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Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 1:45 pm
by Laxlegend
Are the Hornets tier one material ? Have not seen them play but their record looks impressive.

Checked out their roster and the shortest girls is 6 feet tall. Ranges from 6’0” to 6’5”. Maybe they should be elevated to the top of the heap !

What’s in the water out there?

Luv it

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 1:48 pm
by Laxlegend
Correction. Only 6’4”

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 1:51 pm
by valaxnewb
NFG4CHS wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 1:02 pm valaxnewb, I also failed to report that when Yorktown's player was injured, Coach Chen was the first one to get the ref's attention of the injury and he was the first out on the field to check on that player. So I guess he was an example of positive behavior when it really mattered most in your book. In my opinion, he actually prevented the Yorktown parent from looking worse and de-escalated the situation.
A fair comment and thanks for additional info. As a fan of the game, I hate to see ugly behavior take away from the play on the field.
Letemplay wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:17 am How about someone from the Athletic Department monitoring the stands for the unsportsmanlike behavior?
Way more effective than coaches shouting into the stands.

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:36 pm
Legend, are the Hornets tier 1 material? I've always said that I don't believe so but RU is correct in that their starters are solid and having a solid goalie is a tremendous asset. Coach Chen has them on the right path, the girls looked very solid against Yorktown and all the teams they have played thus far so dare I say, there is another team at the table. They have made a believer out of me. He has also created a non-traceable drug to make those girls tall from what I understand---relax valaxnewb, it's a joke. Go back to Stringfellow and grab a drink.

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:44 pm
by Chaw
I confess to having been overly vocal about reffing um, more than once from the stands, but I can't imagine singling out an individual player and jeering her.

These are high school kids, folks. Most of them aren't planning on playing in college. Let's maintain some perspective.

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:43 am
by FSUFan
Now that we are in the home stretch, of the regular season, would any of you gentlemen (or ladies in the house) like to pull an O.J. Simpson and make a Top 10 ranking at this point in the season?

(Get it? Take a "stab" at it 😜

I have not seen Herndon, Woodson, or Langley play yet, so I am going you defer to the folks on the Forum.

Re: A Poll That Doesn't Really Matter...

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:39 pm
by VALaxer
Ok. I will kick off my Bruno Magli’s and bite.

As things head into Spring Break for most teams, here is how I would vote if I were voting in a poll that mattered. :idea:

I tried to base this on what I’ve seen of teams, what I’ve heard from good sources, and comparative scores. It is based on where I see things now, and not where they may end up at the end of the year. I see a path for any of the top 4 teams to finish #1 in the regular season, so if you are setting tiers, there you go. Again, doesn’t mean someone else won’t win or make a run in the state tournament.

I don’t vouch for 100% accuracy of the W-L records or schedules, as many had to be pieced together and I may have missed something.
Nonetheless, here is my “stab” at it:

1. Woodson (6-3) – the defending champs are here until a VA Public knocks them off. That could come Monday vs. Langley, but the WTW scores vs ranked teams so far is impressive. Key wins: Oakton 16-3, South County 20-13, West Springfield 18-7. Key remaining games: Langley, Robinson.

2. Langley (6-2) – matching WTW almost stride for stride, makes one want to get out of work early to watch those two play at 4:00 on Monday. ;) Have a clear path to #1 by winning out, as they play the other teams in the top 4. Key wins: Yorktown 18-9, Wash & Lee 16-7. Key remaining games: Woodson, James Madison, Herndon. :!:

3. James Madison (9-0) – edges Herndon with more wins vs ranked teams and comparative scores. Path to #1 includes Langley winning out except against the Warhawks. Key wins: South County 16-5, Robinson 11-9, Yorktown 13-8. Key remaining games: Langley.

4. Herndon (9-0) – with the entire team listed as 6’ or above, makes you wonder what’s in the water out there and if they can bottle and sell it. Path to #1 includes Langley winning out, except for a sting by the Hornets. Key wins: Yorktown 11-8, Wash & Lee 12-10. Key remaining games: Langley.

5. Yorktown (8-3) – Patriots have played one of the toughest schedules to date, including a murderer’s row of Madison, Langley, Herndon and West Po consecutively. Get healthy and anything can happen for them in the post-season. Key wins: West Springfield 12-8, West Po 13-7. Key remaining games: Oakton, Washington & Lee.

6. West Springfield (8-2) – Coach P plays 4 freshmen regularly and they will only grow and gel with upperclassmen as the season goes along. Big home win vs. Robinson vaults them here, but will need to win on the road at South County to lock up #2 slot in Patriot District. Key wins: Robinson 16-11, Wash & Lee 10-7. Key remaining games: South County.

7. Robinson (8-3) – A tough week for the Rams, but they have a lot of experience to draw from down the stretch and in the post-season. Key wins: Oakton 10-7, South County 10-8, West Potomac 13-12. Key remaining games: Woodson.

8. South County (3-3 – pretty sure I missed some) – 13 goals against Woodson shows what this team is capable of. Key wins: George Mason, Westfield. Key remaining games: West Springfield, West Potomac.

9. West Potomac (9-2) – Beating everyone they should, and hung tough with Robinson. Their schedule gets tougher on the back end. Key wins: TC Williams (twice). Key remaining games: South County, Westfield.

10. Tie. Oakton (6-2) - The Cougars may have been forgotten about by some after the game vs. WTW, but they have quietly put together a nice season with a gauntlet down the stretch that gives them a chance to move up. Key wins: Forest Park, Battlefield. Key remaining games: Yorktown, South County, James Madison.

10. Tie. Washington & Lee (6-3) – beating who they should, and playing teams above them tough gets the Generals ranked here. Key wins: Fairfax. Key remaining games: Yorktown.

Re: I have trouble remembering one password...

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 1:01 pm
by UnderArmourOdor
FSUFan wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 12:24 pm Herndon has a top notch goalie that also plays for Cardinal. Don't forget about the goalkeeper!!
Letemplay wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 12:29 pm Herndon’s Goalie is a 2020 Capital Blue player. You are correct, she is TOP NOTCH!
Free Lep is not another alter ego...haha...never had one on LP and don't think I need one now!!!!

Re: Fine Morning on Georgetown Pike...

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 1:34 pm
by UnderArmourOdor
Langley hosted Stone Ridge at R & M Duke Stadium this morning! The Snack Shack was on point, no Taco-in-a-Bag (for our older readers) but Duncan Donuts & Chick-fil-A Chicken Biscuitsgets kudos. The rain had stopped, the sun came out and I sat with the Smoking Man in the stands. It sounded like Kerry Underwood jetted in to sing the National Anthem, an outstanding version! The unusual thing was the disparity between the private school visitors and the home team where it seemed like the home squad gave up 15-20 pounds & 4-6 inches per player to SR! Rarely does a private have a larger roster than a public but that was the also the case this morning probably because Langley only has one Senior, Simonides their Captain versus five Frosh on the roster.
Oh yeah the game...SR just smacked the Saxs in the nose at the start going up 4 in 4 minutes before Smith broke thru and Bean got Oohs & Aahs as she smoked in a sidearm shot from 10-11 yards out! Langley fought back to knot it at 5 with 13 minutes left but that was the last of the good news for the home squad in the half as the Gators got the last five! Langley came out from halftime fired up getting four of the first five scores in the second half forcing a TO from SR at 11-9 with 13 minutes left. What ever the Gators coach said was good as they got the next 7 before the Saxons scored the final two to make it 18-11 at the end.

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:20 pm
by FSUFan
Ravensworth = UAO

Liiar, Liar pants on fire!!

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:03 pm
OK all, my stab at top 10 FWIW without eloquent reasoning.
1) Woodson - Number 1 team from last year gets to stay at number 1 until someone says otherwise. Running on all cylinders and fun to watch.
2) Langley - Best positioned team to give Woodson a run and might do so this year. Any given Sunday.
3) Madison - Haven't seen them play so basing it off of other's reports and knowing that Coach Counts always prepares her teams. Not this year but keep an eye out for the next 2-3 or even sooner.
4) Herndon - What the heck were CHeeSe spines players, parents and admin thinking? Snow plow parents/admin, time to teach past and present players that uncoachable kids become unemployable adults that do not know the meaning of responsibility. Obviously blame game is what they teach best at Stringfellow but we all know otherwise after seeing Coach Chen's work with hornets.
5) West Springfield - On the rise and will make noise when it matters most. There's a reason why Coach Puhlick is a constant at WS.
6) Yorktown - Strong players, good coaching with advantage that 8th graders can play on JV high school teams in Arlington County. Coach Tran can and will develop that into consistently HIGHLY competitive teams.
7) Robinson - Should be higher in the ranks if Coach Prosser can be allowed to coach (see commentary on rank number 4) instead of worrying about BS noise. Amazing what a coach can do with good parents/players backing and amazing what cancerous parents/players can do to an entire program. Hoping that program realizes they have a solid coach and well, let him do his job.
8) West Potomac - Proof is in the pudding as to what she has done for the program. Fantastic coach.
9) South County - I was hoping to be able to rank them higher but I do not believe they played to their potential this season for whatever reason. Just may be a down year for a solid program which happens.
10) Washington & Lee - Missing one or two pieces to be at 5 or 6 but glad to see them perform well.

Breaking News

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:06 pm
by Dr. Tact
From a reliable source.....Langley beats Woodson 15-12 :o

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:46 pm
by Laxlegend
Yeah - that was the score. I dropped by to see it. I’ll throw my 2 cents in after “you know who” comes up with a reason that Woodson lost.

Re: Simple really...

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 1:53 am
by UnderArmourOdor
The Cavs were beaten by a team that had some really good motivation. Langley was better today no doubt. I'm just hoping that Stephan's ankle is OK as she was carted off after seven minutes after she was rolled up on from behind. An entertaining game as Cavs got the first goal after the half to get it to 8-9 but the Saxons got the next four. They had the intensity today and cruised to the victory.

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:56 am
by Laxlegend
Very fair assessment. 2 very good teams playing hard. I was impressed with the constant full court pressure put on by both teams. Less talented teams will have a lot of turnovers.

The top end talent of Bean and Chung are going to be tough to beat. If Langley has a fault I think defense is their soft white underbelly. But those 2 stars are probably enough.

Woodson team looks big. They play very physical.
I’m sure after a match with them you will know it.

No chic filet ! Pizza is $3 a slice.

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:43 pm
by shotclock
Sorry for the late post I have been traveling since the Saxons vs. Cavs match up. As they say everything comes full circle and as far as predictions go I think I was alone saying the Saxons's had the juice this year. Good match up but the cream rises and the talent at the underground headquarters in Langley has proven at least for now to be the best. Hope the Cavs get healthy and the rematch will be epic. :D

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:25 am
by FSUFan
Any games tonight or Wednesday? I miss the Laxpower schedules.

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:57 am
by VALaxer
:arrow: Langley vs Madison is Wednesday night at Langley I believe, as the Saxons put their new #1 ranking (I'm Ron Burgundy.... :?: ) on the line in a battle for the top spot of a bunch of polls that don't matter...

Yorktown - Oakton is also tomorrow at Oakton...

Re: 2019 Virginia Public GLAX

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:48 pm
by VirginiaTerp
Langley (H] 11 Madison 8

Oakton (H) 17 Yorktown 13

Riverside (H) 16 Battlefield 7

Liberty District Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:46 pm
by VirginiaTerp
Washington-Lee 10 Yorktown (H) 7

Herndon 13 McLean (H) 7

Langley (H) 19 South Lakes 4

Herndon and Langley play for Liberty District regular season title next Friday, have first round byes in Liberty District playoffs, and have automatic bids into Northern Region playoffs.