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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 10:55 am
by MDlaxfan76
runrussellrun wrote:MDLAX..... think things have changed? (since you LIKE the source)

In the need to develop a capacity to know what potential enemies are doing, the United States government has perfected a technological capability that enables us to monitor the messages that go through the air. (...) Now, that is necessary and important to the United States as we look abroad at enemies or potential enemies. We must know, at the same time, that capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left: such is the capability to monitor everything—telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn't matter. There would be no place to hide.

If this government ever became a tyranny, if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know. Such is the capability of this technology. (...)

I don't want to see this country ever go across the bridge. I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return.

As an aside. Do you think it's beneficial for a company that makes it living on corporate intelligence, operations and overall consulting, to be able to be the ones obtaining surveillance information? Funny, how company X underbid company M, to get a contract. And company X hired the same company that Eddie Snowed-INN (my hero) worked for. A NSA contractor? Gee....who held the contract?

But, it's ONLY trump bang1 bang1 bang1
I have no way of tracking what your point is here, Fatty, and how it relates in the slightest to the prior discussion.

Personally, I quite agree with Frank Church about the potential mis-use of technology "to impose total tyranny". That's why systems of restraints, checks and balances, and oversight, are so important.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 2:44 pm
by Trinity
Matt Whitaker’s resume says he was an Academic All-American at Iowa. He was not. Pretty big error to make. Not for a walking, talking fraud, but an acting US Attorney General? ... 32715.html

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:26 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Trinity wrote:Matt Whitaker’s resume says he was an Academic All-American at Iowa. He was not. Pretty big error to make. Not for a walking, talking fraud, but an acting US Attorney General? ... 32715.html
sheesh, there's no innocent explanation. This a lacrosse site. Anyone confused about whether being nominated as an Academic All-American in Lacrosse is the same as actually being one? NO!!

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:48 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Trinity wrote:Matt Whitaker’s resume says he was an Academic All-American at Iowa. He was not. Pretty big error to make. Not for a walking, talking fraud, but an acting US Attorney General? ... 32715.html
sheesh, there's no innocent explanation. This a lacrosse site. Anyone confused about whether being nominated as an Academic All-American in Lacrosse is the same as actually being one? NO!!
You mean he is lying...

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:49 pm
by runrussellrun
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Trinity wrote:Matt Whitaker’s resume says he was an Academic All-American at Iowa. He was not. Pretty big error to make. Not for a walking, talking fraud, but an acting US Attorney General? ... 32715.html
sheesh, there's no innocent explanation. This a lacrosse site. Anyone confused about whether being nominated as an Academic All-American in Lacrosse is the same as actually being one? NO!!
Don't know, but pretty sure YOUR Maryland AG lied about his lacrosse accolades. All American at Yale, he claimed, on his Monkey County bio at the time. He still claimed that he was all IVY record of that either. We know, we know....apples to sauce. But, willing to bet you voted for good ole Doug go go Gansler.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:58 pm
by Trinity
Fatty can find a equalizing prior offense on virtually anything a Trumper does. All of today’s lies can be justified in a limitless past. Brilliant deza.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:07 am
by wahoomurf
Mueller is an untrustworthy lackey: He claims he played lacrosse in college...hogwash.He wanted to serve in the Marines (the U.S. Marines). So he took the physical and was told he had some medical issues from his days as hockey and lacrosse athlete.He was told he couldn't get into OCS if they weren't addressed.So this scoundrel used that convenient excuse to TRUMP OUT of the Vietnam debacle.

In addition, Mueller is Episcopalian and can't be a member of Opus Dei. Santorum is,Scalia was and Alioto may be a member.And Paul Ryan is not Opus Dei.

Clearly this Mueller chap is not to be trusted.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:52 am
by Typical Lax Dad
runrussellrun wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Trinity wrote:Matt Whitaker’s resume says he was an Academic All-American at Iowa. He was not. Pretty big error to make. Not for a walking, talking fraud, but an acting US Attorney General? ... 32715.html
sheesh, there's no innocent explanation. This a lacrosse site. Anyone confused about whether being nominated as an Academic All-American in Lacrosse is the same as actually being one? NO!!
Don't know, but pretty sure YOUR Maryland AG lied about his lacrosse accolades. All American at Yale, he claimed, on his Monkey County bio at the time. He still claimed that he was all IVY record of that either. We know, we know....apples to sauce. But, willing to bet you voted for good ole Doug go go Gansler.

What year was the claim made?

I saw a 2014 article which made the All American reference....people make mistakes (not saying Gansler did not misrepresent....but people writing bios or articles can make mistakes.... that is why we have something called corrections and retractions.....)

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:58 am
by runrussellrun
Trinity wrote:Fatty can find a equalizing prior offense on virtually anything a Trumper does. All of today’s lies can be justified in a limitless past. Brilliant deza.
sure is easy to peg em off in the forest of TAATS. This guy WAS nominated for AAA, made a regional I am assumming he had a 3.3 gpa.

Yup......more concerned that the folks heading the US Treasury.....hence the IRS......know how to pay simple taxes. But, nope, didnt bother you a bit that Obama had em.

Got a great stocking stuffer, an oven mitt with a girl huggin pony saying "I hate everyone too " ... 0219&psc=1

get it?

TAATS......two years and NO charges. He's either the worst pirate the Commador has ever seen.....or the best, like jack sparrow.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:02 am
by CU88
Trinity wrote:Fatty can find a equalizing prior offense on virtually anything a Trumper does. All of today’s lies can be justified in a limitless past. Brilliant deza.
What will the r's say when the o d rump tape turns out to be real???

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:09 am
by runrussellrun
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Trinity wrote:Matt Whitaker’s resume says he was an Academic All-American at Iowa. He was not. Pretty big error to make. Not for a walking, talking fraud, but an acting US Attorney General? ... 32715.html
sheesh, there's no innocent explanation. This a lacrosse site. Anyone confused about whether being nominated as an Academic All-American in Lacrosse is the same as actually being one? NO!!
Don't know, but pretty sure YOUR Maryland AG lied about his lacrosse accolades. All American at Yale, he claimed, on his Monkey County bio at the time. He still claimed that he was all IVY record of that either. We know, we know....apples to sauce. But, willing to bet you voted for good ole Doug go go Gansler.

What year was the claim made?

I saw a 2014 article which made the All American reference....people make mistakes (not saying Gansler did not misrepresent....but people writing bios or articles can make mistakes.... that is why we have something called corrections and retractions.....)
People can make mistakes.... sounds like you are forgiving Gansler, or certainly NOT blaming him.......BUT Whittaker is bad bad bad bad. got it. Hypocrite.

Gansler shows up on NO all IVy or All NE list either. Whitaker DID get an academic award, albeit regional. Was in the running for AAA, as pointed out. So people writting HIS bio are deplorable. Like I guessed, you voted for Gansler. B/c, after all, people make mistakes. Beach week anyone? :D

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:14 am
by runrussellrun
CU88 wrote:
Trinity wrote:Fatty can find a equalizing prior offense on virtually anything a Trumper does. All of today’s lies can be justified in a limitless past. Brilliant deza.
What will the r's say when the o d rump tape turns out to be real???
Not an R, but what tape are you talking about? The tape with Billy Clinton and tRump on Epsteins plane having at it with lil kids? Hate them all.....why don't YOU?


Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:38 am
by Chips O'Toole
CU88 wrote:What will the r's say when the o d rump tape turns out to be real???
Good question. ... 16820.html

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:45 am
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote:
a fan wrote:
Chips O'Toole wrote: I understand that. I'm just saying -- and I'm afraid I have to agree with Salty on this -- it's high time for Mueller to issue an indictment of a high-placed Trump campaign official for participating in a conspiracy with a foreign government to defraud the US in connection with the 2016 election. It's time for Mueller to S or get off the pot. This Cohen campaign finance stuff is a side show that allows all of Trump's supporters to say it's all BS.
I said that from the get-go. Money laundering or felony campaign violations won't do it. Americans, sadly, don't care.

Look at old salt's response to Flynns commission of a felony. You have to be nuts to think that Trump fans care if Trump laundered Russian money. Or violated campaign finance rules. They have convinced themselves that it's part of doing business. Meeting with Russian spies elicits a "who cares" response in 2018.

They haven't thought about what message they are sending to even slimier politicians. But yeah, I'm certain it's smart to tell American politicians that we don't care if they commit felonies. :roll:
Chips has it right. He understands the priorities & what's at stake. Our worsening relations with Russia are too important to be used as a domestic political football. More sanctions + these Black Sea standoffs scare the hell out of me. If Trump is indeed compromised by Russian kompromat, every additional day he serves puts us at further risk. If Mueller does not yet have evidence of that, he's not likely too get it. If Cohen was in Prague, Mueller should know by now.
It appears that Mueller is just running out the clock until the incoming (D) House can take the baton to run Trump out of office & prevent him from reaching a rapprochement with Russia, because that's the Deep State establishment's #1 priority. They prefer another Cold War to (in their eyes) the possibility of another Yalta.

Put the Russia issue to bed. Let Mattis & Pompeo deal with Russia & run foreign policy. Then Trump can battle Mueller, the (D)'s & MSM for the next 2 years & let the voters decide if he should be removed via impeachment or voted our of office. It's too dangerous to keep playing these Cold War games with Ivan.
Time will tell.... I am glad Mueller works at his pace....not at the pace the media or the public wants to set.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 12:01 pm
by dislaxxic
It appears that Mueller is just running out the clock until the incoming (D) House can take the baton to run Trump out of office & prevent him from reaching a rapprochement with Russia, because that's the Deep State establishment's #1 priority. They prefer another Cold War to (in their eyes) the possibility of another Yalta.
and thank GAWD we won't get "rapprochement" with Russia ON TRUMP'S TERMS because that would be nothing but a colossal fork-up. He's is in SO deep with the Russian Mob, the Oligarchs, Boris, Natasha and Mariia Butina and her gun-toting nincompoops that we'd be messed up for decades. Anybody that thinks it'd be a good idea to let this Very Serious Genius do ANYTHING like establishing relationships with a foreign power ESPECIALLY RUSSIA is smocking dope.

oh by the way, for every "Deep Stater" that wants what this poster suggests re: Cold War, there are two that want the path that Don the Con wants, no doubt about it...


Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 1:34 pm
by Trinity
McClatchey says Cohen’s cell phone went to Prague in 2016? Just as Chris Steele suggested? And Cohen lied about it? Well, that’s not good news for Trump. ... 16820.html

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 1:43 pm
by dislaxxic
Is that the Smocking Cell Phone??


Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:00 pm
by ggait
TAATS......two years and NO charges.
5/17/2017 is Mueller's appointment date. So 19 months. #facts

When we hit the actual two year mark, we should talk about what Mueller has/has not produced.

I'll send you a meeting invite to save the date.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:43 pm
by ggait
The Cohen/Prague thing is just sooooo tantalizing.

If true, that one detail by itself would prove the whole shebang -- Col. Mustard in the conservatory with the candle stick!!

None of us knows whether this will turn out to be true or not. McClatchey reported this back in April and (after many months of skepticism) is doubling down on their story in a big way with a lot more details and sourcing. So maybe it is true. But after all this time, the WSJ, NYT, Wapo nor anyone else has confirmed this story. So maybe it is bogus. Is this Deep Throat and Pulitzer prizes? Or Al Capone's vault?

Good thing though. Mueller knows the truth on this.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 4:11 pm
by wahoomurf
Trinity wrote:Matt Whitaker’s resume says he was an Academic All-American at Iowa. He was not. Pretty big error to make. Not for a walking, talking fraud, but an acting US Attorney General? ... 32715.html
There is one among us that knows everything about Hawkeye as well as every other extant human on the planet. His specialty is creating or rephrasing or telling you everything FACT he knows about EVERY lummposter------including where they attended Divinity school.

Is Cosmo still round?