.
She looks more like Bill Clinton's type. Maybe the poor woman was confused. Maybe Bill was there and trump and he had themselves a bimbo sammich?

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 7:52 am
by tech37
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2024 9:24 am
tech37 wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2024 8:40 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2024 8:29 am
tech37 wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2024 8:07 amhe wants the failed Biden/Harris admin to be defeated and an end to the 4 yr disastrous policy outcomes they've produced, across the board, only to be left with Trump as the alternative. It's a dubious position to be in but an honest one. I'm not some sort of enemy here seacoaster. You and others can't understand nor accept that difficult position because the hate and fear of Trump you're consumed with obscures all else.
"Failing...across the board"?? The CHIPS Act is in the process of revitalizing American manufacturing. Gun legislation has energized the possibility of a safer America. Inflation is falling. Unemployment is falling. The Stock Market is ROARING. Have you seen the price of gas lately? A big, effective Infrastructure bill that has even red state congressmen glowing about it. A big, serious attempt at Immigration reform that involved a LOT of compromise with VERY conservative members of Congress. Brushing all these things off seem to manifest YOUR fear and hatred of anything "liberal". It's a shame. The MAGA conservative view of what is "good for America" right now is what many of us "fear and hate", tech. ...and remember, character USED to matter to folks like you. That you people can totally look past the character issue now is just, well, deplorable.

Ha! Right...because the Ds and Biden/Harris admin have simply exemplified such "character" these past 4 yrs. :roll:

Don't fret dissss... you're phony actor candidate might still win.
Dislaxxic pretty much owned you here. And your comeback is an eyeroll emoji. For worse and better, the Biden-Harris administration has governed; they have tried legislative experiments that Americans used to expect from political leadership, some of which fail and some of which succeed. And by and large, if history is written accurately, the Biden presidency will be understood as successful and consequential, in an era when "bipartisan" is the dirtiest word in the GOP lexicon.
:D Good morning seacoaster! Heartening to see some Dems still have a sense of humor...

In reference to your brainwashed hyper-partisan friend's listing, it's a shame he couldn't add a few other notable issues.

But first, stock market? As you know the market is not the "economy" and whomever is POTUS doesn't really effect the market. And, gains in the market the past couple of years probably has to do with cost-cutting layoffs that boosted profits as well as an AI bubble.

Unemployment dropping? Due to creation of more useless government jobs? And, weren't the books cooked re employment? ... index.html

A few things disss just happened to forget:

1. Border crisis and all its repercussions. The Dems (specifically Biden/Harris) own this.

2. Ukraine war and its funding. Also, isn't it strange how Harris/Dems have embraced the once-despised neocons? Incredibly weird.

3. Inflation and actual economy. The looming disaster here is Harris's idea that the issue is price-gouging and no clue that pandemic spending the cause. This inflation also has effected real wages which were up pre-pandemic. What does over 1 trillion (with a "T") credit card debt tell you? Working Americans in the actual economy are really struggling.

4. Foreign policy ME. What happened to the Abraham Accords? Just look at condition a disastrous Biden/Harris policy re Iran has left the ME.

I could go on and on but you get the idea I'm sure. If I was "owned," ... fine by me. Peace... out!

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 7:53 am
by Typical Lax Dad
tech37 wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 6:06 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 6:02 pm
tech37 wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 5:59 pm Image
Trump is the guy that wants his Generals loyal like Hitler’s. Those are apparently his words not anyone here….so you are pro Hitler too?
"you sound stupid"... I'm pro-truth, what are you?
I have not forgotten…. What does your image have to do with Trump saying he wants his Generals to be like Hitler’s generals?….be truthful… what are you? Not pro truthful?

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 7:55 am
by cradleandshoot
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2024 7:53 am
tech37 wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 6:06 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 6:02 pm
tech37 wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 5:59 pm Image
Trump is the guy that wants his Generals loyal like Hitler’s. Those are apparently his words not anyone here….so you are pro Hitler too?
"you sound stupid"... I'm pro-truth, what are you?
I have not forgotten…. What does your image have to do with Trump saying he wants his Generals to be like Hitler’s generals?….be truthful… what are you? Not pro truthful?
I believe Hitlers most loyal generals committed suicide. Now that is a true sign of loyalty... :D

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 1:05 pm
by OCanada
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2024 7:55 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2024 7:53 am
tech37 wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 6:06 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 6:02 pm
tech37 wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 5:59 pm Image
Trump is the guy that wants his Generals loyal like Hitler’s. Those are apparently his words not anyone here….so you are pro Hitler too?
"you sound stupid"... I'm pro-truth, what are you?
I have not forgotten…. What does your image have to do with Trump saying he wants his Generals to be like Hitler’s generals?….be truthful… what are you? Not pro truthful?
I believe Hitlers most loyal generals committed suicide. Now that is a true sign of loyalty... :D
Some did some didn’t and were hung for war crimes even tho they were just following orders when they committed their crimes.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 3:33 pm
by NattyBohChamps04
tech37 wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2024 7:52 am :D Good morning seacoaster! Heartening to see some Dems still have a sense of humor...

In reference to your brainwashed hyper-partisan friend's listing, it's a shame he couldn't add a few other notable issues.

But first, stock market? As you know the market is not the "economy" and whomever is POTUS doesn't really effect the market. And, gains in the market the past couple of years probably has to do with cost-cutting layoffs that boosted profits as well as an AI bubble.

Unemployment dropping? Due to creation of more useless government jobs? And, weren't the books cooked re employment? ... index.html

A few things disss just happened to forget:

1. Border crisis and all its repercussions. The Dems (specifically Biden/Harris) own this.

2. Ukraine war and its funding. Also, isn't it strange how Harris/Dems have embraced the once-despised neocons? Incredibly weird.

3. Inflation and actual economy. The looming disaster here is Harris's idea that the issue is price-gouging and no clue that pandemic spending the cause. This inflation also has effected real wages which were up pre-pandemic. What does over 1 trillion (with a "T") credit card debt tell you? Working Americans in the actual economy are really struggling.

4. Foreign policy ME. What happened to the Abraham Accords? Just look at condition a disastrous Biden/Harris policy re Iran has left the ME.

I could go on and on but you get the idea I'm sure. If I was "owned," ... fine by me. Peace... out!
Legitimate concerns. but I think Harris will do A LOT better handling them than Trump (and Biden has done better than Trump would have). Especially with so much of Trump's cabinet gutted and refusing to work with him again.

Funny how Trump crowed about the stock market when he was pres. But now it's a nothing-burger. ;)

1. Trump did jack and squat to reduce illegal immigration his first term. He did a lot to reduce legal immigration though. This is more of a congressional matter as you know.

2. I wholly support Ukraine's fight for independence and sovereignty. I think Biden's done a pretty solid job under the circumstances and I'm good with our support. As long as we keep US troops out of harm's way. I trust Trump on this matter as far as I can throw him. I'm pretty darn strong, but he's just way too plump. If Trump had been in office, Putin have still attacked and Ukraine would have had much less warning. Russia would likely occupy most of Ukraine now.

3. Trump is responsible for most of that debt. He completely screwed up the pandemic, and had a huge hand in a lot of the inflation that happened after. Biden's done a lot better job on the debt than Trump by a country mile. Biden has also kept us with the best economy globally in regards inflation. We're doing way better than everyone else. I think Trump would have screwed that up massively as well and made us a lot worse off if he had won a second term. Trump is the self proclaimed king of debt. We're gonna spend like a drunken sailor if he's back in office.

4. I think Israel would be ruling from the river to the sea if Trump was in charge during the Hamas attack. He would have yelled out a gargling, full throated "go get 'em bibi!" With a stronger Israel response, we may have seen additional countries and entities attacking Israel, leading to a larger conflict. Trump just kicked the can down the road, and made a lot of Israel's enemies angrier.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 6:02 pm
by Brooklyn

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2024 11:54 am
by Brooklyn

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 9:13 am
by Kismet
Who's attending or tuning into today's BUND Rally at MSG????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 12:23 pm
by cradleandshoot
Kismet wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2024 9:13 am Who's attending or tuning into today's BUND Rally at MSG????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
NYC mayor should be in attendance. He should be sucking up to trump big time in case he wins. He clearly is going to be a liberal Democrat sorely in need of a pardon. :D

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 2:23 pm
by Kismet
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2024 12:23 pm
Kismet wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2024 9:13 am Who's attending or tuning into today's BUND Rally at MSG????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
NYC mayor should be in attendance. He should be sucking up to trump big time in case he wins. He clearly is going to be a liberal Democrat sorely in need of a pardon. :D
Steve Bannon gets released from Federal lockup Tuesday - too bad he'll miss the Bund rally today. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Speaker at the rally earlier today

“There’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico”

Pretty incredible how overt it all is. :oops: :oops: :oops: In NYC which has a very high percentage of residents/voters from Puerto Rico.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 2:35 pm
by OCanada
Trump’s Rubicon

Trump and Caesar? ... -politics/

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 2:48 pm
by OCanada
Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally ... rden-rally