A suggestion about trolling...

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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Bart »

Dr. Tact wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:54 pm
Bart wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:31 pm
Dr. Tact wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:10 pm
Can Opener wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 1:41 pm Great post, 8Meter. I promise not to chirp any posters unless they criticize my daughter first.

Edit: Oops, I mean my favorite player.
That was the reason that I left Fanlax for a while this Spring.
Interesting, the difference between perception (mine) and reality (yours). I had always perceived your daughters team was spared the most raucous chirping. I guess I was wrong. That sucks, sorry you had to leave because of it.

edit:just read your response in the other thread. I see it now.....
I don't mind the discussion about Loyola and their women's lacrosse team in general....I am often the one talking the Hounds hyperbole down just for sarcastic fun, but...the glee someone got in describing a loss got to me, personally. Not sure that it warranted any time out for the poster, but I needed to take the time out for myself. Sort of a giving up something I liked for Lent and clearing my feelings of sadness, disappointment and negative thoughts about a post.

I have come to a better place regarding the Hounds and their losses. Life is too short to let someone's comments in an anonymous forum upset me. That is as much a resolution about myself as it is about a post that upset me. It just is sad to have to think about it.....it is just a game and there will always be folks who want to P on your parade.
That is to bad. Just enjoy your kids days on the field. You'll be looking in the review mirror soon enough. It truly goes by fast.
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Bart wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:13 am
Dr. Tact wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:54 pm
Bart wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:31 pm
Dr. Tact wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:10 pm
Can Opener wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 1:41 pm Great post, 8Meter. I promise not to chirp any posters unless they criticize my daughter first.

Edit: Oops, I mean my favorite player.
That was the reason that I left Fanlax for a while this Spring.
Interesting, the difference between perception (mine) and reality (yours). I had always perceived your daughters team was spared the most raucous chirping. I guess I was wrong. That sucks, sorry you had to leave because of it.

edit:just read your response in the other thread. I see it now.....
I don't mind the discussion about Loyola and their women's lacrosse team in general....I am often the one talking the Hounds hyperbole down just for sarcastic fun, but...the glee someone got in describing a loss got to me, personally. Not sure that it warranted any time out for the poster, but I needed to take the time out for myself. Sort of a giving up something I liked for Lent and clearing my feelings of sadness, disappointment and negative thoughts about a post.

I have come to a better place regarding the Hounds and their losses. Life is too short to let someone's comments in an anonymous forum upset me. That is as much a resolution about myself as it is about a post that upset me. It just is sad to have to think about it.....it is just a game and there will always be folks who want to P on your parade.
That is to bad. Just enjoy your kids days on the field. You'll be looking in the review mirror soon enough. It truly goes by fast.
Good advice. Enjoy the good.

As someone who suffered some brutal losses as well as thrilling victories, it does 'hurt' when someone says something strongly negative or dismissive about one's team...even more so, perhaps, if targeted at you individually...and way worse if targeted at someone you love or even their team and team mates. Whether just inadvertently or actually intending the hurt.

That said, it comes with the turf.
...in the arena, our kids are in the arena.
Her team is in the arena.
And that's what truly matters.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Matnum PI »

Theodore Roosevelt. Nice...
Caddy Day
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Dr. Tact »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:36 am
Good advice. Enjoy the good.

As someone who suffered some brutal losses as well as thrilling victories, it does 'hurt' when someone says something strongly negative or dismissive about one's team...even more so, perhaps, if targeted at you individually...and way worse if targeted at someone you love or even their team and team mates. Whether just inadvertently or actually intending the hurt.

That said, it comes with the turf.
...in the arena, our kids are in the arena.
Her team is in the arena.
And that's what truly matters.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
I get it and appreciate your comments and the quote. My issue was I was letting this forum and a specific user get to me. That should not happen. I can't control what others post, but I can control how I react to that. So, I gave up FanLAx for Lent.....now, I did lurk and read, but kept my Lenten sacrifice of not posting :twisted:

I have thick skin, most of the time...but you know how stoopid parents like me get when their little Suzy's team gets criticized ;-)
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Cletus »

8meterPA wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:38 am I would suggest to simply ignore the troll and all their posts, if you don't respond to them, the troll doesn't get their dopamine hit and they will eventually go away.
This is quote tagging 8meterPA but it is addressed to all.

With a view to call for a truce, I wrote what I have below.

Bugs Bunny said on more than one occasion: “He don’t know me very well, do he?” I feel like that is an appropriate line when it comes to how I’m viewed—especially in this post.

I enjoy interacting with other members. But ultimately, I write my thoughts and perspectives here at FanLax because I enjoy doing it and I enjoy writing, and I enjoy having so many avenues of interest—women’s lacrosse, NFL, NHL, Music, Movies, et al.—to write about here. I’m indifferent to whether or not anyone responds to what I write, though it is fun to have discussions with others and enjoy insights and humor together. I am also here at FanLax because I enjoy researching topics and providing information, links, stats, online resources and video clips when needed. I’m here because FanLax provides a great vehicle for creating, what with the image capability and YouTube embedding features along with all the other bells and whistles FanLax provides for crafting posts.

“I Never Played the Game” was the title of Howard Cosell’s book about his 33 years in broadcasting. The title is appropriate in my instance because I never played lacrosse. None of my kids played college or high school lacrosse. One of my sons played very briefly in middle school. My daughter never got interested in sports. My background in sports comes from the streets of the inner city of Boston. We played street hockey, baseball and football (touch and tackle) when I was growing up. I never played sports in school. But I have had a love affair with sports for as far back as I can remember. My folks picked up a 1964 NFL record book paperback for me at a yard sale when I was an adolescent. I used to pore over the stats and standings and individual records in that book for hours. Over the years my interest has waned in some areas—namely baseball and hockey for different reasons. But then I happened on women’s lacrosse on espn3 back during the 2014 season. A Syracuse game with Kayla Treanor. I was wowed instantly. I can trace it accurately because I remember Halle Majorana joining the team the next season. It was great watching Treanor and the Orange in ’14, but even more so after Majorana joined the team, because she was a little chippy and had a little attitude about her and she was a good player. Always a winning combination in a player for me.

As far as talking about sports, I cut my teeth listening to Eddie Andelman and the Sports Huddle on Boston radio, and others as time went by. There was also the constant discussion at school, work and amongst family and friends about sports. Boston has a vibrant sports community with four long standing and well established franchises in the four major sports. So there was sports to talk about year round. That’s where I learned to talk sports. I’m no one special. I’m just a blue collar scrub with a high school diploma who loves talking (and writing about) sports. Many of my posts have been mischaracterized as trolls. It simply isn’t the case. Are there some troll posts among the over 2000 posts of mine? Of course. It’s part of my sports upbringing, if you will, to troll occasionally. But most that get labeled as troll posts by some aren’t intended to be trolls. My definition of elite is my genuine feeling on the matter. I don’t care whether anyone agrees with it—it’s how I see it. But it was not meant as a troll—I can assure you.

Just to give a little background on where I came from to perhaps lend some perspective on where I’m coming from in my posts. As some of us know there has been a lot of rancor and fighting lately, which I find unpleasant as I’m sure many of you do. Doc used the word “bombastic” to describe some of my posts. He was right. A very well chosen and appropriate word did the good doctor use. And after Matnum’s gentle appeal, I saw that I could certainly sacrifice certain words and phrases to be more harmonious on these boards. I think Doc and I have a tentative peace/truce going as evidenced by our recent light exchange over on the Virginia Tech topic. Doc extended the olive branch and I took it. At least that’s how I see it anyway. So I would like to follow suit and extend the olive branch myself. I’ll play nice with you if you play nice with me. This doesn’t mean I’m going to stop writing my own perspectives--whether some find them controversial or not--but I will endeavor to be less bombastic. It's much more enjoyable to get along with folks than it is to fight with them.

So, that's part of my written story, with all its grammatical faults. But it is sincere.
Last edited by Cletus on Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:53 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Great example of how, when we actually take a moment and consider other's feelings as well as our own, we can communicate quite civilly, indeed in friendly fashion, even if we disagree.

Thanks to all who are trying.
No one's perfect.
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Matnum PI »

I was looking at the log files and reading and I have a question...

Two scenarios: In one case, there's a prime-grade jerk. A post-er who is just off-the-charts in terms of being obnoxious. Within a Politics thread will post comments that are by any objective standard racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. Again, objectively, I think few people would be hard-pressed not to call this post-er a troll. And, for the sake of argument, we want to contain, if not rid our forum of, trolls. In another case, there's a post-er who also says provocative things but his posts are (1) about lacrosse and (2) less personal. i.e. The first post-ers posts about blacks will strike a black post-er to their core. The second post-ers posts about Petro will annoy a JHU fan but to say it strikes him to his core seems exaggerated. None the less, within our forum, both these post-ers are called trolls. And, in both cases, groups of post-ers band together and openly call this post-er a troll and verbally attack him. I don't know if both are trolls but I do believe that these two trolls should not be treated equally. And, more than this, when a group bands together to attack the second troll, it seems like the penalty should shift from a post-er trolling to a group of post-ers bullying.

I know we've already touched on this but I thought it couldn't hurt to re-drudge this up. I guess my question is, How do we differentiate between a group of post-ers justifiably confronting a troll and a group of post-ers unjustifiably bullying an, at best, provocative post-er?
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by PizzaSnake »

Matnum PI wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:10 am I was looking at the log files and reading and I have a question...

Two scenarios: In one case, there's a prime-grade jerk. A post-er who is just off-the-charts in terms of being obnoxious. Within a Politics thread will post comments that are by any objective standard racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. Again, objectively, I think few people would be hard-pressed not to call this post-er a troll. And, for the sake of argument, we want to contain, if not rid our forum of, trolls. In another case, there's a post-er who also says provocative things but his posts are (1) about lacrosse and (2) less personal. i.e. The first post-ers posts about blacks will strike a black post-er to their core. The second post-ers posts about Petro will annoy a JHU fan but to say it strikes him to his core seems exaggerated. None the less, within our forum, both these post-ers are called trolls. And, in both cases, groups of post-ers band together and openly call this post-er a troll and verbally attack him. I don't know if both are trolls but I do believe that these two trolls should not be treated equally. And, more than this, when a group bands together to attack the second troll, it seems like the penalty should shift from a post-er trolling to a group of post-ers bullying.

I know we've already touched on this but I thought it couldn't hurt to re-drudge this up. I guess my question is, How do we differentiate between a group of post-ers justifiably confronting a troll and a group of post-ers unjustifiably bullying an, at best, provocative post-er?
I think an examination of the purpose of the "board" and the intent of those posting to it might help. Some post-ers are non-serious. That's okay. Some have what appear to be very odd agenda's, or just like to be abused so they post hyberbolic tripe. The "rules" of anonymous, impersonal discourse are certainly a challenge for those of us whose upbringing occurred prior to the age of the internet.

What might work best is a concerted effort not to indulge ourselves in "venting" or responding to nonsensical posts. I know I could stand to adhere to this course of action.
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Matnum PI »

PizzaSnake wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:57 pmWhat might work best is a concerted effort not to indulge ourselves in "venting" or responding to nonsensical posts. I know I could stand to adhere to this course of action.
I hear this and agree. With this said, when I see a, Gary Gait wasn't that good. I can laugh and ignore it or even make fun it. When I see an, Obama destroyed our nation and did it as reparation for slavery, it's simply harder for me to ignore. (For the record, I've never seen this on our forum. I have seen it elsewhere.) Whether the person typing this is a racist or a troll or a racist troll, I do not know. But I struggle to let it just sit there on the board, ignored or otherwise.
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Matnum PI »

PizzaSnake wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:57 pmWhat might work best is a concerted effort not to indulge ourselves in "venting" or responding to nonsensical posts. I know I could stand to adhere to this course of action.
Just took your advice in a different thread. So far so good...
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Matnum PI wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:10 am I was looking at the log files and reading and I have a question...

Two scenarios: In one case, there's a prime-grade jerk. A post-er who is just off-the-charts in terms of being obnoxious. Within a Politics thread will post comments that are by any objective standard racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. Again, objectively, I think few people would be hard-pressed not to call this post-er a troll. And, for the sake of argument, we want to contain, if not rid our forum of, trolls. In another case, there's a post-er who also says provocative things but his posts are (1) about lacrosse and (2) less personal. i.e. The first post-ers posts about blacks will strike a black post-er to their core. The second post-ers posts about Petro will annoy a JHU fan but to say it strikes him to his core seems exaggerated. None the less, within our forum, both these post-ers are called trolls. And, in both cases, groups of post-ers band together and openly call this post-er a troll and verbally attack him. I don't know if both are trolls but I do believe that these two trolls should not be treated equally. And, more than this, when a group bands together to attack the second troll, it seems like the penalty should shift from a post-er trolling to a group of post-ers bullying.

I know we've already touched on this but I thought it couldn't hurt to re-drudge this up. I guess my question is, How do we differentiate between a group of post-ers justifiably confronting a troll and a group of post-ers unjustifiably bullying an, at best, provocative post-er?
Interesting question.

The first 'troll' is a situation of purposely creating a highly incendiary, hostile environment with little to no effort for actual, civil discourse but rather simply to insult and incite anger. Outright lying both on facts, and in framing others...not simply misrepresenting/misunderstanding the other poster, but flat lying. We've seen this for sure. Zero value and tends to make the overall tenor far worse and unattractive...meaning it's so exhausting there is a real question as to whether it causes potential participants to simply leave/avoid.

We've also seen posts that typically include political cartoons that utilize some element of humor to make a point, but often are coupled with incendiary comments as well. It's definitely a 'trolling' behavior designed to provoke response. But typically not going after another poster, lying etc, just very, very pointed views.

The second sort you cite, on the lax threads, also has some examples from time to time. Some of this is posting stuff that is insulting to the primary fans of a particular school's board, say a UMD fan 'trolling' a UVA thread or vice versa. Insulting the coach, the players, the families, the fans...on purpose. Most of that is good natured, but not always. For instance, we did see some pretty darn ridiculous stuff intended simply to anger from an ostensible Loyola fan on the Hop thread (Men's)...not too surprising that the same poster emerged as currently the most egregious 'troll' on the Politics thread. Same basic intent. Insult and anger. Certainly doesn't make for a friendly place for fans of a program to discuss the ups and downs, ins and outs.

It seems that there's been some of this 'trolling' behavior in the women's threads, though more passive aggressive typically rather than saying really insulting things in sharp terms...but often pretty dismissive; and sometimes quite insulting about specific players and coaches, typically quite unfounded. And some folks understandably push back. I don't know where the line is with 'bullying' when multiple posters push back, as it seems to me that's generally the only recourse (for trolling) other than to simply ignore. Which really isn't what we want to do.

On the other hand, we also have heated exchanges amongst some lax threads amongst fans of the same program. Hop fans eat their young, their old, and anyone who gets close...on the other hand, the discussions tend to be very much as lax fans, simply with disagreements. I enjoy reading these guys when they actually discuss facts and tactics and strategies, etc. Less so when they pee on specific players, but it sorta comes with the turf when you choose Hopkins. Bad comes with the good.
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Matnum PI »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:34 pm I don't know where the line is with 'bullying' when multiple posters push back, as it seems to me that's generally the only recourse (for trolling) other than to simply ignore. Which really isn't what we want to do.
Why not? That's what Pizza Snake is suggesting...
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Bart »

Matnum PI wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:44 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:34 pm I don't know where the line is with 'bullying' when multiple posters push back, as it seems to me that's generally the only recourse (for trolling) other than to simply ignore. Which really isn't what we want to do.
Why not? That's what Pizza Snake is suggesting...
Because leaving it out there unchallenged gives it some sense of legitimacy?
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Matnum PI »

Bart wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:58 amBecause leaving it out there unchallenged gives it some sense of legitimacy?
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Bart »

Matnum PI wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:12 am
Bart wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:58 amBecause leaving it out there unchallenged gives it some sense of legitimacy?
and there in lies the problem.
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by 8meterPA »

Cletus wrote: Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:34 am
8meterPA wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:38 am I would suggest to simply ignore the troll and all their posts, if you don't respond to them, the troll doesn't get their dopamine hit and they will eventually go away.
This is quote tagging 8meterPA but it is addressed to all.

With a view to call for a truce, I wrote what I have below.

Bugs Bunny said on more than one occasion: “He don’t know me very well, do he?” I feel like that is an appropriate line when it comes to how I’m viewed—especially in this post.

I enjoy interacting with other members. But ultimately, I write my thoughts and perspectives here at FanLax because I enjoy doing it and I enjoy writing, and I enjoy having so many avenues of interest—women’s lacrosse, NFL, NHL, Music, Movies, et al.—to write about here. I’m indifferent to whether or not anyone responds to what I write, though it is fun to have discussions with others and enjoy insights and humor together. I am also here at FanLax because I enjoy researching topics and providing information, links, stats, online resources and video clips when needed. I’m here because FanLax provides a great vehicle for creating, what with the image capability and YouTube embedding features along with all the other bells and whistles FanLax provides for crafting posts.

“I Never Played the Game” was the title of Howard Cosell’s book about his 33 years in broadcasting. The title is appropriate in my instance because I never played lacrosse. None of my kids played college or high school lacrosse. One of my sons played very briefly in middle school. My daughter never got interested in sports. My background in sports comes from the streets of the inner city of Boston. We played street hockey, baseball and football (touch and tackle) when I was growing up. I never played sports in school. But I have had a love affair with sports for as far back as I can remember. My folks picked up a 1964 NFL record book paperback for me at a yard sale when I was an adolescent. I used to pore over the stats and standings and individual records in that book for hours. Over the years my interest has waned in some areas—namely baseball and hockey for different reasons. But then I happened on women’s lacrosse on espn3 back during the 2014 season. A Syracuse game with Kayla Treanor. I was wowed instantly. I can trace it accurately because I remember Halle Majorana joining the team the next season. It was great watching Treanor and the Orange in ’14, but even more so after Majorana joined the team, because she was a little chippy and had a little attitude about her and she was a good player. Always a winning combination in a player for me.

As far as talking about sports, I cut my teeth listening to Eddie Andelman and the Sports Huddle on Boston radio, and others as time went by. There was also the constant discussion at school, work and amongst family and friends about sports. Boston has a vibrant sports community with four long standing and well established franchises in the four major sports. So there was sports to talk about year round. That’s where I learned to talk sports. I’m no one special. I’m just a blue collar scrub with a high school diploma who loves talking (and writing about) sports. Many of my posts have been mischaracterized as trolls. It simply isn’t the case. Are there some troll posts among the over 2000 posts of mine? Of course. It’s part of my sports upbringing, if you will, to troll occasionally. But most that get labeled as troll posts by some aren’t intended to be trolls. My definition of elite is my genuine feeling on the matter. I don’t care whether anyone agrees with it—it’s how I see it. But it was not meant as a troll—I can assure you.

Just to give a little background on where I came from to perhaps lend some perspective on where I’m coming from in my posts. As some of us know there has been a lot of rancor and fighting lately, which I find unpleasant as I’m sure many of you do. Doc used the word “bombastic” to describe some of my posts. He was right. A very well chosen and appropriate word did the good doctor use. And after Matnum’s gentle appeal, I saw that I could certainly sacrifice certain words and phrases to be more harmonious on these boards. I think Doc and I have a tentative peace/truce going as evidenced by our recent light exchange over on the Virginia Tech topic. Doc extended the olive branch and I took it. At least that’s how I see it anyway. So I would like to follow suit and extend the olive branch myself. I’ll play nice with you if you play nice with me. This doesn’t mean I’m going to stop writing my own perspectives--whether some find them controversial or not--but I will endeavor to be less bombastic. It's much more enjoyable to get along with folks than it is to fight with them.

So, that's part of my written story, with all its grammatical faults. But it is sincere.
A scorpion wants to cross a river but cannot swim, so it asks a frog to carry it across. The frog hesitates, afraid that the scorpion might sting it, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument to be sensible and agrees to carry the scorpion across the river. The frog lets the scorpion climb on its back and begins to swim. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature - it's who I am.
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Bart »

Matnum PI wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:12 am
Bart wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:58 amBecause leaving it out there unchallenged gives it some sense of legitimacy?
And it never stops.
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Bart wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:28 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:12 am
Bart wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:58 amBecause leaving it out there unchallenged gives it some sense of legitimacy?
And it never stops.
Yup, and that's indeed the problem with trolls...it's one thing to spar occasionally, poke at a presumed 'opponent', but the incessant nature of the trolling, intended solely to insult and anger, and with little to no basis in reality...get's ridiculous and very, very wearing.
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by Baducchi »

I posted this elsewhere but want to also post it here with the hopes that it'll get traction. What if we had a "Trump Rule" where if a poster sounds a lot like Trump, behaves a lot like Trump, this is flag-able. Obviously if a post-er is joking or whatever, this wouldn't get a flag. But if the poster is posting lies and thinly veiled bigoted stuff and etc., he gets a warning for breaking the 'Trump Rule" and then he goes in the box. I think this may be a legit solution. I have lots of Conservative tendencies, lots of right wing perspectives (especially fiscally) and i freakin' hate Trump and hate the people he's spawned and encouraged. I want a Trump Rule. For real, I want a Trump Rule.
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Re: A suggestion about trolling...

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Baducchi wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:46 am I posted this elsewhere but want to also post it here with the hopes that it'll get traction. What if we had a "Trump Rule" where if a poster sounds a lot like Trump, behaves a lot like Trump, this is flag-able. Obviously if a post-er is joking or whatever, this wouldn't get a flag. But if the poster is posting lies and thinly veiled bigoted stuff and etc., he gets a warning for breaking the 'Trump Rule" and then he goes in the box. I think this may be a legit solution. I have lots of Conservative tendencies, lots of right wing perspectives (especially fiscally) and i freakin' hate Trump and hate the people he's spawned and encouraged. I want a Trump Rule. For real, I want a Trump Rule.
Posted in response that "Putinesque" would be more appropriate, Russian troll farm style trolling...misinformation/disinformation, outright lies, all tactics designed to insult, inflame, divide, undermine faith in democracy, make civil discourse impossible, etc.

Doesn't matter whether it's 'left' or 'right' it's the tactics.
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