North Region NCAA Qualifers

D2 Mens Lacrosse
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed May 04, 2022 8:02 pm

Re: North Region NCAA Qualifers

Post by jsmitty »

The way I see it right now comes down to the top 4 spots locked and then a log jam for the last 2 spots.

Some sort of LeMoyne/Adelphi/Mercy/Mercyhurst at the top

St Anselm likely slotted in at 5

Wilmington/Pace/Bentley/Seton Hill vying for the 6

With a Seton Hill win over Mercyhurst I think it would be hard to keep them out. However, with a loss there, Pace owns the head to head over Wilmington and split with Bentley so I feel that they would own the edge there for the last spot.
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