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Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:49 am
by Can Opener
I don’t agree with the moves by Dartmouth, Brown and Stanford, but at least I give Dartmouth credit for being the most transparent about their motivations. This isn’t really about $ at any of these schools. They are not even giving alums a chance to endow these programs. It is really about freeing up those admissions slots. To be totally frank, if these schools are going to lower admissions standards, they would rather be doing it for students of color than golfers, swimmers and squash players. The only program that was kick saved at Brown was the track/XC team because it served a diverse community. The NYT did a fascinating recap of the campaign. I’m glad they prevailed, but worry about the future of collegiate athletics. ... field.html

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:31 pm
by Sportin' Life
Dartmouth has been down this road before. The college axed its men's and women's swim programs in '03. Students, parents and alums lobbied the board and administration and raised over $2MM in endowed funds to save it. Unfortunately, in the years since, the teams have not enjoyed consistent success in the pool. (This is more true of the men's squad than the women's squad.)

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 4:40 pm
by Comeonman
You got me, old timer Maryland boy and lax fan. My bad.

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:09 pm
by The Orfling
Can Opener wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:49 am I don’t agree with the moves by Dartmouth, Brown and Stanford, but at least I give Dartmouth credit for being the most transparent about their motivations. This isn’t really about $ at any of these schools. They are not even giving alums a chance to endow these programs. It is really about freeing up those admissions slots. To be totally frank, if these schools are going to lower admissions standards, they would rather be doing it for students of color than golfers, swimmers and squash players. The only program that was kick saved at Brown was the track/XC team because it served a diverse community. The NYT did a fascinating recap of the campaign. I’m glad they prevailed, but worry about the future of collegiate athletics. ... field.html
I agree that Dartmouth has been commendably transparent. When Brown announced the cuts, I recall thinking it came down to "faculty, finances and fans."
Faculty: The Varsity Blues case was enormously impactful in shining a spotlight on "concierge sports" not accessible to broad swath of high school students that were the province of one demographic (essentially, highly affluent white families), and which drove up the percentage of athletes in every college class. Princeton went through this a little bit ahead of the curve when longtime Admissions Director Fred Hargadon retired -- the faculty said "why aren't we bringing in more five-star physicists as compared to five-star athletes?" I guarantee faculty at Ivies/Stanford/SLACS have put pressure on university administration to justify the high percentage of recruited athletes.
Fans: But wait! Plenty of sports that remain are not very demographically diverse. Which brings us to the fan interest/community building aspect of sports on campus. None of the programs that have been cut were big spectator sports. I think it's amazing to watch wrestling, rowing, swimming, or field hockey (cut at Stanford) in person, but none of those sports draw the fans that soccer, baseball, and lacrosse do, let alone basketball, football, and hockey.
Finances: Not much to say there -- it's pretty obvious. Times were getting tougher for universities even before the scourge of COVID-19. Varsity sports are expensive, whether it's about maintaining facilities or the number of full-time employees (remember, for every full-time employee you need to multiply the salary by about 25% to account for taxes/benefits paid by the employers). If you can get full-paying star students to replace your full-paying fencers and swimmers, why not go in that direction, from a university's perspective.

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:42 pm
by FannOLax
The Orfling wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:09 pm ...

I agree that Dartmouth has been commendably transparent. When Brown announced the cuts, I recall thinking it came down to "faculty, finances and fans."
Faculty: The Varsity Blues case was enormously impactful in shining a spotlight on "concierge sports" not accessible to broad swath of high school students that were the province of one demographic (essentially, highly affluent white families), and which drove up the percentage of athletes in every college class. ...
Finances: Not much to say there -- it's pretty obvious. ...
Interesting analysis. As for "concierge sports," I note that Dartmouth and other Ivies have kept men's and women's squash. Is there a sport that is more "concierge" than squash? Golf, a sport cut by Dartmouth (both men's and women's) might have some lingering elitist connotations, but having grown up in Ohio I know that small-town public high schools in farm-belt Ohio had varsity golf teams.... Ah, but finances: golf courses are indeed expensive to maintain, especially if the school has to do the maintaining without getting substantial revenues in return; and I guess squash probably takes just a bit of space in a field house / sports complex. Still, squash?? One supposes that those future hedge-fund managers must stay in shape somehow.

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:02 pm
by flyerfan17
so Dartmouth drops men's and women's golf and closes Hanover cc. Seems like the whole thing is built on a house of cards.Good thing the profs are making so much, couldn't have a school without them...

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:12 pm
by 10 10 2
Seems like lacrosse would be the next logical choice for these schools wanting to cut more "affluent white sports"

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:49 pm
by FWD
My sons don't play lacrosse at Dartmouth, but I often visit this site to check on my alma mater. I played golf at Dartmouth from 82-86 and have been very involved with the team since graduating. The mens and women team's alumni have been heavily involved in financing all aspects of the program. We have paid for the entire bill to get the kids south before the spring thaw. Money has gone heavily to equipment. Many alumni have gone on to major positions in the golf industry both corporate and course development and have philanthropically returned the favor. These same folks have poured countless money to keep the program thriving. The success of the men's team goes way under the radar for years not only have they stayed at the top of the IVY's and New England, but have traveled south and knocked off many an ACC/SEC school. This despite the geographic handicap and the need to practice in Leverone sometimes until May.

The school has only seen three coaches and to try and chronicle the accomplishments achieved by the coaching legends Bill Johnson and Tommy Keane would be impossible.

Only Cornell and Yale have their own college courses in the Ivy's. Harvard slums it at the Country Club, Brown at Wannamoisett, Princeton at Springdale all wonderfully run in town clubs with thriving memberships. Two points are first easily could have kept a team without the "Ranch" as most colleges don't have the luxury of a course on campus. Second the College hasn't put a single penny into the facilities the pro shop today is identical to as it stood in the 70's. The carpet is even the same, because the college has never figured out there is a massive Indian painted on the floor right inside the front door. The course was a step above local public track so never was there a major influx of cash. They just bleed money because nobody in the town would rush to join because there was NO ancillary facilities to make it a "club". The alumni offered every possible avenue to save the team including purchase of the club by investors. Answer was NO.

The answer was silence and now it's gone. The plan all along. Just remember the golf alumni have had as much passion for our sport as you guys do for lacrosse, and they summarily shut us down. So be very wary of any promises the college representatives make to you in regards to your "sport". The culture in Hanover has changed and my money will be heading elsewhere which is painful to type. Sorry so long winded.

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:56 pm
by flyerfan17
FWD wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:49 pm My sons don't play lacrosse at Dartmouth, but I often visit this site to check on my alma mater. I played golf at Dartmouth from 82-86 and have been very involved with the team since graduating. The mens and women team's alumni have been heavily involved in financing all aspects of the program. We have paid for the entire bill to get the kids south before the spring thaw. Money has gone heavily to equipment. Many alumni have gone on to major positions in the golf industry both corporate and course development and have philanthropically returned the favor. These same folks have poured countless money to keep the program thriving. The success of the men's team goes way under the radar for years not only have they stayed at the top of the IVY's and New England, but have traveled south and knocked off many an ACC/SEC school. This despite the geographic handicap and the need to practice in Leverone sometimes until May.

The school has only seen three coaches and to try and chronicle the accomplishments achieved by the coaching legends Bill Johnson and Tommy Keane would be impossible.

Only Cornell and Yale have their own college courses in the Ivy's. Harvard slums it at the Country Club, Brown at Wannamoisett, Princeton at Springdale all wonderfully run in town clubs with thriving memberships. Two points are first easily could have kept a team without the "Ranch" as most colleges don't have the luxury of a course on campus. Second the College hasn't put a single penny into the facilities the pro shop today is identical to as it stood in the 70's. The carpet is even the same, because the college has never figured out there is a massive Indian painted on the floor right inside the front door. The course was a step above local public track so never was there a major influx of cash. They just bleed money because nobody in the town would rush to join because there was NO ancillary facilities to make it a "club". The alumni offered every possible avenue to save the team including purchase of the club by investors. Answer was NO.

The answer was silence and now it's gone. The plan all along. Just remember the golf alumni have had as much passion for our sport as you guys do for lacrosse, and they summarily shut us down. So be very wary of any promises the college representatives make to you in regards to your "sport". The culture in Hanover has changed and my money will be heading elsewhere which is painful to type. Sorry so long winded.
Sorry to hear all of this, it's not surprising though. very sad

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 3:57 pm
This has nothing to do with $. As Can Opener pointed out, this is all about diversifying admissions. FWD is absolutely right about the golf course and I can confirm that a group of Alumni have offered to endow its operating cost at a minimum or even purchase it if necessary. At one point the College even floated what they thought it was worth. I believe the number was $25mm. Less than what we raised and spent on the new indoor practice facility. Easy Peasy.

I have seen this coming through the lens of Dartmouth Lacrosse and its recruiting activity in Fairfield County. In fact, you may remember that I wrote about this this past spring when I talked about the College's desire to diversify admissions away from certain communities:
DCIII wrote: Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:51 pm I can say with certainty that these tensions exist. What I can't say with certainty is how the admissions/development have chosen to deal with it.

As you rightly pointed out, Lacrosse has been, at least historically, a high income demographic sport. The same can be said of squash, crew, sailing, tennis, cross country and swimming. Not surprisingly, all of these sports target the same communities and often times the same specific schools. Communities and schools where there are already a significant number of academic, performing arts, legacy and let's be honest development candidates. If Dartmouth, at the same time, is trying to change the demographics of the overall student body in order to diversify away from these areas, then you will have fewer and fewer spots available for all of these candidates. The winners will be chosen by the mystical prioritization process.

Dartmouth is certainly not alone in its desire to reshape its student body, however it may be alone in its prioritization.
What's frustrating is that I know for a fact that you can check many of these boxes with the same candidate.

Maybe things will change after the $$$ campaign is over.
I have since had the opportunity to speak to some people involved (on both sides) and I can say with certainty that both Admissions and Development are starting to have a hand in where DLAX should be and shouldn't be concentrating their recruiting. Now we see that it might just be simpler to eliminate Sports that draw kids from these "over-concentrated" areas. Btw...Squash is safe because both Men's and Women's are legit top 10 programs and can collectively check the development box at the same time.

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:18 am
by MDlaxfan76
Comeonman wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 4:40 pm You got me, old timer Maryland boy and lax fan. My bad.

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:34 am
by MDlaxfan76
FWD wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:49 pm My sons don't play lacrosse at Dartmouth, but I often visit this site to check on my alma mater. I played golf at Dartmouth from 82-86 and have been very involved with the team since graduating. The mens and women team's alumni have been heavily involved in financing all aspects of the program. We have paid for the entire bill to get the kids south before the spring thaw. Money has gone heavily to equipment. Many alumni have gone on to major positions in the golf industry both corporate and course development and have philanthropically returned the favor. These same folks have poured countless money to keep the program thriving. The success of the men's team goes way under the radar for years not only have they stayed at the top of the IVY's and New England, but have traveled south and knocked off many an ACC/SEC school. This despite the geographic handicap and the need to practice in Leverone sometimes until May.

The school has only seen three coaches and to try and chronicle the accomplishments achieved by the coaching legends Bill Johnson and Tommy Keane would be impossible.

Only Cornell and Yale have their own college courses in the Ivy's. Harvard slums it at the Country Club, Brown at Wannamoisett, Princeton at Springdale all wonderfully run in town clubs with thriving memberships. Two points are first easily could have kept a team without the "Ranch" as most colleges don't have the luxury of a course on campus. Second the College hasn't put a single penny into the facilities the pro shop today is identical to as it stood in the 70's. The carpet is even the same, because the college has never figured out there is a massive Indian painted on the floor right inside the front door. The course was a step above local public track so never was there a major influx of cash. They just bleed money because nobody in the town would rush to join because there was NO ancillary facilities to make it a "club". The alumni offered every possible avenue to save the team including purchase of the club by investors. Answer was NO.

The answer was silence and now it's gone. The plan all along. Just remember the golf alumni have had as much passion for our sport as you guys do for lacrosse, and they summarily shut us down. So be very wary of any promises the college representatives make to you in regards to your "sport". The culture in Hanover has changed and my money will be heading elsewhere which is painful to type. Sorry so long winded.
Thanks for these insights re the golf program.
They are indeed cautionary, potentially relevant to lax and some other sports.

I suspect that the issue for the golf course in particular has long been the value of the land/location for College expansion.

That said, I agree that it would have potentially been possible to continue the team, though, as you chronicle, Dartmouth has major disadvantages in competing at a national level. Takeaway the advantage of having one's own course, certainly not a positive.

Stepping back, this is a sport that has had many years of declining participation nationwide, which may also have been a factor?

On the other hand, the alumni have been very supportive, so, it's quite cautionary for any team not fully endowed, like lacrosse.

Admissions pressure is an interesting factor.

It's going to be an interesting couple of years going forward.

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:46 am
by MDlaxfan76
DCIII wrote: Sat Jul 11, 2020 3:57 pm This has nothing to do with $. As Can Opener pointed out, this is all about diversifying admissions. FWD is absolutely right about the golf course and I can confirm that a group of Alumni have offered to endow its operating cost at a minimum or even purchase it if necessary. At one point the College even floated what they thought it was worth. I believe the number was $25mm. Less than what we raised and spent on the new indoor practice facility. Easy Peasy.

I have seen this coming through the lens of Dartmouth Lacrosse and its recruiting activity in Fairfield County. In fact, you may remember that I wrote about this this past spring when I talked about the College's desire to diversify admissions away from certain communities:
DCIII wrote: Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:51 pm I can say with certainty that these tensions exist. What I can't say with certainty is how the admissions/development have chosen to deal with it.

As you rightly pointed out, Lacrosse has been, at least historically, a high income demographic sport. The same can be said of squash, crew, sailing, tennis, cross country and swimming. Not surprisingly, all of these sports target the same communities and often times the same specific schools. Communities and schools where there are already a significant number of academic, performing arts, legacy and let's be honest development candidates. If Dartmouth, at the same time, is trying to change the demographics of the overall student body in order to diversify away from these areas, then you will have fewer and fewer spots available for all of these candidates. The winners will be chosen by the mystical prioritization process.

Dartmouth is certainly not alone in its desire to reshape its student body, however it may be alone in its prioritization.
What's frustrating is that I know for a fact that you can check many of these boxes with the same candidate.

Maybe things will change after the $$$ campaign is over.
I have since had the opportunity to speak to some people involved (on both sides) and I can say with certainty that both Admissions and Development are starting to have a hand in where DLAX should be and shouldn't be concentrating their recruiting. Now we see that it might just be simpler to eliminate Sports that draw kids from these "over-concentrated" areas. Btw...Squash is safe because both Men's and Women's are legit top 10 programs and can collectively check the development box at the same time.
Yes, we had a constructive, interesting exchange on this topic last spring.

I'm interested in what communications admissions and Development may have had about where "DLAX should be and shouldn't be concentrating their recruiting." What exactly may have been their counsel?

Are we seeing any of that reflected in the just announced class?

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:51 am
If you read back over my posts, I think it's pretty clear what the Coaches have been told. Limit your recruiting in areas and at schools that already have a significant number of academic, performing arts, and legacy/development candidates so as to avoid an over-concentration of students from those areas or schools. My read is that as long as DC wants to emphasize student body diversity and blind academic aid above all else, which they currently do, they will allocate the limited spots in these communities to legacy/development candidates and try to find their athletes from more geographically diverse areas.

Yes this influenced the most recent class but I'm not going to get into details as it wouldn't be fair to the individuals involved. DM me if you think that the information would be helpful to the Friends weighing in on this.

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:55 am
by Farfromgeneva
So Deerfield won’t continue to be considered a feeder school? If this also holds at others like Exeter and Lawrenceville does that have a trickle down impact on their status as some of the most elite prep schools in the country?

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:00 am
No. Potentially the opposite as the boarding schools offer geographical diversity in their athletes. The Schools at risk to this policy are Day schools limited to certain areas.

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:51 am
by MDlaxfan76
2 Lawrenceville
1 Deerfield
1 Philips Exeter
1 Brunswick
1 Avon Old Farms
1 Belmont
1 La Costa Canyon
1 Manhasset
1 Pittsford
1 Bronxville

Doesn't exactly seem like our recruiting is avoiding the North Eastern prep schools, particularly not in comparison to LI and Upstate powerhouse schools, private or public, or Balt or DC or Philly independent schools.

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:48 am Opening the 2021 thread:

From Coach Callahan.

Dear Friends,

I am thrilled to announce the incoming class of Dartmouth men's lacrosse players. This group of 12 young men will provide help in key areas on the field, as well as being positive additions off the field. They will be a valuable piece to our program’s success and I am excited to see what they are able to help us accomplish.

Logan Tucker
Hometown/High School: Greenwich, CT. / The Lawrenceville School
Club: Sweetlax Florida
Position: Face-off
Height/Weight: 6-1 / 200
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse, wrestling, and crew in high school career. 2019 New Jersey Under Armour Underclassman All-American. Midnight madness attendee.
Highlight Video: ...

Hunter Binney
Hometown/High School: Carlsbad, CA. / La Costa Canyon High School
Club: SoCal Bulls / West Coast Stars
Position: Goalie
Height/Weight: 5-11 / 170
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and football in high school career. 2018 West Under Armour Underclassman All-American. 2020 La Costa Canyon Male Athlete of the year. 2020 High School Sports Association Scholar Athlete of the Year for La Costa Canyon. 2020 Adrenaline Lacrosse All American. Junior year Lacrosse Co-Unsung hero. Senior year Football William Bennet Most Inspirational Player. Senior year Football 2nd Team All Avacado League Strong Safety. Senior year Football Dr. Pepper Most Inspirational Player 2019. Six-Time LCC Scholar Athlete. Four-Time San Diego Union Tribune All-Academic Team.
Highlight Video

Jack Cooleen
Hometown/High School: Princeton, NJ. / The Lawrenceville School
Club: Leading Edge
Position: Defense
Height/Weight: 6-6 / 242
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse, basketball, and football in high school career. 2019 and 2018 New Jersey Under Armour Underclassman All-American. New Jersey top 50 list Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years. Senior year top players watch list in New Jersey.
Highlight Video ...

Blake Brookes
Hometown/High School: Boston, MA. / Belmont Hill School
Club: Laxachuesetts
Position: Defense
Height/Weight: 6-4 / 218
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse, basketball, and football in high school career.
2018 New England Under Armour Underclassman All-American. Junior Year Lacrosse All ISL League. Junior Year Boston Lacrosse All American.
Highlight Video ... 1090d37466

Peter Lapina
Hometown/High School: Manhasset, NY. / Manhasset High School
Club: Tenacious Turtles
Position: Attack
Height/Weight: 6-0 / 175
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and football in high school career. 2019 Long Island Under Armour Underclassman All-American. Junior Year Lacrosse All Nassau county. Junior Year Lacrosse Academic All American.
Highlight Video ... ture=share

Henry Bonnie
Hometown/High School: San Francisco, CA. / Deerfield Academy
Club: 3D Norcal
Position: Attack
Height/Weight: 6-0 / 205
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and football in high school career. 2019 West Under Armour Underclassman All-American.
Highlight Video

Nate Davis
Hometown/High School: Bronxville, NY / Bronxville High School
Club: Westchester Predators
Position: Attack
Height/Weight: 5-8 / 172
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and cross-country in high school career. Sophomore Lacrosse All-League Class D. Junior year Lacrosse All League Class D. Junior year Lacrosse All Section 1. Junior year Lacrosse NYSSWA 2nd Team All-NY State. Junior Lacrosse All Hudson Valley. Senior year Elite 11 (Hudson Valley / Rockland).
Highlight Video

Cooper Higgins
Hometown/High School: Atlanta, GA. / The Lovett School / Phillips Exeter Academy
Club: LB3 Thunder
Position: Midfield
Height/Weight: 5’10/ 170
Accolades: Lettered four years in lacrosse at Lovett before his PG year at Exeter. 2019 South Under Armour Underclassman All-American. Sophomore year lacrosse Second team All-State. Junior year lacrosse First team All-State. Senior year US Lacrosse All American.
Highlight Video

Michael Mauricio
Hometown/High School: Westport, CT. / Brunswick School
Club: Eclipse
Position: Attack
Height/Weight: 5’7 / 172
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and wrestling in high school career. 2018 Connecticut Under Armour Underclassman All-American. Midnight madness attendee. Senior year Lacrosse Durkin Award.
Highlight Video ...

Ben DiGiovanni
Hometown/High School: Pittsford, NY. / Pittsford High School
Club: Sweetlax, NY
Position: Midfield
Height/Weight: 6-5 / 190
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and basketball in high school career. 2019 Upstate Under Armour Underclassman All-American. Senior year basketball captain and 1st Team All County. Senior year Basketball All State Honorable Mention. Junior year Lacrosse 1st Team All County. Sophomore Lacrosse Honorable Mention All County. Senior year Basketball All Tournament Team. Junior year Basketball All Tournament Team. Senior year Basketball Rochester Ronald McDonald Senior All Star. Senior High School Award – Marine Corp Distinguished Athlete Award.
Highlight Video ... 0b30f5c2ed

Preferred Walk-Ons:

Lenox Huh
Hometown/High School: Palo Alto, CA./ IMG Academy
Position: Midfield
Height/Weight: 5-10 / 165
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse during high school career.
Highlight Video

Kristof Proulx
Hometown/High School: Pembroke Pines, FL. / Avon Old Farms School
Club: Nations United
Position: Midfield
Height/Weight: 6-4 / 215
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and football in high school career.
Highlight Video

Go Green,


Brendan Callahan
Head Coach
Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:16 pm
by Farfromgeneva
DCIII wrote: Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:00 am No. Potentially the opposite as the boarding schools offer geographical diversity in their athletes. The Schools at risk to this policy are Day schools limited to certain areas.
If a kid spends high school in New England does it really matter if they are from somewhere else? I mean it checks the box, but we’re not talking Le Rosey or Eton.

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:18 pm
by Farfromgeneva
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:51 am 2 Lawrenceville
1 Deerfield
1 Philips Exeter
1 Brunswick
1 Avon Old Farms
1 Belmont
1 La Costa Canyon
1 Manhasset
1 Pittsford
1 Bronxville

Doesn't exactly seem like our recruiting is avoiding the North Eastern prep schools, particularly not in comparison to LI and Upstate powerhouse schools, private or public, or Balt or DC or Philly independent schools.

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:48 am Opening the 2021 thread:

From Coach Callahan.

Dear Friends,

I am thrilled to announce the incoming class of Dartmouth men's lacrosse players. This group of 12 young men will provide help in key areas on the field, as well as being positive additions off the field. They will be a valuable piece to our program’s success and I am excited to see what they are able to help us accomplish.

Logan Tucker
Hometown/High School: Greenwich, CT. / The Lawrenceville School
Club: Sweetlax Florida
Position: Face-off
Height/Weight: 6-1 / 200
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse, wrestling, and crew in high school career. 2019 New Jersey Under Armour Underclassman All-American. Midnight madness attendee.
Highlight Video: ...

Hunter Binney
Hometown/High School: Carlsbad, CA. / La Costa Canyon High School
Club: SoCal Bulls / West Coast Stars
Position: Goalie
Height/Weight: 5-11 / 170
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and football in high school career. 2018 West Under Armour Underclassman All-American. 2020 La Costa Canyon Male Athlete of the year. 2020 High School Sports Association Scholar Athlete of the Year for La Costa Canyon. 2020 Adrenaline Lacrosse All American. Junior year Lacrosse Co-Unsung hero. Senior year Football William Bennet Most Inspirational Player. Senior year Football 2nd Team All Avacado League Strong Safety. Senior year Football Dr. Pepper Most Inspirational Player 2019. Six-Time LCC Scholar Athlete. Four-Time San Diego Union Tribune All-Academic Team.
Highlight Video

Jack Cooleen
Hometown/High School: Princeton, NJ. / The Lawrenceville School
Club: Leading Edge
Position: Defense
Height/Weight: 6-6 / 242
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse, basketball, and football in high school career. 2019 and 2018 New Jersey Under Armour Underclassman All-American. New Jersey top 50 list Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years. Senior year top players watch list in New Jersey.
Highlight Video ...

Blake Brookes
Hometown/High School: Boston, MA. / Belmont Hill School
Club: Laxachuesetts
Position: Defense
Height/Weight: 6-4 / 218
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse, basketball, and football in high school career.
2018 New England Under Armour Underclassman All-American. Junior Year Lacrosse All ISL League. Junior Year Boston Lacrosse All American.
Highlight Video ... 1090d37466

Peter Lapina
Hometown/High School: Manhasset, NY. / Manhasset High School
Club: Tenacious Turtles
Position: Attack
Height/Weight: 6-0 / 175
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and football in high school career. 2019 Long Island Under Armour Underclassman All-American. Junior Year Lacrosse All Nassau county. Junior Year Lacrosse Academic All American.
Highlight Video ... ture=share

Henry Bonnie
Hometown/High School: San Francisco, CA. / Deerfield Academy
Club: 3D Norcal
Position: Attack
Height/Weight: 6-0 / 205
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and football in high school career. 2019 West Under Armour Underclassman All-American.
Highlight Video

Nate Davis
Hometown/High School: Bronxville, NY / Bronxville High School
Club: Westchester Predators
Position: Attack
Height/Weight: 5-8 / 172
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and cross-country in high school career. Sophomore Lacrosse All-League Class D. Junior year Lacrosse All League Class D. Junior year Lacrosse All Section 1. Junior year Lacrosse NYSSWA 2nd Team All-NY State. Junior Lacrosse All Hudson Valley. Senior year Elite 11 (Hudson Valley / Rockland).
Highlight Video

Cooper Higgins
Hometown/High School: Atlanta, GA. / The Lovett School / Phillips Exeter Academy
Club: LB3 Thunder
Position: Midfield
Height/Weight: 5’10/ 170
Accolades: Lettered four years in lacrosse at Lovett before his PG year at Exeter. 2019 South Under Armour Underclassman All-American. Sophomore year lacrosse Second team All-State. Junior year lacrosse First team All-State. Senior year US Lacrosse All American.
Highlight Video

Michael Mauricio
Hometown/High School: Westport, CT. / Brunswick School
Club: Eclipse
Position: Attack
Height/Weight: 5’7 / 172
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and wrestling in high school career. 2018 Connecticut Under Armour Underclassman All-American. Midnight madness attendee. Senior year Lacrosse Durkin Award.
Highlight Video ...

Ben DiGiovanni
Hometown/High School: Pittsford, NY. / Pittsford High School
Club: Sweetlax, NY
Position: Midfield
Height/Weight: 6-5 / 190
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and basketball in high school career. 2019 Upstate Under Armour Underclassman All-American. Senior year basketball captain and 1st Team All County. Senior year Basketball All State Honorable Mention. Junior year Lacrosse 1st Team All County. Sophomore Lacrosse Honorable Mention All County. Senior year Basketball All Tournament Team. Junior year Basketball All Tournament Team. Senior year Basketball Rochester Ronald McDonald Senior All Star. Senior High School Award – Marine Corp Distinguished Athlete Award.
Highlight Video ... 0b30f5c2ed

Preferred Walk-Ons:

Lenox Huh
Hometown/High School: Palo Alto, CA./ IMG Academy
Position: Midfield
Height/Weight: 5-10 / 165
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse during high school career.
Highlight Video

Kristof Proulx
Hometown/High School: Pembroke Pines, FL. / Avon Old Farms School
Club: Nations United
Position: Midfield
Height/Weight: 6-4 / 215
Accolades: Lettered in lacrosse and football in high school career.
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Go Green,


Brendan Callahan
Head Coach
Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse
Should check out Palmyra Macedon...

Hear the kid was the best student on the team from the father of a teammate.

Re: Dartmouth 2021

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:21 pm
by MDlaxfan76
If I recall the story correctly, Reeves was only an adequate, relatively unmotivated student going into his junior year, but caught fire with the opportunity to go to Yale. Great story, exactly what we would hope.