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Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 4:49 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
Trinity wrote:Moose and squirrel are lying.
Just a coincidence..... these two guys were looking for the bible study meeting.

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 4:57 pm
by Trinity
Is this where we launder our stolen money? You said no one will ever know, right?

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:43 pm
by dislaxxic
Why Russians Keep Visiting Mariia Butina in Prison

"Since her arrest in Washington, D.C., in July, Mariia Butina, the gun-slinging Russian student accused by the U.S. government of being a spy for her Motherland, has been languishing in a jail cell. Earlier this month, in documents arguing Butina should be held in detention because she is a flight risk, prosecutors revealed that Butina has gotten quite a bit of attention from top Russian officials.

According to the prosecution’s filing, the Russian government has conducted six consular visits to Butina and passed four diplomatic notes to the U.S. Department of State about her case. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has spoken twice to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to complain about Butina’s incarceration and prosecution. As prosecutors noted, in the days following Butina’s arrest, the official Kremlin Twitter account changed its avatar to a picture of her and launched #FreeMariaButina. RT—a Russian news outlet funded by the Russian government—has written a number of articles about her, decrying her prosecution and detention. According to prosecutors, “Russia has issued more diplomatic notes on the defendant’s behalf in the past month than for any other Russian citizen imprisoned in the United States in the past year. Put simply, the Russian government has given this case much more attention than other cases.”


Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:23 pm
by dislaxxic
Sorry for the long copy and paste, but this content is behind the premium firewall at TPM...

"A quick note on this new book by Greg Miller of The Washington Post. It’s called The Apprentice. I haven’t read it yet. I can’t have. It’s not out until October 2nd. But I’ve read the first excerpt published in the Post and several descriptions of its scope and emphasis. It sounds like the book, the reporting, I’ve been waiting to read, likely much more significant in its substance than the Woodward book that has gotten so much attention.

Yesterday, I flagged this excerpt which suggests that in their private calls, Vladimir Putin has continued to seed and press Trump’s belief that he is being undermined by hidden forces in the US intelligence community and “deep state.” This is not surprising. But the details are more specific than we’ve yet seen reported. Putin is on his side, the Russian President tells him. It’s the ‘Deep State’ which is undermining their goal of a new and better relationship.

As I said, this is not surprising. But reliably reported specifics are different than strong surmises. We have seen that President Trump repeatedly seeks out opportunities to speak to Putin in confidence, out of earshot of other Americans. There are frequent phone calls. Under normal circumstances, such phone calls are not private. Records are always kept by the US government, though I’m not sure we can be certain that’s the case now. But there’s more. There was the one-on-one conversation he was able to finagle with Putin in Hamburg, Germany last year, with no Americans present at all – not even an American translator. (I note here the strong circumstantial evidence that Trump based his false cover story about the Trump Tower meeting at least in part on this conversation with Putin.)

Only a couple months earlier, there was the Oval Office meeting the day after Trump fired James Comey in which Trump spoke with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with remarkable candor about how firing Comey had relieved him of pressure over the Russia investigation. Customarily highly confidential government records and transcripts are kept of such meetings. In that case, the record quickly leaked to the press.

Then there was Trump’s insistence on a private one-on-one meeting with Putin at the Helsinki Summit earlier this year. The President has tried and continues to try to have conversations with Putin which are not only hidden to the public but hidden to his own closest advisors. Given the larger context of the relationship between the two men, there is no innocent explanation for this fact.

We tend to think in too binary a manner about how intelligence operatives exert influence and control over collaborators. It’s seldom pure carrot or stick – an embarrassing videotape that Putin somehow holds over Trump or some massive cash deal. Most people – especially people as manipulable and psychologically transparent as Trump – develop strong bonds with people who can either hurt or protect them. Whatever the nature of the bond between these two men – Trump and Putin – the still obscure relationship between the two men which was coming into view in 2016 not only continues but has deepened. It’s not clear the two men had ever spoken directly before Trump became President. They appear to talk frequently now, frequently in secret, hidden even from Trump’s pliant advisors.

Even with all the great and diligent reporting we have seen, I have little doubt that we only know the thinnest outline of the complete story, much of which we almost certainly won’t learn while Trump remains in power. Actual congressional oversight can start to change this, but only in part. There is probably much more investigators in the Office of Special Counsel know. But that is a criminal investigation, only in part a counter-intelligence or counter-espionage investigation. There are in any case steep barriers to how much the President can be investigated on that front anyway. It’s a bad situation and looks certain to get worse."


Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:37 am
by CU88
Shocker, the FBI "trapped" another r. ... afc820f37f

KT McFarland lied to the FBI and Congress about a critical event in the Russia probe.

Why do so many current and former o d WH officials keep lying to the American people about Russia?

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 12:39 pm
by a fan
He's just lying about a "process crime", CU88. That "doesn't count".

The upcoming comedy of watching Republican America trying to tell their fellow Americans that lying is bad when a Democrat is back in the White House is going to be something to behold.

Who knew that the correct response to Obama's "you can keep your doctor lie" was : "so what, that's not even a process crime, so lies are cool".

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 12:54 pm
by Chips O'Toole
[quote="a fan"]He's just lying about a "process crime", CU88. That "doesn't count".


Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:28 am
by dislaxxic
This account of Ms. McFarland's story is not behind the WaPo subscription firewall:


There seem to have been a LOT of "un-forgettings" as Bobby Three Sticks flips more and more of these rodents...another reason why the investigation is likely to continue up to much closer to the 2020 election cycle.


Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:55 am
by dislaxxic

Thats: House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the haunt of dirtbag Devon Nunes. When (if) Jerry Nadler gets the gavel on that committee...some REAL investigating is likely to commence...

"Yet, at least as laid out by Mueller’s team, the election year hack started elsewhere — with Podesta, then the DCCC, and only after that the DNC. It continued to target Hillary through the year (though with less success than they had with the DNC). And some key things happened after that — such as the seeming response to Trump’s call for Russia to find more Hillary emails, the Info-Ops led targeting of election infrastructure in the summer and fall, and voter registration software. Not to mention some really intriguing research on Republican party websites. And this barely scratches on the social media campaign, largely though not entirely carried out by a Putin-linked corporation.

HPSCI would get no insight on the overwhelming majority of the election year operation, then, by interviewing the witnesses they did. Of particular note, HPSCI would not review how the targeting and release of DCCC opposition research gave Republican congressmen a leg up over their Democratic opponents.

And while HPSCI did interview the available June 9 meeting witnesses, they refused to subpoena the information needed to really understand it. Nor did they interview all the witnesses or subpoena available information to understand the Stone operation and the Peter Smith outreach.

Without examining the other multiple threads via which Russia recruited Republicans, most notably via the NRA, HPSCI wouldn’t even get a sense of all the ways Russia was trying to make Republicans and their party infrastructure into the tools of a hostile foreign country. And there are other parts of the 2016 attack that not only don’t appear in these interviews, but which at least one key member on the committee was utterly clueless about well past the time the investigation finished."


Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:54 pm
by seacoaster
What the heck? ... f527d19af1

"BRUSSELS — The U.S. ambassador to NATO set off alarm bells Tuesday when she suggested that the United States might “take out” Russian missiles that U.S. officials say violate a landmark arms control treaty.

Although Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison’s comments were somewhat ambiguous, arms control experts said they could be interpreted to mean a preemptive strike. Such a move could lead to nuclear war.

Only after the comments drew a furious response from the Russian Foreign Ministry did Hutchison clarify on Twitter that she “was not talking about preemptively striking Russia.” But the diplomatic damage was already done.

“The impression is that people making such claims are unaware of the degree of their responsibility and the danger of aggressive rhetoric,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters, the Interfax news agency reported. “Who authorized this lady to make such allegations? The American people? Do ordinary Americans know that they are paying out of their pockets for so-called diplomats who behave so aggressively and destructively?”

"Asked during a news conference at NATO headquarters what the United States might do about a new class of Russian missiles that appear to violate the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, Hutchison said, “The countermeasures would be to take out the missiles that are in development by Russia in violation of the treaty.”

Sounds like she spoke without proper care for language and diplomacy.

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:28 pm
by runrussellrun
seacoaster wrote:What the heck? ... f527d19af1

"BRUSSELS — The U.S. ambassador to NATO set off alarm bells Tuesday when she suggested that the United States might “take out” Russian missiles that U.S. officials say violate a landmark arms control treaty.

Although Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison’s comments were somewhat ambiguous, arms control experts said they could be interpreted to mean a preemptive strike. Such a move could lead to nuclear war.

Only after the comments drew a furious response from the Russian Foreign Ministry did Hutchison clarify on Twitter that she “was not talking about preemptively striking Russia.” But the diplomatic damage was already done.

“The impression is that people making such claims are unaware of the degree of their responsibility and the danger of aggressive rhetoric,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters, the Interfax news agency reported. “Who authorized this lady to make such allegations? The American people? Do ordinary Americans know that they are paying out of their pockets for so-called diplomats who behave so aggressively and destructively?”

"Asked during a news conference at NATO headquarters what the United States might do about a new class of Russian missiles that appear to violate the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, Hutchison said, “The countermeasures would be to take out the missiles that are in development by Russia in violation of the treaty.”

Sounds like she spoke without proper care for language and diplomacy.
It's like arguing with wife #1, where the effect is worse than the cause.....did the Russians violate an arms treaty or not? What the heck is going on here?

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:50 pm
by OCanada
you tube in not a credible source in and of itself.

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:13 pm
by dislaxxic

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:03 pm
by Trinity
Pence is acting like a Russian PR flack today, worried about Chinese 2018 interference in response to Trump’s tariffs.

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:20 pm
by runrussellrun
Look, metoo# can post shining news articles: Published yesterday. Why can't we find this story on other MSM outlets? ... ier-before

Congressional investigators have confirmed that a top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election, and before the bureau secured a search warrant targeting Trump’s campaign.

Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from Perkins Coie, the Democratic National Committee’s private law firm.

That’s the firm used by the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign to secretly pay research firm Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence operative, to compile a dossier of uncorroborated raw intelligence alleging Trump and Moscow were colluding to hijack the presidential election.

Interesting that the HILL has no comment section for this article.

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:35 pm
by youthathletics
I heard that on talk radio today, I doubt it will get any traction since Mueller is laying off many on his team and winding it down....but it will ramp back up once the SCOTUS crap is over.

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:52 pm
by laxman3221
youthathletics wrote:I heard that on talk radio today, I doubt it will get any traction since Mueller is laying off many on his team and winding it down....but it will ramp back up once the SCOTUS crap is over.
Well, what will all the Ds have to talk about? Bad economy? The war with N Korea? Failed Trade Deals? The Trade War? Lower Wages? Hoping the US economy fails so they can win again? Nato countries not paying a fair share?

Collusion, Collusion, Collusion. Muy Roosia! :lol:

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 9:49 am
by dislaxxic
Russia Is Exploiting American White Supremacy Over and Over Again

I think a couple of Russia's "Troll Army" may be extant in FL...


Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:05 pm
by old salt
youthathletics wrote:I heard that on talk radio today, I doubt it will get any traction since Mueller is laying off many on his team and winding it down....but it will ramp back up once the SCOTUS crap is over.
Greg Miller, Wash Post natl sec reporter (& leak sponge), just out with his collusion best seller The Apprentice.
He summarized it, in depth, on CSPAN today : ... 6-election
Miller says (essentially) he expects no smoking gun collusion evidence & that Trump's Russian financial connections, though shady, may not be provably illegal.
He left the impression (my characterization & interpretation) that Putin's affinity for, & support of Trump, has scared the hell out of the Deep State & still does, ...& that they pulled out all stops to thwart him (& may still be).

The fact that he'd publish now, before Mueller reports out or indicts anyone closer to Trump, makes me wonder how much more "there is there".
The rest of the MSM is playing down speculation about more forthcoming collusion evidence & bombshells. Tamping down expectations.
The new narrative is that collusion is already there in plain sight.
In other words -- just more recycled, overhyped old news.

Re: All Things Russia

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:38 pm
by Typical Lax Dad