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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:04 pm
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:54 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:17 pm
ardilla secreta wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:08 pm This might be a good time to develop some reservations on selected fly-over states where these people can live their lives in the olde-tyme way amongst themselves and protected from the diversity of modern America. They can sustain themselves by digging up clean coal to power their energy needs and make their own steel and other goods to be sold to tourists. They can process their own meats and pick their own fruits and vegetables while cherishing the fruits of their labor. Just like when America was great.
:roll: ...yeah, that's what it's all about. When all else fails, play the race card.

There's plenty of clean natural gas for energy in flyover country. Check midwest food prices vs E & W coast.
Immigrant workers (legal & illegal) are thriving in ag & food processing jobs.
ahhh, by 'diversity' you were triggered..."race card" know this is the Limbaugh thread, right?
" protected from diversity " = race card & a myth. ... -Farms.pdf

Also on clean coal, natural gas from flyover country, replacing coal elec gen, is enabling the US to lead the planet in carbon reduction.

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:25 pm
by old salt
a fan wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:41 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:52 pm Perot’s conspiracy theorizing made it easier for establishment politicians and the media to dismiss him as a crank. But in hindsight, he was prescient in sounding the alarm about the challenges that economic globalization and mass immigration posed to the working class. Few other national politicians until Trump paid as much attention to the damage done by deindustrialization to families and communities in the left-behind parts of the country.
:lol: Right. What has Bernie's ENTIRE platform been for forty+ years?????

Yet we're supposed to credit Trump-----particularly when Trump was actually in power for four years.

....and laughably, and predictably, did precisely NOTHING to fix " damage done by deindustrialization to families and communities in the left-behind parts of the country."

And yet you're still claiming Trump would have been better for these people than Bernie.

Okay. Have it your way. Let's stay on this brilliant path that Trump set. I could use more tax breaks, I guess, right? :roll:
Yeah, nothing good happened for workers under Trump. Today the WSJ reported that blue collar job numbers have returned to pre-pandemic levels, while overall job numbers still lag pre-pandemic level by 5% ...& here's how things looked just before the pandemic hit.

Blue collar workers are now scarcer than white collar workers
The State of Blue-Collar Job Growth in 2020
January 13, 2020

Ten years after the Financial Crisis, the United States economy is booming. Expansion in sectors such as logistics, manufacturing, and retail is leading to blue-collar job growth, a condition that creates headaches for management due to higher wages and worker shortages.

Impressive Growth
The year 2019 marked the United States economy’s tenth consecutive year of expansion. Adjacent to a full decade of rapid economic growth is the continuous expansion of the job market. For instance, November of 2019 saw nonfarm payrolls surge by 266,000, beating the expected creation of 187,000 new jobs. The unemployment rate dipped as low as 3.5%, marking a return to the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Alongside this expansion was an increase in hourly pay rates. Economists expected a 3.0% increase in average hourly earnings from 2019—a prediction exceeded by the job market by 0.1%.

Menacing Shortage
Although high wage growth is fantastic news for hourly workers, the trend marks more negative tidings for employers.

The Conference Board—a nonprofit that publishes insights about the international economy—predicts that the labor market will continue to tighten in 2020. A recent blog post published by the group states that “while employment growth will somewhat moderate in 2020… the working-age population is barely growing and labor force participation rates are only slowly increasing.”

As a result, “employers hiring blue-collar and manual services workers will have a harder time recruiting and retaining current employees.” Combined with strong pay growth, low rates of entry into the blue-collar labor market will lead firms to compete for workers via wage hikes, improved benefits, and other perks.

A few days ago, the Wall Street Journal published findings that support the Conference Board’s assertions. They noted that half a million American factory jobs are vacant—a condition that has not been true for nearly twenty years.

Urgent Response
Executives across the country are scrambling to keep up with hiring demands.

For instance, the Wall Street Journal interviewed Michael Winn of Columbus Hydraulics Co., who stated that “we’ve had to get very aggressive with talent acquisition… we are having to draw people in from distant places.”

Because of high blue-collar job growth, most firms have indeed turned to raising wages. However, to truly stand out in the labor market, firms ought to rely upon non-wage factors. Gallup found that 78% of blue-collar worker churn has nothing to do with wages. Instead, employees quit because of avoidable factors, including slow career advancement, overwork, and lack of recognition from management.

In order to prevent vacant positions in 2020, employers must solve the qualitative issues facing every frontline workplace.

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:46 pm
by Matnum PI
New York Times' The Daily podcast today was about Limbaugh. Pretty good.

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 5:00 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:25 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:41 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:52 pm Perot’s conspiracy theorizing made it easier for establishment politicians and the media to dismiss him as a crank. But in hindsight, he was prescient in sounding the alarm about the challenges that economic globalization and mass immigration posed to the working class. Few other national politicians until Trump paid as much attention to the damage done by deindustrialization to families and communities in the left-behind parts of the country.
:lol: Right. What has Bernie's ENTIRE platform been for forty+ years?????

Yet we're supposed to credit Trump-----particularly when Trump was actually in power for four years.

....and laughably, and predictably, did precisely NOTHING to fix " damage done by deindustrialization to families and communities in the left-behind parts of the country."

And yet you're still claiming Trump would have been better for these people than Bernie.

Okay. Have it your way. Let's stay on this brilliant path that Trump set. I could use more tax breaks, I guess, right? :roll:
Yeah, nothing good happened for workers under Trump. Today the WSJ reported that blue collar job numbers have returned to pre-pandemic levels, while overall job numbers still lag pre-pandemic level by 5% ...& here's how things looked just before the pandemic hit.

Blue collar workers are now scarcer than white collar workers
The State of Blue-Collar Job Growth in 2020
January 13, 2020

Ten years after the Financial Crisis, the United States economy is booming. Expansion in sectors such as logistics, manufacturing, and retail is leading to blue-collar job growth, a condition that creates headaches for management due to higher wages and worker shortages.

Impressive Growth
The year 2019 marked the United States economy’s tenth consecutive year of expansion. Adjacent to a full decade of rapid economic growth is the continuous expansion of the job market. For instance, November of 2019 saw nonfarm payrolls surge by 266,000, beating the expected creation of 187,000 new jobs. The unemployment rate dipped as low as 3.5%, marking a return to the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Alongside this expansion was an increase in hourly pay rates. Economists expected a 3.0% increase in average hourly earnings from 2019—a prediction exceeded by the job market by 0.1%.

Menacing Shortage
Although high wage growth is fantastic news for hourly workers, the trend marks more negative tidings for employers.

The Conference Board—a nonprofit that publishes insights about the international economy—predicts that the labor market will continue to tighten in 2020. A recent blog post published by the group states that “while employment growth will somewhat moderate in 2020… the working-age population is barely growing and labor force participation rates are only slowly increasing.”

As a result, “employers hiring blue-collar and manual services workers will have a harder time recruiting and retaining current employees.” Combined with strong pay growth, low rates of entry into the blue-collar labor market will lead firms to compete for workers via wage hikes, improved benefits, and other perks.

A few days ago, the Wall Street Journal published findings that support the Conference Board’s assertions. They noted that half a million American factory jobs are vacant—a condition that has not been true for nearly twenty years.

Urgent Response
Executives across the country are scrambling to keep up with hiring demands.

For instance, the Wall Street Journal interviewed Michael Winn of Columbus Hydraulics Co., who stated that “we’ve had to get very aggressive with talent acquisition… we are having to draw people in from distant places.”

Because of high blue-collar job growth, most firms have indeed turned to raising wages. However, to truly stand out in the labor market, firms ought to rely upon non-wage factors. Gallup found that 78% of blue-collar worker churn has nothing to do with wages. Instead, employees quit because of avoidable factors, including slow career advancement, overwork, and lack of recognition from management.

In order to prevent vacant positions in 2020, employers must solve the qualitative issues facing every frontline workplace.
You know who has left the labor force?

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 5:57 pm
by a fan
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:25 pm Yeah, nothing good happened for workers under Trump. Today the WSJ reported that blue collar job numbers have returned to pre-pandemic levels, while overall job numbers still lag pre-pandemic level by 5% ...& here's how things looked just before the pandemic hit.
You're making my EXACT point. Hilariously so.

Why? Why are those numbers looking good, OS?

Trillions in borrowed dollars. $3.7 Trillion in new spending commitments BEFORE Covid. Then when Covid hit? Oh, a few Trillion more, but who cares, right?

That's it, my man. THAT is the Republican "plan" for the working class: Borrow trillions, and pretend like that's the same thing as a good economy.

Big Government as a substitute for private sector activity.

Remember when Republicans stood for things? Small government. Fiscal discipline. Minimal government interference in free markets.

And now that you and Republican leadership has figured out exposing American workers to the free labor market means unskilled American workers have to compete with unskilled workers in 2nd world nations? The Republican's economic "plan" is to borrow trillions on the Federal credit card, point to the money Americans have and say "see, our fake plan works awesome". Rinse. Repeat. "Dick-deficits don't matter-Cheney".

So yes, Old Salt, borrowing Trillions of dollars pumped money into the pockets of FlyOver America. And in other news, water is wet. :lol:

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:13 pm
by CU88
Matnum PI wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:46 pm New York Times' The Daily podcast today was about Limbaugh. Pretty good.
Thanks for suggesting this version.

I remember working at an engineering firm, in the early 90's, and the middle aged white guys LOVED his shock-jock hate schtick. They would xerox his "ditto heads" fax and post them around the building.

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:40 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:54 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:17 pm
ardilla secreta wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:08 pm This might be a good time to develop some reservations on selected fly-over states where these people can live their lives in the olde-tyme way amongst themselves and protected from the diversity of modern America. They can sustain themselves by digging up clean coal to power their energy needs and make their own steel and other goods to be sold to tourists. They can process their own meats and pick their own fruits and vegetables while cherishing the fruits of their labor. Just like when America was great.
:roll: ...yeah, that's what it's all about. When all else fails, play the race card.

There's plenty of clean natural gas for energy in flyover country. Check midwest food prices vs E & W coast.
Immigrant workers (legal & illegal) are thriving in ag & food processing jobs.
ahhh, by 'diversity' you were triggered..."race card" know this is the Limbaugh thread, right?
" protected from diversity " = race card & a myth. ... -Farms.pdf

Also on clean coal, natural gas from flyover country, replacing coal elec gen, is enabling the US to lead the planet in carbon reduction.
:D "the diversity of modern America"...necessarily means race? Can't be all sorts of different sorts of 'diversity' know, women with higher degrees in the workforce, gays, transgenders, religious sorts, Jews, Muslims non-religious...and all sorts of folks born abroad or with international work experience? I bet you can come up some other sorts of "diversity" that some in America want to hunker down and ignore or hide from...go back to those good old days of the 50's...?

But sure, race and ethnicity too, especially those uppity types with college degrees...gotta "protect" your job and family from those sorts...and oh my them illegal alien immigrants, so many rapists...

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:48 pm
by cradleandshoot
Funny how none of you libs recall Al Franken and Air America. :roll: you all whine and b***h about Limbaugh. What was Air America suppose to be but the FLP answer to Limbaugh. When Al was doing his Limbaugh imitation his hate speech didn't matter to you.. because Al was your flamethrower. Too bad he sucked and his show was an abysmal failure. 8-) he did okay winning election to the US senate before his perverted nature overcame his better judgement.

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:51 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:40 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:54 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:17 pm
ardilla secreta wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:08 pm This might be a good time to develop some reservations on selected fly-over states where these people can live their lives in the olde-tyme way amongst themselves and protected from the diversity of modern America. They can sustain themselves by digging up clean coal to power their energy needs and make their own steel and other goods to be sold to tourists. They can process their own meats and pick their own fruits and vegetables while cherishing the fruits of their labor. Just like when America was great.
:roll: ...yeah, that's what it's all about. When all else fails, play the race card.

There's plenty of clean natural gas for energy in flyover country. Check midwest food prices vs E & W coast.
Immigrant workers (legal & illegal) are thriving in ag & food processing jobs.
ahhh, by 'diversity' you were triggered..."race card" know this is the Limbaugh thread, right?
" protected from diversity " = race card & a myth. ... -Farms.pdf

Also on clean coal, natural gas from flyover country, replacing coal elec gen, is enabling the US to lead the planet in carbon reduction.
:D "the diversity of modern America"...necessarily means race? Can't be all sorts of different sorts of 'diversity' know, women with higher degrees in the workforce, gays, transgenders, religious sorts, Jews, Muslims non-religious...and all sorts of folks born abroad or with international work experience? I bet you can come up some other sorts of "diversity" that some in America want to hunker down and ignore or hide from...go back to those good old days of the 50's...?

But sure, race and ethnicity too, especially those uppity types with college degrees...gotta "protect" your job and family from those sorts...and oh my them illegal alien immigrants, so many rapists...
Old Salt is a race man.

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 7:05 pm
by Matnum PI
CU88 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:13 pm I remember working at an engineering firm, in the early 90's, and the middle aged white guys LOVED his shock-jock hate schtick. They would xerox his "ditto heads" fax and post them around the building.
I had the same experience while listening to it. The podcast brought back memories of him from decades ago that I had forgotten.

The Daily: ... trump.html

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:09 pm
by old salt
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:51 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:40 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:54 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:17 pm
ardilla secreta wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:08 pm This might be a good time to develop some reservations on selected fly-over states where these people can live their lives in the olde-tyme way amongst themselves and protected from the diversity of modern America. They can sustain themselves by digging up clean coal to power their energy needs and make their own steel and other goods to be sold to tourists. They can process their own meats and pick their own fruits and vegetables while cherishing the fruits of their labor. Just like when America was great.
:roll: ...yeah, that's what it's all about. When all else fails, play the race card.

There's plenty of clean natural gas for energy in flyover country. Check midwest food prices vs E & W coast.
Immigrant workers (legal & illegal) are thriving in ag & food processing jobs.
ahhh, by 'diversity' you were triggered..."race card" know this is the Limbaugh thread, right?
" protected from diversity " = race card & a myth. ... -Farms.pdf

Also on clean coal, natural gas from flyover country, replacing coal elec gen, is enabling the US to lead the planet in carbon reduction.
:D "the diversity of modern America"...necessarily means race? Can't be all sorts of different sorts of 'diversity' know, women with higher degrees in the workforce, gays, transgenders, religious sorts, Jews, Muslims non-religious...and all sorts of folks born abroad or with international work experience? I bet you can come up some other sorts of "diversity" that some in America want to hunker down and ignore or hide from...go back to those good old days of the 50's...?

But sure, race and ethnicity too, especially those uppity types with college degrees...gotta "protect" your job and family from those sorts...and oh my them illegal alien immigrants, so many rapists...
Old Salt is a race man.
You don't do me justice. I've also been accused by precious forum members of being a xenophobe, misogynist, anti-semite, transphobe, homophobe, & not putting the toilet seat back down. Did I forget any.

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:11 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:09 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:51 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:40 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:54 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:17 pm
ardilla secreta wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:08 pm This might be a good time to develop some reservations on selected fly-over states where these people can live their lives in the olde-tyme way amongst themselves and protected from the diversity of modern America. They can sustain themselves by digging up clean coal to power their energy needs and make their own steel and other goods to be sold to tourists. They can process their own meats and pick their own fruits and vegetables while cherishing the fruits of their labor. Just like when America was great.
:roll: ...yeah, that's what it's all about. When all else fails, play the race card.

There's plenty of clean natural gas for energy in flyover country. Check midwest food prices vs E & W coast.
Immigrant workers (legal & illegal) are thriving in ag & food processing jobs.
ahhh, by 'diversity' you were triggered..."race card" know this is the Limbaugh thread, right?
" protected from diversity " = race card & a myth. ... -Farms.pdf

Also on clean coal, natural gas from flyover country, replacing coal elec gen, is enabling the US to lead the planet in carbon reduction.
:D "the diversity of modern America"...necessarily means race? Can't be all sorts of different sorts of 'diversity' know, women with higher degrees in the workforce, gays, transgenders, religious sorts, Jews, Muslims non-religious...and all sorts of folks born abroad or with international work experience? I bet you can come up some other sorts of "diversity" that some in America want to hunker down and ignore or hide from...go back to those good old days of the 50's...?

But sure, race and ethnicity too, especially those uppity types with college degrees...gotta "protect" your job and family from those sorts...and oh my them illegal alien immigrants, so many rapists...
Old Salt is a race man.
You don't do me justice. I've also been accused by precious forum members of being a xenophobe, mysogonist, anti-semite, transphobe, homophobe, & not putting the toilet seat back down. Did I forget any.
It was a joke. It fell flat....

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:26 pm
by old salt
a fan wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 5:57 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:25 pm Yeah, nothing good happened for workers under Trump. Today the WSJ reported that blue collar job numbers have returned to pre-pandemic levels, while overall job numbers still lag pre-pandemic level by 5% ...& here's how things looked just before the pandemic hit.
You're making my EXACT point. Hilariously so.

Why? Why are those numbers looking good, OS?

Trillions in borrowed dollars. $3.7 Trillion in new spending commitments BEFORE Covid. Then when Covid hit? Oh, a few Trillion more, but who cares, right?

That's it, my man. THAT is the Republican "plan" for the working class: Borrow trillions, and pretend like that's the same thing as a good economy.

Big Government as a substitute for private sector activity.

Remember when Republicans stood for things? Small government. Fiscal discipline. Minimal government interference in free markets.

And now that you and Republican leadership has figured out exposing American workers to the free labor market means unskilled American workers have to compete with unskilled workers in 2nd world nations? The Republican's economic "plan" is to borrow trillions on the Federal credit card, point to the money Americans have and say "see, our fake plan works awesome". Rinse. Repeat. "Dick-deficits don't matter-Cheney".

So yes, Old Salt, borrowing Trillions of dollars pumped money into the pockets of FlyOver America. And in other news, water is wet. :lol:
At least more of those deficit $$ are trickling down to the workers rather than going to Paulson's top .01% skimmers. S&L, GM bailouts, CDS swindles.
Now your rant is that all economic growth & job creation is due to deficit spending ? Right.
No matter the good news or positive indicators, you'll find a way to cast it as a negative.
The only way forward is your & AOC/Bernie's version of socialism, aka Marxism.

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:41 pm
by a fan
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:26 pm At least more of those deficit dollars are trickling down to the workers rather than the Paulson's top .01% skimmers. S&L or GM bailouts & CDI swaps.
Now your rant is that all economic growth & job creation is due to deficit spending ? Right.
Tell you what, since you're mocking everything I say...

Trump signed four...and only four..... major economic bills-----three. That's it.

Three were spending bills, every penny of it borrowed.

The other was the famed TrumpTaxCuts.

So the floor is yours, my man....... if these four bills aren't why the economy continued its upward trajectory under Trump?

What did? What did Trump do outside of borrow $3Trillion, and cut taxes for corporations with a tiny carrot of a tax break for some of America's top 50% earners.

Go ahead and tell me. Cite the legislation. Floor's all yours, my man....
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:26 pm No matter the good news or positive indicators, you'll find a way to cast it as a negative.
You can call it positive if you want. Knock yourself out. Gee, do-ya think Amazon is gonna have a solid year if Trump doesn't bother collecting any f'ing taxes from them?

Gee----ya think? :roll:
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:26 pm The only way forward is your & AOC/Bernie's version of socialism, aka Marxism.
And there it is. If Trump does it, you're on me for being negative. If someone with a little D by their name does it? Oh, that's Marxism.

Odd, I don't recall you whining about Trump's flat out billions in cash to farmers, comrade. What's the matter? Did you "forget" to complain when that happened? Price fixing, and .gov market interventions are fine with you, so long as a Republican does it.

You have become such a complete Stereotype of the Republican voter. You just tole the Marxists how to do it: you and your voters will accept ANYTHING, so long as it comes from a registered Republican. It's sad to watch...

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:22 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:09 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:51 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:40 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:54 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:17 pm
ardilla secreta wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:08 pm This might be a good time to develop some reservations on selected fly-over states where these people can live their lives in the olde-tyme way amongst themselves and protected from the diversity of modern America. They can sustain themselves by digging up clean coal to power their energy needs and make their own steel and other goods to be sold to tourists. They can process their own meats and pick their own fruits and vegetables while cherishing the fruits of their labor. Just like when America was great.
:roll: ...yeah, that's what it's all about. When all else fails, play the race card.

There's plenty of clean natural gas for energy in flyover country. Check midwest food prices vs E & W coast.
Immigrant workers (legal & illegal) are thriving in ag & food processing jobs.
ahhh, by 'diversity' you were triggered..."race card" know this is the Limbaugh thread, right?
" protected from diversity " = race card & a myth. ... -Farms.pdf

Also on clean coal, natural gas from flyover country, replacing coal elec gen, is enabling the US to lead the planet in carbon reduction.
:D "the diversity of modern America"...necessarily means race? Can't be all sorts of different sorts of 'diversity' know, women with higher degrees in the workforce, gays, transgenders, religious sorts, Jews, Muslims non-religious...and all sorts of folks born abroad or with international work experience? I bet you can come up some other sorts of "diversity" that some in America want to hunker down and ignore or hide from...go back to those good old days of the 50's...?

But sure, race and ethnicity too, especially those uppity types with college degrees...gotta "protect" your job and family from those sorts...and oh my them illegal alien immigrants, so many rapists...
Old Salt is a race man.
You don't do me justice. I've also been accused by precious forum members of being a xenophobe, misogynist, anti-semite, transphobe, homophobe, & not putting the toilet seat back down. Did I forget any.
Don't forget Russian troll and maybe Q himself! ;)

I get the toilet seat accusation must be someone else, I'm sure I put it down for her...

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:26 pm
by njbill
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:09 pm You don't do me justice. I've also been accused by precious forum members of being a xenophobe, misogynist, anti-semite, transphobe, homophobe, & not putting the toilet seat back down. Did I forget any.
Yup. St. Louis Cardinals fan whose team stole the ‘64 pennant from the Phillies.

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:36 pm
by old salt
njbill wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:26 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:09 pm You don't do me justice. I've also been accused by precious forum members of being a xenophobe, misogynist, anti-semite, transphobe, homophobe, & not putting the toilet seat back down. Did I forget any.
Yup. St. Louis Cardinals fan whose team stole the ‘64 pennant from the Phillies.
:lol: ...blame Gene Mauch.

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:41 pm
by old salt
a fan wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:41 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:26 pm At least more of those deficit dollars are trickling down to the workers rather than the Paulson's top .01% skimmers. S&L or GM bailouts & CDI swaps.
Now your rant is that all economic growth & job creation is due to deficit spending ? Right.
Tell you what, since you're mocking everything I say...

Trump signed four...and only four..... major economic bills-----three. That's it.

Three were spending bills, every penny of it borrowed.

The other was the famed TrumpTaxCuts.

So the floor is yours, my man....... if these four bills aren't why the economy continued its upward trajectory under Trump?

What did? What did Trump do outside of borrow $3Trillion, and cut taxes for corporations with a tiny carrot of a tax break for some of America's top 50% earners.

Go ahead and tell me. Cite the legislation. Floor's all yours, my man....
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:26 pm No matter the good news or positive indicators, you'll find a way to cast it as a negative.
You can call it positive if you want. Knock yourself out. Gee, do-ya think Amazon is gonna have a solid year if Trump doesn't bother collecting any f'ing taxes from them?

Gee----ya think? :roll:
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:26 pm The only way forward is your & AOC/Bernie's version of socialism, aka Marxism.
And there it is. If Trump does it, you're on me for being negative. If someone with a little D by their name does it? Oh, that's Marxism.

Odd, I don't recall you whining about Trump's flat out billions in cash to farmers, comrade. What's the matter? Did you "forget" to complain when that happened? Price fixing, and .gov market interventions are fine with you, so long as a Republican does it.

You have become such a complete Stereotype of the Republican voter. You just tole the Marxists how to do it: you and your voters will accept ANYTHING, so long as it comes from a registered Republican. It's sad to watch...
How will you & AOC pay off all those $50k student loans without more deficit spending. ...& where will you get the reparations $$ ?

Not to mention all the under-funded state pension systems & CA's bullet train to nowhere ?

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:03 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:41 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:41 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:26 pm At least more of those deficit dollars are trickling down to the workers rather than the Paulson's top .01% skimmers. S&L or GM bailouts & CDI swaps.
Now your rant is that all economic growth & job creation is due to deficit spending ? Right.
Tell you what, since you're mocking everything I say...

Trump signed four...and only four..... major economic bills-----three. That's it.

Three were spending bills, every penny of it borrowed.

The other was the famed TrumpTaxCuts.

So the floor is yours, my man....... if these four bills aren't why the economy continued its upward trajectory under Trump?

What did? What did Trump do outside of borrow $3Trillion, and cut taxes for corporations with a tiny carrot of a tax break for some of America's top 50% earners.

Go ahead and tell me. Cite the legislation. Floor's all yours, my man....
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:26 pm No matter the good news or positive indicators, you'll find a way to cast it as a negative.
You can call it positive if you want. Knock yourself out. Gee, do-ya think Amazon is gonna have a solid year if Trump doesn't bother collecting any f'ing taxes from them?

Gee----ya think? :roll:
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:26 pm The only way forward is your & AOC/Bernie's version of socialism, aka Marxism.
And there it is. If Trump does it, you're on me for being negative. If someone with a little D by their name does it? Oh, that's Marxism.

Odd, I don't recall you whining about Trump's flat out billions in cash to farmers, comrade. What's the matter? Did you "forget" to complain when that happened? Price fixing, and .gov market interventions are fine with you, so long as a Republican does it.

You have become such a complete Stereotype of the Republican voter. You just tole the Marxists how to do it: you and your voters will accept ANYTHING, so long as it comes from a registered Republican. It's sad to watch...
How will you & AOC pay off all those $50k student loans without more deficit spending. ...& where will you get the reparations $$ ?

Not to mention all the under-funded state pension systems & CA's bullet train to nowhere ?
I bet you are the only person that mentions reparations on this board. I may do a search

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:22 pm
by Farfromgeneva
njbill wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:26 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:09 pm You don't do me justice. I've also been accused by precious forum members of being a xenophobe, misogynist, anti-semite, transphobe, homophobe, & not putting the toilet seat back down. Did I forget any.
Yup. St. Louis Cardinals fan whose team stole the ‘64 pennant from the Phillies.
They way the fans of Philly treated Dick Allen was probably worth a lot more distress than that....

That was Jim Bunning and another pitcher (Short?) won 20 that year right?

Dick Allen is my favorite player before my time. Read Crash when I was early double digit age.