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Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:59 am
by dislaxxic
So Long, Megyn Kelly: Now We Know Your Racism Was Always Perfectly Sincere

"Kelly’s fall shows why we must abandon the myth that conservatives are just “performing” racism to roll the rubes"


Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:52 pm
by Brooklyn

evil5 evil thoughts & words

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:22 am
by dislaxxic

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:56 pm
by dislaxxic

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 11:25 am
by dislaxxic

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 3:43 pm
by dislaxxic

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:42 pm
by cradleandshoot
Dis you FLP folks have clearly shown you are more terrified from Fox news than you are from the Republican party. My own hypothesis of this is simply that the republican party is run my a bunch of chit heads that they can be easily manipulated by the FLP folks screaming their spittle all over them. Fox scares you folks because they can connect with a ton of disgruntled American middle class folks that despise republicans and democrats alike. The same old same old is not going to cut it for very long. America needs a legitimate third party that is willing to stand up for all of us that have had both political parties turn their backs on them. You can never drain the swamp because the swamp is the umbilical cord to what makes DC function the way it does. Trump may have had the right idea in theory... but he is too much of a self centered a-hole to ever make it happen. Thank goodness for my garden... can't wait for the spring. Home grown acorn squash with dinner tonight... :D

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:46 am
by seacoaster
"Dis you FLP folks have clearly shown you are more terrified from Fox news than you are from the Republican party."

I essentially think that the distinction between them is lessening with every week that goes by in the Trump Presidency. And the followers of that party have ceased functioning as self-governing people really have to function, and have simply stopped educating themselves about the issues of the day: what Sean and Tucker and Trump say is policy; what the "liberal fools" disagree with is good for us; etc. None of them appear to be thinking, and we have an occasional visitor to these pages who is a remarkably good exemplar of this.

How was the acorn squash prepared?

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 10:37 am
by holmes435
cradleandshoot wrote: Dis you FLP folks have clearly shown you are more terrified from Fox news than you are from the Republican party. My own hypothesis of this is simply that the republican party is run my a bunch of chit heads that they can be easily manipulated by the FLP folks screaming their spittle all over them. Fox scares you folks because they can connect with a ton of disgruntled American middle class folks that despise republicans and democrats alike. The same old same old is not going to cut it for very long. America needs a legitimate third party that is willing to stand up for all of us that have had both political parties turn their backs on them. You can never drain the swamp because the swamp is the umbilical cord to what makes DC function the way it does. Trump may have had the right idea in theory... but he is too much of a self centered a-hole to ever make it happen. Thank goodness for my garden... can't wait for the spring. Home grown acorn squash with dinner tonight... :D
It's not just the FLP folks, middle of the road disgruntled middle class folks like me think Fox is much worse than the R's. Fox has consistently shown to be the most inaccurate of the major news outlets, and people eat that stuff up. It stokes division and fear and puts out a lot of inflammatory stuff.

That by itself isn't too scary, but when the President of the United States tweets, gives speeches and makes policy decisions based off of Fox & Friends and other shows, it's extremely scary. Fox has more influence on the President than the Republican party.

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 11:07 am
by dislaxxic
You also have to remember that "FLP folks" to Cradle means anyone, and i mean ANYONE, to the left of Rand Paul on the spectrum. There is really no "center left" for our curmudgeonly gardener from upstate NY...


Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 12:31 pm
by runrussellrun
dislaxxic wrote:So Long, Megyn Kelly: Now We Know Your Racism Was Always Perfectly Sincere

"Kelly’s fall shows why we must abandon the myth that conservatives are just “performing” racism to roll the rubes"

I just learned about don lemon chanelling his inner hate for white people. Where is the outrage and calls for his firing? ... t-evidence

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 12:55 pm
by cradleandshoot
dislaxxic wrote:You also have to remember that "FLP folks" to Cradle means anyone, and i mean ANYONE, to the left of Rand Paul on the spectrum. There is really no "center left" for our curmudgeonly gardener from upstate NY...

Far Left Progressives. Dis the term defines very clearly the wing of the Democrat party that I refer to. The best analogy I can give you is that bible thumping far right folks that believe their religion is the answer to the nation's problems. The FLP extremists thump big gubmint controlling as much of our lives as possible. Both sides are extremely intolerant of anyone who dares to disagree with them. Both sides have collectively destroyed their respective parties. There is no longer hope of these parties trying to work together for the nation. The new objective is to ram your particular ideology down the nation's throat. It's for our own good of course. We just don't know it.

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:02 pm
by cradleandshoot
seacoaster wrote:"Dis you FLP folks have clearly shown you are more terrified from Fox news than you are from the Republican party."

I essentially think that the distinction between them is lessening with every week that goes by in the Trump Presidency. And the followers of that party have ceased functioning as self-governing people really have to function, and have simply stopped educating themselves about the issues of the day: what Sean and Tucker and Trump say is policy; what the "liberal fools" disagree with is good for us; etc. None of them appear to be thinking, and we have an occasional visitor to these pages who is a remarkably good exemplar of this.

How was the acorn squash prepared?
I cut my acorns in half. Each half gets a double pats of butter and sprinkle some brown sugar on them
Bake at 350 for about 30 to 40 minutes. Some folks prefer real maple syrup in place of the brown sugar. Don't forget to scrape out the seeds.

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:58 pm
by seacoaster
Yeah, we use maple syrup, but I am not sure that brown sugar isn't better, because it stands up to the baking better. Either way, sounds good to me!

I would bet that you think of me as a "FLP," although I never have. I am "left" on the social issues of the day -- in no particular order....

I believe in a women's right to choose whether and when to terminate a pregnancy;

I believe that the ballot box should be available without any meaningful hindrance to every American, even the unfortunate souls from whom white folks stole the land by taking and conquest; I believe that church and state should be separate, and that each is diminished by the infusion of the other into its sphere of action;

I believe that our First Amendment rights of free speech, political assembly and religion are crucial elements of a free life, but need to be balanced against one another;

I believe that a free and robust (and, consequently, occasionally badly behaving) press is a crucial backbone of a free society;

I believe we are a nation of immigrants, and however strong the urge to pull up the ladder, we must resist it;

I believe that health care and education are sufficiently important to modern life as to be "fundamental," and believe that if education was always understood to be a fundamental right, we would be a better, more robust, more informed and more courteous self-governing society.

I know, I'm a nut.

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:37 pm
by cradleandshoot
Coaster... brown sugar is the best choice. When you pull those babys out of the oven with that puddle of butter and sweetness all hot in the middle... mmm, mmmmm goodness.
When I use the term FLP folks I try to limit it to those of you FLP folks out there. The only people I know for certain to be true be FLP hard core believers are dis and Brooklyn. I have been tagged a number of times here as being a right wing conservative nut job. My most extreme conservative opinions, stated here many many times is I am an unrepentant believer in a government that lives within its means. Since both parties have tossed those principles out the window and run the bus over them I have little else to say about either party.

I was born and raised in a top to bottom democrat family. My parents both grew up in the teeth of the depression and both families worked their rear ends off and had little to show for it. They were no different than every other family that survived the depression. Strangely enough the principles of what democrats stood for as taught to us by my parents was to live within your means... how do you think mine and so many other families survived the depression? My parents were repulsed by the new invention by democrats of the "entitlement" mentality in this country. Nobody today can understand the difference between helping people in need and just giving them a handout because they are entitled to it. I am probably more pissed off because so many of the people I read here on this forum speak of a vile bastardization of what the democrat party is suppose to stand for. There was a phrase, popular in the depression from very poor yet very proud people who would sternly declare a refusal to be beholding to the government to help them out.

Enough from me. I don't want to or intend to label anyone here as to what their personal beliefs are... except for dis, he is a hardcore case. IMO the answers that are put forth by the FLP wing of the Democrat party have nothing to do with anything I can understand or comprehend. They seem to believe an ever larger and growing benevolent government is the keystone to prosperity and growth in America today. That is where we get to why our founding fathers gave us a constitution in the first place. They did not trust government and understood the government had to be restrained from becoming too powerful and overbearing on its citizens. The constitution is a document that limits what the government can do to its people.

The true hard core FLP folks hate the constitution with a passion. The term a bill of "negative rights" is often put forth because they resent the fact that the founding fathers were wise enough to limit what our government can do to us. They are more concerned about what the government can do TO US. What the government can do to me and regulate and control my freedom scares the hell out of me. It should scare the hell out of every one but what kid in school today or in the last 20/30 years is being taught about the constitution?

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:59 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
cradleandshoot wrote:Coaster... brown sugar is the best choice. When you pull those babys out of the oven with that puddle of butter and sweetness all hot in the middle... mmm, mmmmm goodness.
When I use the term FLP folks I try to limit it to those of you FLP folks out there. The only people I know for certain to be true be FLP hard core believers are dis and Brooklyn. I have been tagged a number of times here as being a right wing conservative nut job. My most extreme conservative opinions, stated here many many times is I am an unrepentant believer in a government that lives within its means. Since both parties have tossed those principles out the window and run the bus over them I have little else to say about either party.

I was born and raised in a top to bottom democrat family. My parents both grew up in the teeth of the depression and both families worked their rear ends off and had little to show for it. They were no different than every other family that survived the depression. Strangely enough the principles of what democrats stood for as taught to us by my parents was to live within your means... how do you think mine and so many other families survived the depression? My parents were repulsed by the new invention by democrats of the "entitlement" mentality in this country. Nobody today can understand the difference between helping people in need and just giving them a handout because they are entitled to it. I am probably more ticked off because so many of the people I read here on this forum speak of a vile bastardization of what the democrat party is suppose to stand for. There was a phrase, popular in the depression from very poor yet very proud people who would sternly declare a refusal to be beholding to the government to help them out.

Enough from me. I don't want to or intend to label anyone here as to what their personal beliefs are... except for dis, he is a hardcore case. IMO the answers that are put forth by the FLP wing of the Democrat party have nothing to do with anything I can understand or comprehend. They seem to believe an ever larger and growing benevolent government is the keystone to prosperity and growth in America today. That is where we get to why our founding fathers gave us a constitution in the first place. They did not trust government and understood the government had to be restrained from becoming too powerful and overbearing on its citizens. The constitution is a document that limits what the government can do to its people.

The true hard core FLP folks hate the constitution with a passion. The term a bill of "negative rights" is often put forth because they resent the fact that the founding fathers were wise enough to limit what our government can do to us. They are more concerned about what the government can do TO US. What the government can do to me and regulate and control my freedom scares the hell out of me. It should scare the hell out of every one but what kid in school today or in the last 20/30 years is being taught about the constitution?
"In the early 20th century entitlement spending represented about five percent of government spending: mostly health care spending. But the Great Depression changed all that. Starting in the early 1930s welfare spending expanded rapidly from two percent of total government to ten percent of total government by 1940, so that total entitlement spending reached 15 percent of total government"

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 8:37 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
runrussellrun wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:So Long, Megyn Kelly: Now We Know Your Racism Was Always Perfectly Sincere

"Kelly’s fall shows why we must abandon the myth that conservatives are just “performing” racism to roll the rubes"

I just learned about don lemon chanelling his inner hate for white people. Where is the outrage and calls for his firing? ... t-evidence
whites arent a protected class. isnt this proof?

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:36 am
by old salt

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:28 am
by dislaxxic

Re: The Fourth Estate and Politics

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:26 pm
by Trinity
Salty, that’s funny.