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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:58 am
by a fan
HooDat wrote:What we need is BALANCE

the liberals need the conservatives and the conservatives need the liberals.

Society needs people who want to try new things and ideas and it need people who say - hey, we may want to think a little before we try THAT....

But now, the conservatives never say wait, and the liberals (as symbolized by the Clinton machine) have lost sight of their ideals.

Both parties are more interested in the fight - and have forgotten WHY they fight exists .... for the betterment of society.... :roll:
Until the Republican party can change their "government is evil" BS, nothing will happen.

I've asked this before. This is a SERIOUS problem: how do you govern Republican voters when they are in 1000% denial as to how they'd be totally screwed without a large Federal Government. You know, like the checks we're cutting to Farmers because of Trump's trade game. HooDat, did you see Grassley and a few D Congressmen applied for those free checks for their farms? That.

Until you can get them to admit that, for example, UVa is a world class, government owned and operated entity.....we're stuck. Because any spending or idea will be rejected.

Another example? Whining about "solar subsidies", while ignoring all the subsidies oil and gas get. It's childish, and keeping our country from moving forward.

Remember how Obama and the R's did NOTHING for 6 full years while the R's feigned fiscal prudence? That. This BS act that Republicans are playing has to stop. Until it does, we're stuck.

Have you noticed what Trump is doing: he's giving Republican voters the ability to maintain their illusion of self sufficiency. And boy, do they LOVE that. Spending under Trump dwarfs what Obama spent. And yet every Republican on my FB feed is bragging that conservatism is winning. It would take me, oh, about 10 minutes in a face to face discussion to DESTROY these people and their childish notions that they aren't awash in borrowed Federal funding, and socialism is not only lining their's the only thing keeping them and their family out of the abyss. No one is challenging their ridiculous understanding of economics.

Witness the NYTimes that lays bare the fraud of Trump as the self-made man. I tried to tell you guy this----that all you had was Trump's word that all he got was $1 Million from his dad. Turns out, that was half a years allowance from daddy, and the actual inheritance was far larger. So as Obama said: you didn't build that.

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:17 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
a fan wrote:
HooDat wrote:What we need is BALANCE

the liberals need the conservatives and the conservatives need the liberals.

Society needs people who want to try new things and ideas and it need people who say - hey, we may want to think a little before we try THAT....

But now, the conservatives never say wait, and the liberals (as symbolized by the Clinton machine) have lost sight of their ideals.

Both parties are more interested in the fight - and have forgotten WHY they fight exists .... for the betterment of society.... :roll:
Until the Republican party can change their "government is evil" BS, nothing will happen.

I've asked this before. This is a SERIOUS problem: how do you govern Republican voters when they are in 1000% denial as to how they'd be totally screwed without a large Federal Government. You know, like the checks we're cutting to Farmers because of Trump's trade game. HooDat, did you see Grassley and a few D Congressmen applied for those free checks for their farms? That.

Until you can get them to admit that, for example, UVa is a world class, government owned and operated entity.....we're stuck. Because any spending or idea will be rejected.

Another example? Whining about "solar subsidies", while ignoring all the subsidies oil and gas get. It's childish, and keeping our country from moving forward.

Remember how Obama and the R's did NOTHING for 6 full years while the R's feigned fiscal prudence? That. This BS act that Republicans are playing has to stop. Until it does, we're stuck.

Have you noticed what Trump is doing: he's giving Republican voters the ability to maintain their illusion of self sufficiency. And boy, do they LOVE that. Spending under Trump dwarfs what Obama spent. And yet every Republican on my FB feed is bragging that conservatism is winning. It would take me, oh, about 10 minutes in a face to face discussion to DESTROY these people and their childish notions that they aren't awash in borrowed Federal funding, and socialism is not only lining their's the only thing keeping them and their family out of the abyss. No one is challenging their ridiculous understanding of economics.

Witness the NYTimes that lays bare the fraud of Trump as the self-made man. I tried to tell you guy this----that all you had was Trump's word that all he got was $1 Million from his dad. Turns out, that was half a years allowance from daddy, and the actual inheritance was far larger. So as Obama said: you didn't build that.
I have been saying it for years.... the only people that talk about how great Trump is as a business man is Trump and those that can profit from Trump. An independent analysis has shown that throwing his money in an index fund would have yielded a better return...... 'I got a small loan from dad"......

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:22 pm
by a fan
To continue my thoughts: how many ideas have we read at the Water Cooler by guys like you or tech37 on ways to get the government to work FOR us? Tons! I wish I could cite them from the old site.

How about: kill the Federal student loan program, and take all those billions and make public school free. More importantly, change Community College into trade schools that offers STEM training, and things like electrical training, pipe fitting, computer program, tool and die operation, etc.

Do we get any of this stuff from Republicans? Nope. We're almost two years into Trump. Can anyone name a large scale program Trump started to help the "forgotten voters" get and keep good jobs? Yeah, me neither. Why? Because FoxNews has made government the enemy. So Congress CAN'T help these people in a structured, smart way. So what do we do instead? Increase Federal spending, shipping money to them indirectly.

Drives me nuts. I was just talking about this with my brother yesterday: the problem with our country is that the 1970's era Republicans have left our Federal government. They guys (yep, guys) who believed in infrastructure and basic government services: clean water, solid education, world class infrastructure....are gone. The guys with the boring haircuts that kept the trains running on time.

I don't know how to get them back.

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:29 pm
by OCanada
When Trump's casinos went belly up creditors had to make a decision on how to manage the problem. He had debts of approximately 1 Billion. The western banks closed off his access to credit. Creditors decided they could get a better return if they negotiated a settlement rather than shoved him into bankruptcy. Had they decided otherwise he would have gone under. At that same time he began to take vast amounts of money from the Russians.

You cannot understand Trump if you do not understand organized crime. That has become even more apparent with the NYT pieces about various tax scams, illegal activity and his being removed from his position administering his father's will for cause

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:36 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
a fan wrote:To continue my thoughts: how many ideas have we read at the Water Cooler by guys like you or tech37 on ways to get the government to work FOR us? Tons! I wish I could cite them from the old site.

How about: kill the Federal student loan program, and take all those billions and make public school free. More importantly, change Community College into trade schools that offers STEM training, and things like electrical training, pipe fitting, computer program, tool and die operation, etc.

Do we get any of this stuff from Republicans? Nope. We're almost two years into Trump. Can anyone name a large scale program Trump started to help the "forgotten voters" get and keep good jobs? Yeah, me neither. Why? Because FoxNews has made government the enemy. So Congress CAN'T help these people in a structured, smart way. So what do we do instead? Increase Federal spending, shipping money to them indirectly.

Drives me nuts. I was just talking about this with my brother yesterday: the problem with our country is that the 1970's era Republicans have left our Federal government. They guys (yep, guys) who believed in infrastructure and basic government services: clean water, solid education, world class infrastructure....are gone. The guys with the boring haircuts that kept the trains running on time.

I don't know how to get them back.
Hey how about those Public Private Partnerships where the Private guys get all the money and the government and the people are left holding the bag......

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:32 pm
by HooDat
a fan wrote:To continue my thoughts: how many ideas have we read at the Water Cooler by guys like you or tech37 on ways to get the government to work FOR us? Tons! I wish I could cite them from the old site.

How about: kill the Federal student loan program, and take all those billions and make public school free. More importantly, change Community College into trade schools that offers STEM training, and things like electrical training, pipe fitting, computer program, tool and die operation, etc.

Do we get any of this stuff from Republicans? Nope. We're almost two years into Trump. Can anyone name a large scale program Trump started to help the "forgotten voters" get and keep good jobs? Yeah, me neither. Why? Because FoxNews has made government the enemy. So Congress CAN'T help these people in a structured, smart way. So what do we do instead? Increase Federal spending, shipping money to them indirectly.

Drives me nuts. I was just talking about this with my brother yesterday: the problem with our country is that the 1970's era Republicans have left our Federal government. They guys (yep, guys) who believed in infrastructure and basic government services: clean water, solid education, world class infrastructure....are gone. The guys with the boring haircuts that kept the trains running on time.

I don't know how to get them back.
so completely spot on!

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:46 pm
by dislaxxic
“We Need to Destroy the Republican Party”: A Conservative Luminary Calls for a Clean Start

Max Boot, lifelong Republican, laments the party's recent turn...


Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 4:39 pm
by dislaxxic
Brett Kavanaugh proves the Never Trump movement was a sham all along

"Most Never Trump conservatives refuse to admit what Kristol has: that the problem isn’t just Trump, but the Republican Party and conservative movement in general. Trump’s regressive social stances and hyper-partisanship are what make him popular in the GOP: If you are to opposed to Trump, then you need to challenge him on that terrain.

But when the choice is put out before Never Trumpers so starkly — either aid and abet Trumpism, or else side with Democrats — they choose the former, time and again. Partnering with the other tribe on something as important as the future of the Supreme Court is unthinkable.

“For the first time since Donald Trump entered the political fray, I find myself grateful that he’s in it,” the New York Times columnist Bret Stephens writes in his Thursday column. “I’m grateful because Trump has not backed down in the face of the slipperiness, hypocrisy and dangerous standard-setting deployed by opponents of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.”

When supposed Never Trumpers like Stephens write things like this, they are showing you who they really are. Believe them."


Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:25 pm
by HooDat
dis's post raises something I was thinking about in terms of never trumpers. Kav is obviously an "establishment" guy. Even W has been burning up the phones lobbying for him. Trump has been luke warm in his support - have we misinterpreted his "restraint" that is instead mild to little support? Perhaps Trump wanted him to fail so he could put up Barrett? But now it is about him......?

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:32 pm
by youthathletics
I honestly do not think it matters to Trump. In the grand scheme of things it is a win-win Trump whether it is Kav or next in line.

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 8:38 pm
by laxman3221
dislaxxic wrote:
“For the first time since Donald Trump entered the political fray, I find myself grateful that he’s in it,” the New York Times columnist Bret Stephens writes in his Thursday column. “I’m grateful because Trump has not backed down in the face of the slipperiness, hypocrisy and dangerous standard-setting deployed by opponents of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.”

When supposed Never Trumpers like Stephens write things like this, they are showing you who they really are. Believe them."[/i]

The Ds thought they could throw out some allegations and the Rs would fold. Picked the wrong POTUS the try that on.

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:07 am
by seacoaster
youthathletics wrote:I honestly do not think it matters to Trump. In the grand scheme of things it is a win-win Trump whether it is Kav or next in line.
Exactly right. He doesn't care about the Courts or any particular policy. He cares about being able to say he is fulfilling campaign promises; maintaining divisions among the voting popuiation; keeping his base riled and energized; and winning reelection. It is political venality at the highest pitch. And the GOP has effectively folded up and gotten in lockstep with him. The "future direction" of the GOP is about holding onto the spigot, not about policy as such.

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 12:39 pm
by HooDat
seacoaster wrote: The "future direction" of the GOP is about holding onto the spigot
just gonna say - this applies to both parties.....

I won't begin to imagine what motivates Trump - I think it is mostly about braggadocio with him.
seacoaster wrote:maintaining divisions among the voting population
this also applies to both parties, but only one has it embedded in their actual platforms.

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 1:17 pm
by a fan
seacoaster wrote:
youthathletics wrote:I honestly do not think it matters to Trump. In the grand scheme of things it is a win-win Trump whether it is Kav or next in line.
Exactly right. He doesn't care about the Courts or any particular policy. He cares about being able to say he is fulfilling campaign promises; maintaining divisions among the voting popuiation; keeping his base riled and energized; and winning reelection. It is political venality at the highest pitch. And the GOP has effectively folded up and gotten in lockstep with him. The "future direction" of the GOP is about holding onto the spigot, not about policy as such.

The R's are fighting for power for the sake of power. And if you look at what they are doing---the bills they are ACTUALLY PASSING-----they no longer have platform policies. They are all gone.

Notice no one is talking about Immigration Reform. It's been put on the shelf right next to Repeal and Replace. Trump has cracked the code: you don't have to actually DO anything in this nation as a leadeer. You just have to TALK about doing things, and make your base feel like he's "on their side', and it's "us against the world".

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 1:26 pm
by HooDat
a fan wrote: you don't have to actually DO anything in this nation as a leadeer. You just have to TALK about doing things, and make your base feel like he's "on their side', and it's "us against the world".
ding!, ding!, ding!, ding!

another winner

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 9:32 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
HooDat wrote:
a fan wrote: you don't have to actually DO anything in this nation as a leadeer. You just have to TALK about doing things, and make your base feel like he's "on their side', and it's "us against the world".
ding!, ding!, ding!, ding!

another winner
which is why it's sometimes instructive just to ignore the words. and look to the actions

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:23 pm
by a fan
And the letter by the name of the guy voting for a new bill.

Flyover America is about to take a dangerous turn. I'd love GGait to weigh in on this, but more than few legal pundits think that Mississippi et. al. are going to test Roe v. Wade in coming months.

If this happens, we're going to see businesses flood/trickle out of these States. And good luck with the brain drain.

And when this divide and conquer strategy of the R's comes home to roost----what happens to flyover America when the city libs get fed up, and stop cutting checks? Laugh at your peril.....the tax cuts are are a timebomb, waiting to go off. And if we hit a recession from the real estate bubble popping again? Buckle up, buttercup.

Elections have consequences. And if you ask me, most of them are unintended.

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:18 pm
by cradleandshoot
Anybody out there know how to get our old avatars back? Not great at navigating computers but I can't find a way as of yet. Fan... good to read your stuff again, I thought these boards were gone for good. headbang

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 1:13 pm
by a fan
BTW, since we no longer have a SCOTUS thread.....Republicans have now put two guys on the bench using questionable methods.

The odds that these choices will come back to bite Republican voters in the butt are through the roof.

They have forgotten that there's more to rule on than Roe V. Wade. For example, question to my Republican friends: do you think that the Citizens United ruling hurt your interests?

Be careful what you ask for, fellas. To quote Kavanaugh, with no understanding of the coming irony of his words: what comes around, goes around.

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:06 pm
by Bandito
Kavanaugh is the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States. Suck it all you losers. You lose. MAGA and Kav won. You and your idiot Democrats have awakened a sleeping giant. I expect a big Red Wave in 2018.
1. CNN Lost
2. Avenatti Lost
3. Schumer lost (both of them)
4. Pelosi lost
5. Harris Lost
6. Booker lost and is an admitted sexual assaulter
7. MSNBC lost
8. Hirono lost
9. Leaker Feinstein lost
10. Shelia Jackson Lee and her Ricin sending worker lost
11. All liberals in the US lost
12. Today is a wonderful day!

Imagine being a Democrat:
-You historically lost the 2016 election
-Every prediction about Trump failing has been hilariously wrong
-Two strong conservatives are now on the Supreme Court
-And your attempt to destroy Kavanaugh ended up uniting and energizing Republicans
Must Suck!

Kavanaugh #winning
Gorsuch #winning
Booming economy #winning
Tax cuts #winning
3.7% unemployment #winning
Regulatory reform #winning
Galvanized united GOP #winning
Democrat/media complex exposed #winning
Deep State exposed #winning